The October Unix CAM OSD meeting was held in Orlando Florida on 10/6/89. The following people were in attendance at this meeting: Steve Betts (NCR Joe Hinrichs (NCR Joe Lawlor (AT&T David O'Shea (Future Domain Darryl Richman (Interactive Systems Janet Schank (DEC Bob Snively (Sun Eric Tausheck (HP Topic that were discussed were as follows A document generated by Tom Shea and Dal Allen that came through the mail in the last month was discussed. This is a proposed first draft of the CAM "working document". Most of the Unix OSD was dedicated to evaluating Secion 8.1 (CAM Control Block Definition). The following are some of the issues that came out of this discussion: - Defining pointer size (in bytes) is hopeless in the Unix world due to the diversity of the platforms that Unix runs on. It was recommended that some words be added to the working document on the order of "For non-Intel based computers, the size of the pointers in the above structures may vary ... - It was recommended that due to the dynamic nature of the CAM structure at this time (due to design changes), no significant attempt should be made to align elements in the structure. However, a note below the structure should point out that "Note: reordering is likely ... alignment will be worked out in the future when the structure is more stable". - Section 8.1.3 "CAM Status" and "HBA Status" should be integrated into one return field. It is not always clear how to differentiate these two fields and performance can possibly be enhanced by having one field. - Section 8.1.3 "CAM Status" should have the following additional return codes: a) CAM Busy - cannot take any more requests at this time b) Timeout - timeout value provided by the target driver has now expired c) Unexpected bus free d) (possibly others from appendix D - Section 8.1.5 (CAM Flags) - The data direction field should not have a code "00". Anyone issuing a CCB should (better) be able to determine the direction of the data. An issue was raised (S. Betts) concerning using "Streams" format Unix drivers. The question of performance issues differences between a streams format driver and a "stock" driver was never resolved(at least to my satisfaction). However, the consensus was to avoid Streams format because it would require Target Drivers as well as Host Adapter drivers to adhere to the interface, which would presumably make porting more difficult across Operating Systems. Steve Betts provided a proposal that defined an Device Equipage Tabl that would be administered by the CAM Router. A psudo-coded scan algorithm was also provided. Time did not allow for any major discussion on this proposal. ========================================================================= NEXT MEETING The Next SCSI CAM meeting is in Santa Ana Ca It is sponsored by Future Domain (Ken Post (714) 259-0400) Meetings will be at the Embassy Suites Hotel (714) 241-3800 Reservation Cutoff - October 13, 1989 SCSI-3 Working Group October 30 - 3 Unix CAM OSD Group October 31 at 1:00 PM CAM Working Group November 1 at 9:00 A **** Place of Unix OSD has not been determined. This issue is being **** worked by Ken Post. As soon as I get this info, I'll post/email. ========================================================================= Since our meeting time is so limited, if you have a proposal for the next meeting, please try to email or FAX it out before the meeting. This will give people a chance to get some understanding of the material. Here are some agenda items for the October 31st meeting. I can send out a more formal agenda when I get feeback on proposals and areas of concern. 1) Further review of the CAM "working document". Dal should be sending a new revision sometime before the next meeting 2) Initialization and configuration. We need to evaluate what the Unix needs are for these functions. What needs to be added/changed in the "working document" and the "Steve Betts Initialization" document to fulfill these needs. ========================================================================== Joe Lawlor AT&T Bell Lab (312) 979-0133