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Re: [fpu] I would like to join in the project.


Few months ago we discussed few issues regarding the
project but we did not define the project and the
specs. I think this is the most important issue we
have to do.
As I remember the FPU was to work as an execution unit
of the OR1k, it should support IEEE std 80 it internal
register to support double precession.
but we did not define teh internal blocks and what
instructions to be implemented by HW. For me I prefer
to implement first basic instruction by HW later we
can extend them.

Lets move in more organized steps
1. define the spec and the HW instructions
2. define internal arch
3. define needed internal blocks
4. code the design
5. add SW library

Jamil Khatib

> Finally something. I can help with:
> - specs
> - GCC support (especially important if our specs
> don't follow IEEE specs and
> you need some software routines to be IEEE
> compliant)
> - library for handling exceptions (cases when some
> not so common operations
> are performed in software or when some operations
> are not 100% compatible
> with IEEE specs)
> - software library for double precision IEEE etc.
> I would prefer not to work on implementation itself
> since I have enough work
> with OR1K and some other cores.
> >
> > Looking at the Web pages I think we'll need to be
> a bit less
> > ambitious with the number of operations we are
> going to support
> > if there is going to be any possibility of fitting
> the core onto
> > piece of silicon.
> True. Especially for embedded applications.
> >
> > I'd suggest that an initial implementation of:
> >
> > - Add/Subtract
> > - Multiply
> > - Comparisons
> > - Integer Conversion
> >

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