
d1x-debuginfo - Debug information for package d1x

License: non-commercial
Vendor: RPM Fusion
This package provides debug information for package d1x.
Debug information is useful when developing applications that use this
package or when debugging this package.


d1x-debuginfo-1.43-9.rebirth_v0.57.1.fc16.i686 [2.1 MiB] Changelog by Hans de Goede (2011-09-15):
- Update to latest d1x-rebirth release v0.57.1
- One binary now can now handle both the shareware and full versions:
  - Drop the -full subpackage
  - Put the engine in the main package
  - Make the main package obsolete the -full subpackage
  - Make the -shareware package only contain the shareware data files
- Add a desktop file and icon

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.5-1.el5