# NAME App::TeleGramma - A modular Telegram Bot # VERSION version 0.13 # SYNOPSIS Install App::TeleGramma and its dependencies $ cpanm App::TeleGramma The first time run, a basic configuration file is automatically created for you. $ telegramma Your new config has been created in /Users/username/.telegramma/telegramma.ini Please edit it now and update the Telegram Bot token, then re-run bin/telegramma. The configuration will have an entry for each plugin currently available on your system, but disabled. Edit the config file, adding (at least) the Telegram Bot API key. You can get an API key from the @botfather bot on Telegram. Now you can run, first in foreground mode for testing purposes: $ telegramma --nodaemon When it's all good, you'll want to run it as a daemon: $ telegramma You can monitor the status of the running process, and shut it down. $ telegramma --status $ telegramma --shutdown # DESCRIPTION TeleGramma is an easy to use, extensible bot to use with Telegram `www.telegram.org`. Its plugin architecture makes it easy to add new modules either from other authors, or yourself. # NAME App::TeleGramma - A modular Telegram Bot # BUGS None known. # AUTHOR Justin Hawkins `justin@eatmorecode.com` # SEE ALSO [Telegram::Bot](https://metacpan.org/pod/Telegram::Bot) - the lower level API # AUTHOR Justin Hawkins <justin@eatmorecode.com> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Justin Hawkins <justin@eatmorecode.com>. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.