Plack::App::GitHub::WebHook - GitHub WebHook receiver as Plack


        use Plack::App::GitHub::WebHook;
        # Basic Usage
            hook => sub {
                my $payload = shift;
            events => ['pull'],  # optional
            secret => $secret,   # optional
            access => 'github',  # default
        # Multiple hooks
        use IPC::Run3;
            hook => [
                sub { $_[0]->{repository}{name} eq 'foo' },
                sub {
                    my ($payload, $event, $delivery, $logger) = @_;
                    run3 \@cmd, undef, $logger->{info}, $logger->{error}; 
                sub { ...  }, # some more action


    This PSGI application receives HTTP POST requests with body parameter
    payload set to a JSON object. The default use case is to receive GitHub
    WebHooks <>, for instance

    The response of a HTTP request to this application is one of:

    HTTP 403 Forbidden

      If access was not granted (for instance because it did not origin
      from GitHub).

    HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed

      If the request was no HTTP POST.

    HTTP 400 Bad Request

      If the payload was no well-formed JSON or the X-GitHub-Event header
      did not match configured events.

    HTTP 200 OK

      Otherwise, if the hook was called and returned a true value.

    HTTP 202 Accepted

      Otherwise, if the hook was called and returned a false value.

    HTTP 500 Internal Server Error

      If a hook died with an exception, the error is returned as content
      body. Use configuration parameter safe to disable HTTP 500 errors.

    This module requires at least Perl 5.10.



      A hook can be any of a code reference, an object instance with method
      code, a class name, or a class name mapped to parameters. You can
      also pass a list of hooks as array reference. Class names are
      prepended by GitHub::WebHook unless prepended by +.

          hook => sub {
              my ($payload, $event, $delivery, $logger) = @_;
          hook => 'Foo'
          hook => '+GitHub::WebHook::Foo'
          hook => GitHub::WebHook::Foo->new
          hook => { Bar => [ doz => 'baz' ] }
          hook => GitHub::WebHook::Bar->new( doz => 'baz' )

      Each hook gets passed the encoded payload, the type of webhook event
      <>, a unique delivery
      ID, and a logger object. If the hook returns a true value, the next
      the hook is called or HTTP status code 200 is returned. If a hook
      returns a false value (or if no hook was given), HTTP status code 202
      is returned immediately. Information can be passed from one hook to
      the next by modifying the payload.


      A list of event types
      <> expected to
      be send with the X-GitHub-Event header (e.g. ['pull']).


      Object or function reference to hande logging events. An object must
      implement method log that is called with named arguments:

          $logger->log( level => $level, message => $message );

      For instance Log::Dispatch can be used as logger this way. A function
      reference is called with hash reference arguments:

          $logger->({ level => $level, message => $message });

      By default PSGI::Extensions is used as logger (if set).


      Secret token set at GitHub Webhook setting to validate payload. See for details. Requires


      Access restrictions, as passed to Plack::Middleware::Access. A recent
      list of official GitHub WebHook IPs is vailable at The default value

          access => 'github'

      is a shortcut for these official IP ranges

          access => [
              allow => "",
              allow => "",
              deny  => 'all'


          access => [
              allow => 'github',

      is a shortcut for

          access => [
              allow => "",
              allow => "",

      To disable access control via IP ranges use any of

          access => 'all'
          access => []


      Wrap all hooks in eval { ... } blocks to catch exceptions. Error
      messages are send to the PSGI error stream psgi.errors. A dying hook
      in safe mode is equivalent to a hook that returns a false value, so
      it will result in a HTTP 202 response.

      If you want errors to result in a HTTP 500 response, don't use this
      option but wrap the application in an eval block such as this:

          sub {
              eval { $app->(@_) } || do {
                  my $msg = $@ || 'Server Error';
                  [ 500, [ 'Content-Length' => length $msg ], [ $msg ] ];


    Each hook is passed a logger object to facilitate logging to
    PSGI::Extensions. The logger provides logging methods for each log
    level and a general log method:

        sub sample_hook {
            my ($payload, $event, $delivery, $log) = @_;
            $log->debug('message');  $log->{debug}->('message');
            $log->info('message');   $log->{info}->('message');
            $log->warn('message');   $log->{warn}->('message');
            $log->error('message');  $log->{error}->('message');
            $log->fatal('message');  $log->{fatal}->('message');
            $log->log( warn => 'message' );
            run3 \@system_command, undef,
                $log->{info},   # STDOUT to log level info
                $log->{error};  # STDERR to log level error

    Trailing newlines on log messages are trimmed.


 Synchronize with a GitHub repository

    The following application automatically pulls the master branch of a
    GitHub repository into a local working directory.

        use Plack::App::GitHub::WebHook;
        use IPC::Run3;
        my $branch = "master";
        my $work_tree = "/some/path";
            events => ['push','ping'],
            hook => [
                sub { 
                    my ($payload, $event, $delivery, $log) = @_;
                    $log->info("$event $delivery");
                    $event eq 'ping' or $payload->{ref} eq "refs/heads/$branch";
                sub {
                    my ($payload, $event, $delivery, $log) = @_;
                    my $origin = $payload->{repository}->{clone_url} 
                               or die "missing clone_url\n";
                    my $cmd;
                    if ( -d "$work_tree/.git") {
                        chdir $work_tree;
                        $cmd = ['git','pull',$origin,$branch];
                    } else {
                        $cmd = ['git','clone',$origin,'-b',$branch,$work_tree];
                    $log->info(join ' ', '$', @$cmd);
                    run3 $cmd, undef, $log->{debug}, $log->{warn};
                # sub { ...optional action after each pull... } 

    See GitHub::WebHook::Clone for before copy and pasting this code.


    Many deployment methods exist. An easy option might be to use Apache
    webserver with mod_cgi and Plack::Handler::CGI. First install Apache,
    Plack and Plack::App::GitHub::WebHook:

        sudo apt-get install apache2
        sudo apt-get install cpanminus libplack-perl
        sudo cpanm Plack::App::GitHub::WebHook

    Then add this section to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/default (or another
    host configuration) and restart Apache.

        <Directory /var/www/webhooks>
           Options +ExecCGI -Indexes +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
           AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

    You can now put webhook applications in directory /var/www/webhooks as
    long as they are executable, have file extension .cgi and shebang line
    #!/usr/bin/env plackup. You might further want to run webhooks scripts
    as another user instead of www-data by using Apache module SuExec.


      * GitHub WebHooks are documented at

      * See GitHub::WebHook for a collection of handlers for typical tasks.

      * WWW::GitHub::PostReceiveHook uses Web::Simple to receive GitHub web
      hooks. A listener as exemplified by the module can also be created
      like this:

          use Plack::App::GitHub::WebHook;
          use Plack::Builder;
          build {
              mount '/myProject' => 
                      hook => sub { my $payload = shift; }
              mount '/myOtherProject' => 
                      hook => sub { run3 \@cmd ... }

      * Net::GitHub and Pithub provide access to GitHub APIs.

      * Github::Hooks::Receiver and App::GitHubWebhooks2Ikachan are
      alternative application that receive GitHub WebHooks.


    Copyright Jakob Voss, 2014-

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.