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Estimate optical depth using information from image shadow



     This program uses level-surface and shadow image intensites to estimate 
     atmospheric optical depth tau.  The input is a table with one line per 
     image point to be modeled, listing the image ID, incidence, emission, and 
     phase angles, and the radiances (DN in a "level 1" calibrated image) of a 
     level unshadowed area and a nearby shadow.  On output, model results for 
     the optical depth and albedo of the surface are appended to the 
     end of each line. The surface and atmosphere models use the same 
     assumptions as the "photomet" photometric correction software so the 
     resulting optical depth estimate will be useful for processing images with 
     that program.  (In other words, the optical depth calculated by this 
     program is model-dependent but it is exactly the model-dependent value that 
     will produce the most effective photometric correction in "photomet".)  
     Since the only planet this program will be used for (the only one apart 
     from Earth with modest atmospheric optical depths) is Mars, most of the
     parameters default to appropriate values for Mars.

     References cited in individual help entries:
      Chandrasekhar, S., 1960.  Radiative Transfer. Dover, 393 pp.

      Hapke, B. W., 1981. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy 
      1: Theory. J. Geophys. Res., pp. 86,3039-3054. 

      Hapke, B., 1984. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy 
      3: Corrections for macroscopic roughness. Icarus, 59, pp. 41-59.

      Hapke, B., 1986. Bidirectional reflectance spectroscopy
      4: The extinction coefficient and the opposition effect. 
      Icarus, 67, pp. 264-280. 

      Johnson, J. R., et al., 1999, Preliminary Results on Photometric 
      Properties of Materials at the Sagan Memorial Station, Mars, 
      J. Geophys. Res., 104, 8809. 

     Kirk, R. L., Thompson, K. T., Becker, T. L., and Lee, E. M., 2000.
     Photometric modelling for planetary cartography. Lunar Planet. Sci., XXXI, 
     Abstract #2025, Lunar and Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM).

     Kirk, R. L., Thompson, K. T., and Lee, E. M., 2001. Photometry of the 
     martian atmosphere:  An improved practical model for cartography and 
     photoclinometry. Lunar Planet. Sci., XXXII, Abstract #1874, Lunar and 
     Planetary Institute, Houston (CD-ROM). 

     McEwen, A. S., 1991. Photometric functions for photoclinometry and other 
     applications.  Icarus, 92, pp. 298-311.

     Tanaka, K. L., and and Davis, P. A., 1988, Tectonic History of the Syria 
     Planum Provice of Mars, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 14,893. 

     Thorpe, T. E., 1973, Mariner 9 Photometric Observations of Mars from 
     November 1971 through March 1972, Icarus, 20, 482.

     Tomasko, M. G., et al., 1999, Properties of Dust in the Martian Atmosphere 
     from the Imager on Mars Pathfinder, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 8987 

     PROGRAMMER: Randolph Kirk, U.S.G.S., Flagstaff, AZ


Parameter Groups


Name Description
FROM Input Datafile
TO Output Datafile

Photometric Model

Name Description
PHTNAMEPhotometric Function Model
WHSingle Scattering Albedo
HHOpposition Surge Width
B0Opposition Surge Strength
THETASurface roughness in degrees
HG1Henyey-Greenstein coefficient 1
HG2Henyey-Greenstein coefficient 2
BHLegendre coefficient 1
CHLegendre coefficient 2
ZEROB0STANDARD Determines if opposition surge (B0) is set to zero when standard conditions are used
LLunar-Lambert weight
KMinnaert exponent
DATAFILEFile containing table of parameter values vs. phase for LL_EMP, MN_EMP

Atmospheric Scattering Model

Name Description
WHASingle-scattering albedo
HGACoeff of atmospheric particle Henyey-Greenstein
BHACoeff of atmospheric particle Legendre phase function
HNORMAtmospheric shell thickness

Files: FROM


Input datafile name with Image ID, incidence, emission, phase angles and values for flat and shadow

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.txt

Files: TO


Output datafile name with the input Image ID, incidence, emission, phase angles and values for flat and shadow plus the tau and albedo values(optical depth and albedo of the surface)

Type filename
File Mode output
Filter *.txt

Photometric Model: PHTNAME


            This parameter selects the type of photometric function model used 
            to describe the planetary surface.  Any surface photometric function 
            can be used in combination with any type of atmospheric photometric 
            model (ATMOS).  The parameters used differ between the photometric 


            TAE     Full name                       Parameters
              ___     _________                       __________

          LAMBER  Lambert                               none 
          LOMSEL  Lommel-Seeliger ("lunar")       none 
          LUNLAM  Lunar-Lambert function          L 
          MIN        Minnaert function                   K
          LL_EMP  Lunar-Lambert empirical          DATAFILE
          MN_EMP  Minnaert function                  DATAFILE 
          HAPHEN  Hapke - Henyey-Greenstein    WH,HG1,HG2,
          HAPLEG  Hapke - Legendre                  WH,BH,CH,
          HAPH_S  Hapke - Henyey-Gr. smooth    WH,HG1,HG2
          HAPL_S  Hapke - Legendre smooth       WH,BH,CH

          The functions are defined as follows, where phase is the phase angle, 
          and u0 and u are the cosines of the incidence and emission angles, respectively



          FUNC=u0**K * u**(K-1)

          Lunar-Lambert ("lunar" part is Lommel-Seeliger)
          FUNC=(1-L)*u0 + 2*L*u0/(u0+u)

          Minnaert empirical
          FUNC=B(phase) * u0**K(phase) * u**(K(phase)-1)

          Lunar-Lambert empirical
          FUNC=B(phase) * ((1-L)*u0 + 2*L*u0/(u0+u))

          Used with the two empirical functions, the file
          named in DATAFILE contains a table of triplets of
          phase, B(phase), and K(phase) or L(phase).  These 
          values will be spline-interpolated to calculate B
          and K or L at the needed phase angles.  The program 
          phoempglobal can be used to calculate values of B and K or L that 
          will provide a fast approximation to Hapke's model with any particular 
          set of parameter values.  See description of DATAFILE for formatting 
          of the file and examples and McEwen (1991) for the original 
          description of these fast approximate photometric functions. 

          Hapke - Henyey-Greenstein
          Complete Hapke (1981; 1984; 1986) photometric model
          with Henyey-Greenstein single-particle phase function
          whose coefficients are HG1 and HG2, plus single scattering
          albedo WH, opposition surge parameters HH and B0, and
          macroscopic roughness THETA. 
          Hapke - Legendre
          Similar to the previous except that the single particle
          phase function is a two-term Legendre polynomial with
          coefficients BH and CH.

          Hapke - Henyey-Greeenstein smooth
          Substantially simplified version of Hapke-Henyey-Greenstein
          function that omits the opposition effect as well as the
          (very slow) macroscopic roughness correction.  For a smooth
          model with opposition effect, use the full Hapke-Henyey
          function with THETA=0.

          Hapke - Legendre smooth
          Simplified Hapke model with Legendre single particle phase
          function, no opposition surge, and no roughness correction.

          McEwen (1991) has compiled Hapke parameter estimates for
          many planets and satellites from a variety of sources.

          The following Hapke parameters for Mars are from Johnson
          et al. (1999) for IMP data of Photometry Flats (soil)
          and may be reasonably representative of Mars as a whole.
          Note that (HG1, HG2=1.0) is equivalent to (-HG1, HG2=0.0)

          Band    WH     B0     HH    HG1    HG2
          Red    0.52  0.025  0.170  0.213  1.000
          Green  0.29  0.290  0.170  0.190  1.000
          Blue   0.16  0.995  0.170  0.145  1.000

          Kirk et al. (2000) found that Mars whole-disk limb-darkening
          data of Thorpe (1973) are consistent with THETA=30, but
          results of Tanaka and Davis (1988) based on matching
          photoclinometry of local areas to shadow data are more
          consistent with THETA=20 when the domain of the fit is
          restricted to small emission angles (=< 20 degrees).

Type combo
Internal Default HAPKEHEN
Option List:
Option Brief Description
HAPKEHEN Hapke-Henyey-Greenstein photometric model


  • BH
  • CH
  • L
  • K
HAPKELEG Hapke-Legendre-Polynomial photometric model


  • HG1
  • HG2
  • L
  • K
LAMBERT Lambert photometric model


  • BH
  • CH
  • HG1
  • HG2
  • L
  • K
  • WH
  • HH
  • B0
LommelSeeliger LommelSeeliger photometric model


  • BH
  • CH
  • HG1
  • HG2
  • L
  • K
  • WH
  • HH
  • B0
LUNARLAMBERTLunar-Lambert Photometric Function Lunar-Lambert Photometric Function


  • BH
  • CH
  • HG1
  • HG2
  • K
  • WH
  • HH
  • B0


  • L
MINNAERTMinnaert Photometric FunctionMinnaert Photometric Function


  • BH
  • CH
  • HG1
  • HG2
  • L
  • WH
  • HH
  • B0


  • K
LUNARLAMBERTEMPIRICALLunar-Lambert Empirical Photometric FunctionInclude Lunar-Lambert Empirical Photometric Function to the Hapke Model


  • BH
  • CH
  • HG1
  • HG2
  • K
  • WH
  • HH
  • B0
  • L


MINNAERTEMPIRICALMinnaert Empirical Photometric FunctionInclude Minnaert Empirical Photometric Function to the Hapke Model


  • BH
  • CH
  • HG1
  • HG2
  • L
  • WH
  • HH
  • B0
  • K



Photometric Model: WH


Single-scattering albedo of surface particles, used if FUNC=HAPHEN, HAPLEG, HAPH_S, or HAPL_S. See Hapke (1981). Not to be confused with albedo WHA of the atmospheric particles.

Type double
Default 0.52

Photometric Model: HH


Opposition Surge Width. ZEROs are strongly advised as the simple models #do not fit the opposition effect well

Type double
Default 0

Photometric Model: B0


Opposition Surge Strength. ZEROs are strongly advised as the simple models #do not fit the opposition effect well

Type double
Default 0

Photometric Model: THETA


Small scale surface roughness in degrees. "Macroscopic roughness" of the surface as it affects the photometric behavior, used if FUNC=HAPHEN or HAPLEG. This is the RMS slope at scales larger than the distance photons penetrate the surface but smaller than a pixel. See Hapke (1986). The roughness correction, which will be evaluated if THETA is given any value other than 0.0, is extremely slow.

Type double
Default 8.0

Photometric Model: HG1


Asymmetry parameter used in the Henyey-Greenstein model for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface, used if FUNC=HAPHEN or HAPH_S. See Hapke (1981). The two-parameter Henyey-Greenstein function is P(phase) = (1-HG2) * (1-HG1**2)/(1+HG1**2+2*HG1*COS(PHASE))**1.5 + HG2 * (1-HG1**2)/(1+HG1**2-2*HG1*COS(PHASE))**1.5

Type double
Default 0.213

Photometric Model: HG2


Second parameter of the two-parameter Henyey-Greenstein model for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface, used if FUNC=HAPHEN or HAPH_S. This parameter controls a the proportions in a linear mixture of ordinary Heneyey- Greenstein phase functions with asymmetry parameters equal to +HG1 and -HG1. See HG1 for the full formula.

Type double
Default 1.0

Photometric Model: BH


When FUNC=HAPLEG or HAPL_S, a two-term Legendre polynomial is used for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface P(phase) = 1 + BH * P1(COS(PHASE)) + CH * P2(COS(PHASE)) BH is not to be confused with the Legendre coefficient BHA of the phase function for atmospheric particles, used when ATMOS=A1 or A2.

Type double
Default 0

Photometric Model: CH


When FUNC=HAPLEG or HAPL_S, a two-term Legendre polynomial is used for the scattering phase function of single particles in the surface P(phase) = 1 + BH * P1(COS(PHASE)) + CH * P2(COS(PHASE))

Type double
Default 0

Photometric Model: ZEROB0STANDARD


This determines if the opposition surge component B0 is set to zero during the standard conditions phase.

Type string
Default TRUE
Option List:
Option Brief Description
FALSE Don't set opposition surge B0 to zero for standard conditions phase This option specifies that the opposition surge B0 will not be set to zero during the standard conditions phase.
TRUE Set opposition surge B0 to zero for standard conditions phase This option specifies that the opposition surge B0 will be set to zero during the standard conditions phase.

Photometric Model: L


Weight that governs limb-darkening in the Lunar-Lambert photometric function: FUNC=(1-L)*u0 + 2*L*u0/(u0+u). Values generally fall in the range from 0 (Lambert function) to 1 (Lommel-Seeliger or "lunar" function).

Type double
Default 0.52

Photometric Model: K


Exponent that governs limb-darkening in the Minnaert photometric function: FUNC=u0**K * u**(K-1). Values generally fall in the range from 0.5 ("lunar-like", almost no limb darkening) to 1.0 (Lambert function).

Type double
Default 0.52

Photometric Model: DATAFILE


          File containing table of parameter values vs. phase 
          for LL_EMP, MN_EMP. User datfile from which photomet loads the 
          photometric function parameters for the Minnaert empirical (MN_EMP) and 
          lunar-Lambert empirical (LL_EMP) functions, which use a table to 
          describe how the parameters of the empirical function vary with phase 
          angle.  Program pho_emp_global can be used to calculate the parameter 
          values that best approximate a Hapke model with a given set of 

          The file may contain sets of values for both functions, generally 
          intended to represent the same Hapke model (same planetary surface).  Here is an 
          example for Mars. 
            #number of coefficients for Empirical Lunar Lambert L                     
            #the angles at which the coefficient values for Empirical Lunar 
            #Lambert Lare calculated Count should = numbllcoef
            llphase =0.,10.,20.,30.,40.,50.,60.,70.,80.,90.,100.,110., 
            #values for Empirical Lunar Lambert 
            lval =0.946,0.748,0.616,0.522,0.435,0.350,0.266,0.187,0.11 

            #number of coefficients for Empirical Lunar Lambert B approximation 
            #the angles at which the coefficient values for Empirical Lunar 
            #Lambert B approximation are calculated Count should = numbeecoef. 
            #the values for Empirical Lunar Lambert B 
         MINNAERT_EMP numkaycoef=10 
          kayphase =0.,20.,40.,60.,80.,100.,120.,140.,160.,180.
          kval =

Type filename
File Mode input
Filter *.txt

Atmospheric Scattering Model: ATMNAME


          Only used with GENMOD=ALBAT, or TOPAT, this parameter controls
          the type of model used for atmospheric photometric correction. I1, A1, 
          H1 all use the first order scattering approximation, whereas I2, A2, H2 
          use the second order approximation, and so are slower but more accurate 
          and are generally preferred.

          Models I1 and I2 use Chandrasekhar's (1960) solution for 
          isotropic scattering.  They require only the parameters TAU,
          WHA, and HNORM, plus the corresponding values at the reference 
          condition that the image will be normalized to, TAUREF and 

          Models A1 and A2 use Chandrasekhar's solution for anisotropic
          scattering described by a one-term Legendre polynomial.  The
          coefficient of this term BHA and the value for the reference
          condition BHAREF are required in addition to the parameters
          also used by the anisotropic models.  The anisotropy of the
          Legendre function is fairly weak so the Hapke models are 
          preferred as a description of the martian atmosphere.

          Models H1 and H2 are an approximation for strongly anisotropic
          scattering that is similar in spirit to Hapke's model for a
          planetary surface.  The Chandrasekhar solution for isotropic
          scattering is used for the multiple-scattering terms, and a
          correction is made to the singly-scattered light for anisotropic
          particle phase function.  In particular, a one-term Henyey-
          Greenstein function with parameter HGA (and HGAREF in the
          reference condition the image is normalized to) is used.  The
          parameters used by the isotropic models are also required.
          See Kirk et al. (2001).

         Values of the photometric parameters for Mars, adopted from Tomasko et 
         al. (1999) are:
          Band    WHA     HGA 
            Red    0.95     0.68   
            Blue   0.76     0.78 

Type combo
Default NONE
Internal Default NONE
Option List:
Option Brief Description
ISOTROPIC1First Order Isotropic


  • HGA
  • BHA


  • WHA
ISOTROPIC2Second Isotropic


  • HGA
  • BHA


  • WHA
ANISOTROPIC1First Order Anisotropic


  • HGA


  • WHA
  • BHA
ANISOTROPIC2Second Order Anisotropic


  • HGA


  • WHA
  • BHA
HAPKEATM1First Order Henyey-Greenstein


  • BHA


  • WHA
  • HGA
HAPKEATM2Second Order Henyey-Greenstein


  • BHA


  • WHA
  • HGA

Atmospheric Scattering Model: WHA


Single-scattering albedo of atmospheric particles, used in all atmospheric models. Not to be confused with albedo WH of the surface particles.

Type double
Default 0.9

Atmospheric Scattering Model: HGA


Henyey-Greenestein asymmetry parameter for atmospheric particle phase function, used in H1 and H2 atmosphere models. Not to be confused with corresponding parameter HG1 for the surface particles.

Type double
Default 0.7

Atmospheric Scattering Model: BHA


Coefficient of P1 (cosine) term of atmospheric particle phase function, used in A1 and A2 atmosphere models. Not to be confused with corresponding coefficient BH for the surface particles.

Type double
Default 0.95

Atmospheric Scattering Model: HNORM


Atmospheric shell thickness normalized to planet radius, used to modify angles to get more accurate path lengths near the terminator. (Ratio of scale height to the planetary radius).

Type double
Default 0.003


Randy Kirk1999-11-27 USGS Flagstaff Original Version
Sharmila Prasad & Janet Barrett2011-09-04 Isis3 Original version, shadow_tau ported from isis2 to shadowtau in isis3
Janet Barrett2012-01-05 Tested code to make sure it gives the same results as the ISIS2 version. Created app tests.