MINT Tutorial

This document assumes that you have loaded it into Freemacs.  You should
read this document and try the examples that are given.  You may use the
arrow keys to view the rest of the document.


You will be shown an example program, indented one tab stop, and asked to
execute it.  Rather than force you to type the example in, a MINT program
has been written which executes the example directly from the text.  This
MINT program is appropriately called "try-it".  Try it will execute the
program that appears on the line that the cursor is on.  The result of the
program, if any, will be displayed inside quotes at the top of the screen.

To try an example, position the cursor anywhere on the line containing
the example and type the F2 key.  What you have just done is to execute
the try it program.  Don't try to understand exactly how this works yet,
just take for granted that it works.  As The Great Wizard of Oz told
Dorothy, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain."

The Basics

The basic organizing principle of MINT is this:  Everything is a string,
and strings are sequences of arbitrary characters.  Therefore, programs
are strings and data are strings (yes, data really is plural).  The
following example is a valid MINT program.  It doesn't do anything, but
it's valid.

	This is a valid MINT program.

Notice that the result of executing the program is just the program
itself.  This is because MINT didn't find any functions to execute.

A Single Function

Now, for a more useful program, you need to know how MINT recognizes
functions.  A MINT function to add two numbers is given below.  The two
character sequence #( begins the function, ++ is the name of the
function, and 5 and 7 are the arguments to the function, separated by
commas.  The function adds both its arguments and returns the result as
its value.  Try this program in the same manner as before, that is,
place the cursor on the line and press F2.

	The sum of five and seven is #(++,5,7).

Notice that the MINT function is replaced by "12".  This is how MINT
evaluates its functions.  When a function is recognized, the function is
executed, and its invocation is replaced by its value.

Multiple Functions

Functions may be concatenated.  Try the following example.


You will discover that the result appears to be, and is, twenty four.
This is because you concatenated the results of #(++,1,1) and #(++,2,2)
to get a two and a four next to each other.  Since MINT deals with strings,
a two and a four becomes twenty four.

Functions may be nested.  Following the logic of the preceding example,
nested functions are evaluated in the following manner: the function that
is found first is executed first, and its invocation is replaced by its
value.  The next function to be found is executed, and its invocation is
replaced by its value.  Try the following example.


Notice that the value is 36, which is three multipled by twelve.

Recognizing Functions

MINT recognizes functions by examining the input string character by
character.  A # followed by a ( is taken to be the beginning of a
function.  A , separates arguments from each other.  A ) causes a
function to be recognized and evaluated.  Let's try the following examples.

	#(an,Hello There)

The "an" function causes its first argument to be placed on the bottom
line of the screen.

	#(an,Hello There

Leaving off the closing paren causes the function to execute improperly.

	#an,Hello There)

Leaving off the opening paren causes the function to execute improperly.

	(an,Hello There)

Leaving off the sharp has a different, desirable effect.  If the MINT
scanner encounters an open paren, then all the characters to the next
matching close paren are skipped.  This is called protecting a string.

	(#(an,Hello There))

Notice that the "an" function is not executed.  This happens because
those characters are passed over by the scanner.


Watch what happens when we leave off a close paren.


We end up with the wrong thing being executed.  Watch what happens with
an extra close paren.


Now nothing happens.  Protection works only if the parentheses are

There are more details concerning scanning, but we'll leave those for


Not unexpectedly, MINT lets you save strings under a given name.  There
are no restrictions on what you name a string.  Obviously, there are
certain characters that you should avoid including in a name, namely open
paren, comma, and close paren, and control characters.  Let's try an example.
Let's define a string called "my-test" and give it the value "this is a
silly test string".  This is an example of the define string function.

	#(ds,my-test,this is a silly test string)

Wow! You just defined a string!  Big, fat, hairy deal.  Defining a string
is useless until you know how to get it back, which leads us to the next
example.  This is an example of the get string function.


You don't always have to get the entire string.  There is a pointer
associated with every string.  The gs function doesn't change it, but
some of the following functions do.  You can get the string one character
at a time, and the pointer is advanced by one.  Try this example several


Notice that you get the characters of "my-test" in sequence, starting at
the beginning.  You might be wondering how to position the pointer back
to the beginning.  Well, the following example restores the string


Now that you're back at the beginning, you're ready to get several
characters, using the get n characters function.  Following this
example, the string pointer is positioned to the "s" of "is".

	#(ds,my-test,this is a silly test string)

You might be wondering what happens if you try to get more characters
than are left following the string pointer.

	#(ds,my-test,this is a silly test string)

You get all of them, and no more.  There are no more characters left
following the string pointer.  What happens if you try to get one when
there aren't any to get?

	#(ds,my-test,this is a silly test string)
	#(gn,my-test,1,gn says no more)
	#(go,my-test,go also says no more)

The second argument of get one and the third argument of get n is
returned if there aren't any characters left to get.

The form pointer is used by #(gs) also.

	#(ds,my-test,this is a silly test string)

Well, you could probably search a string for a given substring using the
above functions, but it would be too much work.  A function is provided
for just that purpose.  The first match function finds the first match of
the given string.

	#(ds,my-test,this is a silly test string)

The value of first match is the string up to the found string.  The
string pointer, however, is positioned after the last character of the
found match.  This is a nice property.  Let's use it to get the contents
of "my-test" one word at a time by searching for the space between
words.  First, we'll restore the string pointer.

	#(fm,my-test, )
	#(fm,my-test, )
	#(fm,my-test, )
	#(fm,my-test, )
	#(fm,my-test, )
	#(fm,my-test, )

Aha! We didn't get "string, the last word of "my-test".  Well, of course
we didn't because there isn't any space following the word "test".  We'll
use this as an excuse to explain the great lie.

The Great Lie

I've been leading you down the primrose path.  To make things simpler,
I've only told you about one type of function invocation.  There are
really two types of functions, active and neutral.  The function you have
been using all along is the active type of function.  After this function
has been scanned, recognized, and evaluated, its result is re-scanned.  A
neutral function's result is not re-scanned.  An example is in order.
Let's define a string with a function in it.  Remember that we have to
protect the function to keep it from being executed too soon.

	#(ds,my-test,this is a silly test string)

Let's try to retrieve the string the same way that we did earlier.


The result of the function is not "#(go,my-test)" like you might imagine,
but instead is the result of "#(go,my-test)".  This happens because
"my-function" is re-scanned, and MINT sees the "go" function.  Let's try a
neutral function.  The double sharp means neutral, not active.


Now we're getting somewhere!  What happens if we try a triple sharp?
Maybe something else magical will happen?


Nope, no dice.  The extra sharp is treated as just another character,
just like the period in the next example.


Let's go back to the first match example.  What were we doing?  Oh yes,
we were trying to get "my-test" one word at a time.  We ran into the
difficulty of not having a blank at the end of "my-test".  We couldn't
get the following example to work when the string pointer was positioned
to the first character of the last word.

	#(fm,my-test, )

Well, rather than keep you in suspense, I'll give you the solution and
explain it afterward.

	#(fm,my-test, ,(#(gn,my-test,100)))

Ahhhh.  Success at last.  But why?  Well, if first match doesn't find
the string, it returns its third argument.  The third argument in the
previous example is the "gn" function, which will get as many as it can,
up to the amount specified.  This gets the last word in "my-test".

But wait...  What if I had specified that the fm be a neutral function,
i.e.  I hadn't wanted to rescan the result of the first match?  Wouldn't
the result be "#(gn,my-test,100)"?  Well, no, it wouldn't, because first
match always rescans the third argument if that is what it returns.  And
the same goes for get one #(go) and get n #(gn).


So what good would a language be without conditionals?  Not much good, so
several types of conditionals are supplied.  The first, equality, is
demonstrated below.

	string == string: #(==,string,string,yes,no)
	strin == string:  #(==,strin,string,yes,no)
	string == strin: #(==,string,strin,yes,no)

Get the picture?  Those examples are simple but not so useful.  The
following examples are useful but not so simple.

	#(ds,my-test,this is a silly test string)

Now you understand why active functions exist.  Most of your conditionals
functions will be called actively.  Other conditionals functions will be
explained later.  You're 75% of the way to writing real programs.


I can see that you're just itching to write your first program.  So be
it.  A program is simply a string that is re-scanned.  Let's write a
really trivial program.


Oh boy! This is getting exciting!  The get string function brought
trivial in, rescanned it, found the equality, evaluated it, and returned
"no".  But before you get too pleased with yourself, check out the next


Confusion!  Where is the function name?  Well, there is no function name,
and MINT recognizes that fact.  Rather than throw up its hands in disgust,
MINT assumes that you want to execute "trivial" as a program, and
essentially performs a get string function on "trivial".  Yes, there are
some minor differences, but they will be explained in the next section.

What happens if I create a string with the same name as a primitive?  Well,
you simply can't get that string using the latter method.  The primitive
name list is always searched before the string name list.

Now that you know how to write programs, you'll want to pass parameters
to them.


Programs need parameters to be at all useful.  So let's write a non
trivial program, and give it parameters using the make parameter
function.  The second argument to make parameter is purposefully null.
Its meaning will be explained later.

	#(ds,non trivial,(#(==,a,b,yes,no)))
	#(mp,non trivial,,a,b)
	#(non trivial,silly,test)
	#(non trivial,test,test)

The action of make parameter is to search the specified string for each
of make parameter's arguments, one at a time.  Wherever a match is found,
the string is removed and changed into a parameter.  The third argument
becomes the first parameter, the fourth argument becomes the second
parameter, etc.

The mysterious second parameter becomes the "zeroth" parameter.  When a
non-function call is found, such as the "non trivial" example above, the
name of the string is substituted for the "zeroth" parameter.  The use of
this is explained later in the section on looping.

Rather than use single characters, such as "a" and "b" used previously,
we shall use arg1, arg2, arg3, etc.  This helps arguments to stand out
from the surrounding text.

The "non trivial" program returns yes if its two parameters are equal,
and no otherwise.  Returning yes or no can be useful, but let's do
something even more useful - return a function.  Remember that we have to
protect the parameters arg2 and arg3, otherwise they both will be evaluated
before the equality function is evaluated.  We also have to protect the
functions that we are passing as parameters to null, otherwise they will
get evaluated too soon.



MINT doesn't have while loops, or repeat-until loops, or for-next loops,
although you could write any of them if you wish.  MINT has something
which is better, called recursion.  Observe the following program, but
don't try it yet!


Notice that the program announces its parameter, and then calls itself
(recurses) with one more than its argument.  There's no provision for
stopping! Fortunately, MINT allows you to break out of any running
program with the interrupt key (Z-100 uses S-Help, IBM-PC uses
C-break).  Ok, try the program.  When you get bored, use the interrupt
key to abort the program.

Clearly, we need to exercise more control over looping.  Let's rewrite
"recurse" so that it stops at 100.


Recurse announces it argument, and checks for equality with 100.  The
value of the equality is null if we've gotten to 100, otherwise it's a
recursive call to itself with one more than itself.

Let's get really tricky and use the "zeroth parameter" referred to in the
previous section on parameters.  Notice that we are now using the second
argument to make parameter.


When recurse is called, the SELF parameter is replaced by "recurse",
so we are effectively doing the same thing as before.  By using SELF, we
make it obvious that recurse is recursing, and we avoid having to
explicitly name it within itself.  The advantage of this becomes apparent
when you try to change the name of a function.  The fewer places that the
name appears, the easier it is to change.


Math in MINT is performed on strings of digits.  A number in MINT is
considered to be all the digits at the end of a string.  Try the
following example.

	#(++,Boeing 707,Lockheed 40)

You can see that the two numbers are added and their sum placed at the
end of the first argument.  The other four math operations  work the same
way.  The only function whose meaning is not obvious is "%%", which means

	#(--,Boeing 707,Lockheed 40)
	#(**,Boeing 707,Lockheed 40)
	#(//,Boeing 707,Lockheed 40)
	#(%%,Boeing 707,Lockheed 40)

Numeric tests are performed using the greater than function.


Numeric conversions from one base to another are possible.  The following
examples convert 64 decimal to other bases.

	64 decimal is #(bc,64,d,a) ASCII
	64 decimal is #(bc,64,d,h) hex
	64 decimal is #(bc,64,d,o) octal
	64 decimal is #(bc,64,d,b) binary

The same rules for decimal numbers apply to non-decimal numbers.
Converting from one base to the same base is a simple way to remove the
non-digit prefix string.


Base conversion provides a simple way to include a left or right paren in
a program.


Odds and Ends

There are a few more functions to cover, most of which are interesting but
not important enough to warrant their own section.

The halt function unconditionally exits the MINT interpreter.  Usually
you want to make sure that the editor, text buffers, etc are saved before
you execute this function.

	#(hl -- I don't think you really want to try this)

The number of characters function counts the number of characters in its
first argument.


One function exists strictly for the use of debugging Freemacs itself.  If
you execute it, you will be thrown into the debugger.  This document only
mentions it so that you don't run into trouble by creating a string by
that name.

	#(db -- you don't really want to try this)

Ctime returns the current time and date.  If it is given an argument, then
that argument is considered to be a filename.  The time and date for that
filename is returned.


There are several functions pertaining to strings.  The list strings
function returns a list of the names of the strings that have already
been defined.  Each name is followed by a copy of the second argument.
Only those names that begin with the third argument are listed.  You
may be surprised by the number of names listed.  Remember that the editor
that you are using right now is written in MINT.


Suppose we wanted to see if a string existed.  We could get the string
and see if what we got wasn't null, but that fails for strings that exist
and are null.  Well, the name test function comes to our rescue.

	#(n?,some silly name that doesn't exist,yes,no)

The second example works because we defined recurse earlier.

Just as strings may be defined, they may be erased using erase string.
Erase string may have any number of arguments.

	#(ds,foobar,this is foobar)

Just for grins, puzzle out what the following example would do.

	#(es -- don't do it,#(ls,(,)))

Strings may be saved to and loaded from disk using save library and load
library.  Remember the recurse program we wrote long ago?  Let's save it
and my-test into a temporary file.  Save library may have any number of


If we ever want to load them back, we would use load library.  All the
strings stored in the file are loaded.


Strings may be compared for alphabetic ordering.

	abcd = abce:	#(a?,abcd,abce,yes,no)
	abcd = abcde:	#(a?,abcd,abcde,yes,no)
	abce = abcd:	#(a?,abce,abcd,yes,no)
	abcde = abcd:	#(a?,abcde,abcd,yes,no)
	abcd = abcd:	#(a?,abcd,abcd,yes,no)

You may also wish to wait a specified time for a character to appear.
The next example will wait for two seconds for a key to be pressed.  If
a key was pressed, then the key will be input.

	#(==,##(it,200),Timeout,no key pressed,key pressed)

Text Buffer

The following functions deal with the text buffer.

There is a dual representation of text in the text buffer.  One is in
memory, and the other is on the screen.  The function which updates this
mapping is called redisplay.  You may try the following example if you
wish, but since you are using Freemacs to view this text buffer, the screen
already matches the memory.


There are only a few functions which change the text in the buffer.  One
of them is the read file function, which will be discussed later.
Another is the insert string function.  Watch what happens when the next
example is executed.


The string "Hi!" should get inserted at the beginning of the example line.

Yet another function to modify the buffer is the delete to mark function.
But before we can try it, we need to introduce marks.


To solve the problem of moving around in the buffer, the concept of the
mark was created.  The word mark may be familiar because Freemacs provides
a mark ring that remembers where you have been.  The Freemacs buffer marks
are defined in terms of MINT marks.  A mark is a single ASCII character.
There are two types of marks - system (predefined) and user (variable).
The system marks are given below, and the user marks are discussed later.

	.		The point.
	<		The character to the left of the point.
	>		The character to the right of the point.
	{		The word characters to the left of the mark.
	}		The word characters to the right of the mark.
	-		The non-word characters to the left of the mark.
	+		The non-word characters to the right of the mark.
	^		The beginning of this line.
	$		The end of this line.
	*		The "split" mark.  If the current buffer is showing in
			both windows, this mark is set to the point in the
			other window.
	[		The beginning of the file.
	]		The end of the file.

Now let's try an example.  Position the cursor to the beginning of the
next example line, and try it several times.


The cursor moves to the right once each time that you try it.
Position the cursor to the end of the next example line and try it
several times.


The cursor moves to the left once each time that you try it.  Position
the cursor anywhere in the next example and try it.


The cursor always moves to the beginning of the line.   Position the
cursor anywhere in the next example and try it.


The cursor always moves to the end of the line.  We'll skip over the [
and ] marks, since it's tedious to find this spot in the text again.  You
can imagine how they work, however.

Now that you know how to put text into the buffer, you need to know how
to read it out of the buffer.  The read to mark function will return as
its value the contents of the text buffer between the point and the
specified mark.  Position the cursor to various points on the next
example line and try it.  Notice that the function is a neutral call (Why?).


Remember that I deferred talking about deleting text from the buffer? 
Now you'll learn how.  The delete to mark function deletes the contents
of the text buffer between the point and the specified mark.

	#(dm,$) position the cursor here >< and delete this.
	delete this >< #(dm,^)
	#(dm,>) position the cursor here >< and delete the left angle.
	#(dm,<) position the cursor here >< and delete the right angle.

User Marks

User marks come in two flavors, local and global.  They are called local
and global because they correspond to the high level language concepts of
the same name.  Global marks are always available, while only the current
set of local marks are available.  A local mark is used for saving the
point while you go off and do something else.  A global mark is used for
saving the point to make it available to other functions.

Global marks are allocated by using a negative argument to the pm function.
This also destroys all local marks.  We won't try an example right now,
since the example would cause Freemacs great anguish.

	@ through Z	Global user marks.
	0 through 9	Local user marks.

User marks may be set using the set mark function.  The following example
sets the global mark @ to the beginning of the file.


The next example sets the same mark to the point.  If the second argument
is missing, it defaults to the point.


Earlier I referred to "words".  There are two types of characters - "word"
characters and non-"word" characters.  Rather than hard code a character type
into a program, a table is used.  This table is simply a string that is 256
characters long.  The "word" bit is bit zero, so that if the 33 character of
the syntax table string (which is "!") has an odd value, then "!" is considered
to be a word character.  This would be unusual.  A more usual example would
cause "_" to be a word character.  The following example sets the string
"Fsyntax" to be the syntax table.


Of course, you need to search the text buffer for strings.  There are
three primitives that let you do this.  Look pattern and look regular set
the pattern to be searched for, and Look actually does the searching.  To
search backwards for the word search, try the following example:

	#(pm,1)			create a single user mark "0".
	#(lp,search)		set the >search<ing pattern.
	#(l?,.,[,0,,yes,no)	Actually look (we'll find it just above).
	#(sp,0)			go back to where we found it.
	#(pm)			don't forget to remove the mark.

This says to search from point to the beginning of the buffer, and set mark
zero to the beginning of the matching string.  If you specify a mark as
the fourth argument, it gets set to the end of the matching string.  And
if the string isn't found in the buffer, the fifth argument gets returned

There are other parameters to the #(lp) primitive.  The MINT reference
manual contains details.


You can write a file from a buffer using the wf primitive.  All the text
between the point and the mark that you specify will be written to the named
file.  Position the cursor to the beginning of the example line and try it.
The example will write a one line file containing itself.


You can read a file into a buffer using the rf primitive.  If the result of rf
is null, the file was read in successfully, otherwise the result of rf is a
readable error message.  Read in the file that was written in the previous


You have access to MS-DOS's directory using the ff primitive.  The following
example will list all the .ED files with a bar between them:


You can rename MS-DOS files using the rn primitive.  Let's rename the test file
that we wrote previously:


Let's delete the test file with its new name:


By now you should have a pretty good idea of how MINT operates.  At this
point you should read the MINT extension writer's guide.