Mojolicious::Plugin::Multiplex - A websocket multiplexing layer for
    Mojolicious applications


      use Mojolicious::Lite;
      plugin 'Multiplex';
      get '/' => 'index';
      websocket '/multiplex' => sub {
        my $c = shift;
        my $multiplex = $c->multiplex;
        $multiplex->on(subscribe   => sub { ... });
        $multiplex->on(message     => sub { ... });
        $multiplex->on(unsubscribe => sub { ... });
      @@ index.html.ep
      %= javascript 'websocket_multiplex';
        var ws = new WebSocket('<%= url_for('multiplex')->to_abs %>');
        var multiplex = new WebSocketMultiplex(ws);
        var foo ='foo');
        foo.onmessage = function (e) { console.log('foo channel got: ' + };
        var bar ='bar');
        bar.onmessage = function (e) { console.log('bar channel got: ' + };


    This module is in its infancy and things can and will change in
    incompatible ways until this warning is removed. That said, the author
    is using it for real work so hopefully incompatible changes will be
    minimal (for his own sanity).


    Mojolicious::Plugin::Multiplex implements a mechanism proposed by
    SockJS <> for the
    multiplexing of data on a single websocket. Rather than proposing both
    a protocol and a programmatic api to use it, they propose
    a very simple protocol and reusing the api of the existing Javascript
    WebSocket api. This has the immediate advantage (beyond having to dream
    up a client api) that existing front-end code that is written for a
    WebSocket can immediately use the multiplexer with no changes

    Their proposal only includes a partially implemented reference
    implementation. This module extends the protocol slightly in order to
    enough of the "WebSocket API"
    <> to be
    useful. More extensions may be necessary if the API is to be completely
    implemented, however those last few details are rarely used and will
    likely not be missed.

    On the server-side the logic is entirely up to the application author.
    The module simply parses the multiplexed messages and emits events in
    accordance with them. A typical use case may be to relay message to a
    bus, subscribing and unsubscribing from topics that it presents.
    Another might be to stream updates to multiple types of data (perhaps
    in multiple parts of a single page application). (Indeed those might
    not be distinct cases from each other).

    For reference, the distribution comes with an example which uses
    Mojo::Pg as a message broker for a multi-channel chat application. The
    example may also be seen on GitHub



      my $multiplex = $c->multiplex;

    Establishes the WebSocket connection (if it hasn't been already) and
    returns an instance of Mojolicious::Plugin::Multiplex::Multiplexer. The
    multiplexer is attached to the websocket stream and begins listening
    for messages. The multiplexer emits events for incoming messages and
    has methods to send outgoing messages; more details about those are
    contained in its own documentation.

    Note that for each websocket connection the same instance of the
    multiplexer will be returned on any subsequent call. Though not
    prevented, the user is highly discouraged from sending other traffic
    over any websocket connection that is managed by a multiplexer.



      # in your template
      %= javascript 'websocket_multiplex.js';
      var ws = new WebSocket(url);
      var multiplex = new WebSocketMultiplex(ws);
      var channel =;

    Bundled with this plugin is a javascript file which provides the
    front-end code to create a multiplexer entitled websocket_multiplex.js.
    It provides the new class WebSocketMultiplex whose constructor takes as
    its only argument an existing WebSocket object. This then is used to
    open new channel objects via the channel method which takes a topic
    string as an arugment. Topics can be almost any string, however they
    must not contain a comma (a limitation of the protocol). The resulting
    channel objects implement the same API as a WebSocket (though they do
    not inherit from it).

    The client-side multiplexer will also attempt to reconnect to closed
    sockets and when successful will automatically resubscribe to the
    channels that were subscribed.

    N.B. This library is the least stable of the entire project. Use with



    Joel Berger, <>


    Copyright (C) 2016 by Joel Berger

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.

    The multiplexer protocol and javascript code (both extended by this
    project) are copyright their original authors and by their nature are
    assumed to be in the public domain.