Uploaded to ftp://ftp.devoresoftware.com/downloads are himem64.zip
(uncompressed executable) and himem64s.zip (source) with a very minor
updates from the April 18/19 release.  The files are dated April 22,
2004, or April 21 for the ASM source.

This version of HIMEM64 changes the default number of XMS handles from
32 to 72, per the recent freedos-devel discussion on XMSDSK with >1.5G
machines.  It also provides command line feedback for the new options
recently added to HIMEM64.  The update is mostly housekeeping to keep
source and binary up-to-date with most recent changes.  It is critical
for no one.


Uploaded to ftp://ftp.devoresoftware.com/downloads are a revised
himem64.zip (executable) and
himem64s.zip (source).  The files are dated April 19, 2004.

This fixes a bug which occurs with the A20 methods PS/2, KBC, and Port
92.  If your machines use Always On, BIOS, or fast A20 methods, you
won't encounter the problem.  You also won't see the problem if you
use /METHOD:<method> parameter even if the method is PS2, KBC, or

What happened was that the PS/2 A20 method test used a critical
register which was not saved and restored.  So the PS/2 method or
anything which came after it (KBC, Port 92) locked up the machine.

Small bug, big consequences.  Oh well.