# NAME WWW::AzimuthAero - Parser for https://azimuth.aero/ # VERSION version 0.2 # SYNOPSIS use WWW::AzimuthAero; my $az = WWW::AzimuthAero->new(); $az->get_schedule_dates( from => 'ROV', to => 'KLF' ); $az->get( from => 'ROV', to => 'LED', date => '14.06.2019' ); $az->get_lowest_fares( from => 'ROV', to => 'LED', max => '14.08.2019' ); $az->print_flights( $az->get_lowest_fares( from => 'ROV', to => 'LED', max => '14.08.2019', progress_bar => 1 ) ) Outside: perl -Ilib -MData::Dumper -MWWW::AzimuthAero -e 'my $x = WWW::AzimuthAero->new->route_map->transfer_routes; warn Dumper $x;' # DESCRIPTION This module provides a parser for https://azimuth.aero/ Module can be useful for creating price monitoring services and flexible travel planners Module uses [Mojo::UserAgent](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::UserAgent) as user agent and [Mojo::DOM](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::DOM) + [JavaScript::V8](https://metacpan.org/pod/JavaScript::V8) as DOM parser # FOR DEVELOPERS How to generate DOM samples for unit tests after git clone: $ perl -Ilib -e "use WWW::AzimuthAero::Mock; WWW::AzimuthAero::Mock->generate()" See [WWW::AzimuthAero::Mock](https://metacpan.org/pod/WWW::AzimuthAero::Mock) and [Mojo::UserAgent::Mockable](https://metacpan.org/pod/Mojo::UserAgent::Mockable) for more details API urls that modules uses: https://booking.azimuth.aero/ (for fetching route map and initialize session) https://azimuth.aero/ru/flights?from=ROV&to=LED (for fetching schedule) https://booking.azimuth.aero/!/ROV/LED/19.06.2019/1-0-0/ (for fetching prices) # TO-DO \+ implement find\_transits \+ Checking more than 1 transfer \+ debug output of ["get\_fares\_schedule" in WWW::AzimuthAero](https://metacpan.org/pod/WWW::AzimuthAero#get_fares_schedule) and others # new use WWW::AzimuthAero; my $az = Azimuth->new(); # or my $az = Azimuth->new(ua_str => 'yandex-travel'); # route\_map Return [WWW::AzimuthAero::RouteMap](https://metacpan.org/pod/WWW::AzimuthAero::RouteMap) object perl -Ilib -MWWW::AzimuthAero -MData::Dumper::AutoEncode -e 'my $x = WWW::AzimuthAero->new->route_map; warn eDumper $x;' # get\_schedule\_dates Get schedule by requested direction $az->get_schedule_dates( from => 'ROV', to => 'KLF' ); $az->get_schedule_dates( from => 'ROV', to => 'PKV', max => '20.06.2019' ); # will start search from today $az->get_schedule_dates( from => 'ROV', to => 'PKV', min => '16.06.2019', max => '20.06.2019' ); Return list of available dates in '%d.%m.%Y' format Method is useful for minimize amount of API requests If no available\_to property set (like at https://azimuth.aero/ru/flights?from=ROV&to=PKV ) will check for 2 months forward and return all dates in range # find\_no\_schedule Return hash with routes with no available schedule, presumably all transit routes. # print\_flights my @x = $az->get_lowest_fares( from => 'ROV', to => 'MOW', max => '16.06.2019', progress_bar => 1 ); $az->print_flights(@x); # get Checks for flight between two cities on selected date. Cities are specified as IATA codes. $az->get( from => 'ROV', to => 'LED', date => '04.06.2019' ); Return ARRAYref with [WWW::AzimuthAero::Flight](https://metacpan.org/pod/WWW::AzimuthAero::Flight) objects or hash with error like { 'error' => 'No flights found' } # get\_fares\_schedule Get fares schedule between selected cities. Cities are specified as IATA codes. Returned data is sorted by date, ascending $az->get_lowest_fares( from => 'ROV', to => 'LED', min => '7.06.2019', max => '15.06.2019', progress_bar => 1, ); # get\_lowest\_fares Get lowest fares between selected cities. Cities are specified as IATA codes. $az->get_lowest_fares( from => 'ROV', to => 'LED', min => '7.06.2019', max => '15.06.2019', progress_bar => 1, check_neighbors => 1, # will check PKV instead LED and KLG instead of MOW find_transits => 1, # will find transit cities that are not mentioned by azimuth max_delay_days => 1, # max_edges => 2 # hardcoded cow ); # AUTHOR Pavel Serikov <pavelsr@cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2019 by Pavel Serikov. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.