system environment/libraries

sidplay-libs - A software library for playing back C64 SID files

License: GPLv2+
Vendor: RPM Fusion
This package provides a software library for controlling emulation on the low
machine-level of a MOS Technology SID chip and a MOS Technology 6510 processor.
Physical emulation internally utilize the resid library or alternatively use
a hardware SID chip if the apropriate hardware ("hardsid") is installed. The
resid library is included with sidplay-libs.


sidplay-libs-2.1.1-11.fc16.src [1.9 MiB] Changelog by Hans de Goede (2011-09-08):
- Build builders as shared objects rather then as static libs
- Drop -static package
- Stop requiring libsidplay-devel for /usr/include/sidplay dir ownership,
  instead just co-own it

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