- FreeWnn-1.11-36: A Japanese character set conversion system.
- FreeWnn-common-1.11-36: Common files needed for Wnn Kana-to-Kanji conversion.
- amanda-2.4.4p1-0.3E: A network-capable tape backup solution.
- amanda-client-2.4.4p1-0.3E: The client component of the AMANDA tape backup system.
- amanda-server-2.4.4p1-0.3E: The server side of the AMANDA tape backup system.
- anaconda-9.1.2-2.6.SL: The Red Hat Linux installation program.
- anaconda-help-9.1-4.SL: Help files for use in the "Scientific Linux" installer
- anaconda-images-9.1-1.SL: Images used in the "Scientific Linux" installer
- anaconda-runtime-9.1.2-2.6.SL: "Scientific Linux" installer portions needed only for fresh installs.
- apt-autoupdate-1-4.SL: apt-get autoupdate setup for Scientific Linux
- apt-firstboot-1-4.SL: Firstboot hook for apt-autoupdate
- apt-scripts-1-4.SL: Additional scripts for apt-get
- autorun-3.10-1: A CD-ROM mounting utility.
- bind-utils-9.2.2-21: Utilities for querying DNS name servers.
- bitmap-fonts-cjk-0.3-2: Selected cjk bitmap fonts for Anaconda
- bogl-bterm-0.1.9-27: A Unicode capable terminal program for the Linux frame buffer.
- bug-buddy-2.2.106-1: A bug reporting utility for GNOME.
- comps-extras-9.0.4-1: Images for components and tools for working with the comps file
- crypto-utils-2.0-4: SSL certificate and key management utilities
- dbskkd-cdb-1.01-18: A dictionary server for the SKK Japanese input method system
- dialog-0.9b-20020814.6: A utility for creating TTY dialog boxes.
- dosfstools-2.8-10: Utilities for making and checking MS-DOS FAT filesystems on Linux.
- dtach-0.5-7: A simple program that emulates the detach feature of screen.
- ethtool-1.8-2: Ethernet settings tool for PCI ethernet cards
- fbset-2.1-13: Tools for managing a frame buffer's video mode properties.
- gconf-editor-0.5.0-1: Editor/admin tool for GConf
- gnome-system-monitor-2.0.5-2: Simple process monitor
- gnome-utils-2.2.3-1: GNOME utility programs.
- gnupg-1.2.1-10: A GNU utility for secure communication and data storage.
- hdparm-5.4-1: A utility for displaying and/or setting hard disk parameters.
- hwbrowser-0.11-1: A hardware browser.
- imap-utils-2002d-8: Utilities for manipulating IMAP mail files.
- iproute-2.4.7-11.30E.1: Advanced IP routing and network device configuration tools.
- ipvsadm-1.21-9.ipvs108: Utility to administer the Linux Virtual Server
- irda-utils-0.9.15-1: Utilities for infrared communication between devices.
- isdn4k-utils-3.1-76: Utilities for configuring an ISDN subsystem.
- kdeutils-3.1.3-3.1: K Desktop Environment - Utilities
- krbafs-utils-1.1.1-11: Kerberos/AFS utilities.
- kudzu- The Red Hat Linux hardware probing tool.
- logwatch-4.3.2-2: A log file analysis program.
- magicdev-1.1.4-8.0: A GNOME daemon for automatically mounting/playing CDs.
- mkisofs-2.0-11: Creates an image of an ISO9660 filesystem.
- mt-st-0.7-11: Install mt-st if you need a tool to control tape drives.
- mtools-3.9.8-8: Programs for accessing MS-DOS disks without mounting the disks.
- mtx-1.2.18-1: A SCSI media changer control program.
- net-snmp-utils-5.0.9-2.30E.3: Network management utilities using SNMP, from the NET-SNMP project.
- netconfig-0.8.19-1: A text-based tool for simple configuration of ethernet devices.
- nmap-3.00-4.1: Network exploration tool and security scanner
- open-1.4-18: A tool which will start a program on a virtual console.
- parted-1.6.3-29: The GNU disk partition manipulation program.
- patchutils-0.2.23-1: A collection of programs for manipulating patch files
- pciutils-2.1.10-7: PCI bus related utilities.
- prctl-1.4-1: Utility to perform process operations
- printman-0.0.1-0.20021202.13: a tool for monitoring print queues from GNOME
- procps-2.0.13-9.2E: System and process monitoring utilities.
- psacct-6.3.2-27: Utilities for monitoring process activities.
- psmisc-21.3-1.RHEL.0: Utilities for managing processes on your system.
- rdate-1.3-2: Tool for getting the date/time from a remote machine.
- rdist-6.1.5-34.30.1: Maintains identical copies of files on multiple machines.
- redhat-config-bind-2.0.0-14: A Red Hat DNS configuration tool.
- redhat-config-cluster-1.0.0-5: redhat-config-cluster is a utility which allows you to configure a Red Hat Clumanager cluster.
- redhat-config-httpd-1.1.0-4: Apache configuration tool
- redhat-config-network-1.2.60-1: The GUI of the NEtwork Adminstration Tool for Red Hat Linux
- redhat-config-network-tui-1.2.60-1: The NEtwork Adminstration Tool for Red Hat Linux
- redhat-config-packages- Package manager for
- redhat-config-proc-0.23-0.EL3.1: A configuration tool for operating system tunable parameters
- redhat-config-services-0.8.5-19: redhat-config-services is an initscript and xinetd configuration utility
- redhat-config-users-1.1.18-1: A graphical interface for administering users and groups
- redhat-logviewer-0.9.3-5: A graphical interface for viewing log files
- redhat-switch-mail-0.5.20-1: The Mail Transport Agent Switcher for Red Hat Linux
- redhat-switch-mail-gnome-0.5.20-1: A GUI interface for Mail Transport Agent Switcher.
- samba-client-3.0.2-6.3E: Samba (SMB) client programs.
- samba-common-3.0.2-6.3E: Files used by both Samba servers and clients.
- sane-frontends-1.0.9-2: Graphical frontend to SANE
- schedutils-1.3.0-3: Utilities for manipulating process scheduler attributes
- screen-3.9.15-10: A screen manager that supports multiple logins on one terminal.
- setserial-2.17-12: A utility for configuring serial ports.
- setuptool-1.13-1: A text mode system configuration tool.
- sudo-1.6.7p5-1: Allows restricted root access for specified users.
- symlinks-1.2-18: A utility which maintains a system's symbolic links.
- synaptic-0.51-1: Graphical package management program using apt.
- sysstat-4.0.7-4.EL3.2: The sar and iostat system monitoring commands.
- time-1.7-23: A GNU utility for monitoring a program's use of system resources.
- ttmkfdir-3.0.9-6: Utility used to create fonts.scale files for truetype fonts
- usbutils-0.11-1: Linux USB utilities.
- usermode-1.68-5: Tools for certain user account management tasks.
- usermode-gtk-1.68-5: Graphical tools for certain user account management tasks.
- vlock-1.3-13: A program which locks one or more virtual consoles.
- which-2.14-7: Displays where a particular program in your path is located.
- xmlto-0.0.14-3: A tool for converting XML files to various formats.
- yelp-2.2.3-1.E: A system documentation reader from the Gnome project.