Venus - OO Library


    OO Standard Library for Perl 5




      package main;
      use Venus qw(
      # error handling
      my ($error, $result) = catch {
      # boolean keywords
      if ($result and $result eq false) {
      # raise exceptions
      if (false) {
        raise 'MyApp::Error';
      # and much more!
      true ne false;


    This library provides an object-orientation framework and extendible
    standard library for Perl 5 with classes which wrap most native Perl
    data types. Venus has a simple modular architecture, robust library of
    classes, methods, and roles, supports pure-Perl autoboxing, advanced
    exception handling, "true" and "false" functions, package
    introspection, command-line options parsing, and more. This package
    will always automatically exports true and false keyword functions
    (unless existing routines of the same name already exist in the calling
    package or its parents), otherwise exports keyword functions as
    requested at import. This library requires Perl 5.18+.


    The following is a short list of capabilities:

      * Perl 5.18.0+

      * Zero Dependencies

      * Fast Object-Orientation

      * Robust Standard Library

      * Intuitive Value Classes

      * Pure Perl Autoboxing

      * Convenient Utility Classes

      * Simple Package Reflection

      * Flexible Exception Handling

      * Composable Standards

      * Pluggable (no monkeypatching)

      * Proxyable Methods

      * Type Assertions

      * Type Coercions

      * Value Casting

      * Boolean Values

      * Complete Documentation

      * Complete Test Coverage


    This package provides the following functions:


      args(Any @args) (HashRef)

    The args function takes a list of arguments and returns a hashref.

    Since 2.32

    args example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'args';
        my $args = args(content => 'example');
        # {content => "example"}

    args example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'args';
        my $args = args({content => 'example'});
        # {content => "example"}

    args example 3

        package main;
        use Venus 'args';
        my $args = args('content');
        # {content => undef}

    args example 4

        package main;
        use Venus 'args';
        my $args = args('content', 'example', 'algorithm');
        # {content => "example", algorithm => undef}


      assert(Any $data, Str $expr) (Any)

    The assert function builds a Venus::Assert object and returns the
    result of a "validate" in Venus::Assert operation.

    Since 2.40

    assert example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'assert';
        my $assert = assert(1234567890, 'number');
        # 1234567890

    assert example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'assert';
        my $assert = assert(1234567890, 'float');
        # Exception! (isa Venus::Assert::Error)


      box(Any $data) (Box)

    The box function returns a Venus::Box object for the argument provided.

    Since 2.32

    box example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'box';
        my $box = box({});
        # bless({value => bless({value => {}}, 'Venus::Hash')}, 'Venus::Box')

    box example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'box';
        my $box = box([]);
        # bless({value => bless({value => []}, 'Venus::Array')}, 'Venus::Box')


      call(Str | Object | CodeRef $data, Any @args) (Any)

    The call function dispatches function and method calls to a package and
    returns the result.

    Since 2.32

    call example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'call';
        require Digest::SHA;
        my $result = call(\'Digest::SHA', 'new');
        # bless(do{\(my $o = '...')}, 'digest::sha')

    call example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'call';
        require Digest::SHA;
        my $result = call('Digest::SHA', 'sha1_hex');
        # "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709"

    call example 3

        package main;
        use Venus 'call';
        require Venus::Hash;
        my $result = call(sub{'Venus::Hash'->new(@_)}, {1..4});
        # bless({value => {1..4}}, 'Venus::Hash')

    call example 4

        package main;
        use Venus 'call';
        require Venus::Box;
        my $result = call(Venus::Box->new(value => {}), 'merge', {1..4});
        # bless({value => bless({value => {1..4}}, 'Venus::Hash')}, 'Venus::Box')


      cast(Any $data, Str $type) (Object)

    The cast function returns the argument provided as an object, promoting
    native Perl data types to data type objects. The optional second
    argument can be the name of the type for the object to cast to

    Since 1.40

    cast example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'cast';
        my $undef = cast;
        # bless({value => undef}, "Venus::Undef")

    cast example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'cast';
        my @booleans = map cast, true, false;
        # (bless({value => 1}, "Venus::Boolean"), bless({value => 0}, "Venus::Boolean"))

    cast example 3

        package main;
        use Venus 'cast';
        my $example = cast bless({}, "Example");
        # bless({value => 1}, "Example")

    cast example 4

        package main;
        use Venus 'cast';
        my $float = cast 1.23;
        # bless({value => "1.23"}, "Venus::Float")


      catch(CodeRef $block) (Error, Any)

    The catch function executes the code block trapping errors and
    returning the caught exception in scalar context, and also returning
    the result as a second argument in list context.

    Since 0.01

    catch example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch';
        my $error = catch {die};
        # "Died at ..."

    catch example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch';
        my ($error, $result) = catch {error};
        # bless({...}, 'Venus::Error')

    catch example 3

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch';
        my ($error, $result) = catch {true};
        # 1


      caught(Object $error, Str | Tuple[Str, Str] $identity, CodeRef $block) (Any)

    The caught function evaluates the exception object provided and
    validates its identity and name (if provided) then executes the code
    block provided returning the result of the callback. If no callback is
    provided this function returns the exception object on success and
    undef on failure.

    Since 1.95

    caught example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch', 'caught', 'error';
        my $error = catch { error };
        my $result = caught $error, 'Venus::Error';
        # bless(..., 'Venus::Error')

    caught example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch', 'caught', 'raise';
        my $error = catch { raise 'Example::Error' };
        my $result = caught $error, 'Venus::Error';
        # bless(..., 'Venus::Error')

    caught example 3

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch', 'caught', 'raise';
        my $error = catch { raise 'Example::Error' };
        my $result = caught $error, 'Example::Error';
        # bless(..., 'Venus::Error')

    caught example 4

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch', 'caught', 'raise';
        my $error = catch { raise 'Example::Error', { name => 'on.test' } };
        my $result = caught $error, ['Example::Error', 'on.test'];
        # bless(..., 'Venus::Error')

    caught example 5

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch', 'caught', 'raise';
        my $error = catch { raise 'Example::Error', { name => 'on.recv' } };
        my $result = caught $error, ['Example::Error', 'on.send'];
        # undef

    caught example 6

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch', 'caught', 'error';
        my $error = catch { error };
        my $result = caught $error, ['Example::Error', 'on.send'];
        # undef

    caught example 7

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch', 'caught', 'error';
        my $error = catch { error };
        my $result = caught $error, ['Example::Error'];
        # undef

    caught example 8

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch', 'caught', 'error';
        my $error = catch { error };
        my $result = caught $error, 'Example::Error';
        # undef

    caught example 9

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch', 'caught', 'error';
        my $error = catch { error { name => 'on.send' } };
        my $result = caught $error, ['Venus::Error', 'on.send'];
        # bless(..., 'Venus::Error')

    caught example 10

        package main;
        use Venus 'catch', 'caught', 'error';
        my $error = catch { error { name => '' } };
        my $result = caught $error, ['Venus::Error', 'on.send'], sub {
          $error->stash('caught', true) if $error->is('');
          return $error;
        # bless(..., 'Venus::Error')


      chain(Str | Object | CodeRef $self, Str | ArrayRef[Str] @args) (Any)

    The chain function chains function and method calls to a package (and
    return values) and returns the result.

    Since 2.32

    chain example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'chain';
        my $result = chain('Venus::Path', ['new', 't'], 'exists');
        # 1

    chain example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'chain';
        my $result = chain('Venus::Path', ['new', 't'], ['test', 'd']);
        # 1


      check(Any $data, Str $expr) (Bool)

    The check function builds a Venus::Assert object and returns the result
    of a "check" in Venus::Assert operation.

    Since 2.40

    check example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'check';
        my $check = check(rand, 'float');
        # true

    check example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'check';
        my $check = check(rand, 'string');
        # false


      cop(Str | Object | CodeRef $self, Str $name) (CodeRef)

    The cop function attempts to curry the given subroutine on the object
    or class and if successful returns a closure.

    Since 2.32

    cop example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'cop';
        my $coderef = cop('Digest::SHA', 'sha1_hex');
        # sub { ... }

    cop example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'cop';
        require Digest::SHA;
        my $coderef = cop(Digest::SHA->new, 'digest');
        # sub { ... }


      error(Maybe[HashRef] $args) (Error)

    The error function throws a Venus::Error exception object using the
    exception object arguments provided.

    Since 0.01

    error example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'error';
        my $error = error;
        # bless({...}, 'Venus::Error')

    error example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'error';
        my $error = error {
          message => 'Something failed!',
        # bless({message => 'Something failed!', ...}, 'Venus::Error')


      false() (Bool)

    The false function returns a falsy boolean value which is designed to
    be practically indistinguishable from the conventional numerical 0

    Since 0.01

    false example 1

        package main;
        use Venus;
        my $false = false;
        # 0

    false example 2

        package main;
        use Venus;
        my $true = !false;
        # 1


      fault(Str $args) (Fault)

    The fault function throws a Venus::Fault exception object and
    represents a system failure, and isn't meant to be caught.

    Since 1.80

    fault example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'fault';
        my $fault = fault;
        # bless({message => 'Exception!'}, 'Venus::Fault')

    fault example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'fault';
        my $fault = fault 'Something failed!';
        # bless({message => 'Something failed!'}, 'Venus::Fault')


      json(Str $call, Any $data) (Any)

    The json function builds a Venus::Json object and will either "decode"
    in Venus::Json or "encode" in Venus::Json based on the argument
    provided and returns the result.

    Since 2.40

    json example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'json';
        my $decode = json 'decode', '{"codename":["Ready","Robot"],"stable":true}';
        # { codename => ["Ready", "Robot"], stable => 1 }

    json example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'json';
        my $encode = json 'encode', { codename => ["Ready", "Robot"], stable => true };
        # '{"codename":["Ready","Robot"],"stable":true}'


      load(Any $name) (Space)

    The load function loads the package provided and returns a Venus::Space

    Since 2.32

    load example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'load';
        my $space = load 'Venus::Scalar';
        # bless({value => 'Venus::Scalar'}, 'Venus::Space')


      log(Any @args) (Log)

    The log function prints the arguments provided to STDOUT, stringifying
    complex values, and returns a Venus::Log object.

    Since 2.40

    log example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'log';
        my $log = log;
        # bless({...}, 'Venus::Log')
        # log time, rand, 1..9;
        # 00000000 0.000000, 1..9


      make(Str $package, Any @args) (Any)

    The make function "calls" the new routine on the invocant and returns
    the result which should be a package string or an object.

    Since 2.32

    make example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'make';
        my $made = make('Digest::SHA');
        # bless(do{\(my $o = '...')}, 'Digest::SHA')

    make example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'make';
        my $made = make('Digest', 'SHA');
        # bless(do{\(my $o = '...')}, 'Digest::SHA')


      merge(HashRef @args) (HashRef)

    The merge function returns a hash reference which is a merger of all of
    the hashref arguments provided.

    Since 2.32

    merge example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'merge';
        my $merged = merge({1..4}, {5, 6});
        # {1..6}

    merge example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'merge';
        my $merged = merge({1..4}, {5, 6}, {7, 8, 9, 0});
        # {1..9, 0}


      perl(Str $call, Any $data) (Any)

    The perl function builds a Venus::Dump object and will either "decode"
    in Venus::Dump or "encode" in Venus::Dump based on the argument
    provided and returns the result.

    Since 2.40

    perl example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'perl';
        my $decode = perl 'decode', '{stable=>bless({},\'Venus::True\')}';
        # { stable => 1 }

    perl example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'perl';
        my $encode = perl 'encode', { stable => true };
        # '{stable=>bless({},\'Venus::True\')}'


      raise(Str $class | Tuple[Str, Str] $class, Maybe[HashRef] $args) (Error)

    The raise function generates and throws a named exception object
    derived from Venus::Error, or provided base class, using the exception
    object arguments provided.

    Since 0.01

    raise example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'raise';
        my $error = raise 'MyApp::Error';
        # bless({...}, 'MyApp::Error')

    raise example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'raise';
        my $error = raise ['MyApp::Error', 'Venus::Error'];
        # bless({...}, 'MyApp::Error')

    raise example 3

        package main;
        use Venus 'raise';
        my $error = raise ['MyApp::Error', 'Venus::Error'], {
          message => 'Something failed!',
        # bless({message => 'Something failed!', ...}, 'MyApp::Error')


      roll(Str $name, Any @args) (Any)

    The roll function takes a list of arguments, assuming the first
    argument is invokable, and reorders the list such that the routine name
    provided comes after the invocant (i.e. the 1st argument), creating a
    list acceptable to the "call" function.

    Since 2.32

    roll example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'roll';
        my @list = roll('sha1_hex', 'Digest::SHA');
        # ('Digest::SHA', 'sha1_hex');

    roll example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'roll';
        my @list = roll('sha1_hex', call(\'Digest::SHA', 'new'));
        # (bless(do{\(my $o = '...')}, 'Digest::SHA'), 'sha1_hex');


      space(Any $name) (Space)

    The space function returns a Venus::Space object for the package

    Since 2.32

    space example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'space';
        my $space = space 'Venus::Scalar';
        # bless({value => 'Venus::Scalar'}, 'Venus::Space')


      then(Str | Object | CodeRef $self, Any @args) (Any)

    The then function proxies the call request to the "call" function and
    returns the result as a list, prepended with the invocant.

    Since 2.32

    then example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'then';
        my @list = then('Digest::SHA', 'sha1_hex');
        # ("Digest::SHA", "da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709")


      true() (Bool)

    The true function returns a truthy boolean value which is designed to
    be practically indistinguishable from the conventional numerical 1

    Since 0.01

    true example 1

        package main;
        use Venus;
        my $true = true;
        # 1

    true example 2

        package main;
        use Venus;
        my $false = !true;
        # 0


      unpack(Any @args) (Unpack)

    The unpack function builds and returns a Venus::Unpack object.

    Since 2.40

    unpack example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'unpack';
        my $unpack = unpack;
        # bless({...}, 'Venus::Unpack')
        # $unpack->checks('string');
        # false
        # $unpack->checks('undef');
        # false

    unpack example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'unpack';
        my $unpack = unpack rand;
        # bless({...}, 'Venus::Unpack')
        # $unpack->check('number');
        # false
        # $unpack->check('float');
        # true


      venus(Str $name, Any @args) (Any)

    The venus function build a Venus package via the "chain" function based
    on the name provided and returns an instance of that package.

    Since 2.40

    venus example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'venus';
        my $space = venus 'space';
        # bless({value => 'Venus'}, 'Venus::Space')

    venus example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'venus';
        my $space = venus 'space', ['new', 'venus/string'];
        # bless({value => 'Venus::String'}, 'Venus::Space')

    venus example 3

        package main;
        use Venus 'venus';
        my $space = venus 'code';
        # bless({value => sub{...}}, 'Venus::Code')


      work(CodeRef $callback) (Process)

    The work function builds a Venus::Process object, forks the current
    process using the callback provided via the "work" in Venus::Process
    operation, and returns an instance of Venus::Process representing the
    current process.

    Since 2.40

    work example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'work';
        my $parent = work sub {
          my ($process) = @_;
          # in forked process ...
        # bless({...}, 'Venus::Process')


      wrap(Str $data, Str $name) (CodeRef)

    The wrap function installs a wrapper function in the calling package
    which when called either returns the package string if no arguments are
    provided, or calls "make" on the package with whatever arguments are
    provided and returns the result. Unless an alias is provided as a
    second argument, special characters are stripped from the package to
    create the function name.

    Since 2.32

    wrap example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'wrap';
        my $coderef = wrap('Digest::SHA');
        # sub { ... }
        # my $digest = DigestSHA();
        # "Digest::SHA"
        # my $digest = DigestSHA(1);
        # bless(do{\(my $o = '...')}, 'Digest::SHA')

    wrap example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'wrap';
        my $coderef = wrap('Digest::SHA', 'SHA');
        # sub { ... }
        # my $digest = SHA();
        # "Digest::SHA"
        # my $digest = SHA(1);
        # bless(do{\(my $o = '...')}, 'Digest::SHA')


      yaml(Str $call, Any $data) (Any)

    The yaml function builds a Venus::Yaml object and will either "decode"
    in Venus::Yaml or "encode" in Venus::Yaml based on the argument
    provided and returns the result.

    Since 2.40

    yaml example 1

        package main;
        use Venus 'yaml';
        my $decode = yaml 'decode', "---\nname:\n- Ready\n- Robot\nstable: true\n";
        # { name => ["Ready", "Robot"], stable => 1 }

    yaml example 2

        package main;
        use Venus 'yaml';
        my $encode = yaml 'encode', { name => ["Ready", "Robot"], stable => true };
        # '---\nname:\n- Ready\n- Robot\nstable: true\n'


    This package provides the following features:


      This library contains a Venus::Args class which provides methods for
      accessing @ARGS items.


      This library contains a Venus::Array class which provides methods for
      manipulating array data.


      This library contains a Venus::Assert class which provides a
      mechanism for asserting type constraints and coercion.


      This library contains a Venus::Boolean class which provides a
      representation for boolean values.


      This library contains a Venus::Box class which provides a pure Perl
      boxing mechanism.


      This library contains a Venus::Class class which provides a class


      This library contains a Venus::Cli class which provides a superclass
      for creating CLIs.


      This library contains a Venus::Code class which provides methods for
      manipulating subroutines.


      This library contains a Venus::Config class which provides methods
      for loading Perl, YAML, and JSON configuration data.


      This library contains a Venus::Data class which provides methods for
      extracting DATA sections and POD block.


      This library contains a Venus::Date class which provides methods for
      formatting, parsing, and manipulating dates.


      This library contains a Venus::Dump class which provides methods for
      reading and writing dumped Perl data.


      This library contains a Venus::Error class which represents a
      context-aware error (exception object).


      This library contains a Venus::False class which provides the global
      false value.


      This library contains a Venus::Fault class which represents a generic
      system error (exception object).


      This library contains a Venus::Float class which provides methods for
      manipulating float data.


      This library contains a Venus::Gather class which provides an
      object-oriented interface for complex pattern matching operations on
      collections of data, e.g. array references.


      This library contains a Venus::Hash class which provides methods for
      manipulating hash data.


      This library contains a Venus::Json class which provides methods for
      reading and writing JSON data.


      This library contains a Venus::Log class which provides methods for
      logging information using various log levels.


      This library contains a Venus::Match class which provides an
      object-oriented interface for complex pattern matching operations on
      scalar values.


      This library contains a Venus::Meta class which provides
      configuration information for Venus derived classes.


      This library contains a Venus::Mixin class which provides a mixin


      This library contains a Venus::Name class which provides methods for
      parsing and formatting package namespaces.


      This library contains a Venus::Number class which provides methods
      for manipulating number data.


      This library contains a Venus::Opts class which provides methods for
      handling command-line arguments.


      This library contains a Venus::Path class which provides methods for
      working with file system paths.


      This library contains a Venus::Process class which provides methods
      for handling and forking processes.


      This library contains a Venus::Prototype class which provides a
      simple construct for enabling prototype-base programming.


      This library contains a Venus::Random class which provides an
      object-oriented interface for Perl's pseudo-random number generator.


      This library contains a Venus::Regexp class which provides methods
      for manipulating regexp data.


      This library contains a Venus::Replace class which provides methods
      for manipulating regexp replacement data.


      This library contains a Venus::Scalar class which provides methods
      for manipulating scalar data.


      This library contains a Venus::Search class which provides methods
      for manipulating regexp search data.


      This library contains a Venus::Space class which provides methods for
      parsing and manipulating package namespaces.


      This library contains a Venus::String class which provides methods
      for manipulating string data.


      This library contains a Venus::Template class which provides a
      templating system, and methods for rendering template.


      This library contains a Venus::Test class which aims to provide a
      standard for documenting Venus derived software projects.


      This library contains a Venus::Throw class which provides a mechanism
      for generating and raising error objects.


      This library contains a Venus::True class which provides the global
      true value.


      This library contains a Venus::Try class which provides an
      object-oriented interface for performing complex try/catch


      This library contains a Venus::Type class which provides methods for
      casting native data types to objects.


      This library contains a Venus::Undef class which provides methods for
      manipulating undef data.


      This library contains a Venus::Unpack class which provides methods
      for validating, coercing, and otherwise operating on lists of


      This library contains a Venus::Vars class which provides methods for
      accessing %ENV items.


      This library contains a Venus::Yaml class which provides methods for
      reading and writing YAML data.




    Copyright (C) 2000, Al Newkirk.

    This program is free software, you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the Apache license version 2.0.