X11 + S3 Trio 32

From: kwm (carlo.tux@gmx.de)
Date: Fri Jan 17 2003 - 12:14:53 CET

I installed mulinux 13R2 on an digital ventura 466 (486) box with S3 Trio 32 onboard graphics adapter. The
adapter doesn´t work with either the vga-server nor the SVGA-server.

Somewhere I saw an information about using an early SuSE X-Server but I can´t find this information
anymore, I searched for the SuSE 5.3 X-Servers for some testing but they seem to be gone. The setup menu
offers vga, svga and S3 option, but when i choose the S3 option it tells me, that S3 is not available. (I
installed all the disks)

So please tell me, what kind of X-Server from what distribution can I implement.

Thanks in advance

Karl W. Mueller

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