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[ethmac] =?gb2312?B?tPC4tDogW2V0aG1hY11hYm91dCBjbG9jaw==?=

I think the pause timer is used in MTxClk domain. Then why don't use
MTxClk in stead of MRxClk? If the Ethernet transfer at 100Mbps but
receive at 10Mbps, why should I wait the slot time at the 10Mbps domain?

发件人: owner-ethmac@opencores.org [mailto:owner-ethmac@opencores.org]
代表 zjli@technologist.com
发送时间: 2002年11月1日 20点14
收件人: xiayun@magima.com.cn; ethmac@opencores.org
主题: Re: [ethmac]about clock

I do not see anything wrong. Divider2 and SlotTimer are only used to 
support PauseTimer:

always @ (posedge MRxClk or posedge RxReset)
    PauseTimer[15:0] <= #Tp 16'h0;
    PauseTimer[15:0] <= #Tp LatchedTimerValue[15:0];
    PauseTimer[15:0] <= #Tp PauseTimer[15:0] - 1'b1;

assign PauseTimerEq0 = ~(|PauseTimer[15:0]);

PauseTimer is set from MRxClk domain, and PauseTimerEq0 is passed into 
MTxClk domain. Why should PauseTimer itself be in MTxClk domain? Is it 
important to consider cases where the 2 clocks are at different 
frequencies or one of them is stopped?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "XiaYun" <xiayun@m... > 
To: <ethmac@o... > 
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 13:52:20 +0800 
Subject: [ethmac]about clock 

> Hello, 
>  In file eth_receivecontrol.v, I think the following block should 
> use MTxClk in stead of MRxClk, an I right? 
> // Divider2 is used for incrementing the Slot timer every other 
> clock 
> always @ (posedge MRxClk or posedge RxReset) 
> begin 
>  if(RxReset) 
>  Divider2 <= #Tp 1'b0; 
>  else 
>  if(|PauseTimer[15:0] & RxFlow) 
>  Divider2 <= #Tp ~Divider2; 
>  else 
>  Divider2 <= #Tp 1'b0; 
> end 
> // SlotTimer 
> always @ (posedge MRxClk or posedge RxReset) 
> begin 
>  if(RxReset) 
>  SlotTimer[5:0] <= #Tp 6'h0; 
>  else 
>  if(ResetSlotTimer) 
>  SlotTimer[5:0] <= #Tp 6'h0; 
>  else 
>  if(IncrementSlotTimer) 
>  SlotTimer[5:0] <= #Tp SlotTimer[5:0] + 1'b1; 
> End 
> Thanks in advance, 
> Regards, 
> XiaYun 
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