NAME Router::Simple::Sinatraish - Sinatra-ish routers on Router::Simple SYNOPSIS package MySinatraishFramework; use Router::Simple::Sinatraish; sub import { Router::Simple::Sinatraish->export_to_level(1); } sub to_app { my ($class) = caller(0); sub { my $env = shift; if (my $route = $class->router->match($env)) { return $route->{code}->($env); } else { return [404, [], ['not found']]; } }; } package MyApp; use MySinatraishFramework; get '/' => sub { [200, [], ['ok']]; }; post '/edit' => sub { [200, [], ['ok']]; }; any '/any' => sub { [200, [], ['ok']]; }; __PACKAGE__->to_app; DESCRIPTION Router::Simple::Sinatraish is toolkit library for sinatra-ish WAF. EXPORTABLE METHODS my $router = YourClass->router; Returns this instance of Router::Simple. EXPORTABLE FUNCTIONS get($path:Str, $code:CodeRef) get '/' => sub { ... }; Add new route, handles GET method. post($path:Str, $code:CodeRef) post '/' => sub { ... }; Add new route, handles POST method. any($path:Str, $code:CodeRef) any '/' => sub { ... }; Add new route, handles any HTTP method. any($methods:ArrayRef[Str], $path:Str, $code:CodeRef) any [qw/GET DELETE/] => '/' => sub { ... }; Add new route, handles any HTTP method. AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COM> SEE ALSO Router::Simple LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.