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RE: [oc] VHDL code for Bluetooth module

> Currently I am looking for leagal issues about
> implementing bluetooth baseband core because I noticed
> that even if the spec is royality free but I ca n not
> implement it if I am not an SIG member or I'll be
> violating some patents used by bluetooth, do you have
> any idea on how to solve this problem?

Does a patent violation occur when you *design*
a system, or when you *build* a system?

I always thought the idea of a patent system
was to encourage design and innovation.
The theory being that without a patent system
everyone keeps their secrets close to their
chest, slowing the rate of innovation.  With a
patent system information gets shared speeding
the pace of innovation.  Using this reasoning,
I would think it is always okay to use info
in patents to design things, the only problem
being once you build something and compete with
the patent holder.

Of course patent holders will always tell you
you're not allowed to design, but is this the

Of course I am not a lawyer.  Can any lawyers
out there confirm or deny this line of reasoning?
