HTTP::CheckProxy - Perl module for testing for open proxies

      use HTTP::CheckProxy

    This module uses LWP to test the supplied IP address to see if it will
    promiscuosly proxy on port 80. Caution: this can have false alarms if
    you are on a network where you are supposed to go through a proxy, such
    as AOL -- but are you supposed to be running a webserver on such a
    network ?

    If you feed this an invalid ip address, LWP will complain.

    Note: while there is HTTP::ProxyCheck it is much slower, though it does
    a lot of input validation. HTTP::CheckProxy is intended to be useful in
    processing lots of candidate proxies and in recording useful
    information. To do this, make one object and repeatedly invoke the
    test() method with different IP addresses.

      my $open_proxy_test = HTTP::CheckProxy->new($ip);
      print "proxy test for $ip returns ".$open_proxy_test->code."\n";
      print ($open_proxy_test->guilty? "guilty" : "innocent");
      print "proxy test for $ip2 returns ".$open_proxy_test->code."\n";
      print ($open_proxy_test->guilty? "guilty" : "innocent");

    Email bugs to the author.

            Dana Hudes
            CPAN ID: DHUDES

    This program is free software licensed under the...

            The General Public License (GPL)
            Version 2, June 1991

    The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included
    with this module.


    ############################################# main pod documentation end

     Usage     : HTTP::CheckProxy->new($ip);
     Purpose   : constructor
     Returns   : object instance
     Argument  : Mandatory first paramenter:
                    name or ip address of candidate proxy. Do not include http:// .
                 Optional second parameter: url (including the http://) to try to fetch. If this is invalid or unreachable the results of the test are meaningless, but this is NOT checked.
     Throws    : We should probably throw an exception if the ip address under test is unreachable
     Comments  : 

    See Also : HTTPD::ADS::AbuseNotify for sending complaints about
    validated proxies and other abuse.

     Usage     : $open_proxy_test->guilty
     Purpose   : Is in fact the tested host guilty of being an open proxy?
     Returns   : true (its an open proxy) or false (it isn't)
     Argument  : none
     Throws    : nothing
     Comments  : This method checks the return status code of the test. If an error code is returned, esp. code 500, the host is not guilty. If the status code is success, the host is guilty.

     See Also   : HTTPD::ADS::AbuseNotify for sending complaints about validated proxies and other abuse.

     Usage     : $open_proxy_test->code
     Purpose   : Return the status code of the proxy test
     Returns   : HTTP status code
     Argument  : none
     Throws    : nothing
     Comments  : 

     See Also   : HTTPD::ADS::AbuseNotify for sending complaints about validated proxies and other abuse.

    sub code { my $self = shift; return ($self->get_response)->code(); }

    1; #this line is important and will help the module return a true value