OpenAFS Client

openafs-client: OpenAFS Filesystem Client

Name:openafs-client Vendor:Scientific Linux
Version:1.2.13 License:IBM Public License
Release:15.16.SL URL:
The AFS distributed filesystem. AFS is a distributed filesystem allowing cross-platform sharing of files among multiple computers. Facilities are provided for access control, authentication, backup and administrative management. This package provides basic client support to mount and manipulate AFS.

Arch: x86_64

Build Date:Wed May 25 16:16:44 2005
Size:1.20 MiB


* Wed May 25 19:00:00 2005 Stephan Wiesand <stephan{*}wiesand{%}desy{*}de> 1.2.13-15.16.SL
- complete this change: package the default pthreaded fileserver executable
  as fileserver.pthread, the alternative LWP one as fileserver.lwp, and
  a link fileserver -> fileserver.pthread
* Mon May 23 19:00:00 2005 Stephan Wiesand <stephan{*}wiesand{%}desy{*}de> 1.2.13-15.15.SL
- switch to upstream release 1.2.13
- this spec can now be used with --target ia32e, in which case only the kernel
  module for this platform will be built
- enabled configure options bitmap_later, bos_restricted_mode, fast_restart
- added macros for bos_new_config and full_vos_listvol_switch, and enabled them
- added livesys & kdump executables to main package
- added optional openafs-debug package with additional tools
- updated CellServDB to today's version from
- moved wget requirement from main to client package
- introduced a macro for additional afsd options (set -dynroot -fakestat yet)
- removed packager tag (much credit for this package still belongs to
  Jarek Polok, but he shouldn't be blamed for my changes ;-)
- strip "smp" from automatically determined kernel version
- added versioned build requirements for kernel and kernel-source
* Mon Jan 31 18:00:00 2005 Troy Dawson <dawson{%}fnal{*}gov> 15.12.SL
- All changes came from Stephan Wiesand.  Many thanks for his pointers
- afsd options chaned in spec file
- /etc/sysconfig/afs set to be %config(noreplace)
- requires wget
- removed openafs-compat %pre scripts
- Added CellAlias file, with commented out example

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500 Internal Server Error
