=begin html <a href="https://travis-ci.org/dod38fr/config-model-openssh"> <img src="https://travis-ci.org/dod38fr/config-model-openssh.svg?branch=master"> </a> =end html =head1 Config::Model::OpenSsh - OpenSSH graphical configuration editor This module provides a graphical configuration editor for: =over =item C</etc/ssh/sshd_config> =item C</etc/ssh/ssh_config> =item C<~/.ssh/config> =back =head1 Installation =head2 Debian or Ubuntu As root,type: sudo apt install cme libconfig-model-openssh-perl To get the GUI, you should also do: sudo apt install libconfig-model-tkui-perl =head2 On Mac or Windows The easiest way is to: =over =item * install Perl from L<ActiveState|http://www.activestate.com/activeperl>, =item * Run PPM =item * Select and install C<app-cme>, C<config-model-openssh> and C<config-model-tkui> =back =head2 Other You can also install these modules from CPAN: cpanm App::Cme cpanm Config::Model::OpenSsh cpanm Config::Model::TkUI =head1 Usage Once this module is installed, you can launch a GUI to edit C</etc/ssh/sshd_config> with: $ sudo cme edit sshd If L<cme> fails to load your C<sshd_config>, you can try L<cme> with C<-force> option. Likewise, you can edit your C<~/.ssh/config> file with: $ cme edit ssh Or to edit C</etc/ssh/ssh_config>, run as root: $ sudo cme edit system-ssh More details are given in L<Managing ssh configuration with cme|https://github.com/dod38fr/config-model/wiki/Managing-ssh-configuration-with-cme> wiki page. =head1 Build from git repository See L<README-build-from-git|https://github.com/dod38fr/config-model-openssh/blob/master/README-build-from-git.md>. =head1 More information For more information, see: =over =item * L<Managing ssh configuration with cme|https://github.com/dod38fr/config-model/wiki/Managing-ssh-configuration-with-cme> wiki page =item * L<Using cme|https://github.com/dod38fr/config-model/wiki/Using-cme> wiki page =item * L<config-model wiki|https://github.com/dod38fr/config-model/wiki> =back =head1 Installation from git L<Config::Model::OpenSsh> is built with L<Dist::Zilla>. Please follow the L<instructions to build Config::Model with git|https://github.com/dod38fr/config-model/blob/master/README.build-from-git> to install all modules related to L<Dist::Zilla>. Then, make sure that L<Config::Model> is installed. On debian or ubuntu, do: sudo apt-get build-dep libconfig-model-openssh-perl Then run: dzil build If you want to install this software without packaging, you can also run: dzil install =head1 Update OpenSSH model To update the model, the easiest way is to use the following command in the git repo: $ cme meta edit This command requires L<Config::Model::Itself>. On debian or ubuntu, do: sudo apt install libconfig-model-itself-perl Then you can explore the configuration elements in the GUI. For more information on model update, see this L<wiki page|https://github.com/dod38fr/config-model/wiki/How-to-add-a-new-parameter-to-an-existing-model>