1mRecord Extension Protocol Specification0m

			1mVersion 1.130m

		   1mX Consortium Standard0m

		 1mX Version 11, Release 6.40m

			Martha Zimet
	      Network Computing Devices, Inc.

			 edited by
		       Stephen Gildea
			X Consortium

Copyright © 1994 Network Computing Devices, Inc.

Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this
documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee,
provided that the above copyright notice and this permission
notice appear in all copies.  Network Computing Devices,
Inc.  makes no representations about the suitability for any
purpose of the information in this document.  This documen-
tation is provided "as is" without express or implied war-

Copyright © 1994, 1995	X Consortium

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
obtaining a copy of this software and associated documenta-
tion files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
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Except as contained in this notice, the name of the X Con-
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without prior written authorization from the X Consortium.

1mX11, Release 6.4	    Record Extension Protocol, Version 1.130m

1m1.  Introduction0m

Several proposals have been written over the past few years that
address some of the issues surrounding the recording and playback
of user actions in the X Window System1:

·  4mSome24m 4mProposals24m 4mfor24m 4ma24m 4mMinimal24m 4mX1124m 4mTesting24m 4mExtension24m, Kieron
   Drake, UniSoft Ltd., April 1991

·  4mX1124m 4mInput24m 4mSynthesis24m 4mExtension24m 4mProposal24m, Larry Woestman,
   Hewlett Packard, November 1991

·  4mXTrap24m 4mArchitecture24m, Dick Annicchiario, et al, Digital Equip-
   ment Corporation, July 1991

·  4mXTest24m 4mExtension24m 4mRecording24m 4mSpecification24m, Yochanan Slonim, Mer-
   cury Interactive, December 1992

This document both unifies and extends the previous diverse
approaches to generate a proposal for an X extension that pro-
vides support for the recording of all core X protocol and arbi-
trary extension protocol.  Input synthesis, or playback, has
already been implemented in the XTest extension, an X Consortium
standard.  Therefore, this extension is limited to recording.

In order to provide both record and playback functionality, a
hypothetical record application could use this extension to cap-
ture both user actions and their consequences.	For example, a
button press (a user action) may cause a window to be mapped and
a corresponding 4mMapNotify24m event to be sent (a consequence).  This
information could be stored for later use by a playback applica-

The playback application could use the recorded actions as input
for the XTest extension's 4mXTestFakeInput24m operation to synthesize
the appropriate input events.  The "consequence" or synchroniza-
tion information is then used as a synchronization point during
playback.  That is, the playback application does not generate
specific synthesized events until their matching synchronization
condition occurs.  When the condition occurs the processing of
synthesized events continues.  Determination that the condition
has occurred may be made by capturing the consequences of the
synthesized events and comparing them to the previously recorded
synchronization information.  For example, if a button press was
followed by a 4mMapNotify24m event on a particular window in the
recorded data, the playback application might synthesize the but-
ton press then wait for the 4mMapNotify24m event on the appropriate
window before proceeding with subsequent synthesized input.

Because it is impossible to predict what synchronization informa-
tion will be required by a particular application, the extension
provides facilities to record any subset of core X protocol and
  1 4mX24m 4mWindow24m 4mSystem24m is a trademark of X Consortium, Inc.


1mRecord Extension Protocol, Version 1.13	   X11, Release 6.40m

arbitrary extension protocol.  As such, this extension does not
enforce a specific synchronization methodology; any method based
on information in the X protocol stream (e.g., watching for win-
dow mapping/unmapping, cursor changes, drawing of certain text
strings, etc.) can capture the information it needs using RECORD

1m1.1.	Acknowledgements0m

The document represents the culmination of two years of debate
and experiments done under the auspices of the X Consortium xtest
working group.	Although this was a group effort, the author
remains responsible for any errors or omissions.  Two years ago,
Robert Chesler of Absol-puter, Kieron Drake of UniSoft Ltd., Marc
Evans of Synergytics and Ken Miller of Digitial shared the vision
of a standard extension for recording and were all instrumental
in the early protocol development.  During the last two years,
Bob Scheifler of the X Consortium and Jim Fulton of NCD continu-
ously provided input to the protocol design, as well as encour-
agement to the author.	In the last few months, Stephen Gildea
and Dave Wiggins, both X Consortium staff, have spent consider-
able time fine tuning the protocol design and reviewing the pro-
tocol specifications.  Most recently, Amnon Cohen of Mercury
Interactive has assisted in clarification of the recorded event
policy, and Kent Siefkes of Performance Awareness has assisted in
clarification of the timestamp policy.

1m1.2.	Goals0m

     ·	To provide a standard for recording, whereby both device
	events and synchronization information in the form of
	device event consequences are recorded.

     ·	To record contextual information used in synchronized
	playback without prior knowledge of the application that
	is being recorded.

     ·	To provide the ability to record arbitrary X protocol

1m1.3.	Requirements0m

The extension should function as follows:

     ·	It should not be dependent on other clients or extensions
	for its operation.

     ·	It should not significantly impact performance.

     ·	It should support the recording of all device input (core
	devices and XInput devices).


1mX11, Release 6.4	    Record Extension Protocol, Version 1.130m

     ·	It should be extendible.

     ·	It should support the recording of synchronization infor-
	mation for user events.

1m2.  Design0m

This section gives an overview of the RECORD extension and dis-
cusses its overall operation and data types.

1m2.1.	Overview0m

The mechanism used by this extension for recording is to inter-
cept core X protocol and arbitrary X extension protocol entirely
within the X server itself.  When the extension has been
requested to intercept specific protocol by one or more clients,
the protocol data are formatted and returned to the recording

The extension provides a mechanism for capturing all events,
including input device events that go to no clients, that is
analogous to a client expressing "interest" in all events in all
windows, including the root window.  Event filtering in the
extension provides a mechanism for feeding device events to
recording clients; it does not provide a mechanism for in-place,
synchronous event substitution, modification, or withholding.  In
addition, the extension does not provide data compression before
intercepted protocol is returned to the recording clients.

1m2.1.1.  Data Delivery0m

Because events are limited in size to 32 bytes, using events to
return intercepted protocol data to recording clients is prohibi-
tive in terms of performance.  Therefore, intercepted protocol
data are returned to recording clients through multiple replies
to the extension request to begin protocol interception and
reporting.  This utilization is consistent with 4mListFontsWith-0m
4mInfo24m, for example, where a single request has multiple replies.

Individual requests, replies, events or errors intercepted by the
extension on behalf of recording clients cannot be split across
reply packets.	In order to reduce overhead, multiple intercepted
requests, replies, events and errors might be collected into a
single reply.  Nevertheless, all data are returned to the client
in a timely manner.

1m2.1.2.  Record Context0m

The extension adds a record context resource (RC) to the set of
resources managed by the server.  All the extension operations
take an RC as an argument.  Although the protocol permits sharing
of RCs between clients, it is expected that clients will use


1mRecord Extension Protocol, Version 1.13	   X11, Release 6.40m

their own RCs.	The attributes used in extension operations are
stored in the RCs, and these attributes include the protocol and
clients to intercept.

The terms "register" and "unregister" are used to describe the
relationship between clients to intercept and the RC.  To regis-
ter a client with an RC means the client is added to the list of
clients to intercept; to unregister a client means the client is
deleted from the list of clients to intercept.	When the server
is requested to register or unregister clients from an RC, it is
required to do so immediately.	That is, it is not permissible
for the server to wait until recording is enabled to register
clients or recording is disabled to unregister clients.

1m2.1.3.  Record Client Connections0m

The typical communication model for a recording client is to open
two connections to the server and use one for RC control and the
other for reading protocol data.

The "control" connection can execute requests to obtain informa-
tion about the supported protocol version, create and destroy
RCs, specify protocol types to intercept and clients to be
recorded, query the current state of an RC, and to stop intercep-
tion and reporting of protocol data.  The "data" connection can
execute a request to enable interception and reporting of speci-
fied protocol for a particular RC.  When the "enable" request is
issued, intercepted protocol is sent back on the same connection,
generally in more than one reply packet.  Until the last reply to
the "enable" request is sent by the server, signifying that the
request execution is complete, no other requests will be executed
by the server on that connection.  That is, the connection that
data are being reported on cannot issue the "disable" request
until the last reply to the "enable" request is sent by the
server.	 Therefore, unless a recording client never has the need
to disable the interception and reporting of protocol data, two
client connections are necessary.

1m2.1.4.  Events0m

The terms "delivered events" and "device events" are used to
describe the two event classes recording clients may select for
interception.  These event classes are handled differently by the
extension.  Delivered events are core X events or X extension
events the server actually delivers to one or more clients.
Device events are events generated by core X devices or extension
input devices that the server may or may not deliver to any
clients.  When device events are selected for interception by a
recording client, the extension guarantees each device event is
recorded and will be forwarded to the recording client in the
same order it is generated by the device.

The recording of selected device events is not affected by server
grabs.	Delivered events, on the other hand, can be affected by


1mX11, Release 6.4	    Record Extension Protocol, Version 1.130m

server grabs.  If a recording client selects both a device event
and delivered events that result from that device event, the
delivered events are recorded after the device event.  In the
absence of grabs, the delivered events for a device event precede
later device events.

Requests that have side effects on devices, such as 4mWarpPointer0m
and 4mGrabPointer24m with a confine-to window, will cause RECORD to
record an associated device event.  The XTEST extension request
4mXTestFakeInput24m causes a device event to be recorded; the device
events are recorded in the same order that the 4mXTestFakeInput0m
requests are received by the server.

If a key autorepeats, multiple 4mKeyPress24m and 4mKeyRelease24m device
events are reported.

1m2.1.5.  Timing0m

Requests are recorded just before they are executed; the time
associated with a request is the server time when it is recorded.

1m2.2.	Types0m

The following new types are used in the request definitions that
appear in section 3.

RC:   CARD32

The 4mRC24m type is a resource identifier for a server record context.

RANGE8:	    [4mfirst24m, 4mlast24m:   CARD8]
RANGE16:    [4mfirst24m, 4mlast24m:   CARD16]
EXTRANGE:   [4mmajor24m:	 RANGE8
	    4mminor24m:		 RANGE16]

RECORDRANGE:   [4mcore-requests24m:	RANGE8
	       4mcore-replies24m:	RANGE8
	       4mext-requests24m:	EXTRANGE
	       4mext-replies24m:	EXTRANGE
	       4mdelivered-events24m:	RANGE8
	       4mdevice-events24m:	RANGE8
	       4merrors24m:		RANGE8
	       4mclient-started24m:	BOOL
	       4mclient-died24m:	BOOL]


1mRecord Extension Protocol, Version 1.13	   X11, Release 6.40m

The 4mRECORDRANGE24m structure contains the protocol values to inter-
cept.  Typically, this structure is sent by recording clients
over the control connection when creating or modifying an RC.

     Specifies core X protocol requests with an opcode field
     between 4mfirst24m and 4mlast24m inclusive.  If 4mfirst24m is equal to 0
     and 4mlast24m is equal to 0, no core requests are specified by
     this RECORDRANGE.	If 4mfirst24m is greater than 4mlast24m, a 4mValue0m
     error results.

     Specifies replies resulting from core X protocol requests
     with an opcode field between 4mfirst24m and 4mlast24m inclusive.  If
     4mfirst24m is equal to 0 and 4mlast24m is equal to 0, no core replies
     are specified by this RECORDRANGE.	 If 4mfirst24m is greater than
     4mlast24m, a 4mValue24m error results.

     Specifies extension protocol requests with a major opcode
     field between 4mmajor.first24m and 4mmajor.last24m and a minor opcode
     field between 4mminor.first24m and 4mminor.last24m inclusive.  If
     4mmajor.first24m and 4mmajor.last24m are equal to 0, no extension pro-
     tocol requests are specified by this RECORDRANGE.	If
     4mmajor.first24m or 4mmajor.last24m is less than 128 and greater than
     0, if 4mmajor.first24m is greater than 4mmajor.last24m, or if
     4mminor.first24m is greater than 4mminor.last24m, a 4mValue24m error

     Specifies replies resulting from extension protocol requests
     with a major opcode field between 4mmajor.first24m and 4mmajor.last0m
     and a minor opcode field between 4mminor.first24m and 4mminor.last0m
     inclusive.	 If 4mmajor.first24m and 4mmajor.last24m are equal to 0, no
     extension protocol replies are specified by this RECORD-
     RANGE.  If 4mmajor.first24m or 4mmajor.last24m is less than 128 and
     greater than 0, if 4mmajor.first24m is greater than 4mmajor.last24m,
     or if 4mminor.first24m is greater than 4mminor.last24m, a 4mValue24m error

     This is used for both core X protocol events and arbitrary
     extension events.	Specifies events that are delivered to at
     least one client that have a code field between 4mfirst24m and
     4mlast24m inclusive.  If 4mfirst24m is equal to 0 and 4mlast24m is equal to
     0, no events are specified by this RECORDRANGE.  Otherwise,
     if 4mfirst24m is less than 2 or 4mlast24m is less than 2, or if 4mfirst0m
     is greater than 4mlast24m, a 4mValue24m error results.

     This is used for both core X device events and X extension
     device events that may or may not be delivered to a client.
     Specifies device events that have a code field between 4mfirst0m
     and 4mlast24m inclusive.  If 4mfirst24m is equal to 0 and 4mlast24m is


1mX11, Release 6.4	    Record Extension Protocol, Version 1.130m

     equal to 0, no device events are specified by this RECORD-
     RANGE.  Otherwise, if 4mfirst24m is less than 2 or 4mlast24m is less
     than 2, or if 4mfirst24m is greater than 4mlast24m, a 4mValue24m error

     Because the generated device event may or may not be associ-
     ated with a client, unlike other RECORDRANGE components,
     which select protocol for a specific client, selecting for
     device events in any RECORDRANGE in an RC causes the record-
     ing client to receive one instance for each device event
     generated that is in the range specified.

     This is used for both core X protocol errors and arbitrary
     extension errors.	Specifies errors that have a code field
     between 4mfirst24m and 4mlast24m inclusive.  If 4mfirst24m is equal to 0
     and 4mlast24m is equal to 0, no errors are specified by this
     RECORDRANGE.  If 4mfirst24m is greater than 4mlast24m, a 4mValue24m error

     Specifies the connection setup reply.  If 4mFalse24m, the connec-
     tion setup reply is not specified by this RECORDRANGE.

     Specifies notification when a client disconnects.	If 4mFalse24m,
     notification when a client disconnects is not specified by
     this RECORDRANGE.

ELEMENT_HEADER:	  [4mfrom-server-time24m:      BOOL
		  4mfrom-client-time24m:       BOOL
		  4mfrom-client-sequence24m:   BOOL]

The 4mELEMENT_HEADER24m structure specifies additional data that pre-
cedes each protocol element in the 4mdata24m field of a 4mRecordEnable-0m
4mContext24m reply.

·  If 4mfrom-server-time24m is 4mTrue24m, each intercepted protocol element
   with category 4mFromServer24m is preceded by the server time when
   the protocol was recorded.

·  If 4mfrom-client-time24m is 4mTrue24m, each intercepted protocol element
   with category 4mFromClient24m is preceded by the server time when
   the protocol was recorded.

·  If 4mfrom-client-sequence24m is 4mTrue24m, each intercepted protocol
   element with category 4mFromClient24m or 4mClientDied24m is preceded by
   the 32-bit sequence number of the recorded client's most
   recent request processed by the server at that time.	 For
   4mFromClient24m, this will be one less than the sequence number of
   the following request.  For 4mClientDied24m, the sequence number
   will be the only data, because no protocol is recorded.


1mRecord Extension Protocol, Version 1.13	   X11, Release 6.40m

Note that a reply containing device events is treated the same as
other replies with category 4mFromServer24m for purposes of these
flags.	Protocol with category 4mFromServer24m is never preceded by a
sequence number because almost all such protocol has a sequence
number in it anyway.

If both a server time and a sequence number have been requested
for a reply, each protocol request is preceded first by the time
and second by the sequence number.


The XIDBASE type is used to identify a particular client.  Valid
values are any existing resource identifier of any connected
client, in which case the client that created the resource is
specified, or the resource identifier base sent to the target
client from the server in the connection setup reply.  A value of
0 (zero) is valid when the XIDBASE is associated with device
events that may not have been delivered to a client.

CLIENTSPEC:   XIDBASE or {1mCurrentClients22m, 1mFutureClients22m, 1mAllClients22m}

The CLIENTSPEC type defines the set of clients the RC attributes
are associated with.  This type is used by recording clients when
creating an RC or when changing RC attributes.	XIDBASE specifies
that the RC attributes apply to a single client only.  4mCurrent-0m
4mClients24m specifies that the RC attributes apply to current client
connections; 4mFutureClients24m specifies future client connections;
4mAllClients24m specifies all client connections, which includes cur-
rent and future.

The numeric values for 4mCurrentClients24m, 4mFutureClients24m and 4mAll-0m
4mClients24m are defined such that there will be no intersection with
valid XIDBASEs.

When the context is enabled, the data connection is unregistered
if it was registered.  If the context is enabled, 4mCurrentClients0m
and 4mAllClients24m silently exclude the recording data connection.
It is an error to explicitly register the data connection.

CLIENT_INFO:   [4mclient-resource24m:	    CLIENTSPEC
	       4mintercepted-protocol24m:   LISTofRECORDRANGE]

This structure specifies an intercepted client and the protocol
to be intercepted for the client.  The 4mclient-resource24m field is a
resource base that identifies the intercepted client.  The 4minter-0m
4mcepted-protocol24m field specifies the protocol to intercept for the


1mX11, Release 6.4	    Record Extension Protocol, Version 1.130m

1m2.3.	Errors0m

     This error is returned if the value for an RC argument in a
     request does not name a defined record context.

1m3.  Protocol Requests0m


     4mmajor-version24m, 4mminor-version24m: CARD16


     4mmajor-version24m, 4mminor-version24m: CARD16

This request specifies the RECORD extension protocol version the
client would like to use.  When the specified protocol version is
supported by the extension, the protocol version the server
expects from the client is returned.  Clients must use this
request before other RECORD extension requests.

This request also determines whether or not the RECORD extension
protocol version specified by the client is supported by the
extension.  If the extension supports the version specified by
the client, this version number should be returned.  If the
client has requested a higher version than is supported by the
server, the server's highest version should be returned.  Other-
wise, if the client has requested a lower version than is sup-
ported by the server, the server's lowest version should be
returned.  This document defines major version one (1), minor
version thirteen (13).


     4mcontext24m: RC

     4melement-header24m: ELEMENT_HEADER

     4mclient-specifiers24m: LISTofCLIENTSPEC

     4mranges24m: LISTofRECORDRANGE

     Errors: 4mMatch24m, 4mValue24m, 4mIDChoice24m, 4mAlloc0m

This request creates a new record context within the server and
assigns the identifier 4mcontext24m to it.  After the 4mcontext24m is cre-
ated, this request registers the set of clients in 4mclient-speci-0m
4mfiers24m with the 4mcontext24m and specifies the protocol to intercept
for those clients.  The recorded protocol elements will be pre-
ceded by data as specified by 4melement-header24m.  Typically, this


1mRecord Extension Protocol, Version 1.13	   X11, Release 6.40m

request is used by a recording client over the control connec-
tion.  Multiple RC objects can exist simultaneously, containing
overlapping sets of protocol and clients to intercept.

If any of the values in 4melement-header24m or 4mranges24m is invalid, a
4mValue24m error results.  Duplicate items in the list of 4mclient-spec-0m
4mifiers24m are ignored.  If any item in the 4mclient-specifiers24m list is
not a valid CLIENTSPEC, a 4mMatch24m error results.  Otherwise, each
item in the 4mclient-specifiers24m list is processed as follows:

·  If the item is an XIDBASE identifying a particular client, the
   specified client is registered with the 4mcontext24m and the proto-
   col to intercept for the client is then set to 4mranges24m.

·  If the item is 4mCurrentClients24m, all existing clients are regis-
   tered with the 4mcontext24m at this time.  The protocol to inter-
   cept for all clients registered with the 4mcontext24m is then set
   to 4mranges24m.

·  If the item is 4mFutureClients24m, all clients that connect to the
   server after this request executes will be automatically reg-
   istered with the 4mcontext24m.  The protocol to intercept for such
   clients will be set to 4mranges24m in the 4mcontext24m.

·  If the item is 4mAllClients24m, the effect is as if the actions
   described for 4mFutureClients24m are performed, followed by the
   actions for 4mCurrentClients24m.

The 4mAlloc24m error results when the server is unable to allocate the
necessary resources.


     4mcontext24m: RC

     4melement-header24m: ELEMENT_HEADER

     4mclient-specifiers24m: LISTofCLIENTSPEC

     4mranges24m: LISTofRECORDRANGE

     Errors: 4mMatch24m, 4mValue24m, 4mRecordContext24m, 4mAlloc0m

This request registers the set of clients in 4mclient-specifiers0m
with the given 4mcontext24m and specifies the protocol to intercept
for those clients.  The header preceding each recorded protocol
element is set as specified by 4melement-header24m.  These flags
affect the entire context; their effect is not limited to the
clients registered by this request.  Typically, this request is
used by a recording client over the control connection.

If 4mcontext24m does not name a valid RC, a 4mRecordContext24m error
results.  If any of the values in 4melement-header24m or 4mranges24m is


1mX11, Release 6.4	    Record Extension Protocol, Version 1.130m

invalid, a 4mValue24m error results.  Duplicate items in the list of
4mclient-specifiers24m are ignored.  If any item in the list of
4mclient-specifiers24m is not a valid CLIENTSPEC, a 4mMatch24m error
results.  If the 4mcontext24m is enabled and the XID of the enabling
connection is specified, a 4mMatch24m error results.  Otherwise, each
item in the 4mclient-specifiers24m list is processed as follows:

·  If the item is an XIDBASE identifying a particular client, the
   specified client is registered with the 4mcontext24m if it is not
   already registered.	The protocol to intercept for the client
   is then set to 4mranges24m.

·  If the item is 4mCurrentClients24m, all existing clients that are
   not already registered with the specified 4mcontext24m, except the
   enabling connection if the 4mcontext24m is enabled, are registered
   at this time.  The protocol to intercept for all clients reg-
   istered with the 4mcontext24m is then set to 4mranges24m.

·  If the item is 4mFutureClients24m, all clients that connect to the
   server after this request executes will be automatically reg-
   istered with the 4mcontext24m.  The protocol to intercept for such
   clients will be set to 4mranges24m in the 4mcontext24m.  The set of
   clients that are registered with the 4mcontext24m and their corre-
   sponding sets of protocol to intercept are left intact.

·  If the item is 4mAllClients24m, the effect is as if the actions
   described for 4mFutureClients24m are performed, followed by the
   actions for 4mCurrentClients24m.

The 4mAlloc24m error results when the server is unable to allocate the
necessary resources.


     4mcontext24m: RC

     4mclient-specifiers24m: LISTofCLIENTSPEC

     Errors: 4mMatch24m, 4mRecordContext0m

This request removes the set of clients in 4mclient-specifiers24m from
the given 4mcontext24m's set of registered clients.  Typically, this
request is used by a recording client over the control connec-

If 4mcontext24m does not name a valid RC, a 4mRecordContext24m error
results.  Duplicate items in the list of 4mclient-specifiers24m are
ignored.  If any item in the list is not a valid CLIENTSPEC, a
4mMatch24m error results.  Otherwise, each item in the 4mclient-speci-0m
4mfiers24m list is processed as follows:

·  If the item is an XIDBASE identifying a particular client, and
   the specified client is currently registered with the 4mcontext24m,


1mRecord Extension Protocol, Version 1.13	   X11, Release 6.40m

   it is unregistered, and the set of protocol to intercept for
   the client is deleted from the 4mcontext24m.	 If the specified
   client is not registered with the 4mcontext24m, the item has no

·  If the item is 4mCurrentClients24m, all clients currently regis-
   tered with the 4mcontext24m are unregistered from it, and their
   corresponding sets of protocol to intercept are deleted from
   the 4mcontext24m.

·  If the item is 4mFutureClients24m, clients that connect to the
   server after this request executes will not automatically be
   registered with the 4mcontext24m.  The set of clients that are reg-
   istered with this context and their corresponding sets of pro-
   tocol that will be intercepted are left intact.

·  If the item is 4mAllClients24m, the effect is as if the actions
   described for 4mFutureClients24m are performed, followed by the
   actions for 4mCurrentClients24m.

A client is unregistered automatically when it disconnects.


     4mcontext24m: RC


     4menabled24m: BOOL

     4melement-header24m: ELEMENT_HEADER

     4mintercepted-clients24m: LISTofCLIENT_INFO

     Errors: 4mRecordContext0m

This request queries the current state of the specified 4mcontext0m
and is typically used by a recording client over the control con-
nection.  The 4menabled24m field specifies the state of data transfer
between the extension and the recording client, and is either
enabled (4mTrue24m) or disabled (4mFalse24m).  The initial state is dis-
abled.	When enabled, all core X protocol and extension protocol
received from (requests) or sent to (replies, errors, events) a
particular client, and requested to be intercepted by the record-
ing client, is reported to the recording client over the data
connection.  The 4melement-header24m specifies the header that pre-
cedes each recorded protocol element.  The 4mintercepted-clients0m
field specifies the list of clients currently being recorded and
the protocol associated with each client.  If future clients will
be automatically registered with the context, one of the returned
CLIENT_INFO structures has a 4mclient-resource24m value of Future-
Clients and an 4mintercepted-protocol24m giving the protocol to inter-
cept for future clients.  Protocol ranges may be decomposed,


1mX11, Release 6.4	    Record Extension Protocol, Version 1.130m

coalesced, or otherwise modified by the server from how they were
specified by the client.  All CLIENTSPECs registered with the
server are returned, even if the RECORDRANGE(s) associated with
them specify no protocol to record.

When the 4mcontext24m argument is not valid, a 4mRecordContext24m error


     4mcontext24m: RC


     4mcategory24m: {1mFromServer22m, 1mFromClient22m, 1mClientStarted22m, 1mClient-0m
     1mDied22m, 1mStartOfData22m, 1mEndOfData22m}

     4melement-header24m: ELEMENT_HEADER

     4mclient-swapped24m: BOOL

     4mid-base24m: XIDBASE

     4mserver-time24m: TIMESTAMP

     4mrecorded-sequence-number24m: CARD32

     4mdata24m: LISTofBYTE

     Errors: 4mMatch24m, 4mRecordContext0m

This request enables data transfer between the recording client
and the extension and returns the protocol data the recording
client has previously expressed interest in.  Typically, this
request is executed by the recording client over the data connec-

If the client is registered on the 4mcontext24m, it is unregistered
before any recording begins.

Once the server receives this request, it begins intercepting and
reporting to the recording client all core and extension protocol
received from or sent to clients registered with the RC that the
recording client has expressed interest in.  All intercepted pro-
tocol data is returned in the byte-order of the recorded client.
Therefore, recording clients are responsible for all byte swap-
ping, if required.  More than one recording client cannot enable
data transfer on the same RC at the same time.	Multiple inter-
cepted requests, replies, events and errors might be packaged
into a single reply before being returned to the recording


1mRecord Extension Protocol, Version 1.13	   X11, Release 6.40m

The 4mcategory24m field determines the possible types of the data.
When a context is enabled, the server will immediately send a
reply of category 4mStartOfData24m to notify the client that recording
is enabled.  A category of 4mFromClient24m means the data are from the
client (requests); 4mFromServer24m means data are from the server
(replies, errors, events, or device events).  For a new client,
the category is 4mClientStarted24m and the data are the connection
setup reply.  When the recorded client connection is closed, 4mcat-0m
4megory24m is set to the value 4mClientDied24m and no protocol is included
in this reply.	When the disable request is made over the control
connection, a final reply is sent over the data connection with
category 4mEndOfData24m and no protocol.

The 4melement-header24m field returns the value currently set for the
context, which tells what header information precedes each
recorded protocol element in this reply.

The 4mclient-swapped24m field is 4mTrue24m if the byte order of the proto-
col being recorded is swapped relative to the recording client;
otherwise, 4mclient-swapped24m is 4mFalse24m.  The recorded protocol is in
the byte order of the client being recorded; device events are in
the byte order of the recording client.	 For replies of category
4mStartOfData24m and 4mEndOfData24m the 4mclient-swapped24m bit is set according
to the byte order of the server relative to the recording client.
The 4mid-base24m field is the resource identifier base sent to the
client from the server in the connection setup reply, and hence,
identifies the client being recorded.  The 4mid-base24m field is 0
(zero) when the protocol data being returned are device events.
The 4mserver-time24m field is set to the time of the server when the
first protocol element in this reply was intercepted.  The
4mserver-time24m of reply N+1 is greater than or equal to the 4mserver-0m
4mtime24m of reply N, and is greater than or equal to the time of the
last protocol element in reply N.

The 4mrecorded-sequence-number24m field is set to the sequence number
of the recorded client's most recent request processed by the

The 4mdata24m field contains the raw protocol data being returned to
the recording client.  If requested by the 4melement-header24m of this
record context, each protocol element may be preceded by a 32-bit
timestamp and/or a 32-bit sequence number.  If present, both the
timestamp and sequence number are always in the byte order of the
recording client.

For the core X events 4mKeyPress24m, 4mKeyRelease24m, 4mButtonPress24m, and
4mButtonRelease24m, the fields of a device event that contain valid
information are 4mtime24m and 4mdetail24m.  For the core X event 4mMotion-0m
4mNotify24m, the fields of a device event that contain valid informa-
tion are 4mtime24m, 4mroot24m, 4mroot-x24m and 4mroot-y24m.  The 4mtime24m field refers to
the time the event was generated by the device.

For the extension input device events 4mDeviceKeyPress24m,
4mDeviceKeyRelease24m, 4mDeviceButtonPress24m, and 4mDeviceButtonRelease24m, the


1mX11, Release 6.4	    Record Extension Protocol, Version 1.130m

fields of a device event that contain valid information are
4mdevice24m, 4mtime24m and 4mdetail24m.	 For 4mDeviceMotionNotify24m, the valid
device event fields are 4mdevice24m and 4mtime24m.  For the extension input
device events 4mProximityIn24m and 4mProximityOut24m, the fields of a
device event that contain valid information are 4mdevice24m and 4mtime24m.
For the extension input device event 4mDeviceValuator24m, the fields
of a device event that contain valid information are 4mdevice24m,
4mnum_valuators24m, 4mfirst_valuator24m, and 4mvaluators24m.  The 4mtime24m field
refers to the time the event was generated by the device.

The error 4mMatch24m is returned when data transfer is already
enabled.  When the 4mcontext24m argument is not valid, a 4mRecordContext0m
error results.


     4mcontext24m: RC

     Errors: 4mRecordContext0m

This request is typically executed by the recording client over
the control connection.	 This request directs the extension to
immediately send any complete protocol elements currently
buffered, to send a final reply with category 4mEndOfData24m, and to
discontinue data transfer between the extension and the recording
client.	 Protocol reporting is disabled on the data connection
that is currently enabled for the given 4mcontext24m.  Once the exten-
sion completes processing this request, no additional recorded
protocol will be reported to the recording client.  If a data
connection is not currently enabled when this request is exe-
cuted, then this request has no affect on the state of data
transfer.  An RC is disabled automatically when the connection to
the enabling client is closed down.

When the 4mcontext24m argument is not valid, a 4mRecordContext24m error


     4mcontext24m : RC

     Errors: 4mRecordContext0m

This request deletes the association between the resource ID and
the RC and destroys the RC.  If a client has enabled data trans-
fer on this 4mcontext24m, the actions described in 4mRecordDisable-0m
4mContext24m are performed before the 4mcontext24m is freed.

An RC is destroyed automatically when the connection to the cre-
ating client is closed down and the close-down mode is 1mDestroy-0m
1mAll22m.  When the 4mcontext24m argument is not valid, a 4mRecordContext0m
error results.


1mRecord Extension Protocol, Version 1.13	   X11, Release 6.40m

1m4.  Encoding0m

Please refer to the X11 Protocol Encoding document as this docu-
ment uses conventions established there.

The name of this extension is "RECORD".

1m4.1.	Types0m


  1	  CARD8		      first
  1	  CARD8		      last

  2	  CARD16	      first
  2	  CARD16	      last

  2	  RANGE8	      major
  4	  RANGE16	      minor

  2	  RANGE8	      core-requests
  2	  RANGE8	      core-replies
  6	  EXTRANGE	      ext-requests
  6	  EXTRANGE	      ext-replies
  2	  RANGE8	      delivered-events
  2	  RANGE8	      device-events
  2	  RANGE8	      errors
  1	  BOOL		      client-started
  1	  BOOL		      client-died

  1	  CARD8
	  0x01	    from-server-time
	  0x02	    from-client-time
	  0x04	    from-client-sequence



1mX11, Release 6.4	    Record Extension Protocol, Version 1.130m

  4	  XIDBASE	      client-id-base
	  1	    CurrentClients
	  2	    FutureClients
	  3	    AllClients

  4	  CLIENTSPEC	      client-resource
  4	  CARD32	      n, number of record ranges in intercepted-protocol
  24n	  LISTofRECORDRANGE   intercepted-protocol

1m4.2.	Errors0m

  1	  0		      Error
  1	  CARD8		      extension's base error code + 0
  2	  CARD16	      sequence number
  4	  CARD32	      invalid record context
  24			      unused

1m4.3.	Requests0m

  1	  CARD8		      major opcode
  1	  0		      minor opcode
  2	  2		      request length
  2	  CARD16	      major version
  2	  CARD16	      minor version
  1	  1		      Reply
  1			      unused
  2	  CARD16	      sequence number
  4	  0		      reply length
  2	  CARD16	      major version
  2	  CARD16	      minor version
  20			      unused


1mRecord Extension Protocol, Version 1.13	   X11, Release 6.40m

  1	  CARD8		      major opcode
  1	  1		      minor opcode
  2	  5+m+6n	      request length
  4	  RC		      context
  1	  ELEMENT_HEADER      element-header
  3			      unused
  4	  CARD32	      m, number of client-specifiers
  4	  CARD32	      n, number of ranges
  4m	  LISTofCLIENTSPEC    client-specifiers
  24n	  LISTofRECORDRANGE   ranges

  1	  CARD8		      major opcode
  1	  2		      minor opcode
  2	  5+m+6n	      request length
  4	  RC		      context
  1	  ELEMENT_HEADER      element-header
  3			      unused
  4	  CARD32	      m, number of client-specifiers
  4	  CARD32	      n, number of ranges
  4m	  LISTofCLIENTSPEC    client-specifiers
  24n	  LISTofRECORDRANGE   ranges

  1	  CARD8		      major opcode
  1	  3		      minor opcode
  2	  3+m		      request length
  4	  RC		      context
  4	  CARD32	      m, number of client-specifiers
  4m	  LISTofCLIENTSPEC    client-specifiers

  1	  CARD8		      major opcode
  1	  4		      minor opcode
  2	  2		      request length
  4	  RC		      context
  1	  1		      Reply
  1	  BOOL		      enabled
  2	  CARD16	      sequence number
  4	  j		      reply length
  1	  ELEMENT_HEADER      element-header
  3			      unused
  4	  CARD32	      n, number of intercepted-clients
  16			      unused
  4j	  LISTofCLIENT_INFO   intercepted-clients


1mX11, Release 6.4	    Record Extension Protocol, Version 1.130m

  1	  CARD8		      major opcode
  1	  5		      minor opcode
  2	  2		      request length
  4	  RC		      context
  1	  1		      Reply
  1			      category
	  0	    FromServer
	  1	    FromClient
	  2	    ClientStarted
	  3	    ClientDied
	  4	    StartOfData
	  5	    EndOfData
  2	  CARD16	      sequence number
  4	  n		      reply length
  1	  ELEMENT_HEADER      element-header
  1	  BOOL		      client-swapped
  2			      unused
  4	  XIDBASE	      id-base
  4	  TIMESTAMP	      server-time
  4	  CARD32	      recorded-sequence-number
  8			      unused
  4n	  BYTE		      data

  1	  CARD8		      major opcode
  1	  6		      minor opcode
  2	  2		      request length
  4	  RC		      context

  1	  CARD8		      major opcode
  1	  7		      minor opcode
  2	  2		      request length
  4	  RC		      context
