Data::Mapper - An implementation of Data Mapper Pattern described in

      # Your mapper class
      package My::Mapper;
      use parent qw(Data::Mapper);

      # Your data class related to `user` table
      package My::Mapper::Data::User;
      use parent qw(Data::Mapper::Data);

      # Then, use them
      package main;
      use Data::Mapper::Adapter::DBI;

      my $dbh     = DBI->connect($dsn, $username, $password, ...);
      my $adapter = Data::Mapper::Adapter::DBI->new({ driver => $dbh });

      # You can pass coderef as a driver factory, instead:

      my $handler = DBIx::Handler->new(...);
      my $adapter = Data::Mapper::Adapter::DBI->new({
          driver => sub { $handler->dbh }

      my $mapper  = My::Mapper->new({ adapter => $adapter });

      # Create
      my $data = $mapper->create(user => { name => 'kentaro', age => 34 });
      #=> is a My::Mapper::Data::User object

      # Retrieve just one item
      $data = $mapper->find(user => { name => 'kentaro' });
      #=> is a My::Mapper::Data::User object

      $data->param('name'); #=> kentaro
      $data->param('age');  #=> 34

      # Search with some conditions
      $result = $mapper->search(user => { age => 34 }, { order_by => 'id DESC' });

      for my $data (@$result) {

      # Update
      $data->param(age => 35);
      my $sth = $mapper->update($data);
      $sth->rows; #=> 1

      # Destroy
      my $sth = $mapper->delete($data);
      $sth->rows; #=> 1

    This software is under the heavy development and considered ALPHA
    quality now. Things might be broken, not all features have been
    implemented, and APIs will be likely to change. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

    Data::Mapper is an implementation of Data Mapper Pattern described in
    PofEAA, written by Martin Fowler, and is kind of a ORM, but not limited
    only to it, that is, this module just relates some data to another; for
    example, data from a database to Perl's objects.

Data::Mapper Convention
    This module, actually, merely defines a simple convention how to make
    relations between some data to another, and now has only one adapter
    implementation: Data::Mapper::Adapter::DBI.

    *Mapper* makes relations between data from a datasource, which is
    typically a database, to Perl's objects, and vice versa, while keeping
    them independent each other, and the mapper itself.

    You can use Data::Mapper via your own mapper subclass by inheriting it.

    *Mapper* provides the methods below:

    *   create( *$name* => *\%values* )

        Creates a new data, and returns it as a *Data* object described

    *   find( *$name* => *\%conditions* [, *\%options*] )

        Searches data according to "\%conditions" and "\%options", and
        returns the first one as a *Data* object described later.

    *   search( *$name*, *\%conditions* [, *\%options*] )

        Searches data according to "\%conditions" and "\%options", and
        returns the all of them as an ArrayRef which contains each records
        as a *Data* object described later.

    *   update( *$data* )

        Updates $data in the datasource.

    *   delete( *$data* )

        Deletes the $data from the datasource.

    *Adapter* does CRUD operations against a datasource (database,
    memcached, external API, etc.). It must implement some methods according
    to the convention.

    *Adapter* must implements the methods below:

    *   create( *$name*, *\%values* )

        Creates a new data, and returns it as a specific form described

    *   find( *$name*, *\%conditions* [, *\%options*] )

        Searches data according to "\%conditions" and "\%options", and
        returns the first one as a specific form described later.

    *   search( *$name*, *\%conditions* [, *\%options*] )

        Searches data according to "\%conditions" and "\%options", and
        returns the all of them as an ArrayRef which contains each records
        as the specific form same as the one "find()" method returns.

    *   update( *$name*, *\%values* [, *\%conditions*] )

        Updates data in a datasource according to "\%values", and

    *   delete( *$name*, *\%conditions* )

        Deletes the data specified by "\%conditions" from a datasource.

    The return value of "create()", "find()", "search()" must be either a
    plain HashRef or a Hash-based object. If the object has
    "as_serializable()", it'll be called before mapping to extract data as a

    You can adapt any data-retrieving module to Data::Model convention if
    only you implement the methods described above.

    *Data* represents a data model where you can define some business logic.
    You must notice that *Data* layer has no idea about what *Mapper* and
    *Adapter* are. It just holds the data passed by *Mapper*

    *Data* can be either *Data::Mapper::Data*-based object or your own POPO.

      # Data::Mapper::Data-based class
      package My::Mapper::Data::User;
      use parent qw(Data::Mapper::Data);

      # Or, Hash-based POPO
      package My::Mapper::Data::User;
      sub new {
          my ($class, %args) = @_;
          bless \%args, $class;

      package My::Mapper;
      use parent qw(Data::Mapper);

      package main;

      my $mapper = My::Mapper->new(...);
      $mapper->find(user => ...) #=> Now returns data as a My::Mapper::Data::User

    What data class will be used is determined by "Data::Mapper#data_class"
    method. In default, data class will be "Your::Mapper::Data::$table" as
    shown above. You can customize the behaviour by overriding the method.

    Kentaro Kuribayashi <>

    *   GitHub


    *   Data Mapper Pattern


    *   DBIx::ObjectMapper

        An existing Perl implementation of the pattern above. You might want
        to consult it if you want much more ORM-ish features.

    *   DBI

    *   SQL::Maker

    Copyright (C) Kentaro Kuribayashi

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.