The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Lives of the Most Famous English Poets (1687), by William Winstanley This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at Title: The Lives of the Most Famous English Poets (1687) Author: William Winstanley Commentator: William Riley Parker Release Date: March 25, 2005 [EBook #15461] Language: English Character set encoding: ASCII *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MOST FAMOUS ENGLISH POETS *** Produced by David Starner, Leonard Johnson and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at THE LIVES _Of the Most Famous_ _English Poets_. (1687) BY _William Winstanley_. A FACSIMILE REPRODUCTION WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY _William Riley Parker_ GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA SCHOLARS' FACSIMILES & REPRINTS 1963 SCHOLARS' FACSIMILES & REPRINTS 1605 N.W. 14th AVE. GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA, U.S.A. HARRY R. WARFEL, GENERAL EDITOR REPRODUCED FROM A COPY OWNED BY HARRY R. WARFEL L.C. CATALOG CARD NUMBER: 63-7095 MANUFACTURED IN THE U.S.A. LETTERPRESS BY J.N. ANZEL, INC. PHOTOLITHOGRAPHY BY EDWARDS BROTHERS BINDING BY UNIVERSAL-DIXIE BINDERY _Introduction_ This book merits more attention and respect from literary historians than thus far have been accorded it. The case must be stated carefully. The work has obvious faults and limitations, which probably account for its never having been reprinted since its appearance in 1687. Almost forty percent of it is largely or entirely derivative. Its author, William Winstanley (1628?-1698), was undoubtedly a compiler and a hack-writer; his attitudes and methods can hardly be termed "scholarly." Nevertheless, this pioneer in biographical and bibliographical research was more nearly a scholar than the man he is usually alleged to have plagiarized; he wanted to _see_ the books that Edward Phillips was often content merely to list by title in his _Theatrum Poetarum_ (1675), and altogether, for his own enjoyment and that of his readers, he quoted from the works of more than sixty poets. Moreover, unlike Phillips, he tried to arrange his authors in chronological order, from Robert of Gloucester to Sir Roger L'Estrange. Though Winstanley's _Lives_ advertises on its title page accounts "of above Two Hundred" poets, only 147 are actually listed in the catalogue, and only 168 are noted throughout. Of these 168, only 34 had not already been mentioned by Phillips, a dozen years before. Some borrowing was inevitable, and, in fact, Winstanley leaned heavily upon both Phillips and Fuller for information and clues, just as Phillips had leaned heavily upon Bale's _Summarium_ (1548), Camden's _Remains_, Puttenham's _Art of English Poesy_, several Elizabethan miscellanies, and Kirkman's play catalogues. Both men built (as scholars must build) upon the obvious materials available. Both (in the manner of their age) were extremely casual about documentation and acknowledgment. If this leads us to talk unhistorically about "theft," we must say that Phillips "stole" from a half dozen or so people, whereas Winstanley simply appropriated a lot of these stolen goods. For doing so, he alone has been labelled a plagiarist. Let us be more specific. Of Winstanley's accounts of 168 poets, 34 seem to have come out of the _Theatrum Poetarum_ with nothing new added (10 of these 34 merely named). Of the remaining 134 accounts, 34 are of poets not mentioned by Phillips, 29 are utterly independent of Phillips, 40 are largely independent (that is, they borrow some from Phillips but add more than they borrow), and 31 are largely derivative. We would praise a doctoral dissertation that succeeded in giving so much new data. Winstanley was careless, but he was not lazy, and he had a literary conscience of sorts. Often he went to Phillips' sources and came away with more than Phillips found (most conspicuously in his use of Francis Kirkman's 1671 play catalogue). Since the groundwork had so recently been laid, Winstanley's problem, far more than that of Phillips, was one of selection. In the _Theatrum Poetarum_ 252 modern British poets are named. Of these Winstanley chose to omit the 16 female and 33 Scottish poets. Of the remaining 203, he dropped 68, and for the student of literary reputation these omissions raise some interesting questions. Undoubtedly a few were inadvertent. About a dozen were authors noted but not dated by Phillips, and it is probable that Winstanley was unable to learn more about them. Fifteen others were English poets who apparently did not write in the vernacular. An additional fifteen were poets dated by Phillips but described as inferior or almost forgotten. Still another fifteen were older or early Renaissance poets whose names probably meant nothing to Winstanley. On the other hand, he omits the following late Renaissance or contemporary poets whose period is plainly indicated in the _Theatrum Poetarum_ and who, we might suppose, would be known to anyone attempting literary history in the year 1687: Richard Barnfield, Thomas Campion, Francis Davison, John Hall of Durham, William Herbert, William Leighton, Thomas Sackville, Henry Vaughan the Silurist, and Samuel Woodford. That most of Winstanley's omissions were deliberate, and were prompted by some awareness of literary reputation, is suggested not only by his request for help on a revised edition (which never materialized) but also by the fact that he was able to add to the _Theatrum Poetarum_ thirty-four poets, almost all of whom could have been noted by Phillips. Among these were such recent poets as Thomas Tusser, Giles Fletcher the elder, Sir John Beaumont, Jasper Heywood, Philemon Holland, Sir Thomas Overbury, John Taylor the Water Poet, and the Earl of Rochester. The reader of this volume may want to have the additional names before him; they are: Sir John Birkenhead, Henry Bradshaw, William Chamberlayne, Hugh Crompton, John Dauncey, John Davies (d. 1618), Robert Fabyan, John Gower (fl. 1640), Lewys Griffin, "Havillan," Richard Head, Matthew Heywood, John Higgins, Thomas Jordan, Sir William Killigrew, Sir Roger L'Estrange, Matthew of Paris, John Oldham, Edward Phillips himself, John Quarles, Richard the Hermit, John Studley, John Tatham, Christopher Tye, Sir George Wharton, and William of Ramsey. Mentioned incidentally are John Owen, Laurence Whitaker, and Gawin Douglas. Among the accounts that are utterly independent of Phillips are those of Churchyard, Chapman, Daniel, Ford, Cower, Lydgate, Lyly, Massinger, Nashe, Quarles, Suckling, Surrey, and Sylvester. Among those that add more than they borrow are the notices of Beaumont and Fletcher, Chaucer, Cleveland, Corbet, Donne, Drayton, Phineas Fletcher, Greene, Greville, Jonson, Lodge, Lovelace, Middleton, More, Randolph, Shakespeare, Sidney, Spenser, Warner, and Withers. To a modern critic Winstanley may seem devoid of taste, but his acquaintance with English poetry is impressive. Indeed, Winstanley, unlike Phillips, strikes us as a man who really read and enjoyed poetry. Phillips is more the slipshod bibliographer and cataloguer, collecting names and titles; Winstanley is the amateur literary historian, seeking out the verse itself, arranging it in chronological order, and trying, by his dim lights, to pass judgment upon it. WILLIAM RILEY PARKER _Indiana University_ _12 March 1962_ [Illustration: London Printed for Samuel Manship at the Black Bull in Cornhill near the Royall Exchange.] THE LIVES Of the most Famous English Poets, OR THE Honour of _PARNASSUS_; In a Brief ESSAY OF THE WORKS and WRITINGS of above Two Hundred of them, from the Time of K. _WILLIAM_ the Conqueror, To the Reign of His Present Majesty King JAMES II. _Marmora_ Maeonij _vincunt Monumenta Libelli_; _Vivitur ingenio, extera Mortis erunt_. Written by _WILLIAM WINSTANLEY_, Author of the _English Worthies_. Licensed, _June_ 16, 1685. Rob. Midgley. _LONDON_, Printed by _H. Clark_, for Samuel Manship at the Sign of the _Black Bull_ in _Cornhil_, 1687. * * * * * TO THE WORSHIPFUL Francis Bradbury, Esq; The Judicious Philosopher _Philo-Judaeus,_ in his Book _De Plantatione_ Noe, saith; _That when God had made the whole World's Mass, he created Poets to celebrate and set out the Creator himself, and all his Creatures:_ such a high Estimate had he of those Genius of brave Verse. Another saith, that Poets were the first _Politicians_, the first _Philosophers_, and the first _Historiographers_. And although Learning and Poetick Skill were but very rude in this our Island, when it flourished to the height in _Greece_ and _Rome_, yet since hath it made such improvement, that we come not behind any Nation in the World, both in Grandity and Gravity, in Smoothness and Propriety, in Quickness and Briefness; so that for _Skill, Variety, Efficacy_ and _Sweetness_, the four material points required in a Poet, our _English_ Sons of _Apollo,_ and Darlings of the _Delian Deity,_ may compare, if not exceed them _Whose victorious Rhime,_ _Revenge their Masters Death,_ _and conquer Time_. And indeed what is it that so masters Oblivion, and causeth the Names of the dead to live, as the divine Strains of sacred Poesie? How are the Names forgotten of those mighty Monarchs, the Founders of the _Egyptian Pyramids_, when that _Ballad-Poet, Thomas Elderton_, who did arm himself with Ale (as old Father _Ennius_ did with Wine) is remembred in Mr. _Cambden's Remains?_ having this made to his Memory, _Hic situs est sitiens atque ebrius_ Eldertonus, _Quid dico; hic situs est; hic potius sitis est_. Now, Sir, all my Ambition, that I address these _Lines_ unto you, is, that you will pardon the Defects I have committed herein, as having done my good will in so short an _Epitome_ to lay a _Ground-work_, on which may be built a _sumptuous Structure_; a Work well worthy the Pen of a second _Plutarch_; since Poetical Devices have been well esteemed. even amongst them who have been ignorant of what they are; as the judicious Mr. _Cambden_ reports of _Sieur Gauland_, who, when he heard a Gentleman express that he was at a Supper, where they had not only good Company and good Chear, but also savoury _Epigrams_, and fine _Anagrams_; he returning home, rated and belowted his _Cook_, as an ignorant _Scullion_, that never dressed or served up to him either _Epigrams_ or _Anagrams_. But, _Sir_, I intrench upon your Patience, and shall no further; only subscribing my self, _Your Worship's ever_ _to be Commanded_, William Winstanley. * * * * * THE PREFACE TO THE READER. As we account those Books best written which mix Profit with Delight, so, in my opinion, none more profitable nor delightful than those of Lives, especially them of Poets, who have laid out themselves for the publick Good; and under the Notion of Fables, delivered unto us the highest Mysteries of Learning. These are the Men who in their Heroick Poems have made mens Fames live to eternity; therefore it were pity (faith _Plutarch_) that those who write to Eternity, should not live so too. Now above all Remembrances by which men have endeavoured even in despight of Death, to give unto their Fames eternity, for Worthiness and Continuance, Books, and Writings, have ever had the Preheminence; which made _Ovid_ to give an endless Date to himself, and to his _Metamorphosis_, in these Words; _Famque Opus exegi, &c._ Thus Englished by the incomparable Mr. _Sandys_. _And now the Work is ended, which_ Jove's _Rage,_ _Nor Fire, nor Sword, shall raze, nor eating Age,_ _Come when it will, my Death's uncertain hour_ _Which only of my Body hath a power;_ _Yet shall my better Part transcend the Sky,_ _And my immortal Name shall never dy:_ _For wherefoe're the_ Roman _Eagles spread_ _Their conquering Wings, I shall of all be read._ _And if we Prophets truly can divine,_ _I in my living Fame shall ever shine_. With the same Confidence of Immortality, the Renowned Poet _Horace_ thus concludes the Third Book of his _Lyrick_ Poesie. _Exegi Monumentum aere perennius._ _Regalique situ, &c_. _A Monument than Brass more lasting, I, Than Princely Pyramids in site more high Have finished, which neither fretting Showrs, Nor blustring Winds, nor flight of Years, and Hours, Though numberless, can raze; I shall not die Wholly; nor shall my best part buried lie Within my Grave_. And _Martial_, Lib. 10. Ep. 2. thus speaks of his Writings; ----_My Books are read in every place, And when_ Licinius, _and_ Messala's _high Rich Marble Towers in ruin'd Dust shall lie, I shall be read, and Strangers every where, Shall to their farthest Homes my Verses bear_. Also _Lucan_, Lib. 9. of his own Verse, and _Caesar's_ Victory at _Pharsalia_, writeth thus; _O great and sacred Work of Poesie! Thou freest from Fate, and giv'st Eternity To mortal Wights; but_ Caesar _envy not Their living Names; if_ Roman _Muses ought May promise thee, whilst_ Homer's _honoured, By future Times shalt Thou and I be read; No Age shall us with dark Oblivion stain, But our_ Pharsalia _ever shall remain._ But this Ambition, or (give it a more moderate Title), Desire of Fame, is naturally addicted to most men; The Triumph of _Miltiades_ would not let _Themistocles_ sleep; For what was it that _Alexander_ made such a Bustle in the world, but only to purchase an immortal Fame? To what purpose were erected those stupendious Structures, entituled _The Wonders of the World, viz._ The walls of _Babylon_, the _Rhodian Colossus_, the Pyramids of _Egypt_, the Tomb of _Mausolus, Diana's_ Temple at _Ephesus_, the _Pharoes_ Watch-Tower, and the Statue of _Jupiter_ in Achaya, were they not all to purchase an immortal Fame thereby? Nay, how soon was this Ambition bred in the heart of man? for we read in _Genesis_ the 11th. how that presently after the Flood, the People journeying from the _East_, they said among themselves, _Go to, let us build us a City, and a tower, whose Top may reach unto Heaven; and let us make us a Name_. Here you see the intent of their Building was to make them a Name, though God made it a Confusion; as all such other lofty Buildings built in Blood and Tyranny, of which nothing now remains but the Name; which is excellently exprest by _Ovid_ in the Fifteenth Book of his _Metamorphosis_. Troy _rich and powerful, which so proudly stood, That could for ten years spend such streams of Blood, For Buildings, only her old Ruines shows, For Riches, Tombs, which slaughter'd Sires enclose_, Sparta, Mycenae, _were of_ Greece _the Flowers; So_ Cecrops _City, and_ Amphion's _Towers: Now glorious_ Sparta _lies upon the ground. Lofty_ Mycenae _hardly to be found. Of_ Oedipus _his_ Thebes _what now remains? Or_ of Pandion's Athens, _but their Names?_ So also _Sylvester_ in his _Du Bartus_. Thebes, Babel, Rome, _those proud Heaven-daring Wonders, Lo under ground in Dust and Ashes lie, For earthly Kingdoms even as men do die._ By this you may see that frail Paper is more durable than Brass or Marble; and the Works of the Brain more lasting than that of the Hand; so true is that old Verse, Marmora _Maeonij_ vincunt Monumenta Libelli: Vivitur ingenio, caetera mortis erunt. _The Muses Works Stone-Monuments outlast. 'Tis Wit keeps Life, all else Death will down cast._ Now though it is the desire of all Writers to purchase to themselves immortal Fame, yet is their Fate far different; some deserve Fame, and have it; others neither have it, nor deserve it; some have it not deserving, and others, though deserving, yet totally miss it, or have it not equall to their Deserts: Thus have I known a well writ Poem, after a double expence of Brain to bring it forth, and of Purse to publish it to the World, condemned to the Drudgery of the _Chandler_ or _Oyl-man_, or, which is worse, to light _Tobacco_. I have read in Dr. _Fuller's Englands Worthies_, that Mr. _Nathanael Carpenter_, that great Scholar for _Logick_, the _Mathematicks, Geography_, and _Divinity_, setting forth a Book of _Opticks_, he found, to his great grief, the Preface thereof in his Printers House, _Casing Christmas-Pies_, and could never after from his scattered Notes recover an Original thereof; thus (saith he) _Pearls_ are no _Pearls_, when _Cocks_ or _Coxcombs_ find them. There are two things which very much discourage Wit; ignorant Readers, and want of _Mecaenasses_ to encourage their Endeavours. For the first, I have read of an eminent Poet, who passing by a company of Bricklayers at work, who were repeating some of his Verses, but in such a manner as quite marred the Sence and Meaning of them; he snatching up a Hammer, fell to breaking their Bricks; and being demanded the reason thereof, he told them, that _they spoiled his Work, and he spoiled theirs_. And for the second; what greater encouragement to Ingenuity than Liberality? Hear what the Poet _Martial_ saith, _Lib. 10. Epig. 11._ _What deathless numbers from my Pen would flow, What Wars would my_ Pierian _Trumpet blow, If, as_ Augustus _now again did live, So_ Rome _to me would a_ Mecaenas _give._ The ingenious Mr. _Oldham_, the glory of our late Age, in one of his Satyrs, makes the renowned _Spenser_'s Ghost thus speak to him, disswading him from the Study of Poetry. _Chuse some old_ English _Hero for thy Theme, Bold_ Arthur, _or great_ Edward_'s greater Son, Or our fifth_ Henry, _matchless to renown; Make_ Agin-Court, _and_ Crescy_-fields out-vie The fam'd_ Laucinan_-shores, and walls of_ Troy; _What_ Scipio, _what_ Maecenas _wouldst thou find; What_ Sidney _now to thy great project kind?_ Bless me! how great a _Genius_! how each Line Is big with Sense! how glorious a design Does through the whole, and each proportion shine! How lofty all his Thoughts, and how inspir'd! Pity, such wondrous Parts are not preferr'd: _Cry a gay wealthy Sot, who would not bail, For bare Five Pounds the Author out of Jail, Should he starve there and rot; who, if a Brief Came out the needy Poets to relieve, To the whole Tribe would scarce a Tester give._ But some will say, it is not so much the _Patrons_ as the _Poets_ fault, whose wide Mouths speak nothing but Bladders and Bumbast, treating only of trifles, the Muses Haberdashers of small wares. _Whose Wit is but a Tavern-Tympany, The Shavings and the Chips of Poetry._ Indeed such Pedlars to the Muses, whose Verse runs like the Tap, and whose invention ebbs and flows as the Barrel, deserve not the name of Poets, and are justly rejected as the common Scriblers of the times: but for such who fill'd with _Phebean_-fire, deserve to be crowned with a wreath of Stars; for such brave Souls, the darlings of the _Delian_ Deity, for these to be scorn'd, contemn'd, and disregarded, must needs be the fault of the times; I shall only give you one instance of a renowned Poet, out of the same Author. _On_ Butler_, who can think without just rage, The glory and the scandal of the age, Fair stood his hopes, when first he came to Town, Met every where with welcoms of renown, Courted, and lov'd by all, with wonder read, And promises of Princely favour fed: But what reward for all had he at last, After a life in dull expectance pass'd? The wretch at summing up his mispent days, Found nothing left, but poverty, and praise: Of all his gains by Verse he could not save Enough to purchase Flannel, an Thus you see though we have had some comparable to _Homer_ for Heroick Poesie, and to _Euripides_ for Tragedy, yet have they died disregarded, and nothing left of them, but that only once there were such Men and Writings in being. I shall, in the next place, speak something of my Undertakings, in writing the Lives of these Renowned Poets. Two things, I suppose, may be laid to my charge; the one is the omission of some that ought with good reason to have been mentioned; and the other, the mentioning of those which without any injury might have been omitted. For the first, as I have begg'd pardon at the latter end of my Book for their omission, so have I promised, (if God spare me life so long) upon the first opportunity, or second Edition of this Book, to do them right. In the mean time I should think my self much beholding to those persons who would give me any intelligence herein, it being beyond the reading and acquaintance of any one single person to do it of himself. And yet, let me tell ye, that by the Name of Poet, many more of former times might have been brought in than what I have named, as well as those which I have omitted that are now living, namely, Sir _Walter Rawleigh_, Mr. _John Weever_, Dr. _Heylin_, Dr. _Fuller,_ &c. but the Volume growing as big as the Bookseller at present was willing to have it, we shall reserve them to another time, they having already eternized their Names by the never dying Histories which they have wrote. Then for the second thing which may be objected against me, That I have incerted some of the meanest rank; I answer, That comparatively, it is a less fault to incert two, than to omit one, most of which in their times were of good esteem, though now grown out of date, even as some learned Works have been at first not at all respected, which afterwards have been had in high estimation; as it is reported of Sir _Walter Rawleigh_, who being Prisoner in the Tower, expecting every hour to be sacrificed to the _Spanish_ cruelty, some few days before he suffered, he sent for Mr. _Walter Burre_, who had formerly printed his first Volume of _the History of the World_, whom, taking by the hand, after some other discourse, he ask'd him, How that Work of his had sold? Mr. _Burre_ returned this answer, That it sold so slowly, that it had undone him. At which words of his, Sir _Walter Rawleigh_ stepping to his Desk, reaches the other part of his History, to Mr. _Burre_, which he had brought down to the times he lived in; clapping his hand on his breast, he took the other unprinted part of his Works into his hand with a sigh, saying, _Ah my Friend, hath the first Part undone thee? The second Volume shall undo no more; this ungrateful World is unworthy of it_; When immediately going to the fire-side he threw it in, and set his foot on it till it was consumed. As great a Loss to Learning as Christendom could have, or owned; for his first Volume after his death sold Thousands. It may likewise be objected, That some of these Poets here mentioned, have been more famous in other kind of Studies than in Poetry, and therefore do not shine here as in their proper sphere of fame; but what then, shall their general knowledge debar them from a particular notice of their Abilities in this most excellent Art? Nor have we scarce any Poet excellent in all its Species thereof; some addicting themselves most to the _Epick_, some to the _Dramatick_, some to the _Lyrick_, other to the _Elegiack_, the _Epaenitick_, the _Bucolick_, or the _Epigram_; under one of which all the whole circuit of _Poetick Design_ is one way or other included. Besides, should we have mentioned none but those who upon a strict scrutiny the Name of Poet doth belong unto, I fear me our number would fall much short of those which we have written; for as one writes, _There are many that have a Fame deservedly for what they have writ, even in Poetry itself, who, if they come to the test, I question how well they would endure to open their Eagle-eyes against the Sun._ But I shall wade no further in this Discourse, desiring you to accept of what is here written. I remain Yours, _William Winstanley._ * * * * * The Names of the Poets Mention'd in this Book. _Robert of Glocester_ _Richard_ the Hermit _Joseph of Exeter_ _Michael Blaunpayn_ _Matthew Paris_ _William Ramsey_ _Alexander Nequam_ _Alexander Essebie_ _Robert Baston_ _Henry Bradshaw_ _Havillan_ Sir _John Gower_ _Geoffrey Chaucer_ _John Lydgate_ _John Harding_ _Robert Fabian_ _John Skelton_ _William Lilly_ Sir _Thomas More_ _Henry Howard, Earl_ of _Surry_ Sir _Thomas Wiat_ Dr. _Christopher Tye_ _John Leland _Thomas Churchyard_ _John Higgins_ _Abraham Fraunce_ _William Warner_ _Thomas Tusser_ _Thomas Stow_ _Dr. Lodge_ _Robert Greene_ _Thomas Nash_ Sir _Philip Sidney_ Sir _Fulk Grevil_ Mr. _Edmund Spenser_ Sir _John Harrington_ _John Heywood_ _Thomas Heywood_ _George Peel_ _John Lilly_ _William Wager_ _Nicholas Berton_ _Tho. Kid, Tho. Watson_, &c. Sir _Thomas Overbury_ Mr. _Michael Drayton_ _Joshua Sylvester_ Mr. _Samuel Daniel_ _George Chapman_ _Robert Baron_ _Lodowic Carlisle_ _John Ford_ _Anthony Brewer_ _Henry Glapthorn_ _John Davis_ of _Hereford_ Dr. _John Donne_ Dr. _Richard Corbet_ Mr. _Benjamin Johnson_ _Fr. Beaumont_ and _Jo. Fletcher_ _William Shakespeare_ _Christopher Marlow_ _Barton Holyday_ _Cyril Turney_ _Thomas Middleton_ _William Rowley_ _Thomas Deckar_ _John Marston_ Dr. _Jasper Main_ _James Shirley_ _Philip Massinger_ _John Webster_ _William Brown_ _Thomas Randolph_ Sir _John Beaumont_ Dr. _Philemon Holland_ _Thomas Goffe_ _Thomas Nabbes_ _Richard Broome_ _Robert Chamberlain_ _William Sampson_ _George Sandys_, Esq; Sir _John Suckling_ Mr. _William Habington_ Mr. _Francis Quarles_ Mr. _Phineas Fletcher_ Mr. _George Herbert_ Mr. _Richard Crashaw_ Mr. _William Cartwright_ Sir _Aston Cockain_ Sir _John Davis_ _Thomas May_ _Charles Aleyn_ _George Withers_ _Robert Herric_ _John Taylor_, Water Poet _Thomas Rawlins_ Mr. _Thomas Carew_ Col. _Richard Lovelace_ _Alexander Broome_ Mr. _John Cleaveland_ Sir _John Birkenhead_ Dr. _Robert Wild_ Mr. _Abraham Cowley_ Mr. _Edmond Waller_ Sir _John Denham_ Sir _William Davenant_ Sir _George Wharton_ Sir _Robert Howard_ _W. Cavendish_, _D. of Newcastle_ Sir _William Killegrew_ _John Studly_ _John Tatham_ _Thomas Jordan_ _Hugh Crompton_ _Edmund Prestwich_ _Pagan Fisher_ _Edward Shirburn_, Esq; _John Quarles_ _John Milton_ _John Ogilby_ Sir _Richard Fanshaw_ Earl of _Orrery_ _Thomas Hobbs_ Earl of _Rochester_ Mr. _Thomas Flatman_ _Martin Luellin_ _Edmond Fairfax_ _Henry King_, Bishop of _Chichester_ _Thomas Manley_ Mr. _Lewis Griffin_ _John Dauncey_ _Richard Head_ _John Philips_ Mr. _John Oldham_ Mr. _John Driden_ Mr. _Elkinah Settle_ Sir _George Etheridge_ Mr. _John Wilson_ Mr. _Thomas Shadwell_ _Thomas Stanley_, Esq; _Edward Philips_ Mr. _Thomas Sprat_ _William Smith_ Mr. _John Lacey_ Mr. _William Whicherly_ Sir _Roger L'Estrange_ * * * * * THE LIVES Of the most Famous ENGLISH POETS, FROM _WILLIAM_ the _Conqueror_, to these Present Times. * * * * * _The Life of ROBERT of Glocester._ We will begin first with _Robert_ of _Glocester_, so called, because a Monk of that City, who flourisht about the Reign of King _Henry_ the Second; much esteemed by Mr. _Cambden_, who quotes divers of his old _English_ Rhythms in praise of his Native Country, _England_. Some (who consider not the Learning of those times) term him a Rhymer, whilst others more courteously call him a Poet: Indeed his Language is such, that he is dumb in effect, to the Readers of our Age, without an Interpreter; which that ye may the better perceive, hear these his Verses of _Mulmutius Dunwallo_, in the very same Language he wrote them. A Kynge there was in Brutayne Donwallo was his Nam, Staleworth and hardy, a man of grete Fam: He ordeyned furst yat theeues yat to Temple flowen wer, No men wer so hardy to do hem despit ther; That hath he moche such yhold, as hit begonne tho, Hely Chyrch it holdeth yut, and wole ever mo. Antiquaries (amongst whom Mr. _Selden_) more value him for his History than Poetry, his Lines being neither strong nor smooth, yet much informing in those things wherein he wrote; whereof to give you a taste of the first planting Religion in this Land by King _Lucius_, Lucie Cocles Son after him Kynge was, To fore hym in Engelonde Chrestendom non was, For he hurde ofte miracles at Rome, And in meny another stede, yat thurgh Christene men come, He wildnede anon in hys herte to fonge Chrystendom. Therefor Messagers with good Letters he nom, That to the Pape Eleutherie hastelyche wende; And yat he to hym and his menne expondem sende, And yat he might seruy God wilned muche thereto, And seyd he wald noght be glader hyt were ydo. This _English_ Rhymer or Poet, which you will have it to be, is said to have lived whilst he was a very old man, and to have died about the beginning of the Reign of King _John_. * * * * * _RICHARD the Hermit_. Contemporary with _Robert_ of _Glocester_, was one _Richard_, a Religious Hermit, whose Manuscripts were a while ago (and for ought I know, are still) kept in _Exeter_-Library, although _Exeter_-House in the _Strand_, is converted now into an Exchange: This Religious Hermit studied much in converting the Church-Service into _English_ Verse; of which we shall give you an Essay in part of the _Te Deum_, and part of the _Magnificat_, Te Deum. We heryen ye God, we knowlechen ye Lord: All ye erye worships ye everlasting fader: Alle Aungels in hevens, and alle ye pours in yis world, Cherubin and Seraphin cryen by voyce to ye unstyntyng. Magnificat. My Soul worschips the Louerd, and my Gott joyed in God my hele For he lokyd ye mekenes of hys hondemayden: So for iken of yat blissefulle schall sey me all generacjouns; For he has don to me grete thingis yat mercy is, and his nam hely. He likewise translated all the Psalms of _David_, as also the _Collects, Epistles_ and _Gospels_ for the whole year, together with the _Pater Noster_ and _Creed_; though there was then another _Pater Noster_ and _Creed_ used in the Church, sent into _England_ by _Adrian_ the Fourth, Pope of _Rome_, an _Englishman_, the Son of _Robert Breakspeare_ of _Abbots Langley_ in _Hertfordshire_, unto King _Henry_ the Second; which (for variety sake) we shall give you as followeth: Pater Noster. Ure fader in hevene riche, Thi nom be haliid everliche, Thou bring us to thi michilblisce, Thi wil to wirche thu us wille, Als hit is in hevene ido Ever in erth ben hit also, That heli bred that lastyth ay, Thou sende hious this ilke day, Forgiv ous al that we hauith don, Als we forgiu och oder mon, He let ous falle in no founding, Ak seilde ous fro the foul thing. Amen. The Creed. I Beleeve in God fader almigty, shipper of heven and erth, And in Jhesus Crist his onle thi son vre Louerd, That is iuange thurch the hooli Ghost, bore of Mary Maiden, Tholede pine undyr Pounce Pilate, pitcht on rode tre, dead and yburiid. Litcht into helle, the thridde day fro death arose, Steich into hevene, sit on his fader richt hand God Almichty, Then is cominde to deme the quikke and the dede, I beleve in ye hooli Gost, Alle hooli Chirche, None of alle hallouen forgivenis of sine, Fleiss uprising, Lif withuten end. Amen. When this _Richard_ the Hermit died, we cannot find, but conjecture it to be about the middle of the Reign of King _John_, about the year 1208. * * * * * _JOSEPH_ of _Exeter_. _Joseph of Exeter_ was born at the City of _Exeter_ in _Devonshire_, he was also sirnamed _Iscanus_, from the River _Isk_, now called _Esk_, which running by that City, gave it formerly the denomination of _Isca_. This _Joseph_ (faith my Author) was _a Golden Poet in a Leaden Age_, so terse and elegant were his Conceits and Expressions. In his younger years he accompanied King _Richard_ the First, in his Expedition into the _Holy Land_, by which means he had the better advantage to celebrate, as he did, the Acts of that warlike Prince, in a Poem, entituled _Antiochea_. He also wrote six Books _De Bello Trojano_, in Heroick Verse, which, as the learned _Cambden_ well observes, was no other then that Version of _Dares Phyrgius_ into _Latine_ Verse. Yet so well was it excepted, that the _Dutchmen_ not long since Printed it under the name of _Cornelius Nepos_, an Author who lived in the time of _Tully_, and wrote many excellent pieces in Poetry, but upon a strict view of all his Works, not any such doth appear amongst them; they therefore do this _Joseph_ great wrong in depriving him the honour of his own Works. He was afterwards, for his deserts, preferred to be Arch-bishop of _Burdeaux_, in the time of King _John_, about the year 1210. * * * * * _MICHAEL BLAUNPAYN_. This _Michael Blaunpayn_, otherwise sirnamed the _Cornish_ Poet, or the Rymer, was born in _Cornwall_, and bred in _Oxford_ and _Paris_, where he attained to a good proficiency in Learning, being of great fame and estimation in his time, out of whose Rymes for merry _England_ as _Cambden_ calls them, he quotes several passages in that most excellent Book of his _Remains_. It hapned one _Henry_ of _Normandy_, chief Poet to our _Henry_ the Third, had traduced _Cornwall_, as an inconsiderable Country, cast out by Nature in contempt into a corner of the land. Our _Michael_ could not endure this Affront, but, full of Poetical fury, falls upon the Libeller; take a tast (little thereof will go far) of his strains. _Non opus est ut opus numere quibus est opulenta, Et per quas inopes sustentat non ope lenta, Piscibus & stanno nusquam tam fertilis ora_. We need not number up her wealthy store, Wherewith this helpful Lands relieves her poor, No Sea so full of Filh, of Tin, no shore. Then, in a triumphant manner, he concludeth all with this Exhortation to his Countrymen: _Quid nos deterret? si firmiter in pede stemus, Fraus ni nos superat, nihil est quod non superemus._ What should us fright, if firmly we do stand? Bar fraud, and then no force can us command. Yet his Pen was not so lushious in praising, but, when he listed, it was as bitter in railing, witness this his Satyrical Character of his aforesaid Antagonist. _Est tibi gamba capri, crus passeris, & latus Apri, Os leporis, catuli nasus, dens & gena Muli, Frons vetulae, tauricaput, & color undique Mauri, His argumentis quibus est argutia Mentis, Quod non a Monstro differs, satis hic tibi monstro._ Gamb'd like a Goat, Sparrow-thigh'd, sides as a Boar, Hare-mouth'd, Dog-nos'd, like Mule thy teeth and chin, Brow'd as old wife, Bull headed, black as a _More_, If such without, then what are you within? By these my signs the wife will easily conster, How little thou does differ from a Monster. This _Michael_ flourished in the time of King _John_, and _Henry_ the Third. * * * * * _MATTHEW PARIS_. _Matthew Paris_ is acknowledged by all to be an _Englishman_ saving only one or two wrangling Writers, who deserve to be arraigned of Felony for robbing our Country of its due; and no doubt _Cambridgeshire_ was the County made happy by his birth, where the Name and Family of _Paris_ is right ancient, even long before they were setled therein at _Hildersham_, wherein they still flourish, though much impaired for their Loyalty in the late times of Rebellion. He was bred a Monk of St. _Albans_, living in that loose Age a very strict and severe life, never less idle than when he was alone; spending those hours, reserved from Devotion, in the sweet delights of Poetry, and laborious study of History, in both which he excelled all his Contemporaries: His skill also was excellent in Oratory and Divinity, as also in such manual Arts as lie in the Suburbs of the liberal Sciences, Painting, Graving, _&c._ so that we might sooner reckon up those things wherein he had no skill, as those wherein he was skilled: But his _Genius_ chiefly disposed him for the writing of Histories, writing a large Chronicle with great Commendations from the _Norman_ Conquest to the Year of our Lord 1250. where he concludes with this Distich: _Sifte tui metas studij_, Matthaee, _quietas_ _Nec ventura petas, quae postera proferat atas._ Matthew, here cease thy Pen in peace, and study on no more, Nor do thou rome at things to come, what next Age hath in store. Yet, notwithstanding this resolution, he afterwards resumed that Work, continuing it to the Year 1259. a History impartially and judicially written, neither flattering any for their Greatness, nor sparing others for their Vices, no not so much as those of his own Profession; yet though he had sharp Nails, he had clean Hands, strict in his own, as well as linking at the loose conversation of others, and for his eminent austerity, was imployed by Pope _Innocent_ the Fourth, not only to visit the Monks in the Diocess of _Norwich_ but also was sent by him into _Norway_, to reform the Discipline in _Holui_, a fair Covent therein, but much corrupted. His History was set forth with all integrity about a hundred years ago, by his namesake, _Matthew Parker_, (though some asperse it with a suspition of forgery) and afterwards in a latter and more exact Edition, by the care and industry of Doctor _William Wats_, and is at this present in great esteem amongst learned men. * * * * * _WILLIAM RAMSEY_. This _William Ramsey_ was born in _Huntingtonshire_, a County famous for the richest _Benedictines_ Abbey in _England_; yet here he would not stay, but went to _Crowland_, where he prospered so well, that he became Abbot thereof. _Bale_ saith he was a _Natural Poet_, and therefore no wonder if fault be found in the Feet of his Verses; but by his leave, he was also a good Scholar, and Arithmetician enough to make his Verse run in right Numbers. This _William_ wrote the Lives of St. _Guthlake_, St. _Neots_, St. _Edmond_ the King, and divers others, all in Verse, which no doubt were very acceptable and praise-worthy in those times; but the greatest wonder of him, and which may seem a wonder indeed, was, that being a Poet, he paid the vast Debts of others, even forty thousand Marks for the engagement of his Covent, and all within the compass of eighteen Months, wherein he was Abbot of _Crowland_. This was a vast Sum in that Age, and would render it altogether incredible for a Poet to do, but that we find he had therein the assistance of King _Henry_ the Second; who, to expiate the Blood of _Becket_, was contented to be melted into Coyn, and was prodigiously bountiful to many Churches as well as to this. He died about the year 1180. * * * * * _ALEXANDER NEQUAM_. _Alexander Nequam_, the learnedest _Englishman_ of his Age, was born at St. _Albans_ in _Hartfordshire_: His Name in _English_ signifies _Bad_, which caused many, who thought themselves wondrous witty in making Jests, (which indeed made themselves) to pass several Jokes on his Sirname, whereof take this one instance: _Nequam_ had a mind to become a Monk in St. _Albans_, the Town of his Nativity, and thus Laconically wrote for leave to the Abbot thereof; _Si vis, veniam, sin autem, tu autem_. To whom the Abbot returned, _Si bonus sis, venias, si nequam, nequaquam_. Whereupon for the future, to avoid the occasion of such Jokes, he altered his Name from _Nequam_, to _Neckam_. His admirable knowledge in good Arts, made him famous throughout _England_, _France_, _Italy_, yea and the whole World, and that with incredible admiration, that he was called _Miraculum ingenij_, the Wonder and Miracle of Wit and Sapience. He was an exact Philosopher, and excellent Divine, an accurate Rhetorician, and an admirable Poet, as did appear by many his Writings which he left to posterity, some of which are mentioned by _Bale_. That he was born at St. _Albans_, appears by a certain passage in one of his _Latine_ Poems, cited by Mr. _Cambden_, and thus Englished by his Translatour, Doctor _Holland_. _This is the place that knowledge took of my Nativity, My happy Years, my Days also of Mirth and Jollity. This Place my Childhood trained up in all Arts liberal, And laid the ground-work of my Name, and skill Poetical. This Place great and renowned Clerks into the World hath sent; For Martyr bless'd, for Nation, for Sight, all excellent. A troop here of Religious Men serve Christ both night and day, In Holy Warfare, taking pains duly to watch and pray._ He is thought by some, saith _Bale_, to have been a Canon Regular, and to have been preferred to the Abbotship of _Glocester_, as the Continuater of _Robert of Glocester_ will have it. And Master Alisander that Chanon was er Imaked was of Gloucestre Abbot thulk yer. Viz. 7 Reg. Regis _Johannis_. But this may be understood of _Alexander Theologus_, who was contempory with him: and was Abbot of St. _Maries_ in _Cirencester_ at the time of his death. Bishop _Godwin_, in his Catalogue of the Bishops of _Lincoln_, maketh mention of a passage of wit betwixt him and _Phillip Repington_ Bishop of _Lincoln_, the latter sending the Challenge. _Et niger & Nequam cum sis cognomine Nequam, Nigrior esse potes, Nequior esse nequis_. Both black and bad, whilest _Bad_ the name to thee, Blacker thou may'st, but worse thou canst not be. To whom _Nequam_ rejoyned, Phi _not a foetoris_, Lippus _malus omnibus horis_, Phi _malus_ & Lippus, _totus malus ergo_ Philippus. Stinks are branded with a _Phi, Lippus_ Latin for blear-eye, _Phi_ and _Lippus_ bad as either, then _Philippus_ worse together. A Monk of St. _Albans_ made this Hexameter allusively to his Name: _Dictus erat_ Nequam, _vitam duxit tamen aquam_. The Elogy he bestoweth on that most Christian Emperor _Constantine_ the Great, must not be forgot: From _Colchester_ there rose a Star, The Rays whereof gave Glorious Light Throughout the world in Climates far, Great _Constantine, Romes_ Emperor bright. He was (saith one) Canon of _Exeter_, and (upon what occasion is not known,) came to be buried at _Worcester_, with this Epitaph, _Eclipsim patitur Sapientia, Sol sepelitur, Cui si par unus, minus esset flebile funus; Vir bene discretus, & in omni more facetus, Dictus erat_ Nequam, _vitam duxit tamen aequam_. Wisdom's eclips'd, Sky of the Sun bereft; Yet less the loss if like alive were left; A man discreet, in matters debonair, Bad Name, black Face, but Carriage good and fair. Yet others say he was buried at St. _Albans_ (where he found repulse when living, but repose when dead) with this Epitaph, Alexander, _cognomento_ Nequam, _Abbas_ Cirecestriae, _Literarum scientia clarus, obiit Anno Dom._ 1217. _Lit. Dom. C. prid. Cal. Feb. & sepultus erat apud Fanum S._ Albani, _sujus Animae propitietur altissimus_, Amen. * * * * * _ALEXANDER ESSEBIE_. This _Alexander_ was born in _Staffordshire_, say some; in _Somersetshire_, say others; for which, each County might strive as being a Jewel worth the owning, being reckoned among the chief of _English_ Poets and Orators of that Age. He in imitation of _Ovid de Fastis_, put our Christian Festivals into Verse, setting a Copy therein to _Baptista Mantuan_. Then leaving _Ovid_, he aspired to _Virgil_, and wrote the History of the Bible, (with the Lives of some Saints,) in an Heroical Poem, which he performed even to admiration; and though he fell short in part of _Virgil_'s lofty style, yet went he beyond himself therein. He afterward became Prior of _Esseby-Abbey_, belonging to the _Augustines_, and flourished under King _Henry_ the Third, _Anno Dom._ 1220. * * * * * _ROBERT BASTON_. _Robert Baston_ was born not far from _Nottingham_, and bred a _Carmelite_ Frier at _Scarborough_ in _Yorkshire_: He was of such great Fame in Poetry, that King _Edward_ the Second, in his _Scotish_ Expedition pitcht upon him to be the Celebrater of his Heroick Acts; when being taken Prisoner by the _Scots_, he was forced by Torments to change his Note, and represent all things to the advantage of _Robert Bruce_, who then claimed the Crown of _Scotland_: This Task he undertook full sore against his will, as he thus intimates in the two first Lines. In dreery Verse my Rymes I make, Bewailing whilest such Theme I take. Besides his Poem _De Belle Strivilensi_, there was published of his writing a Book of Tragedies, with other Poems of various Subjects. * * * * * _HENRY BRADSHAW_. _Henry Bradshaw_ was born in the City of _Chester_, and bred a _Benedictine_ Monk in the Monastery of _St. Werburg_; the Life of which Saint he wrote in Verse, as also (saith my Author) a no bad Chronicle, though following therein those Authors, who think it the greatest Glory of a Nation to fetch their Original from times out of mind. Take a Taste of his Poetry in what he wrote concerning the Original of the City of _Chester_, in these words; The Founder of this City, as saith _Polychronicon_, Was _Leon Gawer_, a mighty strong Gyant, Which builded Caves and Dungeons many a one, No goodly Building, ne proper, ne pleasant. But King _Leir_, a _Britain_ fine and valiant, Was Founder of _Chester_ by pleasant Building, And was named _Guer Leir_ by the King. These Lines, considering the Age he lived in, (which _Arnoldus Vion_ saith, was about the Year 1346.) may pass with some praise, but others say he flourished a Century of years afterwards, _viz._ 1513. which if so, they are hardly to be excused, Poetry being in that time much refined; but whensoever he lived, _Bale_ saith, he was (the Diamond in the Ring) _Pro ea ipsa aetate, admodum pius_. * * * * * _HAVILLAN_. Should we forget the learned _Havillan_, our Book would be thought to be imperfect, so terse and fluent was his Verse, of which we shall give you two Examples, the one out of Mr. _John Speed_ his Description of _Devonshire_, speaking of the arrival of _Brute_. The God's did guide his Sail and Course, the Winds were at command, And _Totness_ was the happy shore where first he came on land. The other out of Mr. _Weever_ his Funeral Monuments in the Parish of St. _Aldermanbury_ in _London_, speaking of _Cornwal_. There Gyants whilome dwelt, whose Clothes were skins of Beasts; Whose Drink was Blood; Whose Cups, to serve for use at Feasts, Were made of hollow Wood; Whose Beds were bushy Thorns; And Lodgings rocky Caves, to shelter them from Storms; Their Chambers craggy Rocks; their Hunting found them Meat. To vanquish and to kill, to them was pleasure great. Their violence was rule; with rage and fury led, They rusht into the fight, and fought hand over head. Their Bodies were interr'd behind some bush or brake, To bear such monstrous Wights, the earth did grone and quake. These pestred most the Western Tract; more fear made thee agast, O _Cornwall_, utmost door that art to let in _Zephyrus_ blast. * * * * * _JOHN GOWER_. _John Gower_, whom some make to be a Knight, though _Stow_, in his _survey of London_, unknighteth him, and saith he was only an Esquire; however he was born of a knightly Family, at _Stitenham_ in the North-Riding in _Bulmore-Wapentake_ in _Yorkshire_. He was bred in _London_ a Student of the Laws, but having a plentiful Estate, and prizing his pleasure above his profit, he quitted Pleading to follow Poetry, being the first refiner of our _English_ Tongue, effecting much, but endeavouring more therein, as you may perceive by the difference of his Language, with that of _Robert of Glocester_, who lived in the time of King _Richard_ the First, which notwithstanding was accounted very good in those days. This our _Gower_ was contemporary with the famous Poet _Geoffry Chaucer_, both excellently learned, both great friends together, and both alike endeavour'd themselves and employed their time for the benefit of their Country. And what an account _Chaucer_ had of this our _Gower_ and of his Parts, that which he wrote in the end of his Work, entituled _Troilus & Cressida_, do sufficiently testifie, where he saith, O marvel, _Gower_, this Book I direct To thee, and to the Philosophical _Strode_. To vouchsafe, there need is, to correct Of your benignitees and zeles good. _Bale_ makes him _Equitem Auratum & Poetam Laureatum_, proving both from his Ornaments on his Monumental Statue in St. _Mary Overies Southwark_. Yet he appeareth there neither _laureated_ nor _hederated_ Poet, (except the leaves of the Bays and Ivy be wither'd to nothing, since the erection of the Tomb) but only _rosated_, having a Chaplet of four Roses about his Head, yet was he in great respect both with King _Henry_ the Fourth, and King _Richard_ the Second, at whose request he wrote his Book called _Confessio Amantis_, as he relateth in his Prologue to the same Book, in these words, As it befell upon a tide, As thing, which should tho betide, Under the town of New Troie, Which toke of Brute his first ioye, In Themese, when it was flowende, As I by Bote came rowende; So as fortune hir tyme sette, My leige Lord perchance I mette, And so befelle as I cam nigh, Out of my Bote, when he me sigh, He bad me come into his Barge, And when I was with him at large, Amonges other things seyde, He hath this charge upon me leyde, And bad me doe my businesse, That to his high worthinesse, Some newe thynge I should boke, That he hymselfe it might loke, After the forme of my writynge, And this upon his commandynge Myne herte is well the more glad To write so as he me bad. And eke my fear is well the lasse, That none enuie shall compasse, Without a reasonable wite To seige and blame that I write, A gentill hert his tongue stilleth, That it malice none distilleth, But preiseth that is to be preised, But he that hath his word unpeised, And handleth with ronge any thynge, I praie unto the heuen kynge, Froe such tonges he me shilde, And nethelesse this worlde is wilde, Of such ianglinge and what befall, My kinges heste shall not faile, That I in hope to deserue His thonke, ne shall his will observe, And els were I nought excused. He was before _Chaucer_, as born and flourishing before him, (yea, by some accounted his Master) yet was he after _Chaucer_, as surviving him two years, living to be stark blind, and so more properly termed our _English Homer_. His death happened _Anno_ 1402. and was buried at St. _Mary Overies_ in _Southwark_, on the North side of the said Church, in the Chappel of St. _John_, where he founded a Chauntry, and left Means for a Mass, (such was the Religion of those times) to be daily sung for him, as also an _Obit_ within the same Church to be kept on Friday after the Feast of St. _Gregory_. He lieth under a Tomb of stone, with his Image also of stone over him, the hair of his head auburn long to his shoulders, but curling up, and a small forked beard; on his head a Chaplet, like a Coronet of four Roses; an habit of purple, damasked down to his feet, a Collar of Esses of Gold about his neck, which being proper to places of Judicature, makes some think he was a Judge in his old age. Under his feet the likeness of three Books, which he compiled, the first named _Speculum Meditantis_, written in _French_: the second, _Vox Clamantis_, penned in _Latine_: the third, _Confessio Amantis_, written in _English_, which was Printed by _Thomas Berthelette_, and by him dedicated to King _Henry_ the Eighth, of which I have one by me at this present. His _Vox Clamantis_ with his _Cronica Tripartita_, and other Works both in _Latine_ and _French_, _Stow_ saith he had in his possession, but his _Speculum Meditantis_ he never saw, but heard thereof to be in _Kent_. Besides, on the Wall where he lieth, there was painted three Virgins crowned, one of which was named _Charity_, holding this device, _En toy qui es fitz de Dieu le Pere, Sauue soit, qui gist sours cest pierre._ The second Writing _Mercy_, with this Decree, _O bone Jesu fait ta mercy_, _Al' ame, dont le corps gisticy._ The third Writing _Pity_, with this device, _Pour ta pite Jesu regarde, Et met cest a me en sauue garde._ And thereby formerly hung a Table, wherein was written, That whoso prayed for the Soul of _John Gower_, so oft as he did it, should have a M. and D. days of pardon. His Arms were in a Field Argent, on a Cheveron Azure, three Leopards heads gold, their tongues Gules, two Angels supporters, on the Crest a Talbot. His Epitaph. _Armigeri Scultum nihil a modo fert sibi tutum, Reddidit immolutum morti generale tributum, Spiritus exutum se gaudeat esse solutum Est ubi virtutum Regnum sine labe statutum_. All I shall add is this, That about fifty years ago there lived at _Castle-Heningham_ in _Essex_, a School-master named _John Gower_, who wrote a witty Poem, called _the Castle Combate_, which was received in that Age with great applause. * * * * * _GEOFFERY CHAUCER_. Three several Places contend for the Birth of that famous Poet. 1. _Berkshire_, from the words of _Leland_, that he was born _in Barocensiprovincia_; and Mr. _Cambden_ avoweth that _Dunington-Castle_ nigh unto _Newbery_, was anciently his Inheritance. 2. _Oxfordshire_, where _J. Pits_ is positive that his Father was a Knight, and that he was born at _Woodstock_. 3. The Author of his Life, set forth 1602. proveth him born in _London_, out of these his own words in the _Testament of Love_. Also in the City of London, that is to me so dear and sweet, in which I was forth grown, and more kindly love have I to that place, than any other in yerth, as every kindely creature hath full appetite to that place of his kindly ingendure, and to wilne rest and peace in that stede to abide, thilke peace should thus there have been broken, which of all wise men is commended and desired. For his Parentage, although _Bale_ writes, he termeth himself _Galfridus Chaucer nobili loco natus, & fummae spei juvenis_; yet in the opinion of some Heralds (otherwise than his Virtues and Learning commended him) he descended not of any great House, which they gather by his Arms: And indeed both in respect of the Name, which is _French_, as also by other Conjectures, it may be gathered, that his Progenitors were Strangers; but whether they were Merchants (for that in places where they have dwelled, the Arms of the Merchants of the Staple have been seen in the Glass-windows) or whether they were of other Callings, it is not much necessary to search; but wealthy no doubt they were, and of good account in the Commonwealth, who brought up their Son in such sort, that both he was thought fit for the Court at home, and to be employed for Matters of State in Foreign Countries. His Education, as _Leland_ writes, was in both the Universities of _Oxford_ and _Cambridge_, as appeareth by his own words, in his Book Entituled _The Court of Love_: And in _Oxford_ by all likelihood, in _Canterbury_ or in _Merton_ Colledge, improving his Time in the University, he became a witty Logician, a sweet Rhetorician, a grave Philosopher, a holy Divine, a skilful Mathematician, and a pleasant Poet; of whom, for the Sweetness of his Poetry, may be said that which is reported of _Stesichorus_; and as _Cethegus_ was called _Suadae Medulla_, so may _Chaucer_ be rightly called the Pith and Sinews of Eloquence, and the very Life it self of all Mirth and pleasant Writing. Besides, one Gift he had above other Authors, and that is, by the Excellencies of his Descriptions to possess his Readers with a stronger imagination of seeing that done before their eyes which they read, than any other that ever writ in any Tongue. But above all, his Book of _Canterbury-Tales_, is most recommended to Posterity, which he maketh to be spoken by certain Pilgrims who lay at the _Tabard_-Inn in _Southwark_ as he declareth in the beginning of his said Book. It befell in that season, on a day, In Southwark, at the Tabert as I lay, Ready to wend on my pilgrimage To Canterbury, with full devout courage; That night was comen into the Hosterie, Well nine and twenty in a companie, Of sundry folke, by adventure yfall In fellowship, and Pilgrims were they all, That toward Canterbury woulden ride; The Stables and Chambers weren wide, And well wee were eased at the best, &c. By his Travel also in _France_ and _Flanders_, where he spent much time in his young years, but more in the latter end of the Reign of King _Richard_ the Second; he attained to a great perfection in all kind of Learning, as _Bale_ and _Leland_ report of him: _Circa postremos_ Richardi _Secundi annos_, Galliis _floruit, magnamque illic ex assidua in Literis exercitatione gloriam sibi comparavit. Domum reversus Forum_ Londinense; _& Collegia_ Leguleiorum, _qui ibidem Patria Jura interpretantur frequentavit_, &c. About the latter end of King _Richard_ the Second's Days, he flourished in _France_, and got himself into high esteem there by his diligent exercise in Learning: After his return home, he frequented the Court at _London_, and the Colledges of the _Lawyers_, which there interpreted the Laws of the Land. Amongst whom was _John Gower_, his great familiar Friend, whose Life we wrote before. This _Gower_, in his Book entituled _Confessio Amantis_, termeth _Chaucer_ a worthy Poet, and maketh him as it were the Judge of his Works. This our _Chaucer_ had always an earnest desire to enrich and beautifie our _English_ Tongue, which in those days was very rude and barren; and this he did, following the example of _Dantes_ and _Petrarch_. who had done the same for the _Italian_ Tongue, _Alanus_ for the _French_, and _Johannes Mea_ for the _Spanish_: Neither was _Chaucer_ inferior to any of them in the performance hereof; and _England_ in this respect is much beholding to him; as _Leland_ well noteth: _Anglia_ Chaucerum _veneratur nostra Poetam_; _Cui veneris debet Patria Lingua suas_. Our _England_ honoureth _Chaucer_ Poet, as principal; To whom her Country-Tongue doth owe her Beauties all. He departed out of this world the _25th._ day of _October_ 1400, after he had lived about seventy two years. Thus writeth _Bale_ out of _Leland, Chaucerus ad Canos devenit, sensitque Senectutem morbum esse_; _& dum Causas suas_ Londini _curaret_, &c. _Chaucer_ lived till he was an old man, and found old Age to be grievous; and whilst he followed his Causes at _London_, he died, and was buried at _Westminster_. The old Verses which were written on his Grave at the first, were these; Galfridus Chaucer, _Vates & Fama Poesis, Maternae haec sacra sum tumulatus humo_. _Thomas Occleue_, or _Okelefe_, of the Office of the Privy Seal, sometime Chaucer's Scholar, for the love he bore to the said _Geoffrey_ his Master, caused his Picture to be truly drawn in his Book, _De Regimine Principis_, dedicated to _Henry_ the Fifth; according to which, that his Picture drawn upon his Monument was made, as also the Monument it self, at the Cost and Charges of _Nicolas Brigham_ Gentleman, _Anno_ 1555. who buried his Daughter _Rachel_, a Child of four years of Age, near to the Tomb of this old Poet, the _21th_. of _June_ 1557. Such was his Love to the Muses; and on his Tomb these Verses were inscribed: _Qui fuit_ Anglorum _Vates ter maximus olim_, Galfridus Chaucer, _conditur hoc Tumulo, Annum si quaeras Domini, si tempora Mortis, Ecce notae subsunt, quae tibi cuncta notant_; 25 Octobris 1400. _AErumnarum requies Mors_. N. Brigham _hos fecit Musarum nomine sumptus_. About the Ledge of the Tomb these Verses were written; _Si rogitas quis eram, forsante Fama docebit, Quod si Fama negat, Mundi quia Gloria transit, Haec Monumenta lege_. The foresaid _Thomas Occleve_, under the Picture of _Chaucer_, had these Verses: Although his Life be queint, the resemblance Of him that hath in me so fresh liveliness, That to put other men in remembrance Of his Person I have here the likeness Do make, to the end in Soothfastness, That they that of him have lost thought and mind, By this peniture may again him find. In his foresaid Book, _De Regimine Principis_, he thus writes of him: But welaway is mine heart wo, That the honour of _English_ Tongue is dead; Of which I wont was counsaile haue and reed: O Master dere, and Fadre reuerent: My Master _Chaucer_ Floure of Eloquence, Mirror of fructuous entendement: O vniuersal fadre of Science: Alas that thou thine excellent Prudence In thy Bed mortal mightest not bequeath. What eyl'd Death, alas why would she the fle? O Death, thou didst not harm singler in slaughter of him, But all the Land it smerteth; But natheless yet hast thou no power his name flee, But his vertue afterteth Unslain fro thee; which ay us lifely herteth, With Books of his ornat enditing, That is to all this Land enlumining. In another place of his said Book, he writes thus; Alas my worthy Maister honourable, This Land's very Treasure and Richess! Death by thy Death hath harm irreparable Unto us done: her vengeable duress Dispoiled hath this Land of the sweetness Of Rhetorige; for unto _Tullius_ Was never man so like among us: Also who was here in Philosophy To _Aristotle_, in our Tongue, but thee? The Steps of _Virgil_ in Poesie, Thou suedst eken men know well enough, What combre world that thee my Master slough Would I slaine were. _John Lidgate_ likewise in his Prologue of _Bocchas_, of the _Fall of Princes_, by him translated, saith thus in his Commendation: My Master _Chaucer_, with his fresh Comedies, Is dead alas, chief Poet of _Brittaine_, That whilom made full pitous Tradgedies, The faule of Princes he did complaine, As he that was of making Soveraine; Whom all this Land should of right preferre Sith of our Language he was the load-sterre. Also in his Book which he writeth of the Birth of the Virgin _Mary_, he hath these Verses. And eke my Master _Chaucer_ now is in grave, The noble Rhetore, Poet of _Britaine_, That worthy was the Laurel to have Of Poetry, and the Palm attaine, That made first to distill and raine The Gold dew drops of Speech and Eloquence, Into our Tongue through his Eloquence. That excellent and learned _Scottish_ Poet _Gawyne Dowglas_ Bishop of _Dunkeld_, in the Preface of _Virgil's Eneados_ turned into _Scottish_ Verse, doth thus speak of _Chaucer_; Venerable _Chaucer_, principal Poet without pere, Heavenly Trumpet, orloge, and regulere, In Eloquence, Baulme, Conduct, and Dyal, Milkie Fountaine, Cleare Strand, and Rose Ryal, Of fresh endite through _Albion_ Island brayed In his Legend of Noble Ladies fayed. And as for men of latter time, Mr._Ascham_ and Mr. _Spenser_ have delivered most worthy Testimonies of their approving of him. Mr._Ascham_, in one place calleth him _English Homer_, and makes no doubt to say, that he valueth his Authority of as high estimation as he did either _Sophocles_ or _Euripides_ in _Greek_. And in another place, where he declareth his Opinion of _English_ Versifying, he useth these Words; Chaucer _and_ Petrark _those two worthy Wits, deserve just praise_. And last of all, in his Discourse of _Germany_, he putteth him nothing behind either _Thucydides_ or _Homer_, for his lively Descriptions of Site of Places, and Nature of Persons, both in outward Shape of Body, and inward Disposition of Mind; adding this withal, That not the proudest that hath written in any Tongue whatsoever, for his time hath outstript him. Mr. _Spenser_ in his first Eglogue of his _Shepherds Kalendar_, calleth him _Tityrus_, the God of Shepherds, comparing him to the worthiness of the _Roman Tityrus, Virgil_. In his _Fairy Queen_, in his Discourse of Friendship, as thinking himself most worthy to be _Chaucer_'s friend, for his like natural disposition that _Chaucer_ had; he writes, That none that lived with him, nor none that came after him, durst presume to revive _Chaucer_'s lost labours in that imperfect Tale of the Squire, but only himself: which he had not done, had he not felt (as he saith) the infusion of _Chaucer_'s own sweet Spirit surviving within him. And a little before, he calls him the most Renowned and Heroical Poet, and his Writings the Works of Heavenly Wit; concluding his commendation in this manner: _Dan Chaucer_ well of _English_ undefiled, On Fames eternal Bead-roll worthy to be filed; I follow here the footing of thy feet, That with thy meaning so I may the rather meet. Mr. _Cambden_, reaching one hand to Mr. _Ascham_, and the other to Mr. _Spenser_, and so drawing them together, uttereth of him these words, _De_ Homero _nostro_ Anglico _illud vere asseram, quod de_ Homero _eruditus ille_ Italus _dixit_. ----_Hic ille est, cujus de gurgite sacro, Combibit arcanos vatum omnis turba furores._ The deservingly honoured Sir _Philip Sidney_, in his _Defence of Poesie_, thus writeth of him, Chaucer _undoubtedly did excellently in his_ Troylus _and_ Crescid, _of whom truly I know not whether to marvel more, either that he in that misty time could see so clearly or we in this clear age walk so stumblingly after him._ And Doctor _Heylin_, in his elaborate Description of the World, ranketh him in the first place of our chiefest Poets. Seeing therefore that both old and new Writers have carried this reverend conceit of him, and openly declared the same by writing, let us conclude with _Horace_ in the eighth Ode of his fourth Book; _Dignum Laudi causa vetut mori_. The Works of this famous Poet, were partly published in Print by _William Caxton_, Mercer, that first brought the incomparable Art of Printing into _England_, which was in the Reign of King _Henry_ the Sixth. Afterward encreased by _William Thinne_, Esq; in the time of King _Henry_ the Eighth. Afterwards, in the year 1561. in the Reign of Queen _Elizabeth_, Corrected and Encreased by _John Stow_; And a fourth time, with many Amendments, and an Explanation of the old and obscure Words, by Mr. _Thomas Speight_, in _Anna_ 1597. Yet is he said to have written many considerable Poems, which are not in his publish'd Works, besides the _Squires Tale_, which is said to be compleat in _Arundel-house_ Library. * * * * * _JOHN LYDGATE_. _John Lydgate_ was born in a Village of the same name, not far off St. _Edmondsbury_, a Village (saith _Cambden_) though small, yet in this respect not to be passed over in silence, because it brought into the World _John Lydgate_ the Monk, whose Wit may seem to have been framed and fashioned by the very Muses themselves: so brightly reshine in his _English_ Verses, all the pleasant graces and elegancy of Speech, according to that Age. After some time spent in our _English_ Universities, he travelled through _France_ and _Italy_, improving his time to his great accomplishment, in learning the Languages and Arts; _Erat autem non solum elegans Poeta, & Rhetor disertus, verum etiam Mathematicus expertus, Philosophus acutus, & Theologus non contemnendus_: he was not only an elegant Poet, and an eloquent Rhetorician, but also an expert Mathematician, an acute Philosopher, and no mean Divine, saith _Pitseus_. After his return, he became Tutor to many Noblemens Sons, and both in Prose and Poetry was the best Author of his Age, for if _Chaucer's_ Coin were of greater Weight for deeper Learning, _Lydgate's_ was of a more refined Stantard for purer Language; so that one might mistake him for a modern Writer. But because none can so well describe him as himself, take an Essay of his Verses, out of his _Life and Death of_ Hector, _pag._ 316 and 317. I am a Monk by my profession, In _Berry_, call'd _John Lydgate_ by my name, And wear a habit of perfection; (Although my life agree not with the same) That meddle should with things spiritual, As I must needs confess unto you all. But seeing that I did herein proceed [A]At his command, whom I could not refuse, I humbly do beseech all those that read, Or leisure have, this story to peruse, If any fault therein they find to be, Or error, that committed is by me; That they will of their gentleness take pain, The rather to correct and mend the same, Than rashly to condemn it with disdain, For well I wot it is not without blame, Because I know the Verse therein is wrong, As being some too short and some too long. For _Chaucer_, that my Master was, and knew What did belong to writing Verse and Prose, Ne're stumbled at small faults, nor yet did view With scornful eye the Works and Books of those That in his time did write, nor yet would taunt At any man, to fear him or to daunt. [Footnote A: _Hen._ 5.] Now if you would know further of him, hear him in his Prologue to the Story of _Thebes_, a Tale (as his Fiction is) which (or some other) he was constrained to tell, at the command of mine Host of the _Tabard_ in _Southwark_, whom he found in _Canterbury_, with the rest of the Pilgrims which went to visit Saint _Thomas_ shrine. This Story was first written in _Latine_ by _Geoffry Chaucer_, and translated by _Lydgate_ into _English_ Verse, but of the Prologue of his own making, so much as concerns himself, thus: ----While that the Pilgrims lay At _Canterbury_, well lodged one and all, I not in sooth what I may it call, Hap or fortune, in conclusioun, That me befell to enter into the Toun, The holy Sainte plainly to visite, After my sicknesse, vows to acquite. In a Cope of blacke, and not of greene, On a Palfrey slender, long, and lene, With rusty Bridle, made not for the sale, My man to forne with a voyd Male, That by Fortune tooke my Inne anone Where the Pilgrimes were lodged everichone, The same time her governour the host Stonding in Hall, full of wind and bost, Liche to a man wonder sterne and fers, Which spake to me, and said anon Dan _Pers_, Dan _Dominick_, Dan _Godfray_, or _Clement_, Ye be welcome newly into _Kent_: Thogh your bridle have nother boos ne bell; Beseeching you, that ye will tell First of your name, and what cuntre Without more shortly that ye be, That looke so pale, all devoid of bloud, Upon your head a wonder thred-bare Hood, Well arrayed for to ride late: I answered my Name was _Lydgate_ Monke of _Bury_, me fifty yeare of age, Come to this Town to do my Pilgrimage As I have hight, I have thereof no shame: Dan _John_ (quoth he) well brouke ye your name, Thogh ye be sole, beeth right glad and light, Praying you to soupe with us this night; And ye shall have made at your devis, A great Pudding, or a round hagis, A _Franche_ Moile, a Tanse, or a Froise, To been a Monk slender is your [A]coise, Ye have been sick I dare mine head assure, Or let feed in a faint pasture. Lift up your head, be glad, take no sorrow, And ye should ride home with us to morrow, I say, when ye rested have your fill. After supper, sleep will doen none ill, Wrap well your head, clothes round about, Strong nottie Ale will make a man to rout; Take a Pillow, that ye lye not low; If nede be, spare not to blow; To hold wind, by mine opinion, Will engender colles passion, And make men to greven on her [B]rops, When they have filled her maws and her crops; But toward night, eate some Fennell rede, Annis, Commin, or Coriander-seed, And like as I have power and might, I charge you rise not at midnight, Thogh it be so the Moon shine clere, I will my self be your [C]Orlogere, To morrow early, when I see my time, For we will forth parcel afore prime, Accompanie [D]parde shall do you good. [Footnote A: Countenance.] [Footnote B: Guts.] [Footnote C: Clock.] [Footnote D: Verily.] But I have digressed too far: To return therefore unto _Lydgate_. _Scripsit partim Anglice, partim Latine; partim Prosa, partim Versu Libros numero plures, eruditione politissimos_. He writ (saith my Author) partly _English_, partly _Latine_; partly in Prose, and partly in Verse, many exquisite learned Books, saith _Pitseus_, which are mentioned by him and _Bale_, as also in the latter end of _Chaucer's_ Works; the last Edition, amongst which are _Eglogues_, _Odes_, _Satyrs_, and other Poems. He flourished in the Reign of _Henry_ the Sixth, and departed this world (aged about 60 years) _circiter_ An. 1440. and was buried in his own Convent at _Bury_, with this Epitaph, _Mortuus saeclo, superis Superstes, Hic jacet_ Lydgate _tumulaetus Urna: Qui fuit quondam celebris_ Britannae _Fama Poesis_. Dead in this World, living above the Sky, Intomb'd within this Urn doth _Lydgate_ lie; In former time fam'd for his Poetry, All over _England_. * * * * * _JOHN HARDING_. _John Harding_, our Famous _English_ Chronologer, was born (saith _Bale_) in the Northern parts, and most likely in _Yorkshire_, being an Esquire of an eminent Parentage. He was a man equally addicted to Arms and Arts, spending his Youth in the one, and his Age in the other: His first Military Employment was under _Robert Umfreuil_, Governor of _Roxborough_-Castle, where he did good Service against the _Scots_. Afterwards he followed the Standard of King _Edward_ the Fourth, to whom he valiantly and faithfully adhered, not only in the Sun-shine of his Prosperity, but also in his deepest Distress. But what endeared him the most to his Favour, and was indeed the Masterpiece of his Service, was his adventuring into _Scotland_; a desperate Attempt, and performed not without the manifest hazarding of his Life; where he so cunningly demeaned himself, and insinuated himself so far into their Favour, as he got a sight of their Records and Original Letters; a Copy of which he brought with him to _England_, and presented the same to King _Edward_ the Fourth: Out of these he collected a History of the several Submissions, and sacred Oaths of Fealty openly taken from the time of King _Athelstane_, by the Kings of _Scotland_; to the Kings of _England_, for the Crown of _Scotland_; a Work which was afterwards made much use of by the _English_; although the _Scotch_ Historians stickle with might and main, that such Homage was performed only for the County of _Cumberland_, and some parcel of Land their Kings had in _England_ South of _Tweed_. Now as his Prose was very useful, so was his Poetry as much delightful; writing a Chronicle of our _English_ Kings from _Brute_ to King _Edward_ the Fourth, and that in _English_ Verse; for which he was accounted one cf the chiefest Poets of his time; being so exactly done, that by it Dr. _Fuller_ adjudges him to have drunk as deep a draught of _Helicon_ as any in his Age: And another saying, that by the fame he deservedly claimed a Seat amongst the chiefest of the Poetical Writers. But to give you the better view of his Poetical Abilities, I shall present you with some of his Chronicle-Verse, concerning the sumptuous Houshold kept by King _Richard_ the Second, _cap._ 193. Truly I herd Robert Ireleffe say, Clarke of the Green-cloth, and that to the houshold Came every daye, forth most part alway Ten thousand folke, by his Messes told, That followed the hous aye as thei wold. And in the Kechin, three hundred Seruitours, And in eche Office many Occupiours. And Ladies faire, with their Gentleweomen Chamberers also and Lauenders, Three hundred of theim were occupied then; There was great pride emong the Officers, And of all men far passing their compeers; Of rich arraye, and much more costeus, Then was before, or sith, and more precious, &c. This our Poet _Harding_ was living _Anno_ 1461. being then very aged; and is judged to have survived not long after. * * * * * _ROBERT FABIAN_. _Robert Fabian_ was born and bred in _London_ as witnesseth _Bale_ and _Pits_; becoming one of the Rulers thereof, being chosen Sheriff, _Anno_ 1493. He spent his time which he had spare from publick Employments, for the benefit of posterity; writing two large Chronicles: the one from _Brute_ to the Death of King _Henry_ the Second; the other, from the First of King _Richard_, to the Death of _Henry_ the Seventh. He was (saith my Author) of a merry disposition, and used to entertain his Guests as well with good Discourse as good Victuals: He bent his Mind much to the Study of Poetry; which according to those times, passed for currant. Take a touch of his Abilities in the Prologue to the second Volume of his Chronicle of _England_ and _France_. Now would I fayne, In words playne, Some Honour sayne, And bring to mynde; Of that auncient Cytye, That so goodly is to se, And full true ever hath be, And also full kynde, To Prince and Kynge That hath borne just rulynge, Syn the first winnynge of this Hand by _Brute_. So that in great honour By passynge of many a showre, It hath euer borne the flowre; And laudable _Brute_, &c. These Verses were made for the Honour of _London_; which he calleth _Ryme Dogerel_, and at the latter end thereof, excuseth himself to the Reader in these words: Who so him lyketh these Versys to rede, With favour I pray he will theym spell; Let not the rudenes of theym hym lede For to dispraue thys Ryme Dogerell: Some part of the honour it doth you tell Of this old Cytye _Troynouant_; But not thereof the halfe dell; Connyng in the Maker is so adaunt: But though he had the Eloquence Of _Tully_, and the Moralytye Of _Seneck_, and the Influence Of the swyte sugred _Armony_, Or that faire Ladye _Caliope_, Yet had he not connyng perfyght, This Citye to prayse in eche degre As that shulde duely aske by ryght. Sir _John Suckling_, a prime Wit of his Age, in the Contest betwixt the Poets for the Lawrel, maketh _Apollo_ to adjudge it to an Alderman of _London_; in these words; He openly declar'd it was the best sign Of good store of Wit, to have good store of Coyne, And without a syllable more or less said, He put the Lawrel on the Alderman's Head. But had the Scene of this Competition been laid a hundred and fifty years ago, and the same remitted to the Umpirage of _Apollo_, in sober sadness he would have given the Lawrel to this our Alderman. He died at _London_, Anno 1511, and was buried at St. _Michael's_ Church in _Cornhil_, with this Epitaph; _Like as the Day his Course doth consume, And the new Morrow springeth again as fast; So Man and Woman by Natures custom This Life do pass; at last in Earth are cast, In Joy and Sorrow, which here their Time do wast, Never in one state, but in course transitory, So full of change is of the World the Glory_. Dr. _Fuller_ observeth, That none hath worse Poetry than Poets on their Monuments; certainly there is no Rule without Exceptions; he himself instancing to the contrary in his _England's Worthies_, by Mr. _Drayton's_ Epitaph, and several others. * * * * * _JOHN SKELTON_. _John Skelton_, the Poet Laureat in his Age, tho' now accounted only a Rhymer, is supposed to have been born in _Norfolke_, there being an ancient Family of that Name therein; and to make it the more probable, he himself was Beneficed therein at _Dis_ in that County. That he was Learned, we need go no further than to _Erasmus_ for a Testimony; who, in his Letter to King _Henry_ the Eighth, stileth him, _Britanicarum Literarum Lumen & Decus_. Indeed he had Scholarship enough, and Wit too much: _Ejus Sermo_ (saith _Pitz._) _salsus in mordacem, risus in opprobrium, jocus in amaritudinem_. Whoso reads him, will find he hath a miserable, loose, rambling Style, and galloping measure of Verse: yet were good poets so scarce in his Age, that he had the good fortune to be chosen Poet Laureat, as he stiles himself in his Works, _The Kings Orator, and Poet Laureat_. His chief Works, as many as can be collected, and that out of an old Printed Book, are these; _Philip Sparrow_, _Speak Parrot_, _The Death of King_ Edward _the Fourth_, _A Treatise of the_ Scots, _Ware the Hawk_, _The Tunning of_ Elianer Rumpkin: In many of which, following the humor of the ancientest of our Modern Poets, he takes a Poetical Liberty of being Satyrical upon the Clergy, as brought him under the Lash of Cardinal _Woolsey_, who so persecuted him, that he was forced to take Sanctuary at _Westminster_, where Abbot _Islip_ used him with much respect. In this Restraint he died, _June_ 21, 1529. and was buried in St. _Margaret's_ Chappel, with this Epitaph; _J. Sceltanus Vates Pierius hic situs est_. We must not forget, how being charg'd by some on his Death-bed for begetting many Children on a Concubine which he kept, he protested, that in his Conscience he kept her in the notion of a Wife, though such his cowardliness, that he would rather confess Adultery, than own Marriage, the most punishable at that time. * * * * * _WILLIAM LILLIE_. To this _John Scelton_, we shall next present you with the Life of his Contemporary and great Antagonist _William Lillie_, born at _Odiham_, a great Market-Town in _Hantshire_; who to better his knowledge, in his youth travelled to the City of _Jerusalem_, where having satisfied his curiosity in beholding those sacred places where on our Saviour trode when he was upon the Earth; he returned homewards, making some stay at _Rhodes_, to study _Greek_. Hence he went to _Rome_, where he heard _John Sulpitius_ and _Pomponius Sabinus_, great Masters of _Latine_ in those days. At his return home, Doctor _John Collet_ had new builded a fair School at the East-end of St. _Paul_'s, for 153 poor mens Children, to be taught free in the same School; for which he appointed a Master, an Usher, and a Chaplain, with large Stipends for ever; committing the oversight thereof to the Masters, Wardens and Assistants of the _Mercers_ in _London_, because he was Son to _Henry Collet_ Mercer, sometime Major; leaving for the Maintenance thereof, Lands to the yearly value of 120_l_. or better; making this _William Lilly_ first Master thereof; which Place he commendably discharg'd for 15 years. During which time he made his _Latine_ Grammar, the Oracle of Free Schools of _England_, and other Grammatical Works. He is said also by _Bale_, to have written Epigrams, and other Poetry of various Subjects in various _Latine_ Verse, though scarce any of them (unless it be his _Grammar_) now extant, only Mr. _Stow_ makes mention of an Epitaph made by him, and graven on a fair Tomb, in the midst of the Chancel of St. _Paul_'s in _London_ containing these Words; _Inclyta_ Joannes Londini _Gloria gentis, Is tibi qui quondam_ Paule _Decanus erat, Qui toties magno resonabat pectore Christum, Doctor & Interpres fidus Evangelij: Qui mores hominum multum sermone disertae Formarat, vitae sed probitate magis: Quique Scholam struxit celebrem cognomine_ Jesu, _Hac dormit tectus membra_ Coletus _humo_. _Floruit sub_ Henrico 7. & Henrico 8. _Reg. Obiit_ An. Dom. 1519. _Disce mori Mundo, vivere disce Deo_. _John Skelton_ (whom we mentioned before) whose Writings were for the most part Satyrical, mixing store of Gall and Copperas in his Ink, having fell foul upon Mr. _Lilly_ in some of his Verses, _Lilly_ return'd him this biting Answer; _Quid me_ Sceltone _fronte sic aperta Carpis, vipereo potens veneno? Quid Versus trutina, meos iniqua Libras? Dicere vera num licebit? Doctrinae, tibi dum parare famam, Et doctus fieri studes Poeta, Doctrinam ne habes, nec es Poeta_. With Face so bold, and Teeth so sharp, Of Viper's venom, why dost carp? Why are my Verses by thee weigh'd In a false Scale? May Truth be said; Whilst thou to get the more esteem, _A Learned Poet_ fain wouldst seem, _Skelton_, thou art, let all men know it, Neither Learned, nor a Poet. He died of the Plague, _Anno_ 1522, and was buried in St. _Paul's_, with this Epitaph on a Brass Plate, fixed in the Wall by the great North-Door: Gulielmo Lilio, _Pauliae Scholae olim Praeceptori primario, &_ Agnetae _Conjugi, in sacratissimo hujus Templi Coemiterio hinc a tergo nunc destructo consepultis_; Georgius Lilius, _hujus Ecclesiae Canonicus, Parentum Memoriae pie consulens, Tabellam hanc ab amicis conservatam, hic reponendam curavit._ * * * * * _Sir THOMAS MORE_. Sir _Thomas More_, a great Credit and Ornament in his Time, of the _English_ Nation, and with whom the Learned'st Foreigners of that Age, were proud to have correspondence, for his wit and excellent parts, was born in _Milk-street_, London. _Anno Dom._ 1480. Son to Sir _John More_, Knight, and one of the Justices of the _Kings Bench_. He was bred first in the Family of Archbishop _Morton_, then in _Canterbury_-Colledge in _Oxford_; afterwards removed to an Inn of _Chancery_ in _London_, called _New-Inn_, and from thence to _Lincolns-Inn_; where he became a double Reader. Next, his Worth preferred him to be Judge in the Sheriff of _London's_, Court, though at the same time a Pleader in others; and so upright was he therein, that he never undertook any Cause but what appeared just to his Conscience, nor never took Fee of Widow, Orphan, or poor Person. King _Henry_ the Eighth coming to the Crown, first Knighted him, then made him Chancellor of the Duchy of _Lancaster_, and not long after L. Chancellor of _England_, in which place he demeaned himself with great integrity, and with no less expedition; so that it is said, at one time he had cleared all Suits depending on that Court: whereupon, one thus versified on him, When _More_ some years had Chancellor been, No more Suits did remain; The same shall never more be seen, Till _More_ be there again. He was of such excellency of Wit and Wisdom, that he was able to make his Fortune good in whatsoever he undertook: and to this purpose it is reported of him, that when he was sent Ambassador by his Master _Henry_ the Eighth into _Germany_, before he deliver'd his Embassage to the Emperor, he bid one of his Servants to fill him a Beer-glass of Wine, which he drunk off twice; commanding his Servant to bring him a third; he knowing Sir _Thomas More_'s Temperance, that he was not used to drink, at first refused to fill him another; telling Sir _Thomas_ of the weight of his Employment: but he commanding it, and his Servant not daring to deny him, he drank off the third, and then made his immediate address to the Emperor, and spake his Oration in _Latine_, to the admiration of all the Auditors. Afterwards Sir _Thomas_ merrily asking his Man what he thought of his Speech? he said, that he deserved to govern three parts of the World, and he believed if he had drunk the other Glass, the Elegancy of his Language might have purchased the other part of the World. Being once at _Bruges_ in _Flanders_, an arrogant Fellow had set up a _Thesis_, that he would answer any Question could be propounded unto him in what Art soever. Of whom, when Sir _Thomas More_ heard, he laughed, and made this Question to be put up for him to answer; Whether _Averia capta in Withernamia sunt irreplegibilia_? Adding, That there was an _Englishman_ that would dispute thereof with him. This bragging _Thraso_, not so much as understanding the Terms of our Common Law, knew not what to answer to it, and so became ridiculous to the whole City for his presumptuous bragging. Many were the Books which he wrote; amongst whom his _Utopia_ beareth the Bell; which though not written in Verse, yet in regard of the great Fancy and Invention thereof, may well pass for a Poem, it being the _Idea_ of a compleat Commonwealth in an Imaginary Island (but pretended to be lately discovered in _America_) and that so lively counterfeited, that many at the reading thereof, mistook it for a real Truth: insomuch that many great Learned men, as _Budeus_, and _Johannes Paludanus_ upon a fervent zeal, wished that some excellent Divines might be sent thither to preach Christ's Gospel: yea, there were here amongst us at home, sundry good Men, and learned Divines, very desirous to undertake the Voyage, to bring the People to the Faith of Christ, whose Manners they did so well like. Mr. Owen, the _Brittish_ Epigrammatist, on this Book of _Utopia_, writeth thus; More's _Utopia_ and _Mercurius Britanicus_. _More_ shew'd the best, the worst World's shew'd by the: Thou shew'st what is, and he shews what should be. But at last he fell into the King's displeasure, touching the Divorce of Queen _Katherine_, and for refusing to take the Oath of Supremacy; for which he was committed to the Tower, and afterwards beheaded on _Tower-Hill_, July 6, 1635, and buried at _Chelsey_ under a plain Monument. Those who desire to be further informed of this Learned Knight, let them read my Book of _England's Worthies_, where his Life is set forth more at large. * * * * * _HENRY HOWARD_ Earl of _Surrey_. This Honourable Earl was Son to _Thomas Howard_ Duke of _Norfolk_, and _Frances_ his Wife, the Daughter of _John Vere_ Earl of _Oxford_. He was (saith _Cambden_) the first of our _English_ Nobility that did illustrate his high Birth with the Beauty of Learning, and his Learning with the knowledge of divers Languages, which he attained unto by his Travels into foreign Nations; so that he deservedly had the particular Fame of Learning, Wit and Poetical Fancy. Our famous Poet _Drayton_, in his _England's Heroical Epistles_, writing of this Noble Earl, thus says of him; The Earl of _Surrey_, that renowned Lord, Th'old _English_ Glory bravely that restor'd, That Prince and Poet (a Name more divine) Falling in Love with Beauteous _Geraldine_, Of the _Geraldi_, which derive their Name From _Florence_; whether to advance her Fame, He travels, and in publick Justs maintain'd Her Beauty peerless, which by Arms he gain'd. In his way to _Florence_, he touch'd at the Emperor's Court; where he fell in acquaintance with the great Learned _Cornelius Agrippa_, so famous for Magick, who shewed him the Image of his _Geraldine_ in a Glass, sick, weeping on her Bed, and resolved all into devout Religion for the absence of her Lord; upon sight of which, he made this Sonnet. All Soul, no earthly Flesh, why dost thou fade? All Gold, no earthly Dross, why look'st thou pale? Sickness, how dar'st thou one so fair invade? Too base Infirmity to work her Bale. Heaven be distempered since she grieved pines, Never be dry these my sad plantive Lines. Pearch thou my Spirit on her Silver Breasts, And with their pains redoubled Musick beatings, Let them toss thee to world where all toil rests, Where Bliss is subject to no Fear's defeatings; Her Praise I tune whose Tongue doth tune the Sphears, And gets new Muses in her Hearers Ears. Stars fall to fetch fresh light from her rich eyes, Her bright Brow drives the Sun to Clouds beneath. Her Hairs reflex with red strakes paints the Skies, Sweet Morn and Evening dew flows from her breath: _Phoebe_ rules Tides, she my Tears tides forth draws, In her sick-Bed Love sits, and maketh Laws. Her dainty Limbs tinsel her Silk soft Sheets, Her Rose-crown'd Cheeks eclipse my dazled sight. O Glass! with too much joy my thoughts thou greets, And yet thou shew'st me day but by twilight. Ile kiss thee for the kindness I have felt, Her Lips one Kiss would unto _Nectar_ melt. From the Emperor's Court he went to the City of _Florence_, the Pride and Glory of _Italy_, in which City his _Geraldine_ was born, never ceasing till he came to the House of her Nativity; and being shewn the Chamber her clear Sun-beams first thrust themselves in this cloud of Flesh, he was transported with an Extasie of Joy, his Mouth overflow'd with _Magnificats_, his Tongue thrust the Stars out of Heaven, and eclipsed the Sun and Moon with Comparisons of his _Geraldine_, and in praise of the Chamber that was so illuminatively honoured with her Radiant Conception, he penned this Sonnet: Fair Room, the presence of sweet Beauties pride, This place the Sun upon the Earth did hold, When _Phaeton_ his Chariot did misguide, The Tower where _Jove_ rain'd down himself in Gold, Prostrate as holy ground Ile worship thee. Our _Ladies Chappel_ henceforth be thou nam'd; Here first _Loves Queen_ put on Mortality, And with her Beauty all the world inflam'd. Heaven's Chambers harbouring fiery Cherubins, Are not with thee in Glory to compare. Lightning, it is not Light which in thee mines, None enter thee but streight entranced are. O! if _Elizium_ be above the ground, Then here it is, where nought but Joy is found. That the City of _Florence_ was the ancient Seat of her Family, he himself intimates in one of his Sonnets: thus; From _Tuscan_ came my Ladies worthy Race; Fair _Florence_ was sometimes her ancient Seat, The Weltern Isle, whose pleasant Shoar doth face, Whilst _Camber's_ Cliffs did give her lively heat. In the Duke of _Florence's_ Court he published a proud Challenge against all Comers, whether _Christians_, _Turks_, _Canibals_, _Jews_, or _Saracens_, in defence of his _Geraldines_ Beauty. This Challenge was the more mildly accepted, in regard she whom he defended, was a Town-born Child of that City; or else the Pride of the _Italian_ would have prevented him ere he should have come to perform it. The Duke of _Florence_ nevertheless sent for him, and demanded him of his Estate, and the reason that drew him thereto; which when he was advertiz'd of to the full, he granteth all Countries whatsoever, as well Enemies and Outlaws, as Friends and Confederates, free access and regress into his Dominions immolested, until the Trial were ended. This Challenge, as he manfully undertook, so he as valiantly performed; as Mr. _Drayton_ describes it in his Letter to the Lady _Geraldine_. The shiver'd Staves here for thy Beauty broke, With fierce encounters past at every shock, When stormy Courses answer'd Cuff for Cuff, Denting proud Beavers with the Counter-buff; Which when each manly valiant Arm essays, After so many brave triumphant days, The glorious Prize upon my Lance I bare, By Herald's Voyce proclaim'd to be thy share. The Duke of _Florence_ for his approved Valour, offered him large Proffers to stay with him; which he refused: intending, as he had done in _Florence_, to proceed through all the chief Cities in _Italy_; but this his Purpose was frustrated, by Letters sent to him from his Master King _Henry_ the _8th._ which commanded him to return as speedily as possibly he could into _England_. Our famous _English_ Antiquary _John Leland_, speaking much in the praise of Sir _Thomas Wiat_ the Elder, as well for his Learning, as other excellent Qualities, meet for a man of his Calling; calls this Earl the conscript enrolled Heir of the said Sir _Thomas Wiat_: writing to him in these words; _Accipe Regnorum Comes illustrissime Carmen, Quo mea Musa tuum laudavit moesta Viallum_. And again, in another place, _Perge_, Houerde, _tuum virtute referre Viallum, Dicerisque tuae clarissima Gloria stirpis_. A certain Treatise called _The Art of_ English _Poetry_, alledges, _That Sir_ Thomas Wiat _the Elder, and_ Henry _Earl of_ Surrey _were the two Chieftains, who having travelled into_ Italy, _and there tasted the sweet and stately Measures and Style of the_ Italian _Poesie, greatly polished our rude and homely manner of vulgar Poesie from what it had been before; and may therefore justly be shewed to be the Reformers of our_ English _Meeter and Style_. I shall only add an Epitaph made by this Noble Earl on Sir _Anthony Denny_, Knight (a Gentleman whom King _Henry_ the _8th._ greatly affected) and then come to speak of his Death. Death and the King did as it were contend, Which of them two bare _Denny_ greatest Love; The King to shew his Love, gan far extend, Did him advance his Betters far above: Near Place, much Wealth, great Honour eke him gave, To make it known what Power great Princes have. But when Death came with his triumphant Gift, From worldly Cark he quit his wearied Ghost, Free from the Corps, and streight to Heaven it lift, Now deem that can who did for _Denny_ most; The King gave Wealth, but fading and unsure, Death brought him Bliss that ever shall endure. But to return, this Earl had together with his Learning, Wisdom, Fortitude, Munificence, and Affability; yet all these good and excellent parts were no protection against the King's Displeasure; for upon the _12th_ of _December_, the last of King _Henry_ the _8th._ he, with his Father _Thomas_ Duke of _Norfolk_, upon certain surmises of Treason, were committed to the Tower of _London_, the one by Water, the other by Land; so that the one knew not of the others Apprehension: The _15th._ day of _January_ next following, he was arraigned at Guildhall, _London_, where the greatest matter alledged against him, was, for bearing certain Arms that were said belonged to the King and Prince; the bearing whereof he justified. To be short, (for so they were with him) he was found guilty by twelve common Juriars, had Judgment of Death; and upon the _19th_ day of the said Month (nine days before the Death of the said King _Henry_, was beheaded at _Tower-Hill_) He was at first interred in the Chappel of the Tower, and afterwards, in the Reign of King _James_, his Remainders of Ashes and Bones were removed to _Framingham_ in _Suffolk_, by his second Son _Henry_ Earl of _Northampton_, where in the Church they were interred, with this Epitaph; Henrico Howardo, Thomae _Secundi Ducis_ Norfolciae _filio primogenito_, Thomae _tertij Patri, Comiti_ Surriae, _& Georgiani Ordinis Equiti Aurato, immature Anno Salutis 1546, abrepto. Et_ Francisae _Uxori ejus, filiae_ Johannis _Comitis_ Oxoniae. Henricus Howardus _Comes_ Northhamptoniae, _filius secundo genitus, hoc supremum Pietatis in Parentes Monumentum posuit_, A.D. 1614. * * * * * Sir _THOMAS WIAT_ the Elder. This worthy Knight is termed by the Name of the Elder, to distinguish him from Sir _Thomas Wiat_ the raiser of the Rebellion in the time of Queen _Mary_, and was born at _Allington_ Castle in the County of _Kent_; which afterwards he repaired with most beautiful Buildings. He was a Person of great esteem and reputation in the Reign of King _Henry_ the _8th._ with whom, for his honesty and singular parts, he was in high favour. Which nevertheless he had like to have lost about the Business of Queen _Anne Bullein_; but by his Innocency, Industry and Prudence, he extricated himself. He was one of admirable ingenuity, and truly answer'd his Anagram, _Wiat_, a Wit, the judicious Mr. _Cambden_ saith he was. _Eques Auratus splendide doctus_. And though he be not taken notice of by _Bale_ nor _Pits_, yet for his admirable Translation of _David's_ Psalms into _English_ Meeter, and other Poetical Writings, _Leland_ forbears not to compare him to _Dante_ and _Petrarch_, by giving him this large commendation. _Bella suum merito jactet_ Florentia Dantem _Regia_ Petrarchae _carmina_ Roma _probat_, _His non inferior Patrio Sermone_ Viattus _Eloquii secum qui decus omne tulit_. Let _Florence_ fair her _Dantes_ justly boast, And royal _Rome_ her _Petrarchs_ number'd feet, In _English Wiat_ both of them doth coast: In whom all graceful eloquence doth meet. The renowned Earl of _Surrey_ in an _Encomium_ upon his Translation of _David's_ Psalms, thus writes of him, What holy Grave, what worthy Sepulcher, To _Wiat's_ Psalms shall Christians purchase then? And afterward, upon his death, the said Earl writeth thus: What Vertues rare were temper'd in thy brest? Honour that _England_ such a Jewel bred, And kiss the ground whereas thy Corps did rest, _&c._ This worthy Knight being sent Ambassador by King _Henry_ the Eighth to _Charles_ the Fifth Emperor, then residing in _Spain_, died of the Pestilence in the West Country, before he could take Shipping, _Anno_ 1541. * * * * * Dr. _CHRISTOPHER TYE_. In the writing this Doctors Life, we shall principally make use for Directions of Mr. _Fuller_, in his _England's Worthies_, fol. 244. He flourished (saith he) in the Reign of King _Henry_ the Eighth, and King _Edward_ the Sixth, to whom he was one of the Gentlemen of their Chappel, and probably the Organist. Musick, which received a grievous wound in _England_ at the dissolution of Abbeys, was much beholding to him for her recovery; such was his excellent Skill and Piety, that he kept it up in Credit at Court, and in all Cathedrals during his life: He translated _the Acts of the Apostles_ into Verse, and let us take a tast his Poetry. In the former Treatise to thee, dear friend _Theophilus_, I have written the veritie of the Lord Christ Jesus, Which he to do and eke to teach, began until the day; In which the Spirit up did him fetch to dwell above for aye. After that he had power to do even by the Holy Ghost: Commandements then he gave unto his chosen least and most. To whom also himself did shew from death thus to revive; By tokens plain unto his few even forty days alive. Speaking of God's kingdom with heart chusing together them, Commanding them not to depart from that _Jerusalem_. But still to wait on the promise of his Father the Lord, Of which you have heard me e're this unto you make record. Pass we now (saith he) from his Poetry, (being Musick in words) to his Musick, (being Poetry in sounds) who set an excellent Composition of Musick in four parts, to the several Chapters of his aforenamed Poetry, dedicating the same to King _Edward_ the Sixth, a little before his death, and Printed it _Anno Dom._ 1353. He also did Compose many excellent _Services_ and _Anthems_ of four and five parts, which were used in Cathedrals many years after his death, the certain date whereof we cannot attain to. * * * * * _JOHN LELAND_. This famous Antiquary, Mr. _John Leland_, flourish'd in the year 1546. about the beginning of the Reign of King _Edward_ the Sixth, and was born by most probable conjecture at _London_. He wrote, among many other Volumes, several Books of Epigrams, his _Cigneo Cantio_, a Genethliac of Prince _Edward_, _Naniae_ upon the death of Sir _Thomas Wiat_, out of which we shall present you with these Verses: _Transtulit in nostram_ Davidis _carmina linguam, Et numeros magna reddidit arte pares. Non morietur opus tersum, spectabile sacrum, Clarior hac fama parte_ Viattus _erit. Una dies geminos Phoenices non dedit orbi, Mors erit unius, vita sed alterius. Rara avis in terris confectus morte_ Viattus, Houerdum _haeredem scripserat ante suum. Dicere nemo potest recte periisse_ Viattum, _Ingenii cujus tot monimenta vigent_. He wrote also several other things both in Prose and Verse, to his great fame and commendation. * * * * * _THOMAS CHURCHYARD_. _Thomas Churchyard_ was born in the Town of _Shrewsbury_, as himself doth affirm in his Book made in Verse of the _Worthiness of Wales_, taking _Shropshire_ within the compass, (to use his own Expression) _Wales_ the _Park_, and the _Marches_ the _Pale_ thereof. He was one equally addicted to Arts and Arms, serving under that renowned Captain Sir _William Drury_, in a rode he made into _Scotland_, as also under several other Commanders beyond Sea, as he declares in his _Tragical Discourse of the Unhappy Mans Life_, saying, Full thirty years both Court and Wars I tryde, And still I sought acquaintance with the best, And served the State, and did such hap abide As might befal, and Fortune sent the rest, When Drum did sound, I was a Soldier prest To Sea or Land, as Princes quarrel stood, And for the same full oft I lost my blood. But it seems he got little by the Wars but blows, as he declares himself a little after. But God he knows, my gain was small I weene, For though I did my credit still encrease, I got no wealth by wars, ne yet by peace. Yet it seems he was born of wealthy friends, and had an Estate left unto him, as in the same Work he doth declare. So born I was to House and Land by right, But in a Bag to Court I brought the same, From _Shrewsbury_-Town, a seat of ancient fame. Some conceive him to be as much beneath a Poet as above a Rymer, yet who so shall consider the time he wrote in, _viz._ the beginning of the Reign of Queen _Elizabeth_, shall find his Verses to go abreast with the best of that Age. His Works, such as I have seen and have now in custody, are as followeth: _The Siege of_ Leith. _A Farewel to the World_. _A feigned Fancy of the Spider and the Goat_. _A doleful Discourse of a Lady and a Knight_. _The Road into_ Scotland, _by Sir_ William Drury. _Sir_ Simon Burley'_s Tragedy_. _A Tragical Discourse of the Vnhappy Mans Life_. _A Discourse of Vertue_. Churchyard'_s Dream_. _A Tale of a Fryar and a Shoomaker's wife_. _The Siege of_ Edenborough-_Castle_. _Queen_ Elizabeth'_s Reception into_ Bristol. These Twelve several Treatises he bound together, calling them _Church-yard's Chips_, and dedicated them to Sir _Christopher Hatton_. He also wrote the Falls of _Shore_'s Wife and of Cardinal _Wolsey_; which are inserted into the Book of _the Mirrour for Magistrates_. Thus, like a stone, did he trundle about, but never gather'd any Moss, dying but poor, as may be seen by his Epitaph in Mr. _Cambden's Remains_, which runs thus; Come _Alecto_, lend me thy Torch, To find a _Church-yard_ in a Church-porch: _Poverty_ and _Poetry_ his Tomb doth enclose, Wherefore good Neighbours be merry in prose. His death, according to the most probable conjecture, may be presumed about the eleventh year of the Queen's Reign, _Anno Dom._ 1570. * * * * * _JOHN HIGGINS_. _John Higgins_ was one of the chief of them who compiled the History of _the Mirrour of Magistrates_, associated with Mr. _Baldwin_, Mr. _Ferrers_, _Thomas Churchyard_, and several others, of which Book Sir _Philip Sidney_ thus writes in his _Defence of Poesie_, _I account the_ Mirrour of Magistrates _meetly furnished of beautiful parts_. These Commendations coming from so worthy a person, our _Higgins_ having so principal a share therein, deserves a principal part of the praise. And how well his deservings were, take an essay of his Poetry in his induction to the Book. When Summer sweet with all her pleasures past, And leaves began to leave the shady tree, The Winter cold encreased on full fast, And time of year to sadness moved me: For moisty blasts not half so mirthful be, As sweet _Aurora_ brings in Spring-time fair, Our joys they dim as Winter damps the air. The Nights began to grow to length apace, Sir _Phoebus_ to th'Antartique 'gan to fare: From _Libra_'s lance, to the _Crab_ he took his race Beneath the Line, to lend of light a share. For then with us the days more darkish are, More short, cold, moist, and stormy, cloudy, clit, For sadness more than mirths or pleasures fit. Devising then what Books were best to read, Both for that time, and sentence grave also, For conference of friend to stand in stead, When I my faithful friend was parted fro; I gat me strait the Printers shops unto, To seek some Work of price I surely ment, That might alone my careful mind content. And then he declareth how there he found the first part of this Mirrour for Magistrates, which yet took beginning from the time of King _Richard_ the Second; But he knowing many Examples of famous persons before _William_ the Conquerour, which were wholly omitted, he set upon the Work, and beginning from _Brute_, continued it to _Aurelius Bassianus Caracalla_ Emperour of _Rome_, about the year of Christ 209. shewing in his Writings a great deal of Wisdom and Learning. He flourished about the beginning of the Reign of Queen _Elizabeth_. * * * * * _ABRAHAM FRAUNCE_. This _Abraham Fraunce_, a Versifier, about the same time with _John Higgins_, was one who imitated _Latine_ measure in _English_ Verse, writing a Pastoral, called _the Countess of_ Pembroke's _Ivy-church_, and some other things in Hexameter, some also in Hexameter and Pentameter; He also wrote _the Countess of_ Pembroke's _Emanuel_, containing the Nativity, Passion, Burial, and Resurrection of Christ, together with certain Psalms of _David_, all in _English_ Hexameters. Nor was he altogether singular in this way of writing, for Sir _Philip Sidney_ in the Pastoral Interludes of his _Arcadia_, uses not only these, but all other sorts of _Latine_ measure, in which no wonder he is followed by so few, since they neither become the _English_, nor any other modern Language. He began also the Translation of _Heliodorus_ his _AEthiopick_ History, in the same kind of Verse, of which, to give the Reader the better divertisement, we shall present you with a tast. As soon as Sun-beams could once peep out fro the Mountains, And by the dawn of day had somewhat lightned _Olympus_, Men, whose lust was law, whose life was still to be lusting, Whose thriving thieving, convey'd themselves to an hill top, That stretched forward to the _Heracleotica_ entry And mouth of _Nylus_; looking thence down to the main sea For sea-faring men; but seeing none to be sailing, They knew 'twas bootless to be looking there for a booty: So that strait fro the sea they cast their eyes to the sea-shore; Where they saw, that a Ship very strangely without any ship man, Lay then alone at road, with Cables ty'd to the main-land, And yet full fraighted, which they, though far, fro the hill-top, Easily might perceive by the water drawn to the deck-boards, _&c._ His _Ivy-Church_ he dedicated to the _Countess of Pembroke_, in which he much vindicated his manner of writing, as no Verse fitter for it then that; he also dedicated his _Emanuel_ to her, which being but two lines take as followeth: _Mary_ the best Mother sends her best Babe to a _Mary: Lord_ to a _Ladies_ sight, and _Christ_ to a _Christian_. When he died, we cannot find, but suppose it to be about the former part of Queen _Elizabeth's_ Reign. * * * * * _WILLIAM WARNER_. _William Warner_, one of principal esteem in his time, was chiefly famous for his _Albion's England_, which he wrote in the old-fashioned kind of seven-footed Verse, which yet sometimes is in use, though in different manner, that is to say, divided into two: He wrote also several Books in prose, as he himself witnesseth, in his Epistle to the Reader, but (as we said before) his _Albion's England_ was the chiefest, which he deduced from the time of _Noah_, beginning thus: I tell of things done long ago, of many things in few: And chiefly of this Clime of ours, the accidents pursue. Thou high director of the same, assist mine artless Pen, To write the Jests of _Brutons_ stout, and Arts of _English-men_. From thence he proceeds to the peopling of the Earth by the Sons of _Noah_, intermixing therein much variety of Matter, not only pleasant, but profitable for the Readers understanding of what was delivered by the ancient Poets, bringing his Matter succinctly to the Siege of _Troy_, and from thence to the coming of _Brute_ into this Island; and so, coming down along the chiefest matters, touched of our _British_ Historians, to the Conquest of _England_ by Duke _William_, and from him the Affairs of the Land to the beginning of Queen _Elizabeth_; where he concludeth thus, _Elizabeth_ by peace, by war, for majesty, for mild, Enrich'd, fear'd, honour'd, lov'd, but (loe) unreconcil'd, The _Muses_ check my saucy Pen, for enterprising her, In duly praising whom, themselves, even _Arts_ themselves might err. _Phoebus_ I am, not _Phaeton_, presumptuously to ask What, shouldst thou give, I could not guide; give not me thy task, For, as thou art _Apollo_ too, our mighty subjects threats A _non plus_ to thy double power: _Vel volo, vel nollem_. I might add several more of his Verses, to shew the worth of his Pen, but the Book being indifferent common, having received several Impressions, I shall refer the Reader, for his further satisfaction, to the Book itself. * * * * * _THOMAS TUSSER_. _Thomas Tusser_ (a person well known by his Book of Husbandry) was born at _Rinen-hall_ in _Essex_, of an ancient Family, but now extinct; where, when but young, his Father, designing him for a Singing-man, put him to _Wallingford_-School, where how his Misfortunes began in the World, take from his own Pen. O painful time, for every crime, What toosed ears, like baited Bears, What bobbed lips, what yerks, what nips, What hellish toys? What Robes so bare, what Colledge-fare? What Bread how stale, what penny Ale? Then _Wallingford_, how wer't thou abhorr'd, Of silly boys? From thence he was sent to learn Musick at _Pauls_ with one _John Redford_, an excellent Musician; where, having attained some skill in that Art, he was afterwards sent to _Eaton_-School, to learn the _Latine_ Tongue, where, how his Miseries encreas'd, let himself speak. From _Pauls_ I went, to _Eaton_ sent, To learn straightways the _Latine_ phrase, Where fifty three stripes given to me, At once I had, For fault but small, or none at all, It came to pass thus beat I was, See _Udal_, see, the mercy of thee To me poor Lad. Having attained to some perfection in the _Latine_ Tongue, he was sent to _Trinity-Hall_ in _Cambridge_, where he had not continued long, but he was vexed with extream sickness, whereupon he left the University, and betook himself to Court, and lived for a while under the Lord _Paget_, in King _Edward_ the Sixth's days; when, the Lords falling at dissention, he left the Court, and went to _Suffolk_, where he married his first Wife, and took a Farm at _Ratwade_ in that County, where he first devised his Book of Husbandry, but his Wife not having her health there, he removed from thence to _Ipswich_ and soon after buried her. Not long after he married again to one Mrs. _Amy Moon_, upon whose Name he thus versified: I chanced soon to find a _Moon_, Of chearful hue; Which well and fine me thought did shine, And never change, a thing most strange, Yet keep in sight her course aright, And compass true. Being thus married he betook himself again to Husbandry, and hired a Farm, called _Diram Cell_, and there he had not lived long, but his Landlord died, and his Executors falling at variance, and now one troubled him, and then another, whereupon he left _Diram_, and went to _Norwich_, turning a Singing-man under Mr. _Salisbury_, the Dean thereof; There he was troubled with a _Dissury_, so that in a 138 Hours he never made a drop of Water. Next he hired a Parsonage at _Fairstead_ in _Essex_, but growing weary of that he returned again to _London_, where he had not lived long, but the Pestilence raging there, he retired to _Cambridge_: Thus did he roul about from place to place, but, like _Sisiphus_ stone, could gather no Moss whithersoever he went: He was successive a Musician, Schoolmaster, Servingman, Husbandman, Grasier, Poet, more skilful in all, than thriving in any Vocation. He traded at large in Oxen, Sheep, Dairies, Grain of all kinds, to no profit. He spread his Bread with all sorts of Butter, yet none would stick thereon. So that he might say with the Poet, --_Monitis sum minor ipse meis_. None being better at the _Theory_, or worse at the _Practice_ of Husbandry, and may be fitly match'd with _Thomas Churchyard_, they being mark'd alike in their Poetical parts, living in the same time, and statur'd both alike in their Estates, and that low enough in all reason. He died in _London_, _Anno Dom._ 1580. and was buried at St. _Mildred's_-Church in the _Poultrey_, with this Epitaph: Here _THOMAS TUSSER_, clad in earth doth lie, That sometime made the Points of Husbandry: By him then learn thou may'st, here learn we must, When all is done, we sleep, and turn to dust: And yet, through Christ, to Heaven we hope to go, Who reads his Books, shall find his Faith was so. * * * * * _THOMAS STORER_. _Thomas Storer_ was a great writer of Sonnets, Madrigals, and Pastoral Airs, in the beginning of Q. _Elizabeth's_ Reign, and no doubt was highly esteemed in those days, of which we have an account of some of them in an old Book, called _England's Hellicon_. This kind of writing was of great esteem in those days, and much imitated by _Thomas Watson_, _Bartholomew Yong_, Dr. _Lodge_, and several others. What time he died is to me unknown. * * * * * _THOMAS LODGE_. _Thomas Lodge_, a Doctor of Physick, flourish'd also about the beginning of the Reign of Queen _Elizabeth_; He was also an eminent Writer of Pastoral Songs, Odes, and Madrigals. This following Sonnet is said to be of his composing. If I must die, O let me chuse my Death: Suck out my Soul with Kisses, cruel Maid! In thy Breasts Crystal Balls embalm my Breath, Dole it all out in sighs when I am laid; Thy Lips on mine like Cupping-glasses clasp; Let our Tongues meet, and strive as they would sting: Crush out my Wind with one straight girting Grasp, Stabs on my Heart keep time whilst thou dost sing. Thy Eyes like searing-Irons burn out mine; In thy fair Tresses stifle me outright: Like _Circes_, change me to a loathsom Swine, So I may live for ever in thy sight. Into Heavens Joys can none profoundly see, Except that first they meditate on thee. Contemporary with Dr. _Lodge_, were several others, who all of them wrote in the same strain, as _George Gascoigne_, _Tho. Hudson_, _John Markham_, _Tho. Achely_, _John Weever_, _Chr. Midleton_, _George Turbervile_, _Henry Constable_, Sir _Edward Dyer_, _Charles Fitz Geoffry_. Of these _George Gascoigne_ wrote not only Sonnets, Odes and Madrigals, but also something to the Stage: as his _Supposes_, a Comedy; _Glass of Government_, a Tragi-Comedy; and _Jocasta_, a Tragedy. But to return to Dr. _Lodge_; we shall only add one Sonnet more, taken out of his _Euphues Golden Legacy_, and so proceed to others. Of all chaste Birds, the _Phoenix_ doth excel; Of all strong Beasts, the _Lion_ bears the Bell: Of all sweet Flowers, the Rose doth sweetest smell; Of all fair Maids, my _Rosalind_ is fairest. Of all pure Metals, _Gold_ is only purest; Of all high Trees, the _Pine_ hath highest Crest; Of all soft _Sweets_, I like my Mistress best: Of all chaste Thoughts my Mistress Thoughts are rarest. Of all proud Birds, the _Eagle_ pleaseth _Jove_, Of pretty Fowls, kind _Venus_ likes the _Dove_: Of Trees, _Minerva_ doth the _Olive_ love, Of all sweet Nymphs, I honour _Rosalinde_, Of all her Gifts, her _Wisdom_ pleaseth most: Of all her Graces, _Virtue_ she doth boast; For all the Gifts, my Life and Joy is lost, If _Rosalinde_ prove cruel and unkind. * * * * * _ROBERT GREENE_. _Robert Greene_ (that great Friend to the _Printers_ by his many Impressions of numerous Books) was by Birth a Gentleman, and sent to study in the University of _Cambridge_; where he proceeded Master of Art therein. He had in his time sipped of the Fountain of _Hellicon_, but drank deeper Draughts of Sack, that _Helliconian_ Liquor, whereby he beggar'd his Purse to enrich his Fancy; writing much against Viciousness, but too vicious in his Life. He had to his Wife a Virtuous Gentlewoman, whom yet he forsook, and betook himself to a high course of Living; to maintain which, he made his Pen mercenary, making his Name very famous for several Books which he wrote, very much taking in his time, and in indifferent repute amongst the vulgar at this present; of which, those that I have seen, are as followeth) Euphues _his Censure to_ Philautus; Tullies _Love_, _Philomela_, _The Lady_ Fitz-waters _Nightingale_, _A Quip for an upstart Courtier_, _the History of_ Dorastus _and_ Fawnia, Green's _never too late_, first and second Part; Green's _Arcadia_, Green _his Farewell to Folly_, Greene's _Groats-worth of Wit, &c._ He was also an Associate with Dr. _Lodge_ in writing of several Comedies; namely, _The Laws of Nature_; _Lady Alimony_; _Liberality and Prodigality_; and a Masque called _Luminalia_; besides which, he wrote alone the Comedies of _Fryer Bacon_, and _fair Emme_. But notwithstanding by these his Writings he got much Money, yet was it not sufficient to maintain his Prodigality, but that before his death he fell into extream Poverty, when his Friends, (like Leaves to Trees in the Summer of Prosperity) fell from him in his Winter of Adversity: of which he was very sensible, and heartily repented of his ill passed Life, especially of the wrongs he had done to his Wife; which he declared in a Letter written to her, and found with his Book of _A Groatsworth of Wit_, after his Death, containing these Words; _The Remembrance of many Wrongs offered Thee and thy unreproved Vertues, add greater sorrow to my miserable State than I can utter, or thou conceive; neither is it lessened by consideration of thy Absence (though Shame would let me hardly behold thy Face) but exceedingly aggravated, for that I cannot (as I ought) to thy own self reconcile my self, that thou mightest witness my inward Wo at this instan Green, _and may grow strait, if he be carefully tended; otherwise apt enough (I fear me) to follow his Fathers Folly. That I have offended thee highly, I know; that thou canst forget my Injuries, I hardly believe; yet I perswade my self, if thou sawest my wretched estate, thou couldst not but lament it: Nay, certainly I know thou wouldst. All my wrongs muster themselves about me, and every Evil at once plagues me: For my Contempt of God, I am contemned of Men; for my swearing and fors Thy Repentant Husband for his Disloyalty, _Robert Greene_. In a Comedy called _Green's Tu quoque_, written by _John Cooke_, I find these Verses made upon his Death; How fast bleak Autumn changeth _Flora_'s Die; What yesterday was _Greene_, now's sear and dry. * * * * * _THOMAS NASH_. _Thomas Nash_ was also a Gentleman born, and bred up in the University of _Cambridge_; a man of a quick apprehension and Satyrick Pen: One of his first Books he wrote was entituled _Pierce Penniless his Supplication to the Devil_, wherein he had some Reflections upon the Parentage of Dr. _Harvey_, his Father being a Rope-maker of _Saffron-Walden_: This begot high Contests betwixt the Doctor and him, so that it became to be a well known Pen-Combate. Amongst other Books which Mr. _Nash_ wrote against him, one was entituled, _Have with ye to_ Saffron-Walden; and another called _Four Letters confuted_; in which last he concludes with this Sonnet; Were there no Wars, poor men should have no Peace; Uncessant Wars with Wasps and Drones I cry: He that begins oft knows not how to cease; He hath begun; He follow till I die. Ile hear no Truce, Wrong gets no Grave in me: Abuse pell-mell encounter with abuse; Write he again, Ile write eternally; Who feeds Revenge, hath found an endless Muse. If Death ere made his black Dart of a Pen, My Pen his special Bayly shall become: Somewhat Ile be reputed of 'mongst men, By striking of this Dunce or dead or dumb: Await the World the Tragedy of Wrath, What next I paint shall tread no common Path. It seems he had a Poetical Purse as well as a Poetical Brain, being much straightned in the Gifts of Fortune; as he exclaims in his _Pierce Penniless_. Why is't damnation to despair and die, When Life is my true happiness disease? My Soul, my Soul, thy Safety makes me fly The faulty Means that might my Pain appease. Divines and dying men may talk of Hell, But in my Heart her several Torments dwell. Ah worthless Wit, to train me to this Wo! Deceitful Arts that nourish _Discontent_, Ill thrive the Folly that bewitch'd me so! Vain Thoughts adieu; for now I will repent: And yet my Wants persuade me to proceed, Since none takes pity of a Scholar's need. Forgive me, God, although I curse my Birth, And ban the Ayr wherein I breath a wretch, Since Misery hath daunted all my Mirth, And I am quite undone through Promise breach. Oh Friends! no Friends, that then ungently frown, When changing Fortune calls us headlong down. Without redress complains my careless Verse, And _Midas_ ears relent not at my mone; In some far Land will I my griefs rehearse, 'Mongst them that will be mov'd, when I shall grone. _England_ adieu, the Soil that brought me forth; Adieu unkind, where Skill is nothing worth. He wrote moreover a witty Poem, entituled, _The White Herring and the Red_; and two Comedies, the one called _Summer's last Will and Testament_, and _See me and see me not_. * * * * * Sir _PHILIP SIDNEY_. Sir _Philip Sidney_, the glory of the _English_ Nation in his time, and pattern of true Nobility, in whom the Graces and Muses had their domestical habitations, equally addicted both to Arts and Arms, though more fortunate in the one than in the other. Son to Sir _Henry Sidney_, thrice Lord Deputy of _Ireland_, and Sisters Son to _Robert_ Earl of _Leicester_; Bred in _Christ_'s Church in _Oxford_, (_Cambridge_ being nevertheless so happy to have a Colledge of his name) where he so profited in the Arts and Liberal Sciences, that after an incredible proficiency in all the Species of Learning, he left the Academical Life, for that of the Court, invited thither by his Uncle, the Earl of _Leicester_, that great Favourite of Queen _Elizabeth_. Here he so profited, that he became the glorious Star of his Family, a lively Pattern of Vertue, and the lovely Joy of all the learned sort. These his Parts so indeared him to Queen _Elizabeth_, that she sent him upon an Embassy to the Emperor of _Germany_ at _Vienna_, which he discharged to his own Honour, and her Approbation. Yea, his Fame was so renowned throughout all Christendom, that (as it is commonly reported) he was in election for the Kingdom of _Poland_, though the Author of his Life, printed before his _Arcadia_, doth doubt of the truth of it, however it was not above his deserts. During his abode at the Court, at his spare hours he composed that incomparable Romance, entituled, _The Arcadia_, which he dedicated to his Sister the Countess of _Pembroke_. A Book (saith Dr. _Heylin_) which, besides its excellent Language, rare Contrivances, and delectable Stories, hath in it all the strains of Poesie, comprehendeth the whole art of speaking, and to them who can discern and will observe, affordeth notable Rules of Demeanour, both private and publick; and though some men, sharp-witted only in speaking evil, have depraved the Book, as the occasion that many precious hours are spent no better, they consider not that the ready way to make the minds of Youth grow awry, is to lace them too hard, by denying them just and due liberty. Surely (saith one) the Soul deprived of lawful delights, will, in way of revenge, (to enlarge its self out of prison) invade and attempt unlawful pleasures. Let such be condemned always to eat their meat with no other sawce, but their own appetite, who deprive themselves and others of those sallies into lawful Recreations, whereof no less plenty than variety is afforded in this _Arcadia_. One writes, that Sir _Philip Sidney_ in the extream agony of his wounds, so terrible the sence of death is, requested the dearest friend he had, to burn his _Arcadia_; what promise his friend returned herein is uncertain; but if he brake his word to be faithful to the publick good, posterity herein hath less cause to censure him for being guilty of such a meritorious offence, wherewith he hath obliged so many ages. Hereupon thus writeth the _British_ Epigramatist. _Ipse tuam morient sede conjuge teste jubebas, Arcadium saevis ignibus esse cibum; Si meruit mortem, quia flammam accendit amoris Mergi, non uri debuit iste liber. In Librum quaecunque cadat sententia nulla, Debuit ingenium morte perire tuum._ In serious thoughts of Death 'twas thy desire This sportful Book should be condemn'd with Fire: If so, because it doth intend Love-matters, It rather should be quench'd or drown'd i' th waters. However doom'd the Book, the memory Of thy immortal Wit will never die. He wrote also besides his _Arcadia_, several other Works; namely, _A Defence of Poesie_, a Book entituled _Astrophel_ and _Stella_, with divers Songs and Sonnets in praise of his Lady, whom he celebrated under that bright Name; whom afterwards he married, that Paragon of Nature, Sir _Francis Walsingham_'s Daughter, who impoverished himself to enrich the State; from whom he expected no more than what was above all Portions, a beautiful Wife, and a virtuous Daughter. He also translated part of that excellent Treatise of _Philip Morney du Plessis_, of the Truth of Religion; and no doubt had written many other excellent Works, had not the Lamp of his Life been extinguish'd too soon; the manner whereof take as followeth: His Unkle _Robert Dudley_ Earl of _Leicester_ (a man almost as much hated as his Nephew was loved) was sent over into the _Low-Countries_, with a well appointed Army, and large Commission, to defend the _United Provinces_ against the _Spanish_ Cruelty. Under him went Sir _Philip Sidney_, who had the Command of the cautionary Town of _Flushing_, and Castle of _Ramekius_, a Trust which he so faithfully discharged, that he turned the Envy of the _Dutch_ Townsmen into Affection and Admiration. Not long after, some Service was to be performed nigh _Zutphen_ in _Gueiderland_, where the _English_, through false intelligence, were mistaken in the strength of the Enemy. Sir _Philip_ is employed next to the Chief in that Expedition; which he so discharged, that it is questionable whether his Wisdom, Industry or Valour may challenge to it self the greatest praise of the Action. And now when the triumphant Lawrels were ready to Crown his Brows, the _English_ so near the Victory, that they touched it, ready to lay hold upon it, he was unfortunately shot in the Thigh, which is the Rendez-vouz of Nerves and Sinews, which caused a Feaver, that proved so mortal, that five and twenty days after he died of the same; the Night of whose Death was the Noon of his Age, and the exceeding Loss of Christendom. His Body was conveyed into _England_, and most honourably interred in the Church of St. _Paul_ in _London_; over which was fixed this Epitaph: _England_, _Netherland_, the Heavens, and the Arts, All Souldiers, and the World have made fix parts Of the Noble _Sidney_; for none will suppose That a small heap of Stones can _Sidney_ enclose: _England_ hath his Body, for she it bred; _Netherland_ his Blood, in her defence shed; The Heavens his Soul, the Arts his Fame; All Soldiers the Grief, the World his good Name. To recite the Commendations given him by several Authors, would of it self require a Volume; to rehearse some few not unpleasing to the Reader. The reverend _Cambden_ writes thus; This is that _Sidney_, whom, as God's will was, he should be therefore born into the world even to shew unto our Age a Sample of ancient Virtues. Doctor _Heylin_ in his _Cosmography_ calleth him, That gallant Gentleman of whom he cannot but make honourable mention. Mr. _Fuller_ in his _Worthies_ thus writes of him, His homebred Abilities perfected by Travel with foreign accomplishments, and a sweet Nature, set a gloss upon both. _Stow_ in his _Annals_, calleth him, a most valiant and towardly Gentleman. _Speed_ in his Chronicle, That worthy Gentleman in whom were compleat all Virtues and Valours that could be expected to reside in man: And Sir _Richard Baker_ gives him this Character, A man of so many excellent parts of Art and Nature, of Valour and Learning, of Wit and Magnanimity, that as he had equalled all those of former Ages, so the future will hardly be able to equal him. Nor was this Poet forgotten by the Poets; who offered whole Hecatombs of Verses in his praise. Hear first that Kingly Poet, or Poetical King, King _James_ the first, late Monarch of Great _Britain_, who thus writes, _Armipotens cui jus in fortia pectora_ Mayors, _Tu Dea quae cerebrum perrumpere digna totantis, Tuque adeo bijugae proles_ Latonia _rupis Gloria, decidua cingunt quam collibus artes, Duc tecum, & querelis_ Sidnaei _funera voce Plangite; nam vester fuerat_ Sidnaeus _alumnus, Quid genus, & proavos, & spem, floremque juventae, Immaturo obituraptum sine retexo? Heu frustra queror? heu rapuit Mors omnia secum? Et nihil ex tanto nunc est Heroe superstes, Praeterquam Decus & Nomen virtute paratum, Doctaque_ Sidneas _testantia Carmina laudes._ Thus translated by the said King: Thou mighty _Mars_, the Lord of Soldiers brave, And thou _Mirnerve_, that dost in wit excel, And thou _Apollo_, who dost knowledge have Of every Art that from _Parnassus_ fell, With all your Sisters that thereon do dwell, Lament for him who duly serv'd you all: Whom in you wisely all your Arts did mell, Bewail (I say) his unexpected fall, I need not in remembrance for to call His Race, his Youth, the hope had of him ay, Since that in him doth cruel Death appall Both Manhood, Wit and Learning every way: But yet he doth in bed of Honour rest, And evermore of him shall live the best. And in another place thus; When _Venus_ sad saw _Philip Sidney_ slain, She wept, supposing _Mars_ that he had been, From Fingers Rings, and from her Neck the Chain She pluckt away, as if _Mars_ ne'er again She meant to please, in that form he was in, Dead, and yet could a Goddess thus beguile, What had he done if he had liv'd this while? These Commendations given him by so learned a Prince, made Mr. _Alexander Nevil_ thus to write; Harps others Praise, a Scepter his doth sing, Of Crowned Poet, and of Laureat King. Divine _Du Bartus_, speaking of the most Learned of the _English_ Nation, reckoneth him as one of the chief, in these words; And (world mourn'd) _Sidney_, warbling to the _Thames_, His Swan-like Tunes, so courts her coy proud Streams, That (all with child with Fame) his Fame they bear To _Thetis_ Lap, and _Thetis_ every where. Sir _John Harrington_ in his Epigrams thus; If that be true the latter Proverb says, _Laudari a Laudatis_ is most Praise, _Sidney_, thy Works in Fames Books are enroll'd By Princes Pens, which have thy Works extoll'd, Whereby thy Name shall dure to endless days. Mr. _Owen_, the _Brittish_ Epigrammatist thus sets him forth: Thou writ'st things worthy reading, and didst do Things worthy writing too. Thy Arts thy Valour show, And by thy Works we do thy Learning know. I shall conclude all with these excellent Verses made by himself a little before his Death; It is not I that die, I do but leave an Inn, Where harbour'd was with me all filthy Sin: It is not I that die, I do but now begin Into eternal Joy by Faith to enter in, Why mourn you then my Parents, Friends and Kin? Lament you when I lose, not when I win. * * * * * Sir _FULK GREVIL_. Next to Sir _Philip Sidney_, we shall add his great Friend and Associate, Sir _Fulk Grevil_, Lord _Brook_, one very eminent both for Arts and Arms; to which the _genius_ of that time did mightily invite active Spirits. This Noble Person, for the great love he bore to Sir _Philip Sidney_, wrote his Life. He wrote several other Works both in Prose and Verse, some of which were Dramatick, as his Tragedies of _Alaham_, _Mustapha_, and _Marcus Tallius Cicero_, and others, commonly of a Political Subject; amongst which, a Posthume Work, not publish'd till within a few years, being a two-fold Treatise, the first of Monarchy, the second of Religion, in all which is observable a close mysterious and sententious way of Writing, without much regard to Elegancy of Stile, or smoothness of Verse. Another Posthume Book is also fathered upon him; namely, _The Five Years of King_ James, _or the Condition of the State of_ England, _and the Relation it had to other Provinces_, Printed in the Year 1643. But of this last Work many people are doubtful. Now for his Abilities in the Exercise of Arms, take this instance: At such time when the _French_ Ambassadours came over into _England_, to Negotiate a Marriage between the Duke of _Anjou_, and Queen _Elizabeth_, for their better entertainment, Solemn Justs were proclaimed, where the Earl of _Arundel, Frederick_ Lord _Windsor_, Sir _Philip Sidney_, and he, were chief Challengers against all comers; in which Challenge he behaved himself so gallantly, that he won the reputation of a most valiant Knight. Thus you see, that though _Ease be the Nurse of Poesie_, the Muses are also Companions to _Mars_, as may be exemplified in the Lives of the Earl of _Surrey_, Sir _Philip Sidney_, and this Sir _Falk Grevil_. I shall only add a word or two of his death, Which was as sad as lamentable. He kept a discontented servant, who conceiving his deserts, not soon or well enough rewarded, wounded him mortally; and then (to save the Law a labour) killed himself. Verifying therein the observation, _That there is none who never so much despiseth his own life, but yet is master of another mans_. This ingenious Gentleman, (in whose person shined all true Vertue and high Nobility) as he was a great friend to learning himself, so was he a great favourer of learning in others, witness his liberality to Mr. _Speed_ the Chronologer, when finding his wide Soul was stuffed with too narrow an Occupation, gave it enlargement, as the said Author doth ingeniously confess in his description of _Warwickshire, Whose Merits_ (saith he) _to me-ward, I do acknowledge, in setting this hand free from the daily employments of a Manual Trade, and giving it full liberty thus to express the inclination of my mind, himself being the_ Procurer _of my present Estate_. He lieth interred in _Warwick_ Church, under a Monument of Black and White Marble, wherein he is styled, _Servant to Queen_ Elizabeth, _Counsellor to King_ James, _and Friend to_ Sir _Philp Sidney_. He died _Anno 16--._ without Issue, save only those of his Brain, which will make his Name to live, when others Issue they may fail them. * * * * * Mr. _EDMOND SPENSER_. This our Famous Poet, Mr. _Edmond Spenser_, was born in the City of _London_, and brought up in _Pembroke-Hall_ in _Cambridge_; where he became a most excellent Scholar, but especially very happy in _English_ Poetry, as his learned, elaborate Works do declare, which whoso shall peruse with a judicious eye, will find to have in them the very height of Poetick fancy, and though some blame his Writings for the many _Chaucerisms_ used by him, yet to the Learned they are known not to be blemishes, but rather beauties to his Book; which, notwithstanding, (saith a learned Writer) had been more salable, if more conformed to our modern language. His first flight in Poetry, as not thinking himself fully fledged, was in that Book of his, called _The Shepherds Kalendar_, applying an old Name to a new Book; It being of Eclogues fitted to each Month in the Year: of which Work hear what that worthy Knight, Sir _Philip Sidney_ writes, whose judgment in such cases is counted infallible: _The Shepherds Kalendar_ (saith he) _hath much Poetry in his Eclogues, indeed worthy the reading, if I be not deceived; That same framing his Stile to an old rustick Language, I dare not allow, since neither_ Theocritus _in_ Greek, Virgil _in_ Latine, _nor_ Sanazara _in_ Italian _did effect it_. Afterwards he translated the _Gnat_, a little fragment of _Virgil's_ excellency. Then he translated _Bellay_ his Ruins of _Rome_; His most unfortunate Work was that of _Mother Hubbard's Tale_, giving therein offence to one in authority, who afterwards stuck on his skirts. But his main Book, and which indeed I think Envy its self cannot carp at, was his _Fairy Queen_, a Work of such an ingenious composure as will last as long as time endures. Now as you have heard what esteem Sir _Philip_ _Sidney_ had of his Book, so you shall hear what esteem Mr. _Spenser_ had of Sir _Philip Sidney_, writing thus in his _Ruins of Time_. Yet will I sing, but who can better sing Than thou thy self, thine own selfs valiance? That while thou livedst thou madest the Forests ring, And Fields resound, and Flocks to leap and dance, And Shepherds leave their Lambs unto mischance, To run thy shrill _Arcadian_ Pipe to hear, O happy were those days, thrice happy were. In the same his Poem of the _Ruins of Time_, you may see what account he makes of the World, and of the immortal Fame gotten by Poesie. In vain do earthly Princes then, in vain, Seek with Pyramids to Heaven aspir'd; Or huge Collosses, built with costly pain; Or brazen Pillars never to be fir'd, Or Shrines, made of the metal most desir'd, To make their Memories for ever live, For how can mortal immortality give? For deeds do die, however nobly done, And thoughts of men do in themselves decay, But wise words taught in numbers for to run, Recorded by the Muses, live for aye; Ne may with storming showers be wash'd away, Ne bitter breathing with harmful blast, Nor age, nor envy, shall them ever wast. There passeth a story commonly told and believed, that Mr. _Spenser_ presenting his Poems to Queen _Elizabeth_, she highly affected therewith, commanded the Lord _Cecil_, her Treasurer, to give him an Hundred Pound; and when the Treasurer (a good Steward of the Queen's Money) alledged, that Sum was too much for such a matter; then give him, quoth the Queen, _what is reason_; but was so busied, or seemed to be so, about matters of higher concernment, that Mr. _Spenser_ received no reward: whereupon he presented this Petition in a small piece of Paper to the Queen in her progress. I was promis'd on a time, To have reason for my rime, From that time unto this season, I receiv'd nor rime nor reason. This tart reflect so wrought upon the Queen, that she gave strict order (not without some check to her Treasurer) for the present payment of the hundred pounds she first intended him. He afterwards went over into _Ireland_, Secretary to the Lord _Gray_, Lord Deputy thereof; and though that his Office under his Lord was lucrative, yet got he no Estate; _Peculiari Poetis fato semper cum paupertate conflictatus est_, saith the reverend _Cambden_; so that it fared little better with him, (than with _Churchyard_ or _Tusser_ before him) or with _William Xiliander_ the _German_, (a most excellent Linguist, Antiquary, Philosopher, and Mathematician) who was so poor, that (as _Thuanus_ writes) he was thought, _Fami non famae scribere_. Thriving so bad in that boggy Country, to add to his misery, he was robb'd by the Rebels of that little he had left; whereupon, in great grief, he returns into _England_, and falling into want, which to a noble spirit is most killing, being heartbroken, he died _Anno_ 1598. and was honourably buried at the sole charge of _Robert_, first of that name Earl of _Essex_, on whose Monument is written this Epitaph. Edmundus Spencer, _Londinensis, Anglicorum Poetarum nostri seculi fuit Princeps, quod ejus Poemata, faventibus Musis, & victuro genio conscripta comprobant. Obiit immatura morte, Anno salutis_, 1598. _& prope_ Galfredum Chaucerum _conditur, qui scoelisissime Poesin Anglicis literis primus illustravit. In quem haec scripta sunt Epitaphia._ _Hic prope_ Chaucerum _situs est_ Spenserius, _illi Proximus ingenio, proximus ut tumulo. Hic prope_ Chaucerum Spensere _poeta poetam Conderis, & versu! quam tumulo proprior, Anglica te vivo vixit, plausitque Poesis; Nunc moritura timet, te moriente, mori_. These two last lines, for the worthiness of the Poet, are thus translated by Dr. _Fuller_. Whilest thou didst live, liv'd English Poetry, Which fears, now thou art dead, that she shall die. A modern Author writes, that the Lord _Cecil_ owed Mr. _Spenser_ a grudge for some Reflections of his in _Mother Hubbard's Tale_, and therefore when the Queen had order'd him that Money, the Lord Treasurer said, What all this for a Song? And this he is said to have taken so much to heart, that he contracted a deep Melancholy, which soon after brought his life to a period: so apt is an ingenious spirit to resent a slighting even from the greatest persons. And thus much I must needs say of the Merit of so great a Poet, from so great a Monarch, that it is incident to the best of Poets sometimes to flatter some Royal or Noble Patron, never did any do it more to the height, or with greater art and elegance, if the highest of praises attributed to so Heroick a Princess can justly be termed flattery. * * * * * Sir _JOHN HARRINGTON_. Sir _John Harrington_ is supposed to be born in _Somerset-shire_, he having a fair Estate near _Bath_ in that County. His Father, for carrying a Letter to the Lady (afterwards Queen) _Elizabeth_, was kept twelve months in the _Tower_, and made to spend a Thousand Pounds e're he could be free of that trouble. His Mother also being Servant to the Lady _Elizabeth_, was sequestred from her, and her Husband enjoyned not to keep company with her; so that on both sides he may be said to be very indear'd to Queen _Elizabeth_, who was also his Godmother, a further tye of her kindness and respects unto him. This Sir _John_ was bred up in _Cambridge_, either in _Christ_'s or in St. _John_'s-Colledge, under Dr. _Still_ his Tutor. He afterwards proved one of the most ingenious Poets of our _English_ Nation, no less noted for his Book of witty Epigrams, than his judicious Translation of _Ariosto's Orlando Furioso_, dedicated to the Lady _Elizabeth_, afterwards Queen of _Bohemia_. The _British_ Epigramatist, Mr. _John Owen_, in his second Book of Epigrams, thus writes to him: A Poet mean I am, yet of the Troop, Though thou art not, yet better thou canst do't. And afterwards in his fourth Book, _Epig._ 20. concerning Envy's Genealogy; he thus complements him. Fair Vertue, foul-mouth'd Envy breeds, and feeds; From Vertue only this foul Vice proceeds; Wonder not that I this to you indite, 'Gainst your rare Vertues, Envy bends her spite. It happened that whilest the said Sir _John_ repaired often to an Ordinary in _Bath_, a Female attendress at the Table, neglecting other Gentlemen, which sat higher, and were of greater Estates, applied herself wholly to him, accommodating him with all necessaries, and preventing his asking any thing with her officiousness. She being demanded by him, the reason of her so careful waiting on him? _I understand_ (said she) _you are a very witty man, and if I should displease you in any thing, I fear you would make an Epigram of me._ Sir _John_ frequenting often the Lady _Robert_'s House, his Wives Mother, where they used to go to dinner extraordinary late, a Child of his being there then, said _Grace_, which was that of the _Primmer, Thou givest them Meat in due season_; Hold, said Sir _John_ to the Child, you ought not to lie unto God, for here we never have our Meat in due season. This Jest he afterwards turned into an Epigram, directing it to his Wife, and concluding it thus: Now if your Mother angry be for this, Then you must reconcile us with a kiss. A Posthume Book of his came forth, as an addition to Bishop _Godwin's Catalogue of Bishops_, wherein (saith Dr. _Fuller_) besides mistakes, some tart reflections in _Uxaratos Episcopos_, might well have been spared. In a word (saith he) he was a Poet in all things, save in his wealth, leaving a fair Estate to a learned and religious Son, and died about the middle of the Reign of King _James_. * * * * * _JOHN HEYWOOD_. This _John Heywood_ was one of the first writers of _English_ Plays, contemporary with the Authors of _Gammar Gurton's Needle_, and _Tom Tyler and his Wife_, as may appear by the Titles of his Interludes; _viz._ The Play of Love; Play of the Weather; Play between _Johan_ the Husband, and _Tib_ his Wife; Play between the Pardoner and the Fryer, and the Curate and Neighbour _Prat_; Play of Gentleness and Nobility, in two parts. Besides these he wrote two Comedies, the _Pinner of Wakefield_, and _Philotas_ _Scotch_. There was of this Name, in King _Henry_ the Eighth's Reign, an Epigramatist, _who_, saith the Author of the Art of _English_ Poetry, _for the mirth and quickness of his conceits, more than any good learning was in him, came to be well benefited by the King._ * * * * * _THOMAS HEYWOOD_. _Thomas Heywood_ was a greater Benefactor to the Stage than his Namesake, _John Heywood_, aforesaid, he having (as you may read in an Epistle to a Play of his, called, _The English Travellers_) had an entire hand, or at least a main finger in the writing of 220 of them. And no doubt but he took great pains therein, for it is said, that he not only Acted himself almost every day, but also wrote each day a Sheet; and that he might lose no time, many of his Plays were composed in the Tavern, on the back-side of Tavern Bills; which may be an occasion that so many of them are lost, for of those 220. mentioned before, we find but 25. of them Printed, _viz. The Brazen Age_; _Challenge for Beauty_; _The_ English _Travellers_; _The first and second part of_ Edward _the Fourth_; _The first and second part of Queen_ Elizabeth's _Troubles_; _Fair Maid of the West, first and second part_; _Fortune by Land and Sea_; _Fair Maid of the Exchange_; _Maidenhead well lost_; _Royal King and Loyal Subject_; _Woman kill'd with kindess_; _Wise Woman of_ Hogsdon, Comedies. _Four_ London _Prentices_; _The Golden Age_; _The Iron Age, first and second part_; Robert _Earl of_ Huntington's _downfal_ Robert _Earl of_ Huntington's _death_; _The Silver Age_; _Dutchess of_ Suffolk, Histories; _And Loves Mistress_, a Mask. And, as if the Name of _Heywood_ were destinated to the Stage, there was also one _Jasper Heywood_, who wrote three Tragedies, namely, _Hercules Furiens_, _Thyestes_, and _Troas_. Also, in my time I knew one _Matthew Heywood_; who wrote a Comedy, called _The Changling_, that should have been acted at _Audley-end_ House, but, by I know not what accident was prevented. * * * * * _GEORGE PEEL_. _George Peel_, a somewhat antiquated _English_ Bard of Queen _Elizabeth_'s date, some remnants of whose pretty pastoral Poetry we have extant in a Collection, entituled, _England's Helicon_. He also contributed to the Stage three Plays, _Edward_ the first, a History; _Alphonsus_, Emperour of _Germany_, a Tragedy; and _David_ and _Bathsabe_ a Tragi-Comedy; which no doubt in the time he wrote passed with good applause. * * * * * _JOHN LILLY_. _John Lilly_, a famous Poet for the State in his time, as by the Works which he left appears, being in great esteem in his time, and acted then with great applause of the Vulgar, as such things which they understood, and composed chiefly to make them merry. Yet so much prized as they were Printed together in one Volume, namely, _Endymion_, _Alexander and Campasoe_, _Galatea_, _Midas_, _Mother Boniby_, _Maids Metamorphosis_, _Sapho and Phao_, _Woman in the Moon_, Comedies; and another Play called _A Warning for fair Women_; all which declare the great pains he took, and the esteem which he had in that Age. * * * * * _WILLIAM WAGER_. This _William Wager_ is most famous for an Interlude which he wrote, called _Tom Tyler and his Wife_, which passed with such general applause that it was reprinted in the year 1661. and has been Acted divers times by private persons; the chief Argument whereof is, _Tyler_ his marrying to a Shrew, which, that you may the better understand, take it in the Author's own words, speaking in the person of _Tom Tyler_. I am a poor _Tyler_, in simple array, And get a poor living, but eight pence a day, My Wife as I get it doth spend it away; And I cannot help it, she saith; wot ye why? For wedding and hanging comes by destiny. I thought when I wed her, she had been a Sheep, At board to be friendly, to sleep when I sleep: She loves so unkindly, she makes me to weep. But I dare say nothing, god wot; wot ye why? For wedding and hanging comes by destiny. Besides this unkindness whereof my grief grows, I think few _Tylers_ are matcht to such shrows, Before she leaves brawling, she falls to deal blows. Which early and late doth cause me to cry, That wedding and hanging is destiny. The more that I please her, the worse she doth like me, The more I forbear her, the more she doth strike me, The more that I get her, the more she doth glike me. Wo worth this ill fortune that maketh me cry, That wedding and hanging is deny. If I had been hanged when I had been married, My torments had ended, though I had miscarried, If I had been warned, then would I have tarried; But now all too lately I feel and cry, That wedding and hanging is destiny. He wrote also two Comedies, _The Tryal of Chivalry_, and _The longer thou livest, the more Fool thou art_. * * * * * _NICHOLAS BRETON_. _Nicholas Breton_, a writer of Pastoral Sonnets, Canzons, and Madrigals, in which kind of writing he keeps company with several other contemporary Emulators of _Spencer_ and Sir _Philip Sidney_, in a publish'd Collection of several Odes of the chief Sonneters of that Age. He wrote also several other Books, whereof two I have by me, _Wits Private Wealth_, and another called _The Courtier and the Country-man_, in which last, speaking of _Vertue_, he hath these Verses: There is a Secret few do know, And doth in special places grow, A rich mans praise, a poor mans wealth, A weak mans strength, a sick mans health, A Ladies beauty, a Lords bliss, A matchless Jewel where it is; And makes, where it is truly seen, A gracious King, and glorious Queen. * * * * * _THOMAS KID, THOMAS WATSON_, &c. _Thomas Kid_, a writer that seems to have been of pretty good esteem for versifying in former times, being quoted among some of the more fam'd Poets, as _Spencer_, _Drayton_, _Daniel_, _Lodge_ &C. with whom he was either contemporary, or not much later: There is particularly remembred his Tragedy, _Cornelia_. There also flourish'd about the same time _Thomas Watson_, a contemporary immitater of Sir _Philip Sidney_, as also _Tho. Hudson_, _Joh. Markham_, _Tho. Achelly_, _Joh. Weever_, _Ch. Middleton_, _Geo. Turbervile_, _Hen. Constable_, with some others, especially one _John Lane_, whose Works though much better meriting than many that are in print, yet notwithstanding had the ill fate to be unpublish'd, but they are all still reserved in Manuscript, namely, his _Poetical Vision_, his _Alarm to the Poets_ his _Twelve Months_, his _Guy of Warwick_, a Heroick Poem; and lastly, his Supplement to _Chaucer's Squires Tale_. * * * * * Sir _THOMAS OVERBURY_. Sir _Thomas Overbury_, a Knight and Wit, was Son to Sir _Nicholas Overbury_ of _Burton_ in _Glocester-shire_, one of the Judges of the Marches; who, to his natural propension of ingenuity, had the addition of good Education, being bred up first in _Oxford_, afterwards, for a while a Student of the Law in the _Middle Temple_; soon after he cast Anchor at Court, the Haven of Hope for all aspiring Spirits; afterwards travell'd into _France_, where having been some time, he returned again, and was entertained into the respects of Sir _Rob. Carre_, one who was newly initiated a Favourite to King _James_; where, by his wise carriage, he purchased to himself not only the good affection and respect of Sir _Robert_, but also of divers other eminent persons. During his abode with Sir _Robert Carre_, he composed that excellent Poem of his, entituled, _A Wife_; which, for the excellency thereof, the Author of the Epistle to the Reader, prefixed before his Book, thus writes, _Had such a Poem been extant among the ancient_ Romans, _altho' they wanted our easie conservation of Wit by Printing, they would have committed it to Brass, lest injurious time might deprive it of due eternity_. Nor was his Poem of _A Wife_ not only done to the life, but also those Characters which he wrote, to this day not out-witted by any. But to return from the Work to the Workman; Mr. _Overbury_ is by the King knighted, and Sir _Rob. Carre_ made a Viscount, and such a reciprocal Love pass'd betwixt them, that it was questionable, whether the Viscount were more in favour with King _James_, or Sir _Thomas Overbury_ in the favour of the Viscount? But what estate on earth is so firm, that is not changeable, or what friendship is so constant, that is not dissolvable? Who would imagine this Viscount should be instrumental to his death, who had done him so faithful service, and to whom he had embosom'd his most secret thoughts? Yet so it was, for Sir _Thomas_, out of an unfeigned affection which he bare to the Viscount, diswaded him from a motion of a Marriage which was propounded betwixt him and the Lady _Francis Howard_, who was lately divorced from the Earl of _Essex_, as a Match neither for his credit here, nor comfort hereafter. This Counsel, though it proceeded from an unfeigned love in Sir _Thomas_, yet where Beauty commands, all discretion being sequestred, created in the Viscount a hatred towards him; and in the Countess the fury of a woman, a desire of revenge, who perswaded the Viscount, _That it was not possible that ever she should endure those injuries, or hope for any prosperity so long as he lived; That she wondred how he could be so familiar, so much affected to his man_ Overbury; _that without him he could do nothing, as it were making him his right hand, seeing he being newly grown into the Kings favour, and depending wholly upon his greatness, must expect to be clouded if not ruined, when his servant that knew his secrets should come to preferment._ The Viscount, apt enough of his own inclination to revenge, being thus further exasperated by the Countess, they joyntly resolve upon his death, and soon a fit opportunity came to their hands. He being by King _James_ (and as it is thought by the Viscount's Counsel) nominated to be sent Embassador to the Emperor of _Russia_, was by the said Viscount, whom he especially trusted, persuaded to decline the employment, as no better than an _honourable Grave_; Better lie some days in the _Tower_, than more months in a worse Prison; a Ship by Sea, and a barbarous cold Country by Land. _You are now_ (Said he) _in credit at home, and have made tryal of the dangers of travel, why then should you hazard all upon uncertainties, being already in possession of that you can probably expect by these means_; promising him, that within a small time he would so work with the King, that he should have a good of opinion him. But he (saith Dr. _Fuller_) who willingly goes into a Prison out of hope to come easily out of it, may stay therein so long till he be too late convinced of his error. And now having him in the place where they would, their next study to secure their revenge, was closely to make him away; which they concluded to be by poyson. To this end, they consult with one Mrs. _Turner_ (the first inventer of that horrid Garb of yellow Ruffs and Cuffs, and in which Garb she was after hanged) she having acquaintance with one _James Franklin_, a man skilled for that purpose, agreed with him to provide that which should not kill presently, but cause one to languish away by degrees, a little and a little. Sir _Gervas Yelvis_, Lieutenant of the Tower, being drawn into the Conspiracy, admits one _Weston_, Mrs. _Turners_ man, who under pretence of waiting upon Sir _Thomas_, was to act the horrid Tragedy. The Plot thus continued, _Franklin_ buyes certain Poysons, _viz. Sosater_, _white Arsenic_, _Mercury sublimate_, _Cantharides_, red _Mercury_, with three or four other deadly Ingredients, which he delivered to _Weston_, with instructions how to use them. _Weston_, (an apt Scholar in the Devil's School) tempers them in his Broth and Meat, increasing or diminishing their strength according as he saw him affected. Besides these, poyson'd Tarts & Jellies are sent him by the Viscount. Nay, they poysoned his very Salt, Sauce, Meat and Drink; but being of a very strong Constitution, he held out still: At last they effected their work by a poysoned Clyster which they administed unto him, so that the next day he died thereof; and because there were some Blisters and ugly Botches on his Body, the Conspirators gave it out he died of the _French Pox_. Thus by the Malice of a Woman this worthy Knight was murdered, who yet still lives in that witty Poem of his, entituled, _a Wife_; as is well expressed by these Verses under his Picture. A man's best Fortune, or his worst's a Wife: Yet I that knew no Marriage, Peace, nor Strife, Live by a good one, by a bad one lost my Life. But God, who seldom suffers Murder to go unrevenged, revealed the same; for notwithstanding what the Conspirators had given out, Suspitions grew high that Sir_ Thomas_ was poysoned: Whereupon _We port_ is examined by the Lord _Cook_, who at first flatly denied the same; but being perswaded by the Bishop of _London_, he tells all: How Mrs. _Turner_ and the Countess came acquainted; what relation she had to Witches, Sorcerers and Conjurers; and discovers all those who had any hand in it: whereupon they were all apprehended; some sent to the _Tower_, others to _Newgate_. Having thus confessed, being convicted according to course of Law, he was hanged at _Tyburn_; after him Mrs. _Turner_, after her _Franklin_, then Sir _Gervas Yelvis_, upon their several Arraignments, were found guilty, and executed. Some of them died very penitent: The Earl and his Countess were both condemned, but through the King's gracious Pardon had their Lives saved, but were never admitted to the Favour of the Court. We shall conclude all with this his Epitaph written by himself. The span of my days measur'd, here I rest, That is, my Body; but my Soul, his Guest, Is hence ascended, whither, neither Time, Nor Faith, nor Hope, but only Love can clime; Where being now enlightned, she doth know The Truth of all men argue of below: Only this Dust doth here in pawn remain, That, when the world dissolves, she come again. * * * * * Mr. _MICHAEL DRAYTON_. Mr. _Drayton_, one who had drunk as deep a Draught at _Helicon_ as any in his time, was born at _Athelston_ in _Warwickshire_, as appeareth in his Poetical Address thereunto, _Poly-Olbion_, Song 13. p. 213. My native Country then, which so brave Spirits hast bred, If there be virtue yet remaining in thy earth, Or any good of thine thou breath'st into my Birth, Accept it as thine own whilst now I sing of thee, Of all thy latter Brood th'unworthiest tho' I be. He was in his time for fame and renown in Poetry, not much inferior, if not equal to Mr. _Spencer_, or Sir _Philip Sidney_ himself. Take a taste of the sprightfulness of his Muse, out of his _Poly-Olbion_, speaking of his native County _Warwickshire_. Upon the Mid-lands now th'industrious Muse doth fall, That Shire which we the Heart of _England_ well may call, As she herself extends (the midst which is _Deweed_) betwixt St. _Michael's Mount_ and _Barwick_-bordering _Tweed_, Brave _Warwick_ that abroad so long advanc'd her _Bear_, By her illustrious Earls renowned every where, Above her neighbouring Shires which always bore her Head. Also in the Beginning of his _Poly-Olbion_ he thus writes; Of _Albions_ glorious Isle the wonders whilst I write, The sundry varying Soyls, the Pleasures infinite, Where heat kills not the cold, nor cold expells the heat, The calms too mildly small, nor winds too roughly great. Nor night doth hinder day, nor day the night doth wrong; The summer not too short, the winter not too long: What help shall I invoke to aid my Muse the while? _&c._ However, in the esteem of the more curious of these times, his Works seem to be antiquated, especially this of his _Poly-Olbion_ because of the old-fashion'd kind of Verse thereof, which seems somewhat to diminish that respect which was formerly paid to the Subject, although indeed both pleasant and elaborate, wherein he took a great deal both of study and pains; and thereupon thought worthy to be commented upon by that once walking Library of our Nation, Mr. _John Selden_: His _Barons Wars_ are done to the Life, equal to any of that Subject. His _Englands Heroical Epistles_ generally liked and received, entituling him unto the appellation of the _English Ovid_. His Legends of _Robert_ Duke of _Normandy_. _Matilda_, _Pierce Gaveston_, and _Thomas Cromwel_, all of them done to the Life. His _Idea_ expresses much Fancy and Poetry. And to such as love that Poetry, that of _Nymphs_ and _Shepherds_, his _Nymphals_, and other things of that nature, cannot be unpleasant. To conclude, He was a Poet of a pious temper, his Conscience having always the command of his Fancy; very temperate in his Life, flow of speech, and inoffensive in company. He changed his Lawrel for a Crown of Glory, _Anno_ 1631. and was buried in _Westminster-Abbey_, near the South-door, by those two eminent Poets, _Geoffry Chaucer_ and _Edmond Spencer_, with this Epitaph made (as it is said) by Mr. _Benjamin Johnson_. _Do, pious Marble, let thy Readers know What they, and what their Children ow To Drayton's Name, whose sacred Dust We recommend unto thy Trust_ _Protect his Memory, and preserve his Story, Remain a lasting Monument of his Glory: And when thy Ruines shall disclaim To be the Treasurer of his Name, His Name that cannot fade shall be An everlasting Monument to thee_. * * * * * _JOSHUA SYLVESTER_. _Joshua Sylvester_, a very eminent Translator of his time, especially of the Divine _Du Bartus_, whose six days work of Creation, gain'd him an immortal Fame, having had many great Admirers even to these days, being usher'd into the world by the chiefest Wits of that Age; amongst others, the most accomplisht Mr. _Benjamin Johnson_ thus wrote of him. If to admire, were to commend my Praise might then both thee, thy work and merit raise; But, as it is (the Child of Ignorance And utter stranger to all Ayr of _France_) How can I speak of thy great pains, but err; Since they can only judge that can confer? Behold! the reverend shade of _Bartus_ stands Before my thought and (in thy right) commands That to the world I publish, for him, this: _Bartus doth with thy_ English _now were his_, So well in that are his Inventions wrought, As his will now be the _Translation_ thought, Thine the Original; and _France_ shall boast No more those Maiden-Glories she hath lost. He hath also translated several other Works of _Du Bartus_; namely, _Eden_, the _Deceipt_, the _Furies_, the _Handicrafts_, the _Ark_, _Babylon_, the _Colonies_, the _Columns_, the _Fathers_, _Jonas_, _Urania_, _Triumph of Faith_, _Miracle of Peace_, the _Vocation_, the _Fathers_, the _Daw_, the _Captains_, the _Trophies_, the _Magnificence_, &c. Also a Paradox of _Odes de la Nove_, Baron of _Teligni_, with the Quadrains of _Pibeac_; all which Translations were generally well received: but for his own Works which were bound up with them, they received not so general an approbation; as you may perceive by these Verses; We know thou dost well As a Translator, But where things require A Genius and a Fire, Not kindled before by others pains, As often thou hast wanted Brains. * * * * * Mr. _SAMUEL DANIEL_. Mr. _Daniel_ was born nigh to the Town of _Taunton_ in _Somersetshire_; his Father was a Master of Musick, and his harmonious Mind (saith Dr. _Fuller_) made an impression in his Son's Genius, who proved to be one of the Darlings of the Muses, a most excellent Poet, whose Wings of Fancy displayed the Flags of highest Invention: Carrying in his _Christian_ and _Sirname_ the Names of two holy Prophets; which, as they were Monitors to him, for avoyding Scurrility, so he qualified his Raptures to such a strain, as therein he abhorred all Debauchery and Prophaneness. Nor was he only one of the inspired Train of _Phoebus_, but also a most judicious Historian, witness his Lives of our _English_ Kings since the Conquest, until King _Edward_ the Third, wherein he hath the happiness to reconcile brevity with clearness, qualities of great distance in other Authors; and had he continued to these times, no doubt it had been a Work incomparable: Of which his Undertaking, Dr. _Heylin_ in the Preface to his _Cosmography_, gives this Character, speaking of the chiefest Historians of this Nation; _And to end the Bed-roll_ (says he) _half the Story of this Realm done by Mr._ Daniel, _of which I believe that which himself saith of it in his Epistle to the Reader, that there was never brought together more of the Main_. Which Work is since commendably continued (but not with equal quickness and judgment,) by Mr. _Truffel_. As for his Poems so universally received, the first in esteem is, that Heroical one of the Civil Wars between the two Houses of _York_ and _Lancaster_; of which the elaborate Mr. _Speed_, in his Reign of _Richard_ the Second, thus writes: _The Seeds_ (saith he) _of those fearful Calamities, a flourishing Writer of our Age_ (speaking of Mr. _Daniel_) _willing nearly to have imitated_ Lucan, _as he is indeed called our_ English Lucan, _doth not unfortunately express, tho' he might rather have said he wept them, than sung them; but indeed so to sing them, is to weep them._ I sing the Civil Wars, tumultuous Broils And bloody Factions of a mighty Land, Whose people haughty, proud with foreign spoyls; Upon their selves turn back their conquering hand While Kin their Kin, Brother the Brother foils, Like Ensigns, all against like Ensigns stand: Bows against Bows, a Crown against a Crown, While all pretending right, all right throw down Take one Taste more of his Poetry, in his sixth Book of that Heroical Poem, speaking of the Miseries of Civil War. So wretched is this execrable War, This civil Sword, wherein though all we see be foul, and all things miserable are, Yet most of all is even the Victory; Which is, not only the extream Ruiner of others, but her own Calamity; Where who obtains, cannot what he would do: Their power hath part that holp him thereunto. Next, take notice of his _Musophilus_, or general Defence of Learning, Dedicated to Sir _Fulk Greuil_; his Letter of _Octovia_ to _Marcus Antonius_, his Complaint of _Rosamond_ his _Panegyrick_, _Delia_, _&c._ Besides his _Dramatick_ Pieces; as his Tragedy of _Philotus_ and _Cleopatra_; _Hymenis Triumph_, and the _Queens Arcadia_, a Pastoral; being all of them of such worth, that they were well accepted by the choicest Judgments of those Times, and do yet remain in good esteem, as by their often Impressions may appear. This our Poet's deserts preferr'd him to be a Servant in ordinary to Queen _Anne_, the most illustrious wife of King _James_ I. who allowed him a fair Salary, such as enabled him to keep a handsom Gardenhouse in _Old-street_ nigh _London_, where he would commonly lie obscure sometimes two Months together, the better to enjoy that great Felicity he aimed at, by enjoying the company of the _Muses_, and then would appear in publick, to recreate himself, and converse with his Friends; of whom the most endeared were the Learned Doctor _Cowel_, and Judicious Mr. _Cambden_. And now being weary of the Troubles of the City and Court, he retired into the Country, and turn'd Husbandman, Renting a Farm or Grange in _Wiltshire_ nigh the _Devizes_, not so much, as it is thought, for the hope of gains, as to enjoy the retiredness of a Country Life: How he thrived upon it, I cannot inform my self, much less my Readers, although no question pleasing himself therein, he attained to that Riches he sought for, _viz._ Quiet and Contentedness; which whoso enjoys, reapeth benefit of his labours. He left no Issue behind him but those of his Brain, though living a good space of time with _Justina_ his wife: For his Estate, he had neither a _Bank_ of Wealth, nor _Lank_ of Want; but living in a competent contented condition, and died (as it is conjectured) about the latter end of King _James_ I. * * * * * _GEORGE CHAPMAN_. _George Chapman_ was one in his time much famed for the Fluency of his Muse; gaining a great repute for his Translation of _Homer_ and _Hesiod_, which in those times passed as Works done without compare; and indeed considering he was one of the first who brake the Ice in the Translation of such learned Authors, reading the highest conception of their Raptures into a neat polite _English_, as gave the true meaning of what they intended, and rendred it a style acceptable to the Reader; considering, I say, what Age he lived in, it was very well worthy praise; though since the Translation of _Homer_ is very far out-done by Mr. _Ogilby_. He also continued that excellent Poem of _Hero_ and _Leander_, begun by _Christopher Marlow_, and added very much to the Stage in those times by his Dramatick Writings; as his _Blind Beggar_ of _Alexandria_, _All Fools_, the _Gentleman Usher_, _Humorous Days Mirth_, _May-Day_, _Mounsieur D'Olive_, _Eastward ho_, _Two wise men, and all the rest Fools_, _Widows Tears_, Comedies; _Bussy D' Amboys_, _Byron's Tragedy_, _Bussy D'Amboys Revenge_, _Caesar_ and _Pompey_, _Revenge for Honour_, Tragedies; the _Temple_, _Masque of the Middle Temple_ and _Lincolns-Inn_ Masques; and _Byron's Conspiracy_, a History; in all seventeen. * * * * * _ROBERT BARON_. Of this _Robert Baron_, we can recover nothing, save only those Dramatick Pieces which he wrote to the Stage, and which no doubt passed with good applause in those times. Of these are remembred his _Don Quixot_, or _the Knight of the Ill-favoured Countenance_, a Comedy; _Gripus_ and _Hegia_, a Pastoral; _Deorum Dona_, _Dick Scorner_, _Destruction of Jerusalem_, _the Marriage of Wit and Science_, Masques and Interludes; and _Myrza_, a Tragedy. * * * * * _LODOVIC CARLISLE_. To Mr. _Robert Baron_ we may add _Lodovic Carlisle_, as much about the same time, and of like equal esteem; having written some not yet totally forgotten Plays, _viz._ _Arviragus_ and _Felicia_, in two parts; _the deserving Favorite_, _the Fool would be a Favorite_, or _the deserving Lover_, Tragi-Comedies; _Marius_ and _Scylla_, and _Osmond the Great Turk_, or _the Noble Servant_, Tragedies; all which shew him (though not a Master) yet a great Retainer to the Muses. * * * * * _JOHN FORD_. To these we may add _John Ford_, a Dramatick Writer likewise of those times; very beneficial to the _Red-Bull_ and _Fortune_-Play-houses; as may appear by these Plays which he wrote, _viz._ _The Fancies_, _Ladies Tryal_, Comedies; _the broken Heart_; _Lovers Melancholy_, _Loves Sacrifice_, _'tis pity she's a Whore_, Tragedies; _Perkin Warbeck_, a History; and an Associate with _Rowley_ and _Deckar_ in a Tragi-Comedy called _The Witch_ of _Edmonton_. * * * * * _ANTHONY BREWER_. _Anthony Brewer_ was also one who in his time contributed very much towards the _English_ Stage by his Dramatick Writings; especially in that noted one of his, entituled, _Lingua_; which (as it is reported) being once acted in _Cambridge_, the late Usurper _Cromwel_ had therein the Part of _Tactus_, the Substance of the Play being a Contention among the Senses for a Crown, which _Lingua_, who would have made up a sixth Sense, had laid for them to find; having this Inscription; _Which of the five that doth deserve it best, Shall have his Temples with this Coronet blest._ This Mock-contention for a Crown, is said to swell his Ambition so high, that afterwards he contended for it in earnest, heading such a notable Rebellion, as had almost ruined three flourishing Kingdoms. But to return to Mr. _Brewer_; Besides this _Lingua_, he wrote _Loves Loadstone_, and _the Countrey-Girl_, Comedies; _the Love-sick King_, and _Landagartha_, Tragi-Comedies, and _Loves Dominion_, a Pastoral. * * * * * _HENRY GLAPTHORN_. _Henry Glapthorn_ was one well deserving of the _English_, being one of the chiefest Dramatick Writers of this Age; deservingly commendable not so much for the quantity as the quality of his Plays; being his _Hollander_, _Ladies Priviledge_, and _Wit in a Constable_, Comedies; his _Argalus_ and _Parthenia_, a Pastoral; and _Alberus Wailestein_, a Tragedy; in which Tragedy these Lines are much commended. _This Law the Heavens inviolably keep, Their Justice well may slumber, but ne'er sleep,_ * * * * * _JOHN DAVIS_ of _Hereford_. In the writing of this Mans Life, we shall make use of Dr. _Fuller_ in his _England_'s _Worthies_, who saith, that he was the greatest Master of the Pen that _England_ in his Age beheld; for, 1. _Fast writing_; so incredible his expedition. 2. _Fair writing_; some minutes consultation being required to decide whether his Lines were written or printed. 3. _Close writing_; a Mystery which to do well, few attain unto. 4. _Various writing_; _Secretary, Roman, Court_ and _Text_. The Poetical Fiction of _Briareus_ the Giant, who had an hundred hands, found a Moral in him, who could so cunningly and copiously disguise his aforesaid elemental hands, that by mixing, he could make them appear an hundred; and if not so many sorts, so many degrees of writing. He had also many pretty excursions into Poetry, and could flourish Matters as well as Letters, with his Fancy as well as with his Pen. Take a taste of his Abilities in those Verses of his before _Coriat's Crudities_, being called the _Odcombian Banquet_, wherein the whole Club of Wits in that Age joyned together, to write Mock-commendatory Verses in _Praise-dispraise_ of his Book. _If Art that oft the Learn'd hath stammer'd, In one Iron Head-piece (yet no Hammer-Lead) May (joyn'd with Nature) hit Fame on the Cocks-comb, Then 'tis that Head-piece that is crown'd with_ Odcomb _For he, hard_ Head (_and_ hard, _sith like a_ Whet-stone) _It gives_ Wits _edge, and draws them too like_ Jet-stone) _Is_ Caput Mundi _for a world of School-tricks, And is not ignorant in the learned'st--tricks H'hath seen much more than much, I assure ye, And will see_ New-Troy, Bethlem, _and_ Old-Jury _Meanwhile (to give a taste of his first travel, With streams of Rhetorick that get golden Gravel) He tells how he to_ Venice _once did wander; From whence he came more witty than a Gander: Whereby he makes relations of such wonders, That_ Truth _therein doth lighten, while_ Art _thunders, All Tongues fled to him that at_ Babel _swerved, Left they for want of warm months might have starved, Where they do revel in such passing measure, (Especially the_ Greek, _wherein's his pleasure.) That (jovially) so_ Greek _he takes the guard of, That he's the merriest_ Greek _that ere was heard of; For he as 'twere his Mothers twittle twattle, (That's Mother-tongue) the_ Greek _can prittle prattle. Nay, of that Tongue he so hath got the Body, That he sports with it at_ Ruffe, Gleek _or_ Noddy, _&c._ He died at _London_ in the midst of the Reign of King _James_ I. and lieth buried in St. _Giles_ in the Fields. * * * * * Doctor _JOHN DONNE_. This pleasant Poet, painful Preacher, and pious Person, was born in _London_, of wealthy Parents, who took such care of his Education, that at nine years of Age he was sent to study at _Hart-Hall_ in _Oxford_, having besides the _Latine_ and _Greek_, attained to a knowledge in the _French_ Tongue. Here he fell into acquaintance with that great Master of Language and Art, Sir _Henry Wootton_; betwixt whom was such Friendship contracted, that nothing but Death could force the separation. From _Oxford_ he was transplanted to _Cambridge_, where he much improved his Study, and from thence placed at _Lincolns Inn_, when his Father dying, and leaving him three thousand pound in ready Money; he having a youthful desire to travel, went over with the Earl of _Essex_ to _Cales_; where having seen the issue of this Expedition, he left them and went into _Italy_, and from thence into _Spain_, where by his industry he attained to a perfection in their Languages, and returned home with many useful Observations of those Countries, and their Laws and Government. These his Abilities, upon his Return, preferred him to be Secretary to the Lord _Elsmore_, Keeper of the Great Seal; in whose Service he fell in Love with a young Gentlewoman who lived in that Family, Neece to the Lady _Elsmore_, and Daughter to Sir _George Moor_, Chancellor of the Garter, and Lieutenant of the Tower, who greatly opposed this Match; yet notwithstanding they were privately married: which so exasperated Sir _George Moor_, that he procured the Lord _Elsmore_ to discharge him of his Secretariship, and never left prosecuting him till he had cast him into Prison, as also his two Friends who had married him, and gave him his Wife in Marriage. But Mr._Donne_ had not been long there before he found means to get out, as also enlargement for his two Friends, and soon after through the mediation of some able persons, a reconciliation was made, and he receiving a Portion with his Wife, and having help of divers friends, they lived very comfortably together; And now was he frequently visited by men of greatest learning and judgment in this Kingdom; his company desired by the Nobility, and extreamly affected by the Gentry: His friendship was sought for of most foreign Embassadors, and his acquaintance entreated by many other strangers, whose learning or employment occasioned their stay in this _Kingdom_. In which state of life he composed his _more brisk_ and _youthful Poems_; in which he was so happy, as if Nature with all her varieties had been made to exercise his _great Wit_ and _Fancy_; Nor did he leave it off in his _old age_, as is witnessed by many of his _divine Sonnets_, and other _high, holy_ and _harmonious Composures_, under his _Effigies_ in these following Verses to his Printed Poems, one most ingeniously expresses. _This was for youth, strength, mirth, and wit, the time Most count their golden age, but 'twas not thine: Thine was thy later years, so much refin'd, From youths dross, mirth, and wit, as thy pure mind, Thought, like the Angels, nothing but the praise Of thy Creator in those last best days. Witness this Book, thy Emblem, which begins With love, but ends with sighs and tears for sins_. At last, by King _James's_ his command, or rather earnest persuasion, setting himself to the study of _Theology_, and into _holy Orders_, he was first made a Preacher of _Lincoln's-Inn_, afterwards advanc'd to be Dean of _Pauls_, and as of an eminent Poet he became a much more eminent Preacher, so he rather improved then relinquisht his Poetical fancy, only con converting it from _humane and worldly_ to _divine and heavenly Subjects_; witness this Hymn made in the time of his sickness. _A Hymn to God the Father_. Wilt thou forgive that sin where I begun, Which was my sin, tho' it were done before? Wilt thou forgive that sin through which I run, And do run still, tho' still I do deplore? When thou hast done, thou hast not done, For I have more. Wilt thou forgive that sin which I have won Others to sin, and made my sin their door? Wilt thou forgive that sin, which I did shun A year or two, but wallowed in a score? When thou hast done, thou hast not done, For I have more. I have a sin of fear, that when I have spun My last thrid, I shall perish on the shore; But swear by thy self, that at my death thy son Shall shine as he shines now, and heretofore; And having done that, thou hast done, I ask no more. He died _March_ 31. _Anno_ 1631. and was buried in St. _Paul's_-Church, attended by many persons of Nobility and Eminency. After his burial, some mournful friends repaired, and as _Alexander_ the great did to the Grave of the most famous _Achilles_, so they strewed his with curious and costly flowers. Nor was this (tho' not usual) all the honour done to his reverend ashes; for some person (unknown) to perpetuate his memory, sent to his Executors, Dr. _King_, and Dr. _Momford_, an 100 _Marks_ towards the making of a _Monument_ for him; which they faithfully performed, it being as lively a representation as in dead Marble could be made of him, tho' since by that merciless Fire in 1666. it be quite ruined. I shall conclude all with these Verses, made to the Memory of this reverend person. He that would write an Epitaph for thee, And do it well, must first begin to be Such as thou wert; for none can truly know Thy worth, thy life, but he that lived so. He must have wit to spare, and to hurl down, Enough to keep the Gallants of the Town. He must have learning plenty, both the Laws Civil and Common, to judge any Cause; Divinity great store above the rest, None of the worst Edition, but the best: He must have Language, Travel, all the Arts; Judgment to use, or else he wants thy parts: He must have friends the highest, able to do, Such as _Maecenas_ and _Augustus_ too; He must have such a sickness, such a death, Or else his vain descriptions come beneath: He must unto all good men be a friend, And (like to thee) must make a pious end. * * * * * Dr. _RICHARD CORBET_. This reverend Doctor was born at _Ewel_ in _Surrey_; a witty Poet in his youth, witness his _Iter Boreale_, and other _facetious Poems_, which were the effects of his juvenal fancy; He was also one of those celebrated Wits, which with Mr. _Benjamin Johnson_, Mr. _Whitaker_, Sir _Joh. Harrington_, Dr. _Donne_, Mr. _Drayton_, Mr. _Davis_, whom I mentioned before, and several others, wrote those mock commendatory Verses on _Coriats Crudities_; which, because the Book is scarce, and very few have seen it, I shall give you them as they are recited in the Book. I do not wonder, _Coriat_, that thou hast Over the _Alps_, through _France_, and _Savoy_, past, Parcht on thy skin, and founder'd in thy feet, Faint, thirsty, lousie, and didst live to see't. Tho' these are _Roman_ sufferings, and do show What Creatures back thou hadst, could carry so; All I admire is thy return, and how Thy slender pasterns could thee bear, when now Thy observations with thy brain ingendred, Have stufft thy massy and volumnious head With Mountains, Abbeys, Churches, Synagogues, Preputial Offals, and _Dutch_ Dialogues: A burthen far more grievous than the weight Of Wine or Sleep, more vexing then the freight Of Fruit and Oysters, which lade many a pate, And send folks crying home from _Billings-gate_. No more shall man with Mortar on his head Set forward towards _Rome_: no, Thou art bred A terror to all Footmen, and to Porters, And all Lay-men that will turn _Jews_ Exhorters, To fly their conquer'd trade: Proud _England_ then Embrace this luggage, which the man of men Hath landed here, and change thy Welladay Into some home-spun welcome Roundelay. Send of this stuff thy Territories thorough, To _Ireland_, _Wales_, and _Scottish Edenborough_; There let this Book be read and understood, Where is no theme, nor writer half so good. He from a Student in, became Dean of _Christchurch_, then Bishop of _Oxford_, being of a courteous carriage, and no destructive nature to any who offended him, counting himself plentifully repaired with a Jest upon him. He afterwards was advanced Bishop of _Norwich_, where he died _Anno_ 1635. * * * * * Mr. _BENJAMIN JOHNSON_. This _renowned Poet_, whose Fame surmounts all the Elogies which the most learned Pen can bestow upon him, was born in the City of _Westminster_, his Mother living there in _Harts-horn-lane_, near _Charing-cross_, where she married a _Bricklayer_ for her second Husband. He was first bred in a private School in St. _Martin's_-Church, then in _Westminster_-School, under the learned Mr. _Cambden_, as he himself intimates in one of his Epigrams. _Cambden_, most reverend head, to whom I owe All that I am in Arts, all that I know. How nothings that, to whom my Country owes, The great _renown_ and _name_ wherewith she goes. Under this _learned Schoolmaster_ he attained to a good degree of learning, and was statutably admitted in St. _John's_-Colledge in _Cambridge_, (as many years after incorporated a honorary Member of _Christ-Church_ in _Oxford_) here he staid but some small time, for want of maintainance; for if there be no Oyl in the Lamp, it will soon be extinguish'd: And now, as if he had quite laid aside all thoughts of the University, he betook himself to the Trade of his Father-in-law; And let not any be offended herewith, since it is more commendable to work in a lawful Calling, then having one not to use it. He was one who helped in the building of the new Structure of _Lincolns-Inn_, where, having a Trowel in his hand, he had a Book in his pocket, that as his work went forward, so his study went not backward. But such _rare Parts_ as he had could be no more hid, than the Sun in a serene day, some Gentlemen pitying such rare Endowments should be buried under the rubbish of so mean a Calling, did by their bounty manumise him freely to follow his own ingenious inclinations. Indeed his Parts were not so ready to run of themselves, as able to answer the spur; so that it may be truly said of him, that he had an elaborate wit wrought out by his own industry; yet were his Repartees for the most part very quick and smart, and which favour'd much of ingenuity, of which I shall give you two instances. He having been drinking in an upper room, at the _Feathers_-Tavern in _Cheap side_, as he was coming down stairs, his foot slipping, he caught a fall, and tumbling against a door, beat it open into a room where some Gentlemen were drinking _Canary_; recovering his feet, he said, _Gentlemen, since I am so luckily fallen into your company, I will drink with you before I go_. He used very much to frequent the _Half-Moon_-Tavern in _Aldersgate-street_, through which was a common _Thorough fare_; he coming late that way, one night, was denied passage, whereupon going through the _Sun_-Tavern a little after, he said, _Since that the_ Moon _was so unkind to make me go about, The_ Sun _hence forth shall take my Coin, the_ Moon _shall go without_. His constant humour was to sit silent in learned Company, and suck in (besides Wine) their several Humours into his observation; what was _Ore_ in others, he was able to refine unto himself. He was one, and the chief of them, in ushering forth the Book of _Coriats Crudities_, writing not only a Character of the Author, an explanation of his Frontispiece, but also an Acrostick upon his Name, which for the sutableness of it, (tho' we have written something of others mock Verses) we shall here insert it. T_ry and trust_ Roger, _was the word, but now_ H_onest_ Tom Tell-troth _puts down_ Roger, How? O_f travel he discourseth so at large_, M_arry he sets it out at his own charge_; A_nd therein (which is worth his valour, too)_ S_hews he dare more than_ Paul's _Church-yard durst do._ C_ome forth thou bonny bouncing Book then, daughter_ O_f_ Tom of Odcombe, _that odd jovial Author_, R_ather his son I should have call'd thee, why_? Y_es thou wert born out of his travelling thigh_ A_s well as from his brains, and claim'st thereby_ T_o be his_ Bacchus _as his_ Pallas: _he_ E_ver his Thighs_ Male _then and his Brains_ She. He was paramount in the Dramatick part of Poetry, and taught the Stage an exact conformity to the Laws of Comedians, being accounted the most learned, judicious, and correct of them all, and the more to be admired for being so, for that neither the height of natural parts, for he was no _Shakespear_, nor the cost of extraordinary education, but his own proper industry, and addiction to Books, advanced him to this perfection. He wrote fifty Plays in all, whereof fifteen Comedies, three Tragedies, the rest Masques and Entertainments. His Comedies were, _The Alchimist_, _Bartholomew Fair_, _Cynthia's Revels_, _Caseis alter'd_, _The Devil is an Ass_, _Every Man in his humour, every Man out of his humour_, _The Fox_, _Magnetick Lady_, _New Inn_, _Poetaster_, _Staple of News_, _Sad Shepherd, Silent Woman_, and _A Tale of a Tub_. His Tragedies were, _Cateline's Conspiracy, Mortimer's Fall_, and _Seianus_. His Masques and Entertainments, too long here to write, were thirty and two, besides a Comedy of _East-ward, hoe_? in which he was partner with _Chapman_. These his Plays were above the vulgar capacity, (which are onely tickled with down-right obscenity) and took not so well at the first _stroke_, as at the _rebound_, when beheld the second time, yea, they will endure reading, and that with due commendation, so long as either ingenuity or learning are fashionable in our Nation. And although all his Plays may endure the test, yet in three of his Comedies, namely, _The Fox, Alchymist_, and _Silent Woman_, he may be compared in the judgment of the learned men, for _decorum, language_ and _well-humouring_ parts, as well with the chief of the ancient _Greek_ and _Latine_ Comedians, as the prime of modern _Italians_, who have been judged the best of _Europe_ for a happy vein in Comedies; nor is his _Bartholomew Fair_ much short of them. As for his other Comedies, _Staple of News, Devil's an Ass_, and the rest, if they be not so sprightful and vigorous as his first pieces, all that are old will, and all that desire to be old, should excuse him therein; and therefore let the Name of _Ben Johnson_ sheild them against whoever shall think fit to be severe in censure against them. Truth is, his Tragedies, _Seianus and Cateline_ seem to have in them more of an artificial and inflate, than of a pathetical and naturally Tragick height; yet do they every one of them far excel any of the _English_ ones that were writ before him; so that he may be truly said to be the first reformer of the _English_ Stage, as he himself more truly than modestly writes in his commendatory Verses of his Servants _Richard Broom_'s Comedy of the _Northern Lass_. Which you have justly gained from the Stage, By observation of those Comick Laws, Which I, your Master, first did teach the Age. In the rest of his Poetry, (for he is not wholly Dramatick) as his _Underwoods_, _Epigrams_, &c. he is sometimes bold and strenuous, sometimes Magisterial, sometimes lepid and full enough of conceit, and sometimes a man as other men are. It seems the issue of his brain was more lively and lasting than the issue of his body, having several Children, yet none living to survive him; This he bestowed as part of an Epitaph on his eldest Son, dying an Infant. Rest in soft peace, and ask'd, say, Here doth lye _Ben Johnson_ his best piece of Poetry. But tho' the immortal Memory still lives of him in his learned Works, yet his Body, subject to mortality, left this life, _Anno_ 1638. and was buried about the Belfrey in the Abbey-Church at _Westminster_, having only upon a Pavement over his Grave, this written: _O Rare_ Ben Johnson. Yet were not the Poets then so dull and dry, but that many expressed their affection to his Memory in Elegies and Epitaphs; amongst which this following may not be esteemed the worst. The Muses fairest Light in no dark time, The Wonder of a learned Age; the line That none can pass: the most proportion'd Wit To Nature; the best Judge of what was fit: The deepest, plainest, highest, clearest Pen: The Voyce most eccho'd by consenting men; The Soul which answer'd best to all well said By others; and which most requital made: Tun'd to the highest Key of ancient _Rome_; Returning all her Musick with her own; In whom with Nature, Study claim'd a part, And yet who to himself ow'd all his Art; Here lies _Ben Johnson_, every Age will look With sorrow here, with Wonder on his Book. * * * * * _FRANCIS BEAUMONT_ and _JOHN FLETCHER_. These two joyned together, made one of the happy _Triumvirate_ (the other two being _Johnson_ and _Shakespear_) of the chief Dramatick Poets of our Nation, in the last foregoing Age; among whom there might be said to be a symmetry of perfection, while each excelled in his peculiar way: _Ben Johnson_ in his elaborate pains and knowledge of Authors, _Shakespear_ in his pure vein of wit, and natural Poetick height; _Fletcher_ in a Courtly Elegance and Gentile Familiarity of Style, and withal a Wit and Invention so overflowing, that the luxuriant Branches thereof were frequently thought convenient to be lopt off by Mr. _Beaumont_; which two joyned together, like _Castor_ and _Pollux_, (most happy when in conjunction) raised the _English_ to equal the _Athenian_ and _Roman_ Theaters; _Beaumont_ bringing the Ballast of Judgment, _Fletcher_ the Sail of Phantasie, both compounding a Poet to admiration. These two admirable Wits wrote in all two and fifty Plays, whereof three and forty were Comedies; namely, _Beggars Bush_, _Custom of the Country_, _Captain Coxcomb_, _Chances_, _Cupid's Revenge_, _Double Marriage_, _Elder Brother_, _Four Plays in one_, _Fair Maid of the Inn_, _Honest man's Fortune_, _Humorous Lieutenant_, _Island Princess_, _King and no King_, _Knight of the burning Pestle_, _Knight of_ Malta, _Little_ French _Lawyer_, _Loyal Subject_, _Laws of_ Candy, _Lovers Progress_, _Loves Cure_, _Loves Pilgrimage_, _Mad Lover_, _Maid in the Mill_, _Monsieur_ Thomas, _Nice Valour_, _Night-Walker_, _Prophetess_, _Pilgrim_, _Philaster, Queen of_ Corinth, _Rule a Wife and have a Wife_, Spanish _Curate_, _Sea-Voyage_, _Scornful Lady_, _Womans Prize_, _Women pleased_, _Wife for a Month_, _Wit at several weapons_, and a _Winters Tale_. Also six Tragedies; _Bonduca_, the _Bloody Brother_, _False One_, the _Maids Tragedy_, _Thiery and Theodoret_, _Valentinian_, and _Two Noble Kinsmen_, a Tragi-Comedy, _Fair Shepherdess_, a Pastoral; and a _Masque of_ Grays-Inn _Gentlemen_. It is reported of them, that meeting once in a Tavern, to contrive the rude Draught of a Tragedy, _Fletcher_ undertook to _kill the King_ therein, whose Words being over-heard by a Listner (though his Loyalty not to be blamed herein) he was accused of High Treason, till the Mistake soon appearing, that the Plot was only against a Dramatick and Scenical King, all wound off in Merriment. Yet were not these two Poets so conjoyned, but that each of them did several Pieces by themselves, Mr. _Beaumont_, besides other Works, wrote a Poem, entituled, _Salmacis_ and _Hermaphroditus_, a Fable taken out of _Ovid's Metamorphosis_; and Mr. _Fletcher_ surviving Mr. _Beamont_, wrote good Comedies of himself; so that it could not be laid to his Charge what _Ajax_ doth to _Ulysses_; _Nihil hic_ Diomede _remoto_, When _Diomedes_ was gone, He could do nought alone. Though some think them inferior to the former, and no wonder if a single thread was not so strong as a twisted one, Mr. _Fletcher_ (as it is said) died in _London_ of the Plague, in the first year of King _Charles_ the First, 1625. * * * * * _WILLIAM SHAKESPEAR_. This eminent Poet, the Glory of the _English_ Stage (and so much the more eminent, that he gained great applause and commendation, when able Wits were his Contemporaries) was born at _Stratford_ upon _Avon_ in _Warwickshire_, and is the highest honour that Town can boast of. He was one of the _Triumvirate_, who from Actors, became Makers of Comedies and Tragedies, _viz. Christopher Marlow_ before him, and Mr. _John Lacy_, since his time, and one in whom three eminent Poets may seem in some sort to be compounded, 1. _Martial_, in the warlike sound of his Sirname, _Hastivibrans_, or _Shakespear_; whence some have supposed him of military extraction. 2. _Ovid_, the most natural and witty of all Poets; and hence it was that Queen _Elizabeth_ coming into a Grammar-School, made this extemporary Verse. _Persius_ a Crab-staff, Bawdy _Martial_, _Ovid_ a fine Wag. 3. _Plautus_, a most exact Comedian, and yet never any Scholar, as our _Shakespear_ (if alive) would confess himself; but by keeping company with Learned persons, and conversing with jocular Wits, whereto he was naturally inclin'd, he became so famously witty, or wittily famous, that by his own industry, without the help of Learning, he attained to an extraordinary height in all strains of Dramatick Poetry, especially in the Comick part, wherein we may say he outwent himself; yet was he not so much given to Festivity, but that he could (when so disposed) be solemn and serious; so that _Heraclitus_ himself might afford to smile at his Comedies, they were so merry, and _Democritus_ scarce forbear to sigh at his Tragedies, they were so mournful. Nor were his Studies altogether confined to the Stage, but had excursions into other kinds of Poetry, witness his Poem of the _Rape of Lucrece_, and that of _Venus and Adonis_; wherein, to give you a taste of the loftiness of his Style, we shall insert some few Lines of the beginning of the latter. Even as the Sun with purple-colour'd face Had tane his last leave of the weeping Morn, Rose-cheek'd _Adonis_ hy'd him to the Chase, Hunting he lov'd, but Love he laught to scorn. Sick thoughted _Venus_ makes amain unto him, And like a bold-fac'd Suiter 'gins to woo him. Thrive fairer than my self (thus she begins) The fields chief flower, sweet above compare, Stain to all Nymphs, more lovely than a man; More white and red than Doves or Roses are: Nature that made thee with herself at strife, Says that the world hath ending with thy life, &c He was an eminent instance of the truth of that Rule, _Poeta non fit, sed nascitur_; one is not made, but born a Poet; so that as _Cornish Diamonds_ are not polished by any Lapidary, but are pointed and smoothed even as they are taken out of the Earth, so Nature itself was all the Art which was used on him. He was so great a Benefactor to the Stage, that he wrote of himself eight and forty Plays; whereof 18 Comedies, _viz._ _As you like it_, _All's well that ends well_, _A Comedy of Errors_, _Gentleman of_ Verona, _Loves Labour lost_, London _Prodigal_, _Merry Wives of_ Windsor, _Measure for measure_, _Much ado about Nothing_, _Midsummer Nights Dream_, _Merchant of_ Venice, _Merry Devil of_ Edmonton, _Mucedorus, the Puritan Widow_, _the Tempest_, _Twelf-Night_, or _what you will_, _the taming of the Shrew_, and _a winters Tale_. Fourteen Tragedies, _viz._ _Anthony and Cleopatra_, _Coriolanus_, _Cymbeline_, _Hamlet_, _Julius Caesar_, _Lorrino_, _Leir and his three Daughters_, _Mackbeth_, _Othello the Moor of_ Venice, _Romeo and Juliet_, _Troylus and Cressida_, _Tymon of_ Athens, _Titus Andronicus_, and _the Yorkshire Tragedy_. Also fifteen Histories, _viz._ Cromwel's _History_, _Henry_ 4. in two parts, _Henry_ 5. _Henry_ 6. in three parts, _Henry_ 8. _John King of_ England, in three parts, _Pericles Prince of_ Tyre, _Richard_ 2. _Richard_ 3. and _Oldrastes Life and Death_. Also _the Arraignment of Paris_, a Pastoral. Many were the Wit-combats betwixt him and _Ben Johnson_, which two we may compare to a _Spanish great Gallion_, and an _English Man of war_: Mr. _Johnson_, (like the former) was built far higher in Learning, solid, but slow in his performances; _Shakespear_, with the _English Man of war_, lesser in Bulk, but lighter in sayling, could turn with all Tides, tack about, and take advantage of all Winds, by the quickness of his Wit and Invention. His History of _Henry_ the Fourth is very much commended by some, as being full of sublime Wit, and as much condemned by others, for making Sir _John Falstaffe_ the property of Pleasure for Prince _Henry_ to abuse, as one that was a _Thrasonical Puff_, and emblem of mock Valour; though indeed he was a man of Arms every inch of him, and as valiant as any his Age, being for his Martial Prowess made Knight of the Garter by King _Henry_ the 6th. This our famous Comedian died _An. Dom_. 16--and was buried at _Stratford_ upon _Avon_, the Town of his Nativity; upon whom one hath bestowed this Epitaph, though more proper had he been buried in _Westminster Abbey_. Renowned _Spencer_, lie a thought more nigh To learned _Chaucer_, and rare _Beaumont_ lie A little nearer _Spencer_ to make room For _Shakespear_, in your threefold, fourfold Tomb, To lodge all four in one Bed make a shift Until Doomsday, for hardly will a fifth Betwixt this day and that, by Fates be slain For whom your Curtains may be drawn again. If your precedency in Death do bar A fourth place in your sacred Sepulcher, Under this sacred Marble of thine own, Sleep rare Tragedian _Shakespear_! sleep alone, Thy unmolested Peace in an unshar'd Cave, Possess as Lord, not Tenant of thy Grave, That unto us, and others it may be Honour hereafter to be laid by thee. * * * * * _CHRISTOPHER MARLOW_. _Christopher Marlow_ was (as we said) not only contemporary with _William Shakespear_, but also, like him, rose from an Actor, to be a maker of Comedies and Tragedies, yet was he much inferior to _Shakespear_ not only in the number of his Plays, but also in the elegancy of his Style. His Pen was chiefly employ'd in Tragedies; namely, his _Tamberlain_ the first and second Part, _Edward_ the Second, _Lust's Dominion_, or _the Lascivious Queen_, the _Massacre of_ Paris, his _Jew of_ Malta, a Tragi-comedy, and his Tragedy of _Dido_, in which he was joyned with _Nash_. But none made such a great Noise as his Comedy of _Doctor Faustus_ with his Devils, and such like tragical Sport, which pleased much the humors of the Vulgar. He also begun a Poem of _Hero_ and _Leander_; wherein he seemed to have a resemblance of that clear and unsophisticated Wit which was natural to _Musaeus_ that incomparable Poet. This Poem being left unfinished by _Marlow_ who in some riotous Fray came to an untimely and violent end, was thought worthy of the finishing hand of _Chapman_, as we intimated before; in the performance whereof, nevertheless he fell short of the Spirit and Invention with which it was begun. * * * * * _BARTON HOLYDAY_. _Barton Holyday_, an old Student of _Christ-Church_ in _Oxford_, who besides his Translation of _Juvenal_ with elaborate Notes, writ several other things in _English_ Verse, rather learned than elegant; and particularly a Comedy, called _The Marriage of the Arts_: Out of which, to shew you his fluent (but too Satyrical Style) take these Verses made by him to be spoken by _Pocta_, as an Execration against Women. O Women, Witches, Fayries, Devils, The impure extract of a world of Evils; Natures great Errour, the Obliquity Of the Gods Wisdom; and th'Anomaly From all that's good; Ile curse you all below The Center, and if I could, then further throw Your cursed heads, and if any should gain A place in Heaven, Ile rhyme 'em down again To a worse Ruine, _&c._ * * * * * _CYRIL TURNER_. _Cyril Turner_ was one who got a Name amongst the Poets, by writing of two old Tragedies, the _Athei'st's Tragedy_, and the _Revenger's Tragedy_; which two Tragedies, saith one, His Fame unto that Pitch so only raised, As not to be despised, nor too much prais'd. * * * * * _THOMAS MIDLETON_. _Thomas Midleton_ was one who by his Industry added very much to the _English_ Stage, being a copious Writer of Dramatick Poetry. He was Contemporary with _Johnson_ and _Fletcher_ and tho' not of equal Repute with them, yet were well accepted of those times such Plays as he wrote; namely, _Blurt Mr. Constable, the chaste Maid in Cheapside, Your fine Gallants, Family of Love, More Dissemblers than Women_, the _Game at Chess,_ the _Mayor of_ Quinborough, _a mad world my Masters, Michaelmas Term, No Wit like a womans_, the _Roaring Girl, any thing for a quiet Life_, the _Phenix_ and _a new Trick to catch the old one_, Comedies; _The world toss'd at Tennis_, and _the Inner Temple_, Masques; and _Women beware Women_, a Tragedy. Besides what, he was an Associate with _William Rowley_ in several Comedies and Tragi-Comedies; as, _the Spanish Gypsies, the Changeling, the Old Law, the fair Quarrel, the Widow_: Of all which, his _Michaelmas Term_ is highly applauded both for the plot and neatness of the style. * * * * * _WILLIAM ROWLEY_. _William Rowley_ was likewise a great Benefactor to the _English_ Stage, not only in those Plays mentioned before with _Thomas Midleton_, but also what he wrote alone; as, _A Woman never vext_ a Comedy; _A Match at Midnight_, and _All's lost by Lust_, Tragedies; and joyn'd with _Webster_, two Comedies, _The Thracian wonder_, and _A Cure for a Cuckold_, with _Shakespere, The Birth of_ Merlin, a Tragi-Comedy; and _The Travels of the three_ English _Brothers_, a History, wherein he was joyn'd with _Day_ and _Wilkins_. * * * * * _THOMAS DECKER_. _Thomas Decker_, a great pains-taker in the Dramatick strain, and as highly conceited of those pains he took; a high-flyer in wit, even against _Ben Johnson_ himself, in his Comedy, call'd, _The untrussing of the humorous Poet_. Besides which he wrote also, _The Honest Whore_, in two Parts; _Fortunatus; If this ben't a good Play the Devil's in't; Match me in_ London; _The Wonder of a Kingdom; The Whore of_ Babylon, all of them Comedies. He was also an associate with _John Webster_ in several well entertain'd Plays, _viz. Northward, hoe? The Noble Stranger; New trick to cheat the Devil; Westward, hoe? The Weakest goes to the Wall_; And _A Woman will have her will_: As also with _Rowley_ and _Ford_ in _the Witch of Edmunton_, a Tragi-Comedy; And also _Wiat's History_ with _Webster_. * * * * * _JOHN MARSTON_. _John Marston_ was one whose fluent Pen both in a Comick and Tragick strain, made him to be esteemed one of the chiefest of our _English_ Dramaticks, both for solid judgment, and pleasing variety. His Comedies are, _the Dutch Curtezan; the Fawn; What you will_. His Tragedies, _Antonio and Melida; Sophonisba; the insatiate Countess_: Besides _the Malecontent_, a Tragi-Comedy; and _the faithful Shepherd_, a Pastoral. * * * * * Dr. _JASPER MAIN_. He was in his youth placed a Student of _Christ-Church_ in _Oxford_, a Nursery of many and excellent good wits, where he lived for many years in much credit and reputation for his florid wit and ingenious vein in Poetry, which diffused itself in all the veins and sinews thereof; making it (according to its right use) an Handmaid to Theology. In his younger years he wrote two very ingenious and well-approved Comedies, _viz._ the _City Match_, and the _Amorous War_, both which, in my judgment, comparable to the best written ones of that time; Nor did he after his application to Theology, of which he was Doctor, and his Ecclesiastical preferment, totally relinquish those politer Studies to which he was before addicted, publishing _Lucian's_ Works, of his own translating, into _English_, besides many other things of his composing, not yet publish'd. * * * * * _JAMES SHIRLEY_. Mr. _James Shirley_ may justly claim a more than ordinary place amongst our _English_ Poets, especially for his Dramatick Poetry, being the fourth for number who hath written most Plays, and for goodness little inferiour to the best of them all. His Comedies, in number twenty two, are these; _The Ball, the Bird in a Cage, the Brothers, Love in_ _a Maze, the Constant Maid, Coronation, Court Secret, the Example, the Gamester, Grateful Servant, Hide-Park, Humorous Courtier, Honoria and Mammon, Opportunity, the Lady of Pleasure, the Polititian, the Royal Master, the School of Complements, the Sisters, the witty fair one, the Wedding_, and _the young Admiral:_ His Tragedies six, _viz. Chabot Admiral of France, the Cardinal, Loves Cruelty, the Maids Revenge, the Traytor_, and _the martyr'd Soldier_. Four Tragi-Comedies, _viz. Dukes Mistress, the Doubtful Heir, the Gentleman of Venice_, and _the Imposture_, four Masques, _Cupid and Death, Contention of Honour and Riches, the Triumph of Peace_, and _the Triumph of Beauty; Patrick for Ireland_, a History; and the _Arcadia_, a _Pastoral_. * * * * * _PHILIP MASSINGER_. _Philip Massinger_ was likewise one who in his time was no mean contributer unto the Stage, wherein he so far excell'd as made his Name sufficiently famous, there being no less than sixteen of his Plays printed, _viz. The Bondman, the bashful Lover, the City Madam, the Emperour of the East, the-Great Duke of Florence, the Guardian, Maid of Honour, New Way to pay Old Debts, the Picture, the Renegado_, and _the merry Woman_, Comedies: _The Duke of Millain, Fatal Dowry, Roman Actor, Unnatural Combat_, and _the Virgin Martyr_, Tragedies. * * * * * _JOHN WEBSTER_. _John Webster_ was also one of those who in that plentiful age of Dramatick Writers contributed his endeavours to the Stage; being (as we said before) associated with _Thomas Decker_, in several Plays, which pass'd the Stage with sufficient applause, as also in two Comedies with _William Rowley_; besides what he wrote alone, _the Devil's Lam-Case_, a Tragi Comedy, and _the white Devil_, and _Dutchess of Malfy_, Tragedies. * * * * * _WILLIAM BROWN_. Mr. _William Brown_ was a Gentleman (as I take it) of the _Middle Temple_, who besides his other ingenious Employments, had his excursions to those sweet delights of Poetry, writing a most ingenious Piece, entituled, _Britain's Pastorals_, it being for a Subject of an amorous and rural Nature, worthily deserving commendations, as any one will confess who shall peruse it with an impartial eye. Take a view of his abilities, out of his Second Book, first Song of his Pastorals, speaking of a deform'd Woman. And is not she the Queen of Drabs, Whose Head is perriwigg'd with scabs? Whose Hair hangs down incurious flakes, All curl'd and crisp'd, like crawling Snakes; The Breath of whose perfumed Locks Might choke the Devil with a Pox; Whose dainty twinings did entice The whole monopoly of Lice; Her Forehead next is to be found, Resembling much the new-plough'd ground, Furrow'd like stairs, whose windings led Unto the chimney of her head; The next thing that my Muse descries, Is the two Mill-pits of her Eyes, Mill-pits whose depth no plum can sound, For there the God of Love was drown'd, On either side there hangs a Souse, And Ear I mean keeps open house, An Ear which always there did dwell, And so the Head kept sentinel, Which there was placed to descry, If any danger there was nigh, But surely danger there was bred Which made them so keep off the head; Something for certain caus'd their fears, Which made them so to hang their ears; But hang her ears; _Thalia_ seeks To suck the bottle of her cheeks, &c. * * * * * _THOMAS RANDOLPH_. This Famous Poet was born at _Houghton_ in _Northampton-shire_, and was first bred in _Westminster-School_, then Fellow in _Trinity-Colledge_ in _Cambridge_; He was one of such a pregnant Wit, that the Muses may seem not only to have smiled, but to have been tickled at his Nativity, such the festivity of his Poems of all sorts. Yet was he also sententiously grave, as may appear by many of his Writings, not only in his _Necessary Precepts_, but also in several other of his Poems; take one instance in the conclusion of his Commendatory Verses to Mr. _Feltham_, on his excellent Book of _Resolves_. 'Mongst thy Resolves, put my Resolves in too; Resolve who will, this I resolve to do, That should my Errors chuse anothers line Whereby to write, I mean to live by thine. His extraordinary indulgence to the too liberal converse with the multitude of his applauders, drew him to such an immoderate way of living, that he was seldom out of Gentlemens company, and as it often happens that in drinking high quarrels arise, so there chanced some words to pass betwixt Mr. _Randolf_ and another Gentleman, which grew to be so high, that the Gentleman drawing his Sword, and striking at Mr. _Randolph_, cut off his little finger, whereupon, in an extemporary humour, he instantly made these Verses: Arithmetick nine digits and no more Admits of, then I have all my store; But what mischance hath tane from my Lefthand, It seems did only for a cypher stand, Hence, when I scan my Verse if I do miss, I will impute the fault only to this, A fingers loss, I speak it not in sport, Will make a Verse a foot too short. That he was of a free generous disposition, not regarding at all the Riches of the World, may be seen in the first Poem of his Book, speaking of the inestimable content he enjoyed in the Muses, to those of his friends which dehorted him from Poetry. Go sordid earth, and hope not to bewitch My high born Soul, which flies a nobler pitch; Thou canst not tempt her with adulterate show, She bears no appetite that flags so low, &c. His Poems publish'd after his death, and usher'd into the World by the best Wits of those times, passed the Test with general applause, and have gone through several Impressions; To praise one, were in some sort to dispraise the other, being indeed all praise-worthy. His _Cambridge Duns_ facetiously pleasing, as also his _Parley with his Empty Purse_, in their kind not out-done by any. He was by _Ben. Johnson_ adopted for his Son, and that as is said upon this occasion. Mr. _Randolph_ having been at _London_ so long as that he might truly have had a parley with his _Empty Purse_, was resolved to go see _Ben. Johnson_ with his associates, which as he heard at a set-time still kept a Club together at the _Devil-Tavern_ near _Temple-Bar_; accordingly at the time appointed he went thither, but being unknown to them, and wanting Money, which to an ingenious spirit is the most daunting thing in the World, he peep'd in the Room where they were, which being espied by _Ben. Johnson_, and seeing him in a Scholars thredbare habit, _John Bo-peep_, says he, come in, which accordingly he did, when immediately they began to rime upon the meanness of his Clothes, asking him, If he could not make a Verse? and withal to call for his Quart of Sack; there being four of them, he immediately thus replied, I _John Bo-peep_, to you four sheep, With each one his good fleece, If that you are willing to give me five shilling, 'Tis fifteen pence a piece. By _Jesus_ quoth _Ben. Johnson_, (his usual Oath) I believe this is my Son _Randolph_, which being made known to them, he was kindly entertained into their company, and _Ben. Johnson_ ever after called him Son. He wrote besides his Poems, the _Muses Looking-glass, Jealous Lovers_, and _Hey for Honesty, down with Knavery_, Comedies; _Amintas_, a Pastoral, and _Aristippus_, an Interlude. * * * * * Sir _JOHN BEAUMONT Baronet_. Sir _John Beaumont_ was one who Drank as deep Draughts of _Helicon_ as any of that Age; and though not many of his Works are Extant, yet those we have be such as are displayed on the Flags of highest Invention; and may justly Stile him to be one of the chief of those great Souls of Numbers. He wrote besides several other things, a Poem of _Bosworth Field_, and that so Ingeniously, as one thus writes of it. Could divine _Maro_, hear his Lofty Strain; He would condemn his Works to fire again. I shall only give you an Instance of some few lines of his out of the aforesaid Poem, and so conclude. Here Valiant _Oxford_, and Fierce _Norfolk_ meet; And with their Spears, each other rudely greet: About the Air the shined Pieces play, Then on their Swords their Noble Hand they lay. And _Norfolk_ first a Blow directly guides, To _Oxfords_ Head, which from his Helmet slides Upon his Arm, and biteing through the Steel, Inflicts a Wound, which _Vere_ disdains to feel. But lifts his Faulcheon with a threatning grace, And hews the Beaver off from _Howards_ Face, This being done, he with compassion charm'd, Retires asham'd to strike a Man disarm'd. But strait a deadly Shaft sent from a Bow, (Whose Master, though far off, the Duke could know: Untimely brought this combat to an end, And pierc'd the Brains of _Richards_ constant Friend. When _Oxford_ saw him Sink his Noble Soul, Was full of grief, which made him thus condole. _Farewel true Knight, to whom no costly Grave Can give due honour, would my Tears might save Those streams of Blood, deserving to be Spilt In better service, had not_ Richard's _guilt Such heavy weight upon his Fortune laid, Thy Glorious vertues had his Sins outweigh'd_. * * * * * _Dr. PHILEMON HOLLAND_. This worthy Doctor, though we find not many Verses of his own Composing, yet is deservedly placed amongst the Poets; for his numerous Translations of so many Authors: insomuch that he might be called the Translator General of his Age; So that those Books alone of his turning into English, are sufficient to make a Country Gentleman a Competent Library for Historians. He is thought to have his Birth in _Warwick-shire_, but more certain to have his Breeding in _Trinity Colledge_ in _Cambridge_; where he so Profited, that he became Doctor of Physick: and practised the same in _Coventry_ in his (if so it were) native Country. Here did he begin and finish the Translation of so many Authors, that considering their Voluminousness, a Man would think he had done nothing else; which made one thus to descant on him. _Holland_ with his Translations doth so fill us, He will not let _Suetonius_ be _Tranquillus_. Now as he was a Translator of many Authors, so was he very Faithful in what he did; But what commended him most in the Praise of Posterity, was his Translating _Cambdens Britania_, a Translation more then a Translation: he adding to it many more notes then what were first in the Lattin Edition, but such as were done by Mr. _Cambden_ in his Life time, discoverable in the former part with Astericks in the Margent; But these Additions with some Antiquaries obtain not equal Authenticalness with what was set forth by Mr. _Cambden_ himself. Some of these Books (notwithstanding their Gigantick bigness) he wrote with one Pen, where he himself thus pleasantly versified. With one sole Pen, I writ this Book, Made of a Gray Goose quill: A Pen it was when I it took, And a Pen I leave it still. This Monumental Pen he kept by him, to show Friends when they came to visit him, as a great Rarity. * * * * * _THOMAS GOFF_. _Thomas Goff_ was one whose Abilities rais'd him to a high Reputation in the Age he lived in; chiefly for his Dramatick Writings: Being the Author of the _Couragious Turk_, _Rageing Turk_, _Selimus_ and _Orestes_ Tragedies; the _Careless Shepherdess_ a Tragi-Comedy, and _Cupids Whirligig_ a Comedy. * * * * * _THOMAS NABBES_. _Thomas Nabbes_ was also one who was a great Contributer to the _English_ Stage, chiefly in the Reign of King _Charles_ the First; His Comedies were _the Brides, Covent-Garden, Totnam Court_, and the _Woman-hater Arraigned_. His Tragedies, _The Unfortunate Mother_, _Hannibal_ and _Scipio_, and _The Tragedy of King_ Charles _the First_; besides two Masques, _The Springs Glory_, and _Microcosmus_, and an _Entertainment on the Princes Birth-day_, an interlude. * * * * * _RICHARD BROOME_. _Richard Broome_ was a Servant to Mr. _Benjamin Johnson_, a Servant (saith one) suitable to such a Master; having an excellent Vain fitted for a Comique Strain, and both natural Parts and Learning answerable thereunto; though divers witty only in reproving, say, That this _Broome_ had only what he swept from his Master: But the Comedies he Wrote, so well received and generally applauded, give the Lie to such Detractors; three of which, _viz._ His _Northern Lass, The Jovial Crew_, and _Sparagus Garden_, are little inferior if not equal to the writings of _Ben. Johnson_ himself; besides these three Comedies before mentioned he wrote twelve others, _viz._ The _Antipodes, Court Beggar, City Wit, Damoyselle, Mock Marriage, Love Sick Court, Mad Couple well Matcht, Novella, New Exchange, Queens Exchange, Queen and Concubine, Covent Garden Wedding_, and a Comedy called the _Lancaster Witches_, in which he was joyned with _Heyward_. Now what Account the Wits of that Age had of him, you shall hear from two of his own Profession in Commendation of two of his Plays; and first those of Mr. _James Shirley_ on his Comedy the _Jovial Crew_. This Comedy (ingenious Friends) will raise Itself a Monument, without a praise. Beg'd by the Stationer, who, with strength of purse, And Pens, takes care, to make his Book sell worse. And I dare calculate thy Play, although Not Elevated unto _fifty two_; It may grow old as time or wit, and he That dares dispise may after envy thee. Learning the file of Poesy may be Fetch'd from the Arts and University: But he that writes a Play, and good must know, Beyond his Books, Men, and their Actions too. Copies of Verse, that makes the new Men sweat, Reach not a Poem, nor the Muses heat; Small Brain Wits, and wood may burn a while, And make more noise then Forrests on a Pile. Whose Finers shrunk, ma' invite a Piteans Stream, Not to Lament, but to extinguish them, Thy fancies Mettal, and thy stream's much higher, Proof 'gainst their wit, and what that dreads the Fire. The other of Mr. _John Ford_ on the _Northern Lass_. _Poets_ and _Painters_ curiously compar'd Give life to Fancy, and Atchieve reward, By immortality of name, so thrives _Arts Glory_, that All, which it breaths on lives. Witness this _Northern Piece_, The Court affords No newer Fashion, or for wit, or words. The Body of the Plot is drawn so fair, That the Souls language quickens with fresh Air. This well Limb'd Poem, by no rule, or thought Too dearly priz'd, being or sold, or bought. We could also produce you _Ben. Johnsons_ Verses, with other of the prime Wits of those times; but we think these sufficient to shew in what respect he was held by the best Judgments of that Age. * * * * * _ROBERT CHAMBERLAIN._ This _Robert Chamberlain_ is also remembred amongst the Dramatick Writers of that time for two Plays which he wrote; the _Swaggering Damosel_, a Comedy: and _Sicelides_ a Pastoral. There was also one _W. Chamberlain_ who wrote a Comedy called _Loves Victory_. * * * * * _WILLIAM SAMPSON._ About the same time also Flourisht _William Sampson_, who wrote of himself two Tragedies; The _Vow Breaker_, and _the Valiant Scot_: and joyned with _Markham_ a Tragedy called _Herod_ and _Antipater, and how to choose a good Wife from a Bad_, a Tragi-Comedy. * * * * * _GEORGE SANDYS, Esquire._ This worthy Gentleman was youngest Son of _Edwin Sandys_ Arch-Bishop of _York_, and born at _Bishops Throp_ in that County. He having good Education, proved a most Accomplished Gentleman, and addicting his mind to Travel, went as far as the Sepulcher at _Jerusalem_; the rarities whereof, as also those of _AEgypt_, _Greece_, and the remote parts of _Italy_: He hath given so lively a Description, as may spare others Pains in going thither to behold them; none either before or after him having more lively and truly described them. He was not like to many of our _English_ Travellers, who with their Breath Suck in the vices of other Nations, and instead of improving their Knowledge, return knowing in nothing but what they were ignorant of, or else with _Tom. Coriat_ take notice only of Trifles and Toyes, such Travellers as he in his most excellent Book takes notice of, the one sayes he Do Toyes divulge---- The other carried on in the latter part of the Distick. ----Still add to what they hear, And of a Mole-hill do a Mountain rear. But his Travels were not only painful, but profitable, living piously, and by that means having the blessing of God attending on his endeavours, making a holy use of his viewing those sacred places which he saw _Jerusalem_; Take an instance upon his sight of that place where the three wise men of the _East_ offered their Oblations to our Saviour. Three Kings to th'King of Kings three gifts did bring, Gold, Incense, Myrrh, as Man, as God, as King; Three holy gifts be likewise given by thee To _Christ_, even such as acceptable be; For Myrhah, Tears; for Frankincense impart Submissive Prayers; for pure Gold, a pure Heart. He most elegantly translated _Ovid_ his _Metamorphosis_ into English Verse, so that as the Soul of _Aristotle_ was said to have transfigured into _Thomas Aquinas_, so might _Ovid_'s Genius be said to have passed into Mr. _Sandys_, rendring it to the full heighth, line for line with the Latin, together with most excellent Annotations upon each Fable. But his Genius directed him most to divine subjects, writing a Paraphrase on the Book of _Job_, _Psalms_, _Ecclesiastes_, _Canticles_, &c. as also a divine Tragedy on _Christs Passion_. He lived to be a very aged man, having a youthful Soul in a decayed Body, and died about the year 1641. * * * * * Sir _JOHN SUCKLING_. Sir _John Suckling_, in his time, the delight of the Court and darling of the Muses, was one so filled with _Phoebean_ fire, as for excellency of his wit, was worthy to be Crowned with a Wreath of Stars, though some attribute the strength of his lines to favour more of the Grape than the Lamp; Indeed he made it his Recreation, not his Study, and did not so much seek fame as it was put upon him: In my mind he gives the best Character of himself in those Verses of his in the _Sessions of the Poets_: _Suckling_ next was call'd, but did not appear, But strait one whisper'd _Apollo_ i'th'ear, That of all men living he cared not for't, He lov'd not the Muses so well as his sport. And prized black eyes, or a lucky hit At Bowles, above all the Trophies of wit. But _Apollo_ was angry, and publickly said, Twere fit that a fine were set upon's head. Besides his Poems, he wrote three Plays, the _Goblins_ a Comedy, _Brenovalt_ a Tragedy, and _Aglaura_ a Tragi-Comedy. He was a loyal person to his Prince, and in that great defection of Scotch Loyalty in 1639. freely gave the King a hundred Horses. And for his Poems, I shall conclude with what the Author of his Epistle to the Reader saies of them, _It had been a Prejudice to posterity, and an_ _injury to his own Ashes, should they have slept in Oblivion._ * * * * * Mr. _WILLIAM HABINGTON_. He was one of a quick wit and fluent language, whose Poems coming forth above thirty years ago, under the Title of _Castara_, gained a general fame and estimation, and no wonder, since that human Goddess by him so celebrated, was a person of such rare endowments as was worthy the praises bestowed upon her, being a person of Honour as well as Beauty, to which was joyned a vertuous mind, to make her in all respects compleat. He also wrote the History of the Reign of King _Edward_ the Fourth, and that in a style sufficiently florid, yet not altogether pleasing the ear, but as much informing the mind, so that we may say of that Kings Reign, as Mr. _Daniel_ saith in his Preface to his History of _England, That there was never brought together more of the main_. He also wrote a Tragi-Comedy, called, _the Queen of_ Arragon, which as having never seen, I can give no great account of it. * * * * * Mr. _FRANCIS QUARLES_. _Francis Quarles_, son to _James Quarles_, Esq; was born at _Stewards_ at the Parish of _Rumford_, in the County of _Essex_, and was bred up in the University of _Cambridge_, where he became intimately acquainted with Mr. _Edward Benlowes_, and Mr. _Phineas Fletcher_, that Divine Poet and Philosopher, on whose most excellent Poem of the _Purple Island_, hear these Verses of Mr. _Quarles_, which if they be as delightful to you in the reading, as to me in the writing, I question not but they will give you content. Mans _Body's_ like a _House_, his greater _Bones_ Are the main _Timber_; and the lesser ones Are smaller _splints_: his _ribs_ are _laths_ daub'd o're Plaister'd with _flesh_ and _blood_: his _mouth's_ the door, His _throat's_ the narrow _entry_, and his _heart_ Is the great _Chamber_, full of curious art: His _midriff_ is a large _Partition-wall_ 'Twixt the great _Chamber_, and the spacious _Hall_: His _stomach_ is the _Kitchin_, where the meat Is often but half sod for want of heat: His _Spleen's_ a _vessel_ Nature does allot To take the _skum_ that rises from the Pot: His _lungs_ are like the _bellows_, that respire In every _Office_, quickning every fire: His _Nose_ the _Chimny_ is, whereby are vented Such _fumes_ as with the _bellowes_ are augmented: His _bowels_ are the _sink_, whose part's to drein All noisom _filth_, and keep the _Kitchin_ clean: His _eyes_ are Christal _windows_, clear and bright; Let in the object and let out the sight. And as the _Timber_ is or great, or small, Or strong, or weak, 'tis apt to stand or fall: Yet is the likeliest _Building_ sometimes known To fall by obvious chances; overthrown Oft times by _tempests_, by the full mouth'd _blasts_ Of _Heaven_; sometimes by _fire_; sometimes it wafts Through unadvis'd _neglect_: put case the stuff Were ruin-proof, by nature strong enough To conquer time, and age; put case it should Nere know an end, alas, our _Leases_ would; What hast thou then, _proud flesh and blood_, to boast Thy daies are evil, at best; but few, at most; But sad, at merriest; and but weak, at strongest; Unsure, at surest; and but short, at longest. He afterwards went over into _Ireland_, where he became Secretary to the Reverend _James Usher_, Arch-bishop of _Armagh_: one suitable to his disposition, having a Genius byassed to Devotion; Here at leisure times did he exercise himself in those ravishing delights of Poetry, but (alwaies with the _Psalmist_) his _heart was inditing a good matter_; these in time produced those excellent works of his, _viz._ his Histories of _Jonas_, _Esther_, _Job_, and _Sampson_; his _Sions Songs_ and _Sions Elegies_, also his _Euchyridion_, all of them of such a heavenly strain, as if he had drank of _Jordan_ instead of _Helicon_, and slept on Mount _Olivet_ for his _Pernassus_. He had also other excursions into the delightful walks of Poetry, namely, his _Argulus_ and _Parthenia_, a Science (as he himself saith) taken out of Sir _Philip Sidney's_ Orchard, likewise his _Epigrams_, _Shepherds Oracles_, Elegies on several persons, his _Hierogliphicks_, but especially his _Emblems_, wherein he hath _Out-Alciated Alcialus_ himself. There hath been also acted a Comedy of his called, _The Virgin Widdow_, which passed with no ordinary applause. But afterwards the Rebellion breaking forth in _Ireland_ (where his losses were very great) he was forced to come over; and being a true Loyalist to his Soveraign, was again plundred of his Estate here, but what he took most to heart (for as for his other losses he practiced the patience of _Job_ he had described) was his being plundred of his Books, and some rare Manuscripts which he intended for the Press, the loss of which, as it is thought, facilitated his death, which happned about the year of our Lord, 1643. to whose memory one dedicated these lines by way of Epitaph. To them that understand themselves so well, As what, and who lies here, to ask, I'll tell, What I conceive Envy dare not deny, Far both from falshood, and from flattery. Here drawn to Land by Death, doth lie A Vessel fitter for the Skie, Than _Jason's Argo_, though in _Greece_ They say, it brought the Golden Fleece. The skilful Pilot steered it so, Hither and thither, too and fro. Through all the Seas of Poverty, Whether they far or near do lie, And fraught it so with all the wealth Of wit and learning, not by stealth, Or privacy, but perchance got That this whole lower World could not Richer Commodities, or more Afford to add unto his store. To Heaven then with an intent Of new Discoveries, he went And left his Vessel here to rest, Till his return shall make it blest. The Bill of Lading he that looks To know, may find it in his Books. * * * * * Mr. _PHINEAS FLETCHER_. This learned person, Son and Brother to two ingenious Poets, himself the third, not second to either, was son to _Giles Fletcher_, Doctor in Law, and Embassadour from Queen _Elizabeth_ to _Theodor Juanowick_ Duke of _Muscovia_; who though a Tyranick Prince, whose will was his Law, yet setled with him very good Terms for our Merchants trading thither. He was also brother to two worthy Poets, _viz._ _George Fletcher_, the Author of a Poem, entituled, _Christs Victory and Triumph over and after Death_; and _Giles Fletcher_, who wrote a worthy Poem, entituled, _Christs Victory_, made by him being but Batchelor of Arts, discovering the piety of a Saint, and divinity of a Doctor. This our _Phineus Fletcher_ was Fellow of _Kings Colledge_ in _Cambridge_, and in Poetick fame exceeded his two Brothers, in that never enough to be celebrated Poem, entituled, _The Purple Island_, of which to give my Reader a taste (who perhaps hath never seen the Book) I shall here add two Stanza's of it. Thrice happy was the worlds first infancy, Nor knowing yet, nor curious ill to know: Joy without grief, love without jealousie: None felt hard labour, or the sweating Plough: The willing earth brought tribute to her King: _Bacchus_ unborn lay hidden in the cling Of big swollen Grapes; their drink was every silver spring. And in another place, speaking of the vanity of ambitious Covetousness. Vain men, too fondly wise, who plough the Seas, With dangerous pains another earth to find: Adding new Worlds to th'old, and scorning ease, The earths vast limits daily more unbind! The aged World, though now it falling shows, And hasts to set, yet still in dying grows, Whole lives are spent to win, what one Deaths hour must lose. Besides this _Purple Island_, he wrote divers _Piscatorie Eclogues_, and other _Poetical Miscelanies_, also a Piscatory Comedy called _Sicelides_, which was acted at _Kings-Colledge_ in _Cambridge_. * * * * * Mr. _GEORGE HERBERT_. This divine Poet and person was a younger brother of the Noble Family of the _Herberts_ of _Montgomery_, whose florid wit, obliging humour in conversation, fluent Elocution, and great proficiency in the Arts, gained him that reputation at _Oxford_, where he spent his more youthful Age, that he was chosen University Orator, a place which required one of able parts to Mannage it; at last, taking upon him Holy Orders, not without special Encouragement from the King, who took notice of his extraordinary Parts, he was made Parson of _Bemmerton_ near _Salisbury_, where he led a Seraphick life, converting his Studies altogether to serious and Divine Subjects; which in time produced those his so generally known and approved Poems entituled, _The Temple_. Whose Vocal notes tun'd to a heavenly Lyre, Both learned and unlearned all admire. I shall only add out of his Book an Anagram, which he made on the name of the Virgin _Mary_. M A R Y. A R M Y. And well her name an Army doth present, In whom the Lord of Hosts did pitch his Tent. * * * * * Mr. _RICHARD CRASHAW_. This devout Poet, the Darling of the _Muses_, whose delight was the fruitful Mount _Sion_, more than the barren Mount _Pernassus_, was Fellow first of _Pembrook-Hall_, after of St. _Peters-Colledge_ in _Cambridge_; a religious pourer forth of his divine Raptures and Meditations, in smooth and pathetick Verse. His Poems consist of three parts, the first entituled, _Steps to the Temple_, being for the most part Epigrams upon several passages of the New Testament, charming the ear with a holy Rapture. The Second part, _The delights of the Muses_, or Poems upon several occasions, both English and Latin; such rich pregnant Fancies as shewed his Breast to be filled with _Phoebean_ Fire. The third and last part _Carmen Deo nostro_, being Hymns and other sacred Poems, dedicated to the Countess of _Denbigh_, all which bespeak him, The learned Author of Immortal Strains. He was much given to a religious Solitude, and love of a recluse Life, which made him spend much of his time, and even lodge many Nights under _Tertullian's_ roof of Angels, in St. _Mary's_ Church in _Cambridge_. But turning _Roman Catholick_, he betook himself to, that so zealously frequented place, _Our Lady's of Lorretto in Italy_; where for some years he spent his time in Divine Contemplations, being a Canon of that Church, where he dyed. * * * * * Mr. _WILLIAM CARTWRIGHT_. Mr. _William Cartwright_ a Student of _Christ Church_ in _Oxford_, where he lived in Fame and Reputation, for his singular Parts and Ingenuity; being none of the least of _Apollo's_ Sons; for his excelling vein in Poetry, which produc'd a Volume of Poems, publisht not long after his Death, and usher'd into the World by Commendatory Verses of the choicest Wits at that time; enough to have made a Volume of it self: So much was he reverenced by the Lovers of the Muses. He wrote, besides his Poems, _The Ordinary_, a Comedy; the _Royal Slave_, _Lady Errant_, and _The Seige, Or, Loves Convert_, Tragi-Comedies. * * * * * Sir _ASTON COCKAIN_. Sir _Aston Cockain_ laies Claim to a place in our Book, being remembred to Posterity by four Plays which he wrote, _viz._ _The Obstinate Lady_, a Comedy; _Trapolin supposed a Prince_, _Tyrannical Government_, Tragi-Comedies; and _Thersites_ an Interlude. * * * * * _Sir JOHN DAVIS_. This worthy Knight, to whom Posterity is indebted for his learned Works, was well beloved of Queen _Elizabeth_, and in great Favour with King _James_. His younger Years he addicted to the study of Poetry, which produced two excellent Poems, _Nosce Teipsum_, and _Ochestra_: Works which speak themselves their own Commendations: He also wrote a judicious Metaphrase on several of _David's_ Psalms, which first made him known at Court: afterwards addicting himself to the Study of the Common-Law of _England_; he was first made the Kings Serjeant, and after his Attorney-General in _Ireland_. * * * * * _THOMAS MAY_. _Thomas May_ was one in his time highly esteemed, not only for his Translation of _Virgils Georgicks_ and _Lucans Pharsalia_ into English, but what he hath written _Propria Minerva_, as his Supplement to _Lucan_, till the Death of _Julius Caesar_: His History of _Henry_ the Second in Verse; besides what he wrote of Dramatick, as his Tragedies of _Antigone_, _Agrippina_, and _Cleopatra_; _The Heir_, a Tragi-Comedy; _The Old Couple_, and _the Old Wives Tale_, Comedies; and the History of _Orlando Furioso_; of these his Tragi-Comedy of _The Heir_ is done to the life, both for Plot and _Language_; and good had it been for his Memory to Posterity, if he had left off Writing here; but taking disgust at Court for being frustrated in his Expectation of being the Queens Poet, for which he stood Candidate with Sir _William Davenant_, who was preferred before him, out of meer Spleen, as it is thought for his Repulse, he vented his Spite in his History of the late Civil Wars of _England_; wherein he shews all the Spleen of a Male-contented Poet, making thereby his Friends his Foes, and rendring his Fame odious to Posterity; such is the Nature of Malice, that as the Poet saith, Impoison'd with the Drugs of cruel Hate, Draw on themselves an unavoided Fate. * * * * * _CHARLES ALEYN_. _Charles Aleyn_ was one and that no despicable Poet, as may be seen by his Works, which still live in Fame and Reputation, writing in Heroick verse the Life of King _Henry_ the Seventh, with the Battle of _Bosworth_; and also the Battle of _Crescy_ and _Poietiers_, in which he is very pithy and sententious: I shall only give you two instances, the first out of his Battle of _Crescy_. They swell with love who are with valour fill'd, And _Venus_ Doves may in a Head-piece build. The other out of his History of King _Henry_ the Seventh. Man and Money a mutual Falshood show, Man makes false Mony, Mony makes man so. * * * * * _GEORGE WITHERS_. _George Withers_ was one who loved to Fish in troubled Waters, being never more quiet then when in Trouble, of a restless Spirit, and contradicting Disposition; gaining more by Restraint then others could get by their Freedom, which his ungoverned (not to say worse) Pen often brought him unto, so that the _Marshalsea_ and _Newgate_ were no Strangers unto him. He was born in _Hantshire_ (if it be every whit the more honour to the County for his Birth) a prodigious Pourer forth of Rhime, which he spued from his Maw, as _Tom Coriat_ formerly used to spue _Greek_, and that with a great pretence to a Poetical Zeal, against the Vices of the Times; which he mightily exclaim'd against in his _Abuses Stript and Whipt_, his _Motto_, _Brittains Remembrancer_, &c. with other Satyrical Works of the like nature: He turn'd also into _English_ Verse the Songs of _Moses_, and other Hymns of the Old Testament; besides these he wrote a Poem called _Philaret_, the _Shepherds Hunting_, his _Emblems_, _Campo Musae_, _Opo-Balsamum_, the _Two Pitchers_, and others more then a good many, had not his Muse been more Loyal than it was; he was living about the Year 1664. when I saw him, and suppose he lived not long after. * * * * * _ROBERT HERRIC_. _Robert Herric_ one of the Scholars of _Apollo_ of the middle Form, yet something above _George Withers_, in a pretty Flowry and Pastoral Gale of Fancy, in a vernal Prospect of some Hill, Cave, Rock, or Fountain; which but for the Interruption of other trivial Passages, might have made up none of the worst Poetick Landskips. Take a view of his Poetry in his Errata to the Reader in these lines. For these Errata's, Reader thou do'st see, Blame thou the Printer for them, and not me: Who gave him forth good Grain, tho he mistook, And so did sow these Tares throughout my Book. I account him in Fame much of the same rank, as he was of the same Standing, with one _Robert Heath_, the Author of a Poem, Entituled, _Clarastella_, the ascribed Title of that Celebrated Lady, who is supposed to have been both the Inspirer and chief Subject of them. * * * * * _JOHN TAYLOR_ the Water-Poet. Some perhaps may think this Person unworthy to be ranked amongst those Sons of _Apollo_ whom we mentioned before; but to them we shall answer, That had he had Learning according to his natural Parts, he might have equal'd, if not exceeded, many who claim a great share in the Temple of the Muses. Indeed, for ought I can understand, he never learned no further then his _Accidence_, as we may learn from his own Words in one of his Books. I must confess I do want Eloquence, And never Scarce did learn my _Accidence_; For having got from _Possum_ to _Posset;_ I there was gravel'd, could no further get. He was born in _Glocester-shire_, where he went to School with one _Green_; who, as _John Taylor_ saith, loved new Milk so well, that to be sure to have it new, he went to the Market to buy a Cow; but his Eyes being Dim, he cheapned a Bull, and asking the price of the Beast, the Owner and he agreed; and driving it home, would have his Maid to Milk it, which she attempting to do, could find no Teats: and whilst the Maid and her Master were arguing the matter, the Bull very fairly pist into the Pail; whereupon his Scholar _John Taylor_ wrote these Verses. Our Master _Green_ was over-seen In buying of a Bull, For when the Maid did mean to milk, He pist the Pail half full. He was afterwards bound Apprentice to a Waterman of _London_, a Laborious Trade: and yet though it be said, that _Ease is the Nurse of Poetry_, yet did he not only follow his Calling, but also plyed his Writings, which in time produced above fourscore Books, which I have seen; besides several others unknown to me; some of which were dedicated to King _James_, and King _Charles_ the First, and by them well accepted, considering the meanness of his Education to produce works of Ingenuity. He afterwards kept a Publick House in _Phoenix Alley_ by _Long-Acre_ continuing very constant in his Loyalty to the King, upon whose doleful Murther he set up the Sign of the _Mourning Crown_; but that being counted Malignant in those times of Rebellion, he pulled down that, and hung up his own Picture, under which were writ these two lines. There's many a King's Head hang'd up for a Sign, And many a Saint's Head too, then why not Mine? He dyed about the Year 1654. upon whom one bestowed this Epitaph. Here lies the Water-Poet, honest _John_, Who rowed on the Streams of _Helicon_; Where having many Rocks and dangers past, He at the Haven of Heaven arriv'd at last. * * * * * _THOMAS RAWLINS_. _Thomas Rawlins_ my old Friend, chief Graver of the Mint to King _Charles_ the First, as also to King _Charles_ the Second till the Year 1670. in which he died. He was an Excellent Artist, perhaps better then a Poet, yet was he the Author of a Tragedy called _The Rebellion_, which hath been acted not without good Applause; besides some other small things which he wrote. * * * * * _Mr. THOMAS CAREW_. This learned Gentleman Mr. _Carew_, one of the Bed-Chamber to King _Charles_ the First, was in his time reckoned among the chiefest for delicacy of wit and Poetick Fancy, which gained him a high Reputation amongst the most ingenious persons of that Age. He was a great acquaintance of Mr. _Thomas May_, whom none can deny to be an able Poet, although Discontent made him warp his Genius contrary to his natural Fancy, in commentation of whose Tradi-Comedy called _The Heir_, Mr. _Carew_ wrote an excellent paper of Verses. His Books of Poems do still maintain their fame amongst the Curious of the present age. * * * * * Col. _RICHARD LOVELACE_. I can compare no Man so like this Colonel _Lovelace_ as Sir _Philip Sidney_, of which latter it is said by one in an Epitaph made of him, Nor is it fit that more I should acquaint, Lest Men adore in one A Scholar, Souldier, Lover, and a Saint. As for their parallel, they were both of noble Parentage, Sir _Philips_ Father being Lord Deputy of _Ireland_, and President of _Wales_; our Colonel of a Vicount's name and Family; Scholars none can deny them both: The one Celebrated his Mistress under the bright name of _Stella_, the other the Lady Regent of his Affections, under the Banner of _Lucasta_, both of them endued with transcendent Sparks of Poetick Fire, and both of them exposing their Lives to the extreamest hazard of doubtful War; both of them such Soldiers as is expressed by the Poet. Undaunted Spirits, that encounter those Sad dangers, we to Fancy scarce propose. To conclude, Mr. _Lovelace's_ Poems did, do, and still will live in good Esteem with all knowing true Lovers of Ingenuity. * * * * * _ALEXANDER BROOME_. _Alexander Broome_ our English _Anacreon_, was an Attorney in the Lord Mayors Court; who besides his practice in Law, addicted himself to a Jovial strain in the ravishing Delights of Poetry; being the ingenious Author of most of those Songs, which on the Royalists account came forth during the time of the _Rump_, and _Oliver's_ Usurpation; and were sung so often by the Sons of Mirth and _Bacchus_, and plaid to by the sprightly Violin. Take for a tast a verse of one of his Songs. Come, come, let us drink, 'Tis in vain to think, Like fools, on grief or Sadness; Let our Money fly, And our Sorrows die, _All worldly care is Madness_: But Sack and good Chear, Will in spight of our fear, Inspire our Souls with Gladness. I shall only add his Poem which he made on the great Cryer at _Westminster-Hall_, by which you may judge of his Abilities in Poetry. When the Great Cryer in that greater Room, Calls _Faunt-le-roy_, and _Alexander Broome_, The people wonder (as those heretofore, When the Dumb spoke) to hear a Cryer Roar. The kitling Crue of Cryers that do stand With _Eunuchs_ voices, squeaking on each hand, Do signifie no more, compar'd to him, Then Member _Allen_ did to Patriot _Pim_. Those make us laugh, while we do him adore; Their's are but _Pistol_, his Mouths _Cannon-Bore_. Now those same thirsty Spirits that endeavor, To have their names enlarg'd, and last for ever, Must be Attorneys of this Court, and so His voice shall like Fame's loudest Trumpet blow Their names about the world, and make them last, While we can lend an Ear, or he a Blast. He wrote besides those airy Fancies, several other Serious Pieces; as also a Comedy called the _Cunning Lover_. * * * * * _Mr. JOHN CLEVELAND_. This eminent Poet, the Wit of our age, was born at _Hinckley_, a small Market Town in the County of _Leicester_, where his Father was the Reverend and Learned Minister of the place. _Fortes creantur e fortibus_, and bred therein under Mr. _Richard Vines_ his School-master, where he attained to a great perfection in Learning, by choicest Elegancies in Greek and Latin, more elegantly English; so that he may be said to have lisped wit, like an English _Bard_, and early ripe accomplished for the University. From a loving Father and learned School-Master, he was sent to _Christ Colledge_ in _Cambridge_, where he proved such an exquisite Orator, and pure Latinist, as those his Deserts preferred him to a Fellowship in St. _Johns_. There he lived about the space of nine Years, the Delight and Ornament of that Society; what service as well as reputation he did it, let his excellent Orations and Epistles speak: To which the Library oweth much of its Learning, the Chapel much of its pious Decency, and the Colledge much of its Renown. He was (saith Dr. _Fuller_) a general Artist, pure Latinist, exquisite Orator, and (which was his Master-Piece) eminent Poet; whose verses in the time of the Civil War begun to be in great request, both for their Wit and Zeal to the King's Cause, for which indeed he appeared the first, if not only Champion in verse against the _Presbyterian_ party. His Epistles were pregnant with Metaphors, carrying in them a difficult plainness, difficult at the hearing, plain at the considering thereof. His lofty Fancy may seem to stride from the top of one Mountain to the top of another, so making to it self a constant Level and Champian of continued Elevations. These his eminent parts preferr'd him to be Rhetorick Reader, which he performed with great Applause; and indeed, what was it in which he did not excel? This alone may suffice for his Honour, that after the Oration which he addressed to that incomparable Prince of Blessed Memory, _Charles_ the First; His Majesty called for him, gave him his hand to Kiss, and (with great expressions of kindness) commanded a Copy to be sent after him, whither he was hasting that night. Such who have _Clevelandiz'd_, that is, endeavoured to imitate his Masculine stile, yet could never go beyond his Poem of the _Hermaphrodite_; which though inserted into Mr. _Randolphs_ Poems (one of as high a tow'ring Wit as most in that age;) yet is well known to be Mr. _Clevelands_; it being not only made after Mr. _Randolph's_ death, but hath in it the very _vein_ and strain of Mr. _Cleveland's_ Writing, walking from one height to another, in a constant Level of continued Elevation. And indeed so elaborate are all his other pieces of Poetry, as to praise one were to detract from the rest, and are not to be the less valued by the Reader, because most studyed by the Writer: Take but a taste of the Loftiness of his stile, in those verses of his called _Smectymnuus_. _Smectymnuus!_ the Goblin makes me start, I'th'name of Rabbi _Abraham_, what art? _Syriack?_ or _Arabick?_ or _Welsh?_ what skilt? Ap all the Brick-layers that _Babel_ built. Some Conjurer translate, and let me know it; Till then 'tis fit for a _West-Saxon_ Poet. But do the Brother-hood then play their prizes, Like Mummers in Religion with Disguizes? Out-brave us with a name in rank and file, A name which if't were train'd would spread a mile; The Saints Monopoly, the zealous Cluster, Which like a Porcupine presents a Muster. Thus he shined with equal Light and Influence, until that great defection of Loyalty over-spread the Land, and Rebellion began to unvizard it self; of which no Man had more sagacious Prognosticks, of which take this one instance; when _Oliver Cromwell_ was in Election to be Burgess for the Town of _Cambridge_, as he ingaged all his Friends and Interests to oppose it; so when it was passed, he said with much passionate zeal, _That single vote ruined both Church and Kingdom_; such fatal events did he presage from his bloody Beak: For no sooner did that _Harpey_ appear in the University, but he made good what was predicted of him, and he amongst others, that were outed for their Loyalty, was turned out of his Fellowship at St. _Johns_; out of which Loyal Colledge was then ejected Dr. _Beal_ the Master, thirteen Batchellors of Divinity, and fourteen Masters of Art, besides Mr. _Cleveland_. And now being forced from the Colledge, he betook himself to the Camp, and particularly to _Oxford_ the Head quarter of it, as the most proper and proportionate Sphere for his Wit, Learning, and Loyalty; and added no small Lustre to that famous University, with which it shined before. Here he managed his Pen as the highest Panegyrist (witness his _Rupertismus_, his Elegy on the Bishop of _Canterbury_, &c.) on the one side to draw out all good inclinations to vertue: and the smartist Satyrist, exemplifi'd in the _Rebel Scot_, the _Scots Apostacy_, which he presented with such a Satyrical Fury, that the whole Nation fares the worse for it, lying under a most grievous Poetical Censure. Such also were his Poem of _The mixt Assembly_, his Character of a _London_ Diurnal, and a _Committee-Man_; Blows that shakes triumphing Rebellion, reaching the Souls of those not to be reached by Law or Power, striking each Traytor to a Paleness, beyond that of any Loyal Corps, that bled by them; such Characters being as indelible as Guilt stabs beyond Death. From _Oxford_, his next stage was the Garrison of _Newark_, where he was Judge Advocate until the Surrender thereof; and by an excellent temperature of both, was a just and prudent Judge for the King, and a faithful Advocate for the Country. Here he drew up that excellent Answer and Rejoynder to a Parliament Officer, who had sent him a Letter by occasion of one _Hill_, that had deserted their side, and brought with him to _Newark_ the sum of 133 _l._ and 8_d._ I shall only give you part of Mr. _Clevelands_ Answer to his first Letter, by which you may give an Estimate of the rest. Sixthly, _Beloved it is so, that our Brother and fellow-Labourer in the Gospel is Start aside; then this may serve for an use of instruction, not to trust in Man, or in the Son of Man. Did not_ Demas _leave_ Paul, _did not_ Onesimus _run from his Master_ Philemon? _Also this should teach us to employ our Talents, and not to lay them up in a Napkin_; _had it been done among the Cavaliers, it had been just, then the_ Israelite _had spoiled the_ AEgyptian: _but for_ Simeon _to plunder_ Levi, _that_--that--_&c._ This famous Garrison was maintained with much courage and resolution against the Besiegers, and not surrendred but by the King's special Command, when first he had surrendred himself into the hands of the _Scots_; in which action of that Royal Martyr, we may conclude our _Cleveland Vates,_ both Poet and Prophet: For besides his passionate resentment of it in that excellent Poem, _The Kings disguise_; upon some private intelligence, three days before the King reached them, he foresaw the pieces of Silver paying upon the banks of _Tweed_, and that they were the price of his Sovereigns Blood, and predicted the Tragical events. Thenceforth he followed the fate of distressed Loyalty, subject to the Malice and Vengeance of every Fanatick Spirit, which seldom terminates but in a Goal, which befel this learned Person, being long imprisoned at _Yarmouth_: where living in a lingering Condition, and having small hopes of coming out, he composed an Address to that Idol at _White-Hall, Oliver Cromwell_, written with such Tow'ring Language, and so much gallant Reason, as looked bigger than his Highness, shrinking before the Majesty of his Pen, as _Felix_ trembled before _Paul_. So obtaining his Liberty, not by a servile Submission, but rather a constrained Violence, neither injuring his Conscience, nor betraying his Cause. And so now with _Daniel_ being delivered out of the Lyons Den, he was courted to several places, (which contended as emulously for his abode, as the seven _Grecian_ Cities for _Homers_ Birth;) at last he setled in _Grays-Inn_, which when he had enobled with some short time of his residence, an intermitting Fever seized him, whereof he dyed, on _Thursday_ Morning, _April_ the 29. 1658. from whence his Body was brought to _Hunsden-House_, and on _Saturday_ being _May-day_, was buried at _Colledgehill-Church_; His dear Friend Dr. _John Pearson_ (afterwards Lord Bishop of _Chester_) preached his Funeral Sermon, who rendred this Reason; why he cautiously declined all commending of the Party deceased, Because such praising of him would not be adequate to any expectation in that Auditory; seeing some, who knew him not, would think it far above him, while those, who knew him must needs know it far below him. Many there were who sought to eternize their own Names by honouring his; some by Elegies, and other Devices, amongst the rest one made this Anagram upon his name. _JOHN CLEAVELAND_. _HELICONIAN DEW_. The difficult Trifle (saith one) is rather well endeavoured, than exactly performed. More happy were those Wits, who descanted on him and his works in Verse, although so eminent a Poet was never interred with fewer Elegies than he; for which we may assign two Reasons, One that at that time the best Fancies of the _Royal Party_ were in restraint, so that we may in part think their Muses confin'd, as well as their Bodies. Secondly, not to do it to the heighth, were in a manner to dispraise him. However I shall adventure to give you an instance in two, whereof the first of Mr. _Edward Martin_ of _London_. Ye Muses do not me deny; I ever was your Votary. And tell me, seeing you do daign T'inspire and feed the hungry Brain; With what choice Cates? With what choice Fare? To _Cleaveland's_ fancy still repair? Fond Man, say they, why do'st thou question thus? Ask rather with what Nectar he feeds us. The other by Mr. _A.B._ printed before Mr. _Cleveland's_ Works. _Cleaveland_ again his sacred head doth raise, Even in the dust crown'd with immortal Bayes, Again with verses arm'd that once did fright _Lycambe's_ Daughters from the hated Light, Sets his bold foot on Reformations neck, And triumphs o'er the vanquisht Monster _Smec_; That _Hydra_ whose proud heads did so encrease, That it deserv'd no less an _Hercules_. This, this is he who in Poetick Rage, With Scorpions lash'd the Madness of the age; Who durst the fashions of the times despise, And be a Wit when all Mankind grew wise. When formal Beards at Twenty one were seen, And men grew Old almost as soon as Men: Who in those daies when reason, wit, and sence Were by the Zealots grave Impertinence _Ycliped_ Folly, and in Ve-ri-ty Did savour rankly of Carnality. When each notch'd Prentice might a Poet prove. For warbling through the Nose a Hymn of Love, When sage _George Withers_ and grave _William Prin_, Himself might for a Poets share put in: Yet then could write with so much art and skill, That _Rome_ might envy his Satyrick Quill; And crabbed _Persins_ his hard lines give ore, And in disdain beat his brown Desk no more. How I admire the _Cleaveland_! when I weigh Thy close-wrought Sense, and every line survey! They are not like those things which some compose, Who in a maze of Words the Sense do lose. Who spin one thought into so long a thread, And beat their Wit we thin to make it spread; Till 'tis too fine for our weak eyes to find, And dwindles into Nothing in the end. No; they'r above the Genius of this Age, Each word of thine swells pregnant with a Page. Then why do some Mens nicer ears complain, Of the uneven Harshness of thy strain? Preferring to the vigour of thy Muse Some smooth weak Rhymer, that so gently flowes, That Ladies may his easy strains admire, And melt like Wax before the softning fire. Let such to Women write, you write to Men; We study thee, when we but play with them. * * * * * Sir _JOHN BERKENHEAD_. Sir _John Berkenhead_ was a Gentleman, whose Worth and deserts were too high for me to delineate. He was a constant Assertor of his Majesties Cause in its lowest Condition, painting the Rebels forth to the life in his _Mercurius Aulicus_ and other Writings; his _Zany Brittanicus_ who wrote against him, being no more his Equal, than a Dwarf to a Gyant, or the goodness of his cause to that of the Kings; for this his Loyalty he suffered several Imprisonments, yet always constant to his first Principles. His skill in Poetry was such, that one thus writes of him. Whil'st Lawrel sprigs anothers head shall Crown, Thou the whole Grove mayst challenge as thy Own. He survived to see his Majesties happy Restoration, and some of them hanged who used their best endeavor to do the same by him. As for his learned Writings, those who are ignorant of them, must plead ignorance both to Wit and Learning. * * * * * Dr. _ROBERT WILD_. He was one, and not of the meanest of the Poetical Cassock, being in some sort a kind of an _Anti-Cleaveland_, writing as high, and standing up as stifly for the _Presbyterians_, as ever _Cleaveland_ did against them: But that which most recommended him to publick fame, was his _Iter Roreale_, the same in Title though not in Argument, with that little, but much commended Poem of Dr. _Corbets_ mentioned before. This being upon General _Monk's_ Journey out of _Scotland_, in order to his Majesties Restoration, and is indeed the Cream and flower of all his Works, and look't upon for a lofty and conceited Stile. His other things are for the most part of a tepid and facetious nature, reflecting on others, who as sharply retorted upon him, for he that throwes stones at other, 'tis ten to one but is hit with a stone himself; one of them playing upon his red face thus. I _like the Man that carries in his Face,_ _the tincture of that bloody banner he fights under, and would not have any Mans countenance, prove so much an Hypocrite to cross a French Proverb._ His Nose plainly proves, What pottage he loves. Hear one of their reflections upon him, on his humble thanks, for his Majesties Declaration for Liberty of Confidence. When first the _Hawkers_ bawl'd 'ith' streets _Wild_'s name, A lickerish longing to my Pallat came; A feast of Wit I look't for, but, alass! The meat smelt strong, and too much _Sawce_ there was, _&c._ Indeed his strain, had it been fitted to a right key, might have equal'd the chiefest of his age. * * * * * Mr. _ABRAHAM COWLEY_. This Gentleman was one, who may well be stil'd the glory of our Nation, both of the present and past ages, whole early Muse began to dawn at the Thirteenth year of his age, being then a Scholar at _Westminster_-School which produc'd two little Poems, the one called _Antonius_ and _Melida_, the other _Pyramus_ and _Thisbe_; discovering in them a maturity of Sence far above the years that writ them; shewing by these his early Fruits, what in time his stock of worth would come to. And indeed Fame was not deceived in him of its Expectation, he having built a lasting Monument of his worth to posterity, in that compleat Volume of his Works, divided into four parts: His Mistress, being the amorous Prolusions of his youthful Muse; his Miscelanies, or Poems of various arguments; his most admired Heroick Poem _Davideis_, the first Books whereof he compos'd while but a young Student at _Trinity_-Colledge in _Cambridge_; and lastly, that is, in order of time though not of place, his _Pindaric Odes_, so call'd from the Measure, in which he translated the first _Ithmian_ and _Nemean Odes_, where as the form of those _Odes_ in the _Original_ is very different, yet so well were they approved by succeeding Authors, that our primest Wits have hitherto driven a notable Trade in _Pindaric Odes_. But besides these his _English_ Poems, there is extant of his writing a Latine Volume by it self, containing a Poem of Herbs and Plants: Also he Translated two Books of his _Davideis_ into Latine Verse, which is in the large Volume amongst the rest of his Works. * * * * * Mr. _EDMOND WALLER_. This Gentleman is one of the most fam'd Poets, and that not undeservedly of the present age, excelling in the charming Sweets of his Lyrick Odes, or amorous Sonnets, as also in his other occasional Poems both smooth and strenuous, rich of Conceit, and eloquently adorned with proper Similies: view his abilities in this Poem of his, concerning the Puissance of our Navies, and the _English_ Dominion at Sea. Lords of the Worlds great Wast, the Ocean, we Whole Forrests send to reign upon the Sea; And every Coast may trouble or relieve, But none can visit us without our leave; Angels and we have this Prerogative, That none can at our happy Seat arrive, While we descend at pleasure to invade The bad with Vengeance, or the good to aid: Our little world the image of the great, Like that amidst the boundless Ocean set, Of her own growth has all that Nature craves, And all that's rare as Tribute from the waves. _As AEgypt_ does not on the Clouds rely, But to her _Nyle_ owes more then to the sky; So what our Earth, and what our Heaven denies, Our ever constant friend, the Sea supplies. The tast of hot _Arabia's_ Spice we know, Free from the Scorching Sun that makes it grow; Without the worm, in _Persian_ Silks we shine, And without Planting drink of every Vine; To dig for wealth we weary not our limbs, Gold, though the heaviest metal, hither swims. Ours is the Harvest where the _Indians_ mow, We plough the deep, and reap what others Sow. I shall only add two lines more of his, quoted by several Authors. All that the Angels do above, Is that they sing; and that they love. In sum, this our Poet was not Inferior to _Carew_, _Lovelace_, nor any of those who were accounted the brightest Stars in the Firmament of Poetry. * * * * * Sir _JOHN DENHAM_. Sir _John Denham_ was a Gentleman, who to his other Honors had this added; that he was one of the Chief of the _Delphick Quire_, and for his Writings worthy to be Crowned with a wreath of Stars. The excellency of his Poetry may be seen in his _Coopers Hill_, which whosoever shall deny, may be accounted no Friends to the Muses: His Tragedy of the _Sophy_, is equal to any of the Chiefest Authors, which with his other Works bound together in one Volume, will make his name Famous to all Posterity. * * * * * Sir _WILLIAM DAVENANT_. Sir _William Davenant_, may be accounted one of the Chiefest of _Apollo's_ Sons, for the great Fluency of his Wit and Fancy: Especially his _Gondibert_, the Crown of all his other Writings; to which Mr. _Hobbs_ of _Malmsbury_ wrote a Preface, wherein he extolleth him to the Skyes; wherein no wonder (sayes one) if Compliment and Friendly Compliance do a little biass and over-sway Judgment. He also wrote a Poem entituled _Madagascur_, also a _Farrago_ of his Juvenile, and other Miscelaneous Pieces: But his Chiefest matter was what he wrote for the _English_ Stage, of which was four Comedies, _viz._ _Love and Honour_, _The Man is the Master_; _The Platonick Lovers_; and _The Wits_. Three Tragedies; _Albovine_, _The Cruel Brother_, and _The unfortunate Lovers_. Two Tragi-Comedies, the _Just Italian_; and the _Lost Lady_. And Six Masques, _viz._ _Brittania Triumphans_; _The Cruelty of the_ Spaniards _in_ Peru; _Drakes_ History First Part; _Siege of Rhodes_ in two Parts, and _The temple of Love_; Besides his Musical Drama's, when the usual Playes were not suffered to be Acted, whereof he was the first Reviver and Improver by painted Scenes after his Majesties Restoration; erecting a new Company of Actors, under the Patronage of the Duke of _York_. Now this our Poet, as he was a Wit himself, so did several of the Wits play upon him; amongst others Sir _John Suckling_ in his Session of the Poets hath these Verses. _Will Davenant_ asham'd of a Foolish mischance That he had got lately Travelling into _France_; Modestly hoped the Handsomness of's Muse, Might any Deformity about him excuse. And Surely the Company would have been content, If they could have found any President; But in all their Records either in Verse or Prose, There was not one Laureat without a Nose. His Works since his Death have been fairly Published in a large Volume; to which I refer my Reader. * * * * * Sir _GEORGE WHARTON_. He was one was a good Souldier, Famous Mathematician, and an excellent Poet; alwayes Loyal to his Prince: For whose Service he raised a Troop of Horse at his own Charge, of which he became Captain himself; and with much Gallantry and Resolution behaved himself. Nor was he less serviceable to the Royal Cause with his Pen, of which he was a resolute Assertor: Suffering very much by Imprisonment, even to the apparent hazard of his Life. He having so Satyrically wounded them in his _Elenctichus_, as left indelible Characters of Infamy upon their Actions. His Excellent Works collected into one Volume, and Published in the Year, 1683. By the Ingenious Mr. _Gadbury_, are a sufficient Testimony of his Learning, Ingenuity and Loyalty; to which I refer the Reader. In sum, as he participated of his Masters Sufferings; So did he enjoy the Benefit of his Restoration, having given him a Place of great Honor and Profit, with which he lived in Credit and Reputation all the days of his Life. * * * * * _Sir ROBERT HOWARD_. Sir _Robert Howard_, of the Noble Family of the Earls of _Berk-shire_, a Name so reverenced, as it had Six Earls at one time of that Name. This Noble Person to his other Abilities, which Capacitated him for a Principal Office in his Majesties Exchequer; attained to a considerable Fame by his Poetical Works: Especially for what he hath written to the Stage, _viz_. The _Blind Lady_; _The Committee_; and _The Surprizal_, Comedies; The _Great Favorite_, and _The Vestal Virgin_, Tragedies; _Inforc'd Marriage_, a Tragi-Comedy, and _The Indian Queen_ a Dramatick History. * * * * * _WILLIAM CAVENDISH_ Duke of _New-Castle_ This Honourable Person, for his eminent Services to his Prince and Country, preferred from Earl to Duke of _New-Castle_; was a Person equally addicted both to Arms and Arts, which will eternize his Name to all Posterity, so long as Learning, Loyalty, and Valour shall be in Fashion. He wrote a splendid Treatise of the Art of Horsemanship, in which his Experience was no less than his Delight; as also two Comedies, _The Variety_, and the _Country Captain_. Nor was his Dutchess no less busied in those ravishing Delights of Poetry, leaving to Posterity in Print three ample Volumes of Her studious Endeavors; one of Orations, the second of Philosophical Notions and Discourses, and the third of Dramatick and other kinds of Poetry, of which five Comedies, _viz._ _The Bridalls_; _Blazing World_; _Covent of Pleasure_; _the Presence_; and _The Sociable Companions, or Female Wits_. * * * * * Sir _WILLIAM KILLIGREW_. Sir _William Killigrew_ was one whose Wings of Fancy displayed as high Invention, as most of the Sons of _Phoebus_ of his time; contributing to the Stage five Playes, _viz._ _Ormardes_, _The Princess, or Love at first sight_; _Selindra_, and _The Seige_ of _Urbin_, Tragi-Comedies; and a Comedy called _Pandora_. To whom we may joyn Mr. _Thomas Killigrew_, who also wrote five Plays, _viz._ _The Parsons Wedding_; and _Thomaso, or the Wanderer_, Comedies; the _Pilgrim_ a Tragedy; and _Clarasilla_, and _The Prisoners_, Tragi-Comedies. * * * * * _JOHN STUDLEY_. Was one who besides other things which he wrote, contributed to the Stage four Tragedies, _viz._ _Agamemnon_, _Hyppolitus_, _Hercules Oetes_, and _Medea_, and therefore thought worthy to have a Place amongst the rest of our _English_ Poets. * * * * * _JOHN TATHAM_. _John Tatham_ was one, whose Muse began to bud with his Youth, which produced early Blossomes, of not altogether Contemptible Poetry, in a Collection of Poems entituled _Fancys Theater_; which was usher'd into the World by divers of the Chief Wits of that age. He was afterwards City Poet, making those Speeches and Representations used at the Lord Mayors show, and other Publick Meetings. He also contributed to the Stage four plays, _viz_. The _Scots Fegaries_ and _The Rump, or Mirror of the late times_, Comedies; the _Distracted State_, a Tragedy, and _Love crowns the End_; a Tragy-Comedy. Here a tast of his juvenile wit in his _Fancys Theater_ speaking in the Person of _Momus_. How now presumptuous Lad, think st thou that we Will be disturb'd with this thy Infancy Of Wit?-- Or does thy amorous Thoughts beget a flame, (Beyond its merit) for to court the name Of Poet; or is't common row a days Such slender Wits dare claim such things as Bays? _&c._ * * * * * _THOMAS JORDEN_. Contemporary with him was _Thomas Jorden_, and of much like equal Fame; indulging his Muse more to vulgar Fancies, then to the high flying wits of those times, yet did he write three Plays, _viz._ _Mony's an Ass_; and _The Walks of_ Islington _and_ Hogsden, Comedies; and _Fancys Festivals_, a Mask. * * * * * _HUGH CROMPTON_. He was born a Gentleman, and bred up a Scholar, but his Father not leaving him Means enough to support the one, and the Times in that Condition, that without Money Learning is little regarded; he therefore betook him to a Gentile Employment, which his Learning had made him capable to do; but the succession of a worse fate disemploying him, as he himself saith in his Epistle to the Reader of his Book, entituled, _Pierides, or the Muses Mount_, he betook him to his Pen, (that Idleness might not sway) which in time produced a Volume of Poems, which to give you a tast of the briskness of his Muse, I shall instance in a few lines, in one or two of them. When I remember what mine eyes have seen, And what mine Ears have heard, Concerning Muses too young and green; And how they have been jear'd, T' expose my own I am afear'd. And yet this fear decreases, when I call To my tempestuous mind, How the strong loins of _Phoebus_ Children all, Have faln by Censures mind: And in their road what Rocks they find. He went over afterwards into _Ireland_, where he continued for some time; but whether he dyed there or no, I am not certain. * * * * * _EDMUND PRESTWICH_. _Edmund Prestwich_, was one who deservedly cometh in as a Member of the Noble Society of Poets, being the Author of an ingenious Comedy called the _Hectors_, or _False Challenge_; as also _Hippolytus_ a Tragedy; what ever he might have written besides, which may not have come to my knowledge. * * * * * _PAGAN FISHER_. _Paganus Piscator_, vulgarly _Fisher_, was a notable Undertaker in Latin Verse, and had well deserved of his Country, had not lucre of Gain and private Ambition over-swayed his Pen, to favour successful Rebellion. He wrote in Latin his _Marston-Moor; A Gratulatory Ode of Peace_; Englished afterwards by _Thomas Manley_, and other Latin pieces, besides English ones, not a few, which (as we said) might have been meriting, had not those worldly Considerations over-swayed the Dictates of his own Conscience. But this his temporizing with the Times, preferred him to be Poet Laureat (if that were any Preferment) to that notorious Traytor _Oliver Cromwell_; to whom being Usurper, if his Muse did homage, it must be considered (saith Mr. _Phillips_) that Poets in all times have been inclinable to ingratiate themselves with the highest in Power, by what Title so ever. However it was, I have heard him often confess his Unhappiness therein: and imparted to me a design he had, of committing to memory the Monuments of the several Churches in _London_ and _Westminster_; not only those mentioned by _Stow_ and _Weaver_, but also those who have been erected since, which might have been of great use to Posterity, had it been done before the great Conflagration of the Fire, thereby preserving many Monuments, endangered since to be lost, but Death interposing hindred him of his Design. * * * * * _EDWARD SHIRBURN_, Esq; _Edward Shirburn_ (saith a learned Author) was intimately knowing as well of the ancient Greek and Latin, as of the choicest of modern Poets, both _Italian_, _French_, and _Spanish_; and in what he hath elegantly and judiciously Translated either of the former or latter; in the Translating of which he hath discovered a more pure Poetical Fancy, than many others can justly pretend to in their Original Works. Nor was his Genius confined only to Poetry, his Version of those Books of _Manilius_, which relate meerly to Astronomy, is a very Noble Work, being set forth with most exact Notes, and other learned and proper Illustrations. Besides many other genuine Pieces which he wrote. * * * * * _JOHN QUARLES_. _John Quarles_, Son to _Francis Quarles_, Esq; may be said to be born a Poet, and that his Father's Genius was infused into him; nor was he less Loyal in his Principles to his Prince, writing besides several other Works, an Elegy on the Lord _Capell_, and _A Curse against the Enemies of Peace_; of which I remember those were the two last lines. That all the world may hear them hiss and cry, Who loves no peace, in peace shall never die. He was also addicted to Arms, as well as Arts, and, as I have been informed, was a Captain in the King's Army, but then Loyalty suffering an Eclipse, he came up to _London_, and continued there till the great Sickness, which swept away of the Pestilence no fewer than 68586 persons, amongst whom this unfortunate Gentleman was one, tho to my knowledge, to prevent it, he might have been kindly welcom to his worthy Kinsman, Mr. _William Holgate_ of _Saffron-Walden_ in _Essex_, but Fate had decreed it otherwise. * * * * * _JOHN MILTON_. _John Milton_ was one, whose natural parts might deservedly give him a place amongst the principal of our English Poets, having written two Heroick Poems and a Tragedy; namely, _Paradice Lost_, _Paradice Regain'd_, and _Sampson Agonista_; But his Fame is gone out like a Candle in a Snuff, and his Memory will always stink, which might have ever lived in honourable Repute, had not he been a notorious Traytor, and most impiously and villanously bely'd that blessed Martyr King _Charles_ the First. * * * * * _JOHN OGILBY_. _John Ogilby_ was one, who from a late Initiation into Literature, made such a Progress therein, as might well stile him to be the Prodigy of his time, sending into the world so many large and learned Volumes, as well in Verse as in Prose, as will make posterity much indebted to his Memory. His Volumes in Prose were his _Atlas_, and other Geographical Works, which gained him the Style and Office of the King's Cosmographer. In Verse his Translations of _Homer_ and _Virgil_, done to the Life, and adorned with most excellent Sculptures; but above all, as composed _Propria_ _Minerva_; his Paraphrase upon _AEsop's_ Fables, which for Ingenuity and Fancy, besides the Invention of new Fables, is generally confest to have exceeded what ever hath been done before in that kind. He also set forth King _Charles_ the Second his Entertainment through _London_, when he went to his Coronation, with most admirable Cuts of the several Pageants as he passed through, and Explanations upon them. And that which added a great grace to his Works, he printed them all on special good Paper, and had them printed on very good Letter. * * * * * Sir _RICHARD FANSHAW_. This worthy Gentleman, one of _Apollo's_ chiefest Sons, was Secretary to King _Charles_ the Second, when Prince of _Wales_, and after his Restoration, his Embassadour to _Spain_, where he died. His Employments were such, as one would think he should have had no time for Poetical Diversions, yet at leisure times he Translated _Guarini's Pastor Fido_ into English Verse, and _Spencer's Shepherds Callendar_ into Latin Verse. * * * * * _ROGER BOILE_, Lord _Broghil_, Earl of _Orrery_. This Noble Person, the credit of the _Irish_ Nobility for Wit and ingenious Parts, and who had the command of a smooth Stile, both in Prose and Verse; in which last he hath written several Dramatick Histories, as _Mustapha_, _Edward_ the Third, _Henry_ the Fifth, and _Tryphon_, all of them with good success and applause, as writing after the French way of Rhyme, now of late very much in Fashion. * * * * * _THOMAS HOBBS_ of _Malmsbury_. This noted Person, who gave occasion for so many Pens to band against him, is of the more consideration, for what he hath either judged or writ in Poetry; but his _Leviathan_, which he wrote in Prose, caused the Pen of a no less than a learned Bishop to write against him. He wrote a Preface to _Davenant's Gondibert_, where no wonder if Complement and friendly Compliance do a little byass and over-sway Judgment. His Latin Poem _De Mirabilibus Pexi_, wanteth not due Commendation. After many bustles in the world, he sequestred himself wholly to _Malmsbury_, where he died better inform'd (as I have heard) of the Deity, than in the former part of his life he seemeth to have been. * * * * * Earl of _ROCHESTER_. This Earl for Poetical Wit, was accounted the chief of his time; his Numbers flowing with so smooth and accute a Strain, that had they been all confined within the bounds of Modesty, we might well affirm they were unparallel'd; yet was not his Muse altogether so loose, but that with his Mirth he mixed Seriousness, and had a knack at once to tickle the Fancy, and inform the Judgement. Take a taste of the fluency of his Muse, in the Poem which he wrote _in Defence of Satyr_. When _Shakespeare_, _Johnson_, _Fletcher_ rul'd the Stage, They took so bold a freedom with the Age, That there was scarce a Knave, or Fool in Town, Of any note, but had his Picture shown; And (without doubt) tho some it may offend. Nothing helps more than Satyr, to amend Ill Manners, or is trulier Vertues Friend. Princes may Laws ordain, Priests gravely preach, But Poets most successfully will teach. For as the Passing-Bell frights from his meat The greedy Sick-man, that too much wou'd eat; So when a Vice ridiculous is made, Our Neighbours Shame keeps us from growing bad. But wholsom Remedies few Palats please, Men rather love what flatters their Disease. Pimps, Parasites, Buffoons, and all the Crew That under Friendship's name weak man undo; Find their false service kindlier understood, Than such as tell bold Truths to do us good. Look where you will, and you shall hardly find A man without some sickness of the Mind. In vain we wise wou'd seem, while every Lust Whisks us about, as Whirlwinds do the Dust. Here for some needless gain a Wretch is hurld From Pole to Pole, and slav'd about the World; While the reward of all his pains and cares, Ends in that despicable thing, his Heir. There a vain Fop mortgages all his Land To buy that gaudy Play-thing, a Command; To ride a Cock-horse, wear a Scarf at's ---- And play the Pudding in a _May-pole Farce_. Here one, whom God to make a Fool thought fit, In spight of Providence, will be a Wit: But wanting strength t'uphold his ill made choice, Sets up with Lewdness, Blasphemy, and Noise. There at his Mistress feet a Lover lies, And for a Tawdry painted Baby dies; Falls on his knees, adores and is afraid Of the vain Idol he himself has made. These, and a thousand Fools unmention'd here, Hate Poets all, because they Poets fear. Take heed (they cry) yonder mad Dog will bite, He cares not whom he falls on in his fit: Come but in's way, and strait a new _Lampoon_ Shall spread your mangled fame about the Town This Earl died in the Flower of his Age, and though his Life might be somewhat Extravagant, yet he is said to have dyed Penitently; and to have made a very good End. * * * * * Mr. _THOMAS FLATMAN_. Mr. _Thomas Flatman_, a Gentleman once of the middle Temple, of Extraordinary Parts, equally ingenious in the two Noble Faculties of Painting and Poetry; as by the several choice Pieces that have been seen of his Pourtraying and Limning, and by his Book of Poems, which came out about Fourteen or Fifteen Years ago, sufficiently appeareth: The so much Celebrated Song of the Troubles of Marriage, is ascribed to him. Like a Dog with a Bottle tyed close to his Taile, Like a Tory in a Bog, or a Thief in a Jail, _&c._ * * * * * _MARTIN LUELLIN_. This Gentleman was bred up a Student in _Christ-Church_ in _Oxford_; where he addicted his Mind to the sweet Delights of Poetry, writing an Ingenious Poem, entituled, _Men Miracles_, which came forth into the World with great applause. The times being then when there was not only _Cobling Preaching_, but _Preaching Coblers_; he followed the practice of Physick, and whether he be yet living is to me unknown. * * * * * _EDMOND FAIRFAX_. _Edmond Fairfax_, a most judicious, elegant, and approved Poet, and who we should have remembred before: But better out of due place, than not at all. This judicious Poet Translated that most exquisite Poem of _Torquato Tasso_, the Prince of _Italian_ Heroick Poets, which for the Exactness of his Version, is judged by some not inferior to the Original it self. He also wrote some other things of his own Genius, which have passed in the World with a general applause. * * * * * _HENRY KING_ Bishop of _Chichester_. This Reverend Prelate, a great lover of Musick, Poetry, and other ingenious Arts; amongst his other graver Studies, had some Excursions into those pleasing Delights of Poetry; and as he was of an Obliging Conversation for his Wit and Fancy; so was he also very Grave and Pious in his Writings; Witness his Printed Sermons on the Lords Prayer, and others which he Preached on several Occasions. His Father was _John King_, Bishop of _London_; one full fraught with all Episcopal Qualities; who died _Anno_ 1618. and was Buried in the Quire of St. _Paul's_, with the plain Epitaph of _Resurgam_: But since a prime Wit did enlarge thereon, which for the Elegancy of it, I cannot but commit it to Posterity. Sad Relique of a blessed Soul, whose Trust We Sealed up in this religious Dust. O do not thy low Exequies suspect, As the cheap Arguments of our neglect. Twas a commanded Duty that thy Grave As little Pride as thou thy self should have. Therefore thy Covering is an humble Stone, And but a Word[A] for thy Inscription. When those that in the same Earth Neighbour thee, Have each his Chronicle and Pedigree. They have their waving Penons, and their Flags, Of Matches and Alliance formal Brags. When thou (although from Ancestors thou came, Old as the Heptarchy, great as thy Name;) Sleepest there inshrin'd in thy admired Parts, And hast no Heraldry but thy Deserts. Yet let not them their prouder Marbles boast, For they rest with less Honour though more Cost. Go search the World, and with your Mattock wound, The groaning Bosom of the patient Ground: Dig from the hidden Veins of her dark Womb, All that is rare and precious for a Tomb. Yet when much Treasure, and more time is spent, You must grant his the Nobler Monument; Whose Faith stands o're him for a Hearse, and hath The _Resurrection_ for his _Epitaph_. [Footnote A: _Resurgam_] This worthy Prelate was born in the same County, Town, House, and Chamber with his Father; Namely, at _Warn hall_ nigh _Tame_ in _Buckingham-shire_, and was Bred up at _Christ-Church_ in _Oxford_. in _Anno_ 1641. when Episcopacy was beheld by many in a deep _Consumption_, and hoped by others that it would prove Mortal. To cure this, it was conceived the most probable Cordial to prefer Persons into that Order, not only unblameable for their Life, and eminent for their Learning; but also generally, beloved, by all disegaged People; and amongst these, King _Charles_ advanced this our Doctor, Bishop of _Chichester_. But all would not do, their Innocency was so far from stopping the Mouth of Malice; that Malice had almost swallowed them down her Throat. Yet did he live to see the Restitution of his Order, live a most religious Life, and at leisure times Composed his generally admired and approved Version of _Davids_ Psalms into _English_ Meetre. * * * * * _THOMAS MANLEY_. _Thomas Manley_ was (saith my Author) one of the Croud of Poetical writers of the late King's Time. He wrote among other things the History of _Job_ in verse; and Translated into _English_, _Pagan Father_ his _Congratulatory Ode of Peace_. * * * * * Mr. _LEWYS GRIFFIN_. He was born (as he informed me himself) in _Rutland shire_, and bred up in the University of _Cambridge_; where proving an Excellent Preacher, he was after some time preferred to be a Minister of St. _George's_ Church in _Southwark_; where being outed for Marrying two Sisters without their Friends Consent, He was afterwards beneficed at _Colchester_ in _Essex_; where he continued all the time during a sore Pestilence raged there. He wrote a Book of _Essays and Characters_, an excellent Piece; also _The Doctrine of the Ass_, of which I remember these two lines. Devils pretences always were Divine, A Knave may have an Angel for a Sign. He wrote also a Book called _The Presbyterian Bramble_; with several other Pieces, in Defence of the King and the Church. Now to shew you the Acuteness of his Wit, I will give you an Instance: The first year that _Poor Robin_'s Almanack came forth (about Six and Twenty Years ago) there was cut for it a Brass Plate; having on one side of it the Pictures of King _Charles_ the First, the Earl of _Stafford_, the Arch-Bishop of _Canterbury_, the Earl of _Darby_, the Lord _Capel_, and Dr. _Hewit_; all six adorned with Wreaths of Lawrel. On the other side was, _Oliver Cromwell_, _Bradshaw_, _Ireton_, _Scot_, _Harrison_, and _Hugh Peters_, hanging in Halters: Betwixt which was placed the Earl of _Essex_, and Mr. _Christopher Love_; upon which plate he made these Verses. Bless us, what have we here! What sundry Shapes Salute our Eyes! have Martyrs too their Apes? Sure 'tis the War of Angels, for you'd Swear That here stood _Michael_, and the _Dragon_ there. _Tredescan_ is out vy'd, for we engage Both _Heaven_ and _Hell_ in an Octavo Page. _Martyrs_ and _Traytors_, rallied six to six, Half fled unto _Olimpus_, half to _Styx_. Joyn'd with two Neuters, some Condemn, some Praise, They hang betwixt the _Halters_ and the _Bayes_; For 'twixt _Nolls_ Torment, and Great _Charles's_ Glory, There, there's the _Presbyterian_ purgatory. He died (as I am informed) at _Colcester_, about the Year of our Lord 1670. * * * * * _JOHN DAUNCEY_. _John Dauncey_, a true Son of _Apollo_, and _Bacchus_; was one who had an Excellent Command of his Pen, a fluent Stile, and quick Invention: nor did any thing come amiss to his undertaking. He wrote a compleat History of the late times; a Chronicle of the Kingdom of _Portugal_; the _English Lovers_, a Romance; which for Language and Contrivance, comes not short of either of the best of French or Spanish. He Translated a Tragi Comedy out of French, called _Nichomede_, equal in English to the French Original; besides several other things, too long to recite. His _English Lovers_ was Commended by divers of sound Judgment; amongst others, Mr. _Lewis Griffin_, our forementioned Poet, made these verses in commendations of it. Rich Soul of Wit and Language, thy high strains So plunge and puzzle unrefined brains; That their Illiterate Spirits do not know, How much to thy Ingenious Pen they owe, Should my presumptuous Muse attempt to raise Trophies to thee, she might as well go blaze Bright Planets with base Colours, or display The Worlds Creation in a Puppet-Play. Let this suffice, what Calumnies may chance, To blur thy Fame, they spring from Ignorance. When _Old Orpheus_ drew the Beasts along, By sweet Rhetorick of his learned Tongue, 'Twas deafness made the Adder sin; and this Caus'd him, who should have hum'd the Poet, hiss. * * * * * _RICHARD HEAD_. _Richard Head_, the Noted Author of the _English Rogue_, was a Ministers Son, born in _Ireland_, whose Father was killed in that horrid Rebellion in 1641. Whereupon his Mother with this her Son came into _England_; and he having been trained up in Learning, was by the help of some Friends, for some little time brought up in the University of _Oxford_, in the same Colledge wherein his Father had formerly been a Student. But means falling short, he was taken away from thence, and bound Apprentice to a Latin Bookseller in _London_; attaining to a good Proficiency in that Trade. But his Genius being addicted to Poetry, and having _Venus_ for his Horoscope, e're his time were fully out, he wrote a Piece called _Venus Cabinet Unlock'd_: Afterwards he married, and set up for himself: But being addicted to play, a Mans Estate then runs in _Hazard_, (for indeed that was his Game) until he had almost thrown his Shop away. Then he betook himself to _Ireland_, his Native Country; where he composed his _Hic & Ubique_, a noted Comedy; and which gained him a general Esteem for the worth thereof. And coming over into _England_, had it Printed, dedicating it to the then Duke of _Monmouth_; But receiving no great Incouragement from his Patron, he resolved to settle himself in the World, and to that purpose, with his Wife took a House in _Queens-Head Alley_, near _Pater-Noster-Row_; and for a while followed his Business, so that contrary to the Nature of a Poet, his Pockets began to be well lined with Money: But being bewitched to that accursed vice of Play, it went out by handfuls, as it came in piece by piece. And now he is to seek again in the World, whereupon he betook him to his Pen; and wrote the first part of the _English Rogue_: which being too much smutty, would not be Licensed, so that he was fain to refine it, and then it passed stamp. At the coming forth of this first part, I being with him at three Cup Tavern in _Holborn_, drinking over a glass of _Rhenish_, made these verses upon it. What _Gusman_, _Buscon_, _Francion_, _Rablais_ writ, I once applauded for most excellent Wit; But reading thee, and thy rich Fancies store, I now condemn what I admir'd before. Henceforth Translations pack away, be gone, No Rogue so well-writ as the _English_ one. There was afterwards three more parts added to it by him, and Mr. _Kirkman_ with a promise of a fifth, which never came out. He wrote several other Books besides, as _The art of Whedling_; _The Floating Island_; or a Voyage from _Lambethania to Ramalia_; _A discovery of O Brazil_; _Jacksons Recantation_, _The Red Sea_, &c. Amongst others, he had a great Fancy in Bandying against Dr. _Wild_; (although I must confess therein over Matcht) yet fell he upon him tooth and nail in Answer to his Letter directed to his Friend Mr. _J.J._ upon Occasion of his Majesties Declaration for Liberty of Conscience; concluding in this manner. Thus Sir you have my Story, but am Sorry (_Taunton_ excuse) it is no better for ye, However read it, as you Pease are shelling; For you will find, it is not worth the telling. Excuse this boldness, for I can't avoid Thinking sometimes, you are but ill Imploy'd. _Fishing for Souls_ more fit, then _frying Fish_; That makes me throw, _Pease Shellings_ in your _Dish_. You have a study, Books wherein to look, How comes it then the Doctor's turn'd a Cook? Well _Doctor Cook_, pray be advis'd hereafter Don't make your Wife the Subject of our Laughter. I find she's careless, and your Maid a slut, To let you grease your _Cassock_ for your gut. You are all three in fault, by all that's blest; Mend you your manners first, then teach the rest. He was one who met with a great many Crosses and Afflictions in his Life; and was (as I am informed) at last cast away at Sea, as he was going to the Isle of _Wight_. * * * * * _JOHN PHILLIPS_. _John Philips_, the Brother of _Edward Phillips_, the Famous Continuator of Sir _Richard Bakers_ Chronicle; and Author of _The New World of English Words_. He was also Nephew to the before mention'd _John Milton_, the Author of _Paradice lost_, and _Paradice Regain'd_; so that he might be said to have Poetical Blood run in his Veins. He was Accounted one of the exactest of Heroical Poets either of the Ancients or Moderns, either of our own or what ever other Nation else; having a Judicious command of Style both in Prose and Verse. But his chiefest Vein lay in _Burlesque_, and facetious Poetry, which produc'd that Ingenious Satyr against Hypocrites. He also Translated the Fifth and Sixth Books of _Virgils AEniedes_ into English _Burlesque_; of which that we may give you a Draught of his Method, take these few lines. While _Dido_ in a Bed of Fire, A new-found way to cool desire, Lay wrapt in Smoke, half Cole, half _Dido_, Too late repenting Crime _Libido_, _Monsieur AEneas_ went his waies; For which I con him little praise, To leave a Lady, not i'th'Mire, But which was worser, in the Fire. He Neuter-like, had no great aim, To kindle or put out the flame. He had what he would have, the Wind; More than ten _Dido's_ to his mind. The merry gale was all in Poop, Which made the _Trojans_ all cry Hoop! He it was who wrote that Jovial Almanack of _Montelion_; besides several other things in a serious Vein of Poetry. Nor must we forget his Song made on the Tombs at _Westminster_; which for a witty drolling Invention, I hold it to be past Compare, being Printed in a Book called _The Miseries of Love and Eloquence_. You may reckon among these his Elegy upon our late Soveraign, and his Anniversary to His Majesty; Composed all by Dr. _Blow_. * * * * * Mr. _JOHN OLDHAM_. Mr. _John Oldham_, the delight of the Muses, and glory of those last Times; a Man utterly unknown to me but only by Works, which none can read but with Wonder and Admiration; So Pithy his Strains, so Sententious his Expressions, so Elegant his Oratory, so Swimming his Language, so Smooth his Lines, in Translating out-doing the Original, and in Invention matchless; whose praise my rude Pen is not able to Comprehend: Take therefore a small Draught of his Perfections in a Funeral Elegy, made by the Laureat of our Nation, Mr. _John Dryden_. Farewel, too little and too lately known, Whom I began to think and call my own; For sure our Souls were near ally'd; and thine Cast in the same Poetick Mould with mine. One common note on either Lyre did strike, And Knaves and Fools we both abhorr'd alike: To the same Goal did both our Studies drive, The last set out the soonest did arrive. Thus _Nisus_ fell upon the Slippery place, While his young Friend perform'd and won the race. O early ripe! to thy abundant store, What could advancing age have added more? It might (what Nature never gives the young) Have taught the numbers of thy Native Tongue. But Satyr needs not those, and wit will shine Through the harsh cadence of a rugged line, A noble error, and but seldom made, When Poets are by too much force betray'd. Thy generous Fruits, though gather'd e're their Prime, Still shew'd a quickness; and maturing time; But Mellows what we write to the dull sweets of Rhime. Once more, hail and farwel, farwel thou young, But all too short _Marcellus_ of our Tongue; Thy brows with Ivy, and with Lawrels bound; But flat and gloomy Night encompass thee around. This wittily learned Gentleman was of _Edmund-Hall_ in _Oxford_, and dyed in the Earl of _Kingston's_ Family in the prime of his Years; whose life had it been lengthened, might have produced as large a Volume of learned Works, as any this latter Age have brought forth. * * * * * And thus have we given you an Account of all the most Eminent _English_ Poets that have come to our knowledge; although we question not but many and those well deserving have slipped our Pen; which if these our Labours shall come to a Second Impression, as we question nothing to the contrary, we shall endeavour to do them right. In the mean time we shall give you a short Account of some of the most eminent that are now (or at least thought by us so to be) living at this time, and so conclude, beginning first with _Mr. JOHN DRIDEN._ Poet Laureat and Historiographer to his Royal Majesty; whose Poetry hath passed the World with the greatest Approbation and acceptance that may be, especially what he hath written of Dramatick, _viz._ _The Maiden Queen_; _The Wild Gallant_; _The Mock Astrologer_; _Marriage Ala-mode_; _The Amorous Old Woman_; and _The Assignation_, Comedies; _Tyranick Love_; and _Amboyna_, Tragedies; and _The Indian Emperor_; and two Parts of the Conquests of _Granada_; Historical Drama's. Besides several other Pieces, which speak their own worth, more than any Commendations my Pen can bestow upon them. * * * * * Mr. _ELKUNAH SETTLE_. An Ingenious Person, who besides his other Works hath contributed to the Stage two Tragedies, _viz._ _Cambises_, and _The Empress of Morrocco_, which notwithstanding the severe censure of some, may deservedly pass with good Approbation. * * * * * Sir _GEORGE ETHERIDGE_. The Author of Two Comedies, _viz. Love in a Tub_; and _She Would if she Could_; which for pleasant Wit, and no bad Oeconemy, are judged not unworthy the applause they have met with. * * * * * Mr. _JOHN WILSON_. The noted Author of that so Celebrated a Comedy entituled _The Cheats_; which hath passed the Stage and Press with so general an applause, also another Comedy called _The Projectors_ and the Tragedy of _Andronicus Commenius_. * * * * * Mr. _THOMAS SHADWELL_. One whose Pen hath deserved well of the Stage, not only for the number of the Plays which he hath writ; but also for the sweet Language and Contrivance of them. His Comedies are, _The Humorist_; _The Sullen Lovers_; _Epsom Wells_, &c. Besides his _Royal Shepherdess_, a Pastoral Tragi-Comedy; and his Tragedy of _Psyche_, or rather Tragical _Opera_, as vying with the _Opera's_ of _Italy_, in the Pomp of Scenes, Marchinry and Musical performance. * * * * * _THOMAS STANLEY_. _Thomas Stanley_ Esquire, of _Cumberlo Green_ in _Hartfordshire_; a general Scholar, one well known both in Philosophy, History, and Poetry. Witness his learned Edition of _AEschylus_, and his lives of the Philosophers; But for that which we take the most notice of him here, his smooth Air and gentile Spirit in Poetry; which appears not only in his own Genuine Poems, but also from what he hath so well Translated out of Ancient Greek, and Modern Italian, Spanish, and French Poets; So that we may well conclude him to be both the Glory and Admiration of his time. * * * * * _EDWARD PHILLIPS_. _Edward Phillips_ Brother to _John Phillips_ aforesaid, the Judicious Continuator of Sir _Richard Bakers_ Chronicle; which will make his name Famous to Posterity, no less than his Genuine Poems upon several occasions, in which he comes not far short of his Spritely Brother. * * * * * Mr. _THOMAS SPRAT_. Mr. _Thomas Sprat_, whose judicious History of the _Royal Society_, for the Smoothness of the Stile, and exactness of the Method, deserveth high Commendations; He hath also writ in Verse a very applauded, tho little Poem, entitled _The Plague of_ Athens. * * * * * _WILLIAM SMITH_. _William Smith_ the Author of a Tragedy entituled _Hieronymo_; as also _The Hector of Germany_. * * * * * Mr. _JOHN LACEY_. Mr. _John Lacy_, one of the noted'st Wits of these Times, who as _William Shakespeare_ and _Christopher Marlow_ before him, rose from an Actor to be an Author to the Stage, having written two ingenious Comical Pieces, _viz._ _Monsieur Ragou_, and _the Dumb Lady_. * * * * * Mr. _WILLIAM WHICHERLY_. Mr. _William Whicherly_, a Gentleman of the Inner _Temple_, who besides his other learned Works, hath contributed largely to the Stage, in his Comedies of _Love in a Wood_, _The Gentleman Dancing-Master_, _The Country Wife_, &c. * * * * * Sir _ROGER L'ESTRANGE_. And so we have reckoned up all the most Eminent Poets which have come to our knowledge, craving pardon for those we have omitted. We shall conclude all with Sir _Roger L'Strange_, one whose Pen was never idle in asserting the Royal Cause, as well before the King's Restoration, against his open Enemies, as since that time against his Feigned Friends. Those who shall consider the Number and Greatness of his Books, will admire he should ever write so many, and those who have Read them, considering the Stile and Method they are writ in, will more admire he should Write so well. And because some people may imagine his Works not to be so many as he hath written, we will give you a Catalogue of as many as we can remember of them. _Collections In Defence of the King._ _Tolleration Discussed._ _Relapsed Apostate._ _Apology for Protestants._ Richard _against_ Baxter. _Tyranny and Popery._ _Growth of Knavery._ _Reformed Catholique._ _Free-born Subjects._ _The Case Put_. _Seasonable Memorials._ _Answer to the Appeal._ _No Papist._ _The Shammer Shamm'd._ _Account Cleared._ _Reformation Reformed._ _Dissenters Sayings in Two Parts._ _Notes on_ Colledge. _Citizen and Bumkin in Two Parts._ _Further Discovery of the Plot._ _Discovery on Discovery._ _Narrative of the Plot._ Zekiel _and_ Ephraim. _Appeal to the King and Parliament._ _Papist in Masquerade._ _Answer to the Second Character of a Popish Successor._ These Twenty Six, with divers others, he writ in Quarto; Besides which he wrote divers others, _viz._ _The History of the Plot, in_ Folio. Quevedo's _Visions Englished_, Octavo. Erasmus's _Coloquies Eng._. Oct. Seneca's _Morals_, Oct. Cicero's _Offices in English_. _The Guide to Eternity_, _in_ Twelves. _Five Love Letters from a Nun to a Cave_, &c. _The Holy Cheat._ _Caveat to the Cavaliers._ _Plea for the Caveat and the Author._ Besides his indefatigable pains taken in writing the _Observator_, a Work, which for Vindicating the Royal Interest, and undeceiving the People, considering the corruption of the Times, of as great use and behoof as may be, mens minds having been before so poysoned by Fanatical Principles, that it is almost an _Herculean_ Work to reduce them again by Reason, or as we may more properly say, to Reason. Of which useful Work he hath done already Two large Volumes, and a Third almost compleated, his Pen being never weary in Service of his Country. But should I go about to enumerate all the Works of this worthy Gentleman, I should run my self into an irrecoverable Labyrinth. Nor is he less happy in his Verse than Prose, which for Elegancy of Language, and quickness of Invention, deservedly entitles him to the honour of a Poet; and therefore I shall forbear to write more of him, since what I can do upon that account, comes infinitely far short of his deservings. _FINIS._ End of the Project Gutenberg EBook of The Lives of the Most Famous English Poets (1687), by William Winstanley *** END OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK MOST FAMOUS ENGLISH POETS *** ***** This file should be named 15461.txt or ***** This and all associated files of various formats will be found in: Produced by David Starner, Leonard Johnson and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at Updated editions will replace the previous one--the old editions will be renamed. 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