Re: [newbie] Archives ?

From: Andrea Manzini (
Date: Wed Feb 17 1999 - 20:03:35 CET

While I was sleeping, sime1brt wrote:

> >> What is a "free archive"?
> > The server ( store all mails send to list.
> > You don't need to pay, it's free service!
> GREAT! But how about SPAMMING?!? I mean.... storing all messages to a
> list, you can have LOTS of e-mail address to sell... maybe that's the
> reason of the "free"?!? :(

maybe ;)
Since the list server accepts commands, I see no need for this type of
"free" service.

   Andrea Manzini    | "Tristo รจ quel discepolo che non supera il |  suo maestro" (Leonardo da Vinci, 1452-1519)

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