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[ethmac] FW: exchanging data trough the Ethernet card.


this is a copy of a email I sent some time ago. Maybe someone of you can help

Best Regards,

Andrea Aizza

-----FW: exchanging data trough the Ethernet card.-----

Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 19:10:53 +0200 (CEST)
From: Andrea Aizza <Andrea.Aizza@epfl.ch>
To: mgalela@vlsi.itb.ac.id, novan@vlsi.itb.ac.id
Subject: exchanging data trough the Ethernet card.

Dear OPENCORE friends,

I have never worked with Ethernet protocol but I need about 15Mbps from an FPGA
device and a PC. One idea I thought today to implement a `null modem` based
connection from the PC to the device (just two devices - no hubs or friends) I
have just 2 questions:

1) Assuming they claim 10/100Mbps on those Eth cards, can you really reach
those speeds? 
2) What I have now is a parallel connection (birirectional ECP connection -
IEEE 1284) PC<->device. As far as you know is it quite harder to design an HDL
code to handle a Ethernet data exchange and the corresponding software (may be I
can find some libraries/drivers for handling the software part)? 

Thank you for your help and Best Regards,

Andrea Aizza.

Andrea AIZZA 

Swiss Federal Institute of Technology  
Department of Electrical Engineering 
Integrated Systems Center (LSI)      
EPFL-DE-LSI Office: ELB-137 
Ecublens, CH-1015 Lausanne (CH)           
tel. +41 21 693 69 73       
fax. +41 21 693 46 63
email  Andrea.Aizza@epfl.ch


--------------End of forwarded message-------------------------