Convert::IBM390 -- functions for manipulating mainframe data

Convert::IBM390 is a Perl module.  It supplies various functions that
you may find useful when messing with IBM System/3[679]0 data.  See the
POD documentation in the module, or "man Convert::IBM390" after you have
installed it.

asc2eb, eb2asc, eb2ascp:  ASCII/EBCDIC conversion
packeb, unpackeb:  pack/unpack and convert an EBCDIC record
hexdump:  dump memory in an MVS-like format

Recent changes:

0.23 - Added 'Z' option for unsigned zoned decimal.
0.24 - Minor corrections to POD.
0.25 - Use setenv() rather than putenv() for Linux.
0.26 - Allow user-specified translation tables. Removed SMF timestamps.
0.27 - Minor housekeeping changes.
0.28 - Added 'V' option to unpackeb.
0.29 - Added 'V' option to unpackeb, perl version.

Copyright © 2001 Geoffrey Rommel.  This program is free software;
you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl

How to Install

This distribution includes both Perl/XS/C and Perl-only versions of the
module.  See INSTALL for how to figure out which one is better for you
and how to install it.

Geoffrey Rommel
Nazareth Consulting, Inc.

September 1999