Project Gutenberg's A Child's Garden of Verses, by Robert Louis Stevenson This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: A Child's Garden of Verses Author: Robert Louis Stevenson Illustrator: E. Mars M. H. Squire Release Date: May 27, 2008 [EBook #25617] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK A CHILD'S GARDEN OF VERSES *** Produced by Juliet Sutherland, Christine D. and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at
Copyright, 1900, by
Robert Howard Russell
Copyright, 1902, by
Rand McNally & Company
All rights reserved
Edition of 1928
Robert Lewis Balfour Stevenson, or Robert Louis Stevenson, as the world knows him, was still a boy when he published this rare volume of "A Child's Garden of Verses," although by the calendar he was thirty-five years old. You and I have sighed, no doubt, to be a boy again, but here was one who, while he outgrew his knickerbockers, never outgrew the quick sympathy, the brave heart, the fresh outlook, the confident faith and buoyant spirit of the little Scotch boy who roamed the hills 'round Edinburgh. Better than any man of any time he was able to enter into the heart of a boy, to view things with a boy's eyes, and to write of them in simple verse, touched with the warmth and color of his rich imagination. In these "Verses" he writes as a child rather than about children, and in this lies much of the charm which they possess for little readers. There is in them the surprise of reality, the beauty of a simple rhythm, and the mysterious flavor of magic that grips a boy's heart and will not let him go until the book has become a part of him. Surely this is a rare quality in schoolbooks.
The Stevensons had been famous engineers for more than a hundred years, building lighthouses along the Scottish coast, and it was natural that his father should have expected Robert Louis to follow in the family footsteps. But the slim boy with brown eyes, who at eight had written a "History of Moses," and illustrated it with his own pen; who was slow to learn from books, but quick to understand things that he saw and felt; the boy who carried a volume of history in one pocket and a notebook in another, had other plans for himself, and even his father came to see the wisdom of his son's choice of a literary life. As early as[Pg 6] 1873, when only twenty-three years old, Stevenson was ordered south for the winter by his physician, to ward off impending consumption. For more than twenty years, or until his death in Samoa late in 1894, he was never far from this pursuing enemy. It followed him over tossing seas and through many lands as he journeyed in search of health; yet through all these years he carried a brave and happy heart, and wrote at the end this Requiem, the last three lines of which are upon his tomb on the mountain-top in Samoa;
Robert Louis Stevenson's first book, "An Inland Voyage," was published in 1878, when he was twenty-eight years old, and is a fresh and charming account of a canoe trip up the rivers of Holland. It was during this journey that he wrote: "If we were charged so much a head for sunsets, or if God sent around a drum before the hawthorn came into flower, what a work we should make about their beauty! But these things, like good companions, stupid people early cease to observe."
The next year came his "Travels With a Donkey," which told in the same naïve style the story of his journey through the Cevennes Mountains with no other companion than a donkey, whose gait he describes as being "As much slower than a walk as a walk is slower than a run."
He first visited America in 1879, in search of health, returning in 1880 to Scotland with Mrs. Stevenson, whom he had married in California. In 1887 he came again with the hope that a dry winter in the Adirondack Mountains would stand off the hand of[Pg 7] Death. But he was little benefited, and took up his search for health by chartering a yacht for a voyage through the South Seas. It was on this trip that he fell in love with the beauty of the scenery and the healthful climate of Samoa, and in 1890 he took up his home there, never again to leave the island except for occasional visits to Honolulu and Sydney. And when the time came for him to die, the natives, with their knives and axes cut a path up the steep mountain-side and carried him on their broad shoulders to his grave on the mountain-top.
"A Child's Garden of Verses" was first published in London in 1885, and long ago became a children's classic; yet it is now for the first time made available as a supplementary reader for the primary grades in a suitable form and at a possible price. There have been many and beautiful editions, but they have all appealed to "grown-ups" rather than to boys and girls to whom the book really belongs. To put such a book, with its simple style, its wise observations, its kindly sympathy, and fanciful humor into the hands of a boy or girl, is not only to make him happy, it is to start him on the straight path to culture.
This volume contains all the poems originally appearing under the title "A Child's Garden of Verses." The poems grouped under "The Child Alone," "Garden Days," and "Envoys" have been omitted, as many of them are too philosophical to be understood by children in the primary grades.
The illustrations in this book are used by special arrangement with Harper & Brothers of New York City, who publish the complete "Verses" in a beautiful edition suitable for the home or the library.
So with Stevenson's own words the book is yours:
E. O. G.
R. L. S.
PAGE | ||
By Way of Introduction | 5 | |
To Alison Cunningham | 8 | |
Bed in Summer | 13 | |
Young Night Thought | 15 | |
Rain | 16 | |
My Shadow | 17 | |
Time To Rise | 20 | |
At the Seaside | 21 | |
Windy Nights | 22 | |
Pirate Story | 24 | |
Whole Duty of Children | 27 | |
Foreign Lands | 28 | |
System | 30 | |
A Good Play | 32 | |
The Land of Counterpane | 33 | |
A Good Boy | 34 | |
Looking Forward | 36 | |
The Swing | 37 | |
Good and Bad Children | 38 | |
Marching Song | 40 | |
Travel | 42 | |
Where Go the Boats? | 46 | |
Escape at Bedtime | 48 | |
[Pg 10] | ||
From a Railway Carriage | 50 | |
The Wind | 52 | |
Auntie's Skirts | 54 | |
Happy Thought | 55 | |
The Cow | 56 | |
My Bed Is a Boat | 58 | |
The Land of Nod | 60 | |
Fairy Bread | 61 | |
Keepsake Mill | 62 | |
Winter-time | 64 | |
Looking-glass River | 66 | |
The Sun's Travels | 69 | |
The Lamplighter | 70 | |
Foreign Children | 73 | |
The Moon | 74 | |
The Hayloft | 77 | |
Farewell To the Farm | 78 | |
A Thought | 80 | |
Singing | 81 | |
North-west Passage | ||
I. Good-night | 82 | |
II. Shadow March | 84 | |
III. In Port | 86 | |
To My Mother | 88 | |
Guide To Pronunciation | 89 | |
A Word List | 90 |
The following key explains the symbols which are used in the vocabulary of "A Child's Garden of Verses," to indicate the pronunciation of the words. It is based upon the 1901 edition of Webster's International Dictionary.
ā | as in fāte. | ŏ | as in nŏt. | |
ā̍ | as in pref´ ā̍ce. | ô | as in lôrd. | |
ă | as in ădd. | |||
ä | as in fär. | ū | as in ūse. | |
ȧ | as in grȧss. | ū̍ | as in ū̍-nite´. | |
a̤ | as in a̤ll. | ŭ | as in ŭp. | |
û | as in fûrl. | |||
ē | as in ēve. | ṳ | as in rṳde. | |
ē̍ | as in ē̍-vent´. | |||
ĕ | as in ĕnd. | ȳ | as in flȳ. | |
ẽ | as in hẽr. | y̆ | as in pit´y̆. | |
ī | as in īce. | o̅o | as in mo̅on. | |
ĭ | as in pĭn. | ou | as in out. | |
oi | as in oil. | |||
ō | as in rōw. | ṉ = ng | as in iṉk. | |
ō̍ | as in ō̍-bey´. | th | as in this. |
Certain vowels, as a and e, when obscured, are italicized.
The definitions given in this list indicate the meanings of the words as used in "A Child's Garden of Verses."
adorned (ȧȧ dôrnd´). Made beautiful.
adventure (ăd vĕn´ tū̍r). Venture; go in search of exciting experiences.
alert (ȧ lẽrt´). Watchful; quick.
anchored (ăn´ kẽrd). Held safely.
ancient (ān´ shent). Earlier; old.
apes (āps). Animals similar to monkeys, but of a higher type.
appareled (ăp păr´ ĕld). Dressed; clothed.
arrant (ăr´ rant). Shameless.
Babylon (Băb´ y̆ lon). A celebrated city of Asia, now in ruins.
balusters (băl´ ŭs tẽrz). The rail which guards the side of a staircase.
bazaar (bȧ zär´). In the far East, a market place where goods are for sale.
bewildering (bē̍ wĭl´ d'rĭng). Excitement; embarrassment.
billows (bĭl´ lōz). Great waves.
Bogie (bō´ gy̆). Goblin; bugbear.
breach (brēch). Break; opening.
broom (bro̅om). A plant from the twigs of which brooms are made.
caravan (kăr´ ȧ văn). A large company traveling together.
cockatoos (kŏk´ ȧ to̅oz´). A bird of the parrot family.
counterpane (koun´ tẽr pān´). A coverlet for a bed.
crocodile (krŏk´ ō̍ dīl). A reptile which grows to the length of 16 or 18
feet, and lives in the large rivers of Africa, Asia, and America.
Crow (krō). The name of a tribe of Indians.
[Pg 91]
Crusoes (krṳ´sōz). Men like the hero of De Foe's great novel, "Robinson Crusoe."
curious (kū´ rĭ ŭs). Strange.
dale (dāl). Valley.
deserted (dē̍ zẽrt´ ĕd). Forsaken; abandoned.
diet (dī´ ĕt). Food.
Dog (dŏg). One of the two ancient constellations lying south of the
zodiac, known as Canis Major and Canis Minor, or the Greater Dog
and the Lesser Dog.
Egyptian (ē̍ jĭp´ shan). A native of Egypt.
emperors (ĕm´ pẽr ẽrz). The rulers of empires.
estate (ĕs tāt´). Condition; state.
flamingo (flȧ mĭṉ´ gō̍). A large bird, usually red or pink in color.
foreign (fŏr´ ĭn). Strange; distant.
gabies (gā´ bĭz). Simpletons; dunces.
Great Wall (grāt wa̤l). Fifteen hundred miles in length, built in 215 b. c.,
along the north frontier of China. It is the most gigantic work of
defense ever made by man.
Grenadier (grĕn´ ȧ dēr´). One of a company attached to each regiment,
taking post on the right of the line, and wearing a peculiar uniform.
harbor (här´ bẽr). Station for rest and safety.
haunted (hänt´ ĕd). Frequented by ghosts.
hearty (härt´ y̆). Bold; active.
Highland bonnet (hī´ land bŏn´ nĕt). A closely woven, seamless wool
cap worn by the Highland Scotchman.
Hunter (hŭnt´ ẽr). A constellation representing a centaur (a monster,
half man and half horse) drawing a bow. It is called the Archer.
increases (ĭn krēs´ ĕz). Grows.
jungles (jŭṉ´ g'lz). Heavy growths of brushwood, grasses and vines,
so dense as to hardly be penetrated.
[Pg 92]
lea (lē). A grassy field.
leaden (lĕ´ 'n). Made of lead.
Leerie (lē̍r´ ĭ). The lamplighter.
Malabar (măl´ a bär´). A district in British India.
man-devouring (măn´-dē̍ vour´ ĭng). Man-eating.
Mars (märz). One of the planets of the solar system. It gives a very
red light.
marten (mär´ tĕn). One of several species of swallows.
martial (mär´ shal). Military; warlike; brave.
marvelous (mär´ vĕl ŭs). Wonderful; strange.
minaret (mĭn´ ȧ rĕt). A high, slender tower attached to a mosque.
moil (moil). Labor; toil.
mosque (mŏsk). A Mohammedan church or place of religious worship.
notion (nō´ shŭn). An idea.
nursery (nûrs´ ẽr y̆). The children's room.
palanquin (păl aṉ kē̍n´). An enclosed carriage about four feet long,
carried on the shoulders of four men by means of two long poles.
It is used in India and China.
perils (pĕr´ ĭlz). Dangers.
pier (pēr). Landing place.
pillage (pĭl´ lā̍j). Plunder; that which is taken from another by force.
pirate (pī´ rā̍t). A robber on the high seas.
Plough (plou). The group of stars commonly called the Dipper.
prudent (prṳ´ dent). Cautious; careful; sensible.
pursue (pûr sū´). Follow; chase.
quays (kēz). Wharfs; landing places.
rear (rēr). The division of an army that marches behind the main body
to protect it.
sages (sāj´ ĕz). Wise men.
scythe (sïth). An instrument for mowing grass and grain.
sedately (sē̍ dāt´ ly̆). Calmly; quietly.
[Pg 93]
Sioux (so̅o). Certain tribes of Indians.
sire (sīr). Father; the head of the family.
sleepsin-by (slēp´ ¦ sĭn-by̆´). The land of sleep.
sluice (slūs). A passage made for water to pass through, fitted with a
squadron (skwŏd´ rŭn). A number of vessels under command of one
star of the sailor. The North Star.
sweep (swēp). As found in "Travel," meaning chimney-sweep.
trundle (trŭn´ d'l). Roll along.
undaunted (ŭn dānt´ ĕd). Fearless; brave.
unduly (ŭn dū´ ly̆). In an extreme manner.
uniform (ū´ nĭ fôrm). Soldier's dress.
wary (wā´ ry̆). Carefully watching; cautious.
wearied (wē´ rĭd). Grown tired.
weir (wēr). A dam in a river used to raise the water back of it.
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