1mX Window System Protocol0m 1mX Consortium Standard0m 1mX Version 11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m Robert W. Scheifler X Consortium, Inc. X Window System is a trademark of The Open Group. Copyright © 1986, 1987, 1988, 1994, 2002 The Open Group Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documenta- tion files (the ``Software''), to deal in the Software with- out restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the fol- lowing conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'', WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE OPEN GROUP BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. Except as contained in this notice, the name of the Open Group shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to pro- mote the sale, use or other dealings in this Software with- out prior written authorization from the Open Group. 1mAcknowledgments0m The primary contributers to the X11 protocol are: Dave Carver (Digital HPW) Branko Gerovac (Digital HPW) Jim Gettys (MIT/Project Athena, Digital) Phil Karlton (Digital WSL) Scott McGregor (Digital SSG) Ram Rao (Digital UEG) David Rosenthal (Sun) Dave Winchell (Digital UEG) The implementors of initial server who provided useful input are: Susan Angebranndt (Digital) Raymond Drewry (Digital) Todd Newman (Digital) The invited reviewers who provided useful input are: Andrew Cherenson (Berkeley) Burns Fisher (Digital) Dan Garfinkel (HP) Leo Hourvitz (Next) Brock Krizan (HP) David Laidlaw (Stellar) Dave Mellinger (Interleaf) Ron Newman (MIT) John Ousterhout (Berkeley) Andrew Palay (ITC CMU) Ralph Swick (MIT) Craig Taylor (Sun) Jeffery Vroom (Stellar) Thanks go to Al Mento of Digital's UEG Documentation Group for formatting this document. This document does not attempt to provide the rationale or pragmatics required to fully understand the protocol or to place it in perspective within a complete system. The protocol contains many management mechanisms that are not intended for normal applications. Not all mechanisms are needed to build a particular user interface. It is important to keep in mind that the protocol is intended to provide mechanism, not policy. Robert W. Scheifler X Consortium, Inc. 1m1. Protocol Formats0m 1mRequest Format0m Every request contains an 8-bit major opcode and a 16-bit length field expressed in units of four bytes. Every request consists of four bytes of a header (containing the major opcode, the length field, and a data byte) followed by zero or more additional bytes of data. The length field defines the total length of the request, including the header. The length field in a request must equal the mini- mum length required to contain the request. If the speci- fied length is smaller or larger than the required length, an error is generated. Unused bytes in a request are not required to be zero. Major opcodes 128 through 255 are reserved for extensions. Extensions are intended to contain multiple requests, so extension requests typically have an additional minor opcode encoded in the second data byte in the request header. However, the placement and interpreta- tion of this minor opcode and of all other fields in exten- sion requests are not defined by the core protocol. Every request on a given connection is implicitly assigned a sequence number, starting with one, that is used in replies, errors, and events. 1mReply Format0m Every reply contains a 32-bit length field expressed in units of four bytes. Every reply consists of 32 bytes fol- lowed by zero or more additional bytes of data, as specified in the length field. Unused bytes within a reply are not guaranteed to be zero. Every reply also contains the least significant 16 bits of the sequence number of the corre- sponding request. 1mError Format0m Error reports are 32 bytes long. Every error includes an 8-bit error code. Error codes 128 through 255 are reserved for extensions. Every error also includes the major and minor opcodes of the failed request and the least signifi- cant 16 bits of the sequence number of the request. For the following errors (see section 4), the failing resource ID is also returned: 4mColormap24m, 4mCursor24m, 4mDrawable24m, 4mFont24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mIDChoice24m, 4mPixmap24m, and 4mWindow24m. For 4mAtom24m errors, the failing atom is returned. For 4mValue24m errors, the failing value is returned. Other core errors return no additional data. Unused bytes within an error are not guaranteed to be zero. 1mEvent Format0m Events are 32 bytes long. Unused bytes within an event are not guaranteed to be zero. Every event contains an 8-bit type code. The most significant bit in this code is set if 1m10m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m the event was generated from a 4mSendEvent24m request. Event codes 64 through 127 are reserved for extensions, although the core protocol does not define a mechanism for selecting interest in such events. Every core event (with the excep- tion of 4mKeymapNotify24m) also contains the least significant 16 bits of the sequence number of the last request issued by the client that was (or is currently being) processed by the server. 1m2. Syntactic Conventions0m The rest of this document uses the following syntactic con- ventions. · The syntax {...} encloses a set of alternatives. · The syntax [...] encloses a set of structure compo- nents. · In general, TYPEs are in uppercase and 4mAlternativeVal-0m 4mues24m are capitalized. · Requests in section 9 are described in the following format: 4mRequestName0m 4marg124m: type1 ... 4margN24m: typeN -> result1: type1 ... resultM: typeM Errors: kind1, ..., kindK Description. If no -> is present in the description, then the request has no reply (it is asynchronous), although errors may still be reported. If ->+ is used, then one or more replies can be generated for a single request. · Events in section 11 are described in the following format: 4mEventName0m 4mvalue124m: type1 ... 4mvalueN24m: typeN 1m20m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m Description. 1m3. Common Types0m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mName Value0m ------------------------------------------------------------------- LISTofFOO A type name of the form LISTofFOO means a counted list of elements of type FOO. The size of the length field may vary (it is not necessarily the same size as a FOO), and in some cases, it may be implicit. It is fully specified in Appendix B. Except where explicitly noted, zero-length lists are legal. BITMASK The types BITMASK and LISTofVALUE are somewhat spe- LISTofVALUE cial. Various requests contain arguments of the form: 4mvalue-mask24m: BITMASK 4mvalue-list24m: LISTofVALUE These are used to allow the client to specify a subset of a heterogeneous collection of optional arguments. The value-mask specifies which argu- ments are to be provided; each such argument is assigned a unique bit position. The representation of the BITMASK will typically contain more bits than there are defined arguments. The unused bits in the value-mask must be zero (or the server gen- erates a 4mValue24m error). The value-list contains one value for each bit set to 1 in the mask, from least significant to most significant bit in the mask. Each value is represented with four bytes, but the actual value occupies only the least significant bytes as required. The values of the unused bytes do not matter. OR A type of the form ``T1 or ... or Tn'' means the union of the indicated types. A single-element type is given as the element without enclosing braces. WINDOW 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero) PIXMAP 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero) CURSOR 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero) FONT 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero) GCONTEXT 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero) COLORMAP 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero) DRAWABLE WINDOW or PIXMAP FONTABLE FONT or GCONTEXT ATOM 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero) VISUALID 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero) VALUE 32-bit quantity (used only in LISTofVALUE) BYTE 8-bit value INT8 8-bit signed integer 1m30m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mName Value0m ------------------------------------------------------------------- INT16 16-bit signed integer INT32 32-bit signed integer CARD8 8-bit unsigned integer CARD16 16-bit unsigned integer CARD32 32-bit unsigned integer TIMESTAMP CARD32 BITGRAVITY {4mForget24m, 4mStatic24m, 4mNorthWest24m, 4mNorth24m, 4mNorthEast24m, 4mWest24m, 4mCenter24m, 4mEast24m, 4mSouthWest24m, 4mSouth24m, 4mSouthEast24m} WINGRAVITY {4mUnmap24m, 4mStatic24m, 4mNorthWest24m, 4mNorth24m, 4mNorthEast24m, 4mWest24m, 4mCenter24m, 4mEast24m, 4mSouthWest24m, 4mSouth24m, 4mSouthEast24m} BOOL {4mTrue24m, 4mFalse24m} EVENT {4mKeyPress24m, 4mKeyRelease24m, 4mOwnerGrabButton24m, 4mButton-0m 4mPress24m, 4mButtonRelease24m, 4mEnterWindow24m, 4mLeaveWindow24m, 4mPointer-0m 4mMotion24m, 4mPointerMotionHint24m, 4mButton1Motion24m, 4mButton2Motion24m, 4mButton3Motion24m, 4mButton4Motion24m, 4mButton5Motion24m, 4mBut-0m 4mtonMotion24m, 4mExposure24m, 4mVisibilityChange24m, 4mStructureNotify24m, 4mResizeRedirect24m, 4mSubstructureNotify24m, 4mSubstructureRedirect24m, 4mFocusChange24m, 4mPropertyChange24m, 4mColormapChange24m, 4mKeymapState24m} POINTEREVENT {4mButtonPress24m, 4mButtonRelease24m, 4mEnterWindow24m, 4mLeaveWin-0m 4mdow24m, 4mPointerMotion24m, 4mPointerMotionHint24m, 4mButton1Motion24m, 4mButton2Motion24m, 4mButton3Motion24m, 4mButton4Motion24m, 4mBut-0m 4mton5Motion24m, 4mButtonMotion24m, 4mKeymapState24m} DEVICEEVENT {4mKeyPress24m, 4mKeyRelease24m, 4mButtonPress24m, 4mButtonRelease24m, 4mPointerMotion24m, 4mButton1Motion24m, 4mButton2Motion24m, 4mBut-0m 4mton3Motion24m, 4mButton4Motion24m, 4mButton5Motion24m, 4mButtonMotion24m} KEYSYM 32-bit value (top three bits guaranteed to be zero) KEYCODE CARD8 BUTTON CARD8 KEYMASK {4mShift24m, 4mLock24m, 4mControl24m, 4mMod124m, 4mMod224m, 4mMod324m, 4mMod424m, 4mMod524m} BUTMASK {4mButton124m, 4mButton224m, 4mButton324m, 4mButton424m, 4mButton524m} KEYBUTMASK KEYMASK or BUTMASK STRING8 LISTofCARD8 STRING16 LISTofCHAR2B CHAR2B [byte1, byte2: CARD8] POINT [x, y: INT16] RECTANGLE [x, y: INT16, width, height: CARD16] 1m40m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mName Value0m ------------------------------------------------------------------- ARC [x, y: INT16, width, height: CARD16, angle1, angle2: INT16] HOST [family: {4mInternet24m, 4mInternetV624m, 4mDECnet24m, 4mChaos24m} address: LISTofBYTE] The [x,y] coordinates of a RECTANGLE specify the upper-left corner. The primary interpretation of large characters in a STRING16 is that they are composed of two bytes used to index a two- dimensional matrix, hence, the use of CHAR2B rather than CARD16. This corresponds to the JIS/ISO method of indexing 2-byte characters. It is expected that most large fonts will be defined with 2-byte matrix indexing. For large fonts constructed with linear indexing, a CHAR2B can be interpreted as a 16-bit number by treating byte1 as the most significant byte. This means that clients should always transmit such 16-bit character values most significant byte first, as the server will never byte-swap CHAR2B quantities. The length, format, and interpretation of a HOST address are specific to the family (see 4mChangeHosts24m request). 1m4. Errors0m In general, when a request terminates with an error, the request has no side effects (that is, there is no partial execution). The only requests for which this is not true are 4mChangeWindowAttributes24m, 4mChangeGC24m, 4mPolyText824m, 4mPolyText1624m, 4mFreeColors24m, 4mStoreColors24m, and 4mChangeKeyboardControl24m. The following error codes result from various requests as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------- 1mError Description0m ------------------------------------------------------------- 1m50m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ------------------------------------------------------------- 1mError Description0m ------------------------------------------------------------- 4mAccess24m An attempt is made to grab a key/button combination already grabbed by another client. An attempt is made to free a colormap entry not allocated by the client or to free an entry in a colormap that was cre- ated with all entries writable. An attempt is made to store into a read- only or an unallocated colormap entry. An attempt is made to modify the access control list from other than the local host (or otherwise authorized client). An attempt is made to select an event type that only one client can select at a time when another client has already selected it. 4mAlloc24m The server failed to allocate the requested resource. Note that the explicit listing of 4mAlloc24m errors in request only covers allocation errors at a very coarse level and is not intended to cover all cases of a server running out of allocation space in the middle of service. The semantics when a server runs out of allocation space are left unspecified, but a server may generate an 4mAlloc24m error on any request for this reason, and clients should be prepared to receive such errors and handle or discard them. 4mAtom24m A value for an ATOM argument does not name a defined ATOM. 4mColormap24m A value for a COLORMAP argument does not name a defined COLORMAP. 4mCursor24m A value for a CURSOR argument does not name a defined CURSOR. 4mDrawable24m A value for a DRAWABLE argument does not name a defined WINDOW or PIXMAP. 4mFont24m A value for a FONT argument does not name a defined FONT. A value for a FONTABLE argument does not name a defined FONT or a defined GCONTEXT. 4mGContext24m A value for a GCONTEXT argument does not name a defined GCONTEXT. 4mIDChoice24m The value chosen for a resource identifier either is not included in the range assigned to the client or is already in use. 1m60m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ------------------------------------------------------------- 1mError Description0m ------------------------------------------------------------- 4mImplementation24m The server does not implement some aspect of the request. A server that generates this error for a core request is defi- cient. As such, this error is not listed for any of the requests, but clients should be prepared to receive such errors and handle or discard them. 4mLength24m The length of a request is shorter or longer than that required to minimally contain the arguments. The length of a request exceeds the maxi- mum length accepted by the server. 4mMatch24m An 4mInputOnly24m window is used as a DRAWABLE. In a graphics request, the GCONTEXT argu- ment does not have the same root and depth as the destination DRAWABLE argument. Some argument (or pair of arguments) has the correct type and range, but it fails to match in some other way required by the request. 4mName24m A font or color of the specified name does not exist. 4mPixmap24m A value for a PIXMAP argument does not name a defined PIXMAP. 4mRequest24m The major or minor opcode does not specify a valid request. 4mValue24m Some numeric value falls outside the range of values accepted by the request. Unless a specific range is specified for an argu- ment, the full range defined by the argu- ment's type is accepted. Any argument defined as a set of alternatives typically can generate this error (due to the encod- ing). 4mWindow24m A value for a WINDOW argument does not name a defined WINDOW. ------------------------------------------------------------- Note The 4mAtom24m, 4mColormap24m, 4mCursor24m, 4mDrawable24m, 4mFont24m, 4mGCon-0m 4mtext24m, 4mPixmap24m, and 4mWindow24m errors are also used when the argument type is extended by union with a set of fixed alternatives, for example, <WINDOW or 4mPointerRoot24m or 4mNone24m>. 1m70m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1m5. Keyboards0m A KEYCODE represents a physical (or logical) key. Keycodes lie in the inclusive range [8,255]. A keycode value carries no intrinsic information, although server implementors may attempt to encode geometry information (for example, matrix) to be interpreted in a server-dependent fashion. The map- ping between keys and keycodes cannot be changed using the protocol. A KEYSYM is an encoding of a symbol on the cap of a key. The set of defined KEYSYMs include the character sets Latin-1, Latin-2, Latin-3, Latin-4, Kana, Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, Tech, Special, Publish, APL, Hebrew, Thai, and Korean as well as a set of symbols common on keyboards (Return, Help, Tab, and so on). KEYSYMs with the most significant bit (of the 29 bits) set are reserved as vendor-specific. A list of KEYSYMs is associated with each KEYCODE. The list is intended to convey the set of symbols on the correspond- ing key. If the list (ignoring trailing 4mNoSymbol24m entries) is a single KEYSYM ``4mK24m'', then the list is treated as if it were the list ``4mK24m NoSymbol 4mK24m NoSymbol''. If the list (ignoring trailing NoSymbol entries) is a pair of KEYSYMs ``4mK124m 4mK224m'', then the list is treated as if it were the list ``4mK124m 4mK224m 4mK124m 4mK224m''. If the list (ignoring trailing 4mNoSymbol0m entries) is a triple of KEYSYMs ``4mK124m 4mK224m 4mK324m'', then the list is treated as if it were the list ``4mK124m 4mK224m 4mK324m NoSymbol''. When an explicit ``void'' element is desired in the list, the value 4mVoidSymbol24m can be used. The first four elements of the list are split into two groups of KEYSYMs. Group 1 contains the first and second KEYSYMs, Group 2 contains the third and fourth KEYSYMs. Within each group, if the second element of the group is 4mNoSymbol24m, then the group should be treated as if the second element were the same as the first element, except when the first element is an alphabetic KEYSYM ``4mK24m'' for which both lowercase and uppercase forms are defined. In that case, the group should be treated as if the first element were the lowercase form of ``4mK24m'' and the second element were the uppercase form of ``4mK24m''. The standard rules for obtaining a KEYSYM from a 4mKeyPress0m event make use of only the Group 1 and Group 2 KEYSYMs; no interpretation of other KEYSYMs in the list is defined. The modifier state determines which group to use. Switching between groups is controlled by the KEYSYM named MODE SWITCH, by attaching that KEYSYM to some KEYCODE and attach- ing that KEYCODE to any one of the modifiers 4mMod124m through 4mMod524m. This modifier is called the ``group modifier''. For any KEYCODE, Group 1 is used when the group modifier is off, and Group 2 is used when the group modifier is on. 1m80m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m The 4mLock24m modifier is interpreted as CapsLock when the KEYSYM named CAPS LOCK is attached to some KEYCODE and that KEYCODE is attached to the 4mLock24m modifier. The 4mLock24m modifier is interpreted as ShiftLock when the KEYSYM named SHIFT LOCK is attached to some KEYCODE and that KEYCODE is attached to the 4mLock24m modifier. If the 4mLock24m modifier could be interpreted as both CapsLock and ShiftLock, the CapsLock interpretation is used. The operation of ``keypad'' keys is controlled by the KEYSYM named NUM LOCK, by attaching that KEYSYM to some KEYCODE and attaching that KEYCODE to any one of the modifiers 4mMod10m through 4mMod524m. This modifier is called the ``numlock modi- fier''. The standard KEYSYMs with the prefix KEYPAD in their name are called ``keypad'' KEYSYMs; these are KEYSYMS with numeric value in the hexadecimal range #xFF80 to #xFFBD inclusive. In addition, vendor-specific KEYSYMS in the hexadecimal range #x11000000 to #x1100FFFF are also keypad KEYSYMs. Within a group, the choice of KEYSYM is determined by apply- ing the first rule that is satisfied from the following list: · The numlock modifier is on and the second KEYSYM is a keypad KEYSYM. In this case, if the 4mShift24m modifier is on, or if the 4mLock24m modifier is on and is interpreted as ShiftLock, then the first KEYSYM is used; otherwise, the second KEYSYM is used. · The 4mShift24m and 4mLock24m modifiers are both off. In this case, the first KEYSYM is used. · The 4mShift24m modifier is off, and the 4mLock24m modifier is on and is interpreted as CapsLock. In this case, the first KEYSYM is used, but if that KEYSYM is lowercase alphabetic, then the corresponding uppercase KEYSYM is used instead. · The 4mShift24m modifier is on, and the 4mLock24m modifier is on and is interpreted as CapsLock. In this case, the sec- ond KEYSYM is used, but if that KEYSYM is lowercase alphabetic, then the corresponding uppercase KEYSYM is used instead. · The 4mShift24m modifier is on, or the 4mLock24m modifier is on and is interpreted as ShiftLock, or both. In this case, the second KEYSYM is used. The mapping between KEYCODEs and KEYSYMs is not used directly by the server; it is merely stored for reading and writing by clients. 1m90m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1m6. Pointers0m Buttons are always numbered starting with one. 1m7. Predefined Atoms0m Predefined atoms are not strictly necessary and may not be useful in all environments, but they will eliminate many 4mInternAtom24m requests in most applications. Note that they are predefined only in the sense of having numeric values, not in the sense of having required semantics. The core protocol imposes no semantics on these names, but semantics are specified in other X.Org standards, such as the 4mInter-0m 4mClient24m 4mCommunication24m 4mConventions24m 4mManual24m and the 4mX24m 4mLogical0m 4mFont24m 4mDescription24m 4mConventions24m. The following names have predefined atom values. Note that uppercase and lowercase matter. ARC ITALIC_ANGLE STRING ATOM MAX_SPACE SUBSCRIPT_X BITMAP MIN_SPACE SUBSCRIPT_Y CAP_HEIGHT NORM_SPACE SUPERSCRIPT_X CARDINAL NOTICE SUPERSCRIPT_Y COLORMAP PIXMAP UNDERLINE_POSITION COPYRIGHT POINT UNDERLINE_THICKNESS CURSOR POINT_SIZE VISUALID CUT_BUFFER0 PRIMARY WEIGHT CUT_BUFFER1 QUAD_WIDTH WINDOW CUT_BUFFER2 RECTANGLE WM_CLASS CUT_BUFFER3 RESOLUTION WM_CLIENT_MACHINE CUT_BUFFER4 RESOURCE_MANAGER WM_COMMAND CUT_BUFFER5 RGB_BEST_MAP WM_HINTS CUT_BUFFER6 RGB_BLUE_MAP WM_ICON_NAME CUT_BUFFER7 RGB_COLOR_MAP WM_ICON_SIZE DRAWABLE RGB_DEFAULT_MAP WM_NAME END_SPACE RGB_GRAY_MAP WM_NORMAL_HINTS FAMILY_NAME RGB_GREEN_MAP WM_SIZE_HINTS FONT RGB_RED_MAP WM_TRANSIENT_FOR FONT_NAME SECONDARY WM_ZOOM_HINTS FULL_NAME STRIKEOUT_ASCENT X_HEIGHT INTEGER STRIKEOUT_DESCENT To avoid conflicts with possible future names for which semantics might be imposed (either at the protocol level or in terms of higher level user interface models), names beginning with an underscore should be used for atoms that are private to a particular vendor or organization. To guarantee no conflicts between vendors and organizations, additional prefixes need to be used. However, the protocol does not define the mechanism for choosing such prefixes. For names private to a single application or end user but stored in globally accessible locations, it is suggested 1m100m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m that two leading underscores be used to avoid conflicts with other names. 1m8. Connection Setup0m For remote clients, the X protocol can be built on top of any reliable byte stream. 1mConnection Initiation0m The client must send an initial byte of data to identify the byte order to be employed. The value of the byte must be octal 102 or 154. The value 102 (ASCII uppercase B) means values are transmitted most significant byte first, and value 154 (ASCII lowercase l) means values are transmitted least significant byte first. Except where explicitly noted in the protocol, all 16-bit and 32-bit quantities sent by the client must be transmitted with this byte order, and all 16-bit and 32-bit quantities returned by the server will be transmitted with this byte order. Following the byte-order byte, the client sends the follow- ing information at connection setup: protocol-major-version: CARD16 protocol-minor-version: CARD16 authorization-protocol-name: STRING8 authorization-protocol-data: STRING8 The version numbers indicate what version of the protocol the client expects the server to implement. The authorization name indicates what authorization (and authentication) protocol the client expects the server to use, and the data is specific to that protocol. Specifica- tion of valid authorization mechanisms is not part of the core X protocol. A server that does not implement the pro- tocol the client expects or that only implements the host- based mechanism may simply ignore this information. If both name and data strings are empty, this is to be interpreted as ``no explicit authorization.'' 1mServer Response0m The client receives the following information at connection setup: success: {4mFailed24m, 4mSuccess24m, 4mAuthenticate24m} The client receives the following additional data if the returned success value is 4mFailed24m, and the connection is not successfully established: 1m110m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m protocol-major-version: CARD16 protocol-minor-version: CARD16 reason: STRING8 The client receives the following additional data if the returned success value is 4mAuthenticate24m, and further authen- tication negotiation is required: reason: STRING8 The contents of the reason string are specific to the autho- rization protocol in use. The semantics of this authentica- tion negotiation are not constrained, except that the nego- tiation must eventually terminate with a reply from the server containing a success value of 4mFailed24m or 4mSuccess24m. The client receives the following additional data if the returned success value is 4mSuccess24m, and the connection is successfully established: protocol-major-version: CARD16 protocol-minor-version: CARD16 vendor: STRING8 release-number: CARD32 resource-id-base, resource-id-mask: CARD32 image-byte-order: {4mLSBFirst24m, 4mMSBFirst24m} bitmap-scanline-unit: {8, 16, 32} bitmap-scanline-pad: {8, 16, 32} bitmap-bit-order: {4mLeastSignificant24m, 4mMostSignificant24m} pixmap-formats: LISTofFORMAT roots: LISTofSCREEN motion-buffer-size: CARD32 maximum-request-length: CARD16 min-keycode, max-keycode: KEYCODE where: FORMAT: [depth: CARD8, bits-per-pixel: {1, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32} scanline-pad: {8, 16, 32}] 1m120m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m SCREEN: [root: WINDOW width-in-pixels, height-in-pixels: CARD16 width-in-millimeters, height-in-mil- limeters: CARD16 allowed-depths: LISTofDEPTH root-depth: CARD8 root-visual: VISUALID default-colormap: COLORMAP white-pixel, black-pixel: CARD32 min-installed-maps, max-installed-maps: CARD16 backing-stores: {4mNever24m, 4mWhenMapped24m, 4mAlways24m} save-unders: BOOL current-input-masks: SETofEVENT] DEPTH: [depth: CARD8 visuals: LISTofVISUALTYPE] VISUALTYPE: [visual-id: VISUALID class: {4mStaticGray24m, 4mStaticColor24m, 4mTrue-0m 4mColor24m, 4mGrayScale24m, 4mPseudoColor24m, 4mDirectColor24m} red-mask, green-mask, blue-mask: CARD32 bits-per-rgb-value: CARD8 colormap-entries: CARD16] 1mServer Information0m The information that is global to the server is: The protocol version numbers are an escape hatch in case future revisions of the protocol are necessary. In general, the major version would increment for incompatible changes, and the minor version would increment for small upward com- patible changes. Barring changes, the major version will be 11, and the minor version will be 0. The protocol version numbers returned indicate the protocol the server actually supports. This might not equal the version sent by the client. The server can (but need not) refuse connections from clients that offer a different version than the server supports. A server can (but need not) support more than one version simultaneously. The vendor string gives some identification of the owner of the server implementation. The vendor controls the seman- tics of the release number. The resource-id-mask contains a single contiguous set of bits (at least 18). The client allocates resource IDs for types WINDOW, PIXMAP, CURSOR, FONT, GCONTEXT, and COLORMAP by choosing a value with only some subset of these bits set 1m130m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m and ORing it with resource-id-base. Only values constructed in this way can be used to name newly created resources over this connection. Resource IDs never have the top three bits set. The client is not restricted to linear or contiguous allocation of resource IDs. Once an ID has been freed, it can be reused. An ID must be unique with respect to the IDs of all other resources, not just other resources of the same type. However, note that the value spaces of resource iden- tifiers, atoms, visualids, and keysyms are distinguished by context, and as such, are not required to be disjoint; for example, a given numeric value might be both a valid window ID, a valid atom, and a valid keysym. Although the server is in general responsible for byte-swap- ping data to match the client, images are always transmitted and received in formats (including byte order) specified by the server. The byte order for images is given by image- byte-order and applies to each scanline unit in XY format (bitmap format) and to each pixel value in Z format. A bitmap is represented in scanline order. Each scanline is padded to a multiple of bits as given by bitmap-scanline- pad. The pad bits are of arbitrary value. The scanline is quantized in multiples of bits as given by bitmap-scanline- unit. The bitmap-scanline-unit is always less than or equal to the bitmap-scanline-pad. Within each unit, the leftmost bit in the bitmap is either the least significant or most significant bit in the unit, as given by bitmap-bit-order. If a pixmap is represented in XY format, each plane is rep- resented as a bitmap, and the planes appear from most sig- nificant to least significant in bit order with no padding between planes. Pixmap-formats contains one entry for each depth value. The entry describes the Z format used to represent images of that depth. An entry for a depth is included if any screen supports that depth, and all screens supporting that depth must support only that Z format for that depth. In Z for- mat, the pixels are in scanline order, left to right within a scanline. The number of bits used to hold each pixel is given by bits-per-pixel. Bits-per-pixel may be larger than strictly required by the depth, in which case the least sig- nificant bits are used to hold the pixmap data, and the val- ues of the unused high-order bits are undefined. When the bits-per-pixel is 4, the order of nibbles in the byte is the same as the image byte-order. When the bits-per-pixel is 1, the format is identical for bitmap format. Each scanline is padded to a multiple of bits as given by scanline-pad. When bits-per-pixel is 1, this will be identical to bitmap-scan- line-pad. How a pointing device roams the screens is up to the server implementation and is transparent to the protocol. No geom- etry is defined among screens. 1m140m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m The server may retain the recent history of pointer motion and do so to a finer granularity than is reported by 4mMotion-0m 4mNotify24m events. The 4mGetMotionEvents24m request makes such his- tory available. The motion-buffer-size gives the approxi- mate maximum number of elements in the history buffer. Maximum-request-length specifies the maximum length of a request accepted by the server, in 4-byte units. That is, length is the maximum value that can appear in the length field of a request. Requests larger than this maximum gen- erate a 4mLength24m error, and the server will read and simply discard the entire request. Maximum-request-length will always be at least 4096 (that is, requests of length up to and including 16384 bytes will be accepted by all servers). Min-keycode and max-keycode specify the smallest and largest keycode values transmitted by the server. Min-keycode is never less than 8, and max-keycode is never greater than 255. Not all keycodes in this range are required to have corresponding keys. 1mScreen Information0m The information that applies per screen is: The allowed-depths specifies what pixmap and window depths are supported. Pixmaps are supported for each depth listed, and windows of that depth are supported if at least one visual type is listed for the depth. A pixmap depth of one is always supported and listed, but windows of depth one might not be supported. A depth of zero is never listed, but zero-depth 4mInputOnly24m windows are always supported. Root-depth and root-visual specify the depth and visual type of the root window. Width-in-pixels and height-in-pixels specify the size of the root window (which cannot be changed). The class of the root window is always 4mInputOut-0m 4mput24m. Width-in-millimeters and height-in-millimeters can be used to determine the physical size and the aspect ratio. The default-colormap is the one initially associated with the root window. Clients with minimal color requirements creating windows of the same depth as the root may want to allocate from this map by default. Black-pixel and white-pixel can be used in implementing a monochrome application. These pixel values are for perma- nently allocated entries in the default-colormap. The actual RGB values may be settable on some screens and, in any case, may not actually be black and white. The names are intended to convey the expected relative intensity of the colors. 1m150m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m The border of the root window is initially a pixmap filled with the black-pixel. The initial background of the root window is a pixmap filled with some unspecified two-color pattern using black-pixel and white-pixel. Min-installed-maps specifies the number of maps that can be guaranteed to be installed simultaneously (with 4mInstallCol-0m 4mormap24m), regardless of the number of entries allocated in each map. Max-installed-maps specifies the maximum number of maps that might possibly be installed simultaneously, depending on their allocations. Multiple static-visual col- ormaps with identical contents but differing in resource ID should be considered as a single map for the purposes of this number. For the typical case of a single hardware col- ormap, both values will be 1. Backing-stores indicates when the server supports backing stores for this screen, although it may be storage limited in the number of windows it can support at once. If save- unders is 4mTrue24m, the server can support the save-under mode in 4mCreateWindow24m and 4mChangeWindowAttributes24m, although again it may be storage limited. The current-input-events is what 4mGetWindowAttributes24m would return for the all-event-masks for the root window. 1mVisual Information0m The information that applies per visual-type is: A given visual type might be listed for more than one depth or for more than one screen. For 4mPseudoColor24m, a pixel value indexes a colormap to produce independent RGB values; the RGB values can be changed dynam- ically. 4mGrayScale24m is treated in the same way as 4mPseudoColor0m except which primary drives the screen is undefined; thus, the client should always store the same value for red, green, and blue in colormaps. For 4mDirectColor24m, a pixel value is decomposed into separate RGB subfields, and each subfield separately indexes the colormap for the correspond- ing value. The RGB values can be changed dynamically. 4mTrueColor24m is treated in the same way as 4mDirectColor24m except the colormap has predefined read-only RGB values. These values are server-dependent but provide linear or near-lin- ear increasing ramps in each primary. 4mStaticColor24m is treated in the same way as 4mPseudoColor24m except the colormap has predefined read-only RGB values, which are server-depen- dent. 4mStaticGray24m is treated in the same way as 4mStaticColor0m except the red, green, and blue values are equal for any single pixel value, resulting in shades of gray. 4mStaticGray0m with a two-entry colormap can be thought of as monochrome. 1m160m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m The red-mask, green-mask, and blue-mask are only defined for 4mDirectColor24m and 4mTrueColor24m. Each has one contiguous set of bits set to 1 with no intersections. Usually each mask has the same number of bits set to 1. The bits-per-rgb-value specifies the log base 2 of the num- ber of distinct color intensity values (individually) of red, green, and blue. This number need not bear any rela- tion to the number of colormap entries. Actual RGB values are always passed in the protocol within a 16-bit spectrum, with 0 being minimum intensity and 65535 being the maximum intensity. On hardware that provides a linear zero-based intensity ramp, the following relationship exists: hw-intensity = protocol-intensity / (65536 / total-hw-intensities) Colormap entries are indexed from 0. The colormap-entries defines the number of available colormap entries in a newly created colormap. For 4mDirectColor24m and 4mTrueColor24m, this will usually be 2 to the power of the maximum number of bits set to 1 in red-mask, green-mask, and blue-mask. 1m9. Requests0m __ | 4mCreateWindow0m 4mwid24m, 4mparent24m: WINDOW 4mclass24m: {4mInputOutput24m, 4mInputOnly24m, 4mCopyFromParent24m} 4mdepth24m: CARD8 4mvisual24m: VISUALID or 4mCopyFromParent0m 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m, 4mborder-width24m: CARD16 4mvalue-mask24m: BITMASK 4mvalue-list24m: LISTofVALUE Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mColormap24m, 4mCursor24m, 4mIDChoice24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mPixmap24m, |__ 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request creates an unmapped window and assigns the identifier wid to it. A class of 4mCopyFromParent24m means the class is taken from the parent. A depth of zero for class 4mInputOutput24m or 4mCopy-0m 4mFromParent24m means the depth is taken from the parent. A visual of 4mCopyFromParent24m means the visual type is taken from the parent. For class 4mInputOutput24m, the visual type and depth must be a combination supported for the screen (or a 4mMatch24m error results). The depth need not be the same as the parent, but the parent must not be of class 4mInputOnly24m (or a 1m170m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mMatch24m error results). For class 4mInputOnly24m, the depth must be zero (or a 4mMatch24m error results), and the visual must be one supported for the screen (or a 4mMatch24m error results). However, the parent can have any depth and class. The server essentially acts as if 4mInputOnly24m windows do not exist for the purposes of graphics requests, exposure pro- cessing, and 4mVisibilityNotify24m events. An 4mInputOnly24m window cannot be used as a drawable (as a source or destination for graphics requests). 4mInputOnly24m and 4mInputOutput24m windows act identically in other respects-properties, grabs, input con- trol, and so on. The coordinate system has the X axis horizontal and the Y axis vertical with the origin [0, 0] at the upper-left cor- ner. Coordinates are integral, in terms of pixels, and coincide with pixel centers. Each window and pixmap has its own coordinate system. For a window, the origin is inside the border at the inside, upper-left corner. The x and y coordinates for the window are relative to the parent's origin and specify the position of the upper-left outer corner of the window (not the origin). The width and height specify the inside size (not including the border) and must be nonzero (or a 4mValue24m error results). The border- width for an 4mInputOnly24m window must be zero (or a 4mMatch24m error results). The window is placed on top in the stacking order with respect to siblings. The value-mask and value-list specify attributes of the win- dow that are to be explicitly initialized. The possible values are: ----------------------------------------------- 1mAttribute Type0m ----------------------------------------------- background-pixmap PIXMAP or 4mNone24m or 4mParen-0m 4mtRelative0m background-pixel CARD32 border-pixmap PIXMAP or 4mCopyFromParent0m border-pixel CARD32 bit-gravity BITGRAVITY win-gravity WINGRAVITY backing-store {4mNotUseful24m, 4mWhenMapped24m, 4mAlways24m} backing-planes CARD32 backing-pixel CARD32 save-under BOOL event-mask SETofEVENT do-not-propagate- SETofDEVICEEVENT mask 1m180m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------- 1mAttribute Type0m ----------------------------------------------- override-redirect BOOL colormap COLORMAP or 4mCopyFromParent0m cursor CURSOR or 4mNone0m ----------------------------------------------- The default values when attributes are not explicitly ini- tialized are: ----------------------------------- 1mAttribute Default0m ----------------------------------- background-pixmap 4mNone0m border-pixmap 4mCopyFromParent0m bit-gravity 4mForget0m win-gravity 4mNorthWest0m backing-store 4mNotUseful0m backing-planes all ones backing-pixel zero save-under 4mFalse0m event-mask {} (empty set) do-not-propagate- {} (empty set) mask override-redirect 4mFalse0m colormap 4mCopyFromParent0m cursor 4mNone0m ----------------------------------- Only the following attributes are defined for 4mInputOnly24m win- dows: · win-gravity · event-mask · do-not-propagate-mask · override-redirect · cursor It is a 4mMatch24m error to specify any other attributes for 4mInputOnly24m windows. If background-pixmap is given, it overrides the default background-pixmap. The background pixmap and the window must have the same root and the same depth (or a 4mMatch24m error results). Any size pixmap can be used, although some sizes may be faster than others. If background 4mNone24m is specified, the window has no defined background. If background 1m190m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mParentRelative24m is specified, the parent's background is used, but the window must have the same depth as the parent (or a 4mMatch24m error results). If the parent has background 4mNone24m, then the window will also have background 4mNone24m. A copy of the parent's background is not made. The parent's background is reexamined each time the window background is required. If background-pixel is given, it overrides the default background-pixmap and any background-pixmap given explicitly, and a pixmap of undefined size filled with back- ground-pixel is used for the background. Range checking is not performed on the background-pixel value; it is simply truncated to the appropriate number of bits. For a 4mParen-0m 4mtRelative24m background, the background tile origin always aligns with the parent's background tile origin. Otherwise, the background tile origin is always the window origin. When no valid contents are available for regions of a window and the regions are either visible or the server is main- taining backing store, the server automatically tiles the regions with the window's background unless the window has a background of 4mNone24m. If the background is 4mNone24m, the previous screen contents from other windows of the same depth as the window are simply left in place if the contents come from the parent of the window or an inferior of the parent; oth- erwise, the initial contents of the exposed regions are undefined. Exposure events are then generated for the regions, even if the background is 4mNone24m. The border tile origin is always the same as the background tile origin. If border-pixmap is given, it overrides the default border-pixmap. The border pixmap and the window must have the same root and the same depth (or a 4mMatch24m error results). Any size pixmap can be used, although some sizes may be faster than others. If 4mCopyFromParent24m is given, the parent's border pixmap is copied (subsequent changes to the parent's border attribute do not affect the child), but the window must have the same depth as the parent (or a 4mMatch0m error results). The pixmap might be copied by sharing the same pixmap object between the child and parent or by making a complete copy of the pixmap contents. If border-pixel is given, it overrides the default border-pixmap and any bor- der-pixmap given explicitly, and a pixmap of undefined size filled with border-pixel is used for the border. Range checking is not performed on the border-pixel value; it is simply truncated to the appropriate number of bits. Output to a window is always clipped to the inside of the window, so that the border is never affected. The bit-gravity defines which region of the window should be retained if the window is resized, and win-gravity defines how the window should be repositioned if the parent is resized (see 4mConfigureWindow24m request). 1m200m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m A backing-store of 4mWhenMapped24m advises the server that main- taining contents of obscured regions when the window is mapped would be beneficial. A backing-store of 4mAlways0m advises the server that maintaining contents even when the window is unmapped would be beneficial. In this case, the server may generate an exposure event when the window is created. A value of 4mNotUseful24m advises the server that main- taining contents is unnecessary, although a server may still choose to maintain contents while the window is mapped. Note that if the server maintains contents, then the server should maintain complete contents not just the region within the parent boundaries, even if the window is larger than its parent. While the server maintains contents, exposure events will not normally be generated, but the server may stop maintaining contents at any time. If save-under is 4mTrue24m, the server is advised that when this window is mapped, saving the contents of windows it obscures would be beneficial. When the contents of obscured regions of a window are being maintained, regions obscured by noninferior windows are included in the destination (and source, when the window is the source) of graphics requests, but regions obscured by inferior windows are not included. The backing-planes indicates (with bits set to 1) which bit planes of the window hold dynamic data that must be pre- served in backing-stores and during save-unders. The back- ing-pixel specifies what value to use in planes not covered by backing-planes. The server is free to save only the specified bit planes in the backing-store or save-under and regenerate the remaining planes with the specified pixel value. Any bits beyond the specified depth of the window in these values are simply ignored. The event-mask defines which events the client is interested in for this window (or for some event types, inferiors of the window). The do-not-propagate-mask defines which events should not be propagated to ancestor windows when no client has the event type selected in this window. The override-redirect specifies whether map and configure requests on this window should override a 4mSubstructureRedi-0m 4mrect24m on the parent, typically to inform a window manager not to tamper with the window. The colormap specifies the colormap that best reflects the true colors of the window. Servers capable of supporting multiple hardware colormaps may use this information, and window managers may use it for 4mInstallColormap24m requests. The colormap must have the same visual type and root as the window (or a 4mMatch24m error results). If 4mCopyFromParent24m is specified, the parent's colormap is copied (subsequent 1m210m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m changes to the parent's colormap attribute do not affect the child). However, the window must have the same visual type as the parent (or a 4mMatch24m error results), and the parent must not have a colormap of 4mNone24m (or a 4mMatch24m error results). For an explanation of 4mNone24m, see 4mFreeColormap24m request. The colormap is copied by sharing the colormap object between the child and the parent, not by making a complete copy of the colormap contents. If a cursor is specified, it will be used whenever the pointer is in the window. If 4mNone24m is specified, the par- ent's cursor will be used when the pointer is in the window, and any change in the parent's cursor will cause an immedi- ate change in the displayed cursor. This request generates a 4mCreateNotify24m event. The background and border pixmaps and the cursor may be freed immediately if no further explicit references to them are to be made. Subsequent drawing into the background or border pixmap has an undefined effect on the window state. The server might or might not make a copy of the pixmap. __ | 4mChangeWindowAttributes0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mvalue-mask24m: BITMASK 4mvalue-list24m: LISTofVALUE Errors: 4mAccess24m, 4mColormap24m, 4mCursor24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mPixmap24m, 4mValue24m, |__ 4mWindow0m The value-mask and value-list specify which attributes are to be changed. The values and restrictions are the same as for 4mCreateWindow24m. Setting a new background, whether by background-pixmap or background-pixel, overrides any previous background. Set- ting a new border, whether by border-pixel or border-pixmap, overrides any previous border. Changing the background does not cause the window contents to be changed. Setting the border or changing the back- ground such that the border tile origin changes causes the border to be repainted. Changing the background of a root window to 4mNone24m or 4mParentRelative24m restores the default back- ground pixmap. Changing the border of a root window to 4mCopyFromParent24m restores the default border pixmap. 1m220m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m Changing the win-gravity does not affect the current posi- tion of the window. Changing the backing-store of an obscured window to 4mWhen-0m 4mMapped24m or 4mAlways24m or changing the backing-planes, backing- pixel, or save-under of a mapped window may have no immedi- ate effect. Multiple clients can select input on the same window; their event-masks are disjoint. When an event is generated, it will be reported to all interested clients. However, only one client at a time can select for 4mSubstructureRedirect24m, only one client at a time can select for 4mResizeRedirect24m, and only one client at a time can select for 4mButtonPress24m. An attempt to violate these restrictions results in an 4mAccess0m error. There is only one do-not-propagate-mask for a window, not one per client. Changing the colormap of a window (by defining a new map, not by changing the contents of the existing map) generates a 4mColormapNotify24m event. Changing the colormap of a visible window might have no immediate effect on the screen (see 4mInstallColormap24m request). Changing the cursor of a root window to 4mNone24m restores the default cursor. The order in which attributes are verified and altered is server-dependent. If an error is generated, a subset of the attributes may have been altered. 1m230m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mGetWindowAttributes0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW -> visual: VISUALID class: {4mInputOutput24m, 4mInputOnly24m} bit-gravity: BITGRAVITY win-gravity: WINGRAVITY backing-store: {4mNotUseful24m, 4mWhenMapped24m, 4mAlways24m} backing-planes: CARD32 backing-pixel: CARD32 save-under: BOOL colormap: COLORMAP or 4mNone0m map-is-installed: BOOL map-state: {4mUnmapped24m, 4mUnviewable24m, 4mViewable24m} all-event-masks, your-event-mask: SETofEVENT do-not-propagate-mask: SETofDEVICEEVENT override-redirect: BOOL |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m This request returns the current attributes of the window. A window is 4mUnviewable24m if it is mapped but some ancestor is unmapped. All-event-masks is the inclusive-OR of all event masks selected on the window by clients. Your-event-mask is the event mask selected by the querying client. __ | 4mDestroyWindow0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m If the argument window is mapped, an 4mUnmapWindow24m request is performed automatically. The window and all inferiors are then destroyed, and a 4mDestroyNotify24m event is generated for each window. The ordering of the 4mDestroyNotify24m events is such that for any given window, 4mDestroyNotify24m is generated on all inferiors of the window before being generated on the window itself. The ordering among siblings and across sub- hierarchies is not otherwise constrained. Normal exposure processing on formerly obscured windows is performed. If the window is a root window, this request has no effect. 1m240m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mDestroySubwindows0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m This request performs a 4mDestroyWindow24m request on all chil- dren of the window, in bottom-to-top stacking order. __ | 4mChangeSaveSet0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mmode24m: {4mInsert24m, 4mDelete24m} Errors: |__ 4mMatch24m, 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request adds or removes the specified window from the client's save-set. The window must have been created by some other client (or a 4mMatch24m error results). For further information about the use of the save-set, see section 10. When windows are destroyed, the server automatically removes them from the save-set. __ | 4mReparentWindow0m 4mwindow24m, 4mparent24m: WINDOW 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 |__ Errors: 4mMatch24m, 4mWindow0m If the window is mapped, an 4mUnmapWindow24m request is performed automatically first. The window is then removed from its current position in the hierarchy and is inserted as a child of the specified parent. The x and y coordinates are rela- tive to the parent's origin and specify the new position of the upper-left outer corner of the window. The window is placed on top in the stacking order with respect to sib- lings. A 4mReparentNotify24m event is then generated. The over- ride-redirect attribute of the window is passed on in this event; a value of 4mTrue24m indicates that a window manager should not tamper with this window. Finally, if the window was originally mapped, a 4mMapWindow24m request is performed automatically. 1m250m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m Normal exposure processing on formerly obscured windows is performed. The server might not generate exposure events for regions from the initial unmap that are immediately obscured by the final map. A 4mMatch24m error is generated if: · The new parent is not on the same screen as the old parent. · The new parent is the window itself or an inferior of the window. · The new parent is 4mInputOnly24m, and the window is not. · The window has a 4mParentRelative24m background, and the new parent is not the same depth as the window. __ | 4mMapWindow0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m If the window is already mapped, this request has no effect. If the override-redirect attribute of the window is 4mFalse0m and some other client has selected 4mSubstructureRedirect24m on the parent, then a 4mMapRequest24m event is generated, but the window remains unmapped. Otherwise, the window is mapped, and a 4mMapNotify24m event is generated. If the window is now viewable and its contents have been discarded, the window is tiled with its background (if no background is defined, the existing screen contents are not altered), and zero or more exposure events are generated. If a backing-store has been maintained while the window was unmapped, no exposure events are generated. If a backing- store will now be maintained, a full-window exposure is always generated. Otherwise, only visible regions may be reported. Similar tiling and exposure take place for any newly viewable inferiors. 1m260m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mMapSubwindows0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m This request performs a 4mMapWindow24m request on all unmapped children of the window, in top-to-bottom stacking order. __ | 4mUnmapWindow0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m If the window is already unmapped, this request has no effect. Otherwise, the window is unmapped, and an 4mUnmapNo-0m 4mtify24m event is generated. Normal exposure processing on for- merly obscured windows is performed. __ | 4mUnmapSubwindows0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m This request performs an 4mUnmapWindow24m request on all mapped children of the window, in bottom-to-top stacking order. __ | 4mConfigureWindow0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mvalue-mask24m: BITMASK 4mvalue-list24m: LISTofVALUE |__ Errors: 4mMatch24m, 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request changes the configuration of the window. The value-mask and value-list specify which values are to be given. The possible values are: 1m270m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------- 1mAttribute Type0m ----------------------------------------------- x INT16 y INT16 width CARD16 height CARD16 border-width CARD16 sibling WINDOW stack-mode {4mAbove24m, 4mBelow24m, 4mTopIf24m, 4mBottomIf24m, 4mOpposite24m} ----------------------------------------------- The x and y coordinates are relative to the parent's origin and specify the position of the upper-left outer corner of the window. The width and height specify the inside size, not including the border, and must be nonzero (or a 4mValue0m error results). Those values not specified are taken from the existing geometry of the window. Note that changing just the border-width leaves the outer-left corner of the window in a fixed position but moves the absolute position of the window's origin. It is a 4mMatch24m error to attempt to make the border-width of an 4mInputOnly24m window nonzero. If the override-redirect attribute of the window is 4mFalse0m and some other client has selected 4mSubstructureRedirect24m on the parent, a 4mConfigureRequest24m event is generated, and no further processing is performed. Otherwise, the following is performed: If some other client has selected 4mResizeRedirect24m on the win- dow and the inside width or height of the window is being changed, a 4mResizeRequest24m event is generated, and the current inside width and height are used instead. Note that the override-redirect attribute of the window has no effect on 4mResizeRedirect24m and that 4mSubstructureRedirect24m on the parent has precedence over 4mResizeRedirect24m on the window. The geometry of the window is changed as specified, the win- dow is restacked among siblings, and a 4mConfigureNotify24m event is generated if the state of the window actually changes. If the inside width or height of the window has actually changed, then children of the window are affected, according to their win-gravity. Exposure processing is performed on formerly obscured windows (including the window itself and its inferiors if regions of them were obscured but now are not). Exposure processing is also performed on any new regions of the window (as a result of increasing the width or height) and on any regions where window contents are lost. If the inside width or height of a window is not changed but the window is moved or its border is changed, then the 1m280m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m contents of the window are not lost but move with the win- dow. Changing the inside width or height of the window causes its contents to be moved or lost, depending on the bit-gravity of the window. It also causes children to be reconfigured, depending on their win-gravity. For a change of width and height of W and H, we define the [x, y] pairs as: ----------------------- 1mDirection Deltas0m ----------------------- 4mNorthWest24m [0, 0] 4mNorth24m [W/2, 0] 4mNorthEast24m [W, 0] 4mWest24m [0, H/2] 4mCenter24m [W/2, H/2] 4mEast24m [W, H/2] 4mSouthWest24m [0, H] 4mSouth24m [W/2, H] 4mSouthEast24m [W, H] ----------------------- When a window with one of these bit-gravities is resized, the corresponding pair defines the change in position of each pixel in the window. When a window with one of these win-gravities has its parent window resized, the correspond- ing pair defines the change in position of the window within the parent. This repositioning generates a 4mGravityNotify0m event. 4mGravityNotify24m events are generated after the 4mConfig-0m 4mureNotify24m event is generated. A gravity of 4mStatic24m indicates that the contents or origin should not move relative to the origin of the root window. If the change in size of the window is coupled with a change in position of [X, Y], then for bit-gravity the change in position of each pixel is [-X, -Y] and for win-gravity the change in position of a child when its parent is so resized is [-X, -Y]. Note that 4mStatic24m gravity still only takes effect when the width or height of the window is changed, not when the window is simply moved. A bit-gravity of 4mForget24m indicates that the window contents are always discarded after a size change, even if backing- store or save-under has been requested. The window is tiled with its background (except, if no background is defined, the existing screen contents are not altered) and zero or more exposure events are generated. The contents and borders of inferiors are not affected by their parent's bit-gravity. A server is permitted to ignore the specified bit-gravity and use 4mForget24m instead. 1m290m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m A win-gravity of 4mUnmap24m is like 4mNorthWest24m, but the child is also unmapped when the parent is resized, and an 4mUnmapNotify0m event is generated. 4mUnmapNotify24m events are generated after the 4mConfigureNotify24m event is generated. If a sibling and a stack-mode are specified, the window is restacked as follows: 4mAbove24m The window is placed just above the sibling. 4mBelow24m The window is placed just below the sibling. 4mTopIf24m If the sibling occludes the window, then the window is placed at the top of the stack. 4mBottomIf24m If the window occludes the sibling, then the window is placed at the bottom of the stack. 4mOpposite24m If the sibling occludes the window, then the window is placed at the top of the stack. Oth- erwise, if the window occludes the sibling, then the window is placed at the bottom of the stack. If a stack-mode is specified but no sibling is specified, the window is restacked as follows: 4mAbove24m The window is placed at the top of the stack. 4mBelow24m The window is placed at the bottom of the stack. 4mTopIf24m If any sibling occludes the window, then the window is placed at the top of the stack. 4mBottomIf24m If the window occludes any sibling, then the window is placed at the bottom of the stack. 4mOpposite24m If any sibling occludes the window, then the window is placed at the top of the stack. Oth- erwise, if the window occludes any sibling, then the window is placed at the bottom of the stack. It is a 4mMatch24m error if a sibling is specified without a stack-mode or if the window is not actually a sibling. Note that the computations for 4mBottomIf24m, 4mTopIf24m, and 4mOpposite0m are performed with respect to the window's final geometry (as controlled by the other arguments to the request), not to its initial geometry. Attempts to configure a root window have no effect. 1m300m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mCirculateWindow0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mdirection24m: {4mRaiseLowest24m, 4mLowerHighest24m} |__ Errors: 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m If some other client has selected 4mSubstructureRedirect24m on the window, then a 4mCirculateRequest24m event is generated, and no further processing is performed. Otherwise, the follow- ing is performed, and then a 4mCirculateNotify24m event is gener- ated if the window is actually restacked. For 4mRaiseLowest24m, 4mCirculateWindow24m raises the lowest mapped child (if any) that is occluded by another child to the top of the stack. For 4mLowerHighest24m, 4mCirculateWindow24m lowers the highest mapped child (if any) that occludes another child to the bottom of the stack. Exposure processing is performed on formerly obscured windows. __ | 4mGetGeometry0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE -> root: WINDOW depth: CARD8 x, y: INT16 width, height, border-width: CARD16 |__ Errors: 4mDrawable0m This request returns the root and current geometry of the drawable. The depth is the number of bits per pixel for the object. The x, y, and border-width will always be zero for pixmaps. For a window, the x and y coordinates specify the upper-left outer corner of the window relative to its par- ent's origin, and the width and height specify the inside size, not including the border. It is legal to pass an 4mInputOnly24m window as a drawable to this request. 1m310m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mQueryTree0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW -> root: WINDOW parent: WINDOW or 4mNone0m children: LISTofWINDOW |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m This request returns the root, the parent, and the children of the window. The children are listed in bottom-to-top stacking order. __ | 4mInternAtom0m 4mname24m: STRING8 4monly-if-exists24m: BOOL -> atom: ATOM or 4mNone0m |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mValue0m This request returns the atom for the given name. If only- if-exists is 4mFalse24m, then the atom is created if it does not exist. The string should use the ISO Latin-1 encoding. Uppercase and lowercase matter. The lifetime of an atom is not tied to the interning client. Atoms remain defined until server reset (see section 10). __ | 4mGetAtomName0m 4matom24m: ATOM -> name: STRING8 |__ Errors: 4mAtom0m This request returns the name for the given atom. 1m320m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mChangeProperty0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mproperty24m, 4mtype24m: ATOM 4mformat24m: {8, 16, 32} 4mmode24m: {4mReplace24m, 4mPrepend24m, 4mAppend24m} 4mdata24m: LISTofINT8 or LISTofINT16 or LISTofINT32 |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mAtom24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request alters the property for the specified window. The type is uninterpreted by the server. The format speci- fies whether the data should be viewed as a list of 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit quantities so that the server can cor- rectly byte-swap as necessary. If the mode is 4mReplace24m, the previous property value is dis- carded. If the mode is 4mPrepend24m or 4mAppend24m, then the type and format must match the existing property value (or a 4mMatch0m error results). If the property is undefined, it is treated as defined with the correct type and format with zero-length data. For 4mPrepend24m, the data is tacked on to the beginning of the existing data, and for 4mAppend24m, it is tacked on to the end of the existing data. This request generates a 4mPropertyNotify24m event on the window. The lifetime of a property is not tied to the storing client. Properties remain until explicitly deleted, until the window is destroyed, or until server reset (see section 10). The maximum size of a property is server-dependent and may vary dynamically. __ | 4mDeleteProperty0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mproperty24m: ATOM |__ Errors: 4mAtom24m, 4mWindow0m This request deletes the property from the specified window if the property exists and generates a 4mPropertyNotify24m event on the window unless the property does not exist. 1m330m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mGetProperty0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mproperty24m: ATOM 4mtype24m: ATOM or 4mAnyPropertyType0m 4mlong-offset24m, 4mlong-length24m: CARD32 4mdelete24m: BOOL -> type: ATOM or 4mNone0m format: {0, 8, 16, 32} bytes-after: CARD32 value: LISTofINT8 or LISTofINT16 or LISTofINT32 |__ Errors: 4mAtom24m, 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m If the specified property does not exist for the specified window, then the return type is 4mNone24m, the format and bytes- after are zero, and the value is empty. The delete argument is ignored in this case. If the specified property exists but its type does not match the specified type, then the return type is the actual type of the property, the format is the actual format of the property (never zero), the bytes-after is the length of the property in bytes (even if the format is 16 or 32), and the value is empty. The delete argument is ignored in this case. If the specified property exists and either 4mAnyPropertyType24m is specified or the speci- fied type matches the actual type of the property, then the return type is the actual type of the property, the format is the actual format of the property (never zero), and the bytes-after and value are as follows, given: N = actual length of the stored property in bytes (even if the format is 16 or 32) I = 4 * long-offset T = N - I L = MINIMUM(T, 4 * long-length) A = N - (I + L) The returned value starts at byte index I in the property (indexing from 0), and its length in bytes is L. However, it is a 4mValue24m error if long-offset is given such that L is negative. The value of bytes-after is A, giving the number of trailing unread bytes in the stored property. If delete is 4mTrue24m and the bytes-after is zero, the property is also deleted from the window, and a 4mPropertyNotify24m event is gen- erated on the window. 1m340m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mRotateProperties0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mdelta24m: INT16 4mproperties24m: LISTofATOM |__ Errors: 4mAtom24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mWindow0m If the property names in the list are viewed as being num- bered starting from zero, and there are N property names in the list, then the value associated with property name I becomes the value associated with property name (I + delta) mod N, for all I from zero to N - 1. The effect is to rotate the states by delta places around the virtual ring of property names (right for positive delta, left for negative delta). If delta mod N is nonzero, a 4mPropertyNotify24m event is gener- ated for each property in the order listed. If an atom occurs more than once in the list or no property with that name is defined for the window, a 4mMatch24m error is generated. If an 4mAtom24m or 4mMatch24m error is generated, no prop- erties are changed. __ | 4mListProperties0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW -> atoms: LISTofATOM |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m This request returns the atoms of properties currently defined on the window. __ | 4mSetSelectionOwner0m 4mselection24m: ATOM 4mowner24m: WINDOW or 4mNone0m 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m |__ Errors: 4mAtom24m, 4mWindow0m 1m350m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m This request changes the owner, owner window, and last- change time of the specified selection. This request has no effect if the specified time is earlier than the current last-change time of the specified selection or is later than the current server time. Otherwise, the last-change time is set to the specified time with 4mCurrentTime24m replaced by the current server time. If the owner window is specified as 4mNone24m, then the owner of the selection becomes 4mNone24m (that is, no owner). Otherwise, the owner of the selection becomes the client executing the request. If the new owner (whether a client or 4mNone24m) is not the same as the current owner and the current owner is not 4mNone24m, then the current owner is sent a 4mSelectionClear24m event. If the client that is the owner of a selection is later ter- minated (that is, its connection is closed) or if the owner window it has specified in the request is later destroyed, then the owner of the selection automatically reverts to 4mNone24m, but the last-change time is not affected. The selection atom is uninterpreted by the server. The owner window is returned by the 4mGetSelectionOwner24m request and is reported in 4mSelectionRequest24m and 4mSelectionClear0m events. Selections are global to the server. __ | 4mGetSelectionOwner0m 4mselection24m: ATOM -> owner: WINDOW or 4mNone0m |__ Errors: 4mAtom0m This request returns the current owner window of the speci- fied selection, if any. If 4mNone24m is returned, then there is no owner for the selection. 1m360m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mConvertSelection0m 4mselection24m, 4mtarget24m: ATOM 4mproperty24m: ATOM or 4mNone0m 4mrequestor24m: WINDOW 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m |__ Errors: 4mAtom24m, 4mWindow0m If the specified selection has an owner, the server sends a 4mSelectionRequest24m event to that owner. If no owner for the specified selection exists, the server generates a 4mSelec-0m 4mtionNotify24m event to the requestor with property 4mNone24m. The arguments are passed on unchanged in either of the events. __ | 4mSendEvent0m 4mdestination24m: WINDOW or 4mPointerWindow24m or 4mInputFocus0m 4mpropagate24m: BOOL 4mevent-mask24m: SETofEVENT 4mevent24m: <normal-event-format> |__ Errors: 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m If 4mPointerWindow24m is specified, destination is replaced with the window that the pointer is in. If 4mInputFocus24m is speci- fied and the focus window contains the pointer, destination is replaced with the window that the pointer is in. Other- wise, destination is replaced with the focus window. If the event-mask is the empty set, then the event is sent to the client that created the destination window. If that client no longer exists, no event is sent. If propagate is 4mFalse24m, then the event is sent to every client selecting on destination any of the event types in event-mask. If propagate is 4mTrue24m and no clients have selected on desti- nation any of the event types in event-mask, then destina- tion is replaced with the closest ancestor of destination for which some client has selected a type in event-mask and no intervening window has that type in its do-not-propagate- mask. If no such window exists or if the window is an ancestor of the focus window and 4mInputFocus24m was originally specified as the destination, then the event is not sent to any clients. Otherwise, the event is reported to every client selecting on the final destination any of the types specified in event-mask. 1m370m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m The event code must be one of the core events or one of the events defined by an extension (or a 4mValue24m error results) so that the server can correctly byte-swap the contents as nec- essary. The contents of the event are otherwise unaltered and unchecked by the server except to force on the most sig- nificant bit of the event code and to set the sequence num- ber in the event correctly. Active grabs are ignored for this request. __ | 4mGrabPointer0m 4mgrab-window24m: WINDOW 4mowner-events24m: BOOL 4mevent-mask24m: SETofPOINTEREVENT 4mpointer-mode24m, 4mkeyboard-mode24m: {4mSynchronous24m, 4mAsynchronous24m} 4mconfine-to24m: WINDOW or 4mNone0m 4mcursor24m: CURSOR or 4mNone0m 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m -> status: {4mSuccess24m, 4mAlreadyGrabbed24m, 4mFrozen24m, 4mInvalidTime24m, 4mNotViewable24m} |__ Errors: 4mCursor24m, 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request actively grabs control of the pointer. Further pointer events are only reported to the grabbing client. The request overrides any active pointer grab by this client. If owner-events is 4mFalse24m, all generated pointer events are reported with respect to grab-window and are only reported if selected by event-mask. If owner-events is 4mTrue24m and a generated pointer event would normally be reported to this client, it is reported normally. Otherwise, the event is reported with respect to the grab-window and is only reported if selected by event-mask. For either value of owner-events, unreported events are simply discarded. If pointer-mode is 4mAsynchronous24m, pointer event processing continues normally. If the pointer is currently frozen by this client, then processing of pointer events is resumed. If pointer-mode is 4mSynchronous24m, the state of the pointer (as seen by means of the protocol) appears to freeze, and no further pointer events are generated by the server until the grabbing client issues a releasing 4mAllowEvents24m request or until the pointer grab is released. Actual pointer changes are not lost while the pointer is frozen. They are simply queued for later processing. 1m380m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m If keyboard-mode is 4mAsynchronous24m, keyboard event processing is unaffected by activation of the grab. If keyboard-mode is 4mSynchronous24m, the state of the keyboard (as seen by means of the protocol) appears to freeze, and no further keyboard events are generated by the server until the grabbing client issues a releasing 4mAllowEvents24m request or until the pointer grab is released. Actual keyboard changes are not lost while the keyboard is frozen. They are simply queued for later processing. If a cursor is specified, then it is displayed regardless of what window the pointer is in. If no cursor is specified, then when the pointer is in grab-window or one of its sub- windows, the normal cursor for that window is displayed. Otherwise, the cursor for grab-window is displayed. If a confine-to window is specified, then the pointer will be restricted to stay contained in that window. The con- fine-to window need have no relationship to the grab-window. If the pointer is not initially in the confine-to window, then it is warped automatically to the closest edge (and enter/leave events are generated normally) just before the grab activates. If the confine-to window is subsequently reconfigured, the pointer will be warped automatically as necessary to keep it contained in the window. This request generates 4mEnterNotify24m and 4mLeaveNotify24m events. The request fails with status 4mAlreadyGrabbed24m if the pointer is actively grabbed by some other client. The request fails with status 4mFrozen24m if the pointer is frozen by an active grab of another client. The request fails with status 4mNotViewable24m if grab-window or confine-to window is not view- able or if the confine-to window lies completely outside the boundaries of the root window. The request fails with sta- tus 4mInvalidTime24m if the specified time is earlier than the last-pointer-grab time or later than the current server time. Otherwise, the last-pointer-grab time is set to the specified time, with 4mCurrentTime24m replaced by the current server time. __ | 4mUngrabPointer0m |__ 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m This request releases the pointer if this client has it actively grabbed (from either 4mGrabPointer24m or 4mGrabButton24m or from a normal button press) and releases any queued events. The request has no effect if the specified time is earlier than the last-pointer-grab time or is later than the current server time. 1m390m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m This request generates 4mEnterNotify24m and 4mLeaveNotify24m events. An 4mUngrabPointer24m request is performed automatically if the event window or confine-to window for an active pointer grab becomes not viewable or if window reconfiguration causes the confine-to window to lie completely outside the boundaries of the root window. __ | 4mGrabButton0m 4mmodifiers24m: SETofKEYMASK or 4mAnyModifier0m 4mbutton24m: BUTTON or 4mAnyButton0m 4mgrab-window24m: WINDOW 4mowner-events24m: BOOL 4mevent-mask24m: SETofPOINTEREVENT 4mpointer-mode24m, 4mkeyboard-mode24m: {4mSynchronous24m, 4mAsynchronous24m} 4mconfine-to24m: WINDOW or 4mNone0m 4mcursor24m: CURSOR or 4mNone0m |__ Errors: 4mAccess24m, 4mCursor24m, 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request establishes a passive grab. In the future, the pointer is actively grabbed as described in 4mGrabPointer24m, the last-pointer-grab time is set to the time at which the but- ton was pressed (as transmitted in the 4mButtonPress24m event), and the 4mButtonPress24m event is reported if all of the follow- ing conditions are true: · The pointer is not grabbed and the specified button is logically pressed when the specified modifier keys are logically down, and no other buttons or modifier keys are logically down. · The grab-window contains the pointer. · The confine-to window (if any) is viewable. · A passive grab on the same button/key combination does not exist on any ancestor of grab-window. The interpretation of the remaining arguments is the same as for 4mGrabPointer24m. The active grab is terminated automati- cally when the logical state of the pointer has all buttons released, independent of the logical state of modifier keys. Note that the logical state of a device (as seen by means of the protocol) may lag the physical state if device event processing is frozen. This request overrides all previous passive grabs by the same client on the same button/key combinations on the same window. A modifier of 4mAnyModifier24m is equivalent to issuing 1m400m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m the request for all possible modifier combinations (includ- ing the combination of no modifiers). It is not required that all specified modifiers have currently assigned key- codes. A button of 4mAnyButton24m is equivalent to issuing the request for all possible buttons. Otherwise, it is not required that the button specified currently be assigned to a physical button. An 4mAccess24m error is generated if some other client has already issued a 4mGrabButton24m request with the same button/key combination on the same window. When using 4mAnyModifier24m or 4mAnyButton24m, the request fails completely (no grabs are estab- lished), and an 4mAccess24m error is generated if there is a con- flicting grab for any combination. The request has no effect on an active grab. __ | 4mUngrabButton0m 4mmodifiers24m: SETofKEYMASK or 4mAnyModifier0m 4mbutton24m: BUTTON or 4mAnyButton0m 4mgrab-window24m: WINDOW |__ Errors: 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request releases the passive button/key combination on the specified window if it was grabbed by this client. A modifiers argument of 4mAnyModifier24m is equivalent to issuing the request for all possible modifier combinations (includ- ing the combination of no modifiers). A button of 4mAnyButton0m is equivalent to issuing the request for all possible but- tons. The request has no effect on an active grab. __ | 4mChangeActivePointerGrab0m 4mevent-mask24m: SETofPOINTEREVENT 4mcursor24m: CURSOR or 4mNone0m 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m |__ Errors: 4mCursor24m, 4mValue0m This request changes the specified dynamic parameters if the pointer is actively grabbed by the client and the specified time is no earlier than the last-pointer-grab time and no later than the current server time. The interpretation of event-mask and cursor are the same as in 4mGrabPointer24m. This request has no effect on the parameters of any passive grabs established with 4mGrabButton24m. 1m410m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mGrabKeyboard0m 4mgrab-window24m: WINDOW 4mowner-events24m: BOOL 4mpointer-mode24m, 4mkeyboard-mode24m: {4mSynchronous24m, 4mAsynchronous24m} 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m -> status: {4mSuccess24m, 4mAlreadyGrabbed24m, 4mFrozen24m, 4mInvalidTime24m, 4mNotViewable24m} |__ Errors: 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request actively grabs control of the keyboard. Fur- ther key events are reported only to the grabbing client. This request overrides any active keyboard grab by this client. If owner-events is 4mFalse24m, all generated key events are reported with respect to grab-window. If owner-events is 4mTrue24m and if a generated key event would normally be reported to this client, it is reported normally. Otherwise, the event is reported with respect to the grab-window. Both 4mKeyPress24m and 4mKeyRelease24m events are always reported, indepen- dent of any event selection made by the client. If keyboard-mode is 4mAsynchronous24m, keyboard event processing continues normally. If the keyboard is currently frozen by this client, then processing of keyboard events is resumed. If keyboard-mode is 4mSynchronous24m, the state of the keyboard (as seen by means of the protocol) appears to freeze. No further keyboard events are generated by the server until the grabbing client issues a releasing 4mAllowEvents24m request or until the keyboard grab is released. Actual keyboard changes are not lost while the keyboard is frozen. They are simply queued for later processing. If pointer-mode is 4mAsynchronous24m, pointer event processing is unaffected by activation of the grab. If pointer-mode is 4mSynchronous24m, the state of the pointer (as seen by means of the protocol) appears to freeze. No further pointer events are generated by the server until the grabbing client issues a releasing 4mAllowEvents24m request or until the keyboard grab is released. Actual pointer changes are not lost while the pointer is frozen. They are simply queued for later pro- cessing. This request generates 4mFocusIn24m and 4mFocusOut24m events. The request fails with status 4mAlreadyGrabbed24m if the keyboard is actively grabbed by some other client. The request fails with status 4mFrozen24m if the keyboard is frozen by an active 1m420m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m grab of another client. The request fails with status 4mNotViewable24m if grab-window is not viewable. The request fails with status 4mInvalidTime24m if the specified time is ear- lier than the last-keyboard-grab time or later than the cur- rent server time. Otherwise, the last-keyboard-grab time is set to the specified time with 4mCurrentTime24m replaced by the current server time. __ | 4mUngrabKeyboard0m |__ 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m This request releases the keyboard if this client has it actively grabbed (as a result of either 4mGrabKeyboard24m or 4mGrabKey24m) and releases any queued events. The request has no effect if the specified time is earlier than the last-key- board-grab time or is later than the current server time. This request generates 4mFocusIn24m and 4mFocusOut24m events. An 4mUngrabKeyboard24m is performed automatically if the event window for an active keyboard grab becomes not viewable. __ | 4mGrabKey0m 4mkey24m: KEYCODE or 4mAnyKey0m 4mmodifiers24m: SETofKEYMASK or 4mAnyModifier0m 4mgrab-window24m: WINDOW 4mowner-events24m: BOOL 4mpointer-mode24m, 4mkeyboard-mode24m: {4mSynchronous24m, 4mAsynchronous24m} |__ Errors: 4mAccess24m, 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request establishes a passive grab on the keyboard. In the future, the keyboard is actively grabbed as described in 4mGrabKeyboard24m, the last-keyboard-grab time is set to the time at which the key was pressed (as transmitted in the 4mKeyPress0m event), and the 4mKeyPress24m event is reported if all of the following conditions are true: · The keyboard is not grabbed and the specified key (which can itself be a modifier key) is logically pressed when the specified modifier keys are logically down, and no other modifier keys are logically down. · Either the grab-window is an ancestor of (or is) the focus window, or the grab-window is a descendent of the focus window and contains the pointer. 1m430m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m · A passive grab on the same key combination does not exist on any ancestor of grab-window. The interpretation of the remaining arguments is the same as for 4mGrabKeyboard24m. The active grab is terminated automati- cally when the logical state of the keyboard has the speci- fied key released, independent of the logical state of modi- fier keys. Note that the logical state of a device (as seen by means of the protocol) may lag the physical state if device event processing is frozen. This request overrides all previous passive grabs by the same client on the same key combinations on the same window. A modifier of 4mAnyModifier24m is equivalent to issuing the request for all possible modifier combinations (including the combination of no modifiers). It is not required that all modifiers specified have currently assigned keycodes. A key of 4mAnyKey24m is equivalent to issuing the request for all possible keycodes. Otherwise, the key must be in the range specified by min-keycode and max-keycode in the connection setup (or a 4mValue24m error results). An 4mAccess24m error is generated if some other client has issued a 4mGrabKey24m with the same key combination on the same window. When using 4mAnyModifier24m or 4mAnyKey24m, the request fails com- pletely (no grabs are established), and an 4mAccess24m error is generated if there is a conflicting grab for any combina- tion. __ | 4mUngrabKey0m 4mkey24m: KEYCODE or 4mAnyKey0m 4mmodifiers24m: SETofKEYMASK or 4mAnyModifier0m 4mgrab-window24m: WINDOW |__ Errors: 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request releases the key combination on the specified window if it was grabbed by this client. A modifiers argu- ment of 4mAnyModifier24m is equivalent to issuing the request for all possible modifier combinations (including the combina- tion of no modifiers). A key of 4mAnyKey24m is equivalent to issuing the request for all possible keycodes. This request has no effect on an active grab. 1m440m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mAllowEvents0m 4mmode24m: {4mAsyncPointer24m, 4mSyncPointer24m, 4mReplayPointer24m, 4mAsyncKey-0m 4mboard24m, 4mSyncKeyboard24m, 4mReplayKeyboard24m, 4mAsyncBoth24m, 4mSyncBoth24m} 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m |__ Errors: 4mValue0m This request releases some queued events if the client has caused a device to freeze. The request has no effect if the specified time is earlier than the last-grab time of the most recent active grab for the client or if the specified time is later than the current server time. For 4mAsyncPointer24m, if the pointer is frozen by the client, pointer event processing continues normally. If the pointer is frozen twice by the client on behalf of two separate grabs, 4mAsyncPointer24m thaws for both. 4mAsyncPointer24m has no effect if the pointer is not frozen by the client, but the pointer need not be grabbed by the client. For 4mSyncPointer24m, if the pointer is frozen and actively grabbed by the client, pointer event processing continues normally until the next 4mButtonPress24m or 4mButtonRelease24m event is reported to the client, at which time the pointer again appears to freeze. However, if the reported event causes the pointer grab to be released, then the pointer does not freeze. 4mSyncPointer24m has no effect if the pointer is not frozen by the client or if the pointer is not grabbed by the client. For 4mReplayPointer24m, if the pointer is actively grabbed by the client and is frozen as the result of an event having been sent to the client (either from the activation of a 4mGrabBut-0m 4mton24m or from a previous 4mAllowEvents24m with mode 4mSyncPointer24m but not from a 4mGrabPointer24m), then the pointer grab is released and that event is completely reprocessed, this time ignoring any passive grabs at or above (towards the root) the grab- window of the grab just released. The request has no effect if the pointer is not grabbed by the client or if the pointer is not frozen as the result of an event. For 4mAsyncKeyboard24m, if the keyboard is frozen by the client, keyboard event processing continues normally. If the key- board is frozen twice by the client on behalf of two sepa- rate grabs, 4mAsyncKeyboard24m thaws for both. 4mAsyncKeyboard24m has no effect if the keyboard is not frozen by the client, but the keyboard need not be grabbed by the client. For 4mSyncKeyboard24m, if the keyboard is frozen and actively grabbed by the client, keyboard event processing continues 1m450m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m normally until the next 4mKeyPress24m or 4mKeyRelease24m event is reported to the client, at which time the keyboard again appears to freeze. However, if the reported event causes the keyboard grab to be released, then the keyboard does not freeze. 4mSyncKeyboard24m has no effect if the keyboard is not frozen by the client or if the keyboard is not grabbed by the client. For 4mReplayKeyboard24m, if the keyboard is actively grabbed by the client and is frozen as the result of an event having been sent to the client (either from the activation of a 4mGrabKey24m or from a previous 4mAllowEvents24m with mode 4mSyncKey-0m 4mboard24m but not from a 4mGrabKeyboard24m), then the keyboard grab is released and that event is completely reprocessed, this time ignoring any passive grabs at or above (towards the root) the grab-window of the grab just released. The request has no effect if the keyboard is not grabbed by the client or if the keyboard is not frozen as the result of an event. For 4mSyncBoth24m, if both pointer and keyboard are frozen by the client, event processing (for both devices) continues nor- mally until the next 4mButtonPress24m, 4mButtonRelease24m, 4mKeyPress24m, or 4mKeyRelease24m event is reported to the client for a grabbed device (button event for the pointer, key event for the key- board), at which time the devices again appear to freeze. However, if the reported event causes the grab to be released, then the devices do not freeze (but if the other device is still grabbed, then a subsequent event for it will still cause both devices to freeze). 4mSyncBoth24m has no effect unless both pointer and keyboard are frozen by the client. If the pointer or keyboard is frozen twice by the client on behalf of two separate grabs, 4mSyncBoth24m thaws for both (but a subsequent freeze for 4mSyncBoth24m will only freeze each device once). For 4mAsyncBoth24m, if the pointer and the keyboard are frozen by the client, event processing for both devices continues nor- mally. If a device is frozen twice by the client on behalf of two separate grabs, 4mAsyncBoth24m thaws for both. 4mAsyncBoth0m has no effect unless both pointer and keyboard are frozen by the client. 4mAsyncPointer24m, 4mSyncPointer24m, and 4mReplayPointer24m have no effect on processing of keyboard events. 4mAsyncKeyboard24m, 4mSyncKey-0m 4mboard24m, and 4mReplayKeyboard24m have no effect on processing of pointer events. It is possible for both a pointer grab and a keyboard grab to be active simultaneously (by the same or different clients). When a device is frozen on behalf of either grab, no event processing is performed for the device. It is pos- sible for a single device to be frozen because of both grabs. In this case, the freeze must be released on behalf 1m460m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m of both grabs before events can again be processed. If a device is frozen twice by a single client, then a single 4mAllowEvents24m releases both. __ |__ 4mGrabServer0m This request disables processing of requests and close-downs on all connections other than the one this request arrived on. __ |__ 4mUngrabServer0m This request restarts processing of requests and close-downs on other connections. __ | 4mQueryPointer0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW -> root: WINDOW child: WINDOW or 4mNone0m same-screen: BOOL root-x, root-y, win-x, win-y: INT16 mask: SETofKEYBUTMASK |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m The root window the pointer is logically on and the pointer coordinates relative to the root's origin are returned. If same-screen is 4mFalse24m, then the pointer is not on the same screen as the argument window, child is 4mNone24m, and win-x and win-y are zero. If same-screen is 4mTrue24m, then win-x and win- y are the pointer coordinates relative to the argument win- dow's origin, and child is the child containing the pointer, if any. The current logical state of the modifier keys and the buttons are also returned. Note that the logical state of a device (as seen by means of the protocol) may lag the physical state if device event processing is frozen. 1m470m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mGetMotionEvents0m 4mstart24m, 4mstop24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW -> events: LISTofTIMECOORD where: TIMECOORD: [x, y: INT16 time: TIMESTAMP] |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m This request returns all events in the motion history buffer that fall between the specified start and stop times (inclu- sive) and that have coordinates that lie within (including borders) the specified window at its present placement. The x and y coordinates are reported relative to the origin of the window. If the start time is later than the stop time or if the start time is in the future, no events are returned. If the stop time is in the future, it is equivalent to specifying 4mCurrentTime24m. __ | 4mTranslateCoordinates0m 4msrc-window24m, 4mdst-window24m: WINDOW 4msrc-x24m, 4msrc-y24m: INT16 -> same-screen: BOOL child: WINDOW or 4mNone0m dst-x, dst-y: INT16 |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m The src-x and src-y coordinates are taken relative to src- window's origin and are returned as dst-x and dst-y coordi- nates relative to dst-window's origin. If same-screen is 4mFalse24m, then src-window and dst-window are on different screens, and dst-x and dst-y are zero. If the coordinates are contained in a mapped child of dst-window, then that child is returned. 1m480m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mWarpPointer0m 4msrc-window24m: WINDOW or 4mNone0m 4mdst-window24m: WINDOW or 4mNone0m 4msrc-x24m, 4msrc-y24m: INT16 4msrc-width24m, 4msrc-height24m: CARD16 4mdst-x24m, 4mdst-y24m: INT16 |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m If dst-window is 4mNone24m, this request moves the pointer by offsets [dst-x, dst-y] relative to the current position of the pointer. If dst-window is a window, this request moves the pointer to [dst-x, dst-y] relative to dst-window's ori- gin. However, if src-window is not 4mNone24m, the move only takes place if src-window contains the pointer and the pointer is contained in the specified rectangle of src-win- dow. The src-x and src-y coordinates are relative to src-window's origin. If src-height is zero, it is replaced with the cur- rent height of src-window minus src-y. If src-width is zero, it is replaced with the current width of src-window minus src-x. This request cannot be used to move the pointer outside the confine-to window of an active pointer grab. An attempt will only move the pointer as far as the closest edge of the confine-to window. This request will generate events just as if the user had instantaneously moved the pointer. __ | 4mSetInputFocus0m 4mfocus24m: WINDOW or 4mPointerRoot24m or 4mNone0m 4mrevert-to24m: {4mParent24m, 4mPointerRoot24m, 4mNone24m} 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m |__ Errors: 4mMatch24m, 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request changes the input focus and the last-focus- change time. The request has no effect if the specified time is earlier than the current last-focus-change time or is later than the current server time. Otherwise, the last- focus-change time is set to the specified time with 4mCurrent-0m 4mTime24m replaced by the current server time. If 4mNone24m is specified as the focus, all keyboard events are discarded until a new focus window is set. In this case, 1m490m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m the revert-to argument is ignored. If a window is specified as the focus, it becomes the key- board's focus window. If a generated keyboard event would normally be reported to this window or one of its inferiors, the event is reported normally. Otherwise, the event is reported with respect to the focus window. If 4mPointerRoot24m is specified as the focus, the focus window is dynamically taken to be the root window of whatever screen the pointer is on at each keyboard event. In this case, the revert-to argument is ignored. This request generates 4mFocusIn24m and 4mFocusOut24m events. The specified focus window must be viewable at the time of the request (or a 4mMatch24m error results). If the focus window later becomes not viewable, the new focus window depends on the revert-to argument. If revert-to is 4mParent24m, the focus reverts to the parent (or the closest viewable ancestor) and the new revert-to value is taken to be 4mNone24m. If revert-to is 4mPointerRoot24m or 4mNone24m, the focus reverts to that value. When the focus reverts, 4mFocusIn24m and 4mFocusOut24m events are gen- erated, but the last-focus-change time is not affected. __ | 4mGetInputFocus0m -> focus: WINDOW or 4mPointerRoot24m or 4mNone0m |__ revert-to: {4mParent24m, 4mPointerRoot24m, 4mNone24m} This request returns the current focus state. __ | 4mQueryKeymap0m -> |__ keys: LISTofCARD8 This request returns a bit vector for the logical state of the keyboard. Each bit set to 1 indicates that the corre- sponding key is currently pressed. The vector is repre- sented as 32 bytes. Byte N (from 0) contains the bits for keys 8N to 8N + 7 with the least significant bit in the byte representing key 8N. Note that the logical state of a device (as seen by means of the protocol) may lag the physi- cal state if device event processing is frozen. 1m500m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mOpenFont0m 4mfid24m: FONT 4mname24m: STRING8 |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mIDChoice24m, 4mName0m This request loads the specified font, if necessary, and as- sociates identifier fid with it. The font name should use the ISO Latin-1 encoding, and uppercase and lowercase do not matter. When the characters ``?'' and ``*'' are used in a font name, a pattern match is performed and any matching font is used. In the pattern, the ``?'' character (octal value 77) will match any single character, and the ``*'' character (octal value 52) will match any number of charac- ters. A structured format for font names is specified in the X.Org standard 4mX24m 4mLogical24m 4mFont24m 4mDescription24m 4mConventions24m. Fonts are not associated with a particular screen and can be stored as a component of any graphics context. __ | 4mCloseFont0m 4mfont24m: FONT |__ Errors: 4mFont0m This request deletes the association between the resource ID and the font. The font itself will be freed when no other resource references it. 1m510m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mQueryFont0m 4mfont24m: FONTABLE -> font-info: FONTINFO char-infos: LISTofCHARINFO where: FONTINFO: [draw-direction: {4mLeftToRight24m, 4mRightToLeft24m} min-char-or-byte2, max-char-or-byte2: CARD16 min-byte1, max-byte1: CARD8 all-chars-exist: BOOL default-char: CARD16 min-bounds: CHARINFO max-bounds: CHARINFO font-ascent: INT16 font-descent: INT16 properties: LISTofFONTPROP] FONTPROP: [name: ATOM value: <32-bit-value>] CHARINFO: [left-side-bearing: INT16 right-side-bearing: INT16 character-width: INT16 ascent: INT16 descent: INT16 attributes: CARD16] |__ Errors: 4mFont0m This request returns logical information about a font. If a gcontext is given for font, the currently contained font is used. The draw-direction is just a hint and indicates whether most char-infos have a positive, 4mLeftToRight24m, or a negative, 4mRightToLeft24m, character-width metric. The core protocol defines no support for vertical text. If min-byte1 and max-byte1 are both zero, then min-char-or- byte2 specifies the linear character index corresponding to the first element of char-infos, and max-char-or-byte2 spec- ifies the linear character index of the last element. If either min-byte1 or max-byte1 are nonzero, then both min- char-or-byte2 and max-char-or-byte2 will be less than 256, and the 2-byte character index values corresponding to char- infos element N (counting from 0) are: 1m520m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m byte1 = N/D + min-byte1 byte2 = N\\D + min-char-or-byte2 where: D = max-char-or-byte2 - min-char-or-byte2 + 1 / = integer division \\ = integer modulus If char-infos has length zero, then min-bounds and max- bounds will be identical, and the effective char-infos is one filled with this char-info, of length: L = D * (max-byte1 - min-byte1 + 1) That is, all glyphs in the specified linear or matrix range have the same information, as given by min-bounds (and max- bounds). If all-chars-exist is 4mTrue24m, then all characters in char-infos have nonzero bounding boxes. The default-char specifies the character that will be used when an undefined or nonexistent character is used. Note that default-char is a CARD16, not CHAR2B. For a font using 2-byte matrix format, the default-char has byte1 in the most significant byte and byte2 in the least significant byte. If the default-char itself specifies an undefined or nonex- istent character, then no printing is performed for an unde- fined or nonexistent character. The min-bounds and max-bounds contain the minimum and maxi- mum values of each individual CHARINFO component over all char-infos (ignoring nonexistent characters). The bounding box of the font (that is, the smallest rectangle enclosing the shape obtained by superimposing all characters at the same origin [x,y]) has its upper-left coordinate at: [x + min-bounds.left-side-bearing, y - max-bounds.ascent] with a width of: max-bounds.right-side-bearing - min-bounds.left-side-bearing and a height of: max-bounds.ascent + max-bounds.descent The font-ascent is the logical extent of the font above the baseline and is used for determining line spacing. Specific characters may extend beyond this. The font-descent is the 1m530m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m logical extent of the font at or below the baseline and is used for determining line spacing. Specific characters may extend beyond this. If the baseline is at Y-coordinate y, then the logical extent of the font is inclusive between the Y-coordinate values (y - font-ascent) and (y + font-descent - 1). A font is not guaranteed to have any properties. The inter- pretation of the property value (for example, INT32, CARD32) must be derived from 4ma24m 4mpriori24m knowledge of the property. A basic set of font properties is specified in the X.Org stan- dard 4mX24m 4mLogical24m 4mFont24m 4mDescription24m 4mConventions24m. For a character origin at [x,y], the bounding box of a char- acter (that is, the smallest rectangle enclosing the charac- ter's shape), described in terms of CHARINFO components, is a rectangle with its upper-left corner at: [x + left-side-bearing, y - ascent] with a width of: right-side-bearing - left-side-bearing and a height of: ascent + descent and the origin for the next character is defined to be: [x + character-width, y] Note that the baseline is logically viewed as being just below nondescending characters (when descent is zero, only pixels with Y-coordinates less than y are drawn) and that the origin is logically viewed as being coincident with the left edge of a nonkerned character (when left-side-bearing is zero, no pixels with X-coordinate less than x are drawn). Note that CHARINFO metric values can be negative. A nonexistent character is represented with all CHARINFO components zero. The interpretation of the per-character attributes field is server-dependent. 1m540m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mQueryTextExtents0m 4mfont24m: FONTABLE 4mstring24m: STRING16 -> draw-direction: {4mLeftToRight24m, 4mRightToLeft24m} font-ascent: INT16 font-descent: INT16 overall-ascent: INT16 overall-descent: INT16 overall-width: INT32 overall-left: INT32 overall-right: INT32 |__ Errors: 4mFont0m This request returns the logical extents of the specified string of characters in the specified font. If a gcontext is given for font, the currently contained font is used. The draw-direction, font-ascent, and font-descent are the same as described in 4mQueryFont24m. The overall-ascent is the maximum of the ascent metrics of all characters in the string, and the overall-descent is the maximum of the descent metrics. The overall-width is the sum of the char- acter-width metrics of all characters in the string. For each character in the string, let W be the sum of the char- acter-width metrics of all characters preceding it in the string, let L be the left-side-bearing metric of the charac- ter plus W, and let R be the right-side-bearing metric of the character plus W. The overall-left is the minimum L of all characters in the string, and the overall-right is the maximum R. For fonts defined with linear indexing rather than 2-byte matrix indexing, the server will interpret each CHAR2B as a 16-bit number that has been transmitted most significant byte first (that is, byte1 of the CHAR2B is taken as the most significant byte). Characters with all zero metrics are ignored. If the font has no defined default-char, then undefined characters in the string are also ignored. 1m550m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mListFonts0m 4mpattern24m: STRING8 4mmax-names24m: CARD16 -> |__ names: LISTofSTRING8 This request returns a list of available font names (as con- trolled by the font search path; see 4mSetFontPath24m request) that match the pattern. At most, max-names names will be returned. The pattern should use the ISO Latin-1 encoding, and uppercase and lowercase do not matter. In the pattern, the ``?'' character (octal value 77) will match any single character, and the ``*'' character (octal value 52) will match any number of characters. The returned names are in lowercase. __ | 4mListFontsWithInfo0m 4mpattern24m: STRING8 4mmax-names24m: CARD16 -> name: STRING8 info FONTINFO replies-hint: CARD32 where: |__ FONTINFO: <same type definition as in 4mQueryFont24m> This request is similar to 4mListFonts24m, but it also returns information about each font. The information returned for each font is identical to what 4mQueryFont24m would return except that the per-character metrics are not returned. Note that this request can generate multiple replies. With each reply, replies-hint may provide an indication of how many more fonts will be returned. This number is a hint only and may be larger or smaller than the number of fonts actually returned. A zero value does not guarantee that no more fonts will be returned. After the font replies, a reply with a zero-length name is sent to indicate the end of the reply sequence. 1m560m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mSetFontPath0m 4mpath24m: LISTofSTRING8 |__ Errors: 4mValue0m This request defines the search path for font lookup. There is only one search path per server, not one per client. The interpretation of the strings is operating-system-dependent, but the strings are intended to specify directories to be searched in the order listed. Setting the path to the empty list restores the default path defined for the server. As a side effect of executing this request, the server is guaranteed to flush all cached information about fonts for which there currently are no explicit resource IDs allo- cated. The meaning of an error from this request is system spe- cific. __ | 4mGetFontPath0m -> |__ path: LISTofSTRING8 This request returns the current search path for fonts. __ | 4mCreatePixmap0m 4mpid24m: PIXMAP 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mdepth24m: CARD8 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m: CARD16 |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mDrawable24m, 4mIDChoice24m, 4mValue0m This request creates a pixmap and assigns the identifier pid to it. The width and height must be nonzero (or a 4mValue0m error results). The depth must be one of the depths sup- ported by the root of the specified drawable (or a 4mValue0m error results). The initial contents of the pixmap are undefined. 1m570m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m It is legal to pass an 4mInputOnly24m window as a drawable to this request. __ | 4mFreePixmap0m 4mpixmap24m: PIXMAP |__ Errors: 4mPixmap0m This request deletes the association between the resource ID and the pixmap. The pixmap storage will be freed when no other resource references it. __ | 4mCreateGC0m 4mcid24m: GCONTEXT 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mvalue-mask24m: BITMASK 4mvalue-list24m: LISTofVALUE Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mDrawable24m, 4mFont24m, 4mIDChoice24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mPixmap24m, |__ 4mValue0m This request creates a graphics context and assigns the identifier cid to it. The gcontext can be used with any destination drawable having the same root and depth as the specified drawable; use with other drawables results in a 4mMatch24m error. The value-mask and value-list specify which components are to be explicitly initialized. The context components are: ------------------------------------------------------------- 1mComponent Type0m ------------------------------------------------------------- function {4mClear24m, 4mAnd24m, 4mAndReverse24m, 4mCopy24m, 4mAndIn-0m 4mverted24m, 4mNoOp24m, 4mXor24m, 4mOr24m, 4mNor24m, 4mEquiv24m, 4mInvert24m, 4mOrReverse24m, 4mCopy-0m 4mInverted24m, 4mOrInverted24m, 4mNand24m, 4mSet24m} plane-mask CARD32 foreground CARD32 background CARD32 line-width CARD16 line-style {4mSolid24m, 4mOnOffDash24m, 4mDoubleDash24m} cap-style {4mNotLast24m, 4mButt24m, 4mRound24m, 4mProjecting24m} join-style {4mMiter24m, 4mRound24m, 4mBevel24m} 1m580m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ------------------------------------------------------------- 1mComponent Type0m ------------------------------------------------------------- fill-style {4mSolid24m, 4mTiled24m, 4mOpaqueStippled24m, 4mStippled24m} fill-rule {4mEvenOdd24m, 4mWinding24m} arc-mode {4mChord24m, 4mPieSlice24m} tile PIXMAP stipple PIXMAP tile-stipple-x- INT16 origin tile-stipple-y- INT16 origin font FONT subwindow-mode {4mClipByChildren24m, 4mIncludeInferiors24m} graphics-expo- BOOL sures clip-x-origin INT16 clip-y-origin INT16 clip-mask PIXMAP or 4mNone0m dash-offset CARD16 dashes CARD8 ------------------------------------------------------------- In graphics operations, given a source and destination pixel, the result is computed bitwise on corresponding bits of the pixels; that is, a Boolean operation is performed in each bit plane. The plane-mask restricts the operation to a subset of planes, so the result is: ((src FUNC dst) AND plane-mask) OR (dst AND (NOT plane-mask)) Range checking is not performed on the values for fore- ground, background, or plane-mask. They are simply trun- cated to the appropriate number of bits. The meanings of the functions are: --------------------------------------- 1mFunction Operation0m --------------------------------------- 4mClear24m 0 4mAnd24m src AND dst 4mAndReverse24m src AND (NOT dst) 4mCopy24m src 4mAndInverted24m (NOT src) AND dst 4mNoOp24m dst 4mXor24m src XOR dst 4mOr24m src OR dst 4mNor24m (NOT src) AND (NOT dst) 1m590m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mEquiv24m (NOT src) XOR dst 4mInvert24m NOT dst 4mOrReverse24m src OR (NOT dst) 4mCopyInverted24m NOT src 4mOrInverted24m (NOT src) OR dst 4mNand24m (NOT src) OR (NOT dst) 4mSet24m 1 --------------------------------------- The line-width is measured in pixels and can be greater than or equal to one, a wide line, or the special value zero, a thin line. Wide lines are drawn centered on the path described by the graphics request. Unless otherwise specified by the join or cap style, the bounding box of a wide line with endpoints [x1, y1], [x2, y2] and width w is a rectangle with vertices at the following real coordinates: [x1-(w*sn/2), y1+(w*cs/2)], [x1+(w*sn/2), y1-(w*cs/2)], [x2-(w*sn/2), y2+(w*cs/2)], [x2+(w*sn/2), y2-(w*cs/2)] The sn is the sine of the angle of the line and cs is the cosine of the angle of the line. A pixel is part of the line (and hence drawn) if the center of the pixel is fully inside the bounding box, which is viewed as having infinite- ly thin edges. If the center of the pixel is exactly on the bounding box, it is part of the line if and only if the interior is immediately to its right (x increasing direc- tion). Pixels with centers on a horizontal edge are a spe- cial case and are part of the line if and only if the inte- rior or the boundary is immediately below (y increasing direction) and if the interior or the boundary is immedi- ately to the right (x increasing direction). Note that this description is a mathematical model describing the pixels that are drawn for a wide line and does not imply that trigonometry is required to implement such a model. Real or fixed point arithmetic is recommended for computing the cor- ners of the line endpoints for lines greater than one pixel in width. Thin lines (zero line-width) are nominally one pixel wide lines drawn using an unspecified, device-dependent algo- rithm. There are only two constraints on this algorithm. First, if a line is drawn unclipped from [x1,y1] to [x2,y2] and another line is drawn unclipped from [x1+dx,y1+dy] to [x2+dx,y2+dy], then a point [x,y] is touched by drawing the first line if and only if the point [x+dx,y+dy] is touched by drawing the second line. Second, the effective set of points comprising a line cannot be affected by clipping. Thus, a point is touched in a clipped line if and only if 1m600m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m the point lies inside the clipping region and the point would be touched by the line when drawn unclipped. Note that a wide line drawn from [x1,y1] to [x2,y2] always draws the same pixels as a wide line drawn from [x2,y2] to [x1,y1], not counting cap-style and join-style. Implemen- tors are encouraged to make this property true for thin lines, but it is not required. A line-width of zero may differ from a line-width of one in which pixels are drawn. In general, drawing a thin line will be faster than drawing a wide line of width one, but thin lines may not mix well aesthetically with wide lines because of the different draw- ing algorithms. If it is desirable to obtain precise and uniform results across all displays, a client should always use a line-width of one, rather than a line-width of zero. The line-style defines which sections of a line are drawn: 4mSolid24m The full path of the line is drawn. 4mDoubleDash24m The full path of the line is drawn, but the even dashes are filled differently than the odd dashes (see fill-style), with 4mButt24m cap-style used where even and odd dashes meet. 4mOnOffDash24m Only the even dashes are drawn, and cap-style applies to all internal ends of the individual dashes (except 4mNotLast24m is treated as 4mButt24m). The cap-style defines how the endpoints of a path are drawn: 4mNotLast24m The result is equivalent to 4mButt24m, except that for a line-width of zero the final endpoint is not drawn. 4mButt24m The result is square at the endpoint (perpen- dicular to the slope of the line) with no pro- jection beyond. 4mRound24m The result is a circular arc with its diameter equal to the line-width, centered on the end- point; it is equivalent to 4mButt24m for line-width zero. 4mProjecting24m The result is square at the end, but the path continues beyond the endpoint for a distance equal to half the line-width; it is equivalent to 4mButt24m for line-width zero. The join-style defines how corners are drawn for wide lines: 4mMiter24m The outer edges of the two lines extend to meet at an angle. However, if the angle is less than 11 degrees, a 4mBevel24m join-style is used instead. 1m610m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mRound24m The result is a circular arc with a diameter equal to the line-width, centered on the join- point. 4mBevel24m The result is 4mButt24m endpoint styles, and then the triangular notch is filled. For a line with coincident endpoints (x1=x2, y1=y2), when the cap-style is applied to both endpoints, the semantics depends on the line-width and the cap-style: 4mNotLast24m thin This is device-dependent, but the desired effect is that nothing is drawn. 4mButt24m thin This is device-dependent, but the desired effect is that a single pixel is drawn. 4mRound24m thin This is the same as 4mButt24m/thin. 4mProjecting24m thin This is the same as 4mButt24m/thin. 4mButt24m wide Nothing is drawn. 4mRound24m wide The closed path is a circle, centered at the endpoint and with a diameter equal to the line-width. 4mProjecting24m wide The closed path is a square, aligned with the coordinate axes, centered at the end- point and with sides equal to the line- width. For a line with coincident endpoints (x1=x2, y1=y2), when the join-style is applied at one or both endpoints, the effect is as if the line was removed from the overall path. However, if the total path consists of (or is reduced to) a single point joined with itself, the effect is the same as when the cap-style is applied at both endpoints. The tile/stipple represents an infinite two-dimensional plane with the tile/stipple replicated in all dimensions. When that plane is superimposed on the drawable for use in a graphics operation, the upper-left corner of some instance of the tile/stipple is at the coordinates within the draw- able specified by the tile/stipple origin. The tile/stipple and clip origins are interpreted relative to the origin of whatever destination drawable is specified in a graphics request. The tile pixmap must have the same root and depth as the gcontext (or a 4mMatch24m error results). The stipple pixmap must have depth one and must have the same root as the gcon- text (or a 4mMatch24m error results). For fill-style 4mStippled0m (but not fill-style 4mOpaqueStippled24m), the stipple pattern is tiled in a single plane and acts as an additional clip mask to be ANDed with the clip-mask. Any size pixmap can be used for tiling or stippling, although some sizes may be faster to use than others. 1m620m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m The fill-style defines the contents of the source for line, text, and fill requests. For all text and fill requests (for example, 4mPolyText824m, 4mPolyText1624m, 4mPolyFillRectangle24m, 4mFillPoly24m, and 4mPolyFillArc24m) as well as for line requests with line-style 4mSolid24m, (for example, 4mPolyLine24m, 4mPolySegment24m, 4mPolyRectangle24m, 4mPolyArc24m) and for the even dashes for line requests with line-style 4mOnOffDash24m or 4mDoubleDash24m: 4mSolid24m Foreground 4mTiled24m Tile 4mOpaqueStip-24m A tile with the same width and height as 4mpled24m stipple but with background everywhere stip- ple has a zero and with foreground everywhere stipple has a one 4mStippled24m Foreground masked by stipple For the odd dashes for line requests with line-style 4mDou-0m 4mbleDash24m: 4mSolid24m Background 4mTiled24m Same as for even dashes 4mOpaqueStip-24m Same as for even dashes 4mpled0m 4mStippled24m Background masked by stipple The dashes value allowed here is actually a simplified form of the more general patterns that can be set with 4mSetDashes24m. Specifying a value of N here is equivalent to specifying the two element list [N, N] in 4mSetDashes24m. The value must be nonzero (or a 4mValue24m error results). The meaning of dash- offset and dashes are explained in the 4mSetDashes24m request. The clip-mask restricts writes to the destination drawable. Only pixels where the clip-mask has bits set to 1 are drawn. Pixels are not drawn outside the area covered by the clip- mask or where the clip-mask has bits set to 0. The clip- mask affects all graphics requests, but it does not clip sources. The clip-mask origin is interpreted relative to the origin of whatever destination drawable is specified in a graphics request. If a pixmap is specified as the clip- mask, it must have depth 1 and have the same root as the gcontext (or a 4mMatch24m error results). If clip-mask is 4mNone24m, then pixels are always drawn, regardless of the clip origin. The clip-mask can also be set with the 4mSetClipRectangles0m request. For 4mClipByChildren24m, both source and destination windows are additionally clipped by all viewable 4mInputOutput24m children. For 4mIncludeInferiors24m, neither source nor destination window is clipped by inferiors. This will result in including sub- window contents in the source and drawing through subwindow boundaries of the destination. The use of 4mIncludeInferiors0m 1m630m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m with a source or destination window of one depth with mapped inferiors of differing depth is not illegal, but the seman- tics is undefined by the core protocol. The fill-rule defines what pixels are inside (that is, are drawn) for paths given in 4mFillPoly24m requests. 4mEvenOdd24m means a point is inside if an infinite ray with the point as ori- gin crosses the path an odd number of times. For 4mWinding24m, a point is inside if an infinite ray with the point as origin crosses an unequal number of clockwise and counterclockwise directed path segments. A clockwise directed path segment is one that crosses the ray from left to right as observed from the point. A counter-clockwise segment is one that crosses the ray from right to left as observed from the point. The case where a directed line segment is coincident with the ray is uninteresting because one can simply choose a different ray that is not coincident with a segment. For both fill rules, a point is infinitely small and the path is an infinitely thin line. A pixel is inside if the center point of the pixel is inside and the center point is not on the boundary. If the center point is on the bound- ary, the pixel is inside if and only if the polygon interior is immediately to its right (x increasing direction). Pix- els with centers along a horizontal edge are a special case and are inside if and only if the polygon interior is imme- diately below (y increasing direction). The arc-mode controls filling in the 4mPolyFillArc24m request. The graphics-exposures flag controls 4mGraphicsExposure24m event generation for 4mCopyArea24m and 4mCopyPlane24m requests (and any sim- ilar requests defined by extensions). The default component values are: --------------------------------------------------------------- 1mComponent Default0m --------------------------------------------------------------- function 4mCopy0m plane-mask all ones foreground 0 background 1 line-width 0 line-style 4mSolid0m cap-style 4mButt0m join-style 4mMiter0m fill-style 4mSolid0m fill-rule 4mEvenOdd0m arc-mode 4mPieSlice0m 1m640m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m --------------------------------------------------------------- 1mComponent Default0m --------------------------------------------------------------- tile Pixmap of unspecified size filled with foreground pixel (that is, client specified pixel if any, else 0) (subsequent changes to foreground do not affect this pixmap) stipple Pixmap of unspecified size filled with ones tile-stipple-x-ori- 0 gin tile-stipple-y-ori- 0 gin font <server-dependent-font> subwindow-mode 4mClipByChildren0m graphics-exposures 4mTrue0m clip-x-origin 0 clip-y-origin 0 clip-mask 4mNone0m dash-offset 0 dashes 4 (that is, the list [4, 4]) --------------------------------------------------------------- Storing a pixmap in a gcontext might or might not result in a copy being made. If the pixmap is later used as the des- tination for a graphics request, the change might or might not be reflected in the gcontext. If the pixmap is used simultaneously in a graphics request as both a destination and as a tile or stipple, the results are not defined. It is quite likely that some amount of gcontext information will be cached in display hardware and that such hardware can only cache a small number of gcontexts. Given the num- ber and complexity of components, clients should view switching between gcontexts with nearly identical state as significantly more expensive than making minor changes to a single gcontext. __ | 4mChangeGC0m 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mvalue-mask24m: BITMASK 4mvalue-list24m: LISTofVALUE |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mFont24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mPixmap24m, 4mValue0m This request changes components in gc. The value-mask and value-list specify which components are to be changed. The 1m650m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m values and restrictions are the same as for 4mCreateGC24m. Changing the clip-mask also overrides any previous 4mSet-0m 4mClipRectangles24m request on the context. Changing dash-offset or dashes overrides any previous 4mSetDashes24m request on the context. The order in which components are verified and altered is server-dependent. If an error is generated, a subset of the components may have been altered. __ | 4mCopyGC0m 4msrc-gc24m, 4mdst-gc24m: GCONTEXT 4mvalue-mask24m: BITMASK |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mValue0m This request copies components from src-gc to dst-gc. The value-mask specifies which components to copy, as for 4mCre-0m 4mateGC24m. The two gcontexts must have the same root and the same depth (or a 4mMatch24m error results). __ | 4mSetDashes0m 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mdash-offset24m: CARD16 4mdashes24m: LISTofCARD8 |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mValue0m This request sets dash-offset and dashes in gc for dashed line styles. Dashes cannot be empty (or a 4mValue24m error results). Specifying an odd-length list is equivalent to specifying the same list concatenated with itself to produce an even-length list. The initial and alternating elements of dashes are the even dashes; the others are the odd dashes. Each element specifies a dash length in pixels. All of the elements must be nonzero (or a 4mValue24m error results). The dash-offset defines the phase of the pattern, specifying how many pixels into dashes the pattern should actually begin in any single graphics request. Dashing is continuous through path elements combined with a join-style but is reset to the dash-offset between each sequence of joined lines. The unit of measure for dashes is the same as in the ordi- nary coordinate system. Ideally, a dash length is measured 1m660m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m along the slope of the line, but implementations are only required to match this ideal for horizontal and vertical lines. Failing the ideal semantics, it is suggested that the length be measured along the major axis of the line. The major axis is defined as the x axis for lines drawn at an angle of between -45 and +45 degrees or between 135 and 225 degrees from the x axis. For all other lines, the major axis is the y axis. For any graphics primitive, the computation of the endpoint of an individual dash only depends on the geometry of the primitive, the start position of the dash, the direction of the dash, and the dash length. For any graphics primitive, the total set of pixels used to render the primitive (both even and odd numbered dash ele- ments) with 4mDoubleDash24m line-style is the same as the set of pixels used to render the primitive with 4mSolid24m line-style. For any graphics primitive, if the primitive is drawn with 4mOnOffDash24m or 4mDoubleDash24m line-style unclipped at position [x,y] and again at position [x+dx,y+dy], then a point [x1,y1] is included in a dash in the first instance if and only if the point [x1+dx,y1+dy] is included in the dash in the second instance. In addition, the effective set of points comprising a dash cannot be affected by clipping. A point is included in a clipped dash if and only if the point lies inside the clipping region and the point would be included in the dash when drawn unclipped. __ | 4mSetClipRectangles0m 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mclip-x-origin24m, 4mclip-y-origin24m: INT16 4mrectangles24m: LISTofRECTANGLE 4mordering24m: {4mUnSorted24m, 4mYSorted24m, 4mYXSorted24m, 4mYXBanded24m} |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mValue0m This request changes clip-mask in gc to the specified list of rectangles and sets the clip origin. Output will be clipped to remain contained within the rectangles. The clip origin is interpreted relative to the origin of whatever destination drawable is specified in a graphics request. The rectangle coordinates are interpreted relative to the clip origin. The rectangles should be nonintersecting, or graphics results will be undefined. Note that the list of rectangles can be empty, which effectively disables output. This is the opposite of passing 4mNone24m as the clip-mask in 4mCreateGC24m and 4mChangeGC24m. 1m670m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m If known by the client, ordering relations on the rectangles can be specified with the ordering argument. This may pro- vide faster operation by the server. If an incorrect order- ing is specified, the server may generate a 4mMatch24m error, but it is not required to do so. If no error is generated, the graphics results are undefined. 4mUnSorted24m means that the rectangles are in arbitrary order. 4mYSorted24m means that the rectangles are nondecreasing in their Y origin. 4mYXSorted0m additionally constrains 4mYSorted24m order in that all rectangles with an equal Y origin are nondecreasing in their X origin. 4mYXBanded24m additionally constrains 4mYXSorted24m by requiring that, for every possible Y scanline, all rectangles that include that scanline have identical Y origins and Y extents. __ | 4mFreeGC0m 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT |__ Errors: 4mGContext0m This request deletes the association between the resource ID and the gcontext and destroys the gcontext. __ | 4mClearArea0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m: CARD16 4mexposures24m: BOOL |__ Errors: 4mMatch24m, 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m The x and y coordinates are relative to the window's origin and specify the upper-left corner of the rectangle. If width is zero, it is replaced with the current width of the window minus x. If height is zero, it is replaced with the current height of the window minus y. If the window has a defined background tile, the rectangle is tiled with a plane-mask of all ones and function of 4mCopy24m and a subwindow- mode of 4mClipByChildren24m. If the window has background 4mNone24m, the contents of the window are not changed. In either case, if exposures is 4mTrue24m, then one or more exposure events are generated for regions of the rectangle that are either visi- ble or are being retained in a backing store. It is a 4mMatch24m error to use an 4mInputOnly24m window in this request. 1m680m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mCopyArea0m 4msrc-drawable24m, 4mdst-drawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4msrc-x24m, 4msrc-y24m: INT16 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m: CARD16 4mdst-x24m, 4mdst-y24m: INT16 |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch0m This request combines the specified rectangle of src-draw- able with the specified rectangle of dst-drawable. The src- x and src-y coordinates are relative to src-drawable's ori- gin. The dst-x and dst-y are relative to dst-drawable's origin, each pair specifying the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The src-drawable must have the same root and the same depth as dst-drawable (or a 4mMatch24m error results). If regions of the source rectangle are obscured and have not been retained in backing store or if regions outside the boundaries of the source drawable are specified, then those regions are not copied, but the following occurs on all cor- responding destination regions that are either visible or are retained in backing-store. If the dst-drawable is a window with a background other than 4mNone24m, these correspond- ing destination regions are tiled (with plane-mask of all ones and function 4mCopy24m) with that background. Regardless of tiling and whether the destination is a window or a pixmap, if graphics-exposures in gc is 4mTrue24m, then 4mGraphicsExposure0m events for all corresponding destination regions are gener- ated. If graphics-exposures is 4mTrue24m but no 4mGraphicsExposure24m events are generated, then a 4mNoExposure24m event is generated. GC components: function, plane-mask, subwindow-mode, graph- ics-exposures, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask __ | 4mCopyPlane0m 4msrc-drawable24m, 4mdst-drawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4msrc-x24m, 4msrc-y24m: INT16 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m: CARD16 4mdst-x24m, 4mdst-y24m: INT16 4mbit-plane24m: CARD32 |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mValue0m 1m690m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m The src-drawable must have the same root as dst-drawable (or a 4mMatch24m error results), but it need not have the same depth. The bit-plane must have exactly one bit set to 1 and the value of bit-plane must be less than 24mn24m where 4mn24m is the depth of src-drawable (or a 4mValue24m error results). Effectively, a pixmap of the same depth as dst-drawable and with size spec- ified by the source region is formed using the fore- ground/background pixels in gc (foreground everywhere the bit-plane in src-drawable contains a bit set to 1, back- ground everywhere the bit-plane contains a bit set to 0), and the equivalent of a 4mCopyArea24m is performed, with all the same exposure semantics. This can also be thought of as using the specified region of the source bit-plane as a stipple with a fill-style of 4mOpaqueStippled24m for filling a rectangular area of the destination. GC components: function, plane-mask, foreground, background, subwindow-mode, graphics-exposures, clip-x-origin, clip-y- origin, clip-mask __ | 4mPolyPoint0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mcoordinate-mode24m: {4mOrigin24m, 4mPrevious24m} 4mpoints24m: LISTofPOINT |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mValue0m This request combines the foreground pixel in gc with the pixel at each point in the drawable. The points are drawn in the order listed. The first point is always relative to the drawable's origin. The rest are relative either to that origin or the previous point, depending on the coordinate-mode. GC components: function, plane-mask, foreground, subwindow- mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask 1m700m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mPolyLine0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mcoordinate-mode24m: {4mOrigin24m, 4mPrevious24m} 4mpoints24m: LISTofPOINT |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mValue0m This request draws lines between each pair of points (point[i], point[i+1]). The lines are drawn in the order listed. The lines join correctly at all intermediate points, and if the first and last points coincide, the first and last lines also join correctly. For any given line, no pixel is drawn more than once. If thin (zero line-width) lines intersect, the intersecting pixels are drawn multiple times. If wide lines intersect, the intersecting pixels are drawn only once, as though the entire 4mPolyLine24m were a single filled shape. The first point is always relative to the drawable's origin. The rest are relative either to that origin or the previous point, depending on the coordinate-mode. When either of the two lines involved in a 4mBevel24m join is neither vertical nor horizontal, then the slope and position of the line segment defining the bevel join edge is imple- mentation dependent. However, the computation of the slope and distance (relative to the join point) only depends on the line width and the slopes of the two lines. GC components: function, plane-mask, line-width, line-style, cap-style, join-style, fill-style, subwindow-mode, clip-x- origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple, tile-stipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin, dash- offset, dashes 1m710m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mPolySegment0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4msegments24m: LISTofSEGMENT where: SEGMENT: [x1, y1, x2, y2: INT16] |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch0m For each segment, this request draws a line between [x1, y1] and [x2, y2]. The lines are drawn in the order listed. No joining is performed at coincident endpoints. For any given line, no pixel is drawn more than once. If lines intersect, the intersecting pixels are drawn multiple times. GC components: function, plane-mask, line-width, line-style, cap-style, fill-style, subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin, clip- y-origin, clip-mask GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple, tile-stipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin, dash- offset, dashes __ | 4mPolyRectangle0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mrectangles24m: LISTofRECTANGLE |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch0m This request draws the outlines of the specified rectangles, as if a five-point 4mPolyLine24m were specified for each rectan- gle: [x,y] [x+width,y] [x+width,y+height] [x,y+height] [x,y] The x and y coordinates of each rectangle are relative to the drawable's origin and define the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The rectangles are drawn in the order listed. For any given rectangle, no pixel is drawn more than once. If rectangles intersect, the intersecting pixels are drawn multiple times. 1m720m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m GC components: function, plane-mask, line-width, line-style, cap-style, join-style, fill-style, subwindow-mode, clip-x- origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple, tile-stipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin, dash- offset, dashes __ | 4mPolyArc0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4marcs24m: LISTofARC |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch0m This request draws circular or elliptical arcs. Each arc is specified by a rectangle and two angles. The angles are signed integers in degrees scaled by 64, with positive indi- cating counterclockwise motion and negative indicating clockwise motion. The start of the arc is specified by angle1 relative to the three-o'clock position from the cen- ter of the rectangle, and the path and extent of the arc is specified by angle2 relative to the start of the arc. If the magnitude of angle2 is greater than 360 degrees, it is truncated to 360 degrees. The x and y coordinates of the rectangle are relative to the origin of the drawable. For an arc specified as [x,y,w,h,a1,a2], the origin of the major and minor axes is at [x+(w/2),y+(h/2)], and the infinitely thin path describing the entire circle/ellipse intersects the horizontal axis at [x,y+(h/2)] and [x+w,y+(h/2)] and intersects the vertical axis at [x+(w/2),y] and [x+(w/2),y+h]. These coordinates are not necessarily inte- gral; that is, they are not truncated to discrete coordi- nates. For a wide line with line-width lw, the ideal bounding out- lines for filling are given by the two infinitely thin paths consisting of all points whose perpendicular distance from a tangent to the path of the circle/ellipse is equal to lw/2 (which may be a fractional value). When the width and height of the arc are not equal and both are nonzero, then the actual bounding outlines are implementation dependent. However, the computation of the shape and position of the bounding outlines (relative to the center of the arc) only depends on the width and height of the arc and the line- width. The cap-style is applied the same as for a line correspond- ing to the tangent of the circle/ellipse at the endpoint. When the angle of an arc face is not an integral multiple of 1m730m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 90 degrees, and the width and height of the arc are both are nonzero, then the shape and position of the cap at that face is implementation dependent. However, for a 4mButt24m cap, the face is defined by a straight line, and the computation of the position (relative to the center of the arc) and the slope of the line only depends on the width and height of the arc and the angle of the arc face. For other cap styles, the computation of the position (relative to the center of the arc) and the shape of the cap only depends on the width and height of the arc, the line-width, the angle of the arc face, and the direction (clockwise or counter clockwise) of the arc from the endpoint. The join-style is applied the same as for two lines corre- sponding to the tangents of the circles/ellipses at the join point. When the width and height of both arcs are nonzero, and the angle of either arc face is not an integral multiple of 90 degrees, then the shape of the join is implementation dependent. However, the computation of the shape only depends on the width and height of each arc, the line-width, the angles of the two arc faces, the direction (clockwise or counter clockwise) of the arcs from the join point, and the relative orientation of the two arc center points. For an arc specified as [x,y,w,h,a1,a2], the angles must be specified in the effectively skewed coordinate system of the ellipse (for a circle, the angles and coordinate systems are identical). The relationship between these angles and angles expressed in the normal coordinate system of the screen (as measured with a protractor) is as follows: skewed-angle = atan(tan(normal-angle) * w/h) + adjust The skewed-angle and normal-angle are expressed in radians (rather than in degrees scaled by 64) in the range [0,2*PI). The atan returns a value in the range [-PI/2,PI/2]. The adjust is: 0 for normal-angle in the range [0,PI/2) PI for normal-angle in the range [PI/2,(3*PI)/2) 2*PI for normal-angle in the range [(3*PI)/2,2*PI) The arcs are drawn in the order listed. If the last point in one arc coincides with the first point in the following arc, the two arcs will join correctly. If the first point in the first arc coincides with the last point in the last arc, the two arcs will join correctly. For any given arc, no pixel is drawn more than once. If two arcs join cor- rectly and the line-width is greater than zero and the arcs intersect, no pixel is drawn more than once. Otherwise, the intersecting pixels of intersecting arcs are drawn multiple times. Specifying an arc with one endpoint and a clockwise 1m740m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m extent draws the same pixels as specifying the other end- point and an equivalent counterclockwise extent, except as it affects joins. By specifying one axis to be zero, a horizontal or vertical line can be drawn. Angles are computed based solely on the coordinate system, ignoring the aspect ratio. GC components: function, plane-mask, line-width, line-style, cap-style, join-style, fill-style, subwindow-mode, clip-x- origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple, tile-stipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin, dash- offset, dashes __ | 4mFillPoly0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mshape24m: {4mComplex24m, 4mNonconvex24m, 4mConvex24m} 4mcoordinate-mode24m: {4mOrigin24m, 4mPrevious24m} 4mpoints24m: LISTofPOINT |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mValue0m This request fills the region closed by the specified path. The path is closed automatically if the last point in the list does not coincide with the first point. No pixel of the region is drawn more than once. The first point is always relative to the drawable's origin. The rest are relative either to that origin or the previous point, depending on the coordinate-mode. The shape parameter may be used by the server to improve performance. 4mComplex24m means the path may self-intersect. Contiguous coincident points in the path are not treated as self-intersection. 4mNonconvex24m means the path does not self-intersect, but the shape is not wholly convex. If known by the client, speci- fying 4mNonconvex24m over 4mComplex24m may improve performance. If 4mNonconvex24m is specified for a self-intersecting path, the graphics results are undefined. 4mConvex24m means that for every pair of points inside the poly- gon, the line segment connecting them does not intersect the path. If known by the client, specifying 4mConvex24m can improve 1m750m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m performance. If 4mConvex24m is specified for a path that is not convex, the graphics results are undefined. GC components: function, plane-mask, fill-style, fill-rule, subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple, tile-stipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin __ | 4mPolyFillRectangle0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mrectangles24m: LISTofRECTANGLE |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch0m This request fills the specified rectangles, as if a four- point 4mFillPoly24m were specified for each rectangle: [x,y] [x+width,y] [x+width,y+height] [x,y+height] The x and y coordinates of each rectangle are relative to the drawable's origin and define the upper-left corner of the rectangle. The rectangles are drawn in the order listed. For any given rectangle, no pixel is drawn more than once. If rectangles intersect, the intersecting pixels are drawn multiple times. GC components: function, plane-mask, fill-style, subwindow- mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple, tile-stipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin __ | 4mPolyFillArc0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4marcs24m: LISTofARC |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch0m For each arc, this request fills the region closed by the infinitely thin path described by the specified arc and one or two line segments, depending on the arc-mode. For 4mChord24m, 1m760m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m the single line segment joining the endpoints of the arc is used. For 4mPieSlice24m, the two line segments joining the end- points of the arc with the center point are used. For an arc specified as [x,y,w,h,a1,a2], the origin of the major and minor axes is at [x+(w/2),y+(h/2)], and the infin- itely thin path describing the entire circle/ellipse inter- sects the horizontal axis at [x,y+(h/2)] and [x+w,y+(h/2)] and intersects the vertical axis at [x+(w/2),y] and [x+(w/2),y+h]. These coordinates are not necessarily inte- gral; that is, they are not truncated to discrete coordi- nates. The arc angles are interpreted as specified in the 4mPolyArc0m request. When the angle of an arc face is not an integral multiple of 90 degrees, then the precise endpoint on the arc is implementation dependent. However, for 4mChord24m arc-mode, the computation of the pair of endpoints (relative to the center of the arc) only depends on the width and height of the arc and the angles of the two arc faces. For 4mPieSlice0m arc-mode, the computation of an endpoint only depends on the angle of the arc face for that endpoint and the ratio of the arc width to arc height. The arcs are filled in the order listed. For any given arc, no pixel is drawn more than once. If regions intersect, the intersecting pixels are drawn multiple times. GC components: function, plane-mask, fill-style, arc-mode, subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple, tile-stipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin __ | 4mPutImage0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mdepth24m: CARD8 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m: CARD16 4mdst-x24m, 4mdst-y24m: INT16 4mleft-pad24m: CARD8 4mformat24m: {4mBitmap24m, 4mXYPixmap24m, 4mZPixmap24m} 4mdata24m: LISTofBYTE |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mValue0m This request combines an image with a rectangle of the draw- able. The dst-x and dst-y coordinates are relative to the drawable's origin. 1m770m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m If 4mBitmap24m format is used, then depth must be one (or a 4mMatch0m error results), and the image must be in XY format. The foreground pixel in gc defines the source for bits set to 1 in the image, and the background pixel defines the source for the bits set to 0. For 4mXYPixmap24m and 4mZPixmap24m, the depth must match the depth of the drawable (or a 4mMatch24m error results). For 4mXYPixmap24m, the image must be sent in XY format. For 4mZPixmap24m, the image must be sent in the Z format defined for the given depth. The left-pad must be zero for 4mZPixmap24m format (or a 4mMatch0m error results). For 4mBitmap24m and 4mXYPixmap24m format, left-pad must be less than bitmap-scanline-pad as given in the server connection setup information (or a 4mMatch24m error results). The first left-pad bits in every scanline are to be ignored by the server. The actual image begins that many bits into the data. The width argument defines the width of the actual image and does not include left-pad. GC components: function, plane-mask, subwindow-mode, clip-x- origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background __ | 4mGetImage0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m: CARD16 4mplane-mask24m: CARD32 4mformat24m: {4mXYPixmap24m, 4mZPixmap24m} -> depth: CARD8 visual: VISUALID or 4mNone0m data: LISTofBYTE |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mValue0m This request returns the contents of the given rectangle of the drawable in the given format. The x and y coordinates are relative to the drawable's origin and define the upper- left corner of the rectangle. If 4mXYPixmap24m is specified, only the bit planes specified in plane-mask are transmitted, with the planes appearing from most significant to least significant in bit order. If 4mZPixmap24m is specified, then bits in all planes not specified in plane-mask are transmit- ted as zero. Range checking is not performed on plane-mask; extraneous bits are simply ignored. The returned depth is 1m780m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m as specified when the drawable was created and is the same as a depth component in a FORMAT structure (in the connec- tion setup), not a bits-per-pixel component. If the draw- able is a window, its visual type is returned. If the draw- able is a pixmap, the visual is 4mNone24m. If the drawable is a pixmap, then the given rectangle must be wholly contained within the pixmap (or a 4mMatch24m error results). If the drawable is a window, the window must be viewable, and it must be the case that, if there were no inferiors or overlapping windows, the specified rectangle of the window would be fully visible on the screen and wholly contained within the outside edges of the window (or a 4mMatch0m error results). Note that the borders of the window can be included and read with this request. If the window has a backing store, then the backing-store contents are returned for regions of the window that are obscured by noninferior windows; otherwise, the returned contents of such obscured regions are undefined. Also undefined are the returned con- tents of visible regions of inferiors of different depth than the specified window. The pointer cursor image is not included in the contents returned. This request is not general-purpose in the same sense as other graphics-related requests. It is intended specifi- cally for rudimentary hardcopy support. __ | 4mPolyText80m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 4mitems24m: LISTofTEXTITEM8 where: TEXTITEM8: TEXTELT8 or FONT TEXTELT8: [delta: INT8 string: STRING8] |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mFont24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch0m The x and y coordinates are relative to the drawable's ori- gin and specify the baseline starting position (the initial character origin). Each text item is processed in turn. A font item causes the font to be stored in gc and to be used for subsequent text. Switching among fonts does not affect the next character origin. A text element delta specifies an additional change in the position along the x axis before the string is drawn; the delta is always added to the 1m790m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m character origin. Each character image, as defined by the font in gc, is treated as an additional mask for a fill operation on the drawable. All contained FONTs are always transmitted most significant byte first. If a 4mFont24m error is generated for an item, the previous items may have been drawn. For fonts defined with 2-byte matrix indexing, each STRING8 byte is interpreted as a byte2 value of a CHAR2B with a byte1 value of zero. GC components: function, plane-mask, fill-style, font, sub- window-mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask GC mode-dependent components: foreground, background, tile, stipple, tile-stipple-x-origin, tile-stipple-y-origin __ | 4mPolyText160m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 4mitems24m: LISTofTEXTITEM16 where: TEXTITEM16: TEXTELT16 or FONT TEXTELT16: [delta: INT8 string: STRING16] |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mFont24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch0m This request is similar to 4mPolyText824m, except 2-byte (or 16-bit) characters are used. For fonts defined with linear indexing rather than 2-byte matrix indexing, the server will interpret each CHAR2B as a 16-bit number that has been transmitted most significant byte first (that is, byte1 of the CHAR2B is taken as the most significant byte). 1m800m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mImageText80m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 4mstring24m: STRING8 |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch0m The x and y coordinates are relative to the drawable's ori- gin and specify the baseline starting position (the initial character origin). The effect is first to fill a destina- tion rectangle with the background pixel defined in gc and then to paint the text with the foreground pixel. The upper-left corner of the filled rectangle is at: [x, y - font-ascent] the width is: overall-width and the height is: font-ascent + font-descent The overall-width, font-ascent, and font-descent are as they would be returned by a 4mQueryTextExtents24m call using gc and string. The function and fill-style defined in gc are ignored for this request. The effective function is 4mCopy24m, and the effective fill-style 4mSolid24m. For fonts defined with 2-byte matrix indexing, each STRING8 byte is interpreted as a byte2 value of a CHAR2B with a byte1 value of zero. GC components: plane-mask, foreground, background, font, subwindow-mode, clip-x-origin, clip-y-origin, clip-mask 1m810m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mImageText160m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mgc24m: GCONTEXT 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 4mstring24m: STRING16 |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mGContext24m, 4mMatch0m This request is similar to 4mImageText824m, except 2-byte (or 16-bit) characters are used. For fonts defined with linear indexing rather than 2-byte matrix indexing, the server will interpret each CHAR2B as a 16-bit number that has been transmitted most significant byte first (that is, byte1 of the CHAR2B is taken as the most significant byte). __ | 4mCreateColormap0m 4mmid24m: COLORMAP 4mvisual24m: VISUALID 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4malloc24m: {4mNone24m, 4mAll24m} |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mIDChoice24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mValue24m, 4mWindow0m This request creates a colormap of the specified visual type for the screen on which the window resides and associates the identifier mid with it. The visual type must be one supported by the screen (or a 4mMatch24m error results). The initial values of the colormap entries are undefined for classes 4mGrayScale24m, 4mPseudoColor24m, and 4mDirectColor24m. For 4mStat-0m 4micGray24m, 4mStaticColor24m, and 4mTrueColor24m, the entries will have defined values, but those values are specific to the visual and are not defined by the core protocol. For 4mStaticGray24m, 4mStaticColor24m, and 4mTrueColor24m, alloc must be specified as 4mNone0m (or a 4mMatch24m error results). For the other classes, if alloc is 4mNone24m, the colormap initially has no allocated entries, and clients can allocate entries. If alloc is 4mAll24m, then the entire colormap is allocated writable. The initial values of all allocated entries are undefined. For 4mGrayScale24m and 4mPseudoColor24m, the effect is as if an 4mAllocColorCells24m request returned all pixel values from zero to N - 1, where N is the colormap-entries value in the specified visual. For 4mDirectColor24m, the effect is as if an 4mAllocColorPlanes24m request returned a pixel value of zero and red-mask, green-mask, and blue-mask values containing the same bits as the corresponding masks in the specified visual. However, in all cases, none of these entries can be freed with 4mFreeColors24m. 1m820m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mFreeColormap0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP |__ Errors: 4mColormap0m This request deletes the association between the resource ID and the colormap and frees the colormap storage. If the colormap is an installed map for a screen, it is uninstalled (see 4mUninstallColormap24m request). If the colormap is defined as the colormap for a window (by means of 4mCreateWindow24m or 4mChangeWindowAttributes24m), the colormap for the window is changed to 4mNone24m, and a 4mColormapNotify24m event is generated. The protocol does not define the colors displayed for a win- dow with a colormap of 4mNone24m. This request has no effect on a default colormap for a screen. __ | 4mCopyColormapAndFree0m 4mmid24m, 4msrc-cmap24m: COLORMAP |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mColormap24m, 4mIDChoice0m This request creates a colormap of the same visual type and for the same screen as src-cmap, and it associates identi- fier mid with it. It also moves all of the client's exist- ing allocations from src-cmap to the new colormap with their color values intact and their read-only or writable charac- teristics intact, and it frees those entries in src-cmap. Color values in other entries in the new colormap are unde- fined. If src-cmap was created by the client with alloc 4mAll0m (see 4mCreateColormap24m request), then the new colormap is also created with alloc 4mAll24m, all color values for all entries are copied from src-cmap, and then all entries in src-cmap are freed. If src-cmap was not created by the client with alloc 4mAll24m, then the allocations to be moved are all those pixels and planes that have been allocated by the client using either 4mAllocColor24m, 4mAllocNamedColor24m, 4mAllocColorCells24m, or 4mAllocColorPlanes24m and that have not been freed since they were allocated. 1m830m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mInstallColormap0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP |__ Errors: 4mColormap0m This request makes this colormap an installed map for its screen. All windows associated with this colormap immedi- ately display with true colors. As a side effect, addi- tional colormaps might be implicitly installed or unin- stalled by the server. Which other colormaps get installed or uninstalled is server-dependent except that the required list must remain installed. If cmap is not already an installed map, a 4mColormapNotify0m event is generated on every window having cmap as an attribute. In addition, for every other colormap that is installed or uninstalled as a result of the request, a 4mCol-0m 4mormapNotify24m event is generated on every window having that colormap as an attribute. At any time, there is a subset of the installed maps that are viewed as an ordered list and are called the required list. The length of the required list is at most M, where M is the min-installed-maps specified for the screen in the connection setup. The required list is maintained as fol- lows. When a colormap is an explicit argument to 4mInstall-0m 4mColormap24m, it is added to the head of the list; the list is truncated at the tail, if necessary, to keep the length of the list to at most M. When a colormap is an explicit argu- ment to 4mUninstallColormap24m and it is in the required list, it is removed from the list. A colormap is not added to the required list when it is installed implicitly by the server, and the server cannot implicitly uninstall a colormap that is in the required list. Initially the default colormap for a screen is installed (but is not in the required list). __ | 4mUninstallColormap0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP |__ Errors: 4mColormap0m If cmap is on the required list for its screen (see 4mInstall-0m 4mColormap24m request), it is removed from the list. As a side effect, cmap might be uninstalled, and additional colormaps might be implicitly installed or uninstalled. Which col- ormaps get installed or uninstalled is server-dependent 1m840m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m except that the required list must remain installed. If cmap becomes uninstalled, a 4mColormapNotify24m event is gen- erated on every window having cmap as an attribute. In addition, for every other colormap that is installed or uninstalled as a result of the request, a 4mColormapNotify0m event is generated on every window having that colormap as an attribute. __ | 4mListInstalledColormaps0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW -> cmaps: LISTofCOLORMAP |__ Errors: 4mWindow0m This request returns a list of the currently installed col- ormaps for the screen of the specified window. The order of colormaps is not significant, and there is no explicit indi- cation of the required list (see 4mInstallColormap24m request). __ | 4mAllocColor0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP 4mred24m, 4mgreen24m, 4mblue24m: CARD16 -> pixel: CARD32 red, green, blue: CARD16 |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mColormap0m This request allocates a read-only colormap entry corre- sponding to the closest RGB values provided by the hardware. It also returns the pixel and the RGB values actually used. Multiple clients requesting the same effective RGB values can be assigned the same read-only entry, allowing entries to be shared. 1m850m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mAllocNamedColor0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP 4mname24m: STRING8 -> pixel: CARD32 exact-red, exact-green, exact-blue: CARD16 visual-red, visual-green, visual-blue: CARD16 |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mColormap24m, 4mName0m This request looks up the named color with respect to the screen associated with the colormap. Then, it does an 4mAllocColor24m on cmap. The name should use the ISO Latin-1 encoding, and uppercase and lowercase do not matter. The exact RGB values specify the true values for the color, and the visual values specify the values actually used in the colormap. __ | 4mAllocColorCells0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP 4mcolors24m, 4mplanes24m: CARD16 4mcontiguous24m: BOOL -> pixels, masks: LISTofCARD32 |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mColormap24m, 4mValue0m The number of colors must be positive, and the number of planes must be nonnegative (or a 4mValue24m error results). If C colors and P planes are requested, then C pixels and P masks are returned. No mask will have any bits in common with any other mask or with any of the pixels. By ORing together masks and pixels, C*24mP24m distinct pixels can be produced; all of these are allocated writable by the request. For 4mGrayScale24m or 4mPseudoColor24m, each mask will have exactly one bit set to 1; for 4mDirectColor24m, each will have exactly three bits set to 1. If contiguous is 4mTrue24m and if all masks are ORed together, a single contiguous set of bits will be formed for 4mGrayScale24m or 4mPseudoColor24m, and three contiguous sets of bits (one within each pixel subfield) for 4mDirect-0m 4mColor24m. The RGB values of the allocated entries are unde- fined. 1m860m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mAllocColorPlanes0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP 4mcolors24m, 4mreds24m, 4mgreens24m, 4mblues24m: CARD16 4mcontiguous24m: BOOL -> pixels: LISTofCARD32 red-mask, green-mask, blue-mask: CARD32 |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mColormap24m, 4mValue0m The number of colors must be positive, and the reds, greens, and blues must be nonnegative (or a 4mValue24m error results). If C colors, R reds, G greens, and B blues are requested, then C pixels are returned, and the masks have R, G, and B bits set, respectively. If contiguous is 4mTrue24m, then each mask will have a contiguous set of bits. No mask will have any bits in common with any other mask or with any of the pixels. For 4mDirectColor24m, each mask will lie within the cor- responding pixel subfield. By ORing together subsets of masks with pixels, C*24mR24m+4mG24m+4mB24m distinct pixels can be produced; all of these are allocated writable by the request. The initial RGB values of the allocated entries are undefined. In the colormap, there are only C*24mR24m independent red entries, C*24mG24m independent green entries, and C*24mB24m indepen- dent blue entries. This is true even for 4mPseudoColor24m. When the colormap entry for a pixel value is changed using 4mStore-0m 4mColors24m or 4mStoreNamedColor24m, the pixel is decomposed according to the masks and the corresponding independent entries are updated. __ | 4mFreeColors0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP 4mpixels24m: LISTofCARD32 4mplane-mask24m: CARD32 |__ Errors: 4mAccess24m, 4mColormap24m, 4mValue0m The plane-mask should not have any bits in common with any of the pixels. The set of all pixels is produced by ORing together subsets of plane-mask with the pixels. The request frees all of these pixels that were allocated by the client (using 4mAllocColor24m, 4mAllocNamedColor24m, 4mAllocColorCells24m, and 4mAllocColorPlanes24m). Note that freeing an individual pixel obtained from 4mAllocColorPlanes24m may not actually allow it to be reused until all of its related pixels are also freed. Similarly, a read-only entry is not actually freed until it 1m870m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m has been freed by all clients, and if a client allocates the same read-only entry multiple times, it must free the entry that many times before the entry is actually freed. All specified pixels that are allocated by the client in cmap are freed, even if one or more pixels produce an error. A 4mValue24m error is generated if a specified pixel is not a valid index into cmap. An 4mAccess24m error is generated if a specified pixel is not allocated by the client (that is, is unallocated or is only allocated by another client) or if the colormap was created with all entries writable (using an alloc value of 4mAll24m in 4mCreateColormap24m). If more than one pixel is in error, it is arbitrary as to which pixel is reported. __ | 4mStoreColors0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP 4mitems24m: LISTofCOLORITEM where: COLORITEM: [pixel: CARD32 do-red, do-green, do-blue: BOOL red, green, blue: CARD16] |__ Errors: 4mAccess24m, 4mColormap24m, 4mValue0m This request changes the colormap entries of the specified pixels. The do-red, do-green, and do-blue fields indicate which components should actually be changed. If the col- ormap is an installed map for its screen, the changes are visible immediately. All specified pixels that are allocated writable in cmap (by any client) are changed, even if one or more pixels produce an error. A 4mValue24m error is generated if a specified pixel is not a valid index into cmap, and an 4mAccess24m error is gen- erated if a specified pixel is unallocated or is allocated read-only. If more than one pixel is in error, it is arbi- trary as to which pixel is reported. 1m880m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mStoreNamedColor0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP 4mpixel24m: CARD32 4mname24m: STRING8 4mdo-red24m, 4mdo-green24m, 4mdo-blue24m: BOOL |__ Errors: 4mAccess24m, 4mColormap24m, 4mName24m, 4mValue0m This request looks up the named color with respect to the screen associated with cmap and then does a 4mStoreColors24m in cmap. The name should use the ISO Latin-1 encoding, and uppercase and lowercase do not matter. The 4mAccess24m and 4mValue0m errors are the same as in 4mStoreColors24m. __ | 4mQueryColors0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP 4mpixels24m: LISTofCARD32 -> colors: LISTofRGB where: RGB: [red, green, blue: CARD16] |__ Errors: 4mColormap24m, 4mValue0m This request returns the hardware-specific color values stored in cmap for the specified pixels. The values returned for an unallocated entry are undefined. A 4mValue0m error is generated if a pixel is not a valid index into cmap. If more than one pixel is in error, it is arbitrary as to which pixel is reported. 1m890m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mLookupColor0m 4mcmap24m: COLORMAP 4mname24m: STRING8 -> exact-red, exact-green, exact-blue: CARD16 visual-red, visual-green, visual-blue: CARD16 |__ Errors: 4mColormap24m, 4mName0m This request looks up the string name of a color with respect to the screen associated with cmap and returns both the exact color values and the closest values provided by the hardware with respect to the visual type of cmap. The name should use the ISO Latin-1 encoding, and uppercase and lowercase do not matter. __ | 4mCreateCursor0m 4mcid24m: CURSOR 4msource24m: PIXMAP 4mmask24m: PIXMAP or 4mNone0m 4mfore-red24m, 4mfore-green24m, 4mfore-blue24m: CARD16 4mback-red24m, 4mback-green24m, 4mback-blue24m: CARD16 4mx24m, 4my24m: CARD16 |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mIDChoice24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mPixmap0m This request creates a cursor and associates identifier cid with it. The foreground and background RGB values must be specified, even if the server only has a 4mStaticGray24m or 4mGrayScale24m screen. The foreground is used for the bits set to 1 in the source, and the background is used for the bits set to 0. Both source and mask (if specified) must have depth one (or a 4mMatch24m error results), but they can have any root. The mask pixmap defines the shape of the cursor. That is, the bits set to 1 in the mask define which source pixels will be displayed, and where the mask has bits set to 0, the corresponding bits of the source pixmap are ignored. If no mask is given, all pixels of the source are displayed. The mask, if present, must be the same size as the source (or a 4mMatch24m error results). The x and y coordinates define the hotspot relative to the source's origin and must be a point within the source (or a 4mMatch24m error results). The components of the cursor may be transformed arbitrarily to meet display limitations. 1m900m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m The pixmaps can be freed immediately if no further explicit references to them are to be made. Subsequent drawing in the source or mask pixmap has an unde- fined effect on the cursor. The server might or might not make a copy of the pixmap. __ | 4mCreateGlyphCursor0m 4mcid24m: CURSOR 4msource-font24m: FONT 4mmask-font24m: FONT or 4mNone0m 4msource-char24m, 4mmask-char24m: CARD16 4mfore-red24m, 4mfore-green24m, 4mfore-blue24m: CARD16 4mback-red24m, 4mback-green24m, 4mback-blue24m: CARD16 |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mFont24m, 4mIDChoice24m, 4mValue0m This request is similar to 4mCreateCursor24m, except the source and mask bitmaps are obtained from the specified font glyphs. The source-char must be a defined glyph in source- font, and if mask-font is given, mask-char must be a defined glyph in mask-font (or a 4mValue24m error results). The mask font and character are optional. The origins of the source and mask (if it is defined) glyphs are positioned coinci- dently and define the hotspot. The source and mask need not have the same bounding box metrics, and there is no restric- tion on the placement of the hotspot relative to the bound- ing boxes. If no mask is given, all pixels of the source are displayed. Note that source-char and mask-char are CARD16, not CHAR2B. For 2-byte matrix fonts, the 16-bit value should be formed with byte1 in the most significant byte and byte2 in the least significant byte. The components of the cursor may be transformed arbitrarily to meet display limitations. The fonts can be freed immediately if no further explicit references to them are to be made. __ | 4mFreeCursor0m 4mcursor24m: CURSOR |__ Errors: 4mCursor0m This request deletes the association between the resource ID and the cursor. The cursor storage will be freed when no 1m910m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m other resource references it. __ | 4mRecolorCursor0m 4mcursor24m: CURSOR 4mfore-red24m, 4mfore-green24m, 4mfore-blue24m: CARD16 4mback-red24m, 4mback-green24m, 4mback-blue24m: CARD16 |__ Errors: 4mCursor0m This request changes the color of a cursor. If the cursor is being displayed on a screen, the change is visible imme- diately. __ | 4mQueryBestSize0m 4mclass24m: {4mCursor24m, 4mTile24m, 4mStipple24m} 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m: CARD16 -> width, height: CARD16 |__ Errors: 4mDrawable24m, 4mMatch24m, 4mValue0m This request returns the best size that is closest to the argument size. For 4mCursor24m, this is the largest size that can be fully displayed. For 4mTile24m, this is the size that can be tiled fastest. For 4mStipple24m, this is the size that can be stippled fastest. For 4mCursor24m, the drawable indicates the desired screen. For 4mTile24m and 4mStipple24m, the drawable indicates the screen and also possibly the window class and depth. An 4mInputOnly24m window cannot be used as the drawable for 4mTile24m or 4mStipple24m (or a 4mMatch24m error results). 1m920m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mQueryExtension0m 4mname24m: STRING8 -> present: BOOL major-opcode: CARD8 first-event: CARD8 |__ first-error: CARD8 This request determines if the named extension is present. If so, the major opcode for the extension is returned, if it has one. Otherwise, zero is returned. Any minor opcode and the request formats are specific to the extension. If the extension involves additional event types, the base event type code is returned. Otherwise, zero is returned. The format of the events is specific to the extension. If the extension involves additional error codes, the base error code is returned. Otherwise, zero is returned. The format of additional data in the errors is specific to the exten- sion. The extension name should use the ISO Latin-1 encoding, and uppercase and lowercase matter. __ | 4mListExtensions0m -> |__ names: LISTofSTRING8 This request returns a list of all extensions supported by the server. __ | 4mSetModifierMapping0m 4mkeycodes-per-modifier24m: CARD8 4mkeycodes24m: LISTofKEYCODE -> status: {4mSuccess24m, 4mBusy24m, 4mFailed24m} |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mValue0m This request specifies the keycodes (if any) of the keys to be used as modifiers. The number of keycodes in the list 1m930m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m must be 8*keycodes-per-modifier (or a 4mLength24m error results). The keycodes are divided into eight sets, with each set con- taining keycodes-per-modifier elements. The sets are assigned to the modifiers 4mShift24m, 4mLock24m, 4mControl24m, 4mMod124m, 4mMod224m, 4mMod324m, 4mMod424m, and 4mMod524m, in order. Only nonzero keycode values are used within each set; zero values are ignored. All of the nonzero keycodes must be in the range specified by min- keycode and max-keycode in the connection setup (or a 4mValue0m error results). The order of keycodes within a set does not matter. If no nonzero values are specified in a set, the use of the corresponding modifier is disabled, and the modi- fier bit will always be zero. Otherwise, the modifier bit will be one whenever at least one of the keys in the corre- sponding set is in the down position. A server can impose restrictions on how modifiers can be changed (for example, if certain keys do not generate up transitions in hardware, if auto-repeat cannot be disabled on certain keys, or if multiple keys per modifier are not supported). The status reply is 4mFailed24m if some such restriction is violated, and none of the modifiers is changed. If the new nonzero keycodes specified for a modifier differ from those currently defined and any (current or new) keys for that modifier are logically in the down state, then the status reply is 4mBusy24m, and none of the modifiers is changed. This request generates a 4mMappingNotify24m event on a 4mSuccess0m status. __ | 4mGetModifierMapping0m -> keycodes-per-modifier: CARD8 |__ keycodes: LISTofKEYCODE This request returns the keycodes of the keys being used as modifiers. The number of keycodes in the list is 8*key- codes-per-modifier. The keycodes are divided into eight sets, with each set containing keycodes-per-modifier ele- ments. The sets are assigned to the modifiers 4mShift24m, 4mLock24m, 4mControl24m, 4mMod124m, 4mMod224m, 4mMod324m, 4mMod424m, and 4mMod524m, in order. The keycodes-per-modifier value is chosen arbitrarily by the server; zeroes are used to fill in unused elements within each set. If only zero values are given in a set, the use of the corresponding modifier has been disabled. The order of keycodes within each set is chosen arbitrarily by the server. 1m940m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mChangeKeyboardMapping0m 4mfirst-keycode24m: KEYCODE 4mkeysyms-per-keycode24m: CARD8 4mkeysyms24m: LISTofKEYSYM |__ Errors: 4mAlloc24m, 4mValue0m This request defines the symbols for the specified number of keycodes, starting with the specified keycode. The symbols for keycodes outside this range remained unchanged. The number of elements in the keysyms list must be a multiple of keysyms-per-keycode (or a 4mLength24m error results). The first- keycode must be greater than or equal to min-keycode as returned in the connection setup (or a 4mValue24m error results) and: first-keycode + (keysyms-length / keysyms-per-keycode) - 1 must be less than or equal to max-keycode as returned in the connection setup (or a 4mValue24m error results). KEYSYM number N (counting from zero) for keycode K has an index (counting from zero) of: (K - first-keycode) * keysyms-per-keycode + N in keysyms. The keysyms-per-keycode can be chosen arbitrar- ily by the client to be large enough to hold all desired symbols. A special KEYSYM value of 4mNoSymbol24m should be used to fill in unused elements for individual keycodes. It is legal for 4mNoSymbol24m to appear in nontrailing positions of the effective list for a keycode. This request generates a 4mMappingNotify24m event. There is no requirement that the server interpret this map- ping; it is merely stored for reading and writing by clients (see section 5). 1m950m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mGetKeyboardMapping0m 4mfirst-keycode24m: KEYCODE 4mcount24m: CARD8 -> keysyms-per-keycode: CARD8 keysyms: LISTofKEYSYM |__ Errors: 4mValue0m This request returns the symbols for the specified number of keycodes, starting with the specified keycode. The first- keycode must be greater than or equal to min-keycode as returned in the connection setup (or a 4mValue24m error results), and: first-keycode + count - 1 must be less than or equal to max-keycode as returned in the connection setup (or a 4mValue24m error results). The number of elements in the keysyms list is: count * keysyms-per-keycode and KEYSYM number N (counting from zero) for keycode K has an index (counting from zero) of: (K - first-keycode) * keysyms-per-keycode + N in keysyms. The keysyms-per-keycode value is chosen arbi- trarily by the server to be large enough to report all requested symbols. A special KEYSYM value of 4mNoSymbol24m is used to fill in unused elements for individual keycodes. __ | 4mChangeKeyboardControl0m 4mvalue-mask24m: BITMASK 4mvalue-list24m: LISTofVALUE |__ Errors: 4mMatch24m, 4mValue0m This request controls various aspects of the keyboard. The value-mask and value-list specify which controls are to be changed. The possible values are: 1m960m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m --------------------------------------- 1mControl Type0m --------------------------------------- key-click-percent INT8 bell-percent INT8 bell-pitch INT16 bell-duration INT16 led CARD8 led-mode {4mOn24m, 4mOff24m} key KEYCODE auto-repeat-mode {4mOn24m, 4mOff24m, 4mDefault24m} --------------------------------------- The key-click-percent sets the volume for key clicks between 0 (off) and 100 (loud) inclusive, if possible. Setting to -1 restores the default. Other negative values generate a 4mValue24m error. The bell-percent sets the base volume for the bell between 0 (off) and 100 (loud) inclusive, if possible. Setting to -1 restores the default. Other negative values generate a 4mValue24m error. The bell-pitch sets the pitch (specified in Hz) of the bell, if possible. Setting to -1 restores the default. Other negative values generate a 4mValue24m error. The bell-duration sets the duration of the bell (specified in milliseconds), if possible. Setting to -1 restores the default. Other negative values generate a 4mValue24m error. If both led-mode and led are specified, then the state of that LED is changed, if possible. If only led-mode is spec- ified, then the state of all LEDs are changed, if possible. At most 32 LEDs, numbered from one, are supported. No stan- dard interpretation of LEDs is defined. It is a 4mMatch24m error if an led is specified without an led-mode. If both auto-repeat-mode and key are specified, then the auto-repeat mode of that key is changed, if possible. If only auto-repeat-mode is specified, then the global auto- repeat mode for the entire keyboard is changed, if possible, without affecting the per-key settings. It is a 4mMatch24m error if a key is specified without an auto-repeat-mode. Each key has an individual mode of whether or not it should auto- repeat and a default setting for that mode. In addition, there is a global mode of whether auto-repeat should be enabled or not and a default setting for that mode. When the global mode is 4mOn24m, keys should obey their individual auto-repeat modes. When the global mode is 4mOff24m, no keys should auto-repeat. An auto-repeating key generates alter- nating 4mKeyPress24m and 4mKeyRelease24m events. When a key is used as a modifier, it is desirable for the key not to auto- 1m970m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m repeat, regardless of the auto-repeat setting for that key. A bell generator connected with the console but not directly on the keyboard is treated as if it were part of the key- board. The order in which controls are verified and altered is server-dependent. If an error is generated, a subset of the controls may have been altered. __ | 4mGetKeyboardControl0m -> key-click-percent: CARD8 bell-percent: CARD8 bell-pitch: CARD16 bell-duration: CARD16 led-mask: CARD32 global-auto-repeat: {4mOn24m, 4mOff24m} |__ auto-repeats: LISTofCARD8 This request returns the current control values for the key- board. For the LEDs, the least significant bit of led-mask corresponds to LED one, and each one bit in led-mask indi- cates an LED that is lit. The auto-repeats is a bit vector; each one bit indicates that auto-repeat is enabled for the corresponding key. The vector is represented as 32 bytes. Byte N (from 0) contains the bits for keys 8N to 8N + 7, with the least significant bit in the byte representing key 8N. __ | 4mBell0m 4mpercent24m: INT8 |__ Errors: 4mValue0m This request rings the bell on the keyboard at a volume rel- ative to the base volume for the keyboard, if possible. Percent can range from -100 to 100 inclusive (or a 4mValue0m error results). The volume at which the bell is rung when percent is nonnegative is: base - [(base * percent) / 100] + percent 1m980m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m When percent is negative, it is: base + [(base * percent) / 100] __ | 4mSetPointerMapping0m 4mmap24m: LISTofCARD8 -> status: {4mSuccess24m, 4mBusy24m} |__ Errors: 4mValue0m This request sets the mapping of the pointer. Elements of the list are indexed starting from one. The length of the list must be the same as 4mGetPointerMapping24m would return (or a 4mValue24m error results). The index is a core button number, and the element of the list defines the effective number. A zero element disables a button. Elements are not restricted in value by the number of physical buttons, but no two elements can have the same nonzero value (or a 4mValue0m error results). If any of the buttons to be altered are logically in the down state, the status reply is 4mBusy24m, and the mapping is not changed. This request generates a 4mMappingNotify24m event on a 4mSuccess0m status. __ | 4mGetPointerMapping0m -> |__ map: LISTofCARD8 This request returns the current mapping of the pointer. Elements of the list are indexed starting from one. The length of the list indicates the number of physical buttons. The nominal mapping for a pointer is the identity mapping: map[i]=i. 1m990m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mChangePointerControl0m 4mdo-acceleration24m, 4mdo-threshold24m: BOOL 4macceleration-numerator24m, 4macceleration-denominator24m: INT16 4mthreshold24m: INT16 |__ Errors: 4mValue0m This request defines how the pointer moves. The accelera- tion is a multiplier for movement expressed as a fraction. For example, specifying 3/1 means the pointer moves three times as fast as normal. The fraction can be rounded arbi- trarily by the server. Acceleration only takes effect if the pointer moves more than threshold number of pixels at once and only applies to the amount beyond the threshold. Setting a value to -1 restores the default. Other negative values generate a 4mValue24m error, as does a zero value for acceleration-denominator. __ | 4mGetPointerControl0m -> acceleration-numerator, acceleration-denominator: CARD16 |__ threshold: CARD16 This request returns the current acceleration and threshold for the pointer. __ | 4mSetScreenSaver0m 4mtimeout24m, 4minterval24m: INT16 4mprefer-blanking24m: {4mYes24m, 4mNo24m, 4mDefault24m} 4mallow-exposures24m: {4mYes24m, 4mNo24m, 4mDefault24m} |__ Errors: 4mValue0m The timeout and interval are specified in seconds; setting a value to -1 restores the default. Other negative values generate a 4mValue24m error. If the timeout value is zero, screen-saver is disabled (but an activated screen-saver is not deactivated). If the timeout value is nonzero, screen- saver is enabled. Once screen-saver is enabled, if no input from the keyboard or pointer is generated for timeout sec- onds, screen-saver is activated. For each screen, if blank- ing is preferred and the hardware supports video blanking, the screen will simply go blank. Otherwise, if either 1m1000m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m exposures are allowed or the screen can be regenerated with- out sending exposure events to clients, the screen is changed in a server-dependent fashion to avoid phosphor burn. Otherwise, the state of the screens does not change, and screen-saver is not activated. At the next keyboard or pointer input or at the next 4mForceScreenSaver24m with mode 4mReset24m, screen-saver is deactivated, and all screen states are restored. If the server-dependent screen-saver method is amenable to periodic change, interval serves as a hint about how long the change period should be, with zero hinting that no peri- odic change should be made. Examples of ways to change the screen include scrambling the color map periodically, moving an icon image about the screen periodically, or tiling the screen with the root window background tile, randomly reo- rigined periodically. __ | 4mGetScreenSaver0m -> timeout, interval: CARD16 prefer-blanking: {4mYes24m, 4mNo24m} |__ allow-exposures: {4mYes24m, 4mNo24m} This request returns the current screen-saver control val- ues. __ | 4mForceScreenSaver0m 4mmode24m: {4mActivate24m, 4mReset24m} |__ Errors: 4mValue0m If the mode is 4mActivate24m and screen-saver is currently deac- tivated, then screen-saver is activated (even if screen- saver has been disabled with a timeout value of zero). If the mode is 4mReset24m and screen-saver is currently enabled, then screen-saver is deactivated (if it was activated), and the activation timer is reset to its initial state as if device input had just been received. 1m1010m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mChangeHosts0m 4mmode24m: {4mInsert24m, 4mDelete24m} 4mhost24m: HOST |__ Errors: 4mAccess24m, 4mValue0m This request adds or removes the specified host from the access control list. When the access control mechanism is enabled and a client attempts to establish a connection to the server, the host on which the client resides must be in the access control list, or the client must have been granted permission by a server-dependent method, or the server will refuse the connection. The client must reside on the same host as the server and/or have been granted permission by a server-dependent method to execute this request (or an 4mAccess24m error results). An initial access control list can usually be specified, typically by naming a file that the server reads at startup and reset. The following address families are defined. A server is not required to support these families and may support families not listed here. Use of an unsupported family, an improper address format, or an improper address length within a sup- ported family results in a 4mValue24m error. Note that use of a host address in the ChangeHosts request is deprecated. It is only useful when a host has a unique, constant address, a requirement that is increasingly unmet as sites adopt dynamically assigned addresses, network address translation gateways, IPv6 link local addresses, and various other technologies. It also assumes all users of a host share equivalent access rights, and as such has never been suitable for many multi-user machine environments. Instead, more secure forms of authentication, such as those based on shared secrets or public key encryption, are recom- mended. For the Internet family, the address must be four bytes long. The address bytes are in standard IP order; the server performs no automatic swapping on the address bytes. The Internet family supports IP version 4 addresses only. For the InternetV6 family, the address must be sixteen bytes long. The address bytes are in standard IP order; the server performs no automatic swapping on the address bytes. The InternetV6 family supports IP version 6 addresses only. For the DECnet family, the server performs no automatic swapping on the address bytes. A Phase IV address is two 1m1020m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m bytes long: the first byte contains the least significant eight bits of the node number, and the second byte contains the most significant two bits of the node number in the least significant two bits of the byte and the area in the most significant six bits of the byte. For the Chaos family, the address must be two bytes long. The host number is always the first byte in the address, and the subnet number is always the second byte. The server performs no automatic swapping on the address bytes. __ | 4mListHosts0m -> mode: {4mEnabled24m, 4mDisabled24m} |__ hosts: LISTofHOST This request returns the hosts on the access control list and whether use of the list at connection setup is currently enabled or disabled. Each HOST is padded to a multiple of four bytes. __ | 4mSetAccessControl0m 4mmode24m: {4mEnable24m, 4mDisable24m} |__ Errors: 4mAccess24m, 4mValue0m This request enables or disables the use of the access con- trol list at connection setups. The client must reside on the same host as the server and/or have been granted permission by a server-dependent method to execute this request (or an 4mAccess24m error results). __ | 4mSetCloseDownMode0m 4mmode24m: {4mDestroy24m, 4mRetainPermanent24m, 4mRetainTemporary24m} |__ Errors: 4mValue0m This request defines what will happen to the client's resources at connection close. A connection starts in 1m1030m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mDestroy24m mode. The meaning of the close-down mode is described in section 10. __ | 4mKillClient0m 4mresource24m: CARD32 or 4mAllTemporary0m |__ Errors: 4mValue0m If a valid resource is specified, 4mKillClient24m forces a close- down of the client that created the resource. If the client has already terminated in either 4mRetainPermanent24m or 4mRetain-0m 4mTemporary24m mode, all of the client's resources are destroyed (see section 10). If 4mAllTemporary24m is specified, then the resources of all clients that have terminated in 4mRetainTem-0m 4mporary24m are destroyed. __ |__ 4mNoOperation0m This request has no arguments and no results, but the request length field allows the request to be any multiple of four bytes in length. The bytes contained in the request are uninterpreted by the server. This request can be used in its minimum four byte form as padding where necessary by client libraries that find it convenient to force requests to begin on 64-bit boundaries. 1m10. Connection Close0m At connection close, all event selections made by the client are discarded. If the client has the pointer actively grabbed, an 4mUngrabPointer24m is performed. If the client has the keyboard actively grabbed, an 4mUngrabKeyboard24m is per- formed. All passive grabs by the client are released. If the client has the server grabbed, an 4mUngrabServer24m is per- formed. All selections (see 4mSetSelectionOwner24m request) owned by the client are disowned. If close-down mode (see 4mSetCloseDownMode24m request) is 4mRetainPermanent24m or 4mRetainTempo-0m 4mrary24m, then all resources (including colormap entries) allo- cated by the client are marked as permanent or temporary, respectively (but this does not prevent other clients from explicitly destroying them). If the mode is 4mDestroy24m, all of the client's resources are destroyed. When a client's resources are destroyed, for each window in the client's save-set, if the window is an inferior of a window created by the client, the save-set window is 1m1040m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m reparented to the closest ancestor such that the save-set window is not an inferior of a window created by the client. If the save-set window is unmapped, a 4mMapWindow24m request is performed on it (even if it was not an inferior of a window created by the client). The reparenting leaves unchanged the absolute coordinates (with respect to the root window) of the upper-left outer corner of the save-set window. After save-set processing, all windows created by the client are destroyed. For each nonwindow resource created by the client, the appropriate 4mFree24m request is performed. All col- ors and colormap entries allocated by the client are freed. A server goes through a cycle of having no connections and having some connections. At every transition to the state of having no connections as a result of a connection closing with a 4mDestroy24m close-down mode, the server resets its state as if it had just been started. This starts by destroying all lingering resources from clients that have terminated in 4mRetainPermanent24m or 4mRetainTemporary24m mode. It additionally includes deleting all but the predefined atom identifiers, deleting all properties on all root windows, resetting all device maps and attributes (key click, bell volume, acceler- ation), resetting the access control list, restoring the standard root tiles and cursors, restoring the default font path, and restoring the input focus to state 4mPointerRoot24m. Note that closing a connection with a close-down mode of 4mRetainPermanent24m or 4mRetainTemporary24m will not cause the server to reset. 1m11. Events0m When a button press is processed with the pointer in some window W and no active pointer grab is in progress, the ancestors of W are searched from the root down, looking for a passive grab to activate. If no matching passive grab on the button exists, then an active grab is started automati- cally for the client receiving the event, and the last- pointer-grab time is set to the current server time. The effect is essentially equivalent to a 4mGrabButton24m with argu- ments: ----------------------------------------------------------- 1mArgument Value0m ----------------------------------------------------------- event-window Event window event-mask Client's selected pointer events on the event window pointer-mode and key- 4mAsynchronous0m board-mode owner-events 4mTrue24m if the client has 4mOwner-0m 4mGrabButton24m selected on the event window, otherwise 4mFalse0m 1m1050m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------- 1mArgument Value0m ----------------------------------------------------------- confine-to 4mNone0m cursor 4mNone0m ----------------------------------------------------------- The grab is terminated automatically when the logical state of the pointer has all buttons released. 4mUngrabPointer24m and 4mChangeActivePointerGrab24m can both be used to modify the active grab. __ | 4mKeyPress0m 4mKeyRelease0m 4mButtonPress0m 4mButtonRelease0m 4mMotionNotify0m 4mroot24m, 4mevent24m: WINDOW 4mchild24m: WINDOW or 4mNone0m 4msame-screen24m: BOOL 4mroot-x24m, 4mroot-y24m, 4mevent-x24m, 4mevent-y24m: INT16 4mdetail24m: <see below> 4mstate24m: SETofKEYBUTMASK |__ 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP These events are generated either when a key or button logi- cally changes state or when the pointer logically moves. The generation of these logical changes may lag the physical changes if device event processing is frozen. Note that 4mKeyPress24m and 4mKeyRelease24m are generated for all keys, even those mapped to modifier bits. The source of the event is the window the pointer is in. The window the event is reported with respect to is called the event window. The event window is found by starting with the source window and looking up the hierarchy for the first window on which any client has selected interest in the event (provided no intervening window prohibits event generation by including the event type in its do-not-propagate-mask). The actual window used for reporting can be modified by active grabs and, in the case of keyboard events, can be modified by the focus window. The root is the root window of the source window, and root-x and root-y are the pointer coordinates relative to root's origin at the time of the event. Event is the event window. If the event window is on the same screen as root, then event-x and event-y are the pointer coordinates relative to the event window's origin. Otherwise, event-x and event-y are zero. If the source window is an inferior of the event 1m1060m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m window, then child is set to the child of the event window that is an ancestor of (or is) the source window. Other- wise, it is set to 4mNone24m. The state component gives the log- ical state of the buttons and modifier keys just before the event. The detail component type varies with the event type: -------------------------------------- 1mEvent Component0m -------------------------------------- 4mKeyPress24m, 4mKeyRelease24m KEYCODE 4mButtonPress24m, 4mButton-24m BUTTON 4mRelease0m 4mMotionNotify24m {4mNormal24m, 4mHint24m} -------------------------------------- 4mMotionNotify24m events are only generated when the motion begins and ends in the window. The granularity of motion events is not guaranteed, but a client selecting for motion events is guaranteed to get at least one event when the pointer moves and comes to rest. Selecting 4mPointerMotion0m receives events independent of the state of the pointer but- tons. By selecting some subset of 4mButton[1-5]Motion0m instead, 4mMotionNotify24m events will only be received when one or more of the specified buttons are pressed. By selecting 4mButtonMotion24m, 4mMotionNotify24m events will be received only when at least one button is pressed. The events are always of type 4mMotionNotify24m, independent of the selection. If 4mPoint-0m 4merMotionHint24m is selected, the server is free to send only one 4mMotionNotify24m event (with detail 4mHint24m) to the client for the event window until either the key or button state changes, the pointer leaves the event window, or the client issues a 4mQueryPointer24m or 4mGetMotionEvents24m request. __ | 4mEnterNotify0m 4mLeaveNotify0m 4mroot24m, 4mevent24m: WINDOW 4mchild24m: WINDOW or 4mNone0m 4msame-screen24m: BOOL 4mroot-x24m, 4mroot-y24m, 4mevent-x24m, 4mevent-y24m: INT16 4mmode24m: {4mNormal24m, 4mGrab24m, 4mUngrab24m} 4mdetail24m: {4mAncestor24m, 4mVirtual24m, 4mInferior24m, 4mNonlinear24m, 4mNonlin-0m 4mearVirtual24m} 4mfocus24m: BOOL 4mstate24m: SETofKEYBUTMASK |__ 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP If pointer motion or window hierarchy change causes the pointer to be in a different window than before, 4mEnterNotify0m 1m1070m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m and 4mLeaveNotify24m events are generated instead of a 4mMotionNo-0m 4mtify24m event. Only clients selecting 4mEnterWindow24m on a window receive 4mEnterNotify24m events, and only clients selecting 4mLeaveWindow24m receive 4mLeaveNotify24m events. The pointer posi- tion reported in the event is always the final position, not the initial position of the pointer. The root is the root window for this position, and root-x and root-y are the pointer coordinates relative to root's origin at the time of the event. Event is the event window. If the event window is on the same screen as root, then event-x and event-y are the pointer coordinates relative to the event window's ori- gin. Otherwise, event-x and event-y are zero. In a 4mLeaveNotify24m event, if a child of the event window contains the initial position of the pointer, then the child compo- nent is set to that child. Otherwise, it is 4mNone24m. For an 4mEnterNotify24m event, if a child of the event window contains the final pointer position, then the child component is set to that child. Otherwise, it is 4mNone24m. If the event window is the focus window or an inferior of the focus window, then focus is 4mTrue24m. Otherwise, focus is 4mFalse24m. Normal pointer motion events have mode 4mNormal24m. Pseudo- motion events when a grab activates have mode 4mGrab24m, and pseudo-motion events when a grab deactivates have mode 4mUngrab24m. All 4mEnterNotify24m and 4mLeaveNotify24m events caused by a hierarchy change are generated after any hierarchy event caused by that change (that is, 4mUnmapNotify24m, 4mMapNotify24m, 4mConfigureNo-0m 4mtify24m, 4mGravityNotify24m, 4mCirculateNotify24m), but the ordering of 4mEnterNotify24m and 4mLeaveNotify24m events with respect to 4mFocusOut24m, 4mVisibilityNotify24m, and 4mExpose24m events is not constrained. Normal events are generated as follows: When the pointer moves from window A to window B and A is an inferior of B: · 4mLeaveNotify24m with detail 4mAncestor24m is generated on A. · 4mLeaveNotify24m with detail 4mVirtual24m is generated on each window between A and B exclusive (in that order). · 4mEnterNotify24m with detail 4mInferior24m is generated on B. When the pointer moves from window A to window B and B is an inferior of A: · 4mLeaveNotify24m with detail 4mInferior24m is generated on A. · 4mEnterNotify24m with detail 4mVirtual24m is generated on each window between A and B exclusive (in that order). 1m1080m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m · 4mEnterNotify24m with detail 4mAncestor24m is generated on B. When the pointer moves from window A to window B and window C is their least common ancestor: · 4mLeaveNotify24m with detail 4mNonlinear24m is generated on A. · 4mLeaveNotify24m with detail 4mNonlinearVirtual24m is generated on each window between A and C exclusive (in that order). · 4mEnterNotify24m with detail 4mNonlinearVirtual24m is generated on each window between C and B exclusive (in that order). · 4mEnterNotify24m with detail 4mNonlinear24m is generated on B. When the pointer moves from window A to window B on differ- ent screens: · 4mLeaveNotify24m with detail 4mNonlinear24m is generated on A. · If A is not a root window, 4mLeaveNotify24m with detail 4mNon-0m 4mlinearVirtual24m is generated on each window above A up to and including its root (in order). · If B is not a root window, 4mEnterNotify24m with detail 4mNon-0m 4mlinearVirtual24m is generated on each window from B's root down to but not including B (in order). · 4mEnterNotify24m with detail 4mNonlinear24m is generated on B. When a pointer grab activates (but after any initial warp into a confine-to window and before generating any actual 4mButtonPress24m event that activates the grab), G is the grab- window for the grab, and P is the window the pointer is in: · 4mEnterNotify24m and 4mLeaveNotify24m events with mode 4mGrab24m are generated (as for 4mNormal24m above) as if the pointer were to suddenly warp from its current position in P to some position in G. However, the pointer does not warp, and the pointer position is used as both the initial and final positions for the events. When a pointer grab deactivates (but after generating any actual 4mButtonRelease24m event that deactivates the grab), G is the grab-window for the grab, and P is the window the pointer is in: · 4mEnterNotify24m and 4mLeaveNotify24m events with mode 4mUngrab24m are generated (as for 4mNormal24m above) as if the pointer were to suddenly warp from some position in G to its current position in P. However, the pointer does not warp, and the current pointer position is used as both the 1m1090m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m initial and final positions for the events. __ | 4mFocusIn0m 4mFocusOut0m 4mevent24m: WINDOW 4mmode24m: {4mNormal24m, 4mWhileGrabbed24m, 4mGrab24m, 4mUngrab24m} 4mdetail24m: {4mAncestor24m, 4mVirtual24m, 4mInferior24m, 4mNonlinear24m, 4mNonlin-0m 4mearVirtual24m, 4mPointer24m, |__ 4mPointerRoot24m, 4mNone24m} These events are generated when the input focus changes and are reported to clients selecting 4mFocusChange24m on the window. Events generated by 4mSetInputFocus24m when the keyboard is not grabbed have mode 4mNormal24m. Events generated by 4mSetInputFocus0m when the keyboard is grabbed have mode 4mWhileGrabbed24m. Events generated when a keyboard grab activates have mode 4mGrab24m, and events generated when a keyboard grab deactivates have mode 4mUngrab24m. All 4mFocusOut24m events caused by a window unmap are generated after any 4mUnmapNotify24m event, but the ordering of 4mFocusOut0m with respect to generated 4mEnterNotify24m, 4mLeaveNotify24m, 4mVisibil-0m 4mityNotify24m, and 4mExpose24m events is not constrained. 4mNormal24m and 4mWhileGrabbed24m events are generated as follows: When the focus moves from window A to window B, A is an inferior of B, and the pointer is in window P: · 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mAncestor24m is generated on A. · 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mVirtual24m is generated on each win- dow between A and B exclusive (in order). · 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mInferior24m is generated on B. · If P is an inferior of B but P is not A or an inferior of A or an ancestor of A, 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mPointer0m is generated on each window below B down to and includ- ing P (in order). When the focus moves from window A to window B, B is an inferior of A, and the pointer is in window P: · If P is an inferior of A but P is not an inferior of B or an ancestor of B, 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mPointer24m is generated on each window from P up to but not including A (in order). 1m1100m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m · 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mInferior24m is generated on A. · 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mVirtual24m is generated on each window between A and B exclusive (in order). · 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mAncestor24m is generated on B. When the focus moves from window A to window B, window C is their least common ancestor, and the pointer is in window P: · If P is an inferior of A, 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mPointer0m is generated on each window from P up to but not including A (in order). · 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mNonlinear24m is generated on A. · 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mNonlinearVirtual24m is generated on each window between A and C exclusive (in order). · 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mNonlinearVirtual24m is generated on each window between C and B exclusive (in order). · 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mNonlinear24m is generated on B. · If P is an inferior of B, 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mPointer0m is generated on each window below B down to and includ- ing P (in order). When the focus moves from window A to window B on different screens and the pointer is in window P: · If P is an inferior of A, 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mPointer0m is generated on each window from P up to but not including A (in order). · 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mNonlinear24m is generated on A. · If A is not a root window, 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mNonlin-0m 4mearVirtual24m is generated on each window above A up to and including its root (in order). · If B is not a root window, 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mNonlin-0m 4mearVirtual24m is generated on each window from B's root down to but not including B (in order). · 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mNonlinear24m is generated on B. · If P is an inferior of B, 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mPointer0m is generated on each window below B down to and includ- ing P (in order). When the focus moves from window A to 4mPointerRoot24m (or 4mNone24m) and the pointer is in window P: 1m1110m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m · If P is an inferior of A, 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mPointer0m is generated on each window from P up to but not including A (in order). · 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mNonlinear24m is generated on A. · If A is not a root window, 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mNonlin-0m 4mearVirtual24m is generated on each window above A up to and including its root (in order). · 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mPointerRoot24m (or 4mNone24m) is generated on all root windows. · If the new focus is 4mPointerRoot24m, 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mPointer24m is generated on each window from P's root down to and including P (in order). When the focus moves from 4mPointerRoot24m (or 4mNone24m) to window A and the pointer is in window P: · If the old focus is 4mPointerRoot24m, 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mPointer24m is generated on each window from P up to and including P's root (in order). · 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mPointerRoot24m (or 4mNone24m) is generated on all root windows. · If A is not a root window, 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mNonlin-0m 4mearVirtual24m is generated on each window from A's root down to but not including A (in order). · 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mNonlinear24m is generated on A. · If P is an inferior of A, 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mPointer0m is generated on each window below A down to and includ- ing P (in order). When the focus moves from 4mPointerRoot24m to 4mNone24m (or vice versa) and the pointer is in window P: · If the old focus is 4mPointerRoot24m, 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mPointer24m is generated on each window from P up to and including P's root (in order). · 4mFocusOut24m with detail 4mPointerRoot24m (or 4mNone24m) is generated on all root windows. · 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mNone24m (or 4mPointerRoot24m) is generated on all root windows. · If the new focus is 4mPointerRoot24m, 4mFocusIn24m with detail 4mPointer24m is generated on each window from P's root down to and including P (in order). 1m1120m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m When a keyboard grab activates (but before generating any actual 4mKeyPress24m event that activates the grab), G is the grab-window for the grab, and F is the current focus: · 4mFocusIn24m and 4mFocusOut24m events with mode 4mGrab24m are gener- ated (as for 4mNormal24m above) as if the focus were to change from F to G. When a keyboard grab deactivates (but after generating any actual 4mKeyRelease24m event that deactivates the grab), G is the grab-window for the grab, and F is the current focus: · 4mFocusIn24m and 4mFocusOut24m events with mode 4mUngrab24m are gener- ated (as for 4mNormal24m above) as if the focus were to change from G to F. __ | 4mKeymapNotify0m |__ 4mkeys24m: LISTofCARD8 The value is a bit vector as described in 4mQueryKeymap24m. This event is reported to clients selecting 4mKeymapState24m on a win- dow and is generated immediately after every 4mEnterNotify24m and 4mFocusIn24m. __ | 4mExpose0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mx24m, 4my24m, 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m: CARD16 |__ 4mcount24m: CARD16 This event is reported to clients selecting 4mExposure24m on the window. It is generated when no valid contents are avail- able for regions of a window, and either the regions are visible, the regions are viewable and the server is (perhaps newly) maintaining backing store on the window, or the win- dow is not viewable but the server is (perhaps newly) honor- ing window's backing-store attribute of 4mAlways24m or 4mWhen-0m 4mMapped24m. The regions are decomposed into an arbitrary set of rectangles, and an 4mExpose24m event is generated for each rec- tangle. For a given action causing exposure events, the set of events for a given window are guaranteed to be reported con- tiguously. If count is zero, then no more 4mExpose24m events for this window follow. If count is nonzero, then at least that many more 4mExpose24m events for this window follow (and possibly more). 1m1130m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m The x and y coordinates are relative to window's origin and specify the upper-left corner of a rectangle. The width and height specify the extent of the rectangle. 4mExpose24m events are never generated on 4mInputOnly24m windows. All 4mExpose24m events caused by a hierarchy change are generated after any hierarchy event caused by that change (for exam- ple, 4mUnmapNotify24m, 4mMapNotify24m, 4mConfigureNotify24m, 4mGravityNotify24m, 4mCirculateNotify24m). All 4mExpose24m events on a given window are generated after any 4mVisibilityNotify24m event on that window, but it is not required that all 4mExpose24m events on all windows be generated after all 4mVisibilitity24m events on all windows. The ordering of 4mExpose24m events with respect to 4mFocusOut24m, 4mEnterNotify24m, and 4mLeaveNotify24m events is not constrained. __ | 4mGraphicsExposure0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mx24m, 4my24m, 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m: CARD16 4mcount24m: CARD16 4mmajor-opcode24m: CARD8 |__ 4mminor-opcode24m: CARD16 This event is reported to a client using a graphics context with graphics-exposures selected and is generated when a destination region could not be computed due to an obscured or out-of-bounds source region. All of the regions exposed by a given graphics request are guaranteed to be reported contiguously. If count is zero then no more 4mGraphicsExpo-0m 4msure24m events for this window follow. If count is nonzero, then at least that many more 4mGraphicsExposure24m events for this window follow (and possibly more). The x and y coordinates are relative to drawable's origin and specify the upper-left corner of a rectangle. The width and height specify the extent of the rectangle. The major and minor opcodes identify the graphics request used. For the core protocol, major-opcode is always 4mCopy-0m 4mArea24m or 4mCopyPlane24m, and minor-opcode is always zero. __ | 4mNoExposure0m 4mdrawable24m: DRAWABLE 4mmajor-opcode24m: CARD8 |__ 4mminor-opcode:24m CARD16 1m1140m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m This event is reported to a client using a graphics context with graphics-exposures selected and is generated when a graphics request that might produce 4mGraphicsExposure24m events does not produce any. The drawable specifies the destina- tion used for the graphics request. The major and minor opcodes identify the graphics request used. For the core protocol, major-opcode is always 4mCopy-0m 4mArea24m or 4mCopyPlane24m, and the minor-opcode is always zero. __ | 4mVisibilityNotify0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ 4mstate24m: {4mUnobscured24m, 4mPartiallyObscured24m, 4mFullyObscured24m} This event is reported to clients selecting 4mVisibilityChange0m on the window. In the following, the state of the window is calculated ignoring all of the window's subwindows. When a window changes state from partially or fully obscured or not viewable to viewable and completely unobscured, an event with 4mUnobscured24m is generated. When a window changes state from viewable and completely unobscured, from viewable and completely obscured, or from not viewable, to viewable and partially obscured, an event with 4mPartiallyObscured24m is gen- erated. When a window changes state from viewable and com- pletely unobscured, from viewable and partially obscured, or from not viewable to viewable and fully obscured, an event with 4mFullyObscured24m is generated. 4mVisibilityNotify24m events are never generated on 4mInputOnly0m windows. All 4mVisibilityNotify24m events caused by a hierarchy change are generated after any hierarchy event caused by that change (for example, 4mUnmapNotify24m, 4mMapNotify24m, 4mConfigureNotify24m, 4mGrav-0m 4mityNotify24m, 4mCirculateNotify24m). Any 4mVisibilityNotify24m event on a given window is generated before any 4mExpose24m events on that window, but it is not required that all 4mVisibilityNotify0m events on all windows be generated before all 4mExpose24m events on all windows. The ordering of 4mVisibilityNotify24m events with respect to 4mFocusOut24m, 4mEnterNotify24m, and 4mLeaveNotify0m events is not constrained. 1m1150m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mCreateNotify0m 4mparent24m, 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m, 4mborder-width24m: CARD16 |__ 4moverride-redirect24m: BOOL This event is reported to clients selecting 4mSubstructureNo-0m 4mtify24m on the parent and is generated when the window is cre- ated. The arguments are as in the 4mCreateWindow24m request. __ | 4mDestroyNotify0m |__ 4mevent24m, 4mwindow24m: WINDOW This event is reported to clients selecting 4mStructureNotify0m on the window and to clients selecting 4mSubstructureNotify24m on the parent. It is generated when the window is destroyed. The event is the window on which the event was generated, and the window is the window that is destroyed. The ordering of the 4mDestroyNotify24m events is such that for any given window, 4mDestroyNotify24m is generated on all inferi- ors of the window before being generated on the window itself. The ordering among siblings and across subhierar- chies is not otherwise constrained. __ | 4mUnmapNotify0m 4mevent24m, 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ 4mfrom-configure24m: BOOL This event is reported to clients selecting 4mStructureNotify0m on the window and to clients selecting 4mSubstructureNotify24m on the parent. It is generated when the window changes state from mapped to unmapped. The event is the window on which the event was generated, and the window is the window that is unmapped. The from-configure flag is 4mTrue24m if the event was generated as a result of the window's parent being resized when the window itself had a win-gravity of 4mUnmap24m. 1m1160m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mMapNotify0m 4mevent24m, 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ 4moverride-redirect24m: BOOL This event is reported to clients selecting 4mStructureNotify0m on the window and to clients selecting 4mSubstructureNotify24m on the parent. It is generated when the window changes state from unmapped to mapped. The event is the window on which the event was generated, and the window is the window that is mapped. The override-redirect flag is from the window's attribute. __ | 4mMapRequest0m |__ 4mparent24m, 4mwindow24m: WINDOW This event is reported to the client selecting 4mSubstructur-0m 4meRedirect24m on the parent and is generated when a 4mMapWindow0m request is issued on an unmapped window with an override-re- direct attribute of 4mFalse24m. __ | 4mReparentNotify0m 4mevent24m, 4mwindow24m, 4mparent24m: WINDOW 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 |__ 4moverride-redirect24m: BOOL This event is reported to clients selecting 4mSubstructureNo-0m 4mtify24m on either the old or the new parent and to clients selecting 4mStructureNotify24m on the window. It is generated when the window is reparented. The event is the window on which the event was generated. The window is the window that has been rerooted. The parent specifies the new par- ent. The x and y coordinates are relative to the new par- ent's origin and specify the position of the upper-left outer corner of the window. The override-redirect flag is from the window's attribute. 1m1170m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mConfigureNotify0m 4mevent24m, 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m, 4mborder-width24m: CARD16 4mabove-sibling24m: WINDOW or 4mNone0m |__ 4moverride-redirect24m: BOOL This event is reported to clients selecting 4mStructureNotify0m on the window and to clients selecting 4mSubstructureNotify24m on the parent. It is generated when a 4mConfigureWindow24m request actually changes the state of the window. The event is the window on which the event was generated, and the window is the window that is changed. The x and y coordinates are relative to the new parent's origin and specify the position of the upper-left outer corner of the window. The width and height specify the inside size, not including the border. If above-sibling is 4mNone24m, then the window is on the bottom of the stack with respect to siblings. Otherwise, the win- dow is immediately on top of the specified sibling. The override-redirect flag is from the window's attribute. __ | 4mGravityNotify0m 4mevent24m, 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 This event is reported to clients selecting 4mSubstructureNo-0m 4mtify24m on the parent and to clients selecting 4mStructureNotify0m on the window. It is generated when a window is moved because of a change in size of the parent. The event is the window on which the event was generated, and the window is the window that is moved. The x and y coordinates are rela- tive to the new parent's origin and specify the position of the upper-left outer corner of the window. __ | 4mResizeRequest0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m: CARD16 This event is reported to the client selecting 4mResizeRedi-0m 4mrect24m on the window and is generated when a 4mConfigureWindow0m request by some other client on the window attempts to change the size of the window. The width and height are the requested inside size, not including the border. 1m1180m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mConfigureRequest0m 4mparent24m, 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mx24m, 4my24m: INT16 4mwidth24m, 4mheight24m, 4mborder-width24m: CARD16 4msibling24m: WINDOW or 4mNone0m 4mstack-mode24m: {4mAbove24m, 4mBelow24m, 4mTopIf24m, 4mBottomIf24m, 4mOpposite24m} |__ 4mvalue-mask24m: BITMASK This event is reported to the client selecting 4mSubstructur-0m 4meRedirect24m on the parent and is generated when a 4mConfig-0m 4mureWindow24m request is issued on the window by some other client. The value-mask indicates which components were specified in the request. The value-mask and the corre- sponding values are reported as given in the request. The remaining values are filled in from the current geometry of the window, except in the case of sibling and stack-mode, which are reported as 4mNone24m and 4mAbove24m (respectively) if not given in the request. __ | 4mCirculateNotify0m 4mevent24m, 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ 4mplace24m: {4mTop24m, 4mBottom24m} This event is reported to clients selecting 4mStructureNotify0m on the window and to clients selecting 4mSubstructureNotify24m on the parent. It is generated when the window is actually restacked from a 4mCirculateWindow24m request. The event is the window on which the event was generated, and the window is the window that is restacked. If place is 4mTop24m, the window is now on top of all siblings. Otherwise, it is below all siblings. __ | 4mCirculateRequest0m 4mparent24m, 4mwindow24m: WINDOW |__ 4mplace24m: {4mTop24m, 4mBottom24m} This event is reported to the client selecting 4mSubstructur-0m 4meRedirect24m on the parent and is generated when a 4mCircu-0m 4mlateWindow24m request is issued on the parent and a window actually needs to be restacked. The window specifies the window to be restacked, and the place specifies what the new position in the stacking order should be. 1m1190m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m __ | 4mPropertyNotify0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4matom24m: ATOM 4mstate24m: {4mNewValue24m, 4mDeleted24m} |__ 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP This event is reported to clients selecting 4mPropertyChange0m on the window and is generated with state 4mNewValue24m when a property of the window is changed using 4mChangeProperty24m or 4mRotateProperties24m, even when adding zero-length data using 4mChangeProperty24m and when replacing all or part of a property with identical data using 4mChangeProperty24m or 4mRotateProper-0m 4mties24m. It is generated with state 4mDeleted24m when a property of the window is deleted using request 4mDeleteProperty24m or 4mGet-0m 4mProperty24m. The timestamp indicates the server time when the property was changed. __ | 4mSelectionClear0m 4mowner24m: WINDOW 4mselection24m: ATOM |__ 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP This event is reported to the current owner of a selection and is generated when a new owner is being defined by means of 4mSetSelectionOwner24m. The timestamp is the last-change time recorded for the selection. The owner argument is the win- dow that was specified by the current owner in its 4mSetSelec-0m 4mtionOwner24m request. __ | 4mSelectionRequest0m 4mowner24m: WINDOW 4mselection24m: ATOM 4mtarget24m: ATOM 4mproperty24m: ATOM or 4mNone0m 4mrequestor24m: WINDOW |__ 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m This event is reported to the owner of a selection and is generated when a client issues a 4mConvertSelection24m request. The owner argument is the window that was specified in the 4mSetSelectionOwner24m request. The remaining arguments are as in the 4mConvertSelection24m request. 1m1200m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m The owner should convert the selection based on the speci- fied target type and send a 4mSelectionNotify24m back to the requestor. A complete specification for using selections is given in the X.Org standard 4mInter-Client24m 4mCommunication24m 4mCon-0m 4mventions24m 4mManual24m. __ | 4mSelectionNotify0m 4mrequestor24m: WINDOW 4mselection24m, 4mtarget24m: ATOM 4mproperty24m: ATOM or 4mNone0m |__ 4mtime24m: TIMESTAMP or 4mCurrentTime0m This event is generated by the server in response to a 4mCon-0m 4mvertSelection24m request when there is no owner for the selec- tion. When there is an owner, it should be generated by the owner using 4mSendEvent24m. The owner of a selection should send this event to a requestor either when a selection has been converted and stored as a property or when a selection con- version could not be performed (indicated with property 4mNone24m). __ | 4mColormapNotify0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mcolormap24m: COLORMAP or 4mNone0m 4mnew24m: BOOL |__ 4mstate24m: {4mInstalled24m, 4mUninstalled24m} This event is reported to clients selecting 4mColormapChange0m on the window. It is generated with value 4mTrue24m for new when the colormap attribute of the window is changed and is gen- erated with value 4mFalse24m for new when the colormap of a win- dow is installed or uninstalled. In either case, the state indicates whether the colormap is currently installed. __ | 4mMappingNotify0m 4mrequest24m: {4mModifier24m, 4mKeyboard24m, 4mPointer24m} |__ 4mfirst-keycode24m, 4mcount24m: CARD8 This event is sent to all clients. There is no mechanism to express disinterest in this event. The detail indicates the kind of change that occurred: 4mModifiers24m for a successful 4mSetModifierMapping24m, 4mKeyboard24m for a successful 1m1210m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mChangeKeyboardMapping24m, and 4mPointer24m for a successful 4mSet-0m 4mPointerMapping24m. If the detail is 4mKeyboard24m, then first-key- code and count indicate the range of altered keycodes. __ | 4mClientMessage0m 4mwindow24m: WINDOW 4mtype24m: ATOM 4mformat24m: {8, 16, 32} |__ 4mdata24m: LISTofINT8 or LISTofINT16 or LISTofINT32 This event is only generated by clients using 4mSendEvent24m. The type specifies how the data is to be interpreted by the receiving client; the server places no interpretation on the type or the data. The format specifies whether the data should be viewed as a list of 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit quan- tities, so that the server can correctly byte-swap, as nec- essary. The data always consists of either 20 8-bit values or 10 16-bit values or 5 32-bit values, although particular message types might not make use of all of these values. 1m12. Flow Control and Concurrency0m Whenever the server is writing to a given connection, it is permissible for the server to stop reading from that connec- tion (but if the writing would block, it must continue to service other connections). The server is not required to buffer more than a single request per connection at one time. For a given connection to the server, a client can block while reading from the connection but should undertake to read (events and errors) when writing would block. Fail- ure on the part of a client to obey this rule could result in a deadlocked connection, although deadlock is probably unlikely unless either the transport layer has very little buffering or the client attempts to send large numbers of requests without ever reading replies or checking for errors and events. Whether or not a server is implemented with internal concur- rency, the overall effect must be as if individual requests are executed to completion in some serial order, and requests from a given connection must be executed in deliv- ery order (that is, the total execution order is a shuffle of the individual streams). The execution of a request includes validating all arguments, collecting all data for any reply, and generating and queueing all required events. However, it does not include the actual transmission of the reply and the events. In addition, the effect of any other cause that can generate multiple events (for example, acti- vation of a grab or pointer motion) must effectively gener- ate and queue all required events indivisibly with respect 1m1220m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m to all other causes and requests. For a request from a given client, any events destined for that client that are caused by executing the request must be sent to the client before any reply or error is sent. 1m1230m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mAppendix A0m 1mKEYSYM Encoding0m For convenience, KEYSYM values are viewed as split into four bytes: · Byte 1 (for the purposes of this encoding) is the most- significant 5 bits (because of the 29-bit effective values) · Byte 2 is the next most-significant 8 bits · Byte 3 is the next most-significant 8 bits · Byte 4 is the least-significant 8 bits There are two special KEYSYM values: 4mNoSymbol24m and 4mVoidSym-0m 4mbol24m. They are used to indicate the absence of symbols (see section 5). ----------------------------------------------- 1mByte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Name0m ----------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 0 4mNoSymbol0m 0 255 255 255 4mVoidSymbol0m ----------------------------------------------- All other standard KEYSYM values have zero values for bytes 1 and 2. Byte 3 indicates a character code set, and byte 4 indicates a particular character within that set. ---------------------------------- 1mByte 3 Byte 40m ---------------------------------- 0 Latin-1 1 Latin-2 2 Latin-3 3 Latin-4 4 Kana 5 Arabic 6 Cyrillic 7 Greek 8 Technical 9 Special 10 Publishing 11 APL 12 Hebrew 13 Thai 1m1240m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 14 Korean 15 Latin-5 16 Latin-6 17 Latin-7 18 Latin-8 19 Latin-9 32 Currency 253 3270 254 Keyboard (XKB) Extension 255 Keyboard ---------------------------------- Each character set contains gaps where codes have been removed that were duplicates with codes in previous charac- ter sets (that is, character sets with lesser byte 3 value). The 94 and 96 character code sets have been moved to occupy the right-hand quadrant (decimal 129 through 256), so the ASCII subset has a unique encoding across byte 4, which cor- responds to the ASCII character code. However, this cannot be guaranteed with future registrations and does not apply to all of the Keyboard set. To the best of our knowledge, the Latin, Kana, Arabic, Cyrillic, Greek, APL, and Hebrew sets are from the appropri- ate ISO and/or ECMA international standards. There are no Technical, Special, or Publishing international standards, so these sets are based on Digital Equipment Corporation standards. The ordering between the sets (byte 3) is essentially arbi- trary. National and international standards bodies were commencing deliberations regarding international 2-byte and 4-byte character sets at the time these keysyms were devel- oped, but we did not know of any proposed layouts. The order may be arbitrary, but it is important in dealing with duplicate coding. As far as possible, keysym values (byte 4) follow the character set encoding standards, except for the Greek and Cyrillic keysyms which are based on early draft standards. In the Latin-1 to Latin-4 sets, all dupli- cate glyphs occupy the same code position. However, dupli- cates between Greek and Technical do not occupy the same code position. Applications that wish to use the Latin-2, Latin-3, Latin-4, Greek, Cyrillic, or Technical sets may find it convenient to use arrays to transform the keysyms. There is a difference between European and US usage of the names Pilcrow, Paragraph, and Section, as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------- 1mUS name European name code position in Latin-10m 1m1250m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------- Section sign Paragraph sign 10/07 Paragraph sign Pilcrow sign 11/06 ----------------------------------------------------------- We have adopted the US names (by accident rather than by design). The Keyboard set is a miscellaneous collection of commonly occurring keys on keyboards. Within this set, the keypad symbols are generally duplicates of symbols found on keys on the main part of the keyboard, but they are distinguished here because they often have a distinguishable semantics associated with them. Keyboards tend to be comparatively standard with respect to the alphanumeric keys, but they differ radically on the mis- cellaneous function keys. Many function keys are left over from early timesharing days or are designed for a specific application. Keyboard layouts from large manufacturers tend to have lots of keys for every conceivable purpose, whereas small workstation manufacturers often add keys that are solely for support of some of their unique functionality. There are two ways of thinking about how to define keysyms for such a world: · The Engraving approach · The Common approach The Engraving approach is to create a keysym for every unique key engraving. This is effectively taking the union of all key engravings on all keyboards. For example, some keyboards label function keys across the top as F1 through Fn, and others label them as PF1 through PFn. These would be different keys under the Engraving approach. Likewise, Lock would differ from Shift Lock, which is different from the up-arrow symbol that has the effect of changing lower- case to uppercase. There are lots of other aliases such as Del, DEL, Delete, Remove, and so forth. The Engraving approach makes it easy to decide if a new entry should be added to the keysym set: if it does not exactly match an existing one, then a new one is created. One estimate is that there would be on the order of 300-500 Keyboard keysyms using this approach, without counting foreign translations and variations. The Common approach tries to capture all of the keys present on an interesting number of keyboards, folding likely aliases into the same keysym. For example, Del, DEL, and Delete are all merged into a single keysym. Vendors would be expected to augment the keysym set (using the vendor-spe- cific encoding space) to include all of their unique keys 1m1260m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m that were not included in the standard set. Each vendor decides which of its keys map into the standard keysyms, which presumably can be overridden by a user. It is more difficult to implement this approach, because judgment is required about when a sufficient set of keyboards implements an engraving to justify making it a keysym in the standard set and about which engravings should be merged into a sin- gle keysym. Under this scheme there are an estimated 100-150 keysyms. Although neither scheme is perfect or elegant, the Common approach has been selected because it makes it easier to write a portable application. Having the Delete functional- ity merged into a single keysym allows an application to implement a deletion function and expect reasonable bindings on a wide set of workstations. Under the Common approach, application writers are still free to look for and interpret vendor-specific keysyms, but because they are in the extended set, the application developer is more conscious that they are writing the application in a nonportable fash- ion. In the listings below, Code Pos is a representation of byte 4 of the KEYSYM value, expressed as most-significant/least- significant 4-bit values. The Code Pos numbers are for ref- erence only and do not affect the KEYSYM value. In all cases, the KEYSYM value is: byte3 * 256 + byte4 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000 032 02/00 SPACE Latin-1 000 033 02/01 EXCLAMATION POINT Latin-1 000 034 02/02 QUOTATION MARK Latin-1 000 035 02/03 NUMBER SIGN Latin-1 000 036 02/04 DOLLAR SIGN Latin-1 000 037 02/05 PERCENT SIGN Latin-1 000 038 02/06 AMPERSAND Latin-1 000 039 02/07 APOSTROPHE Latin-1 000 040 02/08 LEFT PARENTHESIS Latin-1 000 041 02/09 RIGHT PARENTHESIS Latin-1 000 042 02/10 ASTERISK Latin-1 000 043 02/11 PLUS SIGN Latin-1 000 044 02/12 COMMA Latin-1 000 045 02/13 MINUS SIGN Latin-1 000 046 02/14 FULL STOP Latin-1 000 047 02/15 SOLIDUS Latin-1 000 048 03/00 DIGIT ZERO Latin-1 1m1270m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000 049 03/01 DIGIT ONE Latin-1 000 050 03/02 DIGIT TWO Latin-1 000 051 03/03 DIGIT THREE Latin-1 000 052 03/04 DIGIT FOUR Latin-1 000 053 03/05 DIGIT FIVE Latin-1 000 054 03/06 DIGIT SIX Latin-1 000 055 03/07 DIGIT SEVEN Latin-1 000 056 03/08 DIGIT EIGHT Latin-1 000 057 03/09 DIGIT NINE Latin-1 000 058 03/10 COLON Latin-1 000 059 03/11 SEMICOLON Latin-1 000 060 03/12 LESS THAN SIGN Latin-1 000 061 03/13 EQUALS SIGN Latin-1 000 062 03/14 GREATER THAN SIGN Latin-1 000 063 03/15 QUESTION MARK Latin-1 000 064 04/00 COMMERCIAL AT Latin-1 000 065 04/01 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A Latin-1 000 066 04/02 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER B Latin-1 000 067 04/03 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C Latin-1 000 068 04/04 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D Latin-1 000 069 04/05 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E Latin-1 000 070 04/06 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER F Latin-1 000 071 04/07 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G Latin-1 000 072 04/08 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H Latin-1 000 073 04/09 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I Latin-1 000 074 04/10 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J Latin-1 000 075 04/11 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K Latin-1 000 076 04/12 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L Latin-1 000 077 04/13 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER M Latin-1 000 078 04/14 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N Latin-1 000 079 04/15 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O Latin-1 000 080 05/00 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER P Latin-1 000 081 05/01 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Q Latin-1 000 082 05/02 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R Latin-1 000 083 05/03 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S Latin-1 000 084 05/04 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T Latin-1 000 085 05/05 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U Latin-1 000 086 05/06 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER V Latin-1 000 087 05/07 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER W Latin-1 000 088 05/08 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X Latin-1 000 089 05/09 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y Latin-1 000 090 05/10 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z Latin-1 000 091 05/11 LEFT SQUARE BRACKET Latin-1 000 092 05/12 REVERSE SOLIDUS Latin-1 000 093 05/13 RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET Latin-1 000 094 05/14 CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-1 000 095 05/15 LOW LINE Latin-1 000 096 06/00 GRAVE ACCENT Latin-1 000 097 06/01 LATIN SMALL LETTER a Latin-1 1m1280m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000 098 06/02 LATIN SMALL LETTER b Latin-1 000 099 06/03 LATIN SMALL LETTER c Latin-1 000 100 06/04 LATIN SMALL LETTER d Latin-1 000 101 06/05 LATIN SMALL LETTER e Latin-1 000 102 06/06 LATIN SMALL LETTER f Latin-1 000 103 06/07 LATIN SMALL LETTER g Latin-1 000 104 06/08 LATIN SMALL LETTER h Latin-1 000 105 06/09 LATIN SMALL LETTER i Latin-1 000 106 06/10 LATIN SMALL LETTER j Latin-1 000 107 06/11 LATIN SMALL LETTER k Latin-1 000 108 06/12 LATIN SMALL LETTER l Latin-1 000 109 06/13 LATIN SMALL LETTER m Latin-1 000 110 06/14 LATIN SMALL LETTER n Latin-1 000 111 06/15 LATIN SMALL LETTER o Latin-1 000 112 07/00 LATIN SMALL LETTER p Latin-1 000 113 07/01 LATIN SMALL LETTER q Latin-1 000 114 07/02 LATIN SMALL LETTER r Latin-1 000 115 07/03 LATIN SMALL LETTER s Latin-1 000 116 07/04 LATIN SMALL LETTER t Latin-1 000 117 07/05 LATIN SMALL LETTER u Latin-1 000 118 07/06 LATIN SMALL LETTER v Latin-1 000 119 07/07 LATIN SMALL LETTER w Latin-1 000 120 07/08 LATIN SMALL LETTER x Latin-1 000 121 07/09 LATIN SMALL LETTER y Latin-1 000 122 07/10 LATIN SMALL LETTER z Latin-1 000 123 07/11 LEFT CURLY BRACKET Latin-1 000 124 07/12 VERTICAL LINE Latin-1 000 125 07/13 RIGHT CURLY BRACKET Latin-1 000 126 07/14 TILDE Latin-1 000 160 10/00 NO-BREAK SPACE Latin-1 000 161 10/01 INVERTED EXCLAMATION MARK Latin-1 000 162 10/02 CENT SIGN Latin-1 000 163 10/03 POUND SIGN Latin-1 000 164 10/04 CURRENCY SIGN Latin-1 000 165 10/05 YEN SIGN Latin-1 000 166 10/06 BROKEN VERTICAL BAR Latin-1 000 167 10/07 SECTION SIGN Latin-1 000 168 10/08 DIAERESIS Latin-1 000 169 10/09 COPYRIGHT SIGN Latin-1 000 170 10/10 FEMININE ORDINAL INDICATOR Latin-1 000 171 10/11 LEFT ANGLE QUOTATION MARK Latin-1 000 172 10/12 NOT SIGN Latin-1 000 173 10/13 HYPHEN Latin-1 000 174 10/14 REGISTERED TRADEMARK SIGN Latin-1 000 175 10/15 MACRON Latin-1 000 176 11/00 DEGREE SIGN, RING ABOVE Latin-1 000 177 11/01 PLUS-MINUS SIGN Latin-1 000 178 11/02 SUPERSCRIPT TWO Latin-1 000 179 11/03 SUPERSCRIPT THREE Latin-1 1m1290m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000 180 11/04 ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 181 11/05 MICRO SIGN Latin-1 000 182 11/06 PARAGRAPH SIGN Latin-1 000 183 11/07 MIDDLE DOT Latin-1 000 184 11/08 CEDILLA Latin-1 000 185 11/09 SUPERSCRIPT ONE Latin-1 000 186 11/10 MASCULINE ORDINAL INDICATOR Latin-1 000 187 11/11 RIGHT ANGLE QUOTATION MARK Latin-1 000 188 11/12 VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER Latin-1 000 189 11/13 VULGAR FRACTION ONE HALF Latin-1 000 190 11/14 VULGAR FRACTION THREE QUARTERS Latin-1 000 191 11/15 INVERTED QUESTION MARK Latin-1 000 192 12/00 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH GRAVE ACCENT Latin-1 000 193 12/01 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 194 12/02 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-1 000 195 12/03 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH TILDE Latin-1 000 196 12/04 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS Latin-1 000 197 12/05 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH RING ABOVE Latin-1 000 198 12/06 LATIN CAPITAL DIPHTHONG AE Latin-1 000 199 12/07 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CEDILLA Latin-1 000 200 12/08 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH GRAVE ACCENT Latin-1 000 201 12/09 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 202 12/10 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-1 000 203 12/11 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DIAERESIS Latin-1 000 204 12/12 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH GRAVE ACCENT Latin-1 000 205 12/13 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 206 12/14 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-1 000 207 12/15 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DIAERESIS Latin-1 000 208 13/00 ICELANDIC CAPITAL LETTER ETH Latin-1 000 209 13/01 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH TILDE Latin-1 000 210 13/02 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH GRAVE ACCENT Latin-1 000 211 13/03 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 212 13/04 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-1 000 213 13/05 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH TILDE Latin-1 000 214 13/06 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS Latin-1 000 215 13/07 MULTIPLICATION SIGN Latin-1 000 216 13/08 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH OBLIQUE STROKE Latin-1 000 217 13/09 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH GRAVE ACCENT Latin-1 000 218 13/10 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 219 13/11 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-1 000 220 13/12 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DIAERESIS Latin-1 000 221 13/13 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 222 13/14 ICELANDIC CAPITAL LETTER THORN Latin-1 000 223 13/15 GERMAN SMALL LETTER SHARP s Latin-1 000 224 14/00 LATIN SMALL LETTER a WITH GRAVE ACCENT Latin-1 000 225 14/01 LATIN SMALL LETTER a WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 226 14/02 LATIN SMALL LETTER a WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-1 000 227 14/03 LATIN SMALL LETTER a WITH TILDE Latin-1 000 228 14/04 LATIN SMALL LETTER a WITH DIAERESIS Latin-1 1m1300m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 000 229 14/05 LATIN SMALL LETTER a WITH RING ABOVE Latin-1 000 230 14/06 LATIN SMALL DIPHTHONG ae Latin-1 000 231 14/07 LATIN SMALL LETTER c WITH CEDILLA Latin-1 000 232 14/08 LATIN SMALL LETTER e WITH GRAVE ACCENT Latin-1 000 233 14/09 LATIN SMALL LETTER e WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 234 14/10 LATIN SMALL LETTER e WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-1 000 235 14/11 LATIN SMALL LETTER e WITH DIAERESIS Latin-1 000 236 14/12 LATIN SMALL LETTER i WITH GRAVE ACCENT Latin-1 000 237 14/13 LATIN SMALL LETTER i WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 238 14/14 LATIN SMALL LETTER i WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-1 000 239 14/15 LATIN SMALL LETTER i WITH DIAERESIS Latin-1 000 240 15/00 ICELANDIC SMALL LETTER ETH Latin-1 000 241 15/01 LATIN SMALL LETTER n WITH TILDE Latin-1 000 242 15/02 LATIN SMALL LETTER o WITH GRAVE ACCENT Latin-1 000 243 15/03 LATIN SMALL LETTER o WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 244 15/04 LATIN SMALL LETTER o WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-1 000 245 15/05 LATIN SMALL LETTER o WITH TILDE Latin-1 000 246 15/06 LATIN SMALL LETTER o WITH DIAERESIS Latin-1 000 247 15/07 DIVISION SIGN Latin-1 000 248 15/08 LATIN SMALL LETTER o WITH OBLIQUE STROKE Latin-1 000 249 15/09 LATIN SMALL LETTER u WITH GRAVE ACCENT Latin-1 000 250 15/10 LATIN SMALL LETTER u WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 251 15/11 LATIN SMALL LETTER u WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-1 000 252 15/12 LATIN SMALL LETTER u WITH DIAERESIS Latin-1 000 253 15/13 LATIN SMALL LETTER y WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-1 000 254 15/14 ICELANDIC SMALL LETTER THORN Latin-1 000 255 15/15 LATIN SMALL LETTER y WITH DIAERESIS Latin-1 001 161 10/01 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH OGONEK Latin-2 001 162 10/02 BREVE Latin-2 001 163 10/03 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH STROKE Latin-2 001 165 10/05 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CARON Latin-2 001 166 10/06 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 169 10/09 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CARON Latin-2 001 170 10/10 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CEDILLA Latin-2 001 171 10/11 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CARON Latin-2 001 172 10/12 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 174 10/14 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH CARON Latin-2 001 175 10/15 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z WITH DOT ABOVE Latin-2 001 177 11/01 LATIN SMALL LETTER a WITH OGONEK Latin-2 001 178 11/02 OGONEK Latin-2 001 179 11/03 LATIN SMALL LETTER l WITH STROKE Latin-2 001 181 11/05 LATIN SMALL LETTER l WITH CARON Latin-2 001 182 11/06 LATIN SMALL LETTER s WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 183 11/07 CARON Latin-2 001 185 11/09 LATIN SMALL LETTER s WITH CARON Latin-2 001 186 11/10 LATIN SMALL LETTER s WITH CEDILLA Latin-2 001 187 11/11 LATIN SMALL LETTER t WITH CARON Latin-2 1m1310m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 001 188 11/12 LATIN SMALL LETTER z WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 189 11/13 DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 190 11/14 LATIN SMALL LETTER z WITH CARON Latin-2 001 191 11/15 LATIN SMALL LETTER z WITH DOT ABOVE Latin-2 001 192 12/00 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 195 12/03 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH BREVE Latin-2 001 197 12/05 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 198 12/06 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 200 12/08 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CARON Latin-2 001 202 12/10 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH OGONEK Latin-2 001 204 12/12 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH CARON Latin-2 001 207 12/15 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH CARON Latin-2 001 208 13/00 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER D WITH STROKE Latin-2 001 209 13/01 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 210 13/02 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CARON Latin-2 001 213 13/05 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 216 13/08 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CARON Latin-2 001 217 13/09 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH RING ABOVE Latin-2 001 219 13/11 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 222 13/14 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH CEDILLA Latin-2 001 224 14/00 LATIN SMALL LETTER r WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 227 14/03 LATIN SMALL LETTER a WITH BREVE Latin-2 001 229 14/05 LATIN SMALL LETTER l WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 230 14/06 LATIN SMALL LETTER c WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 232 14/08 LATIN SMALL LETTER c WITH CARON Latin-2 001 234 14/10 LATIN SMALL LETTER e WITH OGONEK Latin-2 001 236 14/12 LATIN SMALL LETTER e WITH CARON Latin-2 001 239 14/15 LATIN SMALL LETTER d WITH CARON Latin-2 001 240 15/00 LATIN SMALL LETTER d WITH STROKE Latin-2 001 241 15/01 LATIN SMALL LETTER n WITH ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 242 15/02 LATIN SMALL LETTER n WITH CARON Latin-2 001 245 15/05 LATIN SMALL LETTER o WITH DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 248 15/08 LATIN SMALL LETTER r WITH CARON Latin-2 001 249 15/09 LATIN SMALL LETTER u WITH RING ABOVE Latin-2 001 251 15/11 LATIN SMALL LETTER u WITH DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT Latin-2 001 254 15/14 LATIN SMALL LETTER t WITH CEDILLA Latin-2 001 255 15/15 DOT ABOVE Latin-2 002 161 10/01 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH STROKE Latin-3 002 166 10/06 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER H WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-3 002 169 10/09 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH DOT ABOVE Latin-3 002 171 10/11 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH BREVE Latin-3 002 172 10/12 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER J WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-3 002 177 11/01 LATIN SMALL LETTER h WITH STROKE Latin-3 002 182 11/06 LATIN SMALL LETTER h WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-3 002 185 11/09 SMALL DOTLESS LETTER i Latin-3 002 187 11/11 LATIN SMALL LETTER g WITH BREVE Latin-3 002 188 11/12 LATIN SMALL LETTER j WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-3 1m1320m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 002 197 12/05 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH DOT ABOVE Latin-3 002 198 12/06 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER C WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-3 002 213 13/05 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH DOT ABOVE Latin-3 002 216 13/08 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-3 002 221 13/13 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH BREVE Latin-3 002 222 13/14 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-3 002 229 14/05 LATIN SMALL LETTER c WITH DOT ABOVE Latin-3 002 230 14/06 LATIN SMALL LETTER c WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-3 002 245 15/05 LATIN SMALL LETTER g WITH DOT ABOVE Latin-3 002 248 15/08 LATIN SMALL LETTER g WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-3 002 253 15/13 LATIN SMALL LETTER u WITH BREVE Latin-3 002 254 15/14 LATIN SMALL LETTER s WITH CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT Latin-3 003 162 10/02 SMALL GREENLANDIC LETTER KRA Latin-4 003 163 10/03 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R WITH CEDILLA Latin-4 003 165 10/05 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH TILDE Latin-4 003 166 10/06 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L WITH CEDILLA Latin-4 003 170 10/10 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH MACRON Latin-4 003 171 10/11 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER G WITH CEDILLA Latin-4 003 172 10/12 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T WITH OBLIQUE STROKE Latin-4 003 179 11/03 LATIN SMALL LETTER r WITH CEDILLA Latin-4 003 181 11/05 LATIN SMALL LETTER i WITH TILDE Latin-4 003 182 11/06 LATIN SMALL LETTER l WITH CEDILLA Latin-4 003 186 11/10 LATIN SMALL LETTER e WITH MACRON Latin-4 003 187 11/11 LATIN SMALL LETTER g WITH CEDILLA ABOVE Latin-4 003 188 11/12 LATIN SMALL LETTER t WITH OBLIQUE STROKE Latin-4 003 189 11/13 LAPPISH CAPITAL LETTER ENG Latin-4 003 191 11/15 LAPPISH SMALL LETTER ENG Latin-4 003 192 12/00 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER A WITH MACRON Latin-4 003 199 12/07 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH OGONEK Latin-4 003 204 12/12 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH DOT ABOVE Latin-4 003 207 12/15 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER I WITH MACRON Latin-4 003 209 13/01 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER N WITH CEDILLA Latin-4 003 210 13/02 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER O WITH MACRON Latin-4 003 211 13/03 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER K WITH CEDILLA Latin-4 003 217 13/09 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH OGONEK Latin-4 003 221 13/13 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH TILDE Latin-4 003 222 13/14 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U WITH MACRON Latin-4 003 224 14/00 LATIN SMALL LETTER a WITH MACRON Latin-4 003 231 14/07 LATIN SMALL LETTER i WITH OGONEK Latin-4 003 236 14/12 LATIN SMALL LETTER e WITH DOT ABOVE Latin-4 003 239 14/15 LATIN SMALL LETTER i WITH MACRON Latin-4 003 241 15/01 LATIN SMALL LETTER n WITH CEDILLA Latin-4 003 242 15/02 LATIN SMALL LETTER o WITH MACRON Latin-4 003 243 15/03 LATIN SMALL LETTER k WITH CEDILLA Latin-4 003 249 15/09 LATIN SMALL LETTER u WITH OGONEK Latin-4 003 253 15/13 LATIN SMALL LETTER u WITH TILDE Latin-4 003 254 15/14 LATIN SMALL LETTER u WITH MACRON Latin-4 1m1330m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 004 126 07/14 OVERLINE Kana 004 161 10/01 KANA FULL STOP Kana 004 162 10/02 KANA OPENING BRACKET Kana 004 163 10/03 KANA CLOSING BRACKET Kana 004 164 10/04 KANA COMMA Kana 004 165 10/05 KANA CONJUNCTIVE Kana 004 166 10/06 KANA LETTER WO Kana 004 167 10/07 KANA LETTER SMALL A Kana 004 168 10/08 KANA LETTER SMALL I Kana 004 169 10/09 KANA LETTER SMALL U Kana 004 170 10/10 KANA LETTER SMALL E Kana 004 171 10/11 KANA LETTER SMALL O Kana 004 172 10/12 KANA LETTER SMALL YA Kana 004 173 10/13 KANA LETTER SMALL YU Kana 004 174 10/14 KANA LETTER SMALL YO Kana 004 175 10/15 KANA LETTER SMALL TSU Kana 004 176 11/00 PROLONGED SOUND SYMBOL Kana 004 177 11/01 KANA LETTER A Kana 004 178 11/02 KANA LETTER I Kana 004 179 11/03 KANA LETTER U Kana 004 180 11/04 KANA LETTER E Kana 004 181 11/05 KANA LETTER O Kana 004 182 11/06 KANA LETTER KA Kana 004 183 11/07 KANA LETTER KI Kana 004 184 11/08 KANA LETTER KU Kana 004 185 11/09 KANA LETTER KE Kana 004 186 11/10 KANA LETTER KO Kana 004 187 11/11 KANA LETTER SA Kana 004 188 11/12 KANA LETTER SHI Kana 004 189 11/13 KANA LETTER SU Kana 004 190 11/14 KANA LETTER SE Kana 004 191 11/15 KANA LETTER SO Kana 004 192 12/00 KANA LETTER TA Kana 004 193 12/01 KANA LETTER CHI Kana 004 194 12/02 KANA LETTER TSU Kana 004 195 12/03 KANA LETTER TE Kana 004 196 12/04 KANA LETTER TO Kana 004 197 12/05 KANA LETTER NA Kana 004 198 12/06 KANA LETTER NI Kana 004 199 12/07 KANA LETTER NU Kana 004 200 12/08 KANA LETTER NE Kana 004 201 12/09 KANA LETTER NO Kana 004 202 12/10 KANA LETTER HA Kana 004 203 12/11 KANA LETTER HI Kana 004 204 12/12 KANA LETTER FU Kana 004 205 12/13 KANA LETTER HE Kana 004 206 12/14 KANA LETTER HO Kana 004 207 12/15 KANA LETTER MA Kana 004 208 13/00 KANA LETTER MI Kana 1m1340m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 004 209 13/01 KANA LETTER MU Kana 004 210 13/02 KANA LETTER ME Kana 004 211 13/03 KANA LETTER MO Kana 004 212 13/04 KANA LETTER YA Kana 004 213 13/05 KANA LETTER YU Kana 004 214 13/06 KANA LETTER YO Kana 004 215 13/07 KANA LETTER RA Kana 004 216 13/08 KANA LETTER RI Kana 004 217 13/09 KANA LETTER RU Kana 004 218 13/10 KANA LETTER RE Kana 004 219 13/11 KANA LETTER RO Kana 004 220 13/12 KANA LETTER WA Kana 004 221 13/13 KANA LETTER N Kana 004 222 13/14 VOICED SOUND SYMBOL Kana 004 223 13/15 SEMIVOICED SOUND SYMBOL Kana 005 172 10/12 ARABIC COMMA Arabic 005 187 11/11 ARABIC SEMICOLON Arabic 005 191 11/15 ARABIC QUESTION MARK Arabic 005 193 12/01 ARABIC LETTER HAMZA Arabic 005 194 12/02 ARABIC LETTER MADDA ON ALEF Arabic 005 195 12/03 ARABIC LETTER HAMZA ON ALEF Arabic 005 196 12/04 ARABIC LETTER HAMZA ON WAW Arabic 005 197 12/05 ARABIC LETTER HAMZA UNDER ALEF Arabic 005 198 12/06 ARABIC LETTER HAMZA ON YEH Arabic 005 199 12/07 ARABIC LETTER ALEF Arabic 005 200 12/08 ARABIC LETTER BEH Arabic 005 201 12/09 ARABIC LETTER TEH MARBUTA Arabic 005 202 12/10 ARABIC LETTER TEH Arabic 005 203 12/11 ARABIC LETTER THEH Arabic 005 204 12/12 ARABIC LETTER JEEM Arabic 005 205 12/13 ARABIC LETTER HAH Arabic 005 206 12/14 ARABIC LETTER KHAH Arabic 005 207 12/15 ARABIC LETTER DAL Arabic 005 208 13/00 ARABIC LETTER THAL Arabic 005 209 13/01 ARABIC LETTER RA Arabic 005 210 13/02 ARABIC LETTER ZAIN Arabic 005 211 13/03 ARABIC LETTER SEEN Arabic 005 212 13/04 ARABIC LETTER SHEEN Arabic 005 213 13/05 ARABIC LETTER SAD Arabic 005 214 13/06 ARABIC LETTER DAD Arabic 005 215 13/07 ARABIC LETTER TAH Arabic 005 216 13/08 ARABIC LETTER ZAH Arabic 005 217 13/09 ARABIC LETTER AIN Arabic 005 218 13/10 ARABIC LETTER GHAIN Arabic 005 224 14/00 ARABIC LETTER TATWEEL Arabic 005 225 14/01 ARABIC LETTER FEH Arabic 005 226 14/02 ARABIC LETTER QAF Arabic 1m1350m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 005 227 14/03 ARABIC LETTER KAF Arabic 005 228 14/04 ARABIC LETTER LAM Arabic 005 229 14/05 ARABIC LETTER MEEM Arabic 005 230 14/06 ARABIC LETTER NOON Arabic 005 231 14/07 ARABIC LETTER HA Arabic 005 232 14/08 ARABIC LETTER WAW Arabic 005 233 14/09 ARABIC LETTER ALEF MAKSURA Arabic 005 234 14/10 ARABIC LETTER YEH Arabic 005 235 14/11 ARABIC LETTER FATHATAN Arabic 005 236 14/12 ARABIC LETTER DAMMATAN Arabic 005 237 14/13 ARABIC LETTER KASRATAN Arabic 005 238 14/14 ARABIC LETTER FATHA Arabic 005 239 14/15 ARABIC LETTER DAMMA Arabic 005 240 15/00 ARABIC LETTER KASRA Arabic 005 241 15/01 ARABIC LETTER SHADDA Arabic 005 242 15/02 ARABIC LETTER SUKUN Arabic 006 161 10/01 SERBOCROATION CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DJE Cyrillic 006 162 10/02 MACEDONIAN CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GJE Cyrillic 006 163 10/03 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IO Cyrillic 006 164 10/04 UKRAINIAN CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE Cyrillic 006 165 10/05 MACEDONIAN SMALL LETTER DSE Cyrillic 006 166 10/06 BYELORUSSIAN/UKRAINIAN CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I Cyrillic 006 167 10/07 UKRAINIAN SMALL LETTER YI Cyrillic 006 168 10/08 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER JE Cyrillic 006 169 10/09 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LJE Cyrillic 006 170 10/10 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER NJE Cyrillic 006 171 10/11 SERBIAN SMALL LETTER TSHE Cyrillic 006 172 10/12 MACEDONIAN CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KJE Cyrillic 006 174 10/14 BYELORUSSIAN SMALL LETTER SHORT U Cyrillic 006 175 10/15 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DZHE Cyrillic 006 176 11/00 NUMERO SIGN Cyrillic 006 177 11/01 SERBOCROATIAN CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DJE Cyrillic 006 178 11/02 MACEDONIAN CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GJE Cyrillic 006 179 11/03 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IO Cyrillic 006 180 11/04 UKRAINIAN CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE Cyrillic 006 181 11/05 MACEDONIAN CAPITAL LETTER DSE Cyrillic 006 182 11/06 BYELORUSSIAN/UKRAINIAN CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I Cyrillic 006 183 11/07 UKRAINIAN CAPITAL LETTER YI Cyrillic 006 184 11/08 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER JE Cyrillic 006 185 11/09 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER LJE Cyrillic 006 186 11/10 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER NJE Cyrillic 006 187 11/11 SERBIAN CAPITAL LETTER TSHE Cyrillic 006 188 11/12 MACEDONIAN CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KJE Cyrillic 006 190 11/14 BYELORUSSIAN CAPITAL LETTER SHORT U Cyrillic 006 191 11/15 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DZHE Cyrillic 006 192 12/00 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YU Cyrillic 006 193 12/01 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER A Cyrillic 1m1360m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 006 194 12/02 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER BE Cyrillic 006 195 12/03 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TSE Cyrillic 006 196 12/04 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER DE Cyrillic 006 197 12/05 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER IE Cyrillic 006 198 12/06 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EF Cyrillic 006 199 12/07 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER GHE Cyrillic 006 200 12/08 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER HA Cyrillic 006 201 12/09 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER I Cyrillic 006 202 12/10 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHORT I Cyrillic 006 203 12/11 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER KA Cyrillic 006 204 12/12 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EL Cyrillic 006 205 12/13 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EM Cyrillic 006 206 12/14 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER EN Cyrillic 006 207 12/15 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER O Cyrillic 006 208 13/00 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER PE Cyrillic 006 209 13/01 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YA Cyrillic 006 210 13/02 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ER Cyrillic 006 211 13/03 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ES Cyrillic 006 212 13/04 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER TE Cyrillic 006 213 13/05 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER U Cyrillic 006 214 13/06 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZHE Cyrillic 006 215 13/07 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER VE Cyrillic 006 216 13/08 CYRILLIC SMALL SOFT SIGN Cyrillic 006 217 13/09 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER YERU Cyrillic 006 218 13/10 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER ZE Cyrillic 006 219 13/11 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHA Cyrillic 006 220 13/12 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER E Cyrillic 006 221 13/13 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER SHCHA Cyrillic 006 222 13/14 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER CHE Cyrillic 006 223 13/15 CYRILLIC SMALL HARD SIGN Cyrillic 006 224 14/00 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YU Cyrillic 006 225 14/01 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER A Cyrillic 006 226 14/02 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER BE Cyrillic 006 227 14/03 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TSE Cyrillic 006 228 14/04 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER DE Cyrillic 006 229 14/05 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER IE Cyrillic 006 230 14/06 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EF Cyrillic 006 231 14/07 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER GHE Cyrillic 006 232 14/08 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER HA Cyrillic 006 233 14/09 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER I Cyrillic 006 234 14/10 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHORT I Cyrillic 006 235 14/11 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER KA Cyrillic 006 236 14/12 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EL Cyrillic 006 237 14/13 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EM Cyrillic 006 238 14/14 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER EN Cyrillic 006 239 14/15 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER O Cyrillic 006 240 15/00 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER PE Cyrillic 006 241 15/01 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YA Cyrillic 006 242 15/02 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ER Cyrillic 1m1370m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 006 243 15/03 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ES Cyrillic 006 244 15/04 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER TE Cyrillic 006 245 15/05 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER U Cyrillic 006 246 15/06 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZHE Cyrillic 006 247 15/07 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER VE Cyrillic 006 248 15/08 CYRILLIC CAPITAL SOFT SIGN Cyrillic 006 249 15/09 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER YERU Cyrillic 006 250 15/10 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER ZE Cyrillic 006 251 15/11 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHA Cyrillic 006 252 15/12 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER E Cyrillic 006 253 15/13 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER SHCHA Cyrillic 006 254 15/14 CYRILLIC CAPITAL LETTER CHE Cyrillic 006 255 15/15 CYRILLIC CAPITAL HARD SIGN Cyrillic 007 161 10/01 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA WITH ACCENT Greek 007 162 10/02 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON WITH ACCENT Greek 007 163 10/03 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA WITH ACCENT Greek 007 164 10/04 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH ACCENT Greek 007 165 10/05 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA WITH DIAERESIS Greek 007 167 10/07 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON WITH ACCENT Greek 007 168 10/08 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH ACCENT Greek 007 169 10/09 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIAERESIS Greek 007 171 10/11 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA WITH ACCENT Greek 007 174 10/14 DIAERESIS AND ACCENT Greek 007 175 10/15 HORIZONTAL BAR Greek 007 177 11/01 GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA WITH ACCENT Greek 007 178 11/02 GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON WITH ACCENT Greek 007 179 11/03 GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA WITH ACCENT Greek 007 180 11/04 GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH ACCENT Greek 007 181 11/05 GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH DIAERESIS Greek 007 182 11/06 GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA WITH ACCENT+DIAERESIS Greek 007 183 11/07 GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON WITH ACCENT Greek 007 184 11/08 GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH ACCENT Greek 007 185 11/09 GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH DIAERESIS Greek 007 186 11/10 GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON WITH ACCENT+DIAERESIS Greek 007 187 11/11 GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA WITH ACCENT Greek 007 193 12/01 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ALPHA Greek 007 194 12/02 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER BETA Greek 007 195 12/03 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA Greek 007 196 12/04 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA Greek 007 197 12/05 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER EPSILON Greek 007 198 12/06 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ZETA Greek 007 199 12/07 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER ETA Greek 007 200 12/08 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA Greek 007 201 12/09 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER IOTA Greek 007 202 12/10 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER KAPPA Greek 007 203 12/11 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER LAMDA Greek 007 204 12/12 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER MU Greek 1m1380m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 007 205 12/13 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER NU Greek 007 206 12/14 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER XI Greek 007 207 12/15 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMICRON Greek 007 208 13/00 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PI Greek 007 209 13/01 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER RHO Greek 007 210 13/02 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER SIGMA Greek 007 212 13/04 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER TAU Greek 007 213 13/05 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER UPSILON Greek 007 214 13/06 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PHI Greek 007 215 13/07 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER CHI Greek 007 216 13/08 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER PSI Greek 007 217 13/09 GREEK CAPITAL LETTER OMEGA Greek 007 225 14/01 GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA Greek 007 226 14/02 GREEK SMALL LETTER BETA Greek 007 227 14/03 GREEK SMALL LETTER GAMMA Greek 007 228 14/04 GREEK SMALL LETTER DELTA Greek 007 229 14/05 GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON Greek 007 230 14/06 GREEK SMALL LETTER ZETA Greek 007 231 14/07 GREEK SMALL LETTER ETA Greek 007 232 14/08 GREEK SMALL LETTER THETA Greek 007 233 14/09 GREEK SMALL LETTER IOTA Greek 007 234 14/10 GREEK SMALL LETTER KAPPA Greek 007 235 14/11 GREEK SMALL LETTER LAMDA Greek 007 236 14/12 GREEK SMALL LETTER MU Greek 007 237 14/13 GREEK SMALL LETTER NU Greek 007 238 14/14 GREEK SMALL LETTER XI Greek 007 239 14/15 GREEK SMALL LETTER OMICRON Greek 007 240 15/00 GREEK SMALL LETTER PI Greek 007 241 15/01 GREEK SMALL LETTER RHO Greek 007 242 15/02 GREEK SMALL LETTER SIGMA Greek 007 243 15/03 GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SMALL SIGMA Greek 007 244 15/04 GREEK SMALL LETTER TAU Greek 007 245 15/05 GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON Greek 007 246 15/06 GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI Greek 007 247 15/07 GREEK SMALL LETTER CHI Greek 007 248 15/08 GREEK SMALL LETTER PSI Greek 007 249 15/09 GREEK SMALL LETTER OMEGA Greek 008 161 10/01 LEFT RADICAL Technical 008 162 10/02 TOP LEFT RADICAL Technical 008 163 10/03 HORIZONTAL CONNECTOR Technical 008 164 10/04 TOP INTEGRAL Technical 008 165 10/05 BOTTOM INTEGRAL Technical 008 166 10/06 VERTICAL CONNECTOR Technical 008 167 10/07 TOP LEFT SQUARE BRACKET Technical 008 168 10/08 BOTTOM LEFT SQUARE BRACKET Technical 008 169 10/09 TOP RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET Technical 008 170 10/10 BOTTOM RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET Technical 1m1390m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 008 171 10/11 TOP LEFT PARENTHESIS Technical 008 172 10/12 BOTTOM LEFT PARENTHESIS Technical 008 173 10/13 TOP RIGHT PARENTHESIS Technical 008 174 10/14 BOTTOM RIGHT PARENTHESIS Technical 008 175 10/15 LEFT MIDDLE CURLY BRACE Technical 008 176 11/00 RIGHT MIDDLE CURLY BRACE Technical 008 177 11/01 TOP LEFT SUMMATION Technical 008 178 11/02 BOTTOM LEFT SUMMATION Technical 008 179 11/03 TOP VERTICAL SUMMATION CONNECTOR Technical 008 180 11/04 BOTTOM VERTICAL SUMMATION CONNECTOR Technical 008 181 11/05 TOP RIGHT SUMMATION Technical 008 182 11/06 BOTTOM RIGHT SUMMATION Technical 008 183 11/07 RIGHT MIDDLE SUMMATION Technical 008 188 11/12 LESS THAN OR EQUAL SIGN Technical 008 189 11/13 NOT EQUAL SIGN Technical 008 190 11/14 GREATER THAN OR EQUAL SIGN Technical 008 191 11/15 INTEGRAL Technical 008 192 12/00 THEREFORE Technical 008 193 12/01 VARIATION, PROPORTIONAL TO Technical 008 194 12/02 INFINITY Technical 008 197 12/05 NABLA, DEL Technical 008 200 12/08 IS APPROXIMATE TO Technical 008 201 12/09 SIMILAR OR EQUAL TO Technical 008 205 12/13 IF AND ONLY IF Technical 008 206 12/14 IMPLIES Technical 008 207 12/15 IDENTICAL TO Technical 008 214 13/06 RADICAL Technical 008 218 13/10 IS INCLUDED IN Technical 008 219 13/11 INCLUDES Technical 008 220 13/12 INTERSECTION Technical 008 221 13/13 UNION Technical 008 222 13/14 LOGICAL AND Technical 008 223 13/15 LOGICAL OR Technical 008 239 14/15 PARTIAL DERIVATIVE Technical 008 246 15/06 FUNCTION Technical 008 251 15/11 LEFT ARROW Technical 008 252 15/12 UPWARD ARROW Technical 008 253 15/13 RIGHT ARROW Technical 008 254 15/14 DOWNWARD ARROW Technical 009 223 13/15 BLANK Special 009 224 14/00 SOLID DIAMOND Special 009 225 14/01 CHECKERBOARD Special 009 226 14/02 ``HT'' Special 009 227 14/03 ``FF'' Special 009 228 14/04 ``CR'' Special 009 229 14/05 ``LF'' Special 009 232 14/08 ``NL'' Special 1m1400m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 009 233 14/09 ``VT'' Special 009 234 14/10 LOWER-RIGHT CORNER Special 009 235 14/11 UPPER-RIGHT CORNER Special 009 236 14/12 UPPER-LEFT CORNER Special 009 237 14/13 LOWER-LEFT CORNER Special 009 238 14/14 CROSSING-LINES Special 009 239 14/15 HORIZONTAL LINE, SCAN 1 Special 009 240 15/00 HORIZONTAL LINE, SCAN 3 Special 009 241 15/01 HORIZONTAL LINE, SCAN 5 Special 009 242 15/02 HORIZONTAL LINE, SCAN 7 Special 009 243 15/03 HORIZONTAL LINE, SCAN 9 Special 009 244 15/04 LEFT ``T'' Special 009 245 15/05 RIGHT ``T'' Special 009 246 15/06 BOTTOM ``T'' Special 009 247 15/07 TOP ``T'' Special 009 248 15/08 VERTICAL BAR Special 010 161 10/01 EM SPACE Publish 010 162 10/02 EN SPACE Publish 010 163 10/03 3/EM SPACE Publish 010 164 10/04 4/EM SPACE Publish 010 165 10/05 DIGIT SPACE Publish 010 166 10/06 PUNCTUATION SPACE Publish 010 167 10/07 THIN SPACE Publish 010 168 10/08 HAIR SPACE Publish 010 169 10/09 EM DASH Publish 010 170 10/10 EN DASH Publish 010 172 10/12 SIGNIFICANT BLANK SYMBOL Publish 010 174 10/14 ELLIPSIS Publish 010 175 10/15 DOUBLE BASELINE DOT Publish 010 176 11/00 VULGAR FRACTION ONE THIRD Publish 010 177 11/01 VULGAR FRACTION TWO THIRDS Publish 010 178 11/02 VULGAR FRACTION ONE FIFTH Publish 010 179 11/03 VULGAR FRACTION TWO FIFTHS Publish 010 180 11/04 VULGAR FRACTION THREE FIFTHS Publish 010 181 11/05 VULGAR FRACTION FOUR FIFTHS Publish 010 182 11/06 VULGAR FRACTION ONE SIXTH Publish 010 183 11/07 VULGAR FRACTION FIVE SIXTHS Publish 010 184 11/08 CARE OF Publish 010 187 11/11 FIGURE DASH Publish 010 188 11/12 LEFT ANGLE BRACKET Publish 010 189 11/13 DECIMAL POINT Publish 010 190 11/14 RIGHT ANGLE BRACKET Publish 010 191 11/15 MARKER Publish 010 195 12/03 VULGAR FRACTION ONE EIGHTH Publish 010 196 12/04 VULGAR FRACTION THREE EIGHTHS Publish 010 197 12/05 VULGAR FRACTION FIVE EIGHTHS Publish 010 198 12/06 VULGAR FRACTION SEVEN EIGHTHS Publish 1m1410m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010 201 12/09 TRADEMARK SIGN Publish 010 202 12/10 SIGNATURE MARK Publish 010 203 12/11 TRADEMARK SIGN IN CIRCLE Publish 010 204 12/12 LEFT OPEN TRIANGLE Publish 010 205 12/13 RIGHT OPEN TRIANGLE Publish 010 206 12/14 EM OPEN CIRCLE Publish 010 207 12/15 EM OPEN RECTANGLE Publish 010 208 13/00 LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK Publish 010 209 13/01 RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK Publish 010 210 13/02 LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK Publish 010 211 13/03 RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK Publish 010 212 13/04 PRESCRIPTION, TAKE, RECIPE Publish 010 214 13/06 MINUTES Publish 010 215 13/07 SECONDS Publish 010 217 13/09 LATIN CROSS Publish 010 218 13/10 HEXAGRAM Publish 010 219 13/11 FILLED RECTANGLE BULLET Publish 010 220 13/12 FILLED LEFT TRIANGLE BULLET Publish 010 221 13/13 FILLED RIGHT TRIANGLE BULLET Publish 010 222 13/14 EM FILLED CIRCLE Publish 010 223 13/15 EM FILLED RECTANGLE Publish 010 224 14/00 EN OPEN CIRCLE BULLET Publish 010 225 14/01 EN OPEN SQUARE BULLET Publish 010 226 14/02 OPEN RECTANGULAR BULLET Publish 010 227 14/03 OPEN TRIANGULAR BULLET UP Publish 010 228 14/04 OPEN TRIANGULAR BULLET DOWN Publish 010 229 14/05 OPEN STAR Publish 010 230 14/06 EN FILLED CIRCLE BULLET Publish 010 231 14/07 EN FILLED SQUARE BULLET Publish 010 232 14/08 FILLED TRIANGULAR BULLET UP Publish 010 233 14/09 FILLED TRIANGULAR BULLET DOWN Publish 010 234 14/10 LEFT POINTER Publish 010 235 14/11 RIGHT POINTER Publish 010 236 14/12 CLUB Publish 010 237 14/13 DIAMOND Publish 010 238 14/14 HEART Publish 010 240 15/00 MALTESE CROSS Publish 010 241 15/01 DAGGER Publish 010 242 15/02 DOUBLE DAGGER Publish 010 243 15/03 CHECK MARK, TICK Publish 010 244 15/04 BALLOT CROSS Publish 010 245 15/05 MUSICAL SHARP Publish 010 246 15/06 MUSICAL FLAT Publish 010 247 15/07 MALE SYMBOL Publish 010 248 15/08 FEMALE SYMBOL Publish 010 249 15/09 TELEPHONE SYMBOL Publish 010 250 15/10 TELEPHONE RECORDER SYMBOL Publish 010 251 15/11 PHONOGRAPH COPYRIGHT SIGN Publish 010 252 15/12 CARET Publish 1m1420m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 010 253 15/13 SINGLE LOW QUOTATION MARK Publish 010 254 15/14 DOUBLE LOW QUOTATION MARK Publish 010 255 15/15 CURSOR Publish 011 163 10/03 LEFT CARET APL 011 166 10/06 RIGHT CARET APL 011 168 10/08 DOWN CARET APL 011 169 10/09 UP CARET APL 011 192 12/00 OVERBAR APL 011 194 12/02 DOWN TACK APL 011 195 12/03 UP SHOE (CAP) APL 011 196 12/04 DOWN STILE APL 011 198 12/06 UNDERBAR APL 011 202 12/10 JOT APL 011 204 12/12 QUAD APL 011 206 12/14 UP TACK APL 011 207 12/15 CIRCLE APL 011 211 13/03 UP STILE APL 011 214 13/06 DOWN SHOE (CUP) APL 011 216 13/08 RIGHT SHOE APL 011 218 13/10 LEFT SHOE APL 011 220 13/12 LEFT TACK APL 011 252 15/12 RIGHT TACK APL 012 223 13/15 DOUBLE LOW LINE Hebrew 012 224 14/00 HEBREW LETTER ALEPH Hebrew 012 225 14/01 HEBREW LETTER BET Hebrew 012 226 14/02 HEBREW LETTER GIMEL Hebrew 012 227 14/03 HEBREW LETTER DALET Hebrew 012 228 14/04 HEBREW LETTER HE Hebrew 012 229 14/05 HEBREW LETTER WAW Hebrew 012 230 14/06 HEBREW LETTER ZAIN Hebrew 012 231 14/07 HEBREW LETTER CHET Hebrew 012 232 14/08 HEBREW LETTER TET Hebrew 012 233 14/09 HEBREW LETTER YOD Hebrew 012 234 14/10 HEBREW LETTER FINAL KAPH Hebrew 012 235 14/11 HEBREW LETTER KAPH Hebrew 012 236 14/12 HEBREW LETTER LAMED Hebrew 012 237 14/13 HEBREW LETTER FINAL MEM Hebrew 012 238 14/14 HEBREW LETTER MEM Hebrew 012 239 14/15 HEBREW LETTER FINAL NUN Hebrew 012 240 15/00 HEBREW LETTER NUN Hebrew 012 241 15/01 HEBREW LETTER SAMECH Hebrew 012 242 15/02 HEBREW LETTER A'YIN Hebrew 012 243 15/03 HEBREW LETTER FINAL PE Hebrew 012 244 15/04 HEBREW LETTER PE Hebrew 012 245 15/05 HEBREW LETTER FINAL ZADE Hebrew 1m1430m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 012 246 15/06 HEBREW LETTER ZADE Hebrew 012 247 15/07 HEBREW QOPH Hebrew 012 248 15/08 HEBREW RESH Hebrew 012 249 15/09 HEBREW SHIN Hebrew 012 250 15/10 HEBREW TAW Hebrew 013 161 10/01 THAI KOKAI Thai 013 162 10/02 THAI KHOKHAI Thai 013 163 10/03 THAI KHOKHUAT Thai 013 164 10/04 THAI KHOKHWAI Thai 013 165 10/05 THAI KHOKHON Thai 013 166 10/06 THAI KHORAKHANG Thai 013 167 10/07 THAI NGONGU Thai 013 168 10/08 THAI CHOCHAN Thai 013 169 10/09 THAI CHOCHING Thai 013 170 10/10 THAI CHOCHANG Thai 013 171 10/11 THAI SOSO Thai 013 172 10/12 THAI CHOCHOE Thai 013 173 10/13 THAI YOYING Thai 013 174 10/14 THAI DOCHADA Thai 013 175 10/15 THAI TOPATAK Thai 013 176 11/00 THAI THOTHAN Thai 013 177 11/01 THAI THONANGMONTHO Thai 013 178 11/02 THAI THOPHUTHAO Thai 013 179 11/03 THAI NONEN Thai 013 180 11/04 THAI DODEK Thai 013 181 11/05 THAI TOTAO Thai 013 182 11/06 THAI THOTHUNG Thai 013 183 11/07 THAI THOTHAHAN Thai 013 184 11/08 THAI THOTHONG Thai 013 185 11/09 THAI NONU Thai 013 186 11/10 THAI BOBAIMAI Thai 013 187 11/11 THAI POPLA Thai 013 188 11/12 THAI PHOPHUNG Thai 013 189 11/13 THAI FOFA Thai 013 190 11/14 THAI PHOPHAN Thai 013 191 11/15 THAI FOFAN Thai 013 192 12/00 THAI PHOSAMPHAO Thai 013 193 12/01 THAI MOMA Thai 013 194 12/02 THAI YOYAK Thai 013 195 12/03 THAI RORUA Thai 013 196 12/04 THAI RU Thai 013 197 12/05 THAI LOLING Thai 013 198 12/06 THAI LU Thai 013 199 12/07 THAI WOWAEN Thai 013 200 12/08 THAI SOSALA Thai 013 201 12/09 THAI SORUSI Thai 013 202 12/10 THAI SOSUA Thai 1m1440m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 013 203 12/11 THAI HOHIP Thai 013 204 12/12 THAI LOCHULA Thai 013 205 12/13 THAI OANG Thai 013 206 12/14 THAI HONOKHUK Thai 013 207 12/15 THAI PAIYANNOI Thai 013 208 13/00 THAI SARAA Thai 013 209 13/01 THAI MAIHANAKAT Thai 013 210 13/02 THAI SARAAA Thai 013 211 13/03 THAI SARAAM Thai 013 212 13/04 THAI SARAI Thai 013 213 13/05 THAI SARAII Thai 013 214 13/06 THAI SARAUE Thai 013 215 13/07 THAI SARAUEE Thai 013 216 13/08 THAI SARAU Thai 013 217 13/09 THAI SARAUU Thai 013 218 13/10 THAI PHINTHU Thai 013 222 13/14 THAI MAIHANAKAT Thai 013 223 13/15 THAI BAHT Thai 013 224 14/00 THAI SARAE Thai 013 225 14/01 THAI SARAAE Thai 013 226 14/02 THAI SARAO Thai 013 227 14/03 THAI SARAAIMAIMUAN Thai 013 228 14/04 THAI SARAAIMAIMALAI Thai 013 229 14/05 THAI LAKKHANGYAO Thai 013 230 14/06 THAI MAIYAMOK Thai 013 231 14/07 THAI MAITAIKHU Thai 013 232 14/08 THAI MAIEK Thai 013 233 14/09 THAI MAITHO Thai 013 234 14/10 THAI MAITRI Thai 013 235 14/11 THAI MAICHATTAWA Thai 013 236 14/12 THAI THANTHAKHAT Thai 013 237 14/13 THAI NIKHAHIT Thai 013 240 15/00 THAI LEKSUN Thai 013 241 15/01 THAI LEKNUNG Thai 013 242 15/02 THAI LEKSONG Thai 013 243 15/03 THAI LEKSAM Thai 013 244 15/04 THAI LEKSI Thai 013 245 15/05 THAI LEKHA Thai 013 246 15/06 THAI LEKHOK Thai 013 247 15/07 THAI LEKCHET Thai 013 248 15/08 THAI LEKPAET Thai 013 249 15/09 THAI LEKKAO Thai 014 161 10/01 HANGUL KIYEOG Korean 014 162 10/02 HANGUL SSANG KIYEOG Korean 014 163 10/03 HANGUL KIYEOG SIOS Korean 014 164 10/04 HANGUL NIEUN Korean 014 165 10/05 HANGUL NIEUN JIEUJ Korean 1m1450m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 014 166 10/06 HANGUL NIEUN HIEUH Korean 014 167 10/07 HANGUL DIKEUD Korean 014 168 10/08 HANGUL SSANG DIKEUD Korean 014 169 10/09 HANGUL RIEUL Korean 014 170 10/10 HANGUL RIEUL KIYEOG Korean 014 171 10/11 HANGUL RIEUL MIEUM Korean 014 172 10/12 HANGUL RIEUL PIEUB Korean 014 173 10/13 HANGUL RIEUL SIOS Korean 014 174 10/14 HANGUL RIEUL TIEUT Korean 014 175 10/15 HANGUL RIEUL PHIEUF Korean 014 176 11/00 HANGUL RIEUL HIEUH Korean 014 177 11/01 HANGUL MIEUM Korean 014 178 11/02 HANGUL PIEUB Korean 014 179 11/03 HANGUL SSANG PIEUB Korean 014 180 11/04 HANGUL PIEUB SIOS Korean 014 181 11/05 HANGUL SIOS Korean 014 182 11/06 HANGUL SSANG SIOS Korean 014 183 11/07 HANGUL IEUNG Korean 014 184 11/08 HANGUL JIEUJ Korean 014 185 11/09 HANGUL SSANG JIEUJ Korean 014 186 11/10 HANGUL CIEUC Korean 014 187 11/11 HANGUL KHIEUQ Korean 014 188 11/12 HANGUL TIEUT Korean 014 189 11/13 HANGUL PHIEUF Korean 014 190 11/14 HANGUL HIEUH Korean 014 191 11/15 HANGUL A Korean 014 192 12/00 HANGUL AE Korean 014 193 12/01 HANGUL YA Korean 014 194 12/02 HANGUL YAE Korean 014 195 12/03 HANGUL EO Korean 014 196 12/04 HANGUL E Korean 014 197 12/05 HANGUL YEO Korean 014 198 12/06 HANGUL YE Korean 014 199 12/07 HANGUL O Korean 014 200 12/08 HANGUL WA Korean 014 201 12/09 HANGUL WAE Korean 014 202 12/10 HANGUL OE Korean 014 203 12/11 HANGUL YO Korean 014 204 12/12 HANGUL U Korean 014 205 12/13 HANGUL WEO Korean 014 206 12/14 HANGUL WE Korean 014 207 12/15 HANGUL WI Korean 014 208 13/00 HANGUL YU Korean 014 209 13/01 HANGUL EU Korean 014 210 13/02 HANGUL YI Korean 014 211 13/03 HANGUL I Korean 014 212 13/04 HANGUL JONG SEONG KIYEOG Korean 014 213 13/05 HANGUL JONG SEONG SSANG KIYEOG Korean 014 214 13/06 HANGUL JONG SEONG KIYEOG SIOS Korean 1m1460m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 014 215 13/07 HANGUL JONG SEONG NIEUN Korean 014 216 13/08 HANGUL JONG SEONG NIEUN JIEUJ Korean 014 217 13/09 HANGUL JONG SEONG NIEUN HIEUH Korean 014 218 13/10 HANGUL JONG SEONG DIKEUD Korean 014 219 13/11 HANGUL JONG SEONG RIEUL Korean 014 220 13/12 HANGUL JONG SEONG RIEUL KIYEOG Korean 014 221 13/13 HANGUL JONG SEONG RIEUL MIEUM Korean 014 222 13/14 HANGUL JONG SEONG RIEUL PIEUB Korean 014 223 13/15 HANGUL JONG SEONG RIEUL SIOS Korean 014 224 14/00 HANGUL JONG SEONG RIEUL TIEUT Korean 014 225 14/01 HANGUL JONG SEONG RIEUL PHIEUF Korean 014 226 14/02 HANGUL JONG SEONG RIEUL HIEUH Korean 014 227 14/03 HANGUL JONG SEONG MIEUM Korean 014 228 14/04 HANGUL JONG SEONG PIEUB Korean 014 229 14/05 HANGUL JONG SEONG PIEUB SIOS Korean 014 230 14/06 HANGUL JONG SEONG SIOS Korean 014 231 14/07 HANGUL JONG SEONG SSANG SIOS Korean 014 232 14/08 HANGUL JONG SEONG IEUNG Korean 014 233 14/09 HANGUL JONG SEONG JIEUJ Korean 014 234 14/10 HANGUL JONG SEONG CIEUC Korean 014 235 14/11 HANGUL JONG SEONG KHIEUQ Korean 014 236 14/12 HANGUL JONG SEONG TIEUT Korean 014 237 14/13 HANGUL JONG SEONG PHIEUF Korean 014 238 14/14 HANGUL JONG SEONG HIEUH Korean 014 239 14/15 HANGUL RIEUL YEORIN HIEUH Korean 014 240 15/00 HANGUL SUNKYEONGEUM MIEUM Korean 014 241 15/01 HANGUL SUNKYEONGEUM PIEUB Korean 014 242 15/02 HANGUL PAN SIOS Korean 014 243 15/03 HANGUL KKOGJI DALRIN IEUNG Korean 014 244 15/04 HANGUL SUNKYEONGEUM PHIEUF Korean 014 245 15/05 HANGUL YEORIN HIEUH Korean 014 246 15/06 HANGUL ARAE A Korean 014 247 15/07 HANGUL ARAE AE Korean 014 248 15/08 HANGUL JONG SEONG PAN SIOS Korean 014 249 15/09 HANGUL JONG SEONG KKOGJI DALRIN IEUNG Korean 014 250 15/10 HANGUL JONG SEONG YEORIN HIEUH Korean 014 255 15/15 KOREAN WON Korean 019 188 11/12 LATIN CAPITAL DIPHTHONG OE Latin-9 019 189 11/13 LATIN SMALL DIPHTHONG oe Latin-9 019 190 11/14 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y WITH DIAERESIS Latin-9 032 160 10/00 CURRENCY ECU SIGN Currency 032 161 10/01 CURRENCY COLON SIGN Currency 032 162 10/02 CURRENCY CRUZEIRO SIGN Currency 032 163 10/03 CURRENCY FRENCH FRANC SIGN Currency 032 164 10/04 CURRENCY LIRA SIGN Currency 1m1470m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 032 165 10/05 CURRENCY MILL SIGN Currency 032 166 10/06 CURRENCY NAIRA SIGN Currency 032 167 10/07 CURRENCY PESETA SIGN Currency 032 168 10/08 CURRENCY RUPEE SIGN Currency 032 169 10/09 CURRENCY WON SIGN Currency 032 170 10/10 CURRENCY NEW SHEQEL SIGN Currency 032 171 10/11 CURRENCY DONG SIGN Currency 032 172 10/12 CURRENCY EURO SIGN Currency 253 001 00/01 3270 DUPLICATE 3270 253 002 00/02 3270 FIELDMARK 3270 253 003 00/03 3270 RIGHT2 3270 253 004 00/04 3270 LEFT2 3270 253 005 00/05 3270 BACKTAB 3270 253 006 00/06 3270 ERASEEOF 3270 253 007 00/07 3270 ERASEINPUT 3270 253 008 00/08 3270 RESET 3270 253 009 00/09 3270 QUIT 3270 253 010 00/10 3270 PA1 3270 253 011 00/11 3270 PA2 3270 253 012 00/12 3270 PA3 3270 253 013 00/13 3270 TEST 3270 253 014 00/14 3270 ATTN 3270 253 015 00/15 3270 CURSORBLINK 3270 253 016 01/01 3270 ALTCURSOR 3270 253 017 01/02 3270 KEYCLICK 3270 253 018 01/03 3270 JUMP 3270 253 019 01/04 3270 IDENT 3270 253 020 01/05 3270 RULE 3270 253 021 01/06 3270 COPY 3270 253 022 01/07 3270 PLAY 3270 253 023 01/08 3270 SETUP 3270 253 024 01/09 3270 RECORD 3270 253 025 01/10 3270 CHANGESCREEN 3270 253 026 01/11 3270 DELETEWORD 3270 253 027 01/12 3270 EXSELECT 3270 253 028 01/13 3270 CURSORSELECT 3270 253 029 01/14 3270 PRINTSCREEN 3270 253 030 01/15 3270 ENTER 3270 255 008 00/08 BACKSPACE, BACK SPACE, BACK CHAR Keyboard 255 009 00/09 TAB Keyboard 255 010 00/10 LINEFEED, LF Keyboard 255 011 00/11 CLEAR Keyboard 255 013 00/13 RETURN, ENTER Keyboard 255 019 01/03 PAUSE, HOLD Keyboard 255 020 01/04 SCROLL LOCK Keyboard 1m1480m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 255 021 01/05 SYS REQ, SYSTEM REQUEST Keyboard 255 027 01/11 ESCAPE Keyboard 255 032 02/00 MULTI-KEY CHARACTER PREFACE Keyboard 255 033 02/01 KANJI, KANJI CONVERT Keyboard 255 034 02/02 MUHENKAN Keyboard 255 035 02/03 HENKAN MODE Keyboard 255 036 02/04 ROMAJI Keyboard 255 037 02/05 HIRAGANA Keyboard 255 038 02/06 KATAKANA Keyboard 255 039 02/07 HIRAGANA/KATAKANA TOGGLE Keyboard 255 040 02/08 ZENKAKU Keyboard 255 041 02/09 HANKAKU Keyboard 255 042 02/10 ZENKAKU/HANKAKU TOGGLE Keyboard 255 043 02/11 TOUROKU Keyboard 255 044 02/12 MASSYO Keyboard 255 045 02/13 KANA LOCK Keyboard 255 046 02/14 KANA SHIFT Keyboard 255 047 02/15 EISU SHIFT Keyboard 255 048 03/00 EISU TOGGLE Keyboard 255 049 03/01 HANGUL START/STOP (TOGGLE) Keyboard 255 050 03/02 HANGUL START Keyboard 255 051 03/03 HANGUL END, ENGLISH START Keyboard 255 052 03/04 START HANGUL/HANJA CONVERSION Keyboard 255 053 03/05 HANGUL JAMO MODE Keyboard 255 054 03/06 HANGUL ROMAJA MODE Keyboard 255 055 03/07 HANGUL CODE INPUT Keyboard 255 056 03/08 HANGUL JEONJA MODE Keyboard 255 057 03/09 HANGUL BANJA MODE Keyboard 255 058 03/10 HANGUL PREHANJA CONVERSION Keyboard 255 059 03/11 HANGUL POSTHANJA CONVERSION Keyboard 255 060 03/12 HANGUL SINGLE CANDIDATE Keyboard 255 061 03/13 HANGUL MULTIPLE CANDIDATE Keyboard 255 062 03/14 HANGUL PREVIOUS CANDIDATE Keyboard 255 063 03/15 HANGUL SPECIAL SYMBOLS Keyboard 255 080 05/00 HOME Keyboard 255 081 05/01 LEFT, MOVE LEFT, LEFT ARROW Keyboard 255 082 05/02 UP, MOVE UP, UP ARROW Keyboard 255 083 05/03 RIGHT, MOVE RIGHT, RIGHT ARROW Keyboard 255 084 05/04 DOWN, MOVE DOWN, DOWN ARROW Keyboard 255 085 05/05 PRIOR, PREVIOUS, PAGE UP Keyboard 255 086 05/06 NEXT, PAGE DOWN Keyboard 255 087 05/07 END, EOL Keyboard 255 088 05/08 BEGIN, BOL Keyboard 255 096 06/00 SELECT, MARK Keyboard 255 097 06/01 PRINT Keyboard 255 098 06/02 EXECUTE, RUN, DO Keyboard 255 099 06/03 INSERT, INSERT HERE Keyboard 255 101 06/05 UNDO, OOPS Keyboard 255 102 06/06 REDO, AGAIN Keyboard 1m1490m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 255 103 06/07 MENU Keyboard 255 104 06/08 FIND, SEARCH Keyboard 255 105 06/09 CANCEL, STOP, ABORT, EXIT Keyboard 255 106 06/10 HELP Keyboard 255 107 06/11 BREAK Keyboard 255 126 07/14 MODE SWITCH, SCRIPT SWITCH, CHARACTER SET SWITCH Keyboard 255 127 07/15 NUM LOCK Keyboard 255 128 08/00 KEYPAD SPACE Keyboard 255 137 08/09 KEYPAD TAB Keyboard 255 141 08/13 KEYPAD ENTER Keyboard 255 145 09/01 KEYPAD F1, PF1, A Keyboard 255 146 09/02 KEYPAD F2, PF2, B Keyboard 255 147 09/03 KEYPAD F3, PF3, C Keyboard 255 148 09/04 KEYPAD F4, PF4, D Keyboard 255 149 09/05 KEYPAD HOME Keyboard 255 150 09/06 KEYPAD LEFT Keyboard 255 151 09/07 KEYPAD UP Keyboard 255 152 09/08 KEYPAD RIGHT Keyboard 255 153 09/09 KEYPAD DOWN Keyboard 255 154 09/10 KEYPAD PRIOR, PAGE UP Keyboard 255 155 09/11 KEYPAD NEXT, PAGE DOWN Keyboard 255 156 09/12 KEYPAD END Keyboard 255 157 09/13 KEYPAD BEGIN Keyboard 255 158 09/14 KEYPAD INSERT Keyboard 255 159 09/15 KEYPAD DELETE Keyboard 255 170 10/10 KEYPAD MULTIPLICATION SIGN, ASTERISK Keyboard 255 171 10/11 KEYPAD PLUS SIGN Keyboard 255 172 10/12 KEYPAD SEPARATOR, COMMA Keyboard 255 173 10/13 KEYPAD MINUS SIGN, HYPHEN Keyboard 255 174 10/14 KEYPAD DECIMAL POINT, FULL STOP Keyboard 255 175 10/15 KEYPAD DIVISION SIGN, SOLIDUS Keyboard 255 176 11/00 KEYPAD DIGIT ZERO Keyboard 255 177 11/01 KEYPAD DIGIT ONE Keyboard 255 178 11/02 KEYPAD DIGIT TWO Keyboard 255 179 11/03 KEYPAD DIGIT THREE Keyboard 255 180 11/04 KEYPAD DIGIT FOUR Keyboard 255 181 11/05 KEYPAD DIGIT FIVE Keyboard 255 182 11/06 KEYPAD DIGIT SIX Keyboard 255 183 11/07 KEYPAD DIGIT SEVEN Keyboard 255 184 11/08 KEYPAD DIGIT EIGHT Keyboard 255 185 11/09 KEYPAD DIGIT NINE Keyboard 255 189 11/13 KEYPAD EQUALS SIGN Keyboard 255 190 11/14 F1 Keyboard 255 191 11/15 F2 Keyboard 255 192 12/00 F3 Keyboard 255 193 12/01 F4 Keyboard 255 194 12/02 F5 Keyboard 255 195 12/03 F6 Keyboard 255 196 12/04 F7 Keyboard 1m1500m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1mByte Byte Code Name Set0m 1m3 4 Pos0m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 255 197 12/05 F8 Keyboard 255 198 12/06 F9 Keyboard 255 199 12/07 F10 Keyboard 255 200 12/08 F11, L1 Keyboard 255 201 12/09 F12, L2 Keyboard 255 202 12/10 F13, L3 Keyboard 255 203 12/11 F14, L4 Keyboard 255 204 12/12 F15, L5 Keyboard 255 205 12/13 F16, L6 Keyboard 255 206 12/14 F17, L7 Keyboard 255 207 12/15 F18, L8 Keyboard 255 208 13/00 F19, L9 Keyboard 255 209 13/01 F20, L10 Keyboard 255 210 13/02 F21, R1 Keyboard 255 211 13/03 F22, R2 Keyboard 255 212 13/04 F23, R3 Keyboard 255 213 13/05 F24, R4 Keyboard 255 214 13/06 F25, R5 Keyboard 255 215 13/07 F26, R6 Keyboard 255 216 13/08 F27, R7 Keyboard 255 217 13/09 F28, R8 Keyboard 255 218 13/10 F29, R9 Keyboard 255 219 13/11 F30, R10 Keyboard 255 220 13/12 F31, R11 Keyboard 255 221 13/13 F32, R12 Keyboard 255 222 13/14 F33, R13 Keyboard 255 223 13/15 F34, R14 Keyboard 255 224 14/00 F35, R15 Keyboard 255 225 14/01 LEFT SHIFT Keyboard 255 226 14/02 RIGHT SHIFT Keyboard 255 227 14/03 LEFT CONTROL Keyboard 255 228 14/04 RIGHT CONTROL Keyboard 255 229 14/05 CAPS LOCK Keyboard 255 230 14/06 SHIFT LOCK Keyboard 255 231 14/07 LEFT META Keyboard 255 232 14/08 RIGHT META Keyboard 255 233 14/09 LEFT ALT Keyboard 255 234 14/10 RIGHT ALT Keyboard 255 235 14/11 LEFT SUPER Keyboard 255 236 14/12 RIGHT SUPER Keyboard 255 237 14/13 LEFT HYPER Keyboard 255 238 14/14 RIGHT HYPER Keyboard 255 255 15/15 DELETE, RUBOUT Keyboard ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1m1510m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mAppendix B0m 1mProtocol Encoding0m 1mSyntactic Conventions0m All numbers are in decimal, unless prefixed with #x, in which case they are in hexadecimal (base 16). The general syntax used to describe requests, replies, errors, events, and compound types is: 4mNameofThing0m encode-form ... encode-form Each encode-form describes a single component. For components described in the protocol as: name: TYPE the encode-form is: N TYPE name N is the number of bytes occupied in the data stream, and TYPE is the interpretation of those bytes. For example, depth: CARD8 becomes: 1 CARD8 depth For components with a static numeric value the encode-form is: 1m1520m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m N value name The value is always interpreted as an N-byte unsigned inte- ger. For example, the first two bytes of a 4mWindow24m error are always zero (indicating an error in general) and three (indicating the 4mWindow24m error in particular): 1 0 Error 1 3 code For components described in the protocol as: name: {4mName124m,..., 4mNameI24m} the encode-form is: N name value1 Name1 ... valueI NameI The value is always interpreted as an N-byte unsigned inte- ger. Note that the size of N is sometimes larger than that strictly required to encode the values. For example: class: {4mInputOutput24m, 4mInputOnly24m, 4mCopyFromParent24m} becomes: 2 class 0 CopyFromParent 1 InputOutput 2 InputOnly For components described in the protocol as: NAME: TYPE or 4mAlternative124m...or 4mAlternativeI0m the encode-form is: N TYPE NAME value1 Alternative1 ... valueI AlternativeI 1m1530m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m The alternative values are guaranteed not to conflict with the encoding of TYPE. For example: destination: WINDOW or 4mPointerWindow24m or 4mInputFocus0m becomes: 4 WINDOW destination 0 PointerWindow 1 InputFocus For components described in the protocol as: value-mask: BITMASK the encode-form is: N BITMASK value-mask mask1 mask-name1 ... maskI mask-nameI The individual bits in the mask are specified and named, and N is 2 or 4. The most-significant bit in a BITMASK is reserved for use in defining chained (multiword) bitmasks, as extensions augment existing core requests. The precise interpretation of this bit is not yet defined here, although a probable mechanism is that a 1-bit indicates that another N bytes of bitmask follows, with bits within the overall mask still interpreted from least-significant to most-sig- nificant with an N-byte unit, with N-byte units interpreted in stream order, and with the overall mask being byte- swapped in individual N-byte units. For LISTofVALUE encodings, the request is followed by a sec- tion of the form: VALUEs encode-form ... encode-form listing an encode-form for each VALUE. The NAME in each encode-form keys to the corresponding BITMASK bit. The encoding of a VALUE always occupies four bytes, but the num- ber of bytes specified in the encoding-form indicates how 1m1540m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m many of the least-significant bytes are actually used; the remaining bytes are unused and their values do not matter. In various cases, the number of bytes occupied by a compo- nent will be specified by a lowercase single-letter variable name instead of a specific numeric value, and often some other component will have its value specified as a simple numeric expression involving these variables. Components specified with such expressions are always interpreted as unsigned integers. The scope of such variables is always just the enclosing request, reply, error, event, or compound type structure. For example: 2 3+n request length 4n LISTofPOINT points For unused bytes (the values of the bytes are undefined and do no matter), the encode-form is: N unused If the number of unused bytes is variable, the encode-form typically is: p unused, p=pad(E) where E is some expression, and pad(E) is the number of bytes needed to round E up to a multiple of four. pad(E) = (4 - (E mod 4)) mod 4 1mCommon Types0m LISTofFOO In this document the LISTof notation strictly means some number of repetitions of the FOO encoding; the actual length of the list is encoded elsewhere. SETofFOO A set is always represented by a bitmask, with a 1-bit indicating presence in the set. BITMASK: CARD32 1m1550m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m WINDOW: CARD32 PIXMAP: CARD32 CURSOR: CARD32 FONT: CARD32 GCONTEXT: CARD32 COLORMAP: CARD32 DRAWABLE: CARD32 FONTABLE: CARD32 ATOM: CARD32 VISUALID: CARD32 BYTE: 8-bit value INT8: 8-bit signed integer INT16: 16-bit signed integer INT32: 32-bit signed integer CARD8: 8-bit unsigned integer CARD16: 16-bit unsigned integer CARD32: 32-bit unsigned integer TIMESTAMP: CARD32 BITGRAVITY 0 Forget 1 NorthWest 2 North 3 NorthEast 4 West 5 Center 6 East 7 SouthWest 8 South 9 SouthEast 10 Static WINGRAVITY 0 Unmap 1m1560m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 NorthWest 2 North 3 NorthEast 4 West 5 Center 6 East 7 SouthWest 8 South 9 SouthEast 10 Static BOOL 0 False 1 True SETofEVENT #x00000001KeyPress #x00000002KeyRelease #x00000004ButtonPress #x00000008ButtonRelease #x00000010EnterWindow #x00000020LeaveWindow #x00000040PointerMotion #x00000080PointerMotionHint #x00000100Button1Motion #x00000200Button2Motion #x00000400Button3Motion #x00000800Button4Motion #x00001000Button5Motion #x00002000ButtonMotion #x00004000KeymapState #x00008000Exposure #x00010000VisibilityChange #x00020000StructureNotify #x00040000ResizeRedirect #x00080000SubstructureNotify #x00100000SubstructureRedirect #x00200000FocusChange #x00400000PropertyChange #x00800000ColormapChange #x01000000OwnerGrabButton #xFE000000unused but must be zero SETofPOINTEREVENT encodings are the same as for SETofEVENT, except with #xFFFF8003unused but must be zero 1m1570m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m SETofDEVICEEVENT encodings are the same as for SETofEVENT, except with #xFFFFC0B0unused but must be zero KEYSYM: CARD32 KEYCODE: CARD8 BUTTON: CARD8 SETofKEYBUTMASK #x0001 Shift #x0002 Lock #x0004 Control #x0008 Mod1 #x0010 Mod2 #x0020 Mod3 #x0040 Mod4 #x0080 Mod5 #x0100 Button1 #x0200 Button2 #x0400 Button3 #x0800 Button4 #x1000 Button5 #xE000 unused but must be zero SETofKEYMASK encodings are the same as for SETofKEYBUTMASK, except with #xFF00 unused but must be zero STRING8: LISTofCARD8 STRING16: LISTofCHAR2B CHAR2B 1 CARD8 byte1 1 CARD8 byte2 POINT 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y RECTANGLE 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 1m1580m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height ARC 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 2 INT16 angle1 2 INT16 angle2 HOST 1 family 0 Internet 1 DECnet 2 Chaos 5 ServerInterpreted 6 InternetV6 1 unused 2 n length of address n LISTofBYTE address p unused, p=pad(n) STR 1 n length of name in bytes n STRING8 name 1mErrors0m 4mRequest0m 1 0 Error 1 1 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mValue0m 1 0 Error 1 2 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 <32-bits> bad value 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1m1590m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mWindow0m 1 0 Error 1 3 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 CARD32 bad resource id 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mPixmap0m 1 0 Error 1 4 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 CARD32 bad resource id 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mAtom0m 1 0 Error 1 5 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 CARD32 bad atom id 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mCursor0m 1 0 Error 1 6 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 CARD32 bad resource id 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mFont0m 1 0 Error 1 7 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 CARD32 bad resource id 1m1600m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mMatch0m 1 0 Error 1 8 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mDrawable0m 1 0 Error 1 9 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 CARD32 bad resource id 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mAccess0m 1 0 Error 1 10 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mAlloc0m 1 0 Error 1 11 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mColormap0m 1 0 Error 1 12 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 1m1610m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4 CARD32 bad resource id 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mGContext0m 1 0 Error 1 13 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 CARD32 bad resource id 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mIDChoice0m 1 0 Error 1 14 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 CARD32 bad resource id 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mName0m 1 0 Error 1 15 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mLength0m 1 0 Error 1 16 code 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 4mImplementation0m 1 0 Error 1 17 code 1m1620m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 unused 2 CARD16 minor opcode 1 CARD8 major opcode 21 unused 1mKeyboards0m KEYCODE values are always greater than 7 (and less than 256). KEYSYM values with the bit #x10000000 set are reserved as vendor-specific. The names and encodings of the standard KEYSYM values are contained in Appendix A, Keysym Encoding. 1mPointers0m BUTTON values are numbered starting with one. 1mPredefined Atoms0m PRIMARY 1 WM_NORMAL_HINTS 40 SECONDARY 2 WM_SIZE_HINTS 41 ARC 3 WM_ZOOM_HINTS 42 ATOM 4 MIN_SPACE 43 BITMAP 5 NORM_SPACE 44 CARDINAL 6 MAX_SPACE 45 COLORMAP 7 END_SPACE 46 CURSOR 8 SUPERSCRIPT_X 47 CUT_BUFFER0 9 SUPERSCRIPT_Y 48 CUT_BUFFER1 10 SUBSCRIPT_X 49 CUT_BUFFER2 11 SUBSCRIPT_Y 50 CUT_BUFFER3 12 UNDERLINE_POSITION51 CUT_BUFFER4 13 UNDERLINE_THICKNESS52 CUT_BUFFER5 14 STRIKEOUT_ASCENT 53 CUT_BUFFER6 15 STRIKEOUT_DESCENT54 CUT_BUFFER7 16 ITALIC_ANGLE 55 DRAWABLE 17 X_HEIGHT 56 FONT 18 QUAD_WIDTH 57 INTEGER 19 WEIGHT 58 PIXMAP 20 POINT_SIZE 59 POINT 21 RESOLUTION 60 RECTANGLE 22 COPYRIGHT 61 RESOURCE_MANAGER 23 NOTICE 62 RGB_COLOR_MAP 24 FONT_NAME 63 RGB_BEST_MAP 25 FAMILY_NAME 64 RGB_BLUE_MAP 26 FULL_NAME 65 RGB_DEFAULT_MAP 27 CAP_HEIGHT 66 RGB_GRAY_MAP 28 WM_CLASS 67 RGB_GREEN_MAP 29 WM_TRANSIENT_FOR 68 1m1630m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m RGB_RED_MAP 30 STRING 31 VISUALID 32 WINDOW 33 WM_COMMAND 34 WM_HINTS 35 WM_CLIENT_MACHINE 36 WM_ICON_NAME 37 WM_ICON_SIZE 38 WM_NAME 39 1mConnection Setup0m For TCP connections, displays on a given host are numbered starting from 0, and the server for display N listens and accepts connections on port 6000 + N. For DECnet connec- tions, displays on a given host are numbered starting from 0, and the server for display N listens and accepts connec- tions on the object name obtained by concatenating ``X$X'' with the decimal representation of N, for example, X$X0 and X$X1. Information sent by the client at connection setup: 1 byte-order #x42 MSB first #x6C LSB first 1 unused 2 CARD16 protocol-major-version 2 CARD16 protocol-minor-version 2 n length of authorization-protocol-name 2 d length of authorization-protocol-data 2 unused n STRING8 authorization-protocol-name p unused, p=pad(n) d STRING8 authorization-protocol-data q unused, q=pad(d) Except where explicitly noted in the protocol, all 16-bit and 32-bit quantities sent by the client must be transmitted with the specified byte order, and all 16-bit and 32-bit quantities returned by the server will be transmitted with this byte order. Information received by the client if the connection is refused: 1 0 Failed 1 n length of reason in bytes 2 CARD16 protocol-major-version 1m1640m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 CARD16 protocol-minor-version 2 (n+p)/4 length in 4-byte units of ``additional data'' n STRING8 reason p unused, p=pad(n) Information received by the client if further authentication is required: 1 2 Authenticate 5 unused 2 (n+p)/4 length in 4-byte units of ``additional data'' n STRING8 reason p unused, p=pad(n) Information received by the client if the connection is accepted: 1 1 Success 1 unused 2 CARD16 protocol-major-version 2 CARD16 protocol-minor-version 2 8+2n+(v+p+m)/4 length in 4-byte units of ``additional data'' 4 CARD32 release-number 4 CARD32 resource-id-base 4 CARD32 resource-id-mask 4 CARD32 motion-buffer-size 2 v length of vendor 2 CARD16 maximum-request-length 1 CARD8 number of SCREENs in roots 1 n number for FORMATs in pixmap-formats 1 image-byte-order 0 LSBFirst 1 MSBFirst 1 bitmap-format-bit-order 0 LeastSignificant 1 MostSignificant 1 CARD8 bitmap-format-scanline-unit 1 CARD8 bitmap-format-scanline-pad 1 KEYCODE min-keycode 1 KEYCODE max-keycode 4 unused v STRING8 vendor p unused, p=pad(v) 8n LISTofFORMAT pixmap-formats m LISTofSCREEN roots (m is always a multiple of 4) FORMAT 1 CARD8 depth 1m1650m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 CARD8 bits-per-pixel 1 CARD8 scanline-pad 5 unused SCREEN 4 WINDOW root 4 COLORMAP default-colormap 4 CARD32 white-pixel 4 CARD32 black-pixel 4 SETofEVENT current-input-masks 2 CARD16 width-in-pixels 2 CARD16 height-in-pixels 2 CARD16 width-in-millimeters 2 CARD16 height-in-millimeters 2 CARD16 min-installed-maps 2 CARD16 max-installed-maps 4 VISUALID root-visual 1 backing-stores 0 Never 1 WhenMapped 2 Always 1 BOOL save-unders 1 CARD8 root-depth 1 CARD8 number of DEPTHs in allowed-depths n LISTofDEPTH allowed-depths (n is always a multiple of 4) DEPTH 1 CARD8 depth 1 unused 2 n number of VISUALTYPES in visuals 4 unused 24n LISTofVISUALTYPEvisuals VISUALTYPE 4 VISUALID visual-id 1 class 0 StaticGray 1 GrayScale 2 StaticColor 3 PseudoColor 4 TrueColor 5 DirectColor 1 CARD8 bits-per-rgb-value 2 CARD16 colormap-entries 4 CARD32 red-mask 4 CARD32 green-mask 4 CARD32 blue-mask 4 unused 1m1660m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mRequests0m 4mCreateWindow0m 1 1 opcode 1 CARD8 depth 2 8+n request length 4 WINDOW wid 4 WINDOW parent 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 2 CARD16 border-width 2 class 0 CopyFromParent 1 InputOutput 2 InputOnly 4 VISUALID visual 0 CopyFromParent 4 BITMASK value-mask (has n bits set to 1) #x00000001 background-pixmap #x00000002 background-pixel #x00000004 border-pixmap #x00000008 border-pixel #x00000010 bit-gravity #x00000020 win-gravity #x00000040 backing-store #x00000080 backing-planes #x00000100 backing-pixel #x00000200 override-redirect #x00000400 save-under #x00000800 event-mask #x00001000 do-not-propagate-mask #x00002000 colormap #x00004000 cursor 4n LISTofVALUE value-list VALUEs 4 PIXMAP background-pixmap 0 None 1 ParentRelative 4 CARD32 background-pixel 4 PIXMAP border-pixmap 0 CopyFromParent 4 CARD32 border-pixel 1 BITGRAVITY bit-gravity 1 WINGRAVITY win-gravity 1 backing-store 0 NotUseful 1 WhenMapped 2 Always 4 CARD32 backing-planes 1m1670m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4 CARD32 backing-pixel 1 BOOL override-redirect 1 BOOL save-under 4 SETofEVENT event-mask 4 SETofDEVICEEVENT do-not-propagate-mask 4 COLORMAP colormap 0 CopyFromParent 4 CURSOR cursor 0 None 4mChangeWindowAttributes0m 1 2 opcode 1 unused 2 3+n request length 4 WINDOW window 4 BITMASK value-mask (has n bits set to 1) encodings are the same as for CreateWindow 4n LISTofVALUE value-list encodings are the same as for CreateWindow 4mGetWindowAttributes0m 1 3 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window -> 1 1 Reply 1 backing-store 0 NotUseful 1 WhenMapped 2 Always 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 3 reply length 4 VISUALID visual 2 class 1 InputOutput 2 InputOnly 1 BITGRAVITY bit-gravity 1 WINGRAVITY win-gravity 4 CARD32 backing-planes 4 CARD32 backing-pixel 1 BOOL save-under 1 BOOL map-is-installed 1 map-state 0 Unmapped 1 Unviewable 2 Viewable 1 BOOL override-redirect 1m1680m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4 COLORMAP colormap 0 None 4 SETofEVENT all-event-masks 4 SETofEVENT your-event-mask 2 SETofDEVICEEVENT do-not-propagate-mask 2 unused 4mDestroyWindow0m 1 4 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window 4mDestroySubwindows0m 1 5 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window 4mChangeSaveSet0m 1 6 opcode 1 mode 0 Insert 1 Delete 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window 4mReparentWindow0m 1 7 opcode 1 unused 2 4 request length 4 WINDOW window 4 WINDOW parent 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 4mMapWindow0m 1 8 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window 1m1690m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mMapSubwindows0m 1 9 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window 4mUnmapWindow0m 1 10 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window 4mUnmapSubwindows0m 1 11 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window 4mConfigureWindow0m 1 12 opcode 1 unused 2 3+n request length 4 WINDOW window 2 BITMASK value-mask (has n bits set to 1) #x0001 x #x0002 y #x0004 width #x0008 height #x0010 border-width #x0020 sibling #x0040 stack-mode 2 unused 4n LISTofVALUE value-list VALUEs 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 2 CARD16 border-width 4 WINDOW sibling 1 stack-mode 0 Above 1 Below 2 TopIf 3 BottomIf 4 Opposite 1m1700m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mCirculateWindow0m 1 13 opcode 1 direction 0 RaiseLowest 1 LowerHighest 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window 4mGetGeometry0m 1 14 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable -> 1 1 Reply 1 CARD8 depth 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 WINDOW root 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 2 CARD16 border-width 10 unused 4mQueryTree0m 1 15 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 n reply length 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW parent 0 None 2 n number of WINDOWs in children 14 unused 4n LISTofWINDOW children 4mInternAtom0m 1m1710m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 16 opcode 1 BOOL only-if-exists 2 2+(n+p)/4 request length 2 n length of name 2 unused n STRING8 name p unused, p=pad(n) -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 ATOM atom 0 None 20 unused 4mGetAtomName0m 1 17 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 ATOM atom -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 (n+p)/4 reply length 2 n length of name 22 unused n STRING8 name p unused, p=pad(n) 4mChangeProperty0m 1 18 opcode 1 mode 0 Replace 1 Prepend 2 Append 2 6+(n+p)/4 request length 4 WINDOW window 4 ATOM property 4 ATOM type 1 CARD8 format 3 unused 4 CARD32 length of data in format units (= n for format = 8) (= n/2 for format = 16) 1m1720m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m (= n/4 for format = 32) n LISTofBYTE data (n is a multiple of 2 for format = 16) (n is a multiple of 4 for format = 32) p unused, p=pad(n) 4mDeleteProperty0m 1 19 opcode 1 unused 2 3 request length 4 WINDOW window 4 ATOM property 4mGetProperty0m 1 20 opcode 1 BOOL delete 2 6 request length 4 WINDOW window 4 ATOM property 4 ATOM type 0 AnyPropertyType 4 CARD32 long-offset 4 CARD32 long-length -> 1 1 Reply 1 CARD8 format 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 (n+p)/4 reply length 4 ATOM type 0 None 4 CARD32 bytes-after 4 CARD32 length of value in format units (= 0 for format = 0) (= n for format = 8) (= n/2 for format = 16) (= n/4 for format = 32) 12 unused n LISTofBYTE value (n is zero for format = 0) (n is a multiple of 2 for format = 16) (n is a multiple of 4 for format = 32) p unused, p=pad(n) 4mListProperties0m 1 21 opcode 1 unused 1m1730m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 n reply length 2 n number of ATOMs in atoms 22 unused 4n LISTofATOM atoms 4mSetSelectionOwner0m 1 22 opcode 1 unused 2 4 request length 4 WINDOW owner 0 None 4 ATOM selection 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 4mGetSelectionOwner0m 1 23 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 ATOM selection -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 WINDOW owner 0 None 20 unused 4mConvertSelection0m 1 24 opcode 1 unused 2 6 request length 4 WINDOW requestor 4 ATOM selection 4 ATOM target 4 ATOM property 0 None 1m1740m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 4mSendEvent0m 1 25 opcode 1 BOOL propagate 2 11 request length 4 WINDOW destination 0 PointerWindow 1 InputFocus 4 SETofEVENT event-mask 32 event standard event format (see the Events section) 4mGrabPointer0m 1 26 opcode 1 BOOL owner-events 2 6 request length 4 WINDOW grab-window 2 SETofPOINTEREVENT event-mask 1 pointer-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 1 keyboard-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 4 WINDOW confine-to 0 None 4 CURSOR cursor 0 None 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime -> 1 1 Reply 1 status 0 Success 1 AlreadyGrabbed 2 InvalidTime 3 NotViewable 4 Frozen 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 24 unused 4mUngrabPointer0m 1 27 opcode 1m1750m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 4mGrabButton0m 1 28 opcode 1 BOOL owner-events 2 6 request length 4 WINDOW grab-window 2 SETofPOINTEREVENT event-mask 1 pointer-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 1 keyboard-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 4 WINDOW confine-to 0 None 4 CURSOR cursor 0 None 1 BUTTON button 0 AnyButton 1 unused 2 SETofKEYMASK modifiers #x8000 AnyModifier 4mUngrabButton0m 1 29 opcode 1 BUTTON button 0 AnyButton 2 3 request length 4 WINDOW grab-window 2 SETofKEYMASK modifiers #x8000 AnyModifier 2 unused 4mChangeActivePointerGrab0m 1 30 opcode 1 unused 2 4 request length 4 CURSOR cursor 0 None 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 2 SETofPOINTEREVENT event-mask 2 unused 1m1760m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mGrabKeyboard0m 1 31 opcode 1 BOOL owner-events 2 4 request length 4 WINDOW grab-window 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 1 pointer-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 1 keyboard-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 2 unused -> 1 1 Reply 1 status 0 Success 1 AlreadyGrabbed 2 InvalidTime 3 NotViewable 4 Frozen 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 24 unused 4mUngrabKeyboard0m 1 32 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 4mGrabKey0m 1 33 opcode 1 BOOL owner-events 2 4 request length 4 WINDOW grab-window 2 SETofKEYMASK modifiers #x8000 AnyModifier 1 KEYCODE key 0 AnyKey 1 pointer-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 1 keyboard-mode 0 Synchronous 1 Asynchronous 1m1770m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 3 unused 4mUngrabKey0m 1 34 opcode 1 KEYCODE key 0 AnyKey 2 3 request length 4 WINDOW grab-window 2 SETofKEYMASK modifiers #x8000 AnyModifier 2 unused 4mAllowEvents0m 1 35 opcode 1 mode 0 AsyncPointer 1 SyncPointer 2 ReplayPointer 3 AsyncKeyboard 4 SyncKeyboard 5 ReplayKeyboard 6 AsyncBoth 7 SyncBoth 2 2 request length 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 4mGrabServer0m 1 36 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request length 4mUngrabServer0m 1 37 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request length 4mQueryPointer0m 1 38 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window 1m1780m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m -> 1 1 Reply 1 BOOL same-screen 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 win-x 2 INT16 win-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK mask 6 unused 4mGetMotionEvents0m 1 39 opcode 1 unused 2 4 request length 4 WINDOW window 4 TIMESTAMP start 0 CurrentTime 4 TIMESTAMP stop 0 CurrentTime -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 2n reply length 4 n number of TIMECOORDs in events 20 unused 8n LISTofTIMECOORD events TIMECOORD 4 TIMESTAMP time 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 4mTranslateCoordinates0m 1 40 opcode 1 unused 2 4 request length 4 WINDOW src-window 4 WINDOW dst-window 2 INT16 src-x 2 INT16 src-y 1m1790m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m -> 1 1 Reply 1 BOOL same-screen 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 dst-x 2 INT16 dst-y 16 unused 4mWarpPointer0m 1 41 opcode 1 unused 2 6 request length 4 WINDOW src-window 0 None 4 WINDOW dst-window 0 None 2 INT16 src-x 2 INT16 src-y 2 CARD16 src-width 2 CARD16 src-height 2 INT16 dst-x 2 INT16 dst-y 4mSetInputFocus0m 1 42 opcode 1 revert-to 0 None 1 PointerRoot 2 Parent 2 3 request length 4 WINDOW focus 0 None 1 PointerRoot 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 4mGetInputFocus0m 1 43 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request length -> 1 1 Reply 1 revert-to 1m1800m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 0 None 1 PointerRoot 2 Parent 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 WINDOW focus 0 None 1 PointerRoot 20 unused 4mQueryKeymap0m 1 44 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request length -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 2 reply length 32 LISTofCARD8 keys 4mOpenFont0m 1 45 opcode 1 unused 2 3+(n+p)/4 request length 4 FONT fid 2 n length of name 2 unused n STRING8 name p unused, p=pad(n) 4mCloseFont0m 1 46 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 FONT font 4mQueryFont0m 1 47 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 FONTABLE font 1m1810m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 7+2n+3m reply length 12 CHARINFO min-bounds 4 unused 12 CHARINFO max-bounds 4 unused 2 CARD16 min-char-or-byte2 2 CARD16 max-char-or-byte2 2 CARD16 default-char 2 n number of FONTPROPs in properties 1 draw-direction 0 LeftToRight 1 RightToLeft 1 CARD8 min-byte1 1 CARD8 max-byte1 1 BOOL all-chars-exist 2 INT16 font-ascent 2 INT16 font-descent 4 m number of CHARINFOs in char-infos 8n LISTofFONTPROP properties 12m LISTofCHARINFOchar-infos FONTPROP 4 ATOM name 4 <32-bits> value CHARINFO 2 INT16 left-side-bearing 2 INT16 right-side-bearing 2 INT16 character-width 2 INT16 ascent 2 INT16 descent 2 CARD16 attributes 4mQueryTextExtents0m 1 48 opcode 1 BOOL odd length, True if p = 2 2 2+(2n+p)/4 request length 4 FONTABLE font 2n STRING16 string p unused, p=pad(2n) -> 1 1 Reply 1 draw-direction 1m1820m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 0 LeftToRight 1 RightToLeft 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 2 INT16 font-ascent 2 INT16 font-descent 2 INT16 overall-ascent 2 INT16 overall-descent 4 INT32 overall-width 4 INT32 overall-left 4 INT32 overall-right 4 unused 4mListFonts0m 1 49 opcode 1 unused 2 2+(n+p)/4 request length 2 CARD16 max-names 2 n length of pattern n STRING8 pattern p unused, p=pad(n) -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 (n+p)/4 reply length 2 CARD16 number of STRs in names 22 unused n LISTofSTR names p unused, p=pad(n) 4mListFontsWithInfo0m 1 50 opcode 1 unused 2 2+(n+p)/4 request length 2 CARD16 max-names 2 n length of pattern n STRING8 pattern p unused, p=pad(n) -> (except for last in series) 1 1 Reply 1 n length of name in bytes 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 7+2m+(n+p)/4 reply length 12 CHARINFO min-bounds 4 unused 1m1830m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 12 CHARINFO max-bounds 4 unused 2 CARD16 min-char-or-byte2 2 CARD16 max-char-or-byte2 2 CARD16 default-char 2 m number of FONTPROPs in properties 1 draw-direction 0 LeftToRight 1 RightToLeft 1 CARD8 min-byte1 1 CARD8 max-byte1 1 BOOL all-chars-exist 2 INT16 font-ascent 2 INT16 font-descent 4 CARD32 replies-hint 8m LISTofFONTPROP properties n STRING8 name p unused, p=pad(n) FONTPROP encodings are the same as for QueryFont CHARINFO encodings are the same as for QueryFont -> (last in series) 1 1 Reply 1 0 last-reply indicator 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 7 reply length 52 unused 4mSetFontPath0m 1 51 opcode 1 unused 2 2+(n+p)/4 request length 2 CARD16 number of STRs in path 2 unused n LISTofSTR path p unused, p=pad(n) 4mGetFontPath0m 1 52 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request list -> 1m1840m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 (n+p)/4 reply length 2 CARD16 number of STRs in path 22 unused n LISTofSTR path p unused, p=pad(n) 4mCreatePixmap0m 1 53 opcode 1 CARD8 depth 2 4 request length 4 PIXMAP pid 4 DRAWABLE drawable 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 4mFreePixmap0m 1 54 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 PIXMAP pixmap 4mCreateGC0m 1 55 opcode 1 unused 2 4+n request length 4 GCONTEXT cid 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 BITMASK value-mask (has n bits set to 1) #x00000001 function #x00000002 plane-mask #x00000004 foreground #x00000008 background #x00000010 line-width #x00000020 line-style #x00000040 cap-style #x00000080 join-style #x00000100 fill-style #x00000200 fill-rule #x00000400 tile #x00000800 stipple #x00001000 tile-stipple-x-origin #x00002000 tile-stipple-y-origin #x00004000 font #x00008000 subwindow-mode #x00010000 graphics-exposures 1m1850m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m #x00020000 clip-x-origin #x00040000 clip-y-origin #x00080000 clip-mask #x00100000 dash-offset #x00200000 dashes #x00400000 arc-mode 4n LISTofVALUE value-list VALUEs 1 function 0 Clear 1 And 2 AndReverse 3 Copy 4 AndInverted 5 NoOp 6 Xor 7 Or 8 Nor 9 Equiv 10 Invert 11 OrReverse 12 CopyInverted 13 OrInverted 14 Nand 15 Set 4 CARD32 plane-mask 4 CARD32 foreground 4 CARD32 background 2 CARD16 line-width 1 line-style 0 Solid 1 OnOffDash 2 DoubleDash 1 cap-style 0 NotLast 1 Butt 2 Round 3 Projecting 1 join-style 0 Miter 1 Round 2 Bevel 1 fill-style 0 Solid 1 Tiled 2 Stippled 3 OpaqueStippled 1 fill-rule 0 EvenOdd 1 Winding 4 PIXMAP tile 4 PIXMAP stipple 1m1860m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 INT16 tile-stipple-x-origin 2 INT16 tile-stipple-y-origin 4 FONT font 1 subwindow-mode 0 ClipByChildren 1 IncludeInferiors 1 BOOL graphics-exposures 2 INT16 clip-x-origin 2 INT16 clip-y-origin 4 PIXMAP clip-mask 0 None 2 CARD16 dash-offset 1 CARD8 dashes 1 arc-mode 0 Chord 1 PieSlice 4mChangeGC0m 1 56 opcode 1 unused 2 3+n request length 4 GCONTEXT gc 4 BITMASK value-mask (has n bits set to 1) encodings are the same as for CreateGC 4n LISTofVALUE value-list encodings are the same as for CreateGC 4mCopyGC0m 1 57 opcode 1 unused 2 4 request length 4 GCONTEXT src-gc 4 GCONTEXT dst-gc 4 BITMASK value-mask encodings are the same as for CreateGC 4mSetDashes0m 1 58 opcode 1 unused 2 3+(n+p)/4 request length 4 GCONTEXT gc 2 CARD16 dash-offset 2 n length of dashes n LISTofCARD8 dashes p unused, p=pad(n) 1m1870m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mSetClipRectangles0m 1 59 opcode 1 ordering 0 UnSorted 1 YSorted 2 YXSorted 3 YXBanded 2 3+2n request length 4 GCONTEXT gc 2 INT16 clip-x-origin 2 INT16 clip-y-origin 8n LISTofRECTANGLE rectangles 4mFreeGC0m 1 60 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 GCONTEXT gc 4mClearArea0m 1 61 opcode 1 BOOL exposures 2 4 request length 4 WINDOW window 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 4mCopyArea0m 1 62 opcode 1 unused 2 7 request length 4 DRAWABLE src-drawable 4 DRAWABLE dst-drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 2 INT16 src-x 2 INT16 src-y 2 INT16 dst-x 2 INT16 dst-y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 4mCopyPlane0m 1 63 opcode 1 unused 1m1880m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 8 request length 4 DRAWABLE src-drawable 4 DRAWABLE dst-drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 2 INT16 src-x 2 INT16 src-y 2 INT16 dst-x 2 INT16 dst-y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 4 CARD32 bit-plane 4mPolyPoint0m 1 64 opcode 1 coordinate-mode 0 Origin 1 Previous 2 3+n request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 4n LISTofPOINT points 4mPolyLine0m 1 65 opcode 1 coordinate-mode 0 Origin 1 Previous 2 3+n request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 4n LISTofPOINT points 4mPolySegment0m 1 66 opcode 1 unused 2 3+2n request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 8n LISTofSEGMENT segments SEGMENT 2 INT16 x1 2 INT16 y1 2 INT16 x2 2 INT16 y2 1m1890m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mPolyRectangle0m 1 67 opcode 1 unused 2 3+2n request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 8n LISTofRECTANGLE rectangles 4mPolyArc0m 1 68 opcode 1 unused 2 3+3n request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 12n LISTofARC arcs 4mFillPoly0m 1 69 opcode 1 unused 2 4+n request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 1 shape 0 Complex 1 Nonconvex 2 Convex 1 coordinate-mode 0 Origin 1 Previous 2 unused 4n LISTofPOINT points 4mPolyFillRectangle0m 1 70 opcode 1 unused 2 3+2n request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 8n LISTofRECTANGLE rectangles 4mPolyFillArc0m 1 71 opcode 1 unused 2 3+3n request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 1m1900m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 12n LISTofARC arcs 4mPutImage0m 1 72 opcode 1 format 0 Bitmap 1 XYPixmap 2 ZPixmap 2 6+(n+p)/4 request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 2 INT16 dst-x 2 INT16 dst-y 1 CARD8 left-pad 1 CARD8 depth 2 unused n LISTofBYTE data p unused, p=pad(n) 4mGetImage0m 1 73 opcode 1 format 1 XYPixmap 2 ZPixmap 2 5 request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 4 CARD32 plane-mask -> 1 1 Reply 1 CARD8 depth 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 (n+p)/4 reply length 4 VISUALID visual 0 None 20 unused n LISTofBYTE data p unused, p=pad(n) 4mPolyText80m 1 74 opcode 1m1910m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 unused 2 4+(n+p)/4 request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y n LISTofTEXTITEM8 items p unused, p=pad(n) (p is always 0 or 1) TEXTITEM8 1 m length of string (cannot be 255) 1 INT8 delta m STRING8 string or 1 255 font-shift indicator 1 font byte 3 (most-significant) 1 font byte 2 1 font byte 1 1 font byte 0 (least-significant) 4mPolyText160m 1 75 opcode 1 unused 2 4+(n+p)/4 request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y n LISTofTEXTITEM16 items p unused, p=pad(n) (p must be 0 or 1) TEXTITEM16 1 m number of CHAR2Bs in string (cannot be 255) 1 INT8 delta 2m STRING16 string or 1 255 font-shift indicator 1 font byte 3 (most-significant) 1 font byte 2 1 font byte 1 1 font byte 0 (least-significant) 4mImageText80m 1 76 opcode 1 n length of string 2 4+(n+p)/4 request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 1m1920m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y n STRING8 string p unused, p=pad(n) 4mImageText160m 1 77 opcode 1 n number of CHAR2Bs in string 2 4+(2n+p)/4 request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 4 GCONTEXT gc 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 2n STRING16 string p unused, p=pad(2n) 4mCreateColormap0m 1 78 opcode 1 alloc 0 None 1 All 2 4 request length 4 COLORMAP mid 4 WINDOW window 4 VISUALID visual 4mFreeColormap0m 1 79 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 4mCopyColormapAndFree0m 1 80 opcode 1 unused 2 3 request length 4 COLORMAP mid 4 COLORMAP src-cmap 4mInstallColormap0m 1 81 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 1m1930m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mUninstallColormap0m 1 82 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 4mListInstalledColormaps0m 1 83 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 WINDOW window -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 n reply length 2 n number of COLORMAPs in cmaps 22 unused 4n LISTofCOLORMAP cmaps 4mAllocColor0m 1 84 opcode 1 unused 2 4 request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 2 CARD16 red 2 CARD16 green 2 CARD16 blue 2 unused -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 2 CARD16 red 2 CARD16 green 2 CARD16 blue 2 unused 4 CARD32 pixel 12 unused 4mAllocNamedColor0m 1 85 opcode 1 unused 1m1940m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 3+(n+p)/4 request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 2 n length of name 2 unused n STRING8 name p unused, p=pad(n) -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 4 CARD32 pixel 2 CARD16 exact-red 2 CARD16 exact-green 2 CARD16 exact-blue 2 CARD16 visual-red 2 CARD16 visual-green 2 CARD16 visual-blue 8 unused 4mAllocColorCells0m 1 86 opcode 1 BOOL contiguous 2 3 request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 2 CARD16 colors 2 CARD16 planes -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 n+m reply length 2 n number of CARD32s in pixels 2 m number of CARD32s in masks 20 unused 4n LISTofCARD32 pixels 4m LISTofCARD32 masks 4mAllocColorPlanes0m 1 87 opcode 1 BOOL contiguous 2 4 request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 2 CARD16 colors 2 CARD16 reds 2 CARD16 greens 1m1950m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 CARD16 blues -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 n reply length 2 n number of CARD32s in pixels 2 unused 4 CARD32 red-mask 4 CARD32 green-mask 4 CARD32 blue-mask 8 unused 4n LISTofCARD32 pixels 4mFreeColors0m 1 88 opcode 1 unused 2 3+n request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 4 CARD32 plane-mask 4n LISTofCARD32 pixels 4mStoreColors0m 1 89 opcode 1 unused 2 2+3n request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 12n LISTofCOLORITEMitems COLORITEM 4 CARD32 pixel 2 CARD16 red 2 CARD16 green 2 CARD16 blue 1 do-red, do-green, do-blue #x01 do-red (1 is True, 0 is False) #x02 do-green (1 is True, 0 is False) #x04 do-blue (1 is True, 0 is False) #xF8 unused 1 unused 4mStoreNamedColor0m 1 90 opcode 1 do-red, do-green, do-blue #x01 do-red (1 is True, 0 is False) 1m1960m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m #x02 do-green (1 is True, 0 is False) #x04 do-blue (1 is True, 0 is False) #xF8 unused 2 4+(n+p)/4 request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 4 CARD32 pixel 2 n length of name 2 unused n STRING8 name p unused, p=pad(n) 4mQueryColors0m 1 91 opcode 1 unused 2 2+n request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 4n LISTofCARD32 pixels -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 2n reply length 2 n number of RGBs in colors 22 unused 8n LISTofRGB colors RGB 2 CARD16 red 2 CARD16 green 2 CARD16 blue 2 unused 4mLookupColor0m 1 92 opcode 1 unused 2 3+(n+p)/4 request length 4 COLORMAP cmap 2 n length of name 2 unused n STRING8 name p unused, p=pad(n) -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 1m1970m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4 0 reply length 2 CARD16 exact-red 2 CARD16 exact-green 2 CARD16 exact-blue 2 CARD16 visual-red 2 CARD16 visual-green 2 CARD16 visual-blue 12 unused 4mCreateCursor0m 1 93 opcode 1 unused 2 8 request length 4 CURSOR cid 4 PIXMAP source 4 PIXMAP mask 0 None 2 CARD16 fore-red 2 CARD16 fore-green 2 CARD16 fore-blue 2 CARD16 back-red 2 CARD16 back-green 2 CARD16 back-blue 2 CARD16 x 2 CARD16 y 4mCreateGlyphCursor0m 1 94 opcode 1 unused 2 8 request length 4 CURSOR cid 4 FONT source-font 4 FONT mask-font 0 None 2 CARD16 source-char 2 CARD16 mask-char 2 CARD16 fore-red 2 CARD16 fore-green 2 CARD16 fore-blue 2 CARD16 back-red 2 CARD16 back-green 2 CARD16 back-blue 4mFreeCursor0m 1 95 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 CURSOR cursor 1m1980m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mRecolorCursor0m 1 96 opcode 1 unused 2 5 request length 4 CURSOR cursor 2 CARD16 fore-red 2 CARD16 fore-green 2 CARD16 fore-blue 2 CARD16 back-red 2 CARD16 back-green 2 CARD16 back-blue 4mQueryBestSize0m 1 97 opcode 1 class 0 Cursor 1 Tile 2 Stipple 2 3 request length 4 DRAWABLE drawable 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 20 unused 4mQueryExtension0m 1 98 opcode 1 unused 2 2+(n+p)/4 request length 2 n length of name 2 unused n STRING8 name p unused, p=pad(n) -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 1 BOOL present 1 CARD8 major-opcode 1m1990m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 CARD8 first-event 1 CARD8 first-error 20 unused 4mListExtensions0m 1 99 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request length -> 1 1 Reply 1 CARD8 number of STRs in names 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 (n+p)/4 reply length 24 unused n LISTofSTR names p unused, p=pad(n) 4mChangeKeyboardMapping0m 1 100 opcode 1 n keycode-count 2 2+nm request length 1 KEYCODE first-keycode 1 m keysyms-per-keycode 2 unused 4nm LISTofKEYSYMkeysyms 4mGetKeyboardMapping0m 1 101 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 1 KEYCODE first-keycode 1 m count 2 unused -> 1 1 Reply 1 n keysyms-per-keycode 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 nm reply length (m = count field from the request) 24 unused 4nm LISTofKEYSYMkeysyms 4mChangeKeyboardControl0m 1m2000m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 102 opcode 1 unused 2 2+n request length 4 BITMASK value-mask (has n bits set to 1) #x0001 key-click-percent #x0002 bell-percent #x0004 bell-pitch #x0008 bell-duration #x0010 led #x0020 led-mode #x0040 key #x0080 auto-repeat-mode 4n LISTofVALUE value-list VALUEs 1 INT8 key-click-percent 1 INT8 bell-percent 2 INT16 bell-pitch 2 INT16 bell-duration 1 CARD8 led 1 led-mode 0 Off 1 On 1 KEYCODE key 1 auto-repeat-mode 0 Off 1 On 2 Default 4mGetKeyboardControl0m 1 103 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request length -> 1 1 Reply 1 global-auto-repeat 0 Off 1 On 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 5 reply length 4 CARD32 led-mask 1 CARD8 key-click-percent 1 CARD8 bell-percent 2 CARD16 bell-pitch 2 CARD16 bell-duration 2 unused 32 LISTofCARD8 auto-repeats 1m2010m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mBell0m 1 104 opcode 1 INT8 percent 2 1 request length 4mChangePointerControl0m 1 105 opcode 1 unused 2 3 request length 2 INT16 acceleration-numerator 2 INT16 acceleration-denominator 2 INT16 threshold 1 BOOL do-acceleration 1 BOOL do-threshold 4mGetPointerControl0m 1 106 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request length -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 2 CARD16 acceleration-numerator 2 CARD16 acceleration-denominator 2 CARD16 threshold 18 unused 4mSetScreenSaver0m 1 107 opcode 1 unused 2 3 request length 2 INT16 timeout 2 INT16 interval 1 prefer-blanking 0 No 1 Yes 2 Default 1 allow-exposures 0 No 1 Yes 2 Default 2 unused 1m2020m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mGetScreenSaver0m 1 108 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request length -> 1 1 Reply 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 2 CARD16 timeout 2 CARD16 interval 1 prefer-blanking 0 No 1 Yes 1 allow-exposures 0 No 1 Yes 18 unused 4mChangeHosts0m 1 109 opcode 1 mode 0 Insert 1 Delete 2 2+(n+p)/4 request length 1 family 0 Internet 1 DECnet 2 Chaos 1 unused 2 n length of address n LISTofCARD8 address p unused, p=pad(n) 4mListHosts0m 1 110 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request length -> 1 1 Reply 1 mode 0 Disabled 1 Enabled 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 n/4 reply length 2 CARD16 number of HOSTs in hosts 1m2030m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 22 unused n LISTofHOST hosts (n always a multiple of 4) 4mSetAccessControl0m 1 111 opcode 1 mode 0 Disable 1 Enable 2 1 request length 4mSetCloseDownMode0m 1 112 opcode 1 mode 0 Destroy 1 RetainPermanent 2 RetainTemporary 2 1 request length 4mKillClient0m 1 113 opcode 1 unused 2 2 request length 4 CARD32 resource 0 AllTemporary 4mRotateProperties0m 1 114 opcode 1 unused 2 3+n request length 4 WINDOW window 2 n number of properties 2 INT16 delta 4n LISTofATOM properties 4mForceScreenSaver0m 1 115 opcode 1 mode 0 Reset 1 Activate 2 1 request length 4mSetPointerMapping0m 1m2040m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 116 opcode 1 n length of map 2 1+(n+p)/4 request length n LISTofCARD8 map p unused, p=pad(n) -> 1 1 Reply 1 status 0 Success 1 Busy 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 24 unused 4mGetPointerMapping0m 1 117 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request length -> 1 1 Reply 1 n length of map 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 (n+p)/4 reply length 24 unused n LISTofCARD8 map p unused, p=pad(n) 4mSetModifierMapping0m 1 118 opcode 1 n keycodes-per-modifier 2 1+2n request length 8n LISTofKEYCODE keycodes -> 1 1 Reply 1 status 0 Success 1 Busy 2 Failed 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 0 reply length 24 unused 1m2050m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mGetModifierMapping0m 1 119 opcode 1 unused 2 1 request length -> 1 1 Reply 1 n keycodes-per-modifier 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 2n reply length 24 unused 8n LISTofKEYCODE keycodes 4mNoOperation0m 1 127 opcode 1 unused 2 1+n request length 4n unused 1mEvents0m 4mKeyPress0m 1 2 code 1 KEYCODE detail 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 unused 4mKeyRelease0m 1 3 code 1 KEYCODE detail 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 1m2060m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 unused 4mButtonPress0m 1 4 code 1 BUTTON detail 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 unused 4mButtonRelease0m 1 5 code 1 BUTTON detail 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 unused 4mMotionNotify0m 1 6 code 1 detail 0 Normal 1 Hint 2 CARD16 sequence number 1m2070m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 BOOL same-screen 1 unused 4mEnterNotify0m 1 7 code 1 detail 0 Ancestor 1 Virtual 2 Inferior 3 Nonlinear 4 NonlinearVirtual 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 mode 0 Normal 1 Grab 2 Ungrab 1 same-screen, focus #x01 focus (1 is True, 0 is False) #x02 same-screen (1 is True, 0 is False) #xFC unused 4mLeaveNotify0m 1 8 code 1 detail 0 Ancestor 1 Virtual 2 Inferior 3 Nonlinear 4 NonlinearVirtual 2 CARD16 sequence number 1m2080m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW root 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW child 0 None 2 INT16 root-x 2 INT16 root-y 2 INT16 event-x 2 INT16 event-y 2 SETofKEYBUTMASK state 1 mode 0 Normal 1 Grab 2 Ungrab 1 same-screen, focus #x01 focus (1 is True, 0 is False) #x02 same-screen (1 is True, 0 is False) #xFC unused 4mFocusIn0m 1 9 code 1 detail 0 Ancestor 1 Virtual 2 Inferior 3 Nonlinear 4 NonlinearVirtual 5 Pointer 6 PointerRoot 7 None 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW event 1 mode 0 Normal 1 Grab 2 Ungrab 3 WhileGrabbed 23 unused 4mFocusOut0m 1 10 code 1 detail 0 Ancestor 1 Virtual 2 Inferior 3 Nonlinear 4 NonlinearVirtual 5 Pointer 6 PointerRoot 7 None 1m2090m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW event 1 mode 0 Normal 1 Grab 2 Ungrab 3 WhileGrabbed 23 unused 4mKeymapNotify0m 1 11 code 31 LISTofCARD8 keys (byte for keycodes 0-7 is omitted) 4mExpose0m 1 12 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW window 2 CARD16 x 2 CARD16 y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 2 CARD16 count 14 unused 4mGraphicsExposure0m 1 13 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 DRAWABLE drawable 2 CARD16 x 2 CARD16 y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 2 CARD16 minor-opcode 2 CARD16 count 1 CARD8 major-opcode 11 unused 4mNoExposure0m 1 14 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 DRAWABLE drawable 2 CARD16 minor-opcode 1 CARD8 major-opcode 1m2100m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 21 unused 4mVisibilityNotify0m 1 15 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW window 1 state 0 Unobscured 1 PartiallyObscured 2 FullyObscured 23 unused 4mCreateNotify0m 1 16 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW parent 4 WINDOW window 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 2 CARD16 border-width 1 BOOL override-redirect 9 unused 4mDestroyNotify0m 1 17 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW window 20 unused 4mUnmapNotify0m 1 18 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW window 1 BOOL from-configure 19 unused 1m2110m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 4mMapNotify0m 1 19 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW window 1 BOOL override-redirect 19 unused 4mMapRequest0m 1 20 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW parent 4 WINDOW window 20 unused 4mReparentNotify0m 1 21 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW window 4 WINDOW parent 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 1 BOOL override-redirect 11 unused 4mConfigureNotify0m 1 22 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW window 4 WINDOW above-sibling 0 None 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 2 CARD16 border-width 1 BOOL override-redirect 5 unused 4mConfigureRequest0m 1m2120m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 23 code 1 stack-mode 0 Above 1 Below 2 TopIf 3 BottomIf 4 Opposite 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW parent 4 WINDOW window 4 WINDOW sibling 0 None 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 2 CARD16 border-width 2 BITMASK value-mask #x0001 x #x0002 y #x0004 width #x0008 height #x0010 border-width #x0020 sibling #x0040 stack-mode 4 unused 4mGravityNotify0m 1 24 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW window 2 INT16 x 2 INT16 y 16 unused 4mResizeRequest0m 1 25 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW window 2 CARD16 width 2 CARD16 height 20 unused 4mCirculateNotify0m 1 26 code 1m2130m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW event 4 WINDOW window 4 WINDOW unused 1 place 0 Top 1 Bottom 15 unused 4mCirculateRequest0m 1 27 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW parent 4 WINDOW window 4 unused 1 place 0 Top 1 Bottom 15 unused 4mPropertyNotify0m 1 28 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW window 4 ATOM atom 4 TIMESTAMP time 1 state 0 NewValue 1 Deleted 15 unused 4mSelectionClear0m 1 29 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 4 WINDOW owner 4 ATOM selection 16 unused 4mSelectionRequest0m 1 30 code 1 unused 1m2140m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 4 WINDOW owner 4 WINDOW requestor 4 ATOM selection 4 ATOM target 4 ATOM property 0 None 4 unused 4mSelectionNotify0m 1 31 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 TIMESTAMP time 0 CurrentTime 4 WINDOW requestor 4 ATOM selection 4 ATOM target 4 ATOM property 0 None 8 unused 4mColormapNotify0m 1 32 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW window 4 COLORMAP colormap 0 None 1 BOOL new 1 state 0 Uninstalled 1 Installed 18 unused 4mClientMessage0m 1 33 code 1 CARD8 format 2 CARD16 sequence number 4 WINDOW window 4 ATOM type 20 data 4mMappingNotify0m 1m2150m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1 34 code 1 unused 2 CARD16 sequence number 1 request 0 Modifier 1 Keyboard 2 Pointer 1 KEYCODE first-keycode 1 CARD8 count 25 unused 1m2160m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mGlossary0m 1mAccess control list0m X maintains a list of hosts from which client programs can be run. By default, only programs on the local host and hosts specified in an initial list read by the server can use the display. Clients on the local host can change this access control list. Some server implementations can also implement other authorization mechanisms in addition to or in place of this mecha- nism. The action of this mechanism can be conditional based on the authorization protocol name and data received by the server at connection setup. 1mActive grab0m A grab is active when the pointer or keyboard is actu- ally owned by the single grabbing client. 1mAncestors0m If W is an inferior of A, then A is an ancestor of W. 1mAtom0m An atom is a unique ID corresponding to a string name. Atoms are used to identify properties, types, and selections. 1mBackground0m An 4mInputOutput24m window can have a background, which is defined as a pixmap. When regions of the window have their contents lost or invalidated, the server will automatically tile those regions with the background. 1mBacking store0m When a server maintains the contents of a window, the pixels saved off screen are known as a backing store. 1m2170m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mBit gravity0m When a window is resized, the contents of the window are not necessarily discarded. It is possible to request that the server relocate the previous contents to some region of the window (though no guarantees are made). This attraction of window contents for some location of a window is known as bit gravity. 1mBit plane0m When a pixmap or window is thought of as a stack of bitmaps, each bitmap is called a bit plane or plane. 1mBitmap0m A bitmap is a pixmap of depth one. 1mBorder0m An 4mInputOutput24m window can have a border of equal thick- ness on all four sides of the window. A pixmap defines the contents of the border, and the server automati- cally maintains the contents of the border. Exposure events are never generated for border regions. 1mButton grabbing0m Buttons on the pointer may be passively grabbed by a client. When the button is pressed, the pointer is then actively grabbed by the client. 1mByte order0m For image (pixmap/bitmap) data, the server defines the byte order, and clients with different native byte ordering must swap bytes as necessary. For all other parts of the protocol, the client defines the byte order, and the server swaps bytes as necessary. 1mChildren0m The children of a window are its first-level subwin- dows. 1m2180m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mClient0m An application program connects to the window system server by some interprocess communication path, such as a TCP connection or a shared memory buffer. This pro- gram is referred to as a client of the window system server. More precisely, the client is the communica- tion path itself; a program with multiple paths open to the server is viewed as multiple clients by the proto- col. Resource lifetimes are controlled by connection lifetimes, not by program lifetimes. 1mClipping region0m In a graphics context, a bitmap or list of rectangles can be specified to restrict output to a particular region of the window. The image defined by the bitmap or rectangles is called a clipping region. 1mColormap0m A colormap consists of a set of entries defining color values. The colormap associated with a window is used to display the contents of the window; each pixel value indexes the colormap to produce RGB values that drive the guns of a monitor. Depending on hardware limita- tions, one or more colormaps may be installed at one time, so that windows associated with those maps dis- play with correct colors. 1mConnection0m The interprocess communication path between the server and client program is known as a connection. A client program typically (but not necessarily) has one connec- tion to the server over which requests and events are sent. 1mContainment0m A window ``contains'' the pointer if the window is viewable and the hotspot of the cursor is within a vis- ible region of the window or a visible region of one of its inferiors. The border of the window is included as part of the window for containment. The pointer is ``in'' a window if the window contains the pointer but no inferior contains the pointer. 1m2190m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mCoordinate system0m The coordinate system has the X axis horizontal and the Y axis vertical, with the origin [0, 0] at the upper left. Coordinates are integral, in terms of pixels, and coincide with pixel centers. Each window and pixmap has its own coordinate system. For a window, the origin is inside the border at the inside upper left. 1mCursor0m A cursor is the visible shape of the pointer on a screen. It consists of a hot spot, a source bitmap, a shape bitmap, and a pair of colors. The cursor defined for a window controls the visible appearance when the pointer is in that window. 1mDepth0m The depth of a window or pixmap is the number of bits per pixel that it has. The depth of a graphics context is the depth of the drawables it can be used in con- junction with for graphics output. 1mDevice0m Keyboards, mice, tablets, track-balls, button boxes, and so on are all collectively known as input devices. The core protocol only deals with two devices, ``the keyboard'' and ``the pointer.'' 1mDirectColor0m 4mDirectColor24m is a class of colormap in which a pixel value is decomposed into three separate subfields for indexing. The first subfield indexes an array to pro- duce red intensity values. The second subfield indexes a second array to produce blue intensity values. The third subfield indexes a third array to produce green intensity values. The RGB values can be changed dynam- ically. 1mDisplay0m A server, together with its screens and input devices, is called a display. 1m2200m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mDrawable0m Both windows and pixmaps can be used as sources and destinations in graphics operations. These windows and pixmaps are collectively known as drawables. However, an 4mInputOnly24m window cannot be used as a source or des- tination in a graphics operation. 1mEvent0m Clients are informed of information asynchronously by means of events. These events can be generated either asynchronously from devices or as side effects of client requests. Events are grouped into types. The server never sends events to a client unless the client has specificially asked to be informed of that type of event. However, other clients can force events to be sent to other clients. Events are typically reported relative to a window. 1mEvent mask0m Events are requested relative to a window. The set of event types that a client requests relative to a window is described by using an event mask. 1mEvent synchronization0m There are certain race conditions possible when demul- tiplexing device events to clients (in particular deciding where pointer and keyboard events should be sent when in the middle of window management opera- tions). The event synchronization mechanism allows synchronous processing of device events. 1mEvent propagation0m Device-related events propagate from the source window to ancestor windows until some client has expressed interest in handling that type of event or until the event is discarded explicitly. 1mEvent source0m The window the pointer is in is the source of a device- related event. 1mExposure event0m Servers do not guarantee to preserve the contents of windows when windows are obscured or reconfigured. Exposure events are sent to clients to inform them when contents of regions of windows have been lost. 1m2210m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mExtension0m Named extensions to the core protocol can be defined to extend the system. Extension to output requests, resources, and event types are all possible and are expected. 1mFocus window0m The focus window is another term for the input focus. 1mFont0m A font is a matrix of glyphs (typically characters). The protocol does no translation or interpretation of character sets. The client simply indicates values used to index the glyph array. A font contains addi- tional metric information to determine interglyph and interline spacing. 1mGC22m, 1mGContext0m GC and gcontext are abbreviations for graphics context. 1mGlyph0m A glyph is an image, typically of a character, in a font. 1mGrab0m Keyboard keys, the keyboard, pointer buttons, the pointer, and the server can be grabbed for exclusive use by a client. In general, these facilities are not intended to be used by normal applications but are intended for various input and window managers to implement various styles of user interfaces. 1mGraphics context0m Various information for graphics output is stored in a graphics context such as foreground pixel, background pixel, line width, clipping region, and so on. A graphics context can only be used with drawables that have the same root and the same depth as the graphics context. 1mGravity0m See 1mbit gravity 22mand 1mwindow gravity22m. 1m2220m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mGrayScale0m 4mGrayScale24m can be viewed as a degenerate case of 4mPseudo-0m 4mColor24m, in which the red, green, and blue values in any given colormap entry are equal, thus producing shades of gray. The gray values can be changed dynamically. 1mHotspot0m A cursor has an associated hotspot that defines the point in the cursor corresponding to the coordinates reported for the pointer. 1mIdentifier0m An identifier is a unique value associated with a resource that clients use to name that resource. The identifier can be used over any connection. 1mInferiors0m The inferiors of a window are all of the subwindows nested below it: the children, the children's children, and so on. 1mInput focus0m The input focus is normally a window defining the scope for processing of keyboard input. If a generated key- board event would normally be reported to this window or one of its inferiors, the event is reported nor- mally. Otherwise, the event is reported with respect to the focus window. The input focus also can be set such that all keyboard events are discarded and such that the focus window is dynamically taken to be the root window of whatever screen the pointer is on at each keyboard event. 1mInput manager0m Control over keyboard input is typically provided by an input manager client. 1mInputOnly window0m An 4mInputOnly24m window is a window that cannot be used for graphics requests. 4mInputOnly24m windows are invisible and can be used to control such things as cursors, input event generation, and grabbing. 4mInputOnly24m windows can- not have 4mInputOutput24m windows as inferiors. 1m2230m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mInputOutput window0m An 4mInputOutput24m window is the normal kind of opaque win- dow, used for both input and output. 4mInputOutput24m win- dows can have both 4mInputOutput24m and 4mInputOnly24m windows as inferiors. 1mKey grabbing0m Keys on the keyboard can be passively grabbed by a client. When the key is pressed, the keyboard is then actively grabbed by the client. 1mKeyboard grabbing0m A client can actively grab control of the keyboard, and key events will be sent to that client rather than the client the events would normally have been sent to. 1mKeysym0m An encoding of a symbol on a keycap on a keyboard. 1mMapped0m A window is said to be mapped if a map call has been performed on it. Unmapped windows and their inferiors are never viewable or visible. 1mModifier keys0m Shift, Control, Meta, Super, Hyper, Alt, Compose, Apple, CapsLock, ShiftLock, and similar keys are called modifier keys. 1mMonochrome0m Monochrome is a special case of 4mStaticGray24m in which there are only two colormap entries. 1mObscure0m A window is obscured if some other window obscures it. Window A obscures window B if both are viewable 4mInputOutput24m windows, A is higher in the global stacking order, and the rectangle defined by the outside edges of A intersects the rectangle defined by the outside edges of B. Note the distinction between obscure and occludes. Also note that window borders are included in the calculation and that a window can be obscured and yet still have visible regions. 1m2240m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mOcclude0m A window is occluded if some other window occludes it. Window A occludes window B if both are mapped, A is higher in the global stacking order, and the rectangle defined by the outside edges of A intersects the rec- tangle defined by the outside edges of B. Note the distinction between occludes and obscures. Also note that window borders are included in the calculation. 1mPadding0m Some padding bytes are inserted in the data stream to maintain alignment of the protocol requests on natural boundaries. This increases ease of portability to some machine architectures. 1mParent window0m If C is a child of P, then P is the parent of C. 1mPassive grab0m Grabbing a key or button is a passive grab. The grab activates when the key or button is actually pressed. 1mPixel value0m A pixel is an N-bit value, where N is the number of bit planes used in a particular window or pixmap (that is, N is the depth of the window or pixmap). For a window, a pixel value indexes a colormap to derive an actual color to be displayed. 1mPixmap0m A pixmap is a three-dimensional array of bits. A pixmap is normally thought of as a two-dimensional array of pixels, where each pixel can be a value from 0 to (2^N)-1 and where N is the depth (z axis) of the pixmap. A pixmap can also be thought of as a stack of N bitmaps. 1mPlane0m When a pixmap or window is thought of as a stack of bitmaps, each bitmap is called a plane or bit plane. 1m2250m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mPlane mask0m Graphics operations can be restricted to only affect a subset of bit planes of a destination. A plane mask is a bit mask describing which planes are to be modified. The plane mask is stored in a graphics context. 1mPointer0m The pointer is the pointing device attached to the cur- sor and tracked on the screens. 1mPointer grabbing0m A client can actively grab control of the pointer. Then button and motion events will be sent to that client rather than the client the events would normally have been sent to. 1mPointing device0m A pointing device is typically a mouse, tablet, or some other device with effective dimensional motion. There is only one visible cursor defined by the core proto- col, and it tracks whatever pointing device is attached as the pointer. 1mProperty0m Windows may have associated properties, which consist of a name, a type, a data format, and some data. The protocol places no interpretation on properties. They are intended as a general-purpose naming mechanism for clients. For example, clients might use properties to share information such as resize hints, program names, and icon formats with a window manager. 1mProperty list0m The property list of a window is the list of properties that have been defined for the window. 1mPseudoColor0m 4mPseudoColor24m is a class of colormap in which a pixel value indexes the colormap to produce independent red, green, and blue values; that is, the colormap is viewed as an array of triples (RGB values). The RGB values can be changed dynamically. 1m2260m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mRedirecting control0m Window managers (or client programs) may want to enforce window layout policy in various ways. When a client attempts to change the size or position of a window, the operation may be redirected to a specified client rather than the operation actually being per- formed. 1mReply0m Information requested by a client program is sent back to the client with a reply. Both events and replies are multiplexed on the same connection. Most requests do not generate replies, although some requests gener- ate multiple replies. 1mRequest0m A command to the server is called a request. It is a single block of data sent over a connection. 1mResource0m Windows, pixmaps, cursors, fonts, graphics contexts, and colormaps are known as resources. They all have unique identifiers associated with them for naming pur- poses. The lifetime of a resource usually is bounded by the lifetime of the connection over which the resource was created. 1mRGB values0m Red, green, and blue (RGB) intensity values are used to define color. These values are always represented as 16-bit unsigned numbers, with 0 being the minimum intensity and 65535 being the maximum intensity. The server scales the values to match the display hardware. 1mRoot0m The root of a pixmap, colormap, or graphics context is the same as the root of whatever drawable was used when the pixmap, colormap, or graphics context was created. The root of a window is the root window under which the window was created. 1mRoot window0m Each screen has a root window covering it. It cannot be reconfigured or unmapped, but it otherwise acts as a full-fledged window. A root window has no parent. 1m2270m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mSave set0m The save set of a client is a list of other clients' windows that, if they are inferiors of one of the client's windows at connection close, should not be destroyed and that should be remapped if currently unmapped. Save sets are typically used by window man- agers to avoid lost windows if the manager terminates abnormally. 1mScanline0m A scanline is a list of pixel or bit values viewed as a horizontal row (all values having the same y coordi- nate) of an image, with the values ordered by increas- ing x coordinate. 1mScanline order0m An image represented in scanline order contains scan- lines ordered by increasing y coordinate. 1mScreen0m A server can provide several independent screens, which typically have physically independent monitors. This would be the expected configuration when there is only a single keyboard and pointer shared among the screens. 1mSelection0m A selection can be thought of as an indirect property with dynamic type; that is, rather than having the property stored in the server, it is maintained by some client (the ``owner''). A selection is global in nature and is thought of as belonging to the user (although maintained by clients), rather than as being private to a particular window subhierarchy or a par- ticular set of clients. When a client asks for the contents of a selection, it specifies a selection ``target type''. This target type can be used to con- trol the transmitted representation of the contents. For example, if the selection is ``the last thing the user clicked on'' and that is currently an image, then the target type might specify whether the contents of the image should be sent in XY format or Z format. The target type can also be used to control the class of contents transmitted; for example, asking for the ``looks'' (fonts, line spacing, indentation, and so on) of a paragraph selection rather than the text of the paragraph. The target type can also be used for other purposes. The protocol does not constrain the seman- tics. 1m2280m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mServer0m The server provides the basic windowing mechanism. It handles connections from clients, multiplexes graphics requests onto the screens, and demultiplexes input back to the appropriate clients. 1mServer grabbing0m The server can be grabbed by a single client for exclu- sive use. This prevents processing of any requests from other client connections until the grab is com- pleted. This is typically only a transient state for such things as rubber-banding, pop-up menus, or to exe- cute requests indivisibly. 1mSibling0m Children of the same parent window are known as sibling windows. 1mStacking order0m Sibling windows may stack on top of each other. Win- dows above other windows both obscure and occlude those lower windows. This is similar to paper on a desk. The relationship between sibling windows is known as the stacking order. 1mStaticColor0m 4mStaticColor24m can be viewed as a degenerate case of 4mPseu-0m 4mdoColor24m in which the RGB values are predefined and read-only. 1mStaticGray0m 4mStaticGray24m can be viewed as a degenerate case of 4mGrayScale24m in which the gray values are predefined and read-only. The values are typically linear or near- linear increasing ramps. 1mStipple0m A stipple pattern is a bitmap that is used to tile a region that will serve as an additional clip mask for a fill operation with the foreground color. 1m2290m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mString Equivalence0m Two ISO Latin-1 STRING8 values are considered equal if they are the same length and if corresponding bytes are either equal or are equivalent as follows: decimal values 65 to 90 inclusive (characters ``A'' to ``Z'') are pairwise equivalent to decimal values 97 to 122 inclusive (characters ``a'' to ``z''), decimal values 192 to 214 inclusive (characters ``A grave'' to ``O diaeresis'') are pairwise equivalent to decimal values 224 to 246 inclusive (characters ``a grave'' to ``o diaeresis''), and decimal values 216 to 222 inclusive (characters ``O oblique'' to ``THORN'') are pairwise equivalent to decimal values 246 to 254 inclusive (characters ``o oblique'' to ``thorn''). 1mTile0m A pixmap can be replicated in two dimensions to tile a region. The pixmap itself is also known as a tile. 1mTimestamp0m A timestamp is a time value, expressed in milliseconds. It typically is the time since the last server reset. Timestamp values wrap around (after about 49.7 days). The server, given its current time is represented by timestamp T, always interprets timestamps from clients by treating half of the timestamp space as being ear- lier in time than T and half of the timestamp space as being later in time than T. One timestamp value (named 4mCurrentTime24m) is never generated by the server. This value is reserved for use in requests to represent the current server time. 1mTrueColor0m 4mTrueColor24m can be viewed as a degenerate case of 4mDirect-0m 4mColor24m in which the subfields in the pixel value directly encode the corresponding RGB values; that is, the colormap has predefined read-only RGB values. The values are typically linear or near-linear increasing ramps. 1mType0m A type is an arbitrary atom used to identify the inter- pretation of property data. Types are completely unin- terpreted by the server and are solely for the benefit of clients. 1m2300m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mViewable0m A window is viewable if it and all of its ancestors are mapped. This does not imply that any portion of the window is actually visible. Graphics requests can be performed on a window when it is not viewable, but out- put will not be retained unless the server is maintain- ing backing store. 1mVisible0m A region of a window is visible if someone looking at the screen can actually see it; that is, the window is viewable and the region is not occluded by any other window. 1mWindow gravity0m When windows are resized, subwindows may be reposi- tioned automatically relative to some position in the window. This attraction of a subwindow to some part of its parent is known as window gravity. 1mWindow manager0m Manipulation of windows on the screen and much of the user interface (policy) is typically provided by a win- dow manager client. 1mXYFormat0m The data for a pixmap is said to be in XY format if it is organized as a set of bitmaps representing individ- ual bit planes, with the planes appearing from most- significant to least-significant in bit order. 1mZFormat0m The data for a pixmap is said to be in Z format if it is organized as a set of pixel values in scanline order. 1m2310m 1mX Protocol X11, Release 6.7 DRAFT0m 1mTable of Contents0m Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii 1. Protocol Formats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 2. Syntactic Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3. Common Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 4. Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5. Keyboards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 6. Pointers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 7. Predefined Atoms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 8. Connection Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 9. Requests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 10. Connection Close . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 11. Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 12. Flow Control and Concurrency . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Appendix A - KEYSYM Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Appendix B - Protocol Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232