# NAME Pandoc - wrapper for the mighty Pandoc document converter # STATUS [](https://travis-ci.org/nichtich/Pandoc-Wrapper) [](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/nichtich/pandoc-wrapper) [](https://coveralls.io/r/nichtich/Pandoc-Wrapper) [](http://cpants.cpanauthors.org/dist/Pandoc) # SYNOPSIS use Pandoc; # check at first use use Pandoc 1.12; # check at compile time Pandoc->require(1.12); # check at run time # execute pandoc pandoc 'input.md', -o => 'output.html'; pandoc -f => 'html', -t => 'markdown', { in => \$html, out => \$md }; # alternative syntaxes pandoc->run('input.md', -o => 'output.html'); pandoc [ -f => 'html', -t => 'markdown' ], in => \$html, out => \$md; pandoc [ -f => 'html', -t => 'markdown' ], { in => \$html, out => \$md }; # check executable pandoc or die "pandoc executable not found"; # check minimum version pandoc->version > 1.12 or die "pandoc >= 1.12 required"; # access properties say pandoc->bin." ".pandoc->version; say "Default user data directory: ".pandoc->data_dir; say "Compiled with: ".join(", ", keys %{ pandoc->libs }); say pandoc->libs->{'highlighting-kate'}; # create a new instance with default arguments my $md2latex = Pandoc->new(qw(-f markdown -t latex --number-sections)); $md2latex->run({ in => \$markdown, out => \$latex }); # create a new instance with selected executable my $pandoc = Pandoc->new('bin/pandoc'); my $pandoc = Pandoc->new('2.1'); # use ~/.pandoc/bin/pandoc-2.1 if available # set default arguments on compile time use Pandoc qw(-t latex); use Pandoc qw(/usr/bin/pandoc --number-sections); use Pandoc qw(1.16 --number-sections); # utility method to convert from string $latex = pandoc->convert( 'markdown' => 'latex', '*hello*' ); # utility methods to parse abstract syntax tree (requires Pandoc::Elements) $doc = pandoc->parse( markdown => '*hello* **world!**' ); $doc = pandoc->file( 'example.md' ); $doc = pandoc->file; # read Markdown from STDIN # DESCRIPTION This module provides a Perl wrapper for John MacFarlane's [Pandoc](http://pandoc.org) document converter. # INSTALLATION This module requires the Perl programming language (>= version 5.14) as included in most Unix operating systems by default. The recommended method to install Perl modules is `cpanm` (see its [install instructions](https://metacpan.org/pod/App::cpanminus#INSTALLATION) if needed): cpanm Pandoc Installing instruction for Pandoc itself are given [at Pandoc homepage](http://pandoc.org/installing.html). On Debian-based systems this module and script [pandoc-version](https://metacpan.org/pod/pandoc-version) can be used to install and update the pandoc executable with [Pandoc::Release](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3ARelease): pandoc-version install Then add `~/.pandoc/bin` to your `PATH` or copy `~/.pandoc/bin/pandoc` to a location where it can be executed. # USAGE The utility function [pandoc](#pandoc) is exported, unless the module is imported with an empty list (`use Pandoc ();`). Importing this module with a version number or a more complex version requirenment (e.g. `use Pandoc 1.13;` or `use Pandoc '>= 1.6, !=1.7`) will check version number of pandoc executable instead of version number of this module (see `$Pandoc::VERSION` for the latter). Additional import arguments can be passed to set the executable location and default arguments of the global Pandoc instance used by function pandoc. # FUNCTIONS ## pandoc If called without parameters, this function returns a global instance of class Pandoc to execute [methods](#methods), or `undef` if no pandoc executable was found. The location and/or name of pandoc executable can be set with environment variable `PANDOC_PATH` (set to the string `pandoc` by default). ## pandoc( ... ) If called with parameters, this functions runs the pandoc executable configured at the global instance of class Pandoc (`pandoc->bin`). Arguments (given as array or array reference) are passed as pandoc command line arguments. Additional options (given as hash or has reference) can control input, output, and error stream: pandoc @arguments, \%options; # ok pandoc \@arguments, %options; # ok pandoc \@arguments, \%options; # ok pandoc @arguments; # ok, if first of @arguments starts with '-' pandoc %options; # ok, if %options is not empty pandoc @arguments, %options; # not ok! Returns `0` on success. On error returns the exit code of pandoc executable or `-1` if execution failed. If option `throw` is set, a [Pandoc::Error](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3AError) is thrown instead. The following options are recognized: - in / out / err These options correspond to arguments `$stdin`, `$stdout`, and `$stderr` of [IPC::Run3](https://metacpan.org/pod/IPC%3A%3ARun3), see there for details. - binmode\_stdin / binmode\_stdout / binmode\_stderr These options correspond to the like-named options to [IPC::Run3](https://metacpan.org/pod/IPC%3A%3ARun3), see there for details. - binmode If defined any binmode\_stdin/binmode\_stdout/binmode\_stderr option which is undefined will be set to this value. - throw Throw a [Pandoc::Error](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3AError) instead returning the exit code on error. Disabled by default. - return\_if\_system\_error Set to negation of option `throw` by default. For convenience the `pandoc` function (_after_ checking the `binmode` option) checks the contents of any scalar references passed to the in/out/err options with [utf8::is\_utf8()](https://metacpan.org/pod/utf8#flag-utf8::is_utf8-string) and sets the binmode\_stdin/binmode\_stdout/binmode\_stderr options to `:encoding(UTF-8)` if the corresponding scalar is marked as UTF-8 and the respective option is undefined. Since all pandoc executable input/output must be UTF-8 encoded this is convenient if you run with [use utf8](https://metacpan.org/pod/utf8), as you then don't need to set the binmode options at all ([encode nor decode](https://metacpan.org/pod/Encode)) when passing input/output scalar references. ## pandoc\_data\_dir( \[ @subdirs \] \[ $file \] ) Returns the default pandoc data directory which is directory `.pandoc` in the home directory for Unix or `pandoc` directory in `%APPDATA%` for Windows. Optional arguments can be given to refer to a specific subdirectory or file. # METHODS ## new( \[ $executable | $version \] \[, @arguments \] ) Create a new instance of class Pandoc or throw an exception if no pandoc executable was found. The first argument, if given and not starting with `-`, can be used to set the pandoc executable (`pandoc` by default). If a version is specified the executable is also searched in `~/.pandoc/bin`, e.g. `~/.pandoc/bin/pandoc-2.0` for version `2.0`. Additional arguments are passed to the executable on each run. Repeated use of this constructor with same arguments is not recommended because `pandoc --version` is called for every new instance. ## run( ... ) Execute the pandoc executable with default arguments and optional additional arguments and options. See [function pandoc](#pandoc) for usage. ## convert( $from => $to, $input \[, @arguments \] ) Convert a string in format `$from` to format `$to`. Additional pandoc options such as `-N` and `--standalone` can be passed. The result is returned in same utf8 mode (`utf8::is_unicode`) as the input. To convert from file to string use method `pandoc`/`run` like this and set input/output format via standard pandoc arguments `-f` and `-t`: pandoc->run( $filename, @arguments, { out => \$string } ); ## parse( $from => $input \[, @arguments \] ) Parse a string in format `$from` to a [Pandoc::Document](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3ADocument) object. Additional pandoc options such as `-N` and `--normalize` can be passed. This method requires at least pandoc version 1.12.1 and the Perl module [Pandoc::Elements](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3AElements). The reverse action is possible with method `to_pandoc` of [Pandoc::Document](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3ADocument). Additional shortcut methods such as `to_html` are available: $html = pandoc->parse( 'markdown' => '# A *section*' )->to_html; Method `convert` should be preferred for simple conversions unless you want to modify or inspect the parsed document in between. ## file( \[ $filename \[, @arguments \] \] ) Parse from a file (or STDIN) to a [Pandoc::Document](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3ADocument) object. Additional pandoc options can be passed, for instance use HTML input format (`@arguments = qw(-f html)`) instead of default markdown. This method requires at least pandoc version 1.12.1 and the Perl module [Pandoc::Elements](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3AElements). ## require( $version\_requirement ) Return the Pandoc instance if its version number fulfills a given version requirement. Throw an error otherwise. Can also be called as constructor: `Pandoc->require(...)` is equivalent to `pandoc->require` but throws a more meaningful error message if no pandoc executable was found. ## version( \[ $version\_requirement \] ) Return the pandoc version as [Pandoc::Version](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3AVersion) object. If a version requirement is given, the method returns undef if the pandoc version does not fulfill this requirement. To check whether pandoc is available with a given minimal version use one of: Pandoc->require( $minimum_version) # true or die pandoc and pandoc->version( $minimum_version ) # true or false ## bin( \[ $executable \] ) Return or set the pandoc executable. Setting an new executable also updates version and data\_dir by calling `pandoc --version`. ## symlink( \[ $name \] \[ verbose => 0|1 \] ) Create a symlink with given name to the executable and change executable to the symlink location afterwards. An existing symlink is replaced. If `$name` is an existing directory, the symlink will be named `pandoc` in there. This makes most sense if the directory is listed in environment variable `$PATH`. If the name is omitted or an empty string, symlink is created in subdirectory `bin` of pandoc data directory. ## arguments( \[ @arguments | \\@arguments ) Return or set a list of default arguments. ## data\_dir( \[ @subdirs \] \[ $file \] ) Return the stated default data directory, introduced with Pandoc 1.11. Use function `pandoc_data_dir` alternatively to get the expected directory without calling Pandoc executable. ## input\_formats Return a list of supported input formats. ## output\_formats Return a list of supported output formats. ## highlight\_languages Return a list of programming languages which syntax highlighting is supported for (via Haskell library highlighting-kate). ## extensions( \[ $format \] ) Return a hash of extensions mapped to whether they are enabled by default. This method is only available since Pandoc 1.18 and the optional format argument since Pandoc 2.0.6. ## libs Return a hash mapping the names of Haskell libraries compiled into the pandoc executable to [Pandoc::Version](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3AVersion) objects. # SEE ALSO This package includes [Pandoc::Version](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3AVersion) to compare Pandoc version numbers, [Pandoc::Release](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3ARelease) to get Pandoc releases from GitHub, and [App::Prove::Plugin::andoc](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3AProve%3A%3APlugin%3A%3Aandoc) to run tests with selected Pandoc executables. See [Pandoc::Elements](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pandoc%3A%3AElements) for a Perl interface to the abstract syntax tree of Pandoc documents for more elaborate document processing. See [Pod::Pandoc](https://metacpan.org/pod/Pod%3A%3APandoc) to parse Plain Old Documentation format ([perlpod](https://metacpan.org/pod/perlpod)) for processing with Pandoc. See [Pandoc wrappers and interfaces](https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/wiki/Pandoc-wrappers-and-interfaces) in the Pandoc GitHub Wiki for a list of wrappers in other programming languages. Other Pandoc related but outdated modules at CPAN include [Orze::Sources::Pandoc](https://metacpan.org/pod/Orze%3A%3ASources%3A%3APandoc) and [App::PDoc](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3APDoc). # AUTHOR Jakob Voß # CONTRIBUTORS Benct Philip Jonsson # LICENSE European Union Public Licence v. 1.2 (EUPL-1.2)