DateTimeX::Duration::SkipDays - Given a starting date, a number of days
    and a list of days to be skipped, returns the date X number of days

    version 0.002


     use strict;
     use warnings;

     use DateTime;
     use DateTimeX::Duration::SkipDays;

     my $skip_days = q(

     Christmas Eve


     my $skip_x_days = 30;
     my $start_date  = DateTime->new( 'year' => 2011, 'month' => 12, 'day' => 1 );

     my $s = DateTimeX::Duration::SkipDays->new({
       'parse_dates'  => $skip_days,
       'start_date'   => $start_date,

     my ( $span, $skipped ) = $s->add( $skip_x_days );

     printf "\nCalculated Start: %s\nCalculated End:  %s\n", $span->start->ymd, $span->end->ymd;

     my $iter = $skipped->iterator;

     while ( my $dt = $iter->next ) {

       printf "\nSkipped: %s", $dt->min->ymd;


     if ( @{ $s->bad_format } ) {

       print "\n\nUnrecognized formats:";
       print "\n\t$_" for @{ $s->bad_format };


     # should output

     # Calculated Start: 2011-12-01
     # Calculated End:  2012-01-12

     # Skipped: 2011-12-03
     # Skipped: 2011-12-04
     # Skipped: 2011-12-10
     # Skipped: 2011-12-11
     # Skipped: 2011-12-17
     # Skipped: 2011-12-18
     # Skipped: 2011-12-24
     # Skipped: 2011-12-25
     # Skipped: 2011-12-31
     # Skipped: 2012-01-01
     # Skipped: 2012-01-07
     # Skipped: 2012-01-08

  new( [\%HASH] )
    With no arguments an empty object is returned.

    This method will croak if a non-hash reference is passed to it.

    The possible keys for the constructor are any of the available methods
    below, except for "add". The "add" method must be called explicitly.
    Unknown keys will be silently ignored.

    The values have the same requirement as the matching methods.

    Returns a "DateTimeX::Duration::SkipDays" object.

  start_date( DateTime )
    "start_date" is expecting a DateTime object. This will be used as the
    starting point for calculations.

    Returns true on success.

    "days_to_skip" accepts any object, or array of objects that will be
    added to the current list of days to be skipped.

    Currently, DateTime, DateTime::Span, DateTime::Set, DateTime::Set::ICal
    and DateTime::SpanSet are known to work. Anything that can be used with
    DateTime::Set's union method should work.

    Returns true on success

  parse_dates( $SCALAR )
    "parse_dates" is expecting a scalar that has a newline separated list of
    dates. The text can contain any of the following:

    A holiday known to DateTime::Event::Holiday::US
    A RRULE -- DateTime::Format::ICal is being used to parse this input
    A formatted, or partially formatted, date string --
    DateTime::Format::Flexible is being used to parse this input.

    Returns true on success or false on failure.

    Any line that is not recognized is silently ignored. Check "bad_format"
    for a list of unknown formats.

    Returns a reference to an array of unrecognized formats.

    "add" expects a single integer greater than or equal to 0 (though 0
    would be kind of useless).

    This is the number of days into the future you are looking for.

    The "start_date" and "days_to_skip" values need to have been populated
    or this method will croak.

    In array context a reference to a DateTime::Span object and a
    DateTime::SpanSet object is returned, otherwise a reference to a hash
    with those objects as values is returned.

    See perlmodinstall for information and options on installing Perl

    Alan Young <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2012 by Alan Young.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.