Attached is a patch which lets xmgr listen on sockets (in UnixWare, anyway). We've been using xmgr to monitor data acquisition and decided to see if we could do any better with sockets. The attached seems to work very well (but it's only been working for a day or two). The socket code is just woven around the existing named-pipe code. WHen xmgr is started with the -socket xxxx argument, it listens on the port xxxx. It accepts any offered connections and passes the input, a line at a time, to exec_cmd(). To use the feature, try xmgr -socket 8192 [-timer 10] with the timer argument if you want to check the pipe more often than every 1000 mS. Small timer values don't seem to lead to appreciable system load. Included is a tcl script that exercises the connection. It reads a supplied file of xmgr commands and sends them to an (existing) xmgr process. Apologies if this re-invents the wheel. Please send me any changes needed for other O/Ss. -- =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Martin L. Smith New England Research, Inc. 802-296-2401 76 Olcott Drive 802-296-8333 (fax) White River Jct., VT 05001 It should be applied by changing directory to the root of the source tree and using the command: patch -p0 < this_file