-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Wed Jun 18 17:57:11 MEST 2003 - draht This directory contains the kernel updates as published on June 18th 2003. If you install the updates using the command rpm -Fhv your_kernel_package.rpm you should not see any warning about a missing bootloader initialization. If you see one, please make sure that your lilo (or grub, depending on what you use) are properly configured. This is generally not a problem if your system has booted before and if you are using grub since grub does not require any re-initialization after new files are in place. With lilo, however, you should make sure that the command "lilo" does not produce any errors. More documentation will be available in the upcoming SuSE Security Announcement about the Linux kernel in SuSE Linux products. Regards, Roman. - -- - - | Roman Drahtmüller // Nail here | SuSE Linux AG - Security Phone: // for a new | Nürnberg, Germany +49-911-740530 // monitor! --> [x] | - - -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux) iQEVAwUBPvCPFHey5gA9JdPZAQFeZgf+Mmw9dvrIza3OXffdVePc5rlm+DiHnGbY U0Okfo6JOoMuv8DKniIhrVy8kfvAHhD89HUF9Iy/pGY/1/w8Foscr+RSPYlVZDsd 0+/FeU/mtG9Vjf2L6pVLCBxRRWK0M7T+2rku1psZHTeTXhtGddYhIf7ZQkoao51Q zCd0rN4PDdvMrSOSZ7Ar8nZ1X4hKR28Rb9HnxR1XI3mWcwZcWmChJDAaZahJuR04 7p9tU5gpV+kMgc/rJMR2LazHz8/cTM+toD3CPdx9rPUjnrtbH3dNhN9vh+YrIlw4 xdPDe830xLuFpEuVkNBzbwJPgjr6DIR2gHexVWSOePw050sJ/N1Wew== =D38w -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----