# NAME CSV::Processor - Set of different methods that adds new columns in csv files # VERSION version 1.00 # SYNOPSIS use CSV::Processor; my $bot = CSV::Processor->new( file => 'test.csv', has_column_names => 1 ); $bot->add_email(5, 6, %params); # 5 and 6 are column numbers where input and output data located $bot->add_email('URL', 'EMAIL'); # 'URL' 'EMAIL' are field names where data will be stored parameters C<file> C<encoding> C<column_names> C<human_numbering> C<eol> C<sep_char> C<prefix> C<verbose> # DESCRIPTION Set of ready-to-use useful csv file processors based on [Text::AutoCSV](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::AutoCSV) and other third-party modules Also there is a command line utility, [csvproces](https://metacpan.org/pod/csvproces) # AUTHORS Pavel Serkov <pavelsr@cpan.org> # add\_email Try to extract email by website column using ["search\_until\_attempts" in Email::Extractor](https://metacpan.org/pod/Email::Extractor#search_until_attempts) (wrapper for this method) $bot->add_email(5); $bot->add_email(5, 6); $bot->add_email('URL'); $bot->add_email('URL', 'EMAIL'); $bot->add_email('URL', 'EMAIL', attempts => 5, human_numbering => 1); # AUTHOR Pavel Serikov <pavelsr@cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2018 by Pavel Serikov. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.