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Re: [ethmac] Remarks/Questions about the new Rx/Tx diagrams

Hi Illan,

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, nbase wrote:

> also there should be a description of what each block receive and transmite
> as otherwise it is not easy to "guess" what you want to do in all the
> blocks. (this is also for the Transmite Machine).
> Also there are still some arrow with no description so again it is hard to
> guess what you expect them to do.

May be we have to add a brief description for Rx/Tx diagrams.

> Tx Machine :

> 2. there is many generator block which I wonder what you need them for ? ,
> for example jam , preambale , pad , I would think a simple 5 and D for
> preamble and maybe 0 for jam and padding and than the tx machine contor the
> mux which to use.

I still wonder what you meant. I guess you want there is only one
generator for jam, preamble, and pad. Is it right ?

> 3. I wonder also what is this 8 bit of pause you pass from the Rx to the Tx
> I would think a 1 bit signla of stop/start is enough ?

Ehm... we plan flow control will recognize pause frame from Rx, and then
give generate pause frame before Tx buffer and the information for Tx 

Thanks for your advices.

Best regards,
- novan hartadi -