Sqlite Database Functions
BRexx API for accessing Sqlite databases.
MySQL can be compiled as static with the brexx program or
as a shared library that has to be imported to the interpreter before use with the command
CALL import "sqlite.r".
call import "sqlite.r"
call sqlite
call sqlopen "test.db"
call sql "create table square (id integer primary key, id2 integer, b blob)"
call sql "insert into square values (?,?,?)" /* prepare insert statement */
/* insert records */
do i=1 to 10
call sqlreset
call sqlbind 1,"i",i
call sqlbind 2,"i",i**2
call sqlbind 3,"b",copies("sql",i)
call sqlstep /* perform the insertion */
/* read records */
say "Record=" sql("select * from square")
do until sqlstep()=="DONE"
do i=1 to sqlget()
call write ,sqlget(i)"|"
call sqlclose
Executes a SQL query specified as a sqlcmd string.
Returns the number of affected rows.
sql('select * from test',2)
sql('insert into test set (name="Vasilis")')
sql('select last_insert_id()')
SQLBIND(col, <"B"|"I"|"F"|"D"|"S"|"T"|"N"|Z">, value)
Binds a parameter indexed by a ? at column position col
by a value of type:
B for blob
I for integer
D | F for double or float
S | T for string or text
N for null
Z for zero blob
call sqlbind(1,"N")
call sqlbind(1,"D",10.0)
ends the connection with the Sqlite file. Doesn't return anything
return the value of the col column number of the
current record
sqlget(2) | /* 'hello' */
sqlget(1) | /* 'test' */
Opens file database as an sqlite3 database.
connects to a MySQL server. Returns "0" if ok, otherwise the
error number. Use the dberror to find the error.
dbconnect('localhost','root','rootpsw','mysql') | /* connect to the mysql db */
dbconnect('localhost',,,'test') | /* open the test db */
Initializes the global variables of SQLITE. Look the sqlite.r library
for the description
Resets the current statement
Moves to the next record and returns the word "ROW" if there is
next row or "DONE" then arrives to the end of the query