Pandoc - interface to the Pandoc document converter


      use Pandoc;             # check at first use
      use Pandoc 1.12;        # check at compile time
      pandoc->require(1.12);  # check at run time
      # execute pandoc
      pandoc '', -o => 'output.html';
      pandoc -f => 'html', -t => 'markdown', { in => \$html, out => \$md };
      # alternative syntax
      pandoc->run('', -o => 'output.html');
      # check executable
      pandoc or die "pandoc executable not found";
      # check minimum version
      pandoc->version(1.12) or die "pandoc >= 1.12 required";
      # access properties
      say "pandoc ".pandoc->version;
      say "Default user data directory: ".pandoc->data_dir;


    This module provides a Perl interface to John MacFarlane's Pandoc
    <> document converter. The module exports function
    pandoc by default.


 pandoc @arguments [, \%options ]

    Executes the pandoc executable with given command line arguments and
    input/output/error redirected as specified with the following options:




    The options correspond to arguments $stdin, $stdout, and $stderr of
    IPC::Run3, see there for details.

    The function returns 0 on success. Otherwise it returns the the exit
    code of pandoc or -1 if execution failed.

    If called without arguments and options, returns a singleton instance
    of class Pandoc with information about the executable version of pandoc
    or undef if no pandoc executable was found.



    Create a new instance of class Pandoc or throws an exception if no
    pandoc executable was found. Using this constructor is not recommended
    unless you explicitly want to call pandoc --version, for instance
    because a the system environment has changed during runtime.

 run( @arguments, \%options )

    Execute the pandoc executable like function pandoc.

 version( $version )

    Return the pandoc version if it is at least as new as a given version.

 require( $version )

    Throw an error if the pandoc version is lower than a given version.


    Use Pandoc:Elements for more elaborate document processing based on
    Pandoc. Other Pandoc related but outdated modules at CPAN include
    Orze::Sources::Pandoc and App::PDoc.


    Copyright 2016- Jakob Voß

    GNU General Public License, Version 2