RDF-Sesame version 0.16


A Perl module to interact with the Sesame RDF server (http://openrdf.org).
For more complete documentation, please see the module's POD.


The tests are designed to interact with a working Sesame server.  If you
don't set the environment variables listed below, the tests should
still pass, but will have skipped a great deal, therefore, you
wouldn't know if your installation actually works.

The tests will DESTROY ANY DATA in the repository you provide.  It is
recommended that you specifically create a repository to use with the
tests or use the default mem-rdf-db repository that comes with a default
Sesame installation.  The repository must have inferencing DISABLED.
RDF::Sesame works correctly when repositories have inferencing
enabled, but the tests are written on the assumption that Sesame will
not add extra triples to the store.

If you've made it through all that, here are the secret code words you
need to get the tests working.  You must set the following environment


In the above settings, the items in <> are patterns for which you
should substitute.

   user      : the name of a user with permission to read and write
   password  : the password of the user
   server    : the hostname or IP address of the Sesame server
   port      : the port on which Sesame is listening
   directory : this is almost always 'sesame'
   repository: the Sesame repository to run tests against.  If you're
               using the default, in-memory repository, this would
               be 'mem-rdf-db'


There is a problem with the implementation of Native repositories in
Sesame 1.2.0.  The RDF::Sesame tests will fail on a native repository
under that Sesame version. The bug is fixed in Sesame 1.2.1


Installation uses Module::Build.  The mantra for installation is as

perl Build.PL
./Build test
./Build install


   Carp            - standard module
   Test::More      - version 0.31 or higher


Copyright (C) 2005-2006 by Michael Hendricks

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.8.4 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.