Re: Why italian ?

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer (
Date: Thu May 04 2000 - 10:22:49 CEST

On 04.05.00, 09:59:55, Stefanie A. Pagel wrote:

> Why is it, that most of the people here are italian ?

This is not the truth, only most of the people SEEM to be
italian because if you see an italian mail you remember
it very well and if you see 5 italian mails you think that
the whole world is writing italiano but that's only an error
of our funny human brains. :-)

There are 25 people with italian mail addresses reading the
list and in _my_ (humble) opinion it could be more because
it's a good and cheep :-) way to improve la mia conoscenza
della lingua italiana.

> muLinux ist great software and should be used all over the world!

Believe me that people D O use muLinux dappertutto nel mondo!

My little mirror counted the hits since 5. Januar 2000:

Country Number of Hits

Germany 1222
Network/ISP 574
USA Commercial 138
Austria 79
France 72
Switzerland 51
Italy 48
Netherlands 43
Spain 39
Hungary 35
Japan 35
Belgium 34
United Kingdom 26
Estonia 24
Poland 22
Sweden 16
Finland 14
USA Educational 13
Czech Republic 13
Non-Profit Org. 11
Russian Federation 8
Brazil 7
Hong Kong 7
Norway 6
Slovak Republic 5
Denmark 5
Australia 4
Canada 3
Slovenia 3
Luxembourg 3
Bulgaria 3
USA Military 2
Mexico 2
New Zealand 2
Malaysia 2
Taiwan 2
Portugal 2
India 1
Lithuania 1
Romania 1
Georgia 1
Greece 1
USA Government 1
Croatia 1
Tonga 1
Argentina 1
Ireland 1
Yugoslavia 1

> What does muLinux mean ?
> [m]ultiple [u]ser linux ?

[micro]Linux like the math symbol ยต

In my bad english I tried to explain it a bit:

Best greetings,


K.-H. Zimmer  
Hamburg                 * muLinux
Germany                 * KDE Programming Tutorial
                        * The Absolute Beginner's Guide to KDevelop
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