LaTeX::TikZ - Perl object model for generating PGF/TikZ code.

    Version 0.03

        use LaTeX::TikZ;

        # A couple of lines
        my $hline = Tikz->line(-1 => 1);
        my $vline = Tikz->line([ 0, -1 ] => [ 0, 1 ]);

        # Paint them in red
        $_->mod(Tikz->color('red')) for $hline, $vline;

        # An octogon
        use Math::Complex;
        my $octo = Tikz->closed_polyline(
         map Math::Complex->emake(1, ($_ * pi)/4), 0 .. 7

        # Only keep a portion of it
        $octo->clip(Tikz->rectangle(-0.5*(1+i), 2*(1+i)));

        # Fill it with dots
        $octo->mod(Tikz->pattern(class => 'Dots'));

        # Create a formatter object
        my $tikz = Tikz->formatter(scale => 5);

        # Put those objects all together and print them
        my $seq = Tikz->seq($octo, $hline, $vline);
        my ($head, $decl, $body) = $tikz->render($seq);
        print "$_\n" for map @$_, $head, $decl, $body;

    This module provides an object model for TikZ, a graphical toolkit for
    LaTeX. It allows you to build structures representing geometrical
    figures, apply a wide set of modifiers on them, transform them globally
    with functors, and print them in the context of an existing TeX

    Traditionally, in TikZ, there are two ways of grouping paths together :

    *   either as a *sequence*, where each path is drawn in its own line :

            \draw (0cm,0cm) -- (0cm,1cm) ;
            \draw (0cm,0cm) -- (1cm,0cm) ;

    *   or as an *union*, where paths are all drawn as one line :

            \draw (0cm,0cm) -- (0cm,1cm) (0cm,0cm) -- (1cm,0cm) ;

    This distinction is important because there are some primitives that
    only apply to paths but not to sequences, and vice versa.

    Figures are made of path or sequence *sets* assembled together in a

    *Modifiers* can be applied onto any set to alter the way in which it is
    generated. The two TikZ concepts of *clips* and *layers* have been
    unified with the modifiers.


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Union object out of the paths @kids.

        # A path made of two circles
               Tikz->circle(0, 1),
               Tikz->circle(1, 1),
               'even odd rule',


    A synonym for "union".

        Tikz->join($connector, @kids)

    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Chain object that joins the paths @kinds
    with the given $connector which can be, according to "connector" in
    LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Chain, a string, an array reference or a code

        # A stair
        Tikz->join('-|', map [ $_, $_ ], 0 .. 5);

        Tikz->chain($kid0, $link0, $kid1, $link1, ... $kidn)

    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Chain object that chains $kid0 to $kid1 with
    the string $link0, $kid1 to $kid2 with $link1, and so on.

        # An heart-like shape
        Tikz->chain([ 0, 1 ]
         => '.. controls (-1, 1.5)    and (-0.75, 0.25) ..' => [ 0, 0 ]
         => '.. controls (0.75, 0.25) and (1, 1.5)      ..' => [ 0, 1 ]


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Sequence object out of the sequences or
    paths @kids.

        my $bag = Tikz->seq($sequence, $path, $circle, $raw, $point);

    Those are the building blocks of your geometrical figure.


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Point object by coercing $point into a
    LaTeX::TikZ::Point. The following rules are available :

    *   If $point isn't given, the point defaults to "(0, 0)".

            my $origin = Tikz->point;

    *   If $point is a numish Perl scalar, it is treated as "($point, 0)".

            my $unit = Tikz->point(1);

    *   If two numish scalars $x and $y are given, they result in the point
        "($x, $y)".

            my $one_plus_i = Tikz->point(1, 1);

    *   If $point is an array reference, it is parsed as "($point->[0],

            my $i = Tikz->point([ 0, 1 ]);

    *   If $point is a Math::Complex object, the
        LaTeX::TikZ::Point::Math::Complex class is automatically loaded and
        the point is coerced into "($point->Re, $point->Im)".

            my $j = Tikz->point(Math::Complex->emake(1, 2*pi/3));

    You can define automatic coercions from your user point types to
    LaTeX::TikZ::Point by writing your own
    "LaTeX::TikZ::Point::My::User::Point" class. See
    LaTeX::TikZ::Meta::TypeConstraint::Autocoerce for the rationale and
    LaTeX::TikZ::Point::Math::Complex for an example.

        Tikz->line($from => $to)

    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Line object between the points $from and

        my $x_axis = Tikz->line(-5 => 5);
        my $y_axis = Tikz->line([ 0, -5 ] => [ 0, 5 ]);


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Polyline object that links the successive
    elements of @points by segments.

        my $U = Tikz->polyline(
         Tikz->point(0, 1),
         Tikz->point(0, 0),
         Tikz->point(1, 0),
         Tikz->point(1, 1),


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Polyline object that cycles through
    successive elements of @points.

        my $diamond = Tikz->closed_polyline(
         Tikz->point(0, 1),
         Tikz->point(-1, 0),
         Tikz->point(0, -2),
         Tikz->point(1, 0),

        Tikz->rectangle($from => $to)
        Tikz->rectangle($from => { width => $width, height => $height })

    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Rectangle object with opposite corners $from
    and $to, or with anchor point $from and dimensions $width and $height.

        my $square = Tikz->rectangle(
         Tikz->point(2, 1),

        Tikz->circle($center, $radius)

    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Circle object of center $center and radius

        my $unit_circle = Tikz->circle(0, 1);

        Tikz->arc($from => $to, $center)

    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set structure that represents an arc going from
    $from to $to with center $center.

        # An arc. The points are automatically coerced into LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Point objects
        my $quarter = Tikz->arc(
         [ 1, 0 ] => [ 0, 1 ],
         [ 0, 0 ]

        Tikz->arrow($from => $to)
        Tikz->arrow($from => dir => $dir)

    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set structure that represents an arrow going from
    $from towards $to, or starting at $from in direction $dir.

        # An horizontal arrow
        my $arrow = Tikz->arrow(0 => 1);


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Raw object that will instantiate to the raw
    TikZ code $content.

    Modifiers are applied onto sets by calling the "->mod" method, like in
    "$set->mod($mod)". This method returns the $set object, so it can be


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Clip object that can be used to clip a given
    sequence by the (closed) path $path.

        my $box = Tikz->clip(
         Tikz->rectangle(0 => [ 1, 1 ]),

    Clips can also be directly applied to sets with the "->clip" method.

        my $set = Tikz->circle(0, 1.5)
                      ->clip(Tikz->rectangle([-1, -1] => [1, 1]));

        Tikz->layer($name, above => \@above, below => \@below)

    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Layer object with name $name and optional
    relative positions @above and @below.

        my $layer = Tikz->layer(
         above => [ 'main' ],

    The default layer is "main".

    Layers are stored into a global hash, so that when you refer to them by
    their name, you get the existing layer object.

    Layers can also be directly applied to sets with the "->layer" method.

        my $dots = Tikz->rectangle(0 => [ 1, 1 ])
                       ->mod(Tikz->pattern(class => 'Dots'))


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Scale object that scales the sets onto which
    it apply by the given $factor.

        my $circle_of_radius_2 = Tikz->circle(0 => 1)


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Width object that sets the line width to
    $line_width when applied.

        my $thick_arrow = Tikz->arrow(0 => 1)


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Color object that sets the line color to
    $color (given in the "xcolor" syntax).

        # Paint the previous $thick_arrow in red.


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Fill object that fills the interior of a
    path with the solid color $color (given in the "xcolor" syntax).

        my $red_box = Tikz->rectangle(0 => { width => 1, height => 1 })

        Tikz->pattern(class => $class, %args)

    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Pattern object of class $class and arguments
    %args that fills the interior of a path with the specified pattern.
    $class is prepended with "LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Pattern" when it doesn't
    contain "::". See LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Pattern::Dots and
    LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Pattern::Lines for two examples of pattern classes.

        my $hatched_circle = Tikz->circle(0 => 1)
                                 ->mod(Tikz->pattern(class => 'Lines'));


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Mod::Raw object that will instantiate to the raw
    TikZ mod code $content.

        my $homemade_arrow = Tikz->line(0 => 1)
                                 ->mod(Tikz->raw_mod('->')) # or just ->mod('->')


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Formatter object that can render a
    LaTeX::TikZ::Set tree.

        my $tikz = Tikz->formatter;
        my ($header, $declarations, $seq1_body, $seq2_body) = $tikz->render($set1, $set2);


    Creates a LaTeX::TikZ::Functor anonymous subroutine that can be called
    against LaTeX::TikZ::Set trees to clone them according to the given
    rules. @rules should be a list of array references whose first element
    is the class/role to match against and the second the handler to

        # The default is a clone method
        my $clone = Tikz->functor;
        my $dup = $set->$clone;

        # A translator
        my $translate = Tikz->functor(
         'LaTeX::TikZ::Set::Point' => sub {
          my ($functor, $set, $x, $y) = @_;

           point => [
            $set->x + $x,
            $set->y + $y,
           label => $set->label,
           pos   => $set->pos,
        my $shifted = $set->$translate(1, 1);

        # A mod stripper
        my $strip = Tikz->functor(
         '+LaTeX::TikZ::Mod' => sub { return },
        my $naked = $set->$strip;

    Mouse 0.80 or greater.


    Math::Complex, Math::Trig.

    Scalar::Util, List::Util, Task::Weaken.

    PGF/TikZ - <>.

    Vincent Pit, "<perl at>", <>.

    You can contact me by mail or on "" (vincent).

    Please report any bugs or feature requests to "bug-latex-tikz at", or through the web interface at
    <>. I will be
    notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your
    bug as I make changes.

    You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.

        perldoc LaTeX::TikZ

    Copyright 2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015 Vincent Pit, all rights

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.