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RE: [ethmac] rx_ethmac



	I belive your SDF detect is somewhat wrong.

as soon as you see rxdv you start to look for SDF

and your SFD is when you see 1101 

BUT the std specify SDF as both 0101 AND 1101 togther and not only the
second nibble.

this mean unless I'm mistaken and do correct me if I missed soemthing
but that if the packet come with let say junk nibble and one of the junk
nibble have 1101 than you machine will thing it is a real packet and
will start reading it.

more over you might be not align as the 1101 might come in the first
nibble and not the second one.

have a nice day


-----Original Message-----
From: Mahmud Galela [mailto:mgalela@vlsi.itb.ac.id]
Sent: Sunday, February 11, 2001 6:53 PM
To: ethmac@opencores.org
Subject: [ethmac] rx_ethmac


the code from me is available now.
(version 1)

(..i put them here untill the cvs is ok..)
