============ Apache::Wyrd ============ This is a set of interoperating modules which provide an object-oriented method of developing applications on Apache under mod_perl. The system is comprised of a handler (Apache::Wyrd::Handler) and a family of modules that the handler is able to call based on the HTML content of the files it processes. The modules are configurable via tag-like strings in the HTML code itself, and are meant to produce output on HTML pages where the strings are placed. The strings are meant to be intuitive for an HTML coder to use while also giving a perl programmer a ready library of tools to draw on to make these HTML-friendly strings. For convenience, these strings are referred to as "Wyrds" and are comprised of (X)HTML tags named after the perl modules they represent. The Apache::Wyrd modules are meant to be abstract classes, so that a functional namespace can be derived from the Apache::Wyrd family of modules for each web site supported on a server. The new namespace will then have its own set of object names for each individual Wyrd. To illustrate, assume a namespace of "FOOBAR"--For the derived classes, the subclassing of certain modules (FOOBAR::Wyrd, FOOBAR::Handler, and FOOBAR::DBL) will automatically give access on pages of the site handled by FOOBAR::Handler to all the derived classes of Apache::Wyrd in the Apache::Wyrd namespace. These objects are inserted onto pages by FOOBAR::Handler when it encounters a string with the proper syntax, for example: There are <FOOBAR::Lookup query="select count(*) from items" /> items available in this online database. Automatically instantiates Apache::Wyrd::Lookup and uses it to make an SQL query, inserting the result onto the location of the page where the string is found. In addition to deriveable classes, the Apache::Wyrd family includes some service modules and handlers (Apache::Wyrd::Services::*) which provide authentication, indexing, data structure management, and other services useful for Apache mod_perl development. There is also a small, but robust collection of objects designed to make the creation of complex forms and database interfaces more rapid. Also included is a set of interface classes to equip objects derived from Apache::Wyrd with frequently-required functionality. Apache::Wyrd is not meant to be a complete set of applications or a competitor to other pre-parser software packages such as Mason, PHP, or ColdFusion. It is designed, rather, to give an experienced perl programmer a set of ready tools to rapidly convert a largely "static" website to a dynamic one within tight monetary or time constraints without sacrificing future development options or compromising code reuse. It has been made available by Wyrdwright, Inc. under the GPL, and consequently comes with the GPL's rights and caveats. Please see the file "LICENSE". It was developed with NGO partners and is meant to be always be available to the public free of charge and with no vendor lock-in. We hope you find it useful. ============= DOCUMENTATION ============= All the Wyrds have their own documentation in POD form. The first three give the basics: Apache::Wyrd::Handler The Handler Module Apache::Wyrd The abstract self-parsing embeddable object Apache::Wyrd::DBL The "switchboard" of Apache and DBI connnections Then the support classes provide much-used functionality: Apache::Wyrd::Cookie Apache::Wyrd::Request Apache::Wyrd::Template Apache::Wyrd::Attribute Apache::Wyrd::Lib Apache::Wyrd::Query Apache::Wyrd::Lookup Apache::Wyrd::CGICond Apache::Wyrd::CGISetter There are "form-handling" modules: Apache::Wyrd::Form Apache::Wyrd::Form::Template Apache::Wyrd::Input Apache::Wyrd::Datum Apache::Wyrd::Input::Set Apache::Wyrd::Input::Opt Apache::Wyrd::Input::Complex Apache::Wyrd::Input::Condenser Apache::Wyrd::MySQLForm Apache::Wyrd::Form::Preload Apache::Wyrd::Form::View Apache::Wyrd::ErrTag Apache::Wyrd::ErrFlield Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::SmartInput Apache::Wyrd::SQLForm Apache::Wyrd::Var The interface classes: Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::Mother Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::Setter Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::Stealth The service classes: Apache::Wyrd::Services::CodeRing Apache::Wyrd::Services::FileCache Apache::Wyrd::Services::Key Apache::Wyrd::Services::SAK Apache::Wyrd::Services::Tree The search engine components: Apache::Wyrd::Services::Index Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::Indexable Apache::Wyrd::Services::MySQLIndex Apache::Wyrd::Services::SearchParser Database-driven objects: Apache::Wyrd::Chart Apache::Wyrd::Lookup Apache::Wyrd::Query Apache::Wyrd::Defaults A cookie-authentication system: Apache::Wyrd::Services::Auth Apache::Wyrd::Services::LoginServer Apache::Wyrd::Services::TicketPad Apache::Wyrd::User Apache::Wyrd::Interfaces::GetUser The debugging tools: Apache::Wyrd::CSSGene Apache::Wyrd::Debug Apache::Wyrd::LogDump Apache::Wyrd::ShowParams And the formatting/convenience classes: Apache::Wyrd::FileSize Apache::Wyrd::Number Apache::Wyrd::Redirect Lastly, A set for constructing whole WWW Sites: Apache::Wyrd::Site::EditablePage Apache::Wyrd::Site::GDButton Apache::Wyrd::Site::Index Apache::Wyrd::Site::IndexBot Apache::Wyrd::Site::IndexBrowser Apache::Wyrd::Site::Login Apache::Wyrd::Site::MySQLIndex Apache::Wyrd::Site::MySQLIndexBot Apache::Wyrd::Site::NavPull Apache::Wyrd::Site::Page Apache::Wyrd::Site::Pull Apache::Wyrd::Site::SearchResults Apache::Wyrd::Site::TagPull Apache::Wyrd::Site::Widget Apache::Wyrd::Site::WidgetControl Apache::Wyrd::Site::WidgetIndex -------- NB: "Wyrd" is pronounced "word" or "weird"--use whichever one you like.