Source: ../../libxorp/utils.hh

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// -*- c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-

// Copyright (c) 2001-2007 International Computer Science Institute
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
// copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software")
// to deal in the Software without restriction, subject to the conditions
// listed in the XORP LICENSE file. These conditions include: you must
// preserve this copyright notice, and you cannot mention the copyright
// holders in advertising related to the Software without their permission.
// The Software is provided WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. This
// notice is a summary of the XORP LICENSE file; the license in that file is
// legally binding.

// $XORP: xorp/libxorp/utils.hh,v 1.20 2007/02/16 22:46:28 pavlin Exp $

#ifndef __LIBXORP_UTILS_HH__
#define __LIBXORP_UTILS_HH__

#include <list>
#include <vector>

#include "utility.h"

// Set of utilities

#define	PATH_CURDIR			"."
#define	PATH_PARENT			".."

#define	NT_EXECUTABLE_SUFFIX		".exe"

// NT specific
#define	NT_PATH_UNC_PREFIX		"\\\\"


#else	// ! HOST_OS_WINDOWS
#endif	// ! HOST_OS_WINDOWS

 * Convert a UNIX style path to the platform's native path format.
 * @param path the UNIX style path to be converted.
 * @return the converted path.
inline string
unix_path_to_native(const string& unixpath)
    string nativepath = unixpath;
    string::size_type n = 0;
    while (string::npos != (n = nativepath.find(UNIX_PATH_DELIMITER_CHAR, n))) {
        nativepath[n] = NT_PATH_DELIMITER_CHAR;
    return (nativepath);
#else // ! HOST_OS_WINDOWS
    return string(unixpath);
#endif // ! HOST_OS_WINDOWS

 * Determine if a provided native path string is an absolute path, or
 * possibly relative to a user's home directory under UNIX.
 * @param path a path in native format to inspect.
 * @param homeok allow paths relative to a home directory to be regarded
 * as absolute paths by this function.
 * @return true if the path if satisfies the criteria for an absolute path.
inline bool
is_absolute_path(const string& path, bool homeok = false)
    if (path.empty())
	return false;

    if ((path.find(NT_PATH_UNC_PREFIX) == 0) ||
	((path.size() >= 2) && isalpha(path[0]) && path[1] == ':'))
        return true;
    return false;
#else // ! HOST_OS_WINDOWS
    if (path[0] == '/')
        return true;
    if (homeok && path[0] == '~')
        return true;
    return false;
#endif // ! HOST_OS_WINDOWS

 * Tokenize a string by breaking into separate strings when separator
 * character is encountered.
 * @param s string to be tokenized.
 * @param sep separator to break string it.
 * @return list of tokens.
list<string> split(const string& s, char sep);

 * Remove the heading and trailing empty spaces from string value.
 * @param s string that may have heading and trailing empty spaces.
 * @return copy of the string with heading and trailing empty spaces removed.
string strip_empty_spaces(const string& s);

 * Test if a string contains an empty space (i.e., <SPACE> or <TAB>).
 * @param s the string to test.
 * @return true if the string contains an empty space, otherwise false.
bool has_empty_space(const string& s);

 * Return basename of a path.
 * @param argv0 the argv[0] supplied to main().
const char* xorp_basename(const char* argv0);

 * Template to delete a list of pointers, and the objects pointed to.
 * @param delete_list the list of pointers to objects to delete.
template<class T> void
delete_pointers_list(list<T *>& delete_list)
    list<T *> tmp_list;
    // Swap the elements, so the original container never contains
    // entries that point to deleted elements.
    swap(tmp_list, delete_list);
    for (typename list<T *>::iterator iter = tmp_list.begin();
	 iter != tmp_list.end();
	 ++iter) {
	T *elem = (*iter);
	delete elem;

 * Template to delete an array of pointers, and the objects pointed to.
 * @param delete_vector the vector of pointers to objects to delete.
template<class T> void
delete_pointers_vector(vector<T *>& delete_vector)
    vector<T *> tmp_vector;
    // Swap the elements, so the original container never contains
    // entries that point to deleted elements.
    swap(tmp_vector, delete_vector);
    for (typename vector<T *>::iterator iter = tmp_vector.begin();
	 iter != tmp_vector.end();
	 ++iter) {
	T *elem = (*iter);
	delete elem;

 * Create a temporary file with unique name.
 * This function takes the given file name template, and adds a suffix
 * to it to create an unique file name in a chosen temporary directory.
 * The temporary directory is selected from the following list by choosing
 * the first directory that allows us the create the temporary file
 * (in the given order):
 * (a) The value of one of the following environment variables if defined
 *     (in the given order):
 *     - "TMPDIR"
 *     - "TEMP"   (Windows only)
 *     - "TMP"    (Windows only)
 * (b) Argument @ref tmp_dir if it is not an empty string.
 * (c) The system-specific path of the directory designated for
 *     temporary files:
 *     - GetTempPath() (Windows only)
 * (d) The "P_tmpdir" directory if this macro is defined (typically in
 *     the <stdio.h> include file).
 * (e) The first directory from the following list we can write to:
 *     - "C:\TEMP"  (Windows only)
 *     - "/tmp"     (UNIX only)
 *     - "/usr/tmp" (UNIX only)
 *     - "/var/tmp" (UNIX only)
 * For example, if the file name template is "foo", and if the chosen
 * temporary directory is "/tmp", then the temporary file name would be
 * like "/tmp/foo.XXXXXX" where "XXXXXX" is alpha-numerical suffix
 * chosen automatically to compose the unique file name. The created file
 * has mode 0600 (i.e., readable and writable only by the owner).
 * @param tmp_dir the preferred directory to store the file.
 * @param filename_template the file name template.
 * @param final_filename a return-by-reference argument that on success
 * returns the final name of the temporary file (including the directory name).
 * @param errmsg the error message (if error).
 * @return a file descriptor pointer for the temporary file (opened for
 * reading and writing) on success, otherwise NULL.
FILE*	xorp_make_temporary_file(const string& tmp_dir,
				 const string& filename_template,
				 string& final_filename,
				 string& errmsg);

 * Helper function to quote command line arguments for MSVCRT-linked programs.
 * Given an argv array represented by an STL list of strings, and a
 * writable command line string, walk through the arguments and perform
 * quoting/escaping according to the rules for invoking programs linked
 * against the Microsoft Visual C Runtime Library.
 * This function is necessary because the Win32 CreateProcess() API
 * function accepts a single command line string, as opposed to a
 * UNIX-style argv[] array; arguments must therefore be delimited by
 * white space, so white space in arguments themselves must be quoted.
 * Note that such extensive quoting shouldn't be performed for the
 * pathname to the executable -- generally it is desirable to only
 * wrap the path name with quotes, and then pass that string to this
 * helper function.
 * @param args list of argument strings to be escaped.
 * @param cmdline string to which the escaped command line should be appended.
void win_quote_args(const list<string>& args, string& cmdline);

 * Count the number of bits that are set in a 32-bit wide integer.
 * Code taken from the following URL (the "Population Count (Ones Count)"
 * algorithm):
 * Note: this solution appears to be faster even compared to the
 * "Parallel Count" and "MIT HACKMEM Count" from:
 * @param x the value to test.
 * @return the number of bits that are set in @ref x.
inline uint32_t
xorp_bit_count_uint32(uint32_t x)
    // 32-bit recursive reduction using SWAR...
    // but first step is mapping 2-bit values
    // into sum of 2 1-bit values in sneaky way.
    x -= ((x >> 1) & 0x55555555);
    x = (((x >> 2) & 0x33333333) + (x & 0x33333333));
    x = (((x >> 4) + x) & 0x0f0f0f0f);
    x += (x >> 8);
    x += (x >> 16);
    x &= 0x0000003f;

    return (x);

 * Count the number of leading zeroes in a 32-bit wide integer.
 * Code taken from the following URL (the "Leading Zero Count" algorithm):
 * @param x the value to test.
 * @return the number of leading zeroes in @ref x.
inline uint32_t
xorp_leading_zero_count_uint32(uint32_t x)
    x |= (x >> 1);
    x |= (x >> 2);
    x |= (x >> 4);
    x |= (x >> 8);
    x |= (x >> 16);

    return (32 - xorp_bit_count_uint32(x));

 * A template class for aligning buffer data with a particular data type.
 * The technically correct solution is to allocate (using malloc())
 * new buffer and copy the original data to it. By definition, the
 * malloc()-ed data is aligned, and therefore it can be casted to the
 * desired type.
 * The more efficient solution (but probably technically incorrect),
 * is to assume that the first byte of "vector<uint8_t>" buffer is aligned
 * similar to malloc()-ed data, and therefore it can be casted to the
 * desired type without creating a copy of it.
 * The desired behavior can be chosen by setting the
 * AlignData::_data_is_copied constant to true or false.
 * Note that the constant is predefined for all AlignData instances.
 * If necessary, the constant can become a variable that can have
 * different value for each AlignData instance.
template <typename A>
class AlignData {
     * Constructor.
     * @param buffer the buffer with the data.
    AlignData(const vector<uint8_t>& buffer) {
	if (_data_is_copied) {
	    _data = malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * buffer.size());
	    memcpy(_data, &buffer[0], sizeof(uint8_t) * buffer.size());
	    _const_data = _data;
	} else {
	    _data = NULL;
	    _const_data = &buffer[0];
	_payload = reinterpret_cast<const A*>(_const_data);

     * Destructor.
    ~AlignData() {
	if (_data != NULL)

     * Get the aligned payload from the beginning of the buffer.
     * @return the aligned payload from the beginning of the buffer.
    const A* payload() const { return (_payload); }

     * Get the aligned payload by given offset from the beginning of the
     * buffer.
     * Note that the given offset itself is suppose to point to aligned
     * location.
     * @param offset the offset from the beginning of the buffer.
     * @return the aligned payload by given offset from the beginning of
     * the buffer.
    const A* payload_by_offset(size_t offset) const {
	const void* offset_data;
	offset_data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(_const_data) + offset;
	return (reinterpret_cast<const A*>(offset_data));

    static const bool _data_is_copied = false;

    void*	_data;
    const void*	_const_data;
    const A*	_payload;

#endif // __LIBXORP_UTILS_HH__

Generated by: pavlin on on Wed Mar 21 11:22:16 2007, using kdoc $.