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Incorporation (was Re: [oc] VHDL code for Bluetooth module)

> Btw, this raises another question:  Has anyone considered incorporating
> OpenCores as a non-profit corporation, so it can have legal standing in
> such cases, accept 401(c)3 donations, etc.?

I'm not sure that I would be comfortable with this. Right now, I see
opencores as a bunch of people who happen to be walking along a
road in the same direction.

I think we need to give the group more time to develop and sort out
issues such as licensing, a 'big picture' and decision making.

Perhaps Debian could be used as a long term model?  They
eventually formed a company (Software in the Public Interest)
for accepting donations.  It took Debian around 5 years to
go through this process.  I'm not saying opencores couldn't
move faster, just that the faster things move, the higher the
probability of disenfranchising people.
