Re: [mu Beta] Start a BetaTest? (was: PNP addons)

From: Karl-Heinz Zimmer (
Date: Thu Dec 23 1999 - 18:26:50 CET

On 23.12.99, 05:33:37, Michele Andreoli wrote:

> On Wed, Dec 22, 1999 at 03:33:32PM -0400, Renato nicely wrote:

> > >Of course you should stop making changes to the Beta Release
> > >on the public server while the BetaTest is running ...

> > Of course this would be a german khzlinux and not an italian
> > authentic distro :-))

> Please, Renato, be good with KHZ
> Anycase, I hope this my KHZ's rescue will prevent a direct
> intervention of Karl-Heinz itself, because .... Christmas
> incoming!!!


Hi Michele,

don't forget: noi tedeschi may be terrible ;) people
but sometimes (rarely) _even_we_ show a slight sense of humor! :)

I took Renato's argument the humorous way and, yes, I actually
*DO* agree to him: it's important to have *fun* in the life
and it's not the most important thing on heaven and earth
to push muLinux forward and make a hype around it.

So I hope to be able to find the time (soon) to have a deeper
look at release 7r5 and together with the very good ideas and
comments of the other participants of the list we will see
what will be possible... of course it would be fine to have a
stable, bug-free muLinux 7r5 ma non รจ ''il senso della vita''. ;)

May all of you have a nice and calm Christmas
- full of piece
- with very few minutes of stress
- together with nice people you love

Buon Natale e Buone feste!


K.-H. Zimmer     *     Hamburg     *     Germany
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