Short: Xless-1.7 An X version of less Type: X11/utils Author: dglo@CS.Berkeley.EDU (Dave Glowacki) Uploader: (Chris Rainbow) Requirements: XFree68-3.2, Linux/m68k 2.0.x (1.2.x too maybe, but not tested). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Extract from original Xless docs : Xless pops up a window on the display specified, contain­ ing the file specified on the command line or piped in from stdin. This file may easily be viewed using the scrollbar to the left of the window. Xless also takes input from the standard input. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is an 'no-changes' version of Xless-1.7 for Linux/m68k with XFree68-3.2. It may work with other configurations but hasn't been tested. It works on my A1200 50MHz '030 (no fpu) Linux 2.0.22 with XFree68-3.2 so it should work for you too ;^) The sources for Xless aren't included in this archive to keep the size down. If you want the sources then they are readily available from most ftp sites, but if you have any trouble then email me and i'll point you to the appropriate sites. Look out for my other X11 binaries for Linux/m68k which are all available from my homepage (or at least they should be ;^) Other stuff compiled by myself includes : Xvt-2.0 - A 'no-frills' reduced memory and size XTerm. RXvt-2.8 - An improved version of Xvt with pixmap background loading and other nice gubbins. AfterStep1.0pre2 - The best X11 window manager available! (IMHO) Xless-1.7 - What you've got your hands on now! XColors - Displays available colours on your X server (although i've never got it to display anything!) XColorSel - A kind of colour selector/mixer. Anyway, enjoy Xless! Cheers, - Chris -- Chris Rainbow 2nd Year BSc. | Computer Science Undergraduate, | University Of Kent, UK. | pgp key available on request.