Packages not in Groups

mame-ldplayer - Standalone laserdisc player based on MAME

Standalone laserdisc player based on MAME.
License:MAME License Group:Packages not in Groups
URL: Source: mame


Name Version Release Type Size Built
mame-ldplayer 0.142 1.fc13 x86_64 2.50 MiB Sun Apr 3 21:52:38 2011
mame-ldplayer 0.141 1.fc13 x86_64 2.41 MiB Fri Jan 14 21:59:13 2011


* Mon Nov 8 13:00:00 2010 Julian Sikorski <belegdol{%}fedoraproject{*}org> - 0.140u1-1
- Updated to 0.140u1
* Thu Dec 9 13:00:00 2010 Julian Sikorski <belegdol{%}fedoraproject{*}org> - 0.140u2-1
- Updated to 0.140u2
- Added SDL_ttf-devel to BuildRequires, removed explicit SDL-devel
* Thu Jan 13 13:00:00 2011 Julian Sikorski <belegdol{%}fedoraproject{*}org> - 0.141-1
- Updated to 0.141
- Temporarily dropped the fortify patch

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.modified.1