Defines a set of symbolic constants with ordered numeric values ala C
    enum types.

    What are they good for? Typical uses would be for giving mnemonic names
    to indexes of arrays. Such arrays might be a list of months, days, or a
    return value index from a function such as localtime():

      use enum qw(
          :Months_=0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
          :Days_=0   Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
          :LC_=0     Sec Min Hour MDay Mon Year WDay YDay Isdst

      if ((localtime)[LC_Mon] == Months_Jan) {
          print "It's January!\n";
      if ((localtime)[LC_WDay] == Days_Fri) {
          print "It's Friday!\n";

    Another useful use of enum array index names is when using an array ref
    instead of a hash ref for building objects:

      package My::Class;
      use strict;

      use enum qw(Field Names You Want To Use);
      sub new {
          my $class = shift;
          my $self  = [];

          $self->[Field] = 'value'; # Field is '0'
          $self->[Names] = 'value'; # Names is '1'
          $self->[You]   = 'value'; # etc...
          $self->[Want]  = 'value';
          $self->[To]    = ['some', 'list'];
          $self->[Use]   = 'value';
          return bless $self, $class;

    This has a couple of advantages over using a hash ref and keys: