NAME Mus - Mu but with slightly more typing and strict constructors STATUS SYNOPSIS package Foo; use Mus; ro "hro"; lazy hlazy => sub { 2 }; rwp "hrwp"; rw "hrw"; my $foo = Foo->new(i_dont_exist => 5, hro => "exists", hrwp => "exists", hrw => "exists"); # Found unknown attribute(s) passed to the constructor: i_dont_exist at (eval 30) line 52. # Foo::new("Foo", "i_dont_exist", 5, "hro", "exists", "hrwp", "exists", "hrw", ...) called at line 9 DESCRIPTION Mus imports both Mu and MooX::StrictConstructor making it even less work in typing and reading to set up an object with a strict constructor. Mu::Role should still be used for roles, as strict constructors don't apply to roles, so I did not duplicate this. AUTHOR Adam Hopkins <> COPYRIGHT Copyright 2019- Adam Hopkins LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO * Mu * MooX::StrictConstructor