.rh on .sx c ??IEEE 802.5r / Draft 5, Final Vote Summary?802.5/96/11-10? .rh off .rf on .sx c /D5FINAL VOTE/Vancouver/Nov '96/ .rf off .fo off;.hy off Final Vote Summary after completion of Comment Resolution Voted Name For Abstain Against X Jim Carlo...........YES................... X Ameesh Divatia......YES................... X Bob Donnan..........YES................... X William Douglass....YES................... X Paul Gessert........YES................... X Martin Guthrie......YES................... X Sharam Hakimi................Abstain...... Dave Hammond.............................. X Michael Hanrahan....YES................... X Neil Jarvis..................Abstain...... X Ivar Jeppesen.......YES................... X Allen Kasey.........YES................... X Ms. Katie D. Lee....YES................... X George Lin..........YES**................. X Robert D. Love......YES................... X Joseph Mazor........YES................... X Kelly P. McClellan..YES................... X John Messenger......YES**................. Simon Moseley............................. X Ivan Oakley.........YES................... X Syou-Chin Peng......YES................... X Kirk Preiss.........YES................... X Bob Ross............YES................... X Tony Rowell.........YES................... X Bill Sarles..................Abstain...... X Steve Scandalis.....YES................... Showi-min Shen............................ X Mike Siegel.........YES................... X Kevin G. Smith......YES................... Alistair Swales........................... John Ta................................... X Trevor Warwick......YES................... X Dave Wilson.........YES**................. X Ken Wilson..........YES................... X Ed Wong.............YES................... 35 Voting Members, 30 Voted YES:27 NO:0 ABSTAIN:3 ** Indicates votes converted from No to Yes based on Comment Resolution 85+% voted, 10% abstained, YES/YES+NO votes = 100% Ballot PASSES Based on full resolution of DIS votes, the study group approved a confirmation ballot be issued following the October meeting, to close on November 8th, 4pm Eastern Standard Time (Anybody with comments to phone or fax R. Love to notify about same, if there is any concern of the comments reaching him after the deadline.)