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Re: [usb] crc algorithm

On 20 Feb 2002 at 11:10, Madhusudhan Rao wrote:

> HiTambunan,
>    G(x) = x^16+x^15+x^2+1 for  1000000000000101B.
>    G(x) = x^5+x^2+1 for  00101B.
> X^5 in the above expression will give u information as
> you are using 5 bit crc. otherwise we will not have
> any idea that how much crc polynomial length.
> I hope the above explanation is clear to u.
> If u still not clear i will send u an example code for
> crc aslo.
Hello Madhu,

Thanks for the information. You are right about X^5
indicates using 5-bit CRC. Some on-line CRC document
I've already collected also said about that. But...(CMIIW...)
it's just an indication of type of CRC used. Because
CRC (or remainder in CRC math calculation) will always
no more than 5 bits. The question is why the Generator
Polynomial (or divisor in CRC math calculation)  also be
represented in 5 binary bits pattern not 6 bits ?...

I'm really thankfull if you could send me your example
code of CRC, because it could help me understand this

> Best regards
> Madhu
Best Regard,

RE Tambunan
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